Tadeusz Wibig | The University of Lodz (original) (raw)

Papers by Tadeusz Wibig

Research paper thumbnail of Citizen Science Project “Nuclear E-Cology”: Physical Results and the Educational Impact

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Citizen Science Project Nuclear E-Cology; School Students’ Knowledge on X-Ray and Nuclear Physics

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing the superposition model in small CORSIKA shower simulations

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2022

The idea of superposition in the high-energy interactions of cosmic ray nuclei and the developmen... more The idea of superposition in the high-energy interactions of cosmic ray nuclei and the development of extensive air showers initiated by them has been known for more than half a century. It has been thoroughly and successfully tested in a number of simulations for primary energies around 1015 and above. In this work, we will investigate its applicability to lower energies. At the lowest energies, when the shower contains on average about one charged particle (or even less), deviations from the superposition model can be seen in the simulation results. Fluctuations of higher moments of the main shower parameters are systematically broader than expected. Further studies to confirm superposition in particular in the shower longitudinal profile are in progress. A correct description of the longitudinal development of the small shower, a precise description of its fluctuations on the observational level with a correct implementation of the superposition principle will enable to construct...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performances of JEM–EUSO: energy and X max reconstruction

Experimental Astronomy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The infrared camera onboard JEM-EUSO

Experimental Astronomy, 2014

The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) on board the ... more The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) on board the International Space Station (ISS) is the first space-based mission worldwide in the field of Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). For UHECR experiments, the atmosphere is not only the showering calorimeter for the primary cosmic rays, it is an essential part of the readout system, as well. Moreover, the atmosphere must be calibrated and has to be considered as input for the analysis of the fluorescence signals. Therefore, the JEM-EUSO Space Observatory is implementing an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) that will include an IR-Camera and a LIDAR. The AMS Infrared Camera is an infrared, wide FoV, imaging system designed to provide the cloud coverage along the JEM-EUSO track and the cloud top height to properly achieve the UHECR reconstruction in cloudy conditions. In this paper, an updated preliminary design status, the results from the calibration tests of the first prototype, the simulation of the instrument, and preliminary cloud top height retrieval algorithms are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Roland Maze Project — Cosmic Ray Registration at Schools

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2005

Experimental studies of cosmic rays at the highest energies (above 1018 eV) are the main scientif... more Experimental studies of cosmic rays at the highest energies (above 1018 eV) are the main scientific goal of the projected large area network of extensive air shower detectors. Placing the detectors on the roofs of high school buildings will lower the cost by using the existing urban infrastructure (INTERNET, power supply, etc.), and can be a very efficient way of science popularisation by engaging high school students in the research program. 30 high schools in Łódź are already involved in the project. The project has recently obtained some financial support from the City Council of Łódź. The donation enabled us to start experimental work on detector construction details. A cycle of lectures and seminars devoted to different aspects of project realization (detector construction, on-line data acquisition system, C++ programming) has been organized for students at our Institute and at schools.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic ray ensembles as signatures of ultra-high energy photons interacting with the solar magnetic field

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Propagation of ultra-high energy photons in the solar magnetosphere gives rise to cascades compri... more Propagation of ultra-high energy photons in the solar magnetosphere gives rise to cascades comprising thousands of photons. We study the cascade development using Monte Carlo simulations and find that the photons in the cascades are spatially extended over millions of kilometers on the plane distant from the Sun by 1 AU. We estimate the chance of detection considering upper limits from current cosmic rays observatories in order to provide an optimistic estimate rate of 0.002 events per year from a chosen ring-shaped region around the Sun. We compare results from simulations which use two models of the solar magnetic field, and show that although signatures of such cascades are different for the models used, for practical detection purpose in the ground-based detectors, they are similar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Public engagement as a scientific tool to implement multi-messenger strategies with the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory

Proceedings of The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics — PoS(Asterics2019), 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of University of ̷Lód´z, Experimental Physics Dept

We describe the possibly measurable difference in the Cherenkov light component of EAS induced by... more We describe the possibly measurable difference in the Cherenkov light component of EAS induced by an electromagnetic particle (i.e. e +, e − or γ) and induced by a hadron (i.e. proton or heavier nuclei) in TeV range. The method can be applied in experiments which use wavefront sampling method We refer to the Extensive Air Shower (EAS) experiments which are detecting cosmic rays (CR) in TeV energy range and are using Cherenkov light signal. The primary goal is to identify and measure gamma ray flux from astrophysical objects. Positive results obtained by the Whipple Collaboration [16, Vacanti et al., 1988] and by the THEMISTOCLE Collaboration [2, Baillon et al., 1993] are encouraging.

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Research paper thumbnail of Å Scaling Violation and Inelasticity of Very High Energy Proton-Proton

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Research paper thumbnail of Search for Ultra-high Energy Photons: Observing the Preshower Effect with Gamma-ray Telescopes

Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019), 2019

Ultra-high energy photons constitute one of the most important pieces of the astroparticle physic... more Ultra-high energy photons constitute one of the most important pieces of the astroparticle physics problems. Their observation may provide new insight on several phenomena such as supermassive particle annihilation or the GZK effect. Because of the absence of any significant photon identificationby a leading experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory, we consider a screening phenomenon called preshower effect which could efficiently affect ultra-high energy photon propagation. This effect is a consequence of photon interactions with the geomagnetic field and results in large electromagnetic cascade of particles several thousands kilometers above the atmosphere. This collection of particles, called cosmic-ray ensembles (CRE), may reach the atmosphere and produce the well-known air showers. In this paper we propose to use gamma-ray telescopes to look for air showers induced by CRE. Possible sources of ultra-high energy photons include the GZK effect and Super Heavy Dark Matter p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recognition and classification of the cosmic-ray events in images captured by CMOS/CCD cameras

Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of 0 Young Supernova Remnants and the Knee in the Cosmic Ray

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Research paper thumbnail of Acceleration of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by local supermassive black hole candidates

Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of CREDO-Maze Cosmic Ray Mini-Array for Educational Purposes

Symmetry, 2022

In this paper, we present the concept of local networks of small extensive air shower arrays inst... more In this paper, we present the concept of local networks of small extensive air shower arrays installed mainly in secondary schools. As part of the CREDO-Maze Project, we plan to equip as many schools as possible with sets of detectors capable of detecting extensive air showers and transmitting their data to the central CREDO Project server. The synergy of such a network will make it possible to create a CREDO "global detector" and carry out physical research sensu stricto, e.g., the search for the Gerasimova–Zatsepin effect or the Cosmic Ray Ensemble. The discovery of one or the other would have extremely important consequences for our understanding of the nature of very-high-energy cosmic rays. In this paper, we describe a prototype local mini-array built at our university and some of the results of the exemplary tests performed. The design of the station’s electronics and the small size of the detectors allow it to be used to perform, with the simple addition of software...

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave Background

A detailed search has been made for evidence of foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave ... more A detailed search has been made for evidence of foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) WMAP, such foregrounds being related to our Galaxy. We find remarkable results. On the largest angular scales we find significant differences between the power in the fluctuations for positive and negative Galactic latitudes and between the four Galactic Quadrants. There are also differences between the power spectrum at latitudes within 10 deg of the Plane and at higher latitudes. The `slope' of the power spectrum has similar variations. In an effort to find the origin of these Galactic-style effects we have examined the evidence from Galactic gamma rays, specifically from the EGRET instrument. A correlation is found between gamma ray intensities and the CMB and other cosmic ray indicators. Most of the large scale Galactic asymmetries (eg north, south difference and Quadrant variations) have analogues in cosmic ray asymmetries and also in some other Galactic propert...

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Research paper thumbnail of Educational studies of cosmic rays with telescope of Geiger-Muller counters

A group of high school students (XII Liceum) in the framework of the Roland Maze Project has buil... more A group of high school students (XII Liceum) in the framework of the Roland Maze Project has built a compact telescope of three Geiger-Muller counters. The connection between the telescope and PC computer was also created and programed by students involved in the Project. This has allowed students to use their equipment to perform serious scientific measurements concerning the single cosmic ray muon flux at ground level and below. These measurements were then analyzed with the programs based on the 'nowadays' knowledge on statistics. An overview of the apparatus, methods and results were presented at several students conferences and recently won the first prize in a national competition of high school students scientific work. The telescope itself, in spite of its 'scientific' purposes, is built in such a way that it is hung on a wall in a school physics lab and counts muons continuously. This can help to raise the interest for studying physics among others. At prese...

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-extensivity Parameter of Thermodynamical Model of Hadronic Interactions at LHC energies

The LHC measurements above SPS and Tevatron energies give the opportunity to test predictions of ... more The LHC measurements above SPS and Tevatron energies give the opportunity to test predictions of non-extensive thermodynamical picture of hadronic interaction to examine measured transverse momenta distributions for new interaction energy range. We determined Tsallis model non-extensivity parameter for the hadronization process before short-lived particles decayed and distort the initial p_t distribution. We have shown that it follows exactly smooth rise determined at lower energies below present LHC record. The shape of the q parameter energy dependence is consistent with expectations and the evidence of the asymptotic limit may be seen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrains for non-standard statistical models of particle creations by identified hadron multiplicity results at LHC energies

We analysed the identified hadron multiplicity predictions of the modified thermodynamical model ... more We analysed the identified hadron multiplicity predictions of the modified thermodynamical model of the multiparticle production processes with non-extensive statistic. The replacement of the standard Boltzmann exponential factor by the eventually much slower falling Tsallis one is suggested by the analysis of the transverse momentum distributions measured at high energies. The increase of high transverse momenta should accord with the abundance of heavy secondary particles, in particular multistrange barions. The introduction to the thermodynamical model of suppression factors similar to the ones in a quark jet fragmentation models is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Superposition in small CORSIKA shower simulations

Extensive Air Showers generated by very low energy cosmic ray particles, because of the very stee... more Extensive Air Showers generated by very low energy cosmic ray particles, because of the very steep cosmic ray energy spectrum, dominate the secondary particle flux measured by single detectors and small shower arrays. Showers observed by a number of detectors placed close together forming a small local array connected in extensive networks can be used to search for potentially interesting spatial correlations between individual showers that may shed new light on the nature of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Quantitative interpretation of showers recorded by small arrays requires a different methodology to that used for normal large EAS arrays operating in the 'knee' area and above. To draw physical conclusions from such events, a suitable simulation tool is needed to determine, within a reasonable time, e.g., the expected registration rate for each configuration. In this paper we propose a small EAS generator, semi-analytical method to integrate cosmic-ray spectra at energies...

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Research paper thumbnail of Citizen Science Project “Nuclear E-Cology”: Physical Results and the Educational Impact

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Citizen Science Project Nuclear E-Cology; School Students’ Knowledge on X-Ray and Nuclear Physics

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing the superposition model in small CORSIKA shower simulations

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2022

The idea of superposition in the high-energy interactions of cosmic ray nuclei and the developmen... more The idea of superposition in the high-energy interactions of cosmic ray nuclei and the development of extensive air showers initiated by them has been known for more than half a century. It has been thoroughly and successfully tested in a number of simulations for primary energies around 1015 and above. In this work, we will investigate its applicability to lower energies. At the lowest energies, when the shower contains on average about one charged particle (or even less), deviations from the superposition model can be seen in the simulation results. Fluctuations of higher moments of the main shower parameters are systematically broader than expected. Further studies to confirm superposition in particular in the shower longitudinal profile are in progress. A correct description of the longitudinal development of the small shower, a precise description of its fluctuations on the observational level with a correct implementation of the superposition principle will enable to construct...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performances of JEM–EUSO: energy and X max reconstruction

Experimental Astronomy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The infrared camera onboard JEM-EUSO

Experimental Astronomy, 2014

The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) on board the ... more The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM-EUSO) on board the International Space Station (ISS) is the first space-based mission worldwide in the field of Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). For UHECR experiments, the atmosphere is not only the showering calorimeter for the primary cosmic rays, it is an essential part of the readout system, as well. Moreover, the atmosphere must be calibrated and has to be considered as input for the analysis of the fluorescence signals. Therefore, the JEM-EUSO Space Observatory is implementing an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) that will include an IR-Camera and a LIDAR. The AMS Infrared Camera is an infrared, wide FoV, imaging system designed to provide the cloud coverage along the JEM-EUSO track and the cloud top height to properly achieve the UHECR reconstruction in cloudy conditions. In this paper, an updated preliminary design status, the results from the calibration tests of the first prototype, the simulation of the instrument, and preliminary cloud top height retrieval algorithms are presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Roland Maze Project — Cosmic Ray Registration at Schools

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2005

Experimental studies of cosmic rays at the highest energies (above 1018 eV) are the main scientif... more Experimental studies of cosmic rays at the highest energies (above 1018 eV) are the main scientific goal of the projected large area network of extensive air shower detectors. Placing the detectors on the roofs of high school buildings will lower the cost by using the existing urban infrastructure (INTERNET, power supply, etc.), and can be a very efficient way of science popularisation by engaging high school students in the research program. 30 high schools in Łódź are already involved in the project. The project has recently obtained some financial support from the City Council of Łódź. The donation enabled us to start experimental work on detector construction details. A cycle of lectures and seminars devoted to different aspects of project realization (detector construction, on-line data acquisition system, C++ programming) has been organized for students at our Institute and at schools.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cosmic ray ensembles as signatures of ultra-high energy photons interacting with the solar magnetic field

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Propagation of ultra-high energy photons in the solar magnetosphere gives rise to cascades compri... more Propagation of ultra-high energy photons in the solar magnetosphere gives rise to cascades comprising thousands of photons. We study the cascade development using Monte Carlo simulations and find that the photons in the cascades are spatially extended over millions of kilometers on the plane distant from the Sun by 1 AU. We estimate the chance of detection considering upper limits from current cosmic rays observatories in order to provide an optimistic estimate rate of 0.002 events per year from a chosen ring-shaped region around the Sun. We compare results from simulations which use two models of the solar magnetic field, and show that although signatures of such cascades are different for the models used, for practical detection purpose in the ground-based detectors, they are similar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Public engagement as a scientific tool to implement multi-messenger strategies with the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory

Proceedings of The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics — PoS(Asterics2019), 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of University of ̷Lód´z, Experimental Physics Dept

We describe the possibly measurable difference in the Cherenkov light component of EAS induced by... more We describe the possibly measurable difference in the Cherenkov light component of EAS induced by an electromagnetic particle (i.e. e +, e − or γ) and induced by a hadron (i.e. proton or heavier nuclei) in TeV range. The method can be applied in experiments which use wavefront sampling method We refer to the Extensive Air Shower (EAS) experiments which are detecting cosmic rays (CR) in TeV energy range and are using Cherenkov light signal. The primary goal is to identify and measure gamma ray flux from astrophysical objects. Positive results obtained by the Whipple Collaboration [16, Vacanti et al., 1988] and by the THEMISTOCLE Collaboration [2, Baillon et al., 1993] are encouraging.

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Research paper thumbnail of Å Scaling Violation and Inelasticity of Very High Energy Proton-Proton

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Research paper thumbnail of Search for Ultra-high Energy Photons: Observing the Preshower Effect with Gamma-ray Telescopes

Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019), 2019

Ultra-high energy photons constitute one of the most important pieces of the astroparticle physic... more Ultra-high energy photons constitute one of the most important pieces of the astroparticle physics problems. Their observation may provide new insight on several phenomena such as supermassive particle annihilation or the GZK effect. Because of the absence of any significant photon identificationby a leading experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory, we consider a screening phenomenon called preshower effect which could efficiently affect ultra-high energy photon propagation. This effect is a consequence of photon interactions with the geomagnetic field and results in large electromagnetic cascade of particles several thousands kilometers above the atmosphere. This collection of particles, called cosmic-ray ensembles (CRE), may reach the atmosphere and produce the well-known air showers. In this paper we propose to use gamma-ray telescopes to look for air showers induced by CRE. Possible sources of ultra-high energy photons include the GZK effect and Super Heavy Dark Matter p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recognition and classification of the cosmic-ray events in images captured by CMOS/CCD cameras

Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of 0 Young Supernova Remnants and the Knee in the Cosmic Ray

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Research paper thumbnail of Acceleration of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by local supermassive black hole candidates

Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of CREDO-Maze Cosmic Ray Mini-Array for Educational Purposes

Symmetry, 2022

In this paper, we present the concept of local networks of small extensive air shower arrays inst... more In this paper, we present the concept of local networks of small extensive air shower arrays installed mainly in secondary schools. As part of the CREDO-Maze Project, we plan to equip as many schools as possible with sets of detectors capable of detecting extensive air showers and transmitting their data to the central CREDO Project server. The synergy of such a network will make it possible to create a CREDO "global detector" and carry out physical research sensu stricto, e.g., the search for the Gerasimova–Zatsepin effect or the Cosmic Ray Ensemble. The discovery of one or the other would have extremely important consequences for our understanding of the nature of very-high-energy cosmic rays. In this paper, we describe a prototype local mini-array built at our university and some of the results of the exemplary tests performed. The design of the station’s electronics and the small size of the detectors allow it to be used to perform, with the simple addition of software...

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave Background

A detailed search has been made for evidence of foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave ... more A detailed search has been made for evidence of foreground contributions to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) WMAP, such foregrounds being related to our Galaxy. We find remarkable results. On the largest angular scales we find significant differences between the power in the fluctuations for positive and negative Galactic latitudes and between the four Galactic Quadrants. There are also differences between the power spectrum at latitudes within 10 deg of the Plane and at higher latitudes. The `slope' of the power spectrum has similar variations. In an effort to find the origin of these Galactic-style effects we have examined the evidence from Galactic gamma rays, specifically from the EGRET instrument. A correlation is found between gamma ray intensities and the CMB and other cosmic ray indicators. Most of the large scale Galactic asymmetries (eg north, south difference and Quadrant variations) have analogues in cosmic ray asymmetries and also in some other Galactic propert...

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Research paper thumbnail of Educational studies of cosmic rays with telescope of Geiger-Muller counters

A group of high school students (XII Liceum) in the framework of the Roland Maze Project has buil... more A group of high school students (XII Liceum) in the framework of the Roland Maze Project has built a compact telescope of three Geiger-Muller counters. The connection between the telescope and PC computer was also created and programed by students involved in the Project. This has allowed students to use their equipment to perform serious scientific measurements concerning the single cosmic ray muon flux at ground level and below. These measurements were then analyzed with the programs based on the 'nowadays' knowledge on statistics. An overview of the apparatus, methods and results were presented at several students conferences and recently won the first prize in a national competition of high school students scientific work. The telescope itself, in spite of its 'scientific' purposes, is built in such a way that it is hung on a wall in a school physics lab and counts muons continuously. This can help to raise the interest for studying physics among others. At prese...

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-extensivity Parameter of Thermodynamical Model of Hadronic Interactions at LHC energies

The LHC measurements above SPS and Tevatron energies give the opportunity to test predictions of ... more The LHC measurements above SPS and Tevatron energies give the opportunity to test predictions of non-extensive thermodynamical picture of hadronic interaction to examine measured transverse momenta distributions for new interaction energy range. We determined Tsallis model non-extensivity parameter for the hadronization process before short-lived particles decayed and distort the initial p_t distribution. We have shown that it follows exactly smooth rise determined at lower energies below present LHC record. The shape of the q parameter energy dependence is consistent with expectations and the evidence of the asymptotic limit may be seen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Constrains for non-standard statistical models of particle creations by identified hadron multiplicity results at LHC energies

We analysed the identified hadron multiplicity predictions of the modified thermodynamical model ... more We analysed the identified hadron multiplicity predictions of the modified thermodynamical model of the multiparticle production processes with non-extensive statistic. The replacement of the standard Boltzmann exponential factor by the eventually much slower falling Tsallis one is suggested by the analysis of the transverse momentum distributions measured at high energies. The increase of high transverse momenta should accord with the abundance of heavy secondary particles, in particular multistrange barions. The introduction to the thermodynamical model of suppression factors similar to the ones in a quark jet fragmentation models is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Superposition in small CORSIKA shower simulations

Extensive Air Showers generated by very low energy cosmic ray particles, because of the very stee... more Extensive Air Showers generated by very low energy cosmic ray particles, because of the very steep cosmic ray energy spectrum, dominate the secondary particle flux measured by single detectors and small shower arrays. Showers observed by a number of detectors placed close together forming a small local array connected in extensive networks can be used to search for potentially interesting spatial correlations between individual showers that may shed new light on the nature of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Quantitative interpretation of showers recorded by small arrays requires a different methodology to that used for normal large EAS arrays operating in the 'knee' area and above. To draw physical conclusions from such events, a suitable simulation tool is needed to determine, within a reasonable time, e.g., the expected registration rate for each configuration. In this paper we propose a small EAS generator, semi-analytical method to integrate cosmic-ray spectra at energies...

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