Enzo Zecchi | Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (original) (raw)
Papers by Enzo Zecchi
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, 1980
In order to study the evolution of Suzuki-like phase occlusions in KClPb (1), (2), by thermal con... more In order to study the evolution of Suzuki-like phase occlusions in KClPb (1), (2), by thermal conductivity measurements at low temperatures, we have to consider the phonon interactions with divalent ions Pb2+. These interactions were studied many times (3) and theoretical models were proposed. One model is based on one-phonon scattering due to the mass defect (4) with an extension proposed by M. WAGNER (5) to include two-phonon interactions. A second is based on one-phonon scattering due to force constant changes in the presence of a vacancy (6). In (3) J.W. SCHWARTZ et al. concluded that phonon scattering is mainly due the cationic vacancy; the divalent ion acts when its size differs from that of the host ion. Nevertheless they do not exclude the possibility of two-phonon processes as treated by M. WAGNER (5).
2016 International PUARL Conference, 2005
Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1981
Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1980
Rhumb.-La mesure de la conductivite thermique entre 0,05 et 100 K est utiliske pour etudier la cr... more Rhumb.-La mesure de la conductivite thermique entre 0,05 et 100 K est utiliske pour etudier la croissance des phases de Suzuki dans KCIPb, en fonct~on du temps de recuit (220 OC) aux depens des dip6les impuretes-lacune (I.L.). Des mesures paralleles de thermocourants ioniques sont faites pour determiner independamment la concentration des dip6les I.L. soit aprts les recuits, soit dans des Cchantillons trempes avec differentes concentrations de plomb (1,2-144 ppm). On utilise diffkrents modeles pour analyser les courbes experimentales K(T), d'oh I'on deduit les dimensions et la forme des agglomeres de la phase de Suzuki. Un nouveau modele phenomenologique est propose pour f'interaction phonon-dip6les (1.L.).
Minerva chirurgica
Fibroendoscopy is the treatment of choice for foreign oesophageal and gastric bodies. Whereas the... more Fibroendoscopy is the treatment of choice for foreign oesophageal and gastric bodies. Whereas the presence of objects in the oesophagus demands immediate endoscopic removal, gastric localization does not require any emergency treatment except for cases of perforation or incarceration, as most foreign bodies (80-90%) are eliminated naturally. Only two weeks after ingestion, in the case of failed expulsion, is it necessary to proceed to endoscopic removal so as to prevent decubitus or perforation erosions. Endoscopic extraction is made difficult by the length and weight of the object, on by its smallness and lack of texture, which make it hard to get hold of. In the case of suture stitches, it may be hard to cut them because of the presence of a gastric mucosa reactive granulomatous inflammatory process. Contraindications to endoscopic extraction are the failure of the patient to cooperate, acute oesophagitis (peptic and due to caustics) and perforating in the stomach, due to congenit...
Radiation Effects, 1983
... OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA R. CAPELLETTI, C. MORA and E. ZECCHI Istituto di Fisica dell'... more ... OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA R. CAPELLETTI, C. MORA and E. ZECCHI Istituto di Fisica dell' Universitri, Via Massimo D'Azeglio 85, 43100 Parma, Italy Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia del CNR and 0. CARRANZA ...
Solid State Communications, 1982
Journal of Materials Science, 1983
Three Fe-C-Cr alloys containing up to 5.65 wt % Cr have been laboratory cast and homogenized, bor... more Three Fe-C-Cr alloys containing up to 5.65 wt % Cr have been laboratory cast and homogenized, borided for 15 h at 850 ~ C with a B4C-base powder mixture and then characterized by using surface M6ssbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, metallography and microhardness measurements. The boriding depth and the nature, disposition and relative amounts of the reaction products have been determined and discussed with regard to the chromium content in the alloys. The mechanical compactness and hardness of the innermost Fe2B single-phase layers, which are quantitatively predominant in the boride coatings, have been related to the extent of crystallographic order.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1978
SummaryThe irreducible representations (IR) of theG2 algebra contained in the parafermion IR ofO7... more SummaryThe irreducible representations (IR) of theG2 algebra contained in the parafermion IR ofO7 are studied. Their reduction with respect to theSU3 subalgebra and formulae for the explicit calculation of matrix elements are given.RiassuntoSi studiano le rappresentazioni irriducibili dell’algebraG2 contenute nelle rappresentazioni parafermioniche dell’algebraO7 e la loro riduzione rispetto alla sottoalgebraSU3. Si danno formule per il calcolo esplicito delle matrici di tali rappresentazioni.РеэюмеИсследуются ненриводимые представления алгебрыG2, содержашиеся в парафермионных неприводимых представлениях О,. Проводится редукция относительно субалгебрыSU3 и предлагаются формулы для явного вычисления матричных злементов.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
The Strathprints institutional repository (https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk) is a digital archiv... more The Strathprints institutional repository (https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk) is a digital archive of University of Strathclyde research outputs. It has been developed to disseminate open access research outputs, expose data about those outputs, and enable the management and persistent access to Strathclyde's intellectual output.
Christopher Alexander showed us that beauty can be investigated in nature, in things that are mad... more Christopher Alexander showed us that beauty can be investigated in nature, in things that are made and built, and in our collective and individual selves, in a way that leads us to understand and enhance wholeness. All of this he pursued on the basis of objective physical evidence. Also, Alexander showed that the unfolding geometry of beauty can be sought with practical means that demonstrate its connections with all of life. A new Master program in " Building Beauty: Experience of Ecologic Design and Construction Process " is now assembling at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples, Italy, with the mission of pursuing beauty through a new model of architectural education inspired by Alexander, with colleagues of the Center for Environmental Structure (CES), the organization Alexander established for his professional and educational work. In this paper we introduce the context of " radical " traditions of architectural education and culture from the 1960s and the current debate in the United Kingdom and the US; we then present the program's general vision, that merges a truly holistic practice of building with nature and the community, with a research/evidence based approach to knowledge; finally we focus on pedagogic principles aimed to align with, and support, such vision; the proposed pedagogy covers both teaching and assessment, by introducing a constructionist approach implemented through an original Project-Based Learning model updated with latest fundamentals of Agile Project Management.
I believe the biggest single obstacle to educational improvement is the use of an accountability ... more I believe the biggest single obstacle to educational improvement is the use of an accountability system based around measures that are accurate for simple knowledge and skills, but invalid for complex intellectual and psychosocial performances; that are retrospectively summative rather than diagnostic as learning takes place; and that are used to ascribe reasons for failure rather than inform decisions about improvement.
Quando il maestro è Leonardo, non ci sono problemi. Il genio basta e avanza. Sei lì, estasiato, e... more Quando il maestro è Leonardo, non ci sono problemi. Il genio basta e avanza. Sei lì, estasiato, e contempli. Forse non ci capisci niente, ma… tant'è. Ma quando il maestro non è Leonardo…, l'esperienza diventa autentica. Ed è da qui che partiamo. E la nostra esperienza, di apprendisti veri, si fa difficile e complessa. E la sfida affascinante.
PBL as a system entails far greater social and pedagogical changes than are possible in most… sch... more PBL as a system entails far greater social and pedagogical changes than are possible in most… schools. David H. Jonassen, 2003 …ed è da qui che siamo partiti… Ringraziamenti Sono debitore, per i preziosi suggerimenti e per le critiche ricevute, a Stefania Mancin, Luciano Rivi e Giuseppe Salami. Un grazie particolare a Sergio Mammana per il tempo che ha dedicato ad analizzare, con competenza e professionalità, la struttura del testo ma non solo, e a Eros Guareschi che ha creduto nel progetto ed ha sapientemente creato le condizioni per il suo verificarsi. Il progetto di copertina è di Donato Natuzzi. Abstract Il cablaggio del territorio della Regione Emilia Romagna, tramite una rete privata in fibra ottica per la Pubblica Amministrazione (progetto Lepida), nel tempo sarà esteso al Sistema Sanitario, alle Università e alle Scuole. Per un efficace inserimento di questa importante infrastruttura tecnologica in ambito scolastico (progetto Lepida Scuola) abbiamo ipotizzato una sua integrazione con una strategia didattica di taglio costruttivista in cui l'infrastruttura tecnologica viene vista come uno strumento fondamentale con cui apprendere e non da cui apprendere. Per una sua concreta traduzione in classe abbiamo optato per l'approccio didattico "Problem Based Learning" all'interno del modello di ambienti di apprendimento proposto da Jonassen 1 e da noi rivisitato per una sua efficace contestualizzazione.
Se un docente ha bisogno di un libro ci sono mille biblioteche, se ... di una tecnologia, a chi r... more Se un docente ha bisogno di un libro ci sono mille biblioteche, se ... di una tecnologia, a chi rivolgersi?
The study assesses the possible impact of Learning Objects (LOs) and Mobile Computing in the fiel... more The study assesses the possible impact of Learning Objects (LOs) and Mobile Computing in the field of education. The issue is dealt with according to two perspectives. The first considers LOs as a product whose creation is entrusted to the students. This leads into the realm of constructionist learning and to using technologies within perspective of "not to learn from them but to learn with themʺ guarantees the effectiveness of integrating them in education. To put this approach into practice effectively, teachers are required to learn to manage a new form of education. This is the focus of the first part of our study. The second part examines the idea of using LOs as pre-constructed objects and as resources that promote significant learning. In this context, after examining some of the criteria that LOs have to meet in order to be considered as such, we go on to describe the likely LOs of the future as envisaged by , namely, LOs implemented in the form of conversations. The system and the student will hold conversations by means of natural language, based on open questions and answers, and the system will be capable of adapting itself to requirements and thereby of generating itself. A possible consequence will be a new kind of school, without a planned curriculum, explicit tests and perhaps even without lessons. Within this renewed learning environment, the teacher will have the crucial role of acting as a resource and a guide.
Il progetto ... tratto essenziale dell'essere.
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, 1980
In order to study the evolution of Suzuki-like phase occlusions in KClPb (1), (2), by thermal con... more In order to study the evolution of Suzuki-like phase occlusions in KClPb (1), (2), by thermal conductivity measurements at low temperatures, we have to consider the phonon interactions with divalent ions Pb2+. These interactions were studied many times (3) and theoretical models were proposed. One model is based on one-phonon scattering due to the mass defect (4) with an extension proposed by M. WAGNER (5) to include two-phonon interactions. A second is based on one-phonon scattering due to force constant changes in the presence of a vacancy (6). In (3) J.W. SCHWARTZ et al. concluded that phonon scattering is mainly due the cationic vacancy; the divalent ion acts when its size differs from that of the host ion. Nevertheless they do not exclude the possibility of two-phonon processes as treated by M. WAGNER (5).
2016 International PUARL Conference, 2005
Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1981
Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1980
Rhumb.-La mesure de la conductivite thermique entre 0,05 et 100 K est utiliske pour etudier la cr... more Rhumb.-La mesure de la conductivite thermique entre 0,05 et 100 K est utiliske pour etudier la croissance des phases de Suzuki dans KCIPb, en fonct~on du temps de recuit (220 OC) aux depens des dip6les impuretes-lacune (I.L.). Des mesures paralleles de thermocourants ioniques sont faites pour determiner independamment la concentration des dip6les I.L. soit aprts les recuits, soit dans des Cchantillons trempes avec differentes concentrations de plomb (1,2-144 ppm). On utilise diffkrents modeles pour analyser les courbes experimentales K(T), d'oh I'on deduit les dimensions et la forme des agglomeres de la phase de Suzuki. Un nouveau modele phenomenologique est propose pour f'interaction phonon-dip6les (1.L.).
Minerva chirurgica
Fibroendoscopy is the treatment of choice for foreign oesophageal and gastric bodies. Whereas the... more Fibroendoscopy is the treatment of choice for foreign oesophageal and gastric bodies. Whereas the presence of objects in the oesophagus demands immediate endoscopic removal, gastric localization does not require any emergency treatment except for cases of perforation or incarceration, as most foreign bodies (80-90%) are eliminated naturally. Only two weeks after ingestion, in the case of failed expulsion, is it necessary to proceed to endoscopic removal so as to prevent decubitus or perforation erosions. Endoscopic extraction is made difficult by the length and weight of the object, on by its smallness and lack of texture, which make it hard to get hold of. In the case of suture stitches, it may be hard to cut them because of the presence of a gastric mucosa reactive granulomatous inflammatory process. Contraindications to endoscopic extraction are the failure of the patient to cooperate, acute oesophagitis (peptic and due to caustics) and perforating in the stomach, due to congenit...
Radiation Effects, 1983
... OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA R. CAPELLETTI, C. MORA and E. ZECCHI Istituto di Fisica dell'... more ... OPTICAL ABSORPTION SPECTRA R. CAPELLETTI, C. MORA and E. ZECCHI Istituto di Fisica dell' Universitri, Via Massimo D'Azeglio 85, 43100 Parma, Italy Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia del CNR and 0. CARRANZA ...
Solid State Communications, 1982
Journal of Materials Science, 1983
Three Fe-C-Cr alloys containing up to 5.65 wt % Cr have been laboratory cast and homogenized, bor... more Three Fe-C-Cr alloys containing up to 5.65 wt % Cr have been laboratory cast and homogenized, borided for 15 h at 850 ~ C with a B4C-base powder mixture and then characterized by using surface M6ssbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, metallography and microhardness measurements. The boriding depth and the nature, disposition and relative amounts of the reaction products have been determined and discussed with regard to the chromium content in the alloys. The mechanical compactness and hardness of the innermost Fe2B single-phase layers, which are quantitatively predominant in the boride coatings, have been related to the extent of crystallographic order.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1978
SummaryThe irreducible representations (IR) of theG2 algebra contained in the parafermion IR ofO7... more SummaryThe irreducible representations (IR) of theG2 algebra contained in the parafermion IR ofO7 are studied. Their reduction with respect to theSU3 subalgebra and formulae for the explicit calculation of matrix elements are given.RiassuntoSi studiano le rappresentazioni irriducibili dell’algebraG2 contenute nelle rappresentazioni parafermioniche dell’algebraO7 e la loro riduzione rispetto alla sottoalgebraSU3. Si danno formule per il calcolo esplicito delle matrici di tali rappresentazioni.РеэюмеИсследуются ненриводимые представления алгебрыG2, содержашиеся в парафермионных неприводимых представлениях О,. Проводится редукция относительно субалгебрыSU3 и предлагаются формулы для явного вычисления матричных злементов.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
The Strathprints institutional repository (https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk) is a digital archiv... more The Strathprints institutional repository (https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk) is a digital archive of University of Strathclyde research outputs. It has been developed to disseminate open access research outputs, expose data about those outputs, and enable the management and persistent access to Strathclyde's intellectual output.
Christopher Alexander showed us that beauty can be investigated in nature, in things that are mad... more Christopher Alexander showed us that beauty can be investigated in nature, in things that are made and built, and in our collective and individual selves, in a way that leads us to understand and enhance wholeness. All of this he pursued on the basis of objective physical evidence. Also, Alexander showed that the unfolding geometry of beauty can be sought with practical means that demonstrate its connections with all of life. A new Master program in " Building Beauty: Experience of Ecologic Design and Construction Process " is now assembling at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples, Italy, with the mission of pursuing beauty through a new model of architectural education inspired by Alexander, with colleagues of the Center for Environmental Structure (CES), the organization Alexander established for his professional and educational work. In this paper we introduce the context of " radical " traditions of architectural education and culture from the 1960s and the current debate in the United Kingdom and the US; we then present the program's general vision, that merges a truly holistic practice of building with nature and the community, with a research/evidence based approach to knowledge; finally we focus on pedagogic principles aimed to align with, and support, such vision; the proposed pedagogy covers both teaching and assessment, by introducing a constructionist approach implemented through an original Project-Based Learning model updated with latest fundamentals of Agile Project Management.
I believe the biggest single obstacle to educational improvement is the use of an accountability ... more I believe the biggest single obstacle to educational improvement is the use of an accountability system based around measures that are accurate for simple knowledge and skills, but invalid for complex intellectual and psychosocial performances; that are retrospectively summative rather than diagnostic as learning takes place; and that are used to ascribe reasons for failure rather than inform decisions about improvement.
Quando il maestro è Leonardo, non ci sono problemi. Il genio basta e avanza. Sei lì, estasiato, e... more Quando il maestro è Leonardo, non ci sono problemi. Il genio basta e avanza. Sei lì, estasiato, e contempli. Forse non ci capisci niente, ma… tant'è. Ma quando il maestro non è Leonardo…, l'esperienza diventa autentica. Ed è da qui che partiamo. E la nostra esperienza, di apprendisti veri, si fa difficile e complessa. E la sfida affascinante.
PBL as a system entails far greater social and pedagogical changes than are possible in most… sch... more PBL as a system entails far greater social and pedagogical changes than are possible in most… schools. David H. Jonassen, 2003 …ed è da qui che siamo partiti… Ringraziamenti Sono debitore, per i preziosi suggerimenti e per le critiche ricevute, a Stefania Mancin, Luciano Rivi e Giuseppe Salami. Un grazie particolare a Sergio Mammana per il tempo che ha dedicato ad analizzare, con competenza e professionalità, la struttura del testo ma non solo, e a Eros Guareschi che ha creduto nel progetto ed ha sapientemente creato le condizioni per il suo verificarsi. Il progetto di copertina è di Donato Natuzzi. Abstract Il cablaggio del territorio della Regione Emilia Romagna, tramite una rete privata in fibra ottica per la Pubblica Amministrazione (progetto Lepida), nel tempo sarà esteso al Sistema Sanitario, alle Università e alle Scuole. Per un efficace inserimento di questa importante infrastruttura tecnologica in ambito scolastico (progetto Lepida Scuola) abbiamo ipotizzato una sua integrazione con una strategia didattica di taglio costruttivista in cui l'infrastruttura tecnologica viene vista come uno strumento fondamentale con cui apprendere e non da cui apprendere. Per una sua concreta traduzione in classe abbiamo optato per l'approccio didattico "Problem Based Learning" all'interno del modello di ambienti di apprendimento proposto da Jonassen 1 e da noi rivisitato per una sua efficace contestualizzazione.
Se un docente ha bisogno di un libro ci sono mille biblioteche, se ... di una tecnologia, a chi r... more Se un docente ha bisogno di un libro ci sono mille biblioteche, se ... di una tecnologia, a chi rivolgersi?
The study assesses the possible impact of Learning Objects (LOs) and Mobile Computing in the fiel... more The study assesses the possible impact of Learning Objects (LOs) and Mobile Computing in the field of education. The issue is dealt with according to two perspectives. The first considers LOs as a product whose creation is entrusted to the students. This leads into the realm of constructionist learning and to using technologies within perspective of "not to learn from them but to learn with themʺ guarantees the effectiveness of integrating them in education. To put this approach into practice effectively, teachers are required to learn to manage a new form of education. This is the focus of the first part of our study. The second part examines the idea of using LOs as pre-constructed objects and as resources that promote significant learning. In this context, after examining some of the criteria that LOs have to meet in order to be considered as such, we go on to describe the likely LOs of the future as envisaged by , namely, LOs implemented in the form of conversations. The system and the student will hold conversations by means of natural language, based on open questions and answers, and the system will be capable of adapting itself to requirements and thereby of generating itself. A possible consequence will be a new kind of school, without a planned curriculum, explicit tests and perhaps even without lessons. Within this renewed learning environment, the teacher will have the crucial role of acting as a resource and a guide.
Il progetto ... tratto essenziale dell'essere.