Stefania Rimoldi | Università di Milano-Bicocca (original) (raw)
Papers by Stefania Rimoldi
Social Indicators Research, Sep 10, 2020
In this paper, we apply the novel Fuzzy First-Order Dominance (F-FOD) methodology to rank migrant... more In this paper, we apply the novel Fuzzy First-Order Dominance (F-FOD) methodology to rank migrant subpopulations in Lombardy (Italy), in terms of multidimensional poverty and social fragility, for the year 2014, with the purpose to possibly provide useful support to policy-makers, in targeting relief interventions from poverty and discomfort. The F-FOD methodology allows for the direct comparison of different distributions of poverty and fragility, assessed by means of suitable ordinal multi-indicator systems, so extending to this more complex setting, the usual univariate first-order dominance criterion. It also provides complimentary "incomparability" scores, to assess to what extent the final rankings are reliable or instead forcing. It turns out that the levels of poverty and fragility of migrant subpopulations are quite different and, in particular, that the time since migrations has a key impact, on the identification of most critical cases, which typically involve recently migrated people. Evidence also emerges that the temporal poverty/fragility trajectories of migrants, distinguished by country of origin, follow different paths, suggesting how policy interventions must be properly, and differently, tuned to be effective.
Due to both their previous fragile condition in the country of origin and to the instable situati... more Due to both their previous fragile condition in the country of origin and to the instable situation in the host country, immigrants tend to be poorer than natives. The consumption expenditure of households of different sizes is made equivalent to that of a family of two people using coefficients which take into account the different needs and economies of scale matching to an increasing number of members. In Italy, since the Eighties the equivalence scale of Carbonaro has been adopted. This conventional equivalence scale has been calculated for the Italian population, based on 1981-1983 consumption data. On applying it to immigrant households in order to estimate the poverty line, 40% of migrants emerge as being included among the “poor” and as many as 21% among the “poorest”. This result suggests that the method of estimate deserves at least to be discussed. In this study we intend to question the use of the equivalence scale of Carbonaro to estimate the poverty level among immigra...
Invecchiamento e migrazioni, una relazione complessa Gian Carlo Blangiardo* & Stefania Rimoldi** ... more Invecchiamento e migrazioni, una relazione complessa Gian Carlo Blangiardo* & Stefania Rimoldi** A differenza di quanto e accaduto per le componenti della dinamica naturale (fecondita e mortalita), gli effetti della dinamica migratoria sull’invecchiamento demografico hanno sinora ricevuto un’attenzione abbastanza marginale sotto il profilo della ricerca. L’intensita dell’ “invecchiamento importato/esportato” nei prossimi decenni puo misurarsi come differenza, in un dato ambito territoriale e in un dato periodo, tra il numero effettivo e il numero teoricamente atteso di persone raggiungono la soglia di vecchiaia. Il numero teoricamente atteso e quello che si puo ricavare dalla numero dei nati di quelle generazioni (diciamo, 65-69 anni prima, con le classi quinquennali di eta usate dalle Nazioni Unite), in assenza di migratorieta, ma tenendo adeguatamente conto dei livelli di sopravvivenza. Le elaborazioni riguardano i 28 paesi dell’Unione Europea, gli Stati Uniti e i cosi detti “BRIC...
Southern European studies of migrants' spatial distribution within metropolitan cities (MCs) are ... more Southern European studies of migrants' spatial distribution within metropolitan cities (MCs) are increasingly relevant to understanding residential segregation and marginalisation, particularly of foreign nationals. This paper leverages original and partially unpublished data to examine overall and foreign national specific segregation over two decades in Rome MC and Milan MC, the two largest Italian MCs. We introduce a 5-class concentric ring typology to describe and uncover geographical patterns within the MCs and focus on the spatial and temporal distribution of four selected foreign nationalities: Romanian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, and Filipino. Results reveal heterogeneity in overall and foreign national specific distributions over time both within and between Rome MC and Milan MC. Comparing across groups and MCs we identify similarities but also unique patterns. These results shed light on the peculiarity of the urban demographic Italian landscape and raise questions regarding recent theories about residential segregation in the urban contexts of Southern Europe.
Social Indicators Research
Unfortunately, the following articles were by mistake included in other issues but are part of th... more Unfortunately, the following articles were by mistake included in other issues but are part of the Special Issue on Well-Being and Territory: Methods and Strategies "
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
In the international literature, the principal task of grandparents is generally recognized as he... more In the international literature, the principal task of grandparents is generally recognized as helping their children in providing childcare. Most of those studies analyzed grandparental childcare on the whole population, and few have focused on co-resident grandparent(s), which turns out to be an understudied topic in the European context. Further, most of them investigated the effect of childcare on grandparents’ health status. However, the elderly population can both provide and receive care. Using two Italian surveys released by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, the “Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizen (2011–2012)” and the “Multiscopo–Aspetti della vita quotidiana (2011)”, the study aims to analyze differences in grandparental childcare provided by co-resident grandparents between Italian and migrant households, considering both the role played by grandparents’ self-rated health (SRH) and gender. We identify four grandparents’ profiles by combining gr...
Among the rights and the duties recognized to the Italian citizens, the article 48 of the Constit... more Among the rights and the duties recognized to the Italian citizens, the article 48 of the Constitution states that vote is personal and equal, secret and free. It follows that it has the same value and weight regardless of the social and economic conditions characterizing the citizens called to vote, and independently from the different territorial contexts in which the right is exercised. However, referring to this latter element, the electoral laws grant the equal political representation to the citizens only through the criterion of residence, without taking into account the number, at times very substantial, of the 18 years old or more foreign citizens that legally live in our country and do not vote. Whatever is the opinion on this topic, which has been already discussed during the last decade’s administrative consultation, it is still of major interest for the consequences on the political representation system that can arise from the electoral vote (De Santis, 2007; Silvestri...
In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers... more In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers” of population to measure concentration/dispersion of inhabitants across the territory, and the differentials in marriages between native and immigrant populations. The country’s mean center of population describes the average location of its inhabitants at a given time (Gini et al., 1933). As an average, this measure summarizes the spatial distribution patterns across the territory resulting from the various distributional tendencies of different subgroups of the population (e.g., by sex, age and ethnicity). These tendencies depend on their choices of residence and on their natural (births and deaths) and migratory balances. When compared over time, the population centers, detailed by subgroups and components, offer powerful tools for illustrating and explaining the forces underlying their settlement dynamics. The second contribution of Corrado Gini refers to the differentials in marri...
Che le nascite in alcune popolazioni del mondo siano selezionate rispetto al genere e un fenomeno... more Che le nascite in alcune popolazioni del mondo siano selezionate rispetto al genere e un fenomeno ben noto. La preoccupazione circa la sua dimensione e le sue conseguenze e condivisa dalla comunita internazionale gia a partire dalla Conferenza su Popolazione e Sviluppo (UNFPA, 1994). Da allora, l’importanza del tema e andata aumentando, soprattutto con riferimento ad alcuni paesi del Sud-est Asiatico e dell’Asia Centrale (in primo luogo a Cina e India, e piu recentemente ad altre realta come l’Armenia . In occasione della prima Giornata Internazionale delle Bambine e delle Ragazze promossa dalle Nazioni Unite l’11 ottobre scorso, il tema degli aborti selettivi rispetto al genere e emerso con dolorosa drammaticita: nel mondo, piu di 100 milioni di bambine risulterebbero “assenti” in base al semplice calcolo del rapporto di mascolinita alla nascita (Terres des Hommes, 2012). Alcuni studi (basati soprattutto su esperienze epidemiologiche), hanno sottolineato come anche in Italia, in co...
Genus, 2015
In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers... more In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers” of population to measure concentration / dispersion of inhabitants across the territory (Gini et al. , 1933), and the differentials in marriages between native and immigrant populations (Gini, 1931). In this paper, we intend to test the present validity of these tools in order to analyse the current immigration phenomenon in Italy. Stefania RIMOLDI, Risearcher, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy. E-mail: . Gian Carlo BLANGIARDO, Professor of Demography, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy. E-mail: .
Social Indicators Research, 2020
Ageing and migration are two of Europe’s fundamental demographic processes, challenging a wide ra... more Ageing and migration are two of Europe’s fundamental demographic processes, challenging a wide range of social policies. Their intersection generates a wide taxonomy of types of individuals, from the most well-off and active ones to those more deprived and marginalised and for whom being old and having a migration background represents a double jeopardy. Yet in discussions of the ‘demographic time bomb’ of ageing, the special circumstances of ageing migrants are rarely recognised. Thus far, in Europe, very little is known about ageing populations with a migratory background, and this is even more true for Italy, that turned into an immigration country only in the late 1980s and where older migrants are a neglected, although growing, group in the Italian population. In this paper, we unpack ageing migrants’ wellbeing by focusing on life satisfaction, as a broader indicator of individual’s wellbeing; in particular, we analyse the effect of migration experiences on migrants’ perception...
The Italian young people account for less than 24% of total population (the lowest percentage in ... more The Italian young people account for less than 24% of total population (the lowest percentage in the European Union) and they are going to fall down to 19% by the 2050. On the contrary, young Americans are going to raise for the next 40 years. At the same time the age of young Italians when leaving the parental household can be considered high (about 31 for men and 29 for women) compared to the other Europeans. The reasons can be found in a combination of cultural and financial constraints, but choices of convenience are important too. Finally the analysis of the prevailing values of young people shows that human rights (46,9%), peace (41,5%) and respect for human life (39,2%) are the three main personal values for the Europeans, and that rule of the law (38,3%), respect for human life (38,2%) and human rights (35,8%) are the main for the Italians.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
The shape of the Italian family has radically transformed since the second half of the last centu... more The shape of the Italian family has radically transformed since the second half of the last century: both vertical and horizontal ties have loosened due to major changes in marriage and fertility. The signs of modernity (increases in cohabitation, birth outside marriage, separation, and divorce) have clashed with the persistence of the traditional model of the “strong” family (through the long stay in family of origin, for example), causing a short circuit in the population vitality. The most dynamic group consists of foreign families, a relatively new phenomenon for the Italian society, which has grown along with the development of the integration process. This study aims to deeply investigate these dynamics and to depict possible future scenarios (both in numeric and structural terms) on the basis of projected data.
Social Indicators Research, Sep 10, 2020
In this paper, we apply the novel Fuzzy First-Order Dominance (F-FOD) methodology to rank migrant... more In this paper, we apply the novel Fuzzy First-Order Dominance (F-FOD) methodology to rank migrant subpopulations in Lombardy (Italy), in terms of multidimensional poverty and social fragility, for the year 2014, with the purpose to possibly provide useful support to policy-makers, in targeting relief interventions from poverty and discomfort. The F-FOD methodology allows for the direct comparison of different distributions of poverty and fragility, assessed by means of suitable ordinal multi-indicator systems, so extending to this more complex setting, the usual univariate first-order dominance criterion. It also provides complimentary "incomparability" scores, to assess to what extent the final rankings are reliable or instead forcing. It turns out that the levels of poverty and fragility of migrant subpopulations are quite different and, in particular, that the time since migrations has a key impact, on the identification of most critical cases, which typically involve recently migrated people. Evidence also emerges that the temporal poverty/fragility trajectories of migrants, distinguished by country of origin, follow different paths, suggesting how policy interventions must be properly, and differently, tuned to be effective.
Due to both their previous fragile condition in the country of origin and to the instable situati... more Due to both their previous fragile condition in the country of origin and to the instable situation in the host country, immigrants tend to be poorer than natives. The consumption expenditure of households of different sizes is made equivalent to that of a family of two people using coefficients which take into account the different needs and economies of scale matching to an increasing number of members. In Italy, since the Eighties the equivalence scale of Carbonaro has been adopted. This conventional equivalence scale has been calculated for the Italian population, based on 1981-1983 consumption data. On applying it to immigrant households in order to estimate the poverty line, 40% of migrants emerge as being included among the “poor” and as many as 21% among the “poorest”. This result suggests that the method of estimate deserves at least to be discussed. In this study we intend to question the use of the equivalence scale of Carbonaro to estimate the poverty level among immigra...
Invecchiamento e migrazioni, una relazione complessa Gian Carlo Blangiardo* & Stefania Rimoldi** ... more Invecchiamento e migrazioni, una relazione complessa Gian Carlo Blangiardo* & Stefania Rimoldi** A differenza di quanto e accaduto per le componenti della dinamica naturale (fecondita e mortalita), gli effetti della dinamica migratoria sull’invecchiamento demografico hanno sinora ricevuto un’attenzione abbastanza marginale sotto il profilo della ricerca. L’intensita dell’ “invecchiamento importato/esportato” nei prossimi decenni puo misurarsi come differenza, in un dato ambito territoriale e in un dato periodo, tra il numero effettivo e il numero teoricamente atteso di persone raggiungono la soglia di vecchiaia. Il numero teoricamente atteso e quello che si puo ricavare dalla numero dei nati di quelle generazioni (diciamo, 65-69 anni prima, con le classi quinquennali di eta usate dalle Nazioni Unite), in assenza di migratorieta, ma tenendo adeguatamente conto dei livelli di sopravvivenza. Le elaborazioni riguardano i 28 paesi dell’Unione Europea, gli Stati Uniti e i cosi detti “BRIC...
Southern European studies of migrants' spatial distribution within metropolitan cities (MCs) are ... more Southern European studies of migrants' spatial distribution within metropolitan cities (MCs) are increasingly relevant to understanding residential segregation and marginalisation, particularly of foreign nationals. This paper leverages original and partially unpublished data to examine overall and foreign national specific segregation over two decades in Rome MC and Milan MC, the two largest Italian MCs. We introduce a 5-class concentric ring typology to describe and uncover geographical patterns within the MCs and focus on the spatial and temporal distribution of four selected foreign nationalities: Romanian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, and Filipino. Results reveal heterogeneity in overall and foreign national specific distributions over time both within and between Rome MC and Milan MC. Comparing across groups and MCs we identify similarities but also unique patterns. These results shed light on the peculiarity of the urban demographic Italian landscape and raise questions regarding recent theories about residential segregation in the urban contexts of Southern Europe.
Social Indicators Research
Unfortunately, the following articles were by mistake included in other issues but are part of th... more Unfortunately, the following articles were by mistake included in other issues but are part of the Special Issue on Well-Being and Territory: Methods and Strategies "
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
In the international literature, the principal task of grandparents is generally recognized as he... more In the international literature, the principal task of grandparents is generally recognized as helping their children in providing childcare. Most of those studies analyzed grandparental childcare on the whole population, and few have focused on co-resident grandparent(s), which turns out to be an understudied topic in the European context. Further, most of them investigated the effect of childcare on grandparents’ health status. However, the elderly population can both provide and receive care. Using two Italian surveys released by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, the “Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizen (2011–2012)” and the “Multiscopo–Aspetti della vita quotidiana (2011)”, the study aims to analyze differences in grandparental childcare provided by co-resident grandparents between Italian and migrant households, considering both the role played by grandparents’ self-rated health (SRH) and gender. We identify four grandparents’ profiles by combining gr...
Among the rights and the duties recognized to the Italian citizens, the article 48 of the Constit... more Among the rights and the duties recognized to the Italian citizens, the article 48 of the Constitution states that vote is personal and equal, secret and free. It follows that it has the same value and weight regardless of the social and economic conditions characterizing the citizens called to vote, and independently from the different territorial contexts in which the right is exercised. However, referring to this latter element, the electoral laws grant the equal political representation to the citizens only through the criterion of residence, without taking into account the number, at times very substantial, of the 18 years old or more foreign citizens that legally live in our country and do not vote. Whatever is the opinion on this topic, which has been already discussed during the last decade’s administrative consultation, it is still of major interest for the consequences on the political representation system that can arise from the electoral vote (De Santis, 2007; Silvestri...
In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers... more In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers” of population to measure concentration/dispersion of inhabitants across the territory, and the differentials in marriages between native and immigrant populations. The country’s mean center of population describes the average location of its inhabitants at a given time (Gini et al., 1933). As an average, this measure summarizes the spatial distribution patterns across the territory resulting from the various distributional tendencies of different subgroups of the population (e.g., by sex, age and ethnicity). These tendencies depend on their choices of residence and on their natural (births and deaths) and migratory balances. When compared over time, the population centers, detailed by subgroups and components, offer powerful tools for illustrating and explaining the forces underlying their settlement dynamics. The second contribution of Corrado Gini refers to the differentials in marri...
Che le nascite in alcune popolazioni del mondo siano selezionate rispetto al genere e un fenomeno... more Che le nascite in alcune popolazioni del mondo siano selezionate rispetto al genere e un fenomeno ben noto. La preoccupazione circa la sua dimensione e le sue conseguenze e condivisa dalla comunita internazionale gia a partire dalla Conferenza su Popolazione e Sviluppo (UNFPA, 1994). Da allora, l’importanza del tema e andata aumentando, soprattutto con riferimento ad alcuni paesi del Sud-est Asiatico e dell’Asia Centrale (in primo luogo a Cina e India, e piu recentemente ad altre realta come l’Armenia . In occasione della prima Giornata Internazionale delle Bambine e delle Ragazze promossa dalle Nazioni Unite l’11 ottobre scorso, il tema degli aborti selettivi rispetto al genere e emerso con dolorosa drammaticita: nel mondo, piu di 100 milioni di bambine risulterebbero “assenti” in base al semplice calcolo del rapporto di mascolinita alla nascita (Terres des Hommes, 2012). Alcuni studi (basati soprattutto su esperienze epidemiologiche), hanno sottolineato come anche in Italia, in co...
Genus, 2015
In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers... more In the early 1930s, Corrado Gini proposed two interesting contributions to demographics: “centers” of population to measure concentration / dispersion of inhabitants across the territory (Gini et al. , 1933), and the differentials in marriages between native and immigrant populations (Gini, 1931). In this paper, we intend to test the present validity of these tools in order to analyse the current immigration phenomenon in Italy. Stefania RIMOLDI, Risearcher, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy. E-mail: . Gian Carlo BLANGIARDO, Professor of Demography, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy. E-mail: .
Social Indicators Research, 2020
Ageing and migration are two of Europe’s fundamental demographic processes, challenging a wide ra... more Ageing and migration are two of Europe’s fundamental demographic processes, challenging a wide range of social policies. Their intersection generates a wide taxonomy of types of individuals, from the most well-off and active ones to those more deprived and marginalised and for whom being old and having a migration background represents a double jeopardy. Yet in discussions of the ‘demographic time bomb’ of ageing, the special circumstances of ageing migrants are rarely recognised. Thus far, in Europe, very little is known about ageing populations with a migratory background, and this is even more true for Italy, that turned into an immigration country only in the late 1980s and where older migrants are a neglected, although growing, group in the Italian population. In this paper, we unpack ageing migrants’ wellbeing by focusing on life satisfaction, as a broader indicator of individual’s wellbeing; in particular, we analyse the effect of migration experiences on migrants’ perception...
The Italian young people account for less than 24% of total population (the lowest percentage in ... more The Italian young people account for less than 24% of total population (the lowest percentage in the European Union) and they are going to fall down to 19% by the 2050. On the contrary, young Americans are going to raise for the next 40 years. At the same time the age of young Italians when leaving the parental household can be considered high (about 31 for men and 29 for women) compared to the other Europeans. The reasons can be found in a combination of cultural and financial constraints, but choices of convenience are important too. Finally the analysis of the prevailing values of young people shows that human rights (46,9%), peace (41,5%) and respect for human life (39,2%) are the three main personal values for the Europeans, and that rule of the law (38,3%), respect for human life (38,2%) and human rights (35,8%) are the main for the Italians.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
The shape of the Italian family has radically transformed since the second half of the last centu... more The shape of the Italian family has radically transformed since the second half of the last century: both vertical and horizontal ties have loosened due to major changes in marriage and fertility. The signs of modernity (increases in cohabitation, birth outside marriage, separation, and divorce) have clashed with the persistence of the traditional model of the “strong” family (through the long stay in family of origin, for example), causing a short circuit in the population vitality. The most dynamic group consists of foreign families, a relatively new phenomenon for the Italian society, which has grown along with the development of the integration process. This study aims to deeply investigate these dynamics and to depict possible future scenarios (both in numeric and structural terms) on the basis of projected data.
The aim of this paper is to analyse social change in the city from within by focusing on the dyna... more The aim of this paper is to analyse social change in the city from within by focusing on the dynamics and the selectivity of intra-urban housing mobility for the transformation of urban neighbourhoods. In order to address the relationship between mobility and social structure, this paper uses data from national censuses of 1991, 2001 and 2011 for the towns of Milan, Turin and Barcelona, together with unpublished data from municipal statistics. This data is used in order to analyse social division of space and gentrification, and their relation to intra-urban residential mobility.