mariyam mariyam | Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (original) (raw)
Papers by mariyam mariyam
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Implementation of Family Centered Care (FCC) in pediatric critical care has many obstacles and ch... more Implementation of Family Centered Care (FCC) in pediatric critical care has many obstacles and challenges, so the role of nurses as facilitators and enforcers of rules is difficult in implementing FCC. The purpose of this study was to determine the perspective of nurses in the application of FCC in NICU PICU. The study was conducted in January-February 2022 in PICU NICU at Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang with a quantitative descriptive design method and a consecutive sampling technique of 52 samples. The results showed that the nurse's perspective in the implementation of FCC in NICU PICU was 90.4% good. The element of sharing information with parents is 100% good, the element of hearing parental voice is good 98%, the element of making decisions with parents is good 96%, the element of individual communication is good 94%, and the element of negotiating roles is good 63%. FCC in critical care children prioritizes partnerships between parents and health workers, where the role of parents can be negotiated in the implementation of FCC according to the clinical condition of the child and the characteristics of the parents. Nurses are expected to improve skills during resuscitation so that the implementation of FCC in the role negotiation elements can be carried out properly.
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
Family informational support for visually impaired children in quality of life must be a concern ... more Family informational support for visually impaired children in quality of life must be a concern during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research aim is to describe the quality of life in physical, psychological, social, and environmental of visual impairment children, also to provide family informational support in Covid-19 pandemic at SLB Negeri Semarang. The method of research is a descriptive study with univariate analytics. The total sample is 25 respondent visual impairment children at SLB Negeri Semarang with their parents. This research is using total sampling. Results from it are most of the respondents with visual impairments have a good physical quality of life is about 21 respondents (84%), psychological quality of life in a good category is about 13 respondents (52%), quality of social life in a good category is about 16 respondent (64%), and environmental quality of life in a bad category is about 13 people (52%). Most respondents as a parent of blind children have a good ca...
RW VI Tembalang Tandang is one of the areas in Semarang City. The efforts to improve the quality ... more RW VI Tembalang Tandang is one of the areas in Semarang City. The efforts to improve the quality of infants in RW VI had been done with the formation of Posyandu, PAUD and Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB). Posyandu had provided services with average growth per month, but not yet developed. Monitoring the development of toddler is expected to be implemented by BKB by using Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA). BKB in RW VI has been doing activities by providing counseling and consultation to parents of children related to growth and development, but the development of toddlers up has not been done. The current Kader BKB also do not understand how to make progress in toddlers. Therefore it is necessary tips in improving the knowledge, skills and assistance on kader BKB to perform observations of developments in order to adjust the development of toddler in RW VI for optimal quality of toddlers. The purpose of this community service activity is increase the knowledge and ability of Kader BKB in the mess...
Advances in Health Sciences Research
SALUTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Tahun pertama usia bayi merupakan waktu yang sangat berharga untuk berlanjutnya pertumbuhan dan p... more Tahun pertama usia bayi merupakan waktu yang sangat berharga untuk berlanjutnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Pada saat tersebut bayi membutuhkan dukungan agar bayi bisa tumbuh dan berkembang optimal. Selain ASI bayi juga membutuhkan sentuhan yang bersifat terapeutik. Sentuhan ini adalah pijat bayi. Pijat bayi mempunyai banyak manfaat diantaranya merangsang system pertahanan hidup bayi, meningkatkan kenaikan berat badan, meningkatkan pertumbuhan, dan meningkatkan hubungan emosional dengan orang tua. Tujuan utama kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengoptimalkan kesehatan bayi di RW VI Tandang Tembalang Semarang. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ibu yang memiliki bayi dalam melakukan pijat bayi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pelatihan pijat bayi dan pendampingan ibu saat melakukan pijat bayi. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan ceramah, diskusi, dan simulasi/ demonstrasi keterampilan. Sebelum pelaksanaan pengabdian...
Life Quality of an infant is a multidimensional concept that involves physical, emotional, mental... more Life Quality of an infant is a multidimensional concept that involves physical, emotional, mental, social and other behavioural elements and their function, One of the efforts to maintain the quality of the infant is by field massage. Baby massage is one of the stimulus touches which is also a safe and comfortable form of communication with an infant. The objective of this research to analyze the influence of field massage on the life quality of infants with hyperbilirubinemia and under phototherapy. This research was a quasi-experimental research with one group pre-test-posttest design. with 35 respondents taken as the sample. The data was collected through direct observation on infants life quality before and after the field massage treatment with the assistant of the observation sheet. Life Quality observed include body weight, temperature, pulse, sleep duration, crying time, nighttime awakening intensity. This field massage is done 2x / day (morning and night) within 10 minutes ...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic The impact of... more The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic The impact of the pandemic is also experienced by children. Children experience major changes in their lives, one of which is child psychosocial. Psychosocial support needs for the children. This study aims to determine the effect of emotional ventilation on the psychosocial development of school-age children during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research design is a quasi-experiment with a one-group pretest and posttest design approach. Respondents were 43 school-age children. Psychosocial development was assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Emotional ventilation is done once a week and twice a week. a week after the second intervention, a post-test was performed. The results showed that before the intervention prosocial behaviour, emotional problems and hyperactivity were mostly normal, behavioural problems and relationship problems with peers before the intervention show...
Ners Muda, 2020
Leukemia merupakan kanker keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang. Kemoterapi memerlu... more Leukemia merupakan kanker keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang. Kemoterapi memerlukan proses yang lama, berkelanjutan dan teratur pada anak yang mengalami leukemia dan dapat menimbulkan ketidakyamanan. Tujuan studi kasus ini menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan pada anak Limfositik Leukemia Akut (LLA) post kemoterapi. Studi kasus ini merupakan studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif. Sampel studi kasus berjumlah 2 responden anak dengan limfositik leukemia akut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dengan keluarga responden, observasi langsung responden dan melihat rekam medis. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menganalisa data yang ada untuk dapat menentukan masalah keperawatan yang muncul dan menentukan intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi. Studi kasus didapatkan data fokus yang muncul adalah badan lemas dan tidak nafsu makan. Diagnosa keperawatan yang ditentukan adalah defisit nutrisi. Intervensi yang direncanakan adalah pengkajian nutrisi, kolab...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, 2020
The impact of online game dependence includes aggressive behavior, lack of respect for other peop... more The impact of online game dependence includes aggressive behavior, lack of respect for other people, and threatening persecution. Playing games will not be controlled if parents do not supervise or set limits. Time out is expected to reduce the intensity of playing online games in school-age children. This study aims to determine the effect of time out by parents on the intensity of playing games in school-age children. The design of this study was an experiment with one group pre-test post-test. Respondents were 50 parents with school-age children who had moderate and high-intensity games. Time out interventions (isolation time out) are carried out by parents with a time adjusting the child's age, carried out for 5 days. The intensity of gameplay describes the duration of gameplay in a day, the classification is low, moderate, and high. The results showed that the intensity of playing games before being given time out was mostly in high classification (54%). Statistical test re...
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal, 2019
Kondisi tidak menentu yang dialami anak dengan Acute Limpoblastik Leukemia (ALL) setelah kemotera... more Kondisi tidak menentu yang dialami anak dengan Acute Limpoblastik Leukemia (ALL) setelah kemoterapi sering membuat orang tua cemas, bahkan sampai panik saat kondisi anak semakin menurun akibat efek obat kemoterapi. Kecemasan orangtua yang berlebihan, akan membuat anak ikut cemas. Peran perawat dalam mengendalikan kondisi psikologis orangtua, supaya anak tidak ikut cemas sangat diperlukan. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah dukungan sosial yang diberikan oleh perawat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara dukungan perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua pasien Acute Limpoblastik Leukimia di Ruang Anak RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan discriptive correlation, dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini 44 orang tua pasien dengan anak ALL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas dukungan perawat kurang baik sebanyak 52,3% dan mayoritas tingkat kecemasan orang tua pasien adalah kategori cemas ringan seb...
agriTECH, 2019
Consumption of black soybean tempe can provide rapid improvement in children with poor nutritiona... more Consumption of black soybean tempe can provide rapid improvement in children with poor nutritional status and/or suffering from diarrhea. The antioxidant activity of black soybean tempe is higher than yellow soybean tempe. This study aimed to examine the effect of the amount of black soybean tempe in the feed on hematological status, IgG levels, and IgA levels of rat blood. There was a total of 6 groups, each containing 5 rats. The rats were kept in animal laboratories at room temperature (25–27°C) for 25 days. The six groups were induced Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) suspension with a concentration of 107 CFU / mL of 1 mL per day for seven days, orally using a feeding tube. Parameters analyzed included hematology status, IgG levels and IgA levels. The administration of black soybean tempe had an effect on increasing hemoglobin levels, the number of erythrocytes and the percentage of hematocrit, and it gave the effect of decreasing the number of leukocytes and platelets o...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, 2019
Background: Nurse’s knowledge and attitude toward neonatal pain management is very beneficial for... more Background: Nurse’s knowledge and attitude toward neonatal pain management is very beneficial for the accuracy in giving neonatal intervention. Therefore, nurse should possess the sufficient knowledge and attitude to give the proper pain intervention, so that it will be effective to treat the neonatal pain. Objective: This study aims to find out the knowledge and attitude of nurse toward neonatal pain management at Perinatology and PICU/NICU rooms of Hospital in Semarang. Methodology: It was a descriptive study using total sampling technique which employed 50 nurses as the respondents. Resulth: From the research, it was drawn that most of the respondents’ knowledge were excellent (58.0%) and the respondents’ attitude were mostly adequate (68.0%). Based on the result, the nurses of PICU/NICU and Perinatology rooms are expected to improve the attitude toward neonatal pain management as the pain will significantly lessen by the proper attitude.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Anak, 2018
Nyeri merupakan penyebab stressor pada anak saat hospitalisasi, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu pros... more Nyeri merupakan penyebab stressor pada anak saat hospitalisasi, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu prosedur invasif pungsi vena. Manajemen nyeri merupakan kebutuhan dasar yang harus didapatkan anak saat menjalani hospitalisasi, salah satunya yaitu terapi non farmakologi dengan cara teknik relaksasi nafas dalam dengan meniup baling-baling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi nafas dalam dengan meniup baling-baling terhadap skala nyeri pungsi vena pada anak usia prasekolah di Rumah Sakit Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang. Metode penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan non equivalent control grup after only desaign. Sampel penelitian ini adalah anak usia prasekolah yang dilakukan tindakan pungsi vena pengambilan darah dengan jumlah sampel 19 kelompok intervensi dan 19 kelompok kontrol. Skala nyeri pungsi vena dikaji menggunakan instrument FLACC. Analisa data menggunakan uji mann whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata skala nyeri pada kelompo...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, Feb 20, 2018
Background: The cause of high infant mortality rate is low birth weight (LBW). Optimal LBW treatm... more Background: The cause of high infant mortality rate is low birth weight (LBW). Optimal LBW treatment needed that the baby can pass the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine. One of the efforts done is developmental care. Implementation of developmental care requires knowledge, attitudes and skills of nurses. Objective: This study aims to identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of nurses in treating LBW before and one month after being given developmental care information at RS Roemani Semarang. Methodology: The design of this research are pre experiment pre and post design. The sample of the study was all nurses in high risk infant room Roemani Hospital Semarang. Sample amounted to 12 respondents. Researchers identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of nurses in treating LBW with questionnaires and observations before being given developmental care information. A month after being given information about developmental care researchers re-identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the nurse. Result: Cognitive score of respondent before health education 11.75 and after 13.83 with total score 22, mean affective score of respondent before health education 48,83 and after 52,92 with total score 60, mean of psychomotor score of respondent before health education 2.58 and after 4 with a total score of 4. Based on the results of statistical analysis each show p value 0.00 so that it can be concluded there are differences cognitive, affective and psychomotor nurses in the application of developmental care both before and a month after being given health education. Discussion: In this study post intervention is done month after health education like input from previous researcher Zubaidah, rustina & Sabri (2013) to know the right time in repeating the same information. The results showed that after 30 days showed a cognitive, affective and psychomotor increase, this could be because after given the health education nurses apply in the care of LBW so that knowledge and skills increase.
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Implementation of Family Centered Care (FCC) in pediatric critical care has many obstacles and ch... more Implementation of Family Centered Care (FCC) in pediatric critical care has many obstacles and challenges, so the role of nurses as facilitators and enforcers of rules is difficult in implementing FCC. The purpose of this study was to determine the perspective of nurses in the application of FCC in NICU PICU. The study was conducted in January-February 2022 in PICU NICU at Dr Kariadi Hospital Semarang with a quantitative descriptive design method and a consecutive sampling technique of 52 samples. The results showed that the nurse's perspective in the implementation of FCC in NICU PICU was 90.4% good. The element of sharing information with parents is 100% good, the element of hearing parental voice is good 98%, the element of making decisions with parents is good 96%, the element of individual communication is good 94%, and the element of negotiating roles is good 63%. FCC in critical care children prioritizes partnerships between parents and health workers, where the role of parents can be negotiated in the implementation of FCC according to the clinical condition of the child and the characteristics of the parents. Nurses are expected to improve skills during resuscitation so that the implementation of FCC in the role negotiation elements can be carried out properly.
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
Family informational support for visually impaired children in quality of life must be a concern ... more Family informational support for visually impaired children in quality of life must be a concern during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research aim is to describe the quality of life in physical, psychological, social, and environmental of visual impairment children, also to provide family informational support in Covid-19 pandemic at SLB Negeri Semarang. The method of research is a descriptive study with univariate analytics. The total sample is 25 respondent visual impairment children at SLB Negeri Semarang with their parents. This research is using total sampling. Results from it are most of the respondents with visual impairments have a good physical quality of life is about 21 respondents (84%), psychological quality of life in a good category is about 13 respondents (52%), quality of social life in a good category is about 16 respondent (64%), and environmental quality of life in a bad category is about 13 people (52%). Most respondents as a parent of blind children have a good ca...
RW VI Tembalang Tandang is one of the areas in Semarang City. The efforts to improve the quality ... more RW VI Tembalang Tandang is one of the areas in Semarang City. The efforts to improve the quality of infants in RW VI had been done with the formation of Posyandu, PAUD and Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB). Posyandu had provided services with average growth per month, but not yet developed. Monitoring the development of toddler is expected to be implemented by BKB by using Kartu Kembang Anak (KKA). BKB in RW VI has been doing activities by providing counseling and consultation to parents of children related to growth and development, but the development of toddlers up has not been done. The current Kader BKB also do not understand how to make progress in toddlers. Therefore it is necessary tips in improving the knowledge, skills and assistance on kader BKB to perform observations of developments in order to adjust the development of toddler in RW VI for optimal quality of toddlers. The purpose of this community service activity is increase the knowledge and ability of Kader BKB in the mess...
Advances in Health Sciences Research
SALUTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Tahun pertama usia bayi merupakan waktu yang sangat berharga untuk berlanjutnya pertumbuhan dan p... more Tahun pertama usia bayi merupakan waktu yang sangat berharga untuk berlanjutnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Pada saat tersebut bayi membutuhkan dukungan agar bayi bisa tumbuh dan berkembang optimal. Selain ASI bayi juga membutuhkan sentuhan yang bersifat terapeutik. Sentuhan ini adalah pijat bayi. Pijat bayi mempunyai banyak manfaat diantaranya merangsang system pertahanan hidup bayi, meningkatkan kenaikan berat badan, meningkatkan pertumbuhan, dan meningkatkan hubungan emosional dengan orang tua. Tujuan utama kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengoptimalkan kesehatan bayi di RW VI Tandang Tembalang Semarang. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai meliputi peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ibu yang memiliki bayi dalam melakukan pijat bayi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pelatihan pijat bayi dan pendampingan ibu saat melakukan pijat bayi. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan ceramah, diskusi, dan simulasi/ demonstrasi keterampilan. Sebelum pelaksanaan pengabdian...
Life Quality of an infant is a multidimensional concept that involves physical, emotional, mental... more Life Quality of an infant is a multidimensional concept that involves physical, emotional, mental, social and other behavioural elements and their function, One of the efforts to maintain the quality of the infant is by field massage. Baby massage is one of the stimulus touches which is also a safe and comfortable form of communication with an infant. The objective of this research to analyze the influence of field massage on the life quality of infants with hyperbilirubinemia and under phototherapy. This research was a quasi-experimental research with one group pre-test-posttest design. with 35 respondents taken as the sample. The data was collected through direct observation on infants life quality before and after the field massage treatment with the assistant of the observation sheet. Life Quality observed include body weight, temperature, pulse, sleep duration, crying time, nighttime awakening intensity. This field massage is done 2x / day (morning and night) within 10 minutes ...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic The impact of... more The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic The impact of the pandemic is also experienced by children. Children experience major changes in their lives, one of which is child psychosocial. Psychosocial support needs for the children. This study aims to determine the effect of emotional ventilation on the psychosocial development of school-age children during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research design is a quasi-experiment with a one-group pretest and posttest design approach. Respondents were 43 school-age children. Psychosocial development was assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Emotional ventilation is done once a week and twice a week. a week after the second intervention, a post-test was performed. The results showed that before the intervention prosocial behaviour, emotional problems and hyperactivity were mostly normal, behavioural problems and relationship problems with peers before the intervention show...
Ners Muda, 2020
Leukemia merupakan kanker keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang. Kemoterapi memerlu... more Leukemia merupakan kanker keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang. Kemoterapi memerlukan proses yang lama, berkelanjutan dan teratur pada anak yang mengalami leukemia dan dapat menimbulkan ketidakyamanan. Tujuan studi kasus ini menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan pada anak Limfositik Leukemia Akut (LLA) post kemoterapi. Studi kasus ini merupakan studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif. Sampel studi kasus berjumlah 2 responden anak dengan limfositik leukemia akut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dengan keluarga responden, observasi langsung responden dan melihat rekam medis. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menganalisa data yang ada untuk dapat menentukan masalah keperawatan yang muncul dan menentukan intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi. Studi kasus didapatkan data fokus yang muncul adalah badan lemas dan tidak nafsu makan. Diagnosa keperawatan yang ditentukan adalah defisit nutrisi. Intervensi yang direncanakan adalah pengkajian nutrisi, kolab...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, 2020
The impact of online game dependence includes aggressive behavior, lack of respect for other peop... more The impact of online game dependence includes aggressive behavior, lack of respect for other people, and threatening persecution. Playing games will not be controlled if parents do not supervise or set limits. Time out is expected to reduce the intensity of playing online games in school-age children. This study aims to determine the effect of time out by parents on the intensity of playing games in school-age children. The design of this study was an experiment with one group pre-test post-test. Respondents were 50 parents with school-age children who had moderate and high-intensity games. Time out interventions (isolation time out) are carried out by parents with a time adjusting the child's age, carried out for 5 days. The intensity of gameplay describes the duration of gameplay in a day, the classification is low, moderate, and high. The results showed that the intensity of playing games before being given time out was mostly in high classification (54%). Statistical test re...
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal, 2019
Kondisi tidak menentu yang dialami anak dengan Acute Limpoblastik Leukemia (ALL) setelah kemotera... more Kondisi tidak menentu yang dialami anak dengan Acute Limpoblastik Leukemia (ALL) setelah kemoterapi sering membuat orang tua cemas, bahkan sampai panik saat kondisi anak semakin menurun akibat efek obat kemoterapi. Kecemasan orangtua yang berlebihan, akan membuat anak ikut cemas. Peran perawat dalam mengendalikan kondisi psikologis orangtua, supaya anak tidak ikut cemas sangat diperlukan. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah dukungan sosial yang diberikan oleh perawat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara dukungan perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan orang tua pasien Acute Limpoblastik Leukimia di Ruang Anak RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan discriptive correlation, dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini 44 orang tua pasien dengan anak ALL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas dukungan perawat kurang baik sebanyak 52,3% dan mayoritas tingkat kecemasan orang tua pasien adalah kategori cemas ringan seb...
agriTECH, 2019
Consumption of black soybean tempe can provide rapid improvement in children with poor nutritiona... more Consumption of black soybean tempe can provide rapid improvement in children with poor nutritional status and/or suffering from diarrhea. The antioxidant activity of black soybean tempe is higher than yellow soybean tempe. This study aimed to examine the effect of the amount of black soybean tempe in the feed on hematological status, IgG levels, and IgA levels of rat blood. There was a total of 6 groups, each containing 5 rats. The rats were kept in animal laboratories at room temperature (25–27°C) for 25 days. The six groups were induced Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) suspension with a concentration of 107 CFU / mL of 1 mL per day for seven days, orally using a feeding tube. Parameters analyzed included hematology status, IgG levels and IgA levels. The administration of black soybean tempe had an effect on increasing hemoglobin levels, the number of erythrocytes and the percentage of hematocrit, and it gave the effect of decreasing the number of leukocytes and platelets o...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, 2019
Background: Nurse’s knowledge and attitude toward neonatal pain management is very beneficial for... more Background: Nurse’s knowledge and attitude toward neonatal pain management is very beneficial for the accuracy in giving neonatal intervention. Therefore, nurse should possess the sufficient knowledge and attitude to give the proper pain intervention, so that it will be effective to treat the neonatal pain. Objective: This study aims to find out the knowledge and attitude of nurse toward neonatal pain management at Perinatology and PICU/NICU rooms of Hospital in Semarang. Methodology: It was a descriptive study using total sampling technique which employed 50 nurses as the respondents. Resulth: From the research, it was drawn that most of the respondents’ knowledge were excellent (58.0%) and the respondents’ attitude were mostly adequate (68.0%). Based on the result, the nurses of PICU/NICU and Perinatology rooms are expected to improve the attitude toward neonatal pain management as the pain will significantly lessen by the proper attitude.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Anak, 2018
Nyeri merupakan penyebab stressor pada anak saat hospitalisasi, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu pros... more Nyeri merupakan penyebab stressor pada anak saat hospitalisasi, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu prosedur invasif pungsi vena. Manajemen nyeri merupakan kebutuhan dasar yang harus didapatkan anak saat menjalani hospitalisasi, salah satunya yaitu terapi non farmakologi dengan cara teknik relaksasi nafas dalam dengan meniup baling-baling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi nafas dalam dengan meniup baling-baling terhadap skala nyeri pungsi vena pada anak usia prasekolah di Rumah Sakit Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang. Metode penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan non equivalent control grup after only desaign. Sampel penelitian ini adalah anak usia prasekolah yang dilakukan tindakan pungsi vena pengambilan darah dengan jumlah sampel 19 kelompok intervensi dan 19 kelompok kontrol. Skala nyeri pungsi vena dikaji menggunakan instrument FLACC. Analisa data menggunakan uji mann whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata skala nyeri pada kelompo...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia, Feb 20, 2018
Background: The cause of high infant mortality rate is low birth weight (LBW). Optimal LBW treatm... more Background: The cause of high infant mortality rate is low birth weight (LBW). Optimal LBW treatment needed that the baby can pass the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine. One of the efforts done is developmental care. Implementation of developmental care requires knowledge, attitudes and skills of nurses. Objective: This study aims to identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of nurses in treating LBW before and one month after being given developmental care information at RS Roemani Semarang. Methodology: The design of this research are pre experiment pre and post design. The sample of the study was all nurses in high risk infant room Roemani Hospital Semarang. Sample amounted to 12 respondents. Researchers identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of nurses in treating LBW with questionnaires and observations before being given developmental care information. A month after being given information about developmental care researchers re-identify the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the nurse. Result: Cognitive score of respondent before health education 11.75 and after 13.83 with total score 22, mean affective score of respondent before health education 48,83 and after 52,92 with total score 60, mean of psychomotor score of respondent before health education 2.58 and after 4 with a total score of 4. Based on the results of statistical analysis each show p value 0.00 so that it can be concluded there are differences cognitive, affective and psychomotor nurses in the application of developmental care both before and a month after being given health education. Discussion: In this study post intervention is done month after health education like input from previous researcher Zubaidah, rustina & Sabri (2013) to know the right time in repeating the same information. The results showed that after 30 days showed a cognitive, affective and psychomotor increase, this could be because after given the health education nurses apply in the care of LBW so that knowledge and skills increase.