Maria Grazia Riva | Università di Milano-Bicocca (original) (raw)
Papers by Maria Grazia Riva
Education Sciences & Society (ESS) is an international scholarly open access, peer reviewed biann... more Education Sciences & Society (ESS) is an international scholarly open access, peer reviewed biannual journal. The journal aims at highlighting and discussing the main issues arising in the pedagogical and didactical fields. The journal objective is also to provide the educational scientific community with the state-of-the-art and tools to interpret the ongoing debate. The issues of Education Sciences and Society offer their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of General Pedagogy,
DOI: 10.12897/01.00076 ''The paper presents a reflection that aims to deeply anal... more DOI: 10.12897/01.00076 ''The paper presents a reflection that aims to deeply analyse the relationship between history, pedagogical models, educational practices and psychological dynamics. An interdisciplinary approach has been adopted, in the belief that only a complex and plural view can best understand the phenomena of the prevailing society. For this reason, clinical and critical pedagogy, psychoanalysis and psycho-history are the principal theories used, with all of their categorical and conceptual apparatuses. Starting from an episode in a university lecture-theatre, related to students’ anxiety over the future, the article examines its unconscious connections to the educational practices and psychological dynamics that have taken place in the twentieth century, since the Second World War. The post-war generations invested in the future with hope (the very future that the youths of today fearfully perceive to be denied to them); they drew on significant energies, which had evidently survived deep down, to bring about the reconstruction. This move led, however, to the phenomenon of a major psychological split. Specifically, all the emotions relating to the war and to the unthinkable and systematic violence and atrocities perpetrated by men and women against other men and women, were left unelaborated. In this scenario, the generations that today’s youth accuse of “eating everything” grew up, or rather the generations of their grandparents, therefore their parents’ parents, with all that this brings with it in terms of the transgenerational passing on of themes, suffering, prejudices, ideologies and defence mechanisms. All this caused many ill-fated consequences. “To the times of EXPO’ and NO-EXPO’ and the young people going through them’'
Viene qui presentata una riflessione intorno al lavoro della riconciliazione dopo esperienze di v... more Viene qui presentata una riflessione intorno al lavoro della riconciliazione dopo esperienze di violenza a livello individuale o collettivo. È una cruciale responsabilità storica, sociale e politica comprendere cosa avviene di tutta la rabbia causata dalla violenza, fisica, sociale, psicologica ed educativa. Oggi, è facile ricordare le drammatiche crudeltà dell'IS, lo Stato Islamico. È opportuno mettere a punto un modello di pensiero che colleghi le esistenze individuali e i contesti collettivi, perché ognuno di noi porta nella società il proprio stato di riconciliazione o di vendetta. La ricerca di una via d'uscita, concordata a livello giuridico, morale e politico, è diventata una forte preoccupazione per la politica contemporanea. I terribili eventi odierni chiedono alla Pedagogia di cambiare il proprio modo di pensare e di agire, nella direzione di un'azione più impegnata nell'aiutare persone e società a elaborare le loro parti negative, siano esse emozioni o men...
Universities are in a condition which, from certain points of view, is paradoxical. On the one ha... more Universities are in a condition which, from certain points of view, is paradoxical. On the one hand, scientific research is increasingly advanced and at the scientific and technological cutting-edge. On the other hand, the progress of scientific research has definitely not led to the well-being of society. It is impossible not to wonder what relationship there is between the advance of knowledge and the repercussions on society. There is a wide chasm which raises serious questions on the detachment between the places where knowledge is constructed and society as a whole. A balance has to be found between the appropriate respect for the tasks of teaching, research, spreading knowledge and the need to regain the depth and critical and reflective substance intrinsic in handing on the baton from one generation to the next
In these last four years, my Research Groups and I have been awarded Funding Research Projects, f... more In these last four years, my Research Groups and I have been awarded Funding Research Projects, focused on the issue of Evaluation in different contexts. We started our research, but we encountered many problems due to the emotional side (see individual and group dynamics) of the behaviour of the participants. When doing research, you cannot stop at the surface and at a formal level. Many things occur that have not been foreseen by the Research Project Framework which, on the contrary, turn out to be very important. We are talking about what is known as 'serendipity', i.e. the fact that, while you are searching for something, you find something else unexpected, but still very important. The hidden and emotional aspects of doing research are revealed to be as important as the official and stated ones. Often, only the stated objectives of the research are fulfilled, leaving out everything that occurs emotionally in the research experience, because it seems to be material of li...
MeTis. Mondi educativi. Temi, indagini, suggestioni
In this contribution, I explore the drama buried in the collective memory implicit in the educati... more In this contribution, I explore the drama buried in the collective memory implicit in the education of girls and women. A thread which historically continues to remain in the models of education for girls can be found, with serious consequences in the transgenerational transmission of pedagogical models and educational practices. The first-hand experience of these models and practices aimed at self-sacrifice and the mortification of vitality as an educational instrument, has generated an accumulation of pain, suffering, frustration and anger which inevitably spread and invade the public space of shared society, significantly insinuating itself in social, family, educational, affective, sentimental and even working relations. In conclusion, I identify the need for formative paths aimed at awareness of the existence and tenacity of the unspoken pedagogical messages deeply rooted in historical memories.
Studi Sulla Formazione, 2009
The author argues that it is an important issue in education today to reflect on the training, un... more The author argues that it is an important issue in education today to reflect on the training, university and non-professions education and training. We must ask ourselves how and what the size, the theory and practice of research to be a constituent part of the profession of teacher training. The search must then be placed in the same disciplinary teaching of each discipline, in the very way in which we deal with the contents, of whatever kind they are, must pass through a certain style of teaching that identifies the ‘posture’ research in voltage not to go as exhaustive and closed the knowledge that is taught of the qualifying points. The author considers both qualitative and quantitative assessment tools considering how the case studies can be useful to reflect on the emotional scope of the profession of education.
Rivista Italiana Di Gruppoanalisi, 2006
Rivista Italiana Di Gruppoanalisi, 2002
Quaderni Di Didattica Della Scrittura, 2008
Education Sciences Society, Jul 5, 2012
Young people today: pedagogical thoughts between the model of authority crisis and narcissistic s... more Young people today: pedagogical thoughts between the model of authority crisis and narcissistic syndrome. We have gone through the crisis of the traditional model of authority, which was made explode by youth protest in the Seventies, and nowadays we come up against a situation where families (and representatives of institutions as a whole) are mostly incapable of setting rules. On the other hand, we witness narcissistic personalities impose themselves, personalities who have got to i nd reinforcement of their image by public success. A link can be assumed between these two circumstances. h e violent and abrupt fall of perception of legitimacy attributed to rules, models and established values has inevitably left on the ground fragments and ruins, which have been perhaps too hastily dismissed. Young people and society itself as a whole pay the consequences of a lack of rel ection, of non-elaboration of the ruins left after the attack to old authoritative models. In the authoritative model, the deep needs of persons and of childhood weren't even taken into account, so generating subjects devoid of solid foundations. Once authoritative model collapsed-and it was a supporting framework, though rigid-the fragile basis on which our generations erect themselves stood out in their dramatic power. Pedagogy can perform a signii cant role towards a revision of the unsettled fragments, as it has plenty of models, methodologies and tools that can be used at this purpose, both on individual and on social and collective ground. Riassunto: Siamo passati dalla crisi del modello d'autorità tradizionale, esplosa negli anni Settanta del Novecento con la contestazione giovanile, a una situazione attuale in cui prevale l'incapacità delle famiglie e, comunque, di chi rappresenta le istituzioni di porre regole. Si riscontra, d'altra parte, l'af ermarsi di personalità narcisistiche, bisognose di trovare un rinforzo nel successo pubblico della propria immagine. Si può ipotizzare un nesso fra queste due circostanze. La violenta e brusca caduta della percezione di legittimità delle norme, dei modelli e dei valori predei niti ha inevitabilmente lasciato sul campo detriti e macerie, liquidati forse con troppa fretta. I giovani e la società stessa, più in generale, pagano lo scotto del vuoto di ril essione, della non elaborazione dei detriti rimasti dopo l'attacco ai vecchi modelli autoritari. Nel modello autoritario, i bisogni profondi delle persone e dell'infanzia non venivano considerati, generando così soggetti senza fondamenta solide. Una volta crollato il modello autoritario-che fungeva da sostegno, per quanto rigido-sono emerse, in tutta la loro drammaticità, le fragili basi su cui le nostre generazioni si sono costruite. La pedagogia può svolgere un ruolo signi
L’articolo studia in modo interdisciplinare una questione urgente nelle scienze sociali ed educat... more L’articolo studia in modo interdisciplinare una questione urgente nelle scienze sociali ed educative: come e possibile creare una spazio per un nuovo pensiero e una nuova consapevolezza nelle molteplici situazioni in cui la guerra e il conflitto condizionano negativamente l’individuo e le societa e il modo in cui i loro racconti si tramandano tra le generazioni? Come puo l’educazione rompere la crudele prigione della trasmissione trans generazionale dell’odio, della crudelta, del risentimento, della vendetta? La riflessione parte da una recente esperienza dell’autrice, che partecipo a un Seminario in Polonia, dal titolo “Perpetratori europei e vittime. Allora e ora”, focalizzato sull’eredita educativa e psicologica che conduce a perpetuare pregiudizi e relazioni violente nei diversi paesi e verso le loro popolazioni. I traumi sofferti dai nonni e dai genitori, durante le loro storie di vita, sono trasmessi ai figli e ai nipoti, alimentando le loro vite con un veleno invisibile. L’ar...
The author analyses the dramatic problem facing us today: on the one hand, laws, universal declar... more The author analyses the dramatic problem facing us today: on the one hand, laws, universal declarations on the rights of children and highly advanced theories and experiments in defending and protecting childhood have evolved but, on the other, we can observe with anguish the proliferation of violence in general and definitely great violence against children. The author asks why all the great theoretical and scientific progress, the increased awareness of the problems of childhood, the social and socio-educational services at the disposal of families, the supervision and constant training of operators, the spread of blogs and in general of websites on children, fail to have a sufficient impact on the constant violation of childhood. Our society moves in a deep-reaching and radical traumatization, which has to do with the violence that human beings have always perpetrated on one another, not only physically or sexually but also psychologically and with education. The traumatization h...
Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 1985
The purpose of this study was to teach two mentally retarded employees to perform tasks associate... more The purpose of this study was to teach two mentally retarded employees to perform tasks associated with their jobs. Typically, they served meals during lunch and dinner hours; however, they failed to wipe counters, and check and restock supplies. A self-instructional package, similar to the package introduced by , was incorporated to improve their performance in these areas. A multiple-baseline design was utilized in which training was sequentially introduced across subjects. The subjects were taught to (a) ask questions about which tasks needed to be completed, (b) answer their questions, and (c) guide their performance in the task by self-instructing. The self-instructional strategies were introduced just prior to lunch and dinner (30-rain period) and during the first 30 min of the lunch and dinner service periods, respectively. During training, both subjects demonstrated that they were capable of rehearsing each of the selfinstructional strategies in a specific sequence. Following training, both subjects performed at least one of the three tasks (i.e., wiping counters, checking supplies, restocking supplies) during 84 and 880/o of the observed work periods. Additionally, the results of the intervention indicated that both subjects spent more time working and met or exceeded nonprobationary, nonhandicapped coworkers" production standards (social validation measure). The results of this study are compared with those reported by others. Future areas of research are indicated.
Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 1984
This study assessed the work behavior of five mentally retarded dishwashers. An ABCBC design was ... more This study assessed the work behavior of five mentally retarded dishwashers. An ABCBC design was utilized with special educators initially observing the dishwashers (Overt measures). During the B phases these educators observed the same dishwashers' work behavior while a second group of observers, posing as kitchen laborers (coworkers), assessed work behavior, during other periods of the day (Overt or Covert). Finally, during C phases, special educators and coworkers recorded dishwashers working at the same time (Overt and Covert). Results indicated dishwashers worked more when educators observed them. Dishwashers spent less time working when these educators were absent. During the "Overt and Covert" observation phases (Phase C), where covert measures were taken in addition to overt measures (i.e., at the same time and on the same person), covert measures covaried with educators' measures of work performance. These results are discussed with suggestions to initiate a program of research to investigate the use of coworkers in the administration of behavior change methods, in work settings.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2009
Contaminant related changes in behavioral, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and pro-oxidant/ a... more Contaminant related changes in behavioral, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and pro-oxidant/ antioxidant processes in the freshwater mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to metals and PCBs were assessed. Behavioral and biochemical responses including filtering rates, key phase I, II and antioxidant enzymes and levels of metallothioneins, glutathione, lipid peroxidation and DNA strand breaks were determined in digestive glands of mussels after being exposed to sublethal levels of mercury chloride, methyl mercury, cadmium and Aroclor 1260 during 5 days. In 7 out of 12 responses analyzed, mussels showed significant differences across treatments. Unusual properties of measured ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities indicated that mussels lack an inducible CYP1A enzymatic activity. Despite of using similar exposure levels, inorganic and organic mercury showed different biomarker patterns of response with methyl mercury being more bio-available and unable to induce metallothionein proteins. Mussels exposed to Cd presented higher levels of metallothioneins and an enhanced metabolism of glutathione, whereas those exposed to Aroclor showed their antioxidant glutathione peroxidase related enzyme activities inhibited. Although there was evidence for increased lipid peroxidation under exposure to inorganic and organic mercury, only mussels exposed to Aroclor had significant greater levels than those in controls.
Acta Diabetologica, 1998
To investigate the role of puberty on spontaneous clinical remission and on secretion of residual... more To investigate the role of puberty on spontaneous clinical remission and on secretion of residual C-peptide during the first year of type 1 diabetes mellitus, we studied 77 pre-pubertal, 39 pubertal and 41 post-pubertal type 1 diabetic patients. Spontaneous partial clinical remission (HbA1c within the normal range and insulin dose less than 0.3 U x kg(-1) body weight x day(-1) lasting for at least 10 days) decreased with duration of diabetes: months 3 vs 6 vs 12, respectively 13 vs 7 vs 4% (P<0.025). Remission was higher in post-pubertal than pubertal and prepubertal patients: month 6 respectively 20 vs 5 vs 1% (P<0.001). Secretion of C-peptide was significantly lower in pre-pubertal than the other two groups of patients. Basal and stimulated C-peptide secretion were higher in patients in clinical remission than in those who were not: basal value 0.4 (0.26-0.53) vs 0.28 (0.14-0.4) nmol/l (P<0.05); stimulated value 0.63 (0.5-0.95) vs 0.56 (0.31-0.74) nmol/l (P<0.05). Spontaneous remission is less frequent in children and adolescent patients than in adult post-pubertal patients, but different mechanisms may be involved. Low residual insulin secretion seems implicated in children meanwhile low insulin sensitivity could be more important in pubertal patients.
Supervision as a kind of qualitative evaluation. In U.S. Lubkina V. (a cura di), Society, Inte... more Supervision as a kind of qualitative evaluation.
In U.S. Lubkina V. (a cura di), Society, Integration, Education (pp. 178-189). Rezekne : Rezekne Higher education Institution- Faculty of Education and Design.
Key-words: Supervision, Evaluation, Education, Training, Quality
Abstract: The contribution presents a reflection on supervision as one of the possible forms of qualitative evaluation, in the field of work with adult educators. Supervision structures a context where theory and practice, emotions and cognitions, values, representations and fears, anxieties and conflicts can be made to dialogue in continuation. The supervisor continuously offers feedback and interpretations to the educators, thanks to attentive listening and decodes what they express. The constructivist approach to Evaluation, on the one hand, gives full value to the subjectivity of the actors involved in the evaluation process and aims to interpret and understand. So, we can call it hermeneutic evaluation (Perla, 2004). Hermeneutic evaluation sets the problem of finding the meaning of the points of view of the participants. This is where the meeting point with the supervision activity, which consists precisely of a practice guided by a leader who helps the educators to better understand their theoretical frameworks of reference and their basic educational models, lies. Supervision and Evaluation therefore represent two important tools for developing the professionalism of the operators, as shown by the case-study analyzed. The practice of supervision is part of a path of lifelong learning and education (Oggionni, 2013; Zannini, 2005), which passes through experimentation, evaluation and redesigning, in the face of constant monitoring of the needs and learning of the individual and of the team.
Education Sciences & Society (ESS) is an international scholarly open access, peer reviewed biann... more Education Sciences & Society (ESS) is an international scholarly open access, peer reviewed biannual journal. The journal aims at highlighting and discussing the main issues arising in the pedagogical and didactical fields. The journal objective is also to provide the educational scientific community with the state-of-the-art and tools to interpret the ongoing debate. The issues of Education Sciences and Society offer their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of General Pedagogy,
DOI: 10.12897/01.00076 ''The paper presents a reflection that aims to deeply anal... more DOI: 10.12897/01.00076 ''The paper presents a reflection that aims to deeply analyse the relationship between history, pedagogical models, educational practices and psychological dynamics. An interdisciplinary approach has been adopted, in the belief that only a complex and plural view can best understand the phenomena of the prevailing society. For this reason, clinical and critical pedagogy, psychoanalysis and psycho-history are the principal theories used, with all of their categorical and conceptual apparatuses. Starting from an episode in a university lecture-theatre, related to students’ anxiety over the future, the article examines its unconscious connections to the educational practices and psychological dynamics that have taken place in the twentieth century, since the Second World War. The post-war generations invested in the future with hope (the very future that the youths of today fearfully perceive to be denied to them); they drew on significant energies, which had evidently survived deep down, to bring about the reconstruction. This move led, however, to the phenomenon of a major psychological split. Specifically, all the emotions relating to the war and to the unthinkable and systematic violence and atrocities perpetrated by men and women against other men and women, were left unelaborated. In this scenario, the generations that today’s youth accuse of “eating everything” grew up, or rather the generations of their grandparents, therefore their parents’ parents, with all that this brings with it in terms of the transgenerational passing on of themes, suffering, prejudices, ideologies and defence mechanisms. All this caused many ill-fated consequences. “To the times of EXPO’ and NO-EXPO’ and the young people going through them’'
Viene qui presentata una riflessione intorno al lavoro della riconciliazione dopo esperienze di v... more Viene qui presentata una riflessione intorno al lavoro della riconciliazione dopo esperienze di violenza a livello individuale o collettivo. È una cruciale responsabilità storica, sociale e politica comprendere cosa avviene di tutta la rabbia causata dalla violenza, fisica, sociale, psicologica ed educativa. Oggi, è facile ricordare le drammatiche crudeltà dell'IS, lo Stato Islamico. È opportuno mettere a punto un modello di pensiero che colleghi le esistenze individuali e i contesti collettivi, perché ognuno di noi porta nella società il proprio stato di riconciliazione o di vendetta. La ricerca di una via d'uscita, concordata a livello giuridico, morale e politico, è diventata una forte preoccupazione per la politica contemporanea. I terribili eventi odierni chiedono alla Pedagogia di cambiare il proprio modo di pensare e di agire, nella direzione di un'azione più impegnata nell'aiutare persone e società a elaborare le loro parti negative, siano esse emozioni o men...
Universities are in a condition which, from certain points of view, is paradoxical. On the one ha... more Universities are in a condition which, from certain points of view, is paradoxical. On the one hand, scientific research is increasingly advanced and at the scientific and technological cutting-edge. On the other hand, the progress of scientific research has definitely not led to the well-being of society. It is impossible not to wonder what relationship there is between the advance of knowledge and the repercussions on society. There is a wide chasm which raises serious questions on the detachment between the places where knowledge is constructed and society as a whole. A balance has to be found between the appropriate respect for the tasks of teaching, research, spreading knowledge and the need to regain the depth and critical and reflective substance intrinsic in handing on the baton from one generation to the next
In these last four years, my Research Groups and I have been awarded Funding Research Projects, f... more In these last four years, my Research Groups and I have been awarded Funding Research Projects, focused on the issue of Evaluation in different contexts. We started our research, but we encountered many problems due to the emotional side (see individual and group dynamics) of the behaviour of the participants. When doing research, you cannot stop at the surface and at a formal level. Many things occur that have not been foreseen by the Research Project Framework which, on the contrary, turn out to be very important. We are talking about what is known as 'serendipity', i.e. the fact that, while you are searching for something, you find something else unexpected, but still very important. The hidden and emotional aspects of doing research are revealed to be as important as the official and stated ones. Often, only the stated objectives of the research are fulfilled, leaving out everything that occurs emotionally in the research experience, because it seems to be material of li...
MeTis. Mondi educativi. Temi, indagini, suggestioni
In this contribution, I explore the drama buried in the collective memory implicit in the educati... more In this contribution, I explore the drama buried in the collective memory implicit in the education of girls and women. A thread which historically continues to remain in the models of education for girls can be found, with serious consequences in the transgenerational transmission of pedagogical models and educational practices. The first-hand experience of these models and practices aimed at self-sacrifice and the mortification of vitality as an educational instrument, has generated an accumulation of pain, suffering, frustration and anger which inevitably spread and invade the public space of shared society, significantly insinuating itself in social, family, educational, affective, sentimental and even working relations. In conclusion, I identify the need for formative paths aimed at awareness of the existence and tenacity of the unspoken pedagogical messages deeply rooted in historical memories.
Studi Sulla Formazione, 2009
The author argues that it is an important issue in education today to reflect on the training, un... more The author argues that it is an important issue in education today to reflect on the training, university and non-professions education and training. We must ask ourselves how and what the size, the theory and practice of research to be a constituent part of the profession of teacher training. The search must then be placed in the same disciplinary teaching of each discipline, in the very way in which we deal with the contents, of whatever kind they are, must pass through a certain style of teaching that identifies the ‘posture’ research in voltage not to go as exhaustive and closed the knowledge that is taught of the qualifying points. The author considers both qualitative and quantitative assessment tools considering how the case studies can be useful to reflect on the emotional scope of the profession of education.
Rivista Italiana Di Gruppoanalisi, 2006
Rivista Italiana Di Gruppoanalisi, 2002
Quaderni Di Didattica Della Scrittura, 2008
Education Sciences Society, Jul 5, 2012
Young people today: pedagogical thoughts between the model of authority crisis and narcissistic s... more Young people today: pedagogical thoughts between the model of authority crisis and narcissistic syndrome. We have gone through the crisis of the traditional model of authority, which was made explode by youth protest in the Seventies, and nowadays we come up against a situation where families (and representatives of institutions as a whole) are mostly incapable of setting rules. On the other hand, we witness narcissistic personalities impose themselves, personalities who have got to i nd reinforcement of their image by public success. A link can be assumed between these two circumstances. h e violent and abrupt fall of perception of legitimacy attributed to rules, models and established values has inevitably left on the ground fragments and ruins, which have been perhaps too hastily dismissed. Young people and society itself as a whole pay the consequences of a lack of rel ection, of non-elaboration of the ruins left after the attack to old authoritative models. In the authoritative model, the deep needs of persons and of childhood weren't even taken into account, so generating subjects devoid of solid foundations. Once authoritative model collapsed-and it was a supporting framework, though rigid-the fragile basis on which our generations erect themselves stood out in their dramatic power. Pedagogy can perform a signii cant role towards a revision of the unsettled fragments, as it has plenty of models, methodologies and tools that can be used at this purpose, both on individual and on social and collective ground. Riassunto: Siamo passati dalla crisi del modello d'autorità tradizionale, esplosa negli anni Settanta del Novecento con la contestazione giovanile, a una situazione attuale in cui prevale l'incapacità delle famiglie e, comunque, di chi rappresenta le istituzioni di porre regole. Si riscontra, d'altra parte, l'af ermarsi di personalità narcisistiche, bisognose di trovare un rinforzo nel successo pubblico della propria immagine. Si può ipotizzare un nesso fra queste due circostanze. La violenta e brusca caduta della percezione di legittimità delle norme, dei modelli e dei valori predei niti ha inevitabilmente lasciato sul campo detriti e macerie, liquidati forse con troppa fretta. I giovani e la società stessa, più in generale, pagano lo scotto del vuoto di ril essione, della non elaborazione dei detriti rimasti dopo l'attacco ai vecchi modelli autoritari. Nel modello autoritario, i bisogni profondi delle persone e dell'infanzia non venivano considerati, generando così soggetti senza fondamenta solide. Una volta crollato il modello autoritario-che fungeva da sostegno, per quanto rigido-sono emerse, in tutta la loro drammaticità, le fragili basi su cui le nostre generazioni si sono costruite. La pedagogia può svolgere un ruolo signi
L’articolo studia in modo interdisciplinare una questione urgente nelle scienze sociali ed educat... more L’articolo studia in modo interdisciplinare una questione urgente nelle scienze sociali ed educative: come e possibile creare una spazio per un nuovo pensiero e una nuova consapevolezza nelle molteplici situazioni in cui la guerra e il conflitto condizionano negativamente l’individuo e le societa e il modo in cui i loro racconti si tramandano tra le generazioni? Come puo l’educazione rompere la crudele prigione della trasmissione trans generazionale dell’odio, della crudelta, del risentimento, della vendetta? La riflessione parte da una recente esperienza dell’autrice, che partecipo a un Seminario in Polonia, dal titolo “Perpetratori europei e vittime. Allora e ora”, focalizzato sull’eredita educativa e psicologica che conduce a perpetuare pregiudizi e relazioni violente nei diversi paesi e verso le loro popolazioni. I traumi sofferti dai nonni e dai genitori, durante le loro storie di vita, sono trasmessi ai figli e ai nipoti, alimentando le loro vite con un veleno invisibile. L’ar...
The author analyses the dramatic problem facing us today: on the one hand, laws, universal declar... more The author analyses the dramatic problem facing us today: on the one hand, laws, universal declarations on the rights of children and highly advanced theories and experiments in defending and protecting childhood have evolved but, on the other, we can observe with anguish the proliferation of violence in general and definitely great violence against children. The author asks why all the great theoretical and scientific progress, the increased awareness of the problems of childhood, the social and socio-educational services at the disposal of families, the supervision and constant training of operators, the spread of blogs and in general of websites on children, fail to have a sufficient impact on the constant violation of childhood. Our society moves in a deep-reaching and radical traumatization, which has to do with the violence that human beings have always perpetrated on one another, not only physically or sexually but also psychologically and with education. The traumatization h...
Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 1985
The purpose of this study was to teach two mentally retarded employees to perform tasks associate... more The purpose of this study was to teach two mentally retarded employees to perform tasks associated with their jobs. Typically, they served meals during lunch and dinner hours; however, they failed to wipe counters, and check and restock supplies. A self-instructional package, similar to the package introduced by , was incorporated to improve their performance in these areas. A multiple-baseline design was utilized in which training was sequentially introduced across subjects. The subjects were taught to (a) ask questions about which tasks needed to be completed, (b) answer their questions, and (c) guide their performance in the task by self-instructing. The self-instructional strategies were introduced just prior to lunch and dinner (30-rain period) and during the first 30 min of the lunch and dinner service periods, respectively. During training, both subjects demonstrated that they were capable of rehearsing each of the selfinstructional strategies in a specific sequence. Following training, both subjects performed at least one of the three tasks (i.e., wiping counters, checking supplies, restocking supplies) during 84 and 880/o of the observed work periods. Additionally, the results of the intervention indicated that both subjects spent more time working and met or exceeded nonprobationary, nonhandicapped coworkers" production standards (social validation measure). The results of this study are compared with those reported by others. Future areas of research are indicated.
Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 1984
This study assessed the work behavior of five mentally retarded dishwashers. An ABCBC design was ... more This study assessed the work behavior of five mentally retarded dishwashers. An ABCBC design was utilized with special educators initially observing the dishwashers (Overt measures). During the B phases these educators observed the same dishwashers' work behavior while a second group of observers, posing as kitchen laborers (coworkers), assessed work behavior, during other periods of the day (Overt or Covert). Finally, during C phases, special educators and coworkers recorded dishwashers working at the same time (Overt and Covert). Results indicated dishwashers worked more when educators observed them. Dishwashers spent less time working when these educators were absent. During the "Overt and Covert" observation phases (Phase C), where covert measures were taken in addition to overt measures (i.e., at the same time and on the same person), covert measures covaried with educators' measures of work performance. These results are discussed with suggestions to initiate a program of research to investigate the use of coworkers in the administration of behavior change methods, in work settings.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2009
Contaminant related changes in behavioral, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and pro-oxidant/ a... more Contaminant related changes in behavioral, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and pro-oxidant/ antioxidant processes in the freshwater mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to metals and PCBs were assessed. Behavioral and biochemical responses including filtering rates, key phase I, II and antioxidant enzymes and levels of metallothioneins, glutathione, lipid peroxidation and DNA strand breaks were determined in digestive glands of mussels after being exposed to sublethal levels of mercury chloride, methyl mercury, cadmium and Aroclor 1260 during 5 days. In 7 out of 12 responses analyzed, mussels showed significant differences across treatments. Unusual properties of measured ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities indicated that mussels lack an inducible CYP1A enzymatic activity. Despite of using similar exposure levels, inorganic and organic mercury showed different biomarker patterns of response with methyl mercury being more bio-available and unable to induce metallothionein proteins. Mussels exposed to Cd presented higher levels of metallothioneins and an enhanced metabolism of glutathione, whereas those exposed to Aroclor showed their antioxidant glutathione peroxidase related enzyme activities inhibited. Although there was evidence for increased lipid peroxidation under exposure to inorganic and organic mercury, only mussels exposed to Aroclor had significant greater levels than those in controls.
Acta Diabetologica, 1998
To investigate the role of puberty on spontaneous clinical remission and on secretion of residual... more To investigate the role of puberty on spontaneous clinical remission and on secretion of residual C-peptide during the first year of type 1 diabetes mellitus, we studied 77 pre-pubertal, 39 pubertal and 41 post-pubertal type 1 diabetic patients. Spontaneous partial clinical remission (HbA1c within the normal range and insulin dose less than 0.3 U x kg(-1) body weight x day(-1) lasting for at least 10 days) decreased with duration of diabetes: months 3 vs 6 vs 12, respectively 13 vs 7 vs 4% (P<0.025). Remission was higher in post-pubertal than pubertal and prepubertal patients: month 6 respectively 20 vs 5 vs 1% (P<0.001). Secretion of C-peptide was significantly lower in pre-pubertal than the other two groups of patients. Basal and stimulated C-peptide secretion were higher in patients in clinical remission than in those who were not: basal value 0.4 (0.26-0.53) vs 0.28 (0.14-0.4) nmol/l (P<0.05); stimulated value 0.63 (0.5-0.95) vs 0.56 (0.31-0.74) nmol/l (P<0.05). Spontaneous remission is less frequent in children and adolescent patients than in adult post-pubertal patients, but different mechanisms may be involved. Low residual insulin secretion seems implicated in children meanwhile low insulin sensitivity could be more important in pubertal patients.
Supervision as a kind of qualitative evaluation. In U.S. Lubkina V. (a cura di), Society, Inte... more Supervision as a kind of qualitative evaluation.
In U.S. Lubkina V. (a cura di), Society, Integration, Education (pp. 178-189). Rezekne : Rezekne Higher education Institution- Faculty of Education and Design.
Key-words: Supervision, Evaluation, Education, Training, Quality
Abstract: The contribution presents a reflection on supervision as one of the possible forms of qualitative evaluation, in the field of work with adult educators. Supervision structures a context where theory and practice, emotions and cognitions, values, representations and fears, anxieties and conflicts can be made to dialogue in continuation. The supervisor continuously offers feedback and interpretations to the educators, thanks to attentive listening and decodes what they express. The constructivist approach to Evaluation, on the one hand, gives full value to the subjectivity of the actors involved in the evaluation process and aims to interpret and understand. So, we can call it hermeneutic evaluation (Perla, 2004). Hermeneutic evaluation sets the problem of finding the meaning of the points of view of the participants. This is where the meeting point with the supervision activity, which consists precisely of a practice guided by a leader who helps the educators to better understand their theoretical frameworks of reference and their basic educational models, lies. Supervision and Evaluation therefore represent two important tools for developing the professionalism of the operators, as shown by the case-study analyzed. The practice of supervision is part of a path of lifelong learning and education (Oggionni, 2013; Zannini, 2005), which passes through experimentation, evaluation and redesigning, in the face of constant monitoring of the needs and learning of the individual and of the team.