SIMONA MARINELLI | Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Circularity Performances of the Production of a Cement Mortar Reinforced with Recycled Synthetic Fibers

Key Engineering Materials

Forced by environmental implications and by legislation requirements, the cement sector is moving... more Forced by environmental implications and by legislation requirements, the cement sector is moving towards more circular economy practices, with the primary aim to enhance the sector sustainability. This commitment translates into product technology innovation, but also into innovative development perspectives for the industries involved in the supply chain. Moreover, dealing with recycled materials can modify the interaction among stakeholders from a conventional supply chain to an industrial symbiosis approach, where companies mutually exchange products and by-products into circular interactions. The purpose of this article is to investigate the circularity performances deriving from the production of a cement mortar reinforced with recycled synthetic fibers coming from artificial turf carpets. From the collection of artificial turf carpets at the end-of-life stage it is possible to recover several materials: plastic fibers used in the cement mortar, and in addition, silica sand, r...

Research paper thumbnail of Recupero sostenibile di un edificio storico dell\u2019area pedemontana etnea con il Metodo LCA

In this study, an exploration on the analysis of the life cycle for assessing the environmental, ... more In this study, an exploration on the analysis of the life cycle for assessing the environmental, economic and social impact in the activity of recovery, restoration and valorisation of Cultural Heritage was proposed. The methodology for this sector is highly innovative, especially in its interdisciplinary approach, through the use of different technical, historical and economic skills which can provide the tools for the preparation of a management plan according to the logic of the life cycle. The analysis protocol is applied to the case of recovery and restoration processes and then outlining the salient features of what may become a model of Cultural Heritage Life Cycle Management (CH-LCM)

Research paper thumbnail of Progetto di restauro dell\u2019ex sinagoga di Ostiano (CR): verso una valutazione di sostenibilit\ue0

Ostiano, comune in provincia di Cremona, ospit\uf2 fino agli anni Trenta una numerosa comunit\ue0... more Ostiano, comune in provincia di Cremona, ospit\uf2 fino agli anni Trenta una numerosa comunit\ue0 israelitica, erede di una migrazione risalente al XV secolo. La Sinagoga \ue8 sita all\u2019interno del complesso castellano (Fig. 1) del paese, a due passi dal Teatro Gonzaga. Varcato l\u2019antico ingresso si \ue8 come attirati dalla grande casa che sorge sul lato di sinistra. La costruzione, nonostante il pessimo stato conservativo, mostra ancora nobilt\ue0 di forme. Venne edificata all\u2019inizio del Cinquecento come dimora del rappresentante del potere gonzaghesco, poi rimase ad uso del governatore sino al 1619 quando Francesco Gonzaga, marchese di Ostiano e Vescovo di Mantova, la donava in parti uguali alla parrocchia e al convento francescano dei Santi Gaudenzio e Alessadro. Perduta la sua funzione di residenza, nel 1731 i due enti proprietari la cedevano alla fiorente comunit\ue0 ebraica locale. Una volta ottenuto l\u2019uso della casa la comunit\ue0 israelitica inizi\uf2 una v...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of concrete reinforced with synthetic fibres obtained from recycling end-of-life sport pitches

Journal of Building Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Change Material Evolution in Thermal Energy Storage Systems for the Building Sector, with a Focus on Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps

EL ESPECTRO DEL CARCINOMA RENAL PAPILAR Objetivos: Los últimos años están asistiendo a la gran ex... more EL ESPECTRO DEL CARCINOMA RENAL PAPILAR Objetivos: Los últimos años están asistiendo a la gran expansión conceptual del cáncer renal. La conjunción entre los hallazgos histológicos y los datos moleculares ha sido un punto clave en este fenómeno, y resultado de ello ha sido la clasificación de los tumores renales del adulto de la OMS de 2004. En ella se han unido viejos y nuevos tumores renales. Lejos de estar cerrada, esta clasificación se actualiza gracias a nuevos puntos de vista surgidos a la luz de los nuevos hallazgos que se obtienen fundamentalmente en el campo de la genética. Material y Métodos: El carcinoma papilar renal en el sentido más amplio del término es el objeto de revisión en este trabajo. Este fenotipo histológico en el cáncer renal es un buen ejemplo de evolución incesante de la anatomía patológica como disciplina clínica, con un crecimiento importante en los últimos tiempos. Resultados: El conjunto de neoplasias renales que muestran una histología papilar o túbulo-papilar, o que tienen su sustrato genético, algunas de las cuales son entidades muy recientes y están aún hoy en día en discusión, es amplio y variado: carcinoma papilar esporádico convencional, carcinomas papilares ligados a síndromes genéticos (carcinoma papilar hereditario, carcinoma papilar asociado a leiomiomatosis hereditaria, carcinoma papilar asociado a carcinoma papilar hereditario de tiroides, síndrome de Birt-Hogg-Dubé) o a alteraciones genéticas específicas (carcinomas papilares con translocación Xp11.2), carcinomas papilares con morfología peculiar (carcinoma micropapilar, carcinoma papilar invertido, carcinoma papilar con células fusiformes y túbulos angulados) y carcinomas renales de nuevo cuño englobados dentro del grupo del carcinoma papilar (carcinoma tubulo-quístico y carcinoma mucinoso, tubular y fusocelular). Conclusión: Además de las variedades clásicamente reconocidas, nuevas entidades, algunas no bien definidas aún, están engrosando de forma progresiva el grupo de carcinomas renales con morfología papilar. Lejos de agotarse, este crecimiento continuará en los próximos años a la luz de los nuevos hallazgos, y en éstos los patólogos tendrán mucho que decir. Palabras clave: Tumor renal. Clasificación de la OMS. Carcinoma papilar. Alteración genética. Histología. Diagnóstico diferencial.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi LCA della riqualificazione del Municipio di Fiorano Modenese – Modena

Il progetto di riqualificazione riguarda villa Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi, sede attuale del Municipi... more Il progetto di riqualificazione riguarda villa Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi, sede attuale del Municipio di Fiorano Modenese in Piazza Ciro Menotti. Nata nel 1850 come villa privata, venne acquistata nel 1929 dal Comune. Al momento dell\u2019acquisto la propriet\ue0 Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi era composta dalla villa padronale, terreni e giardini, nei quali venne ricavata la piazza intitolata a Ciro Menotti, eroe risorgimentale. Successivamente, nel 1939 la villa venne ampliata con una nuova ala verso nord e con una torretta e venne inaugurata come sede del Municipio, funzione attualmente mantenuta.L\u2019applicazione dell\u2019analisi LCA al progetto di riqualificazione in esame ha come obiettivo la valutazione dell\u2019impatto ambientale del progetto di ristrutturazione. L\u2019unit\ue0 funzionale \ue8 il sistema edificio nell\u2019arco di tempo che intercorre dalla sua costruzione fino alla sua dismissione finale, considerandone la riqualificazione. Si ipotizza che la riqualificazione avvenga nell\u2019anno 2013 e si considera un tempo di vita utile dell\u2019edificio riqualificato di 100 anni. L\u2019analisi preliminare degli impatti eseguita col metodo IMPACT 2002+ opportunamente modificato per garantire una maggiore rappresentativit\ue0 del sistema studiato \ue8 stata eseguita considerando indicatori culturali allo scopo di considerare i vantaggi che possono provenire dalla riqualificazione di un edificio. Sono stati inseriti indicatori come il Valore culturale, che ha come variabili di riferimento (substances) l\u2019et\ue0 dell\u2019edificio, la testimonianza storica e il valore estetico, il Benessere umano, la Funzione e il Valore urbano. Dall\u2019analisi, tali categorie emergono come vantaggi ambientali (segno negativo). Si nota inoltre un vantaggio ambientale nella categoria di danno Respiratory organics dovuto all\u2019uso dei materiali funzionalizzati che abbattono sostanze inquinanti quali NOx e VOC. Il danno ambientale maggiore \ue8 dato dalla fase d\u2019uso, in particolare dall\u2019energia necessaria al riscaldamento invernale (510,74Pt) e dall\u2019energia elettrica per l\u2019illuminazione artificiale (127,73 Pt ). Il danno totale vale 1069,8 P

Research paper thumbnail of Data on the environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system

Data in Brief, 2020

This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "En... more This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "Environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system" on the life cycle assessment evaluation of an heat pump prototype, able to use alternatively the air and the ground as external heat sources. Primarily, the present article shows the life cycle inventory input data of the system under study and of the conventional air and ground heat pump systems, which were used for comparison. Secondly, complete numerical results are exposed, which are showed only graphically and in an aggregated form in the main article. Data include normalised and unaggregated environmental impacts of each investigated life cycle phase. The article also reports the complete results of the sensitivity analysis conducted using different assumptions on the energy mix and on the energy use.

Research paper thumbnail of Data on the environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system

Data in Brief, 2020

This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "En... more This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "Environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system" on the life cycle assessment evaluation of an heat pump prototype, able to use alternatively the air and the ground as external heat sources. Primarily, the present article shows the life cycle inventory input data of the system under study and of the conventional air and ground heat pump systems, which were used for comparison. Secondly, complete numerical results are exposed, which are showed only graphically and in an aggregated form in the main article. Data include normalised and unaggregated environmental impacts of each investigated life cycle phase. The article also reports the complete results of the sensitivity analysis conducted using different assumptions on the energy mix and on the energy use.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementing the Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings Notion in Industrial Facilities

Energy and Sustainability IX, 2021

Buildings have a central role to play in the energy transition driven by the European Commission ... more Buildings have a central role to play in the energy transition driven by the European Commission with the introduction of the nearly zero-energy buildings notion for both new constructions and existing building stocks. Despite the growing interest in improving the energy performance of residential as well as office buildings, a research gap is identified in the field of the renovation of industrial buildings and facilities in terms of energy efficiency. A lack is recognized in terms of analysing the improvement of the work environment in all the areas that are not used as offices. Common decarbonisation strategies are usually adopted, as the electrification of some processes, the replacement of obsolete machinery or the implementation of renewable energy sources. However, reaching the ambitious levels set by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive which aims at nearly zero-energy buildings, remains a challenge. The present paper aims to analyse the main barriers that hamper th...

Research paper thumbnail of Barriers, drivers, and relationships in industrial symbiosis of a network of Brazilian manufacturing companies

Sustainable Production and Consumption

Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify barriers, drivers, and the structure of the r... more Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify barriers, drivers, and the structure of the relationships that support industrial symbiosis initiatives in a network of Brazilian manufacturing companies. Two steelmaking plants are the anchor tenants of the network comprising a cement manufacturer, a thermoelectric generation plant, a lead ingots manufacturer, a zinc ingots manufacturer and refractory liner manufacturer, totaling eight relationships. The companies mutually exchange approximately 300,000 tons of by-products per year, comprising coal ash, mill scale, electric arc furnace dust, steam, zinc sludge, lead sludge, and refractory lining leftover, totaling eight dyadic or triadic relationships. The results of the study show that in three relationships, economic barriers exist (excessive processing or logistic cost). In four, internal barriers exist (risk of discontinuity and lack of research). In five, a technical barrier exists, the imbalance between generation and consumption. In seven, the drivers are cost reduction, new products or sources of revenue, and legal requirements. Environmental drivers (increasing the life of deposits or landfills) are present in five relationships. As for the structure, three relationships are one-way, whereas five are closed-loop, that is, involving direct and reverse transfers among partners.

Research paper thumbnail of Green Supply Chain Management: Conceptual Framework and Models for Analysis


Sustainability and environmental concerns have been important topics of discussion in recent deca... more Sustainability and environmental concerns have been important topics of discussion in recent decades. Green supply chain management assures the effectiveness of public and company policies in greening their operations, increasing the market share, improving the company image and reputation, and increasing profits. The objective of this article is to propose a conceptual framework that considers dimensions, categories, and practices in green supply chain management. After an extensive review of the literature, we identified models and a set of green dimensions, categories, and practices used for green supply chain management. From the analysis of the findings, we propose a conceptual framework that is organized into 3 environmental dimensions, 21 categories, and 64 green practices. The framework can contribute to the literature, given that empirical studies mostly select a limited set of dimensions to evaluate supply chain green practices. Finally, this study offers directions for fu...

Research paper thumbnail of L'approccio del ciclo di vita come metodologia innovativa per il recupero e il restauro dei Beni Culturali

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamic, Individual and Integrated Risk Assessment: A Multi-criteria Approach Using Big Data

Advances in Safety Management and Human Performance

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi DI Impatto Ambientale DI Sistemi Per La Raccolta e Il Trattamento DI Rifiuti Solidi Urbani (Rsu)

Research paper thumbnail of Progetto di restauro dell’ex sinagoga di Ostiano (CR): verso una valutazione di sostenibilità

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi del ciclo di vita della riqualificazione dell’ex dormitorio nord-est del Forte di Sant’Andrea a Venezia

Research paper thumbnail of Il Progetto Rels, Parchi e Aree Protette: Studio Della Applicazione Dei Risultati Ottenuti Nei Comuni Dislocati All'Interno Dell'Area Del Parco Delle Foreste Casentinesi e Nelle Zone Limitrofe

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment of a Nano-TiO2 Functionalized Enamel Applied on a Steel Panel

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi LCA di un vetro float autopulente funzionalizzato con nanoTiO2

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment of a nanoTiO2 glazed steel panel

Research paper thumbnail of Circularity Performances of the Production of a Cement Mortar Reinforced with Recycled Synthetic Fibers

Key Engineering Materials

Forced by environmental implications and by legislation requirements, the cement sector is moving... more Forced by environmental implications and by legislation requirements, the cement sector is moving towards more circular economy practices, with the primary aim to enhance the sector sustainability. This commitment translates into product technology innovation, but also into innovative development perspectives for the industries involved in the supply chain. Moreover, dealing with recycled materials can modify the interaction among stakeholders from a conventional supply chain to an industrial symbiosis approach, where companies mutually exchange products and by-products into circular interactions. The purpose of this article is to investigate the circularity performances deriving from the production of a cement mortar reinforced with recycled synthetic fibers coming from artificial turf carpets. From the collection of artificial turf carpets at the end-of-life stage it is possible to recover several materials: plastic fibers used in the cement mortar, and in addition, silica sand, r...

Research paper thumbnail of Recupero sostenibile di un edificio storico dell\u2019area pedemontana etnea con il Metodo LCA

In this study, an exploration on the analysis of the life cycle for assessing the environmental, ... more In this study, an exploration on the analysis of the life cycle for assessing the environmental, economic and social impact in the activity of recovery, restoration and valorisation of Cultural Heritage was proposed. The methodology for this sector is highly innovative, especially in its interdisciplinary approach, through the use of different technical, historical and economic skills which can provide the tools for the preparation of a management plan according to the logic of the life cycle. The analysis protocol is applied to the case of recovery and restoration processes and then outlining the salient features of what may become a model of Cultural Heritage Life Cycle Management (CH-LCM)

Research paper thumbnail of Progetto di restauro dell\u2019ex sinagoga di Ostiano (CR): verso una valutazione di sostenibilit\ue0

Ostiano, comune in provincia di Cremona, ospit\uf2 fino agli anni Trenta una numerosa comunit\ue0... more Ostiano, comune in provincia di Cremona, ospit\uf2 fino agli anni Trenta una numerosa comunit\ue0 israelitica, erede di una migrazione risalente al XV secolo. La Sinagoga \ue8 sita all\u2019interno del complesso castellano (Fig. 1) del paese, a due passi dal Teatro Gonzaga. Varcato l\u2019antico ingresso si \ue8 come attirati dalla grande casa che sorge sul lato di sinistra. La costruzione, nonostante il pessimo stato conservativo, mostra ancora nobilt\ue0 di forme. Venne edificata all\u2019inizio del Cinquecento come dimora del rappresentante del potere gonzaghesco, poi rimase ad uso del governatore sino al 1619 quando Francesco Gonzaga, marchese di Ostiano e Vescovo di Mantova, la donava in parti uguali alla parrocchia e al convento francescano dei Santi Gaudenzio e Alessadro. Perduta la sua funzione di residenza, nel 1731 i due enti proprietari la cedevano alla fiorente comunit\ue0 ebraica locale. Una volta ottenuto l\u2019uso della casa la comunit\ue0 israelitica inizi\uf2 una v...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of concrete reinforced with synthetic fibres obtained from recycling end-of-life sport pitches

Journal of Building Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Change Material Evolution in Thermal Energy Storage Systems for the Building Sector, with a Focus on Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps

EL ESPECTRO DEL CARCINOMA RENAL PAPILAR Objetivos: Los últimos años están asistiendo a la gran ex... more EL ESPECTRO DEL CARCINOMA RENAL PAPILAR Objetivos: Los últimos años están asistiendo a la gran expansión conceptual del cáncer renal. La conjunción entre los hallazgos histológicos y los datos moleculares ha sido un punto clave en este fenómeno, y resultado de ello ha sido la clasificación de los tumores renales del adulto de la OMS de 2004. En ella se han unido viejos y nuevos tumores renales. Lejos de estar cerrada, esta clasificación se actualiza gracias a nuevos puntos de vista surgidos a la luz de los nuevos hallazgos que se obtienen fundamentalmente en el campo de la genética. Material y Métodos: El carcinoma papilar renal en el sentido más amplio del término es el objeto de revisión en este trabajo. Este fenotipo histológico en el cáncer renal es un buen ejemplo de evolución incesante de la anatomía patológica como disciplina clínica, con un crecimiento importante en los últimos tiempos. Resultados: El conjunto de neoplasias renales que muestran una histología papilar o túbulo-papilar, o que tienen su sustrato genético, algunas de las cuales son entidades muy recientes y están aún hoy en día en discusión, es amplio y variado: carcinoma papilar esporádico convencional, carcinomas papilares ligados a síndromes genéticos (carcinoma papilar hereditario, carcinoma papilar asociado a leiomiomatosis hereditaria, carcinoma papilar asociado a carcinoma papilar hereditario de tiroides, síndrome de Birt-Hogg-Dubé) o a alteraciones genéticas específicas (carcinomas papilares con translocación Xp11.2), carcinomas papilares con morfología peculiar (carcinoma micropapilar, carcinoma papilar invertido, carcinoma papilar con células fusiformes y túbulos angulados) y carcinomas renales de nuevo cuño englobados dentro del grupo del carcinoma papilar (carcinoma tubulo-quístico y carcinoma mucinoso, tubular y fusocelular). Conclusión: Además de las variedades clásicamente reconocidas, nuevas entidades, algunas no bien definidas aún, están engrosando de forma progresiva el grupo de carcinomas renales con morfología papilar. Lejos de agotarse, este crecimiento continuará en los próximos años a la luz de los nuevos hallazgos, y en éstos los patólogos tendrán mucho que decir. Palabras clave: Tumor renal. Clasificación de la OMS. Carcinoma papilar. Alteración genética. Histología. Diagnóstico diferencial.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi LCA della riqualificazione del Municipio di Fiorano Modenese – Modena

Il progetto di riqualificazione riguarda villa Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi, sede attuale del Municipi... more Il progetto di riqualificazione riguarda villa Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi, sede attuale del Municipio di Fiorano Modenese in Piazza Ciro Menotti. Nata nel 1850 come villa privata, venne acquistata nel 1929 dal Comune. Al momento dell\u2019acquisto la propriet\ue0 Cuoghi \u2013 Vignocchi era composta dalla villa padronale, terreni e giardini, nei quali venne ricavata la piazza intitolata a Ciro Menotti, eroe risorgimentale. Successivamente, nel 1939 la villa venne ampliata con una nuova ala verso nord e con una torretta e venne inaugurata come sede del Municipio, funzione attualmente mantenuta.L\u2019applicazione dell\u2019analisi LCA al progetto di riqualificazione in esame ha come obiettivo la valutazione dell\u2019impatto ambientale del progetto di ristrutturazione. L\u2019unit\ue0 funzionale \ue8 il sistema edificio nell\u2019arco di tempo che intercorre dalla sua costruzione fino alla sua dismissione finale, considerandone la riqualificazione. Si ipotizza che la riqualificazione avvenga nell\u2019anno 2013 e si considera un tempo di vita utile dell\u2019edificio riqualificato di 100 anni. L\u2019analisi preliminare degli impatti eseguita col metodo IMPACT 2002+ opportunamente modificato per garantire una maggiore rappresentativit\ue0 del sistema studiato \ue8 stata eseguita considerando indicatori culturali allo scopo di considerare i vantaggi che possono provenire dalla riqualificazione di un edificio. Sono stati inseriti indicatori come il Valore culturale, che ha come variabili di riferimento (substances) l\u2019et\ue0 dell\u2019edificio, la testimonianza storica e il valore estetico, il Benessere umano, la Funzione e il Valore urbano. Dall\u2019analisi, tali categorie emergono come vantaggi ambientali (segno negativo). Si nota inoltre un vantaggio ambientale nella categoria di danno Respiratory organics dovuto all\u2019uso dei materiali funzionalizzati che abbattono sostanze inquinanti quali NOx e VOC. Il danno ambientale maggiore \ue8 dato dalla fase d\u2019uso, in particolare dall\u2019energia necessaria al riscaldamento invernale (510,74Pt) e dall\u2019energia elettrica per l\u2019illuminazione artificiale (127,73 Pt ). Il danno totale vale 1069,8 P

Research paper thumbnail of Data on the environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system

Data in Brief, 2020

This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "En... more This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "Environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system" on the life cycle assessment evaluation of an heat pump prototype, able to use alternatively the air and the ground as external heat sources. Primarily, the present article shows the life cycle inventory input data of the system under study and of the conventional air and ground heat pump systems, which were used for comparison. Secondly, complete numerical results are exposed, which are showed only graphically and in an aggregated form in the main article. Data include normalised and unaggregated environmental impacts of each investigated life cycle phase. The article also reports the complete results of the sensitivity analysis conducted using different assumptions on the energy mix and on the energy use.

Research paper thumbnail of Data on the environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system

Data in Brief, 2020

This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "En... more This data article reports supplementary input and output data related to the research article "Environmental performance analysis of a dual-source heat pump system" on the life cycle assessment evaluation of an heat pump prototype, able to use alternatively the air and the ground as external heat sources. Primarily, the present article shows the life cycle inventory input data of the system under study and of the conventional air and ground heat pump systems, which were used for comparison. Secondly, complete numerical results are exposed, which are showed only graphically and in an aggregated form in the main article. Data include normalised and unaggregated environmental impacts of each investigated life cycle phase. The article also reports the complete results of the sensitivity analysis conducted using different assumptions on the energy mix and on the energy use.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementing the Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings Notion in Industrial Facilities

Energy and Sustainability IX, 2021

Buildings have a central role to play in the energy transition driven by the European Commission ... more Buildings have a central role to play in the energy transition driven by the European Commission with the introduction of the nearly zero-energy buildings notion for both new constructions and existing building stocks. Despite the growing interest in improving the energy performance of residential as well as office buildings, a research gap is identified in the field of the renovation of industrial buildings and facilities in terms of energy efficiency. A lack is recognized in terms of analysing the improvement of the work environment in all the areas that are not used as offices. Common decarbonisation strategies are usually adopted, as the electrification of some processes, the replacement of obsolete machinery or the implementation of renewable energy sources. However, reaching the ambitious levels set by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive which aims at nearly zero-energy buildings, remains a challenge. The present paper aims to analyse the main barriers that hamper th...

Research paper thumbnail of Barriers, drivers, and relationships in industrial symbiosis of a network of Brazilian manufacturing companies

Sustainable Production and Consumption

Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify barriers, drivers, and the structure of the r... more Abstract The purpose of this article is to identify barriers, drivers, and the structure of the relationships that support industrial symbiosis initiatives in a network of Brazilian manufacturing companies. Two steelmaking plants are the anchor tenants of the network comprising a cement manufacturer, a thermoelectric generation plant, a lead ingots manufacturer, a zinc ingots manufacturer and refractory liner manufacturer, totaling eight relationships. The companies mutually exchange approximately 300,000 tons of by-products per year, comprising coal ash, mill scale, electric arc furnace dust, steam, zinc sludge, lead sludge, and refractory lining leftover, totaling eight dyadic or triadic relationships. The results of the study show that in three relationships, economic barriers exist (excessive processing or logistic cost). In four, internal barriers exist (risk of discontinuity and lack of research). In five, a technical barrier exists, the imbalance between generation and consumption. In seven, the drivers are cost reduction, new products or sources of revenue, and legal requirements. Environmental drivers (increasing the life of deposits or landfills) are present in five relationships. As for the structure, three relationships are one-way, whereas five are closed-loop, that is, involving direct and reverse transfers among partners.

Research paper thumbnail of Green Supply Chain Management: Conceptual Framework and Models for Analysis


Sustainability and environmental concerns have been important topics of discussion in recent deca... more Sustainability and environmental concerns have been important topics of discussion in recent decades. Green supply chain management assures the effectiveness of public and company policies in greening their operations, increasing the market share, improving the company image and reputation, and increasing profits. The objective of this article is to propose a conceptual framework that considers dimensions, categories, and practices in green supply chain management. After an extensive review of the literature, we identified models and a set of green dimensions, categories, and practices used for green supply chain management. From the analysis of the findings, we propose a conceptual framework that is organized into 3 environmental dimensions, 21 categories, and 64 green practices. The framework can contribute to the literature, given that empirical studies mostly select a limited set of dimensions to evaluate supply chain green practices. Finally, this study offers directions for fu...

Research paper thumbnail of L'approccio del ciclo di vita come metodologia innovativa per il recupero e il restauro dei Beni Culturali

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamic, Individual and Integrated Risk Assessment: A Multi-criteria Approach Using Big Data

Advances in Safety Management and Human Performance

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi DI Impatto Ambientale DI Sistemi Per La Raccolta e Il Trattamento DI Rifiuti Solidi Urbani (Rsu)

Research paper thumbnail of Progetto di restauro dell’ex sinagoga di Ostiano (CR): verso una valutazione di sostenibilità

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi del ciclo di vita della riqualificazione dell’ex dormitorio nord-est del Forte di Sant’Andrea a Venezia

Research paper thumbnail of Il Progetto Rels, Parchi e Aree Protette: Studio Della Applicazione Dei Risultati Ottenuti Nei Comuni Dislocati All'Interno Dell'Area Del Parco Delle Foreste Casentinesi e Nelle Zone Limitrofe

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment of a Nano-TiO2 Functionalized Enamel Applied on a Steel Panel

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi LCA di un vetro float autopulente funzionalizzato con nanoTiO2

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment of a nanoTiO2 glazed steel panel