Roberta Picardi | Università del Molise (original) (raw)
Papers by Roberta Picardi
European Journal of Philosophy , 2021
This essay aims to bring to light the distinctive features of Fichte's construal of cosmopolitan ... more This essay aims to bring to light the distinctive features of Fichte's construal of cosmopolitan right in the Foundations of Natural Right—in comparison to Kant's—in the light of the current philosophical debate on migration and global justice. The paper is articulated in three steps. First, it analyzes the addressees and content of Fichte's cosmopolitan right by emphasizing its limited scope: by focusing on those individuals who do not come “from any state,” Fichte's discussion of cosmopolitan right foreruns Arendt's philosophical theorization of statelessness and the “right to have rights.” Second, it considers Fichte's justification of cosmopolitan right—and its compatibility with his justification of private property rights—by stressing its ontological anchoring in the notions of “absolute will,” “personhood,” and “original right.” Finally, the essay considers the systematic position of cosmopolitan right with regard to the “right of nations” and the “right of a state” in Fichte's doctrine of right by giving special attention to the range of reasons that, according to Fichte, can legitimate the rejection of a stranger.
Conceptos Históricos, 5 (7),, 2019
Roberta Picardi. "Temporalità, antropologia dell'esperienza storica e memoria in Koselleck e in R... more Roberta Picardi. "Temporalità, antropologia dell'esperienza storica e memoria in Koselleck e in Ricoeur". RESUMEN Este ensayo procura subrayar las convergencias y divergencias de la Historik, de Koselleck, y la hermenéutica de la condición histórica, de Ricoeur. Para ello, se enfocará en el modo en el que ambos autores revi-saron críticamente la analítica existencial del Dasein, de Heidegger, de modo de hacer frente a dos cuestiones estrechamente interrelacionadas: por un lado, el desarrollo de sus respectivas teorías del tiempo históri-co; por el otro, la identificación de las determinaciones de la existencia humana, que hacen posible la historia y el conocimiento histórico. A la luz de este examen comparativo de la revisión de la analítica existencial de Heidegger por parte de Koselleck y Ricoeur, la última parte de este ensayo confrontará sus respectivas concepciones de la relación entre historia y memoria. Palabras clave: Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur, tiempo histórico, tem-poralidad, historia y memoria. ABSTRACT This essay aims at highlighting convergences and divergences between Koselleck's Historik and Ricoeur's hermeneutics of historical condition. For this purpose, it will focus on the way both authors critically rework Heidegger's existential analytics of Dasein, in order to face two main questions, strictly interrelated: on one side, the development of their respective theories of historical time; on the other side, the identification of the determinations of human existence, which make history and historical knowledge possible. In the light of this comparative examination of Koselleck's and Ricoeur's reworking of Heidegger's exis-tential analytics, the final part of the essay will confront their respective conceptions of the relationship between memory and history.
Softpower, 7.1, 2020
This essay investigates the implications of Fichte’s theory of intersubjectivity for how Fichte c... more This essay investigates the implications of Fichte’s theory of intersubjectivity for how Fichte conceives of our “generic essence” (“Wesen meiner Gattung”) and the relation between species (Gattung) and individuality within humankind. To this purpose, it focuses especially on Fichte’s Jena lectures on the scholar’s vocation and on Fichte’s Foundations of Natural Right, by stressing the shift between the two writings. My claim is that in the lectures on the scholar’s vocation Fichte deals separately with the problematic of individuation and with the justification of intersubjectivity, by thus proposing an irenic view of society as purposeful cooperation between individuals united by their common struggle against nature. On the contrary, in the Foundations of Natural Right Fichte systematically links the issues of intersubjectivity and individuation, by developing a transcendental deduction of intersubjectivity as a necessary condition of the individual’s self-consciousness, which involves a new awareness of the contingency and vulnerability of the actuation of our generic essence.
Ricœur et la pensée allemande de Kant à Dilthey, sous la direction de Gilles Marmasse et Roberta Picardi, 2019
Ricœur et la pensée allemande. De Kant à Dilthey, sous la direction de Gilles Marmasse et Roberta Picardi, CNRS Éditions, 2019
l’article de Roberta Picardi explore et analyse le réinvestissement par Ricœur – au sein de sa pr... more l’article de Roberta Picardi explore et analyse le réinvestissement par Ricœur – au sein de sa propre herméneutique phénoménologique – d’une des figures clés de la Phénoménologie de l’Esprit hégélienne : à savoir, la dialectique du mal et de son pardon. Cette figure fait l’objet d’un intérêt précoce et constant de Ricœur qui, depuis l’époque de la Symbolique du mal, y trouve une nourriture pour ses réflexions sur les « limites » de la « vision morale » (d’inspiration kantienne) du monde et du mal. Il s’agit d’une nourriture qui lui apparaît tout d’abord attirante mais inévitablement empoisonnée, en tant qu’expression paradigmatique d’une tentation spéculative d’intelligibilité totale, aboutissant à une perte du sens véhiculé par les symboles religieux et notamment par le symbole paulinien du péché et de la justification. Ensuite, en correspondance avec l’inflexion de sa philosophie vers une herméneutique de l’action, Ricœur offre une nouvelle lecture de cette figure, qui accompagne et inspire sa réflexion sur le « tragique de l’action », et donc sur la tension entre normes morales universelles, contextes éthiques et conviction singulière, aussi bien que sur les différentes formes de « pardon difficile ». En explorant les raisons et la portée de ce renversement, l’article vise à apporter une lumière nouvelle sur la manière dont Ricœur articule moralité, éthicité et discours religieux dans les différentes phases de sa pensée.
Semantic Hierarchies of the "Reconnaissance", 2019
After a brief discussion of the Latin roots of the polysemy of the words reconnaissance and recon... more After a brief discussion of the Latin roots of the polysemy of the words reconnaissance and reconnaître, the article will trace the shifting hierarchy between their different meanings from the Middle Ages to the main contemporary dictionaries, especially focusing on the waxing and waning of ‘reconnaissance’ as “gratitude”.
Self-Attestation and Dissymmetric Mutuality in Ricoeur’s Theory of Recognition, in : Siep L., Ikaheimo H., Quante M. (eds) Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer Reference Geisteswissenschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2018
The article moves from a synthetic overview of the multiple threads that feed Ricœur’s reflection... more The article moves from a synthetic overview of the multiple threads that feed Ricœur’s reflection on recognition from the 1950s, in order to shed light on the inner conceptual articulation between the three moments of the “broad theory of recognition” developed in his last published work Parcours de la reconnaissance – i.e., identification, self-attestation and mutual recognition – and to grasp the distinctive features of his notion of mutual recognition both with regard to Hegel and to Honneth.
Revue Germanique Internationale, 2017
ABSTRACT : This paper examines in what way Hegel deals with the representation of God’s propertie... more ABSTRACT : This paper examines in what way Hegel deals with the representation of God’s properties, with particular reference to two traditional problems: the problem of their compatibility and the problem of the equivocality or univocity between Divine and human attributes. The following hypotheses will be defended: Hegel refuses the pretention of knowing God by attributing him many predicates - which he considers the fundamental mistake of the rational theology - but he doesn’t considers all the divines attributes as representations which have no speculative value and have also to disappear in the transition from the religious Representation to the Concept; he affirms on the contrary the correspondence between the predicates of omnipotence, goodness, justice and wisdom with the determinations of the Concept; the speculative transposition of these attributes has to be regarded as a constitutive part of Hegel’s theodicy, because it represents a reply - alternative to Leibniz’s one - to Bayle’s anti-theodicy, grounded on the affirmation of an insoluble contradiction between divines goodness, justice and all-power; finally, the clarification of the dialectic relationship that Hegel establish between God’s justice and wisdom - through their speculative interpretation - allows to gain a clear view on the way he conceives the relationship between human and divine justice, which is here examined through an analysis of his interpretation of Job’s book.
– This article focuses on the themes of " excuses " and " forgiveness " , in order to elucidate t... more – This article focuses on the themes of " excuses " and " forgiveness " , in order to elucidate the genealogy and the different trends of the contemporary debate about responsibility. To this purpose, the topic will be examined through three main axes, which structure the essay. The first one is an historical philosophical perspective, which aims at grasping continuities and disconti-nuities in the centuries-old history of responsibility, by offering an overview of the theories concerning the theme of excuses, since Aristotle's Ethica Nicho-machea up to Hegel's Principles of the Philosophy of Right. The second axe is an analytical perspective, which attempts at highlighting the multiple ties that – within analytic philosophy – link the elucidation of the nature and of the structure of the responsible action with the efforts of conceptual determination of the notions of " excuses " and of " forgiveness ". Finally, the third axe consists in a comparative perspective, which assumes the conceptual pair 'excuses-forgiveness' as a privileged point of view, in order to grasp conver-gences and divergences between the analytical debate on responsibility and the reflexion on responsibility within French post-phenomenological philosophy.
Résumé Cet essai reconstruit les principales étapes de la confrontation de Ricoeur avec la diale... more Résumé
Cet essai reconstruit les principales étapes de la confrontation de Ricoeur avec la dialectique de Hegel, depuis ses premières notes manuscrites sur « Hegel et la négativité » jusqu’à l’essai de 1975 « Le lieu de la dialectique ». L’objectif que l’on vise est triple. Il s’agit tout d’abord de reconstruire dans sa genèse l’effort ricoeurien de « régionalisation » de la dialectique hégélienne, dont les raisons ne peuvent pas être réduites à un refus générique des effets de totalisation systématique de l’identification hégélienne entre négation et médiation. Le deuxième objectif est la mise en relève des raisons exogènes et endogènes qui sous-tendent l’élargissement et le déplacement que le lieu de la dialectique hégélienne subit, suite à la greffe ricoeurienne de l’herméneutique sur la phénoménologie. Enfin, on vise à déterminer la place variable que la dialectique hégélienne occupe par rapport aux autres « dialectiques » qui nourrissent le style dialectique de la philosophie de Ricœur, de la « dialectique » du paradoxe de Kierkegaard et de la dialectique des cinq genres du Sophiste - telles qu’il les interprète – à la dialectique nabertienne entre acte et signes.
Distribution électronique pour Vrin. © Vrin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
European Journal of Philosophy , 2021
This essay aims to bring to light the distinctive features of Fichte's construal of cosmopolitan ... more This essay aims to bring to light the distinctive features of Fichte's construal of cosmopolitan right in the Foundations of Natural Right—in comparison to Kant's—in the light of the current philosophical debate on migration and global justice. The paper is articulated in three steps. First, it analyzes the addressees and content of Fichte's cosmopolitan right by emphasizing its limited scope: by focusing on those individuals who do not come “from any state,” Fichte's discussion of cosmopolitan right foreruns Arendt's philosophical theorization of statelessness and the “right to have rights.” Second, it considers Fichte's justification of cosmopolitan right—and its compatibility with his justification of private property rights—by stressing its ontological anchoring in the notions of “absolute will,” “personhood,” and “original right.” Finally, the essay considers the systematic position of cosmopolitan right with regard to the “right of nations” and the “right of a state” in Fichte's doctrine of right by giving special attention to the range of reasons that, according to Fichte, can legitimate the rejection of a stranger.
Conceptos Históricos, 5 (7),, 2019
Roberta Picardi. "Temporalità, antropologia dell'esperienza storica e memoria in Koselleck e in R... more Roberta Picardi. "Temporalità, antropologia dell'esperienza storica e memoria in Koselleck e in Ricoeur". RESUMEN Este ensayo procura subrayar las convergencias y divergencias de la Historik, de Koselleck, y la hermenéutica de la condición histórica, de Ricoeur. Para ello, se enfocará en el modo en el que ambos autores revi-saron críticamente la analítica existencial del Dasein, de Heidegger, de modo de hacer frente a dos cuestiones estrechamente interrelacionadas: por un lado, el desarrollo de sus respectivas teorías del tiempo históri-co; por el otro, la identificación de las determinaciones de la existencia humana, que hacen posible la historia y el conocimiento histórico. A la luz de este examen comparativo de la revisión de la analítica existencial de Heidegger por parte de Koselleck y Ricoeur, la última parte de este ensayo confrontará sus respectivas concepciones de la relación entre historia y memoria. Palabras clave: Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur, tiempo histórico, tem-poralidad, historia y memoria. ABSTRACT This essay aims at highlighting convergences and divergences between Koselleck's Historik and Ricoeur's hermeneutics of historical condition. For this purpose, it will focus on the way both authors critically rework Heidegger's existential analytics of Dasein, in order to face two main questions, strictly interrelated: on one side, the development of their respective theories of historical time; on the other side, the identification of the determinations of human existence, which make history and historical knowledge possible. In the light of this comparative examination of Koselleck's and Ricoeur's reworking of Heidegger's exis-tential analytics, the final part of the essay will confront their respective conceptions of the relationship between memory and history.
Softpower, 7.1, 2020
This essay investigates the implications of Fichte’s theory of intersubjectivity for how Fichte c... more This essay investigates the implications of Fichte’s theory of intersubjectivity for how Fichte conceives of our “generic essence” (“Wesen meiner Gattung”) and the relation between species (Gattung) and individuality within humankind. To this purpose, it focuses especially on Fichte’s Jena lectures on the scholar’s vocation and on Fichte’s Foundations of Natural Right, by stressing the shift between the two writings. My claim is that in the lectures on the scholar’s vocation Fichte deals separately with the problematic of individuation and with the justification of intersubjectivity, by thus proposing an irenic view of society as purposeful cooperation between individuals united by their common struggle against nature. On the contrary, in the Foundations of Natural Right Fichte systematically links the issues of intersubjectivity and individuation, by developing a transcendental deduction of intersubjectivity as a necessary condition of the individual’s self-consciousness, which involves a new awareness of the contingency and vulnerability of the actuation of our generic essence.
Ricœur et la pensée allemande de Kant à Dilthey, sous la direction de Gilles Marmasse et Roberta Picardi, 2019
Ricœur et la pensée allemande. De Kant à Dilthey, sous la direction de Gilles Marmasse et Roberta Picardi, CNRS Éditions, 2019
l’article de Roberta Picardi explore et analyse le réinvestissement par Ricœur – au sein de sa pr... more l’article de Roberta Picardi explore et analyse le réinvestissement par Ricœur – au sein de sa propre herméneutique phénoménologique – d’une des figures clés de la Phénoménologie de l’Esprit hégélienne : à savoir, la dialectique du mal et de son pardon. Cette figure fait l’objet d’un intérêt précoce et constant de Ricœur qui, depuis l’époque de la Symbolique du mal, y trouve une nourriture pour ses réflexions sur les « limites » de la « vision morale » (d’inspiration kantienne) du monde et du mal. Il s’agit d’une nourriture qui lui apparaît tout d’abord attirante mais inévitablement empoisonnée, en tant qu’expression paradigmatique d’une tentation spéculative d’intelligibilité totale, aboutissant à une perte du sens véhiculé par les symboles religieux et notamment par le symbole paulinien du péché et de la justification. Ensuite, en correspondance avec l’inflexion de sa philosophie vers une herméneutique de l’action, Ricœur offre une nouvelle lecture de cette figure, qui accompagne et inspire sa réflexion sur le « tragique de l’action », et donc sur la tension entre normes morales universelles, contextes éthiques et conviction singulière, aussi bien que sur les différentes formes de « pardon difficile ». En explorant les raisons et la portée de ce renversement, l’article vise à apporter une lumière nouvelle sur la manière dont Ricœur articule moralité, éthicité et discours religieux dans les différentes phases de sa pensée.
Semantic Hierarchies of the "Reconnaissance", 2019
After a brief discussion of the Latin roots of the polysemy of the words reconnaissance and recon... more After a brief discussion of the Latin roots of the polysemy of the words reconnaissance and reconnaître, the article will trace the shifting hierarchy between their different meanings from the Middle Ages to the main contemporary dictionaries, especially focusing on the waxing and waning of ‘reconnaissance’ as “gratitude”.
Self-Attestation and Dissymmetric Mutuality in Ricoeur’s Theory of Recognition, in : Siep L., Ikaheimo H., Quante M. (eds) Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer Reference Geisteswissenschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2018
The article moves from a synthetic overview of the multiple threads that feed Ricœur’s reflection... more The article moves from a synthetic overview of the multiple threads that feed Ricœur’s reflection on recognition from the 1950s, in order to shed light on the inner conceptual articulation between the three moments of the “broad theory of recognition” developed in his last published work Parcours de la reconnaissance – i.e., identification, self-attestation and mutual recognition – and to grasp the distinctive features of his notion of mutual recognition both with regard to Hegel and to Honneth.
Revue Germanique Internationale, 2017
ABSTRACT : This paper examines in what way Hegel deals with the representation of God’s propertie... more ABSTRACT : This paper examines in what way Hegel deals with the representation of God’s properties, with particular reference to two traditional problems: the problem of their compatibility and the problem of the equivocality or univocity between Divine and human attributes. The following hypotheses will be defended: Hegel refuses the pretention of knowing God by attributing him many predicates - which he considers the fundamental mistake of the rational theology - but he doesn’t considers all the divines attributes as representations which have no speculative value and have also to disappear in the transition from the religious Representation to the Concept; he affirms on the contrary the correspondence between the predicates of omnipotence, goodness, justice and wisdom with the determinations of the Concept; the speculative transposition of these attributes has to be regarded as a constitutive part of Hegel’s theodicy, because it represents a reply - alternative to Leibniz’s one - to Bayle’s anti-theodicy, grounded on the affirmation of an insoluble contradiction between divines goodness, justice and all-power; finally, the clarification of the dialectic relationship that Hegel establish between God’s justice and wisdom - through their speculative interpretation - allows to gain a clear view on the way he conceives the relationship between human and divine justice, which is here examined through an analysis of his interpretation of Job’s book.
– This article focuses on the themes of " excuses " and " forgiveness " , in order to elucidate t... more – This article focuses on the themes of " excuses " and " forgiveness " , in order to elucidate the genealogy and the different trends of the contemporary debate about responsibility. To this purpose, the topic will be examined through three main axes, which structure the essay. The first one is an historical philosophical perspective, which aims at grasping continuities and disconti-nuities in the centuries-old history of responsibility, by offering an overview of the theories concerning the theme of excuses, since Aristotle's Ethica Nicho-machea up to Hegel's Principles of the Philosophy of Right. The second axe is an analytical perspective, which attempts at highlighting the multiple ties that – within analytic philosophy – link the elucidation of the nature and of the structure of the responsible action with the efforts of conceptual determination of the notions of " excuses " and of " forgiveness ". Finally, the third axe consists in a comparative perspective, which assumes the conceptual pair 'excuses-forgiveness' as a privileged point of view, in order to grasp conver-gences and divergences between the analytical debate on responsibility and the reflexion on responsibility within French post-phenomenological philosophy.
Résumé Cet essai reconstruit les principales étapes de la confrontation de Ricoeur avec la diale... more Résumé
Cet essai reconstruit les principales étapes de la confrontation de Ricoeur avec la dialectique de Hegel, depuis ses premières notes manuscrites sur « Hegel et la négativité » jusqu’à l’essai de 1975 « Le lieu de la dialectique ». L’objectif que l’on vise est triple. Il s’agit tout d’abord de reconstruire dans sa genèse l’effort ricoeurien de « régionalisation » de la dialectique hégélienne, dont les raisons ne peuvent pas être réduites à un refus générique des effets de totalisation systématique de l’identification hégélienne entre négation et médiation. Le deuxième objectif est la mise en relève des raisons exogènes et endogènes qui sous-tendent l’élargissement et le déplacement que le lieu de la dialectique hégélienne subit, suite à la greffe ricoeurienne de l’herméneutique sur la phénoménologie. Enfin, on vise à déterminer la place variable que la dialectique hégélienne occupe par rapport aux autres « dialectiques » qui nourrissent le style dialectique de la philosophie de Ricœur, de la « dialectique » du paradoxe de Kierkegaard et de la dialectique des cinq genres du Sophiste - telles qu’il les interprète – à la dialectique nabertienne entre acte et signes.
Distribution électronique pour Vrin. © Vrin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
1. R. Picardi (ed.), Carteggio Croce – Medicus, il Mulino, Bologna 2002, p. XXVIII, 82. [The corr... more 1. R. Picardi (ed.), Carteggio Croce – Medicus, il Mulino, Bologna 2002, p. XXVIII, 82.
[The correspondence and the intellectual relationship between the Italian idealist philosopher Benedetto Croce and the German professor Fritz Medicus is here edited and reconstructed for the very first time, drawing on all relevant sources, most of which were never considered before. The edition of the correspondence is provided with an important introductive essay, that reconstructs both the intellectual biography of Fritz Medicus and the crucial moments of the human and cultural relationship between Croce and Medicus. On one side, the author reveals the personality of Fritz Medicus – previously known just for his activity of editing and commenting Fichte’s writings – stressing the value and the originality of his own intellectual production, that encompasses different philosophical fields, form ethics to aesthetics. On the other side, she sheds new light about the troubled genesis of the masterpiece Theory and history of Historiography, conceived by Croce after his failure of the attempt at writing – on Medicus’ proposal – the volume on the philosophy of history for the Grundriss der philosophischen Wissenschaften.