JOHN TASKINSOY | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Basel III: Road to Resilient Banking, Impact on Turkey's Financial Sector

The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have s... more The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have shaken investor confidence in the financial systems, resulted in tens of hundreds of billions of loss, and left behind dislocated societies in many regions. Everything started in the summer months of 1997 in East and Southeast Asia; all the way up to the end of 1996, there was a remarkable success story to tell about the unequaled economic progress that had been going on for at least past three or four decades. Was this a testing time for the so called Asian tigers (or dragons)? Asian tigers were being tested for resilience and redemption to prove to the world that the metaphor was not just a myth; around the same time a serious of technological transformation marked the beginning for the dot-com boom in the United States which lasted only three years. From 1997 to March of 2000, the Internet and related technologies’ high-flying stocks in industrialized nations saw amazing equity-value a...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Lira’s Unprecedented Free Fall: Can a Financial Coup Reverse Lira’s Fastest Devaluation in Turkish History Induced by a Decade-Long Unorthodox Economic, Foreign and Defense Policies

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoinmania: A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Explode

LSN: Internet Payment Issues (Sub-Topic), 2021

At the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin bomb has exploded; after peaking at 64,863on1...[more](;)Atthetimeofwritingthisarticle,theBitcoinbombhasexploded;afterpeakingat64,863 on 1... more At the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin bomb has exploded; after peaking at 64,863on1...[more](;)Atthetimeofwritingthisarticle,theBitcoinbombhasexploded;afterpeakingat64,863 on 14 April 2021, the value of Bitcoin has plunged 45% to 31,276onMay21,2021;consequently,nearly31,276 on May 21, 2021; consequently, nearly 31,276onMay21,2021;consequently,nearly600 billion of value evaporated from Bitcoin’s market cap, i.e. from 1.182trillion(April2021)tolessthan1.182 trillion (April 2021) to less than 1.182trillion(April2021)tolessthan600 billion (May 2021). Bitcoin’s high price valuations coincides with its halving dates; aftermath of each halving event has led to a bubble formation within one year and a crash in the ensuing few months after a perceived peak has been achieved. The three previous halving events are a testimony to this fact; after the halving #1 on 28 November 2012 (block reward was reduced from 50 BTC to 25 BTC), price of each bitcoin increased from 76on9July2013toapeakof76 on 9 July 2013 to a peak of 76on9July2013toapeakof1,153 on 5 December 2013, an increase of 1,417% (but fell to $177 in January 2015). Following the halving #2 on 9 July 2016 (block reward was reduced from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC), the price of bitcoin charted a remarka...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic & Ecological Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the United States has abundant shale gas... more The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the United States has abundant shale gas deposits and estimates it to be more than 1,744 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of technically recoverable shale gas, including 211 tcf of proved reserves. Technically recoverable unconventional gas (shale gas, tight sands, and coalbed methane) accounts for 60% of the onshore recoverable resource. At the U.S. production rates for 2007, about 19.3 tcf, the current recoverable resource estimates provide enough natural gas to supply the U.S. for the next 90 years. Separate estimates of the shale gas resource extend this supply to 116 years. The EIA says that shale gas production has increased 17-fold since 2000 to reach nearly 30% of dry gas production in 2011 in the United States. IPCC (2001), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, reported that most of global warming in recent decades could be attributed to human activities causing significant increases in the amount of greenhouse gasses’ ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Macro Stress Testing Framework for Assessing Financial Stability: Evidence from Malaysia

ERPN: Regulation (Topic), 2018

The main results of the macro stress testing exercise in this paper reveal that Malaysia’s bankin... more The main results of the macro stress testing exercise in this paper reveal that Malaysia’s banking sector is resilient, well diversified, and highly interconnected. Further, Malaysia has a thriving equity market, large bond market and growing private debt securities. Main results of the baseline scenario suggest a modest change in capital ratios; the post-stress test CAR and Tier 1 capital ratio are -1.64% and -1.38% respectively. The impact of all fundamental shocks on capital ratios under both adverse and severely adverse scenarios is significant. The aggregate capital shortfall in the form of needed capital injection (i.e. cost to the government from failed banks) under adverse scenario is 1.55% of the GDP (or 4.59billionbasedon2015GDPof4.59 billion based on 2015 GDP of 4.59billionbasedon2015GDPof296.22 billion). The capitalization needs became more severe in the severely adverse scenario, $10.52 billion (or 3.55% of 2015 GDP). The important conclusion of the macro stress testing is that no bank failed, faced a liquidation or susp...

Research paper thumbnail of Say Good Bye to Physical Cash and Welcome to Central Bank Digital Currency

Research paper thumbnail of Rigorous Capital Requirements Under Basel III: Possible Impact on Turkey's Financial Sector

ERN: Other Emerging Markets Economics: Macroeconomic Issues & Challenges (Topic), 2013

Turkey has experienced the biggest financial and economic shock in 2001 resulting a massive overh... more Turkey has experienced the biggest financial and economic shock in 2001 resulting a massive overhauling of its entire banking system that eventually cost the government over 50billion.TheIMFwasinvolvedintherecoveryprocessfromthebeginningprovidingTurkeynearly50 billion. The IMF was involved in the recovery process from the beginning providing Turkey nearly 50billion.TheIMFwasinvolvedintherecoveryprocessfromthebeginningprovidingTurkeynearly24 billion of financial assistance between the fragile years of 1999 and 2002. After 19 Stand-By arrangements, the Turkish government recently announce that it had decided to put an end to its partnership with the IMF since 1947 and it also said that it would not commit to another arrangement after the last payment of the existing loan is made on April 2013. The resilient Turkish banking system capable of absorbing shocks during financial stress, thanks to the extraordinary work by the BRSA, a decade long political stability (one-party government since 2002) along with improved global investor confidence enabled Turkey becoming the 16th largest economy in the world with over $1 trillion in GDP. On the contrary o...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability reporting in the airline industry : The case of Turkish Airlines

The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantl... more The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantly and become almost unbearable, causing investors to lose confidence in the whole financial system. A wide range of internal and external factors can certainly influence the intensity of a financial crisis. Research papers however indicate that the recent crises since 1996 have been more damaging, in large part, due to the inability of economic sustainability by corporations predominantly caused by lack of transparency about economic, environmental, and social impacts. Therefore, we have conducted a research about the sustainability reporting in Turkish Airlines (THY), which happens to be the largest airline company in Turkey, as well as an important global player in the airline industry. The paper is organized around the results of this research and provides some implications for THY and also for the industry. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability reporting, global reporting initiative (GRI), and Turkish Airlines JEL Classification: M10, M14, M16, M40, M48, N10, N20, O10, O20, Q2

Research paper thumbnail of Global Cooling through Blockchain to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Changes by 2050

Innumerable factors contributing to global warming is nothing of new, but increased human-induced... more Innumerable factors contributing to global warming is nothing of new, but increased human-induced greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the burning of vast amounts of fossil fuels have pushed the Earth’s natural systems (balanced carbon cycle) out of balance causing extreme climate changes in the new millennium. Since 1900, the global mean surface temperature has warmed up approximately +1.0 °C (1.8 °F) above the pre-industrial temperature, nearly half of which has occurred over the past three decades. If no actions are taken immediately in the next decade (by 2030), the global warming may accelerate to the critical +1.5 °C (2.8 °F) by 2050; at that time, extreme weather events may lead to irreversible disruptions to the economy, human health, and the ecosystems. Despite the fact that blockchain became a household name with the launch of Bitcoin in January 2009, its immense unique opportunities are well beyond Bitcoin and altcoins. Blockchain can contribute positively to the effor...

Research paper thumbnail of Stress Testing Made Easy: No More US Banks Stumbling and Facing Public Embarrassment Due to the Federal Reserve’s Qualitative Objection

The worst two financial crises in human history were in some ways attributable to the US Federal ... more The worst two financial crises in human history were in some ways attributable to the US Federal Reserve’s misguided monetary policies. Many economists share the view that the Fed’s tight-money policy in the late 1920s caused a significant drop in the money stock (i.e. severe contraction) which triggered the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression – the worst financial catastrophe of the 20th century. Close to a century later, the Federal Reserve was on the scene again, this time economists argue that the Fed’s expansive monetary policy since the late 1990s created an easy-credit environment (global dollar glut) which induced banks to expand credit into sub-prime segment turning ordinary folks into avid buyers (i.e. asset-price boom). Consequently, the Fed’s policy errors along with unfolding contributing and driving forces led to the 2006 mortgage debacle in the U.S., subsequently an ordinary looking recession was turned into the inevitable 2008 global financial...

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoin Could Be the First Cryptocurrency to Reach a Market Capitalization of One Trillion Dollars

Bitcoin blockchain possesses immense potential for future opportunities, well beyond its current ... more Bitcoin blockchain possesses immense potential for future opportunities, well beyond its current use in financial services underpinning cryptocurrencies, i.e. replacing traditional trusted third parties with trusted machines. Despite over a decade has passed since Nakamoto Satoshi launched Bitcoin in January 2009, it still continues to face barriers, challenges as well as a major regulatory hurdle in the U.S. and Europe. This paper looked into three hypothetical scenarios where the price of bitcoin surges over 50,000(scenario1),50,000 (scenario 1), 50,000(scenario1),100,000 (scenario 2), and $1,000,000 (scenario 3). Although new path-breaking technologies and inventions (i.e. Bitcoin) will continue to forge ahead unabated regardless of doubters, doomsayers, skeptics, pessimists, disbelievers, and short-sighted politicians (President Trump); however, these scenarios can only become a reality if the Trump administration and law makers stop constantly running headlong into backlash to cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Libr...

Research paper thumbnail of Higher Capital and Liquidity Regulations of Basel Standards Have Made Banks and Banking Systems Become More Prone to Financial and Economic Crises

Basel II and III standards are a regulatory consequence following two major crises in systemic na... more Basel II and III standards are a regulatory consequence following two major crises in systemic nature, the homegrown Asian crisis of 1997-98 and the global financial crisis of 2007-08. Basel I, despite high expectations and claims by the Basel Committee, failed to prevent the following financial crises from occurring in the 1990s; Finnish and Swedish banking crises (early 1990s), Indian economic crisis (1991), Mexican peso crisis (1994), Turkish economic crisis (1994), Asian crisis (1997-98), Russian financial crisis (1998), Argentine economic crisis (1999-2002), and Brazil crisis (1999). The Asian financial crisis in systemic nature cost global investors a jaw dropping close to one trillion dollars. Replacing Basel I with a Revised Framework did not stop the recurrence of financial crises in the new millennium which have been ever more costly, longer-lasting, and unbearably damaging. Basel II, just like Basel I, failed to avoid the following crises either originated in the U.S. or ...

Research paper thumbnail of Is Turkey Backsliding on Global Competitiveness and Democracy Amid Its EU Bid in Limbo?

Turks have been around for thousands of years, who have established many states and empires in th... more Turks have been around for thousands of years, who have established many states and empires in the “land of Turks” referring to Anatolia (Asia Minor) and the Eastern Thrace. The life of Turks, previously in the Altai Mountains of western Mongolia, commenced in the interior of Asia Minor when Seljuqs defeated the Byzantines at Manzikert in 1071 (Malazgirt in Turkish), which also meant the start of Turkification of Asia Minor. After the six century long reign of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), Turks were introduced to democracy when Mustafa Kemal abolished the Ottoman Empire in November 1922 by overthrowing Sultan Mehmet VI Vahdettin and established Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923 (The Grand National Assembly elected Mustafa Kemal as President in 1923). After the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (November 10, 1938), Turkey has constantly faced instability-inflicting developments (i.e. coup d'état, coup by memorandum, failed coup attempts, lack of fiscal and structural reforms, ...

Research paper thumbnail of This Time Is Different: Bitcoin Has More Reasons to Reach the Price of $100,000

Since its debut in January 2009 as the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has been associat... more Since its debut in January 2009 as the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has been associated with both extreme volatility and illicit activities (i.e. the black market website Silk Road) linked to terrorism-financing, money-laundering, illegal drugs and human trafficking. But this time is different and Bitcoin has more reasons to reach an unmatched price of 100,000and100,000 and 100,000and1,000,000 afterwards if governments of advanced nations along with that of China stops running headlong into backlash to the alpha Bitcoin and its prodigies (altcoins). Aside from the regulatory uncertainty, Bitcoin must improve design related flaws of its blockchain; as such, electric-intensive mining process; low scalability (i.e. block size limit of 1 megabyte and frequency block creation time of 10 minutes); proof-of-work - PoW (i.e. high latency, very costly and inefficient way of using resources); low transaction processing speed (i.e. between 3.3 and 7 transactions per second, compared with Ethereum’s ...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Melancholy Economic Indicators Camouflaged by Militarization as a Foreign Policy

After Atatürk’s death (November 10, 1938), the Turkish military saw itself as the unquestioned so... more After Atatürk’s death (November 10, 1938), the Turkish military saw itself as the unquestioned sole guardian of Atatürk’s principles - secularism and national unity. The Turkish military protected the country against authoritarian and anti-secular policies in the 1950s, extreme anarchy in the 1960s and 1970s, and rise of Islamist-based political parties with anti-secular ideologies in the 1990s. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) had gained certain prerogatives and privileges after each coup, but the 1982 Constitution drafted by the military ensuing the 1980 coup d'état created formal (institutional) and informal (non-institutional) mechanisms for the military to exert power in domestic, foreign, and defense policies. The developments in 2007 marked the starting point for a shift in balance of power in civil-military relations; in spite of the military’s high alert on the AKP’s anti-secular ways, the April 27 midnight e-memorandum (e-coup) failed to deter the AKP to select Foreign M...

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoin: A New Digital Gold Standard in the 21st Century?

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021

Since a mysterious creator under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) launched first successf... more Since a mysterious creator under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) launched first successful cryptocurrency in January 2009, he (or could be she) also opened the door for never-ending criticism, claims, arguments, plethora of articles, and media frenzy all contemplating what Bitcoin is. This paper concludes that Bitcoin is not a currency to be used for every-day transactions like all fiat currencies. Furthermore, Bitcoin is not a stable cryptocurrency and it is useless (and impractical) of arguing how Bitcoin meets or fails basic functions of money; to make it clear, Bitcoin satisfies all three functions of money (not to the extent of fiat currencies, nonetheless it does); store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange. As discussed in this article, our proposal of Bitcoin as a supranational central bank reserve currency not only will put an end to debates and the frequently asked old question of “what is Bitcoin?”, it will also make Bitcoin’s design flaws disappear instantly. Under the new Bitcoin standard (Gold 2.0), inefficiencies become trivial because Bitcoin is capable of easily handling the volume of operations among central banks. Bitcoin’s extensively discussed weaknesses become no issue; high latency (a block of transactions is validated every 10 minutes), low processing speed (3-7 transactions per second), huge power cost (mining of 1 bitcoin requires 1,825 kWh of electricity, equivalent to 63 days of power usage by a U.S. household), and low scalability (the maximum number of bitcoins is fixed at 21 million). Key elements of the proposed new Bitcoin Standard include: Bitcoin will be a supranational reserve currency used by central banks only; ownership, trade, and other uses of bitcoins by citizens and various entities will be prohibited; the fixed supply of bitcoins (21 million) will remain unchanged; every country’s financial authority will switch to central bank digital coins (CBDC); CBDCs will be defined in bitcoin by a corresponding exchange rate for each country; 100% of CBDCs will be 100% backed by bitcoins; any increase in the digital money supply by a central bank will require additional bitcoins; and the value of each bitcoin will be raised to a price level to cover 100% of the total money in circulation (approximately $75 trillion).

Research paper thumbnail of This Time Is Different: Bitcoin Has More Reasons to Reach the Price of $100,000

Research paper thumbnail of The Famous New Bubbles of the 21st Century: Cases of Irrational Exuberance

Research paper thumbnail of The World Is at a Dangerous Crossroads on 'China Virus' and US 'Political Virus

Research paper thumbnail of The Great Pandemic of the 21st Century: The Stolen Lives

Research paper thumbnail of Basel III: Road to Resilient Banking, Impact on Turkey's Financial Sector

The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have s... more The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have shaken investor confidence in the financial systems, resulted in tens of hundreds of billions of loss, and left behind dislocated societies in many regions. Everything started in the summer months of 1997 in East and Southeast Asia; all the way up to the end of 1996, there was a remarkable success story to tell about the unequaled economic progress that had been going on for at least past three or four decades. Was this a testing time for the so called Asian tigers (or dragons)? Asian tigers were being tested for resilience and redemption to prove to the world that the metaphor was not just a myth; around the same time a serious of technological transformation marked the beginning for the dot-com boom in the United States which lasted only three years. From 1997 to March of 2000, the Internet and related technologies’ high-flying stocks in industrialized nations saw amazing equity-value a...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Lira’s Unprecedented Free Fall: Can a Financial Coup Reverse Lira’s Fastest Devaluation in Turkish History Induced by a Decade-Long Unorthodox Economic, Foreign and Defense Policies

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoinmania: A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Explode

LSN: Internet Payment Issues (Sub-Topic), 2021

At the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin bomb has exploded; after peaking at 64,863on1...[more](;)Atthetimeofwritingthisarticle,theBitcoinbombhasexploded;afterpeakingat64,863 on 1... more At the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin bomb has exploded; after peaking at 64,863on1...[more](;)Atthetimeofwritingthisarticle,theBitcoinbombhasexploded;afterpeakingat64,863 on 14 April 2021, the value of Bitcoin has plunged 45% to 31,276onMay21,2021;consequently,nearly31,276 on May 21, 2021; consequently, nearly 31,276onMay21,2021;consequently,nearly600 billion of value evaporated from Bitcoin’s market cap, i.e. from 1.182trillion(April2021)tolessthan1.182 trillion (April 2021) to less than 1.182trillion(April2021)tolessthan600 billion (May 2021). Bitcoin’s high price valuations coincides with its halving dates; aftermath of each halving event has led to a bubble formation within one year and a crash in the ensuing few months after a perceived peak has been achieved. The three previous halving events are a testimony to this fact; after the halving #1 on 28 November 2012 (block reward was reduced from 50 BTC to 25 BTC), price of each bitcoin increased from 76on9July2013toapeakof76 on 9 July 2013 to a peak of 76on9July2013toapeakof1,153 on 5 December 2013, an increase of 1,417% (but fell to $177 in January 2015). Following the halving #2 on 9 July 2016 (block reward was reduced from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC), the price of bitcoin charted a remarka...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic & Ecological Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the United States has abundant shale gas... more The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the United States has abundant shale gas deposits and estimates it to be more than 1,744 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of technically recoverable shale gas, including 211 tcf of proved reserves. Technically recoverable unconventional gas (shale gas, tight sands, and coalbed methane) accounts for 60% of the onshore recoverable resource. At the U.S. production rates for 2007, about 19.3 tcf, the current recoverable resource estimates provide enough natural gas to supply the U.S. for the next 90 years. Separate estimates of the shale gas resource extend this supply to 116 years. The EIA says that shale gas production has increased 17-fold since 2000 to reach nearly 30% of dry gas production in 2011 in the United States. IPCC (2001), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, reported that most of global warming in recent decades could be attributed to human activities causing significant increases in the amount of greenhouse gasses’ ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Macro Stress Testing Framework for Assessing Financial Stability: Evidence from Malaysia

ERPN: Regulation (Topic), 2018

The main results of the macro stress testing exercise in this paper reveal that Malaysia’s bankin... more The main results of the macro stress testing exercise in this paper reveal that Malaysia’s banking sector is resilient, well diversified, and highly interconnected. Further, Malaysia has a thriving equity market, large bond market and growing private debt securities. Main results of the baseline scenario suggest a modest change in capital ratios; the post-stress test CAR and Tier 1 capital ratio are -1.64% and -1.38% respectively. The impact of all fundamental shocks on capital ratios under both adverse and severely adverse scenarios is significant. The aggregate capital shortfall in the form of needed capital injection (i.e. cost to the government from failed banks) under adverse scenario is 1.55% of the GDP (or 4.59billionbasedon2015GDPof4.59 billion based on 2015 GDP of 4.59billionbasedon2015GDPof296.22 billion). The capitalization needs became more severe in the severely adverse scenario, $10.52 billion (or 3.55% of 2015 GDP). The important conclusion of the macro stress testing is that no bank failed, faced a liquidation or susp...

Research paper thumbnail of Say Good Bye to Physical Cash and Welcome to Central Bank Digital Currency

Research paper thumbnail of Rigorous Capital Requirements Under Basel III: Possible Impact on Turkey's Financial Sector

ERN: Other Emerging Markets Economics: Macroeconomic Issues & Challenges (Topic), 2013

Turkey has experienced the biggest financial and economic shock in 2001 resulting a massive overh... more Turkey has experienced the biggest financial and economic shock in 2001 resulting a massive overhauling of its entire banking system that eventually cost the government over 50billion.TheIMFwasinvolvedintherecoveryprocessfromthebeginningprovidingTurkeynearly50 billion. The IMF was involved in the recovery process from the beginning providing Turkey nearly 50billion.TheIMFwasinvolvedintherecoveryprocessfromthebeginningprovidingTurkeynearly24 billion of financial assistance between the fragile years of 1999 and 2002. After 19 Stand-By arrangements, the Turkish government recently announce that it had decided to put an end to its partnership with the IMF since 1947 and it also said that it would not commit to another arrangement after the last payment of the existing loan is made on April 2013. The resilient Turkish banking system capable of absorbing shocks during financial stress, thanks to the extraordinary work by the BRSA, a decade long political stability (one-party government since 2002) along with improved global investor confidence enabled Turkey becoming the 16th largest economy in the world with over $1 trillion in GDP. On the contrary o...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability reporting in the airline industry : The case of Turkish Airlines

The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantl... more The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantly and become almost unbearable, causing investors to lose confidence in the whole financial system. A wide range of internal and external factors can certainly influence the intensity of a financial crisis. Research papers however indicate that the recent crises since 1996 have been more damaging, in large part, due to the inability of economic sustainability by corporations predominantly caused by lack of transparency about economic, environmental, and social impacts. Therefore, we have conducted a research about the sustainability reporting in Turkish Airlines (THY), which happens to be the largest airline company in Turkey, as well as an important global player in the airline industry. The paper is organized around the results of this research and provides some implications for THY and also for the industry. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability reporting, global reporting initiative (GRI), and Turkish Airlines JEL Classification: M10, M14, M16, M40, M48, N10, N20, O10, O20, Q2

Research paper thumbnail of Global Cooling through Blockchain to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Changes by 2050

Innumerable factors contributing to global warming is nothing of new, but increased human-induced... more Innumerable factors contributing to global warming is nothing of new, but increased human-induced greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the burning of vast amounts of fossil fuels have pushed the Earth’s natural systems (balanced carbon cycle) out of balance causing extreme climate changes in the new millennium. Since 1900, the global mean surface temperature has warmed up approximately +1.0 °C (1.8 °F) above the pre-industrial temperature, nearly half of which has occurred over the past three decades. If no actions are taken immediately in the next decade (by 2030), the global warming may accelerate to the critical +1.5 °C (2.8 °F) by 2050; at that time, extreme weather events may lead to irreversible disruptions to the economy, human health, and the ecosystems. Despite the fact that blockchain became a household name with the launch of Bitcoin in January 2009, its immense unique opportunities are well beyond Bitcoin and altcoins. Blockchain can contribute positively to the effor...

Research paper thumbnail of Stress Testing Made Easy: No More US Banks Stumbling and Facing Public Embarrassment Due to the Federal Reserve’s Qualitative Objection

The worst two financial crises in human history were in some ways attributable to the US Federal ... more The worst two financial crises in human history were in some ways attributable to the US Federal Reserve’s misguided monetary policies. Many economists share the view that the Fed’s tight-money policy in the late 1920s caused a significant drop in the money stock (i.e. severe contraction) which triggered the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression – the worst financial catastrophe of the 20th century. Close to a century later, the Federal Reserve was on the scene again, this time economists argue that the Fed’s expansive monetary policy since the late 1990s created an easy-credit environment (global dollar glut) which induced banks to expand credit into sub-prime segment turning ordinary folks into avid buyers (i.e. asset-price boom). Consequently, the Fed’s policy errors along with unfolding contributing and driving forces led to the 2006 mortgage debacle in the U.S., subsequently an ordinary looking recession was turned into the inevitable 2008 global financial...

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoin Could Be the First Cryptocurrency to Reach a Market Capitalization of One Trillion Dollars

Bitcoin blockchain possesses immense potential for future opportunities, well beyond its current ... more Bitcoin blockchain possesses immense potential for future opportunities, well beyond its current use in financial services underpinning cryptocurrencies, i.e. replacing traditional trusted third parties with trusted machines. Despite over a decade has passed since Nakamoto Satoshi launched Bitcoin in January 2009, it still continues to face barriers, challenges as well as a major regulatory hurdle in the U.S. and Europe. This paper looked into three hypothetical scenarios where the price of bitcoin surges over 50,000(scenario1),50,000 (scenario 1), 50,000(scenario1),100,000 (scenario 2), and $1,000,000 (scenario 3). Although new path-breaking technologies and inventions (i.e. Bitcoin) will continue to forge ahead unabated regardless of doubters, doomsayers, skeptics, pessimists, disbelievers, and short-sighted politicians (President Trump); however, these scenarios can only become a reality if the Trump administration and law makers stop constantly running headlong into backlash to cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Libr...

Research paper thumbnail of Higher Capital and Liquidity Regulations of Basel Standards Have Made Banks and Banking Systems Become More Prone to Financial and Economic Crises

Basel II and III standards are a regulatory consequence following two major crises in systemic na... more Basel II and III standards are a regulatory consequence following two major crises in systemic nature, the homegrown Asian crisis of 1997-98 and the global financial crisis of 2007-08. Basel I, despite high expectations and claims by the Basel Committee, failed to prevent the following financial crises from occurring in the 1990s; Finnish and Swedish banking crises (early 1990s), Indian economic crisis (1991), Mexican peso crisis (1994), Turkish economic crisis (1994), Asian crisis (1997-98), Russian financial crisis (1998), Argentine economic crisis (1999-2002), and Brazil crisis (1999). The Asian financial crisis in systemic nature cost global investors a jaw dropping close to one trillion dollars. Replacing Basel I with a Revised Framework did not stop the recurrence of financial crises in the new millennium which have been ever more costly, longer-lasting, and unbearably damaging. Basel II, just like Basel I, failed to avoid the following crises either originated in the U.S. or ...

Research paper thumbnail of Is Turkey Backsliding on Global Competitiveness and Democracy Amid Its EU Bid in Limbo?

Turks have been around for thousands of years, who have established many states and empires in th... more Turks have been around for thousands of years, who have established many states and empires in the “land of Turks” referring to Anatolia (Asia Minor) and the Eastern Thrace. The life of Turks, previously in the Altai Mountains of western Mongolia, commenced in the interior of Asia Minor when Seljuqs defeated the Byzantines at Manzikert in 1071 (Malazgirt in Turkish), which also meant the start of Turkification of Asia Minor. After the six century long reign of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), Turks were introduced to democracy when Mustafa Kemal abolished the Ottoman Empire in November 1922 by overthrowing Sultan Mehmet VI Vahdettin and established Turkish Republic on October 29, 1923 (The Grand National Assembly elected Mustafa Kemal as President in 1923). After the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (November 10, 1938), Turkey has constantly faced instability-inflicting developments (i.e. coup d'état, coup by memorandum, failed coup attempts, lack of fiscal and structural reforms, ...

Research paper thumbnail of This Time Is Different: Bitcoin Has More Reasons to Reach the Price of $100,000

Since its debut in January 2009 as the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has been associat... more Since its debut in January 2009 as the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has been associated with both extreme volatility and illicit activities (i.e. the black market website Silk Road) linked to terrorism-financing, money-laundering, illegal drugs and human trafficking. But this time is different and Bitcoin has more reasons to reach an unmatched price of 100,000and100,000 and 100,000and1,000,000 afterwards if governments of advanced nations along with that of China stops running headlong into backlash to the alpha Bitcoin and its prodigies (altcoins). Aside from the regulatory uncertainty, Bitcoin must improve design related flaws of its blockchain; as such, electric-intensive mining process; low scalability (i.e. block size limit of 1 megabyte and frequency block creation time of 10 minutes); proof-of-work - PoW (i.e. high latency, very costly and inefficient way of using resources); low transaction processing speed (i.e. between 3.3 and 7 transactions per second, compared with Ethereum’s ...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Melancholy Economic Indicators Camouflaged by Militarization as a Foreign Policy

After Atatürk’s death (November 10, 1938), the Turkish military saw itself as the unquestioned so... more After Atatürk’s death (November 10, 1938), the Turkish military saw itself as the unquestioned sole guardian of Atatürk’s principles - secularism and national unity. The Turkish military protected the country against authoritarian and anti-secular policies in the 1950s, extreme anarchy in the 1960s and 1970s, and rise of Islamist-based political parties with anti-secular ideologies in the 1990s. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) had gained certain prerogatives and privileges after each coup, but the 1982 Constitution drafted by the military ensuing the 1980 coup d'état created formal (institutional) and informal (non-institutional) mechanisms for the military to exert power in domestic, foreign, and defense policies. The developments in 2007 marked the starting point for a shift in balance of power in civil-military relations; in spite of the military’s high alert on the AKP’s anti-secular ways, the April 27 midnight e-memorandum (e-coup) failed to deter the AKP to select Foreign M...

Research paper thumbnail of Bitcoin: A New Digital Gold Standard in the 21st Century?

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021

Since a mysterious creator under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) launched first successf... more Since a mysterious creator under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) launched first successful cryptocurrency in January 2009, he (or could be she) also opened the door for never-ending criticism, claims, arguments, plethora of articles, and media frenzy all contemplating what Bitcoin is. This paper concludes that Bitcoin is not a currency to be used for every-day transactions like all fiat currencies. Furthermore, Bitcoin is not a stable cryptocurrency and it is useless (and impractical) of arguing how Bitcoin meets or fails basic functions of money; to make it clear, Bitcoin satisfies all three functions of money (not to the extent of fiat currencies, nonetheless it does); store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange. As discussed in this article, our proposal of Bitcoin as a supranational central bank reserve currency not only will put an end to debates and the frequently asked old question of “what is Bitcoin?”, it will also make Bitcoin’s design flaws disappear instantly. Under the new Bitcoin standard (Gold 2.0), inefficiencies become trivial because Bitcoin is capable of easily handling the volume of operations among central banks. Bitcoin’s extensively discussed weaknesses become no issue; high latency (a block of transactions is validated every 10 minutes), low processing speed (3-7 transactions per second), huge power cost (mining of 1 bitcoin requires 1,825 kWh of electricity, equivalent to 63 days of power usage by a U.S. household), and low scalability (the maximum number of bitcoins is fixed at 21 million). Key elements of the proposed new Bitcoin Standard include: Bitcoin will be a supranational reserve currency used by central banks only; ownership, trade, and other uses of bitcoins by citizens and various entities will be prohibited; the fixed supply of bitcoins (21 million) will remain unchanged; every country’s financial authority will switch to central bank digital coins (CBDC); CBDCs will be defined in bitcoin by a corresponding exchange rate for each country; 100% of CBDCs will be 100% backed by bitcoins; any increase in the digital money supply by a central bank will require additional bitcoins; and the value of each bitcoin will be raised to a price level to cover 100% of the total money in circulation (approximately $75 trillion).

Research paper thumbnail of This Time Is Different: Bitcoin Has More Reasons to Reach the Price of $100,000

Research paper thumbnail of The Famous New Bubbles of the 21st Century: Cases of Irrational Exuberance

Research paper thumbnail of The World Is at a Dangerous Crossroads on 'China Virus' and US 'Political Virus

Research paper thumbnail of The Great Pandemic of the 21st Century: The Stolen Lives

Research paper thumbnail of Basel III: Road to Resilient Banking, Impact on Turkey's Financial Sector

The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have s... more The world has seen two major financial and economic crises in less than two decades, which have shaken investor confidence in the financial systems, resulted in tens of hundreds of billions of loss, and left behind dislocated societies in many regions. Everything started in the summer months of 1997 in East and Southeast Asia; all the way up to the end of 1996, there was a remarkable success story to tell about the unequaled economic progress that had been going on for at least past three or four decades. Was this a testing time for the so called Asian tigers (or dragons)? Asian tigers were being tested for resilience and redemption to prove to the world that the metaphor was not just a myth; around the same time a serious of technological transformation marked the beginning for the dot-com boom in the United States which lasted only three years. From 1997 to March of 2000, the Internet and related technologies’ high-flying stocks in industrialized nations saw amazing equity-value appreciation most of which unfortunately was based on more speculative assumptions rather than historic real valuations. Technology powerhouse NASDAQ composite index, where a lot of the technology stocks including those of dot-com companies were listed and traded, more than doubled its level compared to a year ago. The bubble burst soon after NASDAQ passed the critical 5000 mark and the crash of 2000-2002 (dot-come bust) cost investors a mind blowing half of the U.S. GDP ($10.01 trillion in 2001).

Keywords: Financial stability, Basel III, banking resilience, Turkey, Turkish banking sector

JEL Classification: E44, E61, G21

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Reporting in the Airline Industry: The Case of Turkish Airlines

Sustainability and Management: An International Perspective, 2017

The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantl... more The magnitude of global financial and economic crises in recent years have increased significantly and become almost unbearable, causing investors to lose confidence in the whole financial system. A wide range of internal and external factors can certainly influence the intensity of a financial crisis. Research papers however indicate that the recent crises since 1996 have been more damaging, in large part, due to the inability of economic sustainability by corporations predominantly caused by lack of transparency about economic, environmental, and social impacts. Therefore, we have conducted a research about the sustainability reporting in Turkish Airlines (THY), which happens to be the largest airline company in Turkey, as well as an important global player in the airline industry. The paper is organized around the results of this research and provides some implications for THY and also for the industry.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability reporting, global reporting initiative (GRI), and Turkish Airlines

JEL Classification: M10, M14, M16, M40, M48, N10, N20, O10, O20, Q2

Research paper thumbnail of The Cost Impact of Basel III Across ASEAN-5: Macro Stress Testing of Malaysia’s Banking Sector

The propagation of financial crises has made Basel III and stress testing a central focus across ... more The propagation of financial crises has made Basel III and stress testing a central focus across ASEAN-5. The primary objective of the thesis was twofold; to assess the cost impact of Basel III on bank capital, lending spreads, and steady state output across ASEAN-5; and to construct a macro stress testing framework to test the resilience of Malaysia’s banking sector to extreme but plausible scenarios. Even though the capital impact analysis used a substantially high benchmark CAR of 10.5%, the main results demonstrated that ASEAN-5 banking sectors were comfortably capitalized and needed no recapitalization by 2019 when all the Basel III rules become fully effective. Higher capital and liquidity requirements put pressure on ASEAN-5 banks to increase lending spreads to pass down a portion of the relevant costs to bank customers. The impact of 1 pp rise in TCE ratio on lending spreads was analyzed; to meet the minimum capital requirement of 7% as of 2015, ASEAN-5 banks would have to increase their lending rates by 30.26 bps on average; to meet 10.5% fully effective as of 2019, ASEAN-5 banks would have to increase their lending rates by 68.22 bps on average. In the steady state output impact analysis, the results indicated that the estimated economic benefits outweighed economic costs across ASEAN-5. The main results of the macro stress testing exercise revealed only a modest change in capital ratios and bank profitability in the baseline scenario. The impact of all fundamental shocks under the adverse scenario reduced the average CAR by -3.40% and Tier 1 ratio by 3.64% from the baseline (no bank failed, or faced suspension of license).

Keywords: ASEAN-5, Basel III, stress testing, financial stability, Malaysia

JEL Classification: E44, E61, G21