Michele Tiraboschi | Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (original) (raw)
Papers by Michele Tiraboschi
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
On 2 February 2000 the Milan Municipal administration and the social parties (except for CGIL) si... more On 2 February 2000 the Milan Municipal administration and the social parties (except for CGIL) signed an agreement aimed at promoting the creation of new employment in Milan and to combat the phenomena of irregular and clandestine work. Despite being relative to a limited geographical area like that of the Milan municipality, the agreement has created national interest as a pilot project for employment which could be duplicable in other metropolitan areas. In the context of the European strategy for employment it could, moreover, represent, after an initial experimental phase, one of those best practices designed to make the workforce more adaptable to the changing needs of the labour market. Not by chance the agreement primarily identifies as its beneficiaries, although not exclusively, individuals with special problems of insertion into the labour market: non-EC citizens who are unemployed, workers over 40 years of age who have been excluded from the labour market due to reduction or change of activity and put on the list of mobility and placement and, finally, those in situations of mental/physical or social disability. As highlighted in the premise of the pact, the agreement promoted by the Milan municipal administration can, therefore, be read as an implementation of more recent Community policies promoting employment with respect to the fundamental principle of subsidiarity. The agreement, in fact, stems from the Resolution of the Council of the European Union of 22 February 1999 (containing the guidelines for employment for 1999) and principally from guideline XII in which Member States are invited to 'promote measures to exploit fully the possibilities offered by job creation at local level, in the social economy, in the area of environmental technologies and in new activities linked to needs not yet satisfied by the market, and examine, with the aim of reducing, any obstacles in the way of such measures. In this respect, the special role of local authorities and the social partners should be taken into account'.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
It is known that labour market has undergone a rapid and continuous evolution. Unfortunately the ... more It is known that labour market has undergone a rapid and continuous evolution. Unfortunately the juridical discipline does not always follow the dynamics of the development of socio-economic phenomena. Very often new social phenomena are governed by old rules and in their scope, contents, and cultural inspiration they cannot correspond to the new realities. This process is accompanied by the crisis of legality with the increasing ineffectiveness of law. The sector of personal services is very emblematic in this concern as it seems to be completely deregulated. In Italy the increase of demand for personal house services to the elderly is accompanied by the reduction of the available indigenous workforce. It is the reason why the employers usually use the foreign work-force for these kinds of services. Often such relationships are illegal and wages are respectively lower. Taking into account the strong expansion of the personal service sector the authors of this article tried to exami...
Il superamento dell'art. 18, simbolo del tradizionale sistema di tutele del diritto del lavoro it... more Il superamento dell'art. 18, simbolo del tradizionale sistema di tutele del diritto del lavoro italiano, trova nella costruzione di adeguate e moderne tutele sul mercato del lavoro un punto qualificante e decisivo per valutare la bontà o meno del processo di riforma avviato dal Jobs Act. L'idea di una moderna rete di servizi al lavoro non è certo nuova e trova la sua piena emersione con la legge Biagi del 2003 che, accanto ai regimi di autorizzazione per gli operatori privati del mercato del lavoro, aveva introdotto un sistema di accreditamenti regionali secondo standard di operatività ed efficienza definiti a livello nazionale.
Gli articoli pubblicati in questo numero sono stati sottoposti dal Direttore a due referee ciechi... more Gli articoli pubblicati in questo numero sono stati sottoposti dal Direttore a due referee ciechi compresi nell"elenco pubblicato in gerenza. Gli autori degli articoli esaminati hanno accolto, quando richiesti, gli interventi di revisione suggeriti. Gli articoli esaminati e rifiutati per questo numero sono stati sette. L"elenco dei nominativi dei referee della Rivista è disponibile al seguente link:
SOMMARIO: 1. La filosofia dell\u2019intervento sui contratti a contenuto formativo. \u2013 2. Il ... more SOMMARIO: 1. La filosofia dell\u2019intervento sui contratti a contenuto formativo. \u2013 2. Il nuovo apprendistato. \u2013 2.1. Il contratto di apprendistato per l\u2019espletamento del diritto-dovere di istruzione e formazione. \u2013 2.2. Il contratto di apprendistato professionalizzante. \u2013 2.3. Il contratto di apprendistato per l\u2019acquisizione di un diploma o per percorsi di alta formazione. \u2013 3. Il contratto di inserimento (ex cfl). \u2013 3.1. Il piano di inserimento professionale. \u2013 3.2. La disciplina del contratto di inserimento. \u2013 4. Gli effetti finanziari della riforma, norme incentivo, sanzioni. \u2013 5. I tirocini formativi e le altre forme di alternanza lavoro-formazione
E-Journal of international and comparative labour studies, 2015
A growing share of the economically active population is reported to be temporarily unable to wor... more A growing share of the economically active population is reported to be temporarily unable to work or to have reduced work ability as a result of chronic diseases, which require special forms of rehabilitation, monitoring and treatment. Many implications exist for these people in terms of income, job opportunities, career and social inclusion, with the economic impact that chronic diseases have on national health and welfare systems which is still given little attention. This problem is further compounded by higher life expectancy and the upward adjustment of the age criteria to enter retirement. Yet it is a fact that people’s increased longevity leads to either higher demands in terms of social and health services or to higher costs resulting from increased life expectancy. Further, public budgetary constraints and the consequent strengthening of the subjective and the objective criteria to enter retirement and access social assistance often oblige people to stay on longer at work ...
Materiali di diritto del mercato del lavoro e relazioni industriali ordinati da MAURIZIO DEL CONT... more Materiali di diritto del mercato del lavoro e relazioni industriali ordinati da MAURIZIO DEL CONTE e MICHELE TIRABOSCHI _____________________________________________________ Collana della FONDAZIONE ADAPT-Scuola di alta formazione in Transizioni occupazionali e relazioni di lavoro Comitato scientifico internazionale di ADAPT
ADAPT University Press nasce con l'obiettivo di comunicare e diffondere oltre i confini della Uni... more ADAPT University Press nasce con l'obiettivo di comunicare e diffondere oltre i confini della Università i risultati della ricerca e la progettualità di ADAPT, l'Associazione per gli studi sul lavoro fondata nel 2000 da Marco Biagi (www.adapt.it). In questo senso ADAPT University Press opera alla stregua di una piattaforma aperta e indipendente di confronto e progettazione sui temi del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali sia in chiave di raccolta di finanziamenti per borse di studio e contratti di ricerca sia per sviluppare e condividere nuove idee attraverso studi e analisi che contribuiscano a costruire il futuro del lavoro attraverso una migliore e più costante collaborazione tra Università, imprese, professionisti, operatori del mercato del lavoro e parti sociali.
In a comparative perspective, access to the labour market on the part of young people is a comple... more In a comparative perspective, access to the labour market on the part of young people is a complex issue, and for some time now it has attracted the interest of labour market specialists. 1 In an awareness of this complexity, that is reflected in the relative lack of convincing proposals, even of an experimental nature, on the part of the academic community, and labour law scholars in particular, the analysis put forward in the present paper focuses on certain aspects of youth employment that are only apparently contradictory, not to say paradoxical. 2 These aspects are still in need of in-depth examination, at least in an international context and in the global workplace perspective, reflecting not only the various levels of economic and social development, 3 but also the
El autor aborda – por primera vez en Italia de manera sistematica y en clave comparada – la forma... more El autor aborda – por primera vez en Italia de manera sistematica y en clave comparada – la formacion de doctores en el lugar de trabajo, analizando el doctorado industrial y el contrato de formacion y aprendizaje de alta formacion, en el amplio contexto de la dificil relacion entre la universidad, el mercado de trabajo y el tejido productivo. El autor, incorporando los resultados de una serie de estudios que se encuentran en via de consolidacion a nivel nacional y supranacional – en los que se investiga la relacion entre universidad y empresas unicamente desde la perspectiva de la empleabilidad de los que han finalizado un Doctorado – se distancia, al mismo tiempo, de ellos y se plantea los efectos que estas experiencias pueden tener en el tejido productivo y en las capacidades de innovacion de las empresas italianas. A pesar de que en el extranjero existe una amplia literatura juridica sobre la investigacion cooperativa, los Industrial Doctorates y los Professional Doctorates, en ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. \u2013 1.1. Definition. \u2013 1.2. Purpose. \u2013 1.3. Hist... more TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. \u2013 1.1. Definition. \u2013 1.2. Purpose. \u2013 1.3. Historical Overview. \u2013 1.3.1. The Structural Perspective. \u2013 1.3.2. The Functional Perspective. \u2013 2. The Structural Perspective. \u2013 2.1. Sources. \u2013 2.2. Channels and Institutions of Representation. \u2013 2.2.1. Autonomous representative bodies and unified representative bodies. \u2013 2.2.2. Joint Committees. \u2013 2.2.3. Bilateral bodies. \u2013 2.3. \u201cSpecialised\u201d Participation (via Collective Forms): Health and Safety. \u2013 2.4. Quality Circles and Direct Communication Techniques. \u2013 3. The Functional Perspective. \u2013 3.1. Collective Bargaining. \u2013 3.2. Information and Consultation Rights. \u2013 3.2.1. Consultation Rights in the Broad Sense. \u2013 The ordinary and special wage guarantee funds. \u2013 Collective redundancies and mobility schemes. \u2013 Transfer of undertakings. \u2013 3.2.2. Consultation Rights in the Strict Sense. \u2013 4. Employee involvement In Transnational Corporations. \u2013 4.1. European Works Councils. \u2013 4.2. European Company. \u2013 5. Self-Employment and Workers\u2019 Participation. \u2013 5.1. The Case of Workers\u2019 Co-operatives. \u2013 5.2. Past Situation and Future Perspectives. \u2013 6. Employee financial participation. \u2013 6.1. The Legal Framework. \u2013 6.2. Future Developments. \u2013 References
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. \u2013 2. Mercato del lavoro e somministrazione. \u2013 3. Tipologie contr... more SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. \u2013 2. Mercato del lavoro e somministrazione. \u2013 3. Tipologie contrattuali a orario ridotto, modulato o flessibile. \u2013 4. Il lavoro a progetto: verso una circolare ministeriale di \uabaccompagnamento\ubb. \u2013 4.1. Il lavoro a progetto: definizione e campo di applicazione. \u2013 4.2. Elementi qualificatori e modalit\ue0 operative del lavoro a progetto. \u2013 4.3. Il progetto e il programma di lavoro o fase di esso. Possibilit\ue0 di rinnovo. \u2013 4.4. Forma del contratto e principali tutele legali. \u2013 4.5. Regime sanzionatorio e inversione dell\u2019onere della prova. \u2013 5. La gestione della transizione e il ruolo delle parti sociali: prime sperimentazioni e ipotesi di uno o pi\uf9 accordi interconfederali ex articolo 86, comma 13, decreto legislativo 10 settembre 2003, n. 276. \u2013 6. Segue: l\u2019accordo interconfederale sulla transizione dei contratti di formazione e lavoro del 13 novembre 2003
Member state GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Member State GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) E... more Member state GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Member State GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) EU27 –4.9% –1.9% Italy –6% –0.9% Austria –4.5% –1.1% Latvia –17.4% –13.1% Belgium –3.7% –3.7% Lithuania –21.1% –6.7% Bulgaria –4.9% –1.8% Luxembourg –5.3% 1.3% Czech Republic –5.5% –1.4% Malta –3% –0.8% Cyprus –0.7% –0.5% Netherlands –5.2% –0.8% Denmark –7% –2.6% Poland 1.1% –0.7% Estonia –15.8% –10.2% Portugal –3.7% –2.7% Finland –8.9% –3% Romania –8.3% –1.2% Germany –5.9% –0.1% Slovakia –5.4% –1.3% France –2.8% –1.2% Slovenia –9% –1.6% Greece –0.3% –1% Spain –4.2% –7.1% Hungary –7.3% –4.5% Sweden –6.1% –2.2% Ireland –7.3% –8.3% United Kingdom –5.5% –2% Source: Eurostat, Employment: National concept.
mento del processo. 2. Un quadro di riferimento concettuale: le modalità di assunzione nella Pubb... more mento del processo. 2. Un quadro di riferimento concettuale: le modalità di assunzione nella Pubblica Amministrazione. 3. Gli orientamenti giurisprudenziali in merito alle conseguenze dei vizi nella assunzione con contratto a termine nella Pubblica Amministrazione. 4. Spunti di riflessione: quali sviluppi del diritto del lavoro spagnolo in seguito alla pronuncia del Tribunal Supremo?
As a response to the economic downturn, most of the recovery packages worldwide authorize extensi... more As a response to the economic downturn, most of the recovery packages worldwide authorize extensive public spending to stimulate the real economy. However, such measures boost job creation mostly in sectors traditionally associated with outstanding challenges. It is the case of constructions, characterized by discontinuous work schedules, hazardous OHS conditions and high turn-over rates, the latter hampering the success of life-long training. In Italy, the situation is further exacerbated by the workers’ representation gap, due to the plague of informal employment and very low unionization rates in this sector.
Biographical notes: Michele Tiraboschi is a Full Professor of Labour Law. He is the Director of t... more Biographical notes: Michele Tiraboschi is a Full Professor of Labour Law. He is the Director of the Centro Studi DEAL (Centre for International and Comparative Studies on Law, Economics, Environment and Work) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Scientific Coordinator of ADAPT, Association for Labour Studies founded in 2000 by Professor Marco Biagi. He is a Scientific Coordinator of the legal major of the Doctoral School in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations promoted by ADAPT and the University of Bergamo. He is the author of many papers and articles in Italian and international peer-reviewed reviews. His full profile is available at http://moodle.adaptland.it/mod/page/view.php?id=2857.
Col presente volume vogliamo ora offrire agli operatori e agli addetti ai lavori un contributo di... more Col presente volume vogliamo ora offrire agli operatori e agli addetti ai lavori un contributo di prima interpretazione alle disposizioni adottate dal Governo e anche, al tempo stesso, un punto di analisi indipendente in vista del dibattito parlamentare che dovrà accompagnare, con la conversione in legge del decreto, questo primo tassello di una più ampia e articolata riforma del mercato del lavoro, la quarta in quattro anni.
A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione. 2. Giurisdizione e str... more A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione. 2. Giurisdizione e struttura dei Tribunali Industriali. La riforma contenuta nel Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act del 1993 e nell'Industrial Tribunals Extension of Jurisdiction (England and Wales) Order No. 1623 del 1994. 3. I principi informatori del processo del lavoro e le fasi che scandiscono il procedimento. 4. Questioni di diritto e giudizio d'appello: il Tribunale d'Appello del Lavoro. 5. Considerazioni conclusive. B. MATERIALE DI DOCUMENTAZIONE. Allegato 1. Facsimile di un modulo di «Ricorso al Tribunale Industriale». Allegato 2. Facsimile di un modulo di «Comparsa di risposta del convenuto». A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
On 2 February 2000 the Milan Municipal administration and the social parties (except for CGIL) si... more On 2 February 2000 the Milan Municipal administration and the social parties (except for CGIL) signed an agreement aimed at promoting the creation of new employment in Milan and to combat the phenomena of irregular and clandestine work. Despite being relative to a limited geographical area like that of the Milan municipality, the agreement has created national interest as a pilot project for employment which could be duplicable in other metropolitan areas. In the context of the European strategy for employment it could, moreover, represent, after an initial experimental phase, one of those best practices designed to make the workforce more adaptable to the changing needs of the labour market. Not by chance the agreement primarily identifies as its beneficiaries, although not exclusively, individuals with special problems of insertion into the labour market: non-EC citizens who are unemployed, workers over 40 years of age who have been excluded from the labour market due to reduction or change of activity and put on the list of mobility and placement and, finally, those in situations of mental/physical or social disability. As highlighted in the premise of the pact, the agreement promoted by the Milan municipal administration can, therefore, be read as an implementation of more recent Community policies promoting employment with respect to the fundamental principle of subsidiarity. The agreement, in fact, stems from the Resolution of the Council of the European Union of 22 February 1999 (containing the guidelines for employment for 1999) and principally from guideline XII in which Member States are invited to 'promote measures to exploit fully the possibilities offered by job creation at local level, in the social economy, in the area of environmental technologies and in new activities linked to needs not yet satisfied by the market, and examine, with the aim of reducing, any obstacles in the way of such measures. In this respect, the special role of local authorities and the social partners should be taken into account'.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
It is known that labour market has undergone a rapid and continuous evolution. Unfortunately the ... more It is known that labour market has undergone a rapid and continuous evolution. Unfortunately the juridical discipline does not always follow the dynamics of the development of socio-economic phenomena. Very often new social phenomena are governed by old rules and in their scope, contents, and cultural inspiration they cannot correspond to the new realities. This process is accompanied by the crisis of legality with the increasing ineffectiveness of law. The sector of personal services is very emblematic in this concern as it seems to be completely deregulated. In Italy the increase of demand for personal house services to the elderly is accompanied by the reduction of the available indigenous workforce. It is the reason why the employers usually use the foreign work-force for these kinds of services. Often such relationships are illegal and wages are respectively lower. Taking into account the strong expansion of the personal service sector the authors of this article tried to exami...
Il superamento dell'art. 18, simbolo del tradizionale sistema di tutele del diritto del lavoro it... more Il superamento dell'art. 18, simbolo del tradizionale sistema di tutele del diritto del lavoro italiano, trova nella costruzione di adeguate e moderne tutele sul mercato del lavoro un punto qualificante e decisivo per valutare la bontà o meno del processo di riforma avviato dal Jobs Act. L'idea di una moderna rete di servizi al lavoro non è certo nuova e trova la sua piena emersione con la legge Biagi del 2003 che, accanto ai regimi di autorizzazione per gli operatori privati del mercato del lavoro, aveva introdotto un sistema di accreditamenti regionali secondo standard di operatività ed efficienza definiti a livello nazionale.
Gli articoli pubblicati in questo numero sono stati sottoposti dal Direttore a due referee ciechi... more Gli articoli pubblicati in questo numero sono stati sottoposti dal Direttore a due referee ciechi compresi nell"elenco pubblicato in gerenza. Gli autori degli articoli esaminati hanno accolto, quando richiesti, gli interventi di revisione suggeriti. Gli articoli esaminati e rifiutati per questo numero sono stati sette. L"elenco dei nominativi dei referee della Rivista è disponibile al seguente link:
SOMMARIO: 1. La filosofia dell\u2019intervento sui contratti a contenuto formativo. \u2013 2. Il ... more SOMMARIO: 1. La filosofia dell\u2019intervento sui contratti a contenuto formativo. \u2013 2. Il nuovo apprendistato. \u2013 2.1. Il contratto di apprendistato per l\u2019espletamento del diritto-dovere di istruzione e formazione. \u2013 2.2. Il contratto di apprendistato professionalizzante. \u2013 2.3. Il contratto di apprendistato per l\u2019acquisizione di un diploma o per percorsi di alta formazione. \u2013 3. Il contratto di inserimento (ex cfl). \u2013 3.1. Il piano di inserimento professionale. \u2013 3.2. La disciplina del contratto di inserimento. \u2013 4. Gli effetti finanziari della riforma, norme incentivo, sanzioni. \u2013 5. I tirocini formativi e le altre forme di alternanza lavoro-formazione
E-Journal of international and comparative labour studies, 2015
A growing share of the economically active population is reported to be temporarily unable to wor... more A growing share of the economically active population is reported to be temporarily unable to work or to have reduced work ability as a result of chronic diseases, which require special forms of rehabilitation, monitoring and treatment. Many implications exist for these people in terms of income, job opportunities, career and social inclusion, with the economic impact that chronic diseases have on national health and welfare systems which is still given little attention. This problem is further compounded by higher life expectancy and the upward adjustment of the age criteria to enter retirement. Yet it is a fact that people’s increased longevity leads to either higher demands in terms of social and health services or to higher costs resulting from increased life expectancy. Further, public budgetary constraints and the consequent strengthening of the subjective and the objective criteria to enter retirement and access social assistance often oblige people to stay on longer at work ...
Materiali di diritto del mercato del lavoro e relazioni industriali ordinati da MAURIZIO DEL CONT... more Materiali di diritto del mercato del lavoro e relazioni industriali ordinati da MAURIZIO DEL CONTE e MICHELE TIRABOSCHI _____________________________________________________ Collana della FONDAZIONE ADAPT-Scuola di alta formazione in Transizioni occupazionali e relazioni di lavoro Comitato scientifico internazionale di ADAPT
ADAPT University Press nasce con l'obiettivo di comunicare e diffondere oltre i confini della Uni... more ADAPT University Press nasce con l'obiettivo di comunicare e diffondere oltre i confini della Università i risultati della ricerca e la progettualità di ADAPT, l'Associazione per gli studi sul lavoro fondata nel 2000 da Marco Biagi (www.adapt.it). In questo senso ADAPT University Press opera alla stregua di una piattaforma aperta e indipendente di confronto e progettazione sui temi del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali sia in chiave di raccolta di finanziamenti per borse di studio e contratti di ricerca sia per sviluppare e condividere nuove idee attraverso studi e analisi che contribuiscano a costruire il futuro del lavoro attraverso una migliore e più costante collaborazione tra Università, imprese, professionisti, operatori del mercato del lavoro e parti sociali.
In a comparative perspective, access to the labour market on the part of young people is a comple... more In a comparative perspective, access to the labour market on the part of young people is a complex issue, and for some time now it has attracted the interest of labour market specialists. 1 In an awareness of this complexity, that is reflected in the relative lack of convincing proposals, even of an experimental nature, on the part of the academic community, and labour law scholars in particular, the analysis put forward in the present paper focuses on certain aspects of youth employment that are only apparently contradictory, not to say paradoxical. 2 These aspects are still in need of in-depth examination, at least in an international context and in the global workplace perspective, reflecting not only the various levels of economic and social development, 3 but also the
El autor aborda – por primera vez en Italia de manera sistematica y en clave comparada – la forma... more El autor aborda – por primera vez en Italia de manera sistematica y en clave comparada – la formacion de doctores en el lugar de trabajo, analizando el doctorado industrial y el contrato de formacion y aprendizaje de alta formacion, en el amplio contexto de la dificil relacion entre la universidad, el mercado de trabajo y el tejido productivo. El autor, incorporando los resultados de una serie de estudios que se encuentran en via de consolidacion a nivel nacional y supranacional – en los que se investiga la relacion entre universidad y empresas unicamente desde la perspectiva de la empleabilidad de los que han finalizado un Doctorado – se distancia, al mismo tiempo, de ellos y se plantea los efectos que estas experiencias pueden tener en el tejido productivo y en las capacidades de innovacion de las empresas italianas. A pesar de que en el extranjero existe una amplia literatura juridica sobre la investigacion cooperativa, los Industrial Doctorates y los Professional Doctorates, en ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. \u2013 1.1. Definition. \u2013 1.2. Purpose. \u2013 1.3. Hist... more TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. \u2013 1.1. Definition. \u2013 1.2. Purpose. \u2013 1.3. Historical Overview. \u2013 1.3.1. The Structural Perspective. \u2013 1.3.2. The Functional Perspective. \u2013 2. The Structural Perspective. \u2013 2.1. Sources. \u2013 2.2. Channels and Institutions of Representation. \u2013 2.2.1. Autonomous representative bodies and unified representative bodies. \u2013 2.2.2. Joint Committees. \u2013 2.2.3. Bilateral bodies. \u2013 2.3. \u201cSpecialised\u201d Participation (via Collective Forms): Health and Safety. \u2013 2.4. Quality Circles and Direct Communication Techniques. \u2013 3. The Functional Perspective. \u2013 3.1. Collective Bargaining. \u2013 3.2. Information and Consultation Rights. \u2013 3.2.1. Consultation Rights in the Broad Sense. \u2013 The ordinary and special wage guarantee funds. \u2013 Collective redundancies and mobility schemes. \u2013 Transfer of undertakings. \u2013 3.2.2. Consultation Rights in the Strict Sense. \u2013 4. Employee involvement In Transnational Corporations. \u2013 4.1. European Works Councils. \u2013 4.2. European Company. \u2013 5. Self-Employment and Workers\u2019 Participation. \u2013 5.1. The Case of Workers\u2019 Co-operatives. \u2013 5.2. Past Situation and Future Perspectives. \u2013 6. Employee financial participation. \u2013 6.1. The Legal Framework. \u2013 6.2. Future Developments. \u2013 References
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. \u2013 2. Mercato del lavoro e somministrazione. \u2013 3. Tipologie contr... more SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. \u2013 2. Mercato del lavoro e somministrazione. \u2013 3. Tipologie contrattuali a orario ridotto, modulato o flessibile. \u2013 4. Il lavoro a progetto: verso una circolare ministeriale di \uabaccompagnamento\ubb. \u2013 4.1. Il lavoro a progetto: definizione e campo di applicazione. \u2013 4.2. Elementi qualificatori e modalit\ue0 operative del lavoro a progetto. \u2013 4.3. Il progetto e il programma di lavoro o fase di esso. Possibilit\ue0 di rinnovo. \u2013 4.4. Forma del contratto e principali tutele legali. \u2013 4.5. Regime sanzionatorio e inversione dell\u2019onere della prova. \u2013 5. La gestione della transizione e il ruolo delle parti sociali: prime sperimentazioni e ipotesi di uno o pi\uf9 accordi interconfederali ex articolo 86, comma 13, decreto legislativo 10 settembre 2003, n. 276. \u2013 6. Segue: l\u2019accordo interconfederale sulla transizione dei contratti di formazione e lavoro del 13 novembre 2003
Member state GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Member State GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) E... more Member state GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Member State GDP (2008Q2– 2009Q2) Employment (2008Q2– 2009Q2) EU27 –4.9% –1.9% Italy –6% –0.9% Austria –4.5% –1.1% Latvia –17.4% –13.1% Belgium –3.7% –3.7% Lithuania –21.1% –6.7% Bulgaria –4.9% –1.8% Luxembourg –5.3% 1.3% Czech Republic –5.5% –1.4% Malta –3% –0.8% Cyprus –0.7% –0.5% Netherlands –5.2% –0.8% Denmark –7% –2.6% Poland 1.1% –0.7% Estonia –15.8% –10.2% Portugal –3.7% –2.7% Finland –8.9% –3% Romania –8.3% –1.2% Germany –5.9% –0.1% Slovakia –5.4% –1.3% France –2.8% –1.2% Slovenia –9% –1.6% Greece –0.3% –1% Spain –4.2% –7.1% Hungary –7.3% –4.5% Sweden –6.1% –2.2% Ireland –7.3% –8.3% United Kingdom –5.5% –2% Source: Eurostat, Employment: National concept.
mento del processo. 2. Un quadro di riferimento concettuale: le modalità di assunzione nella Pubb... more mento del processo. 2. Un quadro di riferimento concettuale: le modalità di assunzione nella Pubblica Amministrazione. 3. Gli orientamenti giurisprudenziali in merito alle conseguenze dei vizi nella assunzione con contratto a termine nella Pubblica Amministrazione. 4. Spunti di riflessione: quali sviluppi del diritto del lavoro spagnolo in seguito alla pronuncia del Tribunal Supremo?
As a response to the economic downturn, most of the recovery packages worldwide authorize extensi... more As a response to the economic downturn, most of the recovery packages worldwide authorize extensive public spending to stimulate the real economy. However, such measures boost job creation mostly in sectors traditionally associated with outstanding challenges. It is the case of constructions, characterized by discontinuous work schedules, hazardous OHS conditions and high turn-over rates, the latter hampering the success of life-long training. In Italy, the situation is further exacerbated by the workers’ representation gap, due to the plague of informal employment and very low unionization rates in this sector.
Biographical notes: Michele Tiraboschi is a Full Professor of Labour Law. He is the Director of t... more Biographical notes: Michele Tiraboschi is a Full Professor of Labour Law. He is the Director of the Centro Studi DEAL (Centre for International and Comparative Studies on Law, Economics, Environment and Work) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Scientific Coordinator of ADAPT, Association for Labour Studies founded in 2000 by Professor Marco Biagi. He is a Scientific Coordinator of the legal major of the Doctoral School in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations promoted by ADAPT and the University of Bergamo. He is the author of many papers and articles in Italian and international peer-reviewed reviews. His full profile is available at http://moodle.adaptland.it/mod/page/view.php?id=2857.
Col presente volume vogliamo ora offrire agli operatori e agli addetti ai lavori un contributo di... more Col presente volume vogliamo ora offrire agli operatori e agli addetti ai lavori un contributo di prima interpretazione alle disposizioni adottate dal Governo e anche, al tempo stesso, un punto di analisi indipendente in vista del dibattito parlamentare che dovrà accompagnare, con la conversione in legge del decreto, questo primo tassello di una più ampia e articolata riforma del mercato del lavoro, la quarta in quattro anni.
A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione. 2. Giurisdizione e str... more A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione. 2. Giurisdizione e struttura dei Tribunali Industriali. La riforma contenuta nel Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act del 1993 e nell'Industrial Tribunals Extension of Jurisdiction (England and Wales) Order No. 1623 del 1994. 3. I principi informatori del processo del lavoro e le fasi che scandiscono il procedimento. 4. Questioni di diritto e giudizio d'appello: il Tribunale d'Appello del Lavoro. 5. Considerazioni conclusive. B. MATERIALE DI DOCUMENTAZIONE. Allegato 1. Facsimile di un modulo di «Ricorso al Tribunale Industriale». Allegato 2. Facsimile di un modulo di «Comparsa di risposta del convenuto». A. IL SISTEMA DEI TRIBUNALI INDUSTRIALI IN GRAN BRETAGNA. 1. Introduzione.