Natalie Bradvica | University of Melbourne (original) (raw)

Natalie  Bradvica

Natalie Bradvica is an arts writer based in Melbourne, Australia. Graduating with a BA in Art Theory from the University of New South Wales in 2017, she is now working as an art gallery manager in the public sector whilst completing a MA in Art Curatorship at the University of Melbourne.

Published work:

"Australia's Museums Need to Collect History as it Happens", ArtsHub, November 2019.
"Focus on Ability: The Importance of Outsider Art Institutions in Australia", Curating the Contemporary, April 2018.



Papers by Natalie Bradvica

Research paper thumbnail of Is Multiculturalism a Postcolonial Concept?

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Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Carolingian and Ottonian Manuscripts

This paper examines the historical and aesthetic relationships between the Codex Aureus of Charle... more This paper examines the historical and aesthetic relationships between the Codex Aureus of Charles the Bald, the Uta Codex, and the Sacramentary of Henry II.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Curatorial Challenges of Exhibiting Historical Trauma

Borrowing from Marxist thought, postcolonial studies and critical social theory, this essay will ... more Borrowing from Marxist thought, postcolonial studies and critical social theory, this essay will explore the main curatorial and ethical issues facing the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Yad Vashem. Specifically, this essay will evaluate the success of their representations of the Holocaust by analysing the delivery of their collections and architectural features. An important critique that surfaces from this research is of the power dynamics present in modern museological practice, and whether it is morally correct for dominant cultures to narrate the racially charged trauma of marginalized groups of which the hegemonic class do not have lived experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Donald Trump: A Product of the Culture Industry

In this paper, I use critical social theory to argue the notion that American President Donald Tr... more In this paper, I use critical social theory to argue the notion that American President Donald Trump is a spectacle fashioned by the culture industry. I also debate whether satirical images that oppose Trump - especially on Saturday Night Live - are effective modes of resistance. In addition, I comment on the quasi-critical nature of mainstream media, and explore how they continue to provide platforms for the President to preach his populist spectacles that sell as headlines for profit.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Multiculturalism a Postcolonial Concept?

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Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Carolingian and Ottonian Manuscripts

This paper examines the historical and aesthetic relationships between the Codex Aureus of Charle... more This paper examines the historical and aesthetic relationships between the Codex Aureus of Charles the Bald, the Uta Codex, and the Sacramentary of Henry II.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Curatorial Challenges of Exhibiting Historical Trauma

Borrowing from Marxist thought, postcolonial studies and critical social theory, this essay will ... more Borrowing from Marxist thought, postcolonial studies and critical social theory, this essay will explore the main curatorial and ethical issues facing the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Yad Vashem. Specifically, this essay will evaluate the success of their representations of the Holocaust by analysing the delivery of their collections and architectural features. An important critique that surfaces from this research is of the power dynamics present in modern museological practice, and whether it is morally correct for dominant cultures to narrate the racially charged trauma of marginalized groups of which the hegemonic class do not have lived experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Donald Trump: A Product of the Culture Industry

In this paper, I use critical social theory to argue the notion that American President Donald Tr... more In this paper, I use critical social theory to argue the notion that American President Donald Trump is a spectacle fashioned by the culture industry. I also debate whether satirical images that oppose Trump - especially on Saturday Night Live - are effective modes of resistance. In addition, I comment on the quasi-critical nature of mainstream media, and explore how they continue to provide platforms for the President to preach his populist spectacles that sell as headlines for profit.

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