michael sonny | Indraprasta PGRI, University (original) (raw)
Papers by michael sonny
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia adalah dengan pendidikan, namun kemampuan p... more Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia adalah dengan pendidikan, namun kemampuan pembiayaan pendidikan dari setiap peserta didik sangat bervariasi. Yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah peserta didik dengan kemampuan terbatas dari segi finansial tetapi mereka berpresatasi dalam bidang akademik. Disisi lain pemerintah maupun pemerintah daerah telah menyediakan beasiswa bagi peserta didik yang tidak mampu dari biaya operasional sekolah. Namun demikian pemberian beasiswa kepada peserta didik belum memenuhi sasaran. Karena sering terjadi peserta didik yang mampu dari segi finansial mendapat program bea siswa, sementara ada peserta didik yang kurang mampu tidak mendapatkan beasiswa. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian algoritma naive bayes yang diaplikasikan terhadap data peserta didik yang akan menerima beasiswa, dengan bantuan datamining Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat akurasi dari kajian algoritma dalam pemilihan calon penerima beasiswa ...
Dalam dunia usaha dan bisnis, peranan teknologi informasi sangat dibutuhkan.Mengelola data menjad... more Dalam dunia usaha dan bisnis, peranan teknologi informasi sangat dibutuhkan.Mengelola data menjadi informasi merupakan peranan dari teknologi informasi yang sangat berguna seperti halnya di Klinik Sukamaju Depok. Dalam proses bisnisnya, klinik sukamaju depok belum menggunakan sistem komputerisasi yang baik. Hal ini kurang baik, karena akan mengakibatkan pelayanan yg kurang baik dan efisien. Oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas pelayanan, serta meminmalisir kesalahan dan keamanan data pasien. Metode penulisan yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam tugas akhir ini adalah metode Research and Development yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru atau menyempurnakan produk yang telah ada, dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem administrasi yang dibangun dapat mempermudah klinik dalam penanganan pendataan dan perhitungan serta pembuatan laporan dengan mudah.
Tujuan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik adalah untuk memudahkan mengelola dan menyi... more Tujuan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik adalah untuk memudahkan mengelola dan menyimpan data akademik di bimbingan belajar biMBA AIUEO, serta untuk mengetahui setiap data akademik bimbingan belajar secara efektif dan efisien tanpa harus membuka buku besar secara manual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Dimana data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan secara langsung dan dianalisis. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan data, aplikasi sistem informasi akademik dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengolahan dan penyimpanan data akademik secara cepat, akurat, efektif dan efisien. Perancangan aplikasi sistem informasi akademik ini tercipta dengan adanya dukungan Bahasa Pemrograman Java, database MySQL serta Java Netbeans.
IPv6 merupakan Internet Protocol (IP) dalam beberapa tahun kedepan akan menggantikan posisi IPv4 ... more IPv6 merupakan Internet Protocol (IP) dalam beberapa tahun kedepan akan menggantikan posisi IPv4 dikarenakan ketersediaan kapasitas dari alamat IPv4 yang hampir habis seiring dengan banyaknya pengguna gadget serta teknologi berbasis IP lainnya. Dibandingkan dengan IPv4, IPv6 jauh lebih baik dari segi kapasitasnya yang sangat besar, sekuritas, dan dari segi mobilitasnya. Maka akan terjadi evolusi dari IPv4 ke IPv6 secara signifikan dengan kondisi awal IPv4 yang menjadi mayoritas dibandingkan dengan protokol IPv6, sedangkan dalam perkembangan berikutnya IPv6 yang akan menjadi lebih dominan untuk dipakai secara umum di dunia. Pemesanan IP saat ini dapat dilakukan oleh sebuah lembaga IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) yang ditentukan berdasarkan wilayah. Dalam pengimplementasian terhadap layanan ISP (Internet Service Provider) melalui jaringan yang berbeda versi IP dengan client dan server serta menggunakan mekanisme tunneling dan dual stack. Dalam evolusi inilah teknik konversi...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019), 2020
E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency test... more E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency tests, student activity, learning process graphs, or value recapitulation. In this study, analyzing the LMS in the comparison of Moodle, Edmodo, and Jejak Bali so that users can compare and distinguish LMS and their respective uses. The results of this study are to provide an understanding of the differences from LMS so that the use of LMS can be maximized. As a material for consideration of the application of electronic learning that is evenly distributed in every school in Indonesia. This type of LMS is widely used by users, especially among educators, knowing the function details are expected to provide convenience in the current learning system.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020
Education is now integrated with technological developments, especially developments towards the ... more Education is now integrated with technological developments, especially developments towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0, this is seen based on the many popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Moodle. Through this study, searching for the best LMS with the concept of data mining uses the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) method which is applied to students in the Yogyakarta area as many as 246 people. Moodle devices that were made were tested and given to schools with attribute testing, used as many as 16 attributes including the appearance of Moodle which was considered interactive or not, speed of application access, features possessed by Moodle to the user's final conclusion. Evaluation using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and looking at the value graph with Area Under Cover (AUC). Data is processed with Rapidminer software with 9 KDD steps. From all data, empirical data testing will be conducted so that a model from Moodle LMS is formed. The results of the study show that the accuracy value is above 90%, indicating that the technique of applying data to software is categorized very well. So that the main focus in determining LMS is said to be the best can be validated and ascertained accurately in calculating data retrieval from teachers, students and school equipment as the object of research.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Information Science (SENARIS)
Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with t... more Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with teaching teachers when the learning process takes place and lack of parental supervision. In a centralized learning method like this students are not too required to be independent in learning activities, such as searching for materials and discussion material because everything has been provided by the teacher. Learning Methods E-learning is applied to overcome students' problems in the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Moodle is an application built to support the process of teaching and learning activities by utilizing internet media through a website using the principles of social constructivist pedagogy which will greatly help teachers from all aspects of the teaching and learning process. The research method that will be used is a qualitative descriptive method by using saturated samples where the population is equal to the number of samples. The tech...
Jurnal Komtika
Each Company will evaluate the employees by their performance to determine the payroll increase. ... more Each Company will evaluate the employees by their performance to determine the payroll increase. The payroll increase is a kind of reward from company to the employee’s performance in a year, and this is given once a year. In some respects, the awarding of payroll increase often meets problems, such as the un-objective appraisal and the inappropriate scale amount of increase for it emerges polemic between employees that will give an impact to their performance. To avoid such things, the company needs an appropriate and a flexible method to do the evaluation. The purpose of this research is to implement Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) in determining the employee’s payroll increase feasibility. Logical Fuzzy is a problem completion technique where the membership degree which is commonly represented by the score of 0 and 1, so that it is more balance. One of Fuzzy methods which can be used to solve the problem is Tsukamoto method and Mamdani. Fuzzy Inference System which implements a weig...
The study discusses whether schools use e-learning applications, especially using Moodle CMS as a... more The study discusses whether schools use e-learning applications, especially using Moodle CMS as a learning medium conducted in two cities, Bandung and Bogor. The method used in this study is a direct survey of high schools, discussing with school principals and discussing school knowledge and school readiness in starting eLearning at school. The purpose of this study is to know whether the school is ready and will use eLearning, besides that another goal is to apply eLearning to schools with access made by teacher students and parents. The benefits of research are for teachers to be able to easily access learning material, see students' grades directly and accelerate the entire assessment process to the end. While the benefits for students to facilitate the process of obtaining learning materials, fill exams and can see firsthand the value given by the teacher, can also conduct discussions with other students, in discussion forums. Benefits for parents of course to monitor the d...
Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN)
Perkembangan perangkat lunak computer dewasa ini terjadi sedemikian pesatnya, perkembangan tidak ... more Perkembangan perangkat lunak computer dewasa ini terjadi sedemikian pesatnya, perkembangan tidak hanya terjadi pada perangkat lunak yang memiliki lisensi tertentu, perangkat open source pun demikian. Perkembangan itu tentu saja sangat menggembirakan bagi pengguna computer khususnya di kalangan pendidikan maupun di kalangan mahasiswa, karena pengguna mempunyai beberapa pilihan untuk menggunakan aplikasi. Perangkat lunak open source juga menawarkan produk yang umumnya gratis, diberikan kode programnya, kebebasan untuk modifikasi dan mengembangkan. Meneliti aplikasi berbasis open source tentu saja sangat beragam seperti aplikasi untuk pemrograman (PHP, Gambas), Database Management System (MySql, SQLite), browsing (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera). Pada penelitian ini di kaji penerimaan aplikasi DBMS (Database Management System) seperti MySql dan SQLite dengan menggunakan sebuah model yang dikembangkan oleh Venkantes(2003) yaitu UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). Faktor...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The study of the Moodle e-learning platform as a learning media was conducted in two cities, Bogo... more The study of the Moodle e-learning platform as a learning media was conducted in two cities, Bogor and Bandung. The purpose of this study is to find out whether high schools use E-learning applications as learning media between teachers, students and parents. Another goal is to facilitate the learning process that occurs in the classroom, the test process can be carried out easily, the value can be seen directly by students, and the development of students is known by parents, the method used is a direct review of the object of research, conducting interviews with the principal and find out whether schools use e-learning as a learning media in schools. The Moodle e-learning device created will be given to schools as an implementation of the results of this study. Moodle will be used as an e-learning platform to improve the learning spirit of students, and make it easier for teachers to deliver material in class.
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia adalah dengan pendidikan, namun kemampuan p... more Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia adalah dengan pendidikan, namun kemampuan pembiayaan pendidikan dari setiap peserta didik sangat bervariasi. Yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah peserta didik dengan kemampuan terbatas dari segi finansial tetapi mereka berpresatasi dalam bidang akademik. Disisi lain pemerintah maupun pemerintah daerah telah menyediakan beasiswa bagi peserta didik yang tidak mampu dari biaya operasional sekolah. Namun demikian pemberian beasiswa kepada peserta didik belum memenuhi sasaran. Karena sering terjadi peserta didik yang mampu dari segi finansial mendapat program bea siswa, sementara ada peserta didik yang kurang mampu tidak mendapatkan beasiswa. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian algoritma naive bayes yang diaplikasikan terhadap data peserta didik yang akan menerima beasiswa, dengan bantuan datamining Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat akurasi dari kajian algoritma dalam pemilihan calon penerima beasiswa ...
Dalam dunia usaha dan bisnis, peranan teknologi informasi sangat dibutuhkan.Mengelola data menjad... more Dalam dunia usaha dan bisnis, peranan teknologi informasi sangat dibutuhkan.Mengelola data menjadi informasi merupakan peranan dari teknologi informasi yang sangat berguna seperti halnya di Klinik Sukamaju Depok. Dalam proses bisnisnya, klinik sukamaju depok belum menggunakan sistem komputerisasi yang baik. Hal ini kurang baik, karena akan mengakibatkan pelayanan yg kurang baik dan efisien. Oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas pelayanan, serta meminmalisir kesalahan dan keamanan data pasien. Metode penulisan yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam tugas akhir ini adalah metode Research and Development yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru atau menyempurnakan produk yang telah ada, dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem administrasi yang dibangun dapat mempermudah klinik dalam penanganan pendataan dan perhitungan serta pembuatan laporan dengan mudah.
Tujuan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik adalah untuk memudahkan mengelola dan menyi... more Tujuan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik adalah untuk memudahkan mengelola dan menyimpan data akademik di bimbingan belajar biMBA AIUEO, serta untuk mengetahui setiap data akademik bimbingan belajar secara efektif dan efisien tanpa harus membuka buku besar secara manual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Dimana data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan secara langsung dan dianalisis. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan data, aplikasi sistem informasi akademik dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengolahan dan penyimpanan data akademik secara cepat, akurat, efektif dan efisien. Perancangan aplikasi sistem informasi akademik ini tercipta dengan adanya dukungan Bahasa Pemrograman Java, database MySQL serta Java Netbeans.
IPv6 merupakan Internet Protocol (IP) dalam beberapa tahun kedepan akan menggantikan posisi IPv4 ... more IPv6 merupakan Internet Protocol (IP) dalam beberapa tahun kedepan akan menggantikan posisi IPv4 dikarenakan ketersediaan kapasitas dari alamat IPv4 yang hampir habis seiring dengan banyaknya pengguna gadget serta teknologi berbasis IP lainnya. Dibandingkan dengan IPv4, IPv6 jauh lebih baik dari segi kapasitasnya yang sangat besar, sekuritas, dan dari segi mobilitasnya. Maka akan terjadi evolusi dari IPv4 ke IPv6 secara signifikan dengan kondisi awal IPv4 yang menjadi mayoritas dibandingkan dengan protokol IPv6, sedangkan dalam perkembangan berikutnya IPv6 yang akan menjadi lebih dominan untuk dipakai secara umum di dunia. Pemesanan IP saat ini dapat dilakukan oleh sebuah lembaga IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) yang ditentukan berdasarkan wilayah. Dalam pengimplementasian terhadap layanan ISP (Internet Service Provider) melalui jaringan yang berbeda versi IP dengan client dan server serta menggunakan mekanisme tunneling dan dual stack. Dalam evolusi inilah teknik konversi...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019), 2020
E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency test... more E-learning, some features can be used by students and teachers from making online competency tests, student activity, learning process graphs, or value recapitulation. In this study, analyzing the LMS in the comparison of Moodle, Edmodo, and Jejak Bali so that users can compare and distinguish LMS and their respective uses. The results of this study are to provide an understanding of the differences from LMS so that the use of LMS can be maximized. As a material for consideration of the application of electronic learning that is evenly distributed in every school in Indonesia. This type of LMS is widely used by users, especially among educators, knowing the function details are expected to provide convenience in the current learning system.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020
Education is now integrated with technological developments, especially developments towards the ... more Education is now integrated with technological developments, especially developments towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0, this is seen based on the many popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Moodle. Through this study, searching for the best LMS with the concept of data mining uses the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) method which is applied to students in the Yogyakarta area as many as 246 people. Moodle devices that were made were tested and given to schools with attribute testing, used as many as 16 attributes including the appearance of Moodle which was considered interactive or not, speed of application access, features possessed by Moodle to the user's final conclusion. Evaluation using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and looking at the value graph with Area Under Cover (AUC). Data is processed with Rapidminer software with 9 KDD steps. From all data, empirical data testing will be conducted so that a model from Moodle LMS is formed. The results of the study show that the accuracy value is above 90%, indicating that the technique of applying data to software is categorized very well. So that the main focus in determining LMS is said to be the best can be validated and ascertained accurately in calculating data retrieval from teachers, students and school equipment as the object of research.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Information Science (SENARIS)
Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with t... more Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with teaching teachers when the learning process takes place and lack of parental supervision. In a centralized learning method like this students are not too required to be independent in learning activities, such as searching for materials and discussion material because everything has been provided by the teacher. Learning Methods E-learning is applied to overcome students' problems in the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Moodle is an application built to support the process of teaching and learning activities by utilizing internet media through a website using the principles of social constructivist pedagogy which will greatly help teachers from all aspects of the teaching and learning process. The research method that will be used is a qualitative descriptive method by using saturated samples where the population is equal to the number of samples. The tech...
Jurnal Komtika
Each Company will evaluate the employees by their performance to determine the payroll increase. ... more Each Company will evaluate the employees by their performance to determine the payroll increase. The payroll increase is a kind of reward from company to the employee’s performance in a year, and this is given once a year. In some respects, the awarding of payroll increase often meets problems, such as the un-objective appraisal and the inappropriate scale amount of increase for it emerges polemic between employees that will give an impact to their performance. To avoid such things, the company needs an appropriate and a flexible method to do the evaluation. The purpose of this research is to implement Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) in determining the employee’s payroll increase feasibility. Logical Fuzzy is a problem completion technique where the membership degree which is commonly represented by the score of 0 and 1, so that it is more balance. One of Fuzzy methods which can be used to solve the problem is Tsukamoto method and Mamdani. Fuzzy Inference System which implements a weig...
The study discusses whether schools use e-learning applications, especially using Moodle CMS as a... more The study discusses whether schools use e-learning applications, especially using Moodle CMS as a learning medium conducted in two cities, Bandung and Bogor. The method used in this study is a direct survey of high schools, discussing with school principals and discussing school knowledge and school readiness in starting eLearning at school. The purpose of this study is to know whether the school is ready and will use eLearning, besides that another goal is to apply eLearning to schools with access made by teacher students and parents. The benefits of research are for teachers to be able to easily access learning material, see students' grades directly and accelerate the entire assessment process to the end. While the benefits for students to facilitate the process of obtaining learning materials, fill exams and can see firsthand the value given by the teacher, can also conduct discussions with other students, in discussion forums. Benefits for parents of course to monitor the d...
Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN)
Perkembangan perangkat lunak computer dewasa ini terjadi sedemikian pesatnya, perkembangan tidak ... more Perkembangan perangkat lunak computer dewasa ini terjadi sedemikian pesatnya, perkembangan tidak hanya terjadi pada perangkat lunak yang memiliki lisensi tertentu, perangkat open source pun demikian. Perkembangan itu tentu saja sangat menggembirakan bagi pengguna computer khususnya di kalangan pendidikan maupun di kalangan mahasiswa, karena pengguna mempunyai beberapa pilihan untuk menggunakan aplikasi. Perangkat lunak open source juga menawarkan produk yang umumnya gratis, diberikan kode programnya, kebebasan untuk modifikasi dan mengembangkan. Meneliti aplikasi berbasis open source tentu saja sangat beragam seperti aplikasi untuk pemrograman (PHP, Gambas), Database Management System (MySql, SQLite), browsing (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera). Pada penelitian ini di kaji penerimaan aplikasi DBMS (Database Management System) seperti MySql dan SQLite dengan menggunakan sebuah model yang dikembangkan oleh Venkantes(2003) yaitu UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). Faktor...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The study of the Moodle e-learning platform as a learning media was conducted in two cities, Bogo... more The study of the Moodle e-learning platform as a learning media was conducted in two cities, Bogor and Bandung. The purpose of this study is to find out whether high schools use E-learning applications as learning media between teachers, students and parents. Another goal is to facilitate the learning process that occurs in the classroom, the test process can be carried out easily, the value can be seen directly by students, and the development of students is known by parents, the method used is a direct review of the object of research, conducting interviews with the principal and find out whether schools use e-learning as a learning media in schools. The Moodle e-learning device created will be given to schools as an implementation of the results of this study. Moodle will be used as an e-learning platform to improve the learning spirit of students, and make it easier for teachers to deliver material in class.