Dijana Markovic-Bajalovic | Union University (original) (raw)
Papers by Dijana Markovic-Bajalovic
Pravo i privreda, Mar 22, 2024
Strani pravni život/Strani pravni život, Feb 24, 2024
Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the pa... more Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the past, the EU law and member states’ national laws lacked elements that contributed to the preponderance of private enforcement in the United States, such as treble and punitive damages, the procedural right of a damaged party to request discovery of evidence, collective actions, etc. The interest in private enforcement of competition law has gradually increased after Regulation 1/2003 authorised national courts to implement Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, the EU courts established private enforcement principles and Directive 2014/104 (Antitrust Damages Directive - ADD) laid down rules to facilitate proving competition law violations and damage resulting from them. The US model evidently inspired the EU legislator. At the same time, ADD attempted to balance the private interests of injured parties and the public interest for effective public enforcement. Specific ADD provisions instigated a public debate concerning their reach and alleged confrontation with general legal principles. Even though member states have taken comprehensive measures to implement ADD, national courts need to search for an equilibrium between private and public interests. Therefore, the full effect of Directive 2014/104 is yet to be seen.
Strani pravni život - Foreign Legal Life, 2024
Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the pa... more Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the past, the EU law and member
states’ national laws lacked elements that contributed to the preponderance of private enforcement in the United States, such as
treble and punitive damages, the procedural right of a damaged
party to request discovery of evidence, collective actions, etc. The
interest in private enforcement of competition law has gradually
increased after Regulation 1/2003 authorised national courts
to implement Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, the EU courts established private enforcement principles and Directive 2014/104
(Antitrust Damages Directive - ADD) laid down rules to facilitate proving competition law violations and damage resulting
from them. The US model evidently inspired the EU legislator.
At the same time, ADD attempted to balance the private interests of injured parties and the public interest for effective public
enforcement. Specific ADD provisions instigated a public debate
concerning their reach and alleged confrontation with general
legal principles. Even though member states have taken comprehensive measures to implement ADD, national courts need to
search for an equilibrium between private and public interests.
Therefore, the full effect of Directive 2014/104 is yet to be seen.
Pravo i privreda, 2000
Regulisanje Joint Venture u pravu konkurencije EU pokazuje kakve teskoce iziskuje smestanje obilj... more Regulisanje Joint Venture u pravu konkurencije EU pokazuje kakve teskoce iziskuje smestanje obilje varijeteta koje nudi privredni život u stroge pravne kategorije. Joint Venture je oblik povezivanja preduzeca sa vrlo malim brojem konstantnih elemenata koji su nedovoljni da su na osnovu njih unapred i generalno odredi odnos prava konkurencije prema njima. Na osnovu ugovora o Joint Venture nastaje privredni entitet koji može imati svojstvo pravnog lica, ali ne mora. On može obavljati pomocne funkcije za svoje osnivace, ili se potpuno samostalno baviti posebnom privrednom delatnoscu ili istovremeno kombinovano izvrsavati i jedne i druge funkcije. Uloga njegovih osnivaca može biti gotovo sasvim pasivna, svedena na zastitu finansijskih interesa ili, cesce, aktivna u meri da svom cedu delimicno ili potpuno oduzima samostalnost u vođenju poslovanja. Veza koja se posredstvom Joint Venture uspostavlja između njegovih osnivaca može biti sredstvo ogranicavanja konkurencije, ali i pokretac korisnih privrednih funkcija. Sa druge strane, pravo konkurencije EU nudi siromasan izbor između dve moguce alternative: određivanje Joint Venture-a kao kartelnog sporazuma ili kao koncentracije preduzeca. Pokazalo se da tako kruta podela u slucaju Joint Venture nije sprovodiva i, u krajnjem ishodu, ona je zanemarena. Propisivanjem da ce se elementi koncentrativnog u Joint Venture-u ceniti prema kriterijuma predviđenim za koncentracije, a elementi kooperativnog prema kriterijumima za kartelne sporazume priznaje se, možda, da pravno razlikovanje kartelnih sporazuma i koncentracija preduzeca nije utemeljeno sa ekonomske tacke gledista.
Strani pravni život, 2018
Čikaška škola ekonomske misli ima najveće zasluge za analizu efekata vertikalnih sporazuma na kon... more Čikaška škola ekonomske misli ima najveće zasluge za analizu efekata vertikalnih sporazuma na konkurenciju. Ukazujući na činjenicu da ograničenja konkurencije u vertikalnim sporazumima omogućuju proizvođaču da ponudi kupcima kvalitetniji proizovod i dodatne usluge pre, tokom i nakon prodaje, predstavnici Čikaške škole zalagali su se za ukidanje apsolutne zabrane vertikalnih ograničenja u antimonopolskompravu SAD. Prihvatajući njihovo stanovište, Vrhovni sud SAD je to i učinio u odlukama GTE Sylvania i Leegin. Empirijska istraživanja sprovedena poslednjih decenija 20. veka u SAD pokazala su da ne mogu sva vertikalna ograničenja imati jednak tretman u pravu konkurencije. Utvrđivanje prodajne cene u vertikalnim sporazumima može biti opravdano samo u malom broju slučajeva, jer se željeni ekonomski efekti mogu postići i ugovaranjem manje teških ograničenja. Pripadnici Post-čikaške škole potvrdili su stav da je potrebno analizirati konkurenciju na svakom tržištu u okviru jednog lanca proizvodnje i prodaje, kako bi se odmerili efekti ugovorenih vertikalnih ograničenja. Navedeno važi i kada je reč o tržištima posletprodajnih usluga (aftermarkets). Vrhovni sud SAD u slučaju Kodak izdvojio je tri faktora koji kumulativno doprinose jačanju tržišne pozicije proizvođača na tržištu posleprodajnih usluga. Ključne reči: vertikalni sporazumi, ograničenja konkurencije, utvrđivanje prodajne cene, posleprodajne usluge.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2020
The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member ... more The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member States. Although Member States are free to choose between the administrative and the judicial model or their combination, many of them opted for the administrative model taking the EU model as an example. The same is valid for the candidate and potential candidate states of Western Balkans. The new Directive 2019/1 deals with the issue of safeguarding the fundamental rights in competition proceedings in general terms only, while stabilisation and association agreements lay down the rule of law as a fundamental principle, but do not say much regarding the features of the competition enforcement model. Candidate countries did not consider the rule of law requirements when designing their competition enforcement models. Competition authorities combine investigative and decision-making powers, preventing them from impartial decision-making. Rules on the appointment, that is, election of members of decision-making bodies, and the limited term of office, made competition authorities susceptible to political influence. Administrative courts are in charge of disputes initiated against decisions of competition authorities in the second instance. Limitations on applying full jurisdiction proceedings, and the modest expertise of administrative law judges in competition law, prevent courts from dealing with the merits of competition cases. Hence, effective judicial control of decisions of competition authorities is missing. The European Commission should monitor the observance of fundamental legal principles in competition law enforcement when assessing the readiness of candidate states to join the EU.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member ... more The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member States. Although Member States are free to choose between the administrative and the judicial model or their combination, many of them opted for the administrative model taking the EU model as an example. The same is valid for the candidate and potential candidate states of Western Balkans. The new Directive 2019/1 deals with the issue of safeguarding the fundamental rights in competition proceedings in general terms only, while stabilisation and association agreements lay down the rule of law as a fundamental principle, but do not say much regarding the features of the competition enforcement model. Candidate countries did not consider the rule of law requirements when designing their competition enforcement models. Competition authorities combine investigative and decision-making powers, preventing them from impartial decision-making. Rules on the appointment, that is, election of memb...
Pravo i privreda, 2020
Дијана Марковић-Бајаловић (стр. 64-113) 3 Врлета Круљ, Монетарно право, Правни факултет у Новом С... more Дијана Марковић-Бајаловић (стр. 64-113) 3 Врлета Круљ, Монетарно право, Правни факултет у Новом Саду, Нови Сад, 1976. 4 Остало је спорно да ли је позивање на континентално-европску теорију и судску праксу заиста постојало у образложењу одлуке или је касније додато од стране 1/2020.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
"Sudski postupak - pravda i pravičnost", Zbornik radova Kopanoičke škole prirodnog prava Slobodan Perović, 2022
Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civi... more Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civil execution proceedings have made possible the coercive execution of foreign judgments while courts are deciding on the recognition of a foreign judgment as a preliminary issue. The Law on Execution and Security from 2015 amended the execution proceeding to make it efficient and enable creditors to execute their rights more easily. The legislator did not consider the specific features of the execution proceedings based on a foreign judgment. That resulted in courts allowing coercive execution even though a decision on recognition of the foreign judgment has not become effective. In the paper the author analyses the foreign judgment execution proceeding according to the Law on Execution and Security by comparing it with the rules of the Law on Conflict of Laws, laws of some EU member states and states in the Southeast Balkan region. Provisions of the Brussel I Regulation and the Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from 2019 have been analysed as well. The author is pledging to stipulate specific rules on proceeding for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments while considering equally the interests of creditors and debtors.
Zbornik radova Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava Slobodan Perović "Sudski postupak - pravda i pravičnost", 2022
Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civi... more Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civil execution proceedings have made possible the coercive execution of foreign judgments while courts are deciding on the recognition of a foreign judgment as a preliminary issue. The Law on Execution and Security from 2015 amended the execution proceeding to make it efficient and enable creditors to execute their rights more easily. The legislator did not consider the specific features of the execution proceedings based on a foreign judgment. That resulted in courts allowing coercive execution even though a decision on recognition of the foreign judgment has not become effective. In the paper the author analyses the foreign judgment execution proceeding according to the Law on Execution and Security by comparing it with the rules of the Law on Conflict of Laws, laws of some EU member states and states in the Southeast Balkan region. Provisions of the Brussel I Regulation and the Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from 2019 have been analysed as well. The author is pledging for stipulating specific rules on proceeding for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, while considering equally the interests of creditors and debtors.
Grupe društava su karakteristika savremene ekonomije, ali su sve do nedavno bile zanemarene od st... more Grupe društava su karakteristika savremene ekonomije, ali su sve do nedavno bile zanemarene od strane međunarodnih zakonodavaca. Dva osnovna problema u pravnom
Pravo i privreda, 2020
Th e problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs has stimulated the debate regarding the legality of... more Th e problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs has stimulated the debate
regarding the legality of these loans and the legality of state intervention to protect debtors during the last decade. The problem is not new since the issue of changes in the value of monetary obligations has occupied a legal mind for many centuries. The theory of monetary nominalism has been generally used in comparative law to regulate monetary obligations, while the valorist theory has served as its corrective. It is necessary to answer under which conditions the nominalist theory should step back, and the valorist theory should be applied? In search for the answer, the author explains the development of the institute of changed circumstances (rebus sic stantibus), emphasizing the contemporary approach to allow for the accepting of the extraordinary changes of commercial factors and the subsequent frustration of the contract’s commercial purpose as justifi cations for the breach of contract or its amendment by courts. The European countries have solved the problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs by adopting special laws on the conversion of the CHF debts and by annulling the CHF loans on the grounds of the failure of banks to inform their customers
about risks related with the undertaking of debts indexed in foreign currency. The author analyses the Serbian Law on conversion of living property loans indexed in Swiss francs and the legal opinion of the Serbian Supreme Cassation Court on the nullity of the Swiss francs contract clause in the light of comparative law views on the issues of the changes in the value of monetary obligations and the duty to inform in pre-contractual stage.
Pravo i privreda, Mar 22, 2024
Strani pravni život/Strani pravni život, Feb 24, 2024
Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the pa... more Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the past, the EU law and member states’ national laws lacked elements that contributed to the preponderance of private enforcement in the United States, such as treble and punitive damages, the procedural right of a damaged party to request discovery of evidence, collective actions, etc. The interest in private enforcement of competition law has gradually increased after Regulation 1/2003 authorised national courts to implement Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, the EU courts established private enforcement principles and Directive 2014/104 (Antitrust Damages Directive - ADD) laid down rules to facilitate proving competition law violations and damage resulting from them. The US model evidently inspired the EU legislator. At the same time, ADD attempted to balance the private interests of injured parties and the public interest for effective public enforcement. Specific ADD provisions instigated a public debate concerning their reach and alleged confrontation with general legal principles. Even though member states have taken comprehensive measures to implement ADD, national courts need to search for an equilibrium between private and public interests. Therefore, the full effect of Directive 2014/104 is yet to be seen.
Strani pravni život - Foreign Legal Life, 2024
Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the pa... more Private competition law enforcement has been a recent phenomenon in the European Union. In the past, the EU law and member
states’ national laws lacked elements that contributed to the preponderance of private enforcement in the United States, such as
treble and punitive damages, the procedural right of a damaged
party to request discovery of evidence, collective actions, etc. The
interest in private enforcement of competition law has gradually
increased after Regulation 1/2003 authorised national courts
to implement Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, the EU courts established private enforcement principles and Directive 2014/104
(Antitrust Damages Directive - ADD) laid down rules to facilitate proving competition law violations and damage resulting
from them. The US model evidently inspired the EU legislator.
At the same time, ADD attempted to balance the private interests of injured parties and the public interest for effective public
enforcement. Specific ADD provisions instigated a public debate
concerning their reach and alleged confrontation with general
legal principles. Even though member states have taken comprehensive measures to implement ADD, national courts need to
search for an equilibrium between private and public interests.
Therefore, the full effect of Directive 2014/104 is yet to be seen.
Pravo i privreda, 2000
Regulisanje Joint Venture u pravu konkurencije EU pokazuje kakve teskoce iziskuje smestanje obilj... more Regulisanje Joint Venture u pravu konkurencije EU pokazuje kakve teskoce iziskuje smestanje obilje varijeteta koje nudi privredni život u stroge pravne kategorije. Joint Venture je oblik povezivanja preduzeca sa vrlo malim brojem konstantnih elemenata koji su nedovoljni da su na osnovu njih unapred i generalno odredi odnos prava konkurencije prema njima. Na osnovu ugovora o Joint Venture nastaje privredni entitet koji može imati svojstvo pravnog lica, ali ne mora. On može obavljati pomocne funkcije za svoje osnivace, ili se potpuno samostalno baviti posebnom privrednom delatnoscu ili istovremeno kombinovano izvrsavati i jedne i druge funkcije. Uloga njegovih osnivaca može biti gotovo sasvim pasivna, svedena na zastitu finansijskih interesa ili, cesce, aktivna u meri da svom cedu delimicno ili potpuno oduzima samostalnost u vođenju poslovanja. Veza koja se posredstvom Joint Venture uspostavlja između njegovih osnivaca može biti sredstvo ogranicavanja konkurencije, ali i pokretac korisnih privrednih funkcija. Sa druge strane, pravo konkurencije EU nudi siromasan izbor između dve moguce alternative: određivanje Joint Venture-a kao kartelnog sporazuma ili kao koncentracije preduzeca. Pokazalo se da tako kruta podela u slucaju Joint Venture nije sprovodiva i, u krajnjem ishodu, ona je zanemarena. Propisivanjem da ce se elementi koncentrativnog u Joint Venture-u ceniti prema kriterijuma predviđenim za koncentracije, a elementi kooperativnog prema kriterijumima za kartelne sporazume priznaje se, možda, da pravno razlikovanje kartelnih sporazuma i koncentracija preduzeca nije utemeljeno sa ekonomske tacke gledista.
Strani pravni život, 2018
Čikaška škola ekonomske misli ima najveće zasluge za analizu efekata vertikalnih sporazuma na kon... more Čikaška škola ekonomske misli ima najveće zasluge za analizu efekata vertikalnih sporazuma na konkurenciju. Ukazujući na činjenicu da ograničenja konkurencije u vertikalnim sporazumima omogućuju proizvođaču da ponudi kupcima kvalitetniji proizovod i dodatne usluge pre, tokom i nakon prodaje, predstavnici Čikaške škole zalagali su se za ukidanje apsolutne zabrane vertikalnih ograničenja u antimonopolskompravu SAD. Prihvatajući njihovo stanovište, Vrhovni sud SAD je to i učinio u odlukama GTE Sylvania i Leegin. Empirijska istraživanja sprovedena poslednjih decenija 20. veka u SAD pokazala su da ne mogu sva vertikalna ograničenja imati jednak tretman u pravu konkurencije. Utvrđivanje prodajne cene u vertikalnim sporazumima može biti opravdano samo u malom broju slučajeva, jer se željeni ekonomski efekti mogu postići i ugovaranjem manje teških ograničenja. Pripadnici Post-čikaške škole potvrdili su stav da je potrebno analizirati konkurenciju na svakom tržištu u okviru jednog lanca proizvodnje i prodaje, kako bi se odmerili efekti ugovorenih vertikalnih ograničenja. Navedeno važi i kada je reč o tržištima posletprodajnih usluga (aftermarkets). Vrhovni sud SAD u slučaju Kodak izdvojio je tri faktora koji kumulativno doprinose jačanju tržišne pozicije proizvođača na tržištu posleprodajnih usluga. Ključne reči: vertikalni sporazumi, ograničenja konkurencije, utvrđivanje prodajne cene, posleprodajne usluge.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2020
The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member ... more The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member States. Although Member States are free to choose between the administrative and the judicial model or their combination, many of them opted for the administrative model taking the EU model as an example. The same is valid for the candidate and potential candidate states of Western Balkans. The new Directive 2019/1 deals with the issue of safeguarding the fundamental rights in competition proceedings in general terms only, while stabilisation and association agreements lay down the rule of law as a fundamental principle, but do not say much regarding the features of the competition enforcement model. Candidate countries did not consider the rule of law requirements when designing their competition enforcement models. Competition authorities combine investigative and decision-making powers, preventing them from impartial decision-making. Rules on the appointment, that is, election of members of decision-making bodies, and the limited term of office, made competition authorities susceptible to political influence. Administrative courts are in charge of disputes initiated against decisions of competition authorities in the second instance. Limitations on applying full jurisdiction proceedings, and the modest expertise of administrative law judges in competition law, prevent courts from dealing with the merits of competition cases. Hence, effective judicial control of decisions of competition authorities is missing. The European Commission should monitor the observance of fundamental legal principles in competition law enforcement when assessing the readiness of candidate states to join the EU.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member ... more The administrative model of competition law enforcement is the prevailing model in the EU Member States. Although Member States are free to choose between the administrative and the judicial model or their combination, many of them opted for the administrative model taking the EU model as an example. The same is valid for the candidate and potential candidate states of Western Balkans. The new Directive 2019/1 deals with the issue of safeguarding the fundamental rights in competition proceedings in general terms only, while stabilisation and association agreements lay down the rule of law as a fundamental principle, but do not say much regarding the features of the competition enforcement model. Candidate countries did not consider the rule of law requirements when designing their competition enforcement models. Competition authorities combine investigative and decision-making powers, preventing them from impartial decision-making. Rules on the appointment, that is, election of memb...
Pravo i privreda, 2020
Дијана Марковић-Бајаловић (стр. 64-113) 3 Врлета Круљ, Монетарно право, Правни факултет у Новом С... more Дијана Марковић-Бајаловић (стр. 64-113) 3 Врлета Круљ, Монетарно право, Правни факултет у Новом Саду, Нови Сад, 1976. 4 Остало је спорно да ли је позивање на континентално-европску теорију и судску праксу заиста постојало у образложењу одлуке или је касније додато од стране 1/2020.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
Pravni zapisi, 2022
The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitr... more The EU model of competition law enforcement has been criticized by many authors ever since antitrust provisions in the EEC Treaty became effective. The fundamental contradiction between the high level of fines threatened (and often imposed) for antitrust violations and the administrative, inquisitorial procedure for investigating antitrust offences and imposing sanctions has principally inspired the critics. The compatibility of the EU model with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the ECHR) was disputed, instigating the EU institutions to take steps to improve the institutional and procedural framework for applying competition rules. This process has not been completed yet. Directive 2019/1 raised additional controversies regarding the compliance of variegated national enforcement models with the rule of law. This article aims to analyze the genesis of the competition enforcement model in the EU, which materialized mainly through the EU secondary legislation and ECJ case law. We evaluate the EU model against the enforcement system imagined by the Ordoliberal school of thought and, secondly, against administrative models existing in two "old" Member States, in which the rule of law has deeply rooted-France and Germany. We conclude by identifying the most cumbersome deficiencies of the EU model and proposing possible solutions for eliminating them.
"Sudski postupak - pravda i pravičnost", Zbornik radova Kopanoičke škole prirodnog prava Slobodan Perović, 2022
Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civi... more Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civil execution proceedings have made possible the coercive execution of foreign judgments while courts are deciding on the recognition of a foreign judgment as a preliminary issue. The Law on Execution and Security from 2015 amended the execution proceeding to make it efficient and enable creditors to execute their rights more easily. The legislator did not consider the specific features of the execution proceedings based on a foreign judgment. That resulted in courts allowing coercive execution even though a decision on recognition of the foreign judgment has not become effective. In the paper the author analyses the foreign judgment execution proceeding according to the Law on Execution and Security by comparing it with the rules of the Law on Conflict of Laws, laws of some EU member states and states in the Southeast Balkan region. Provisions of the Brussel I Regulation and the Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from 2019 have been analysed as well. The author is pledging to stipulate specific rules on proceeding for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments while considering equally the interests of creditors and debtors.
Zbornik radova Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava Slobodan Perović "Sudski postupak - pravda i pravičnost", 2022
Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civi... more Contested Issues of the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Since 2000, Serbian laws concerning civil execution proceedings have made possible the coercive execution of foreign judgments while courts are deciding on the recognition of a foreign judgment as a preliminary issue. The Law on Execution and Security from 2015 amended the execution proceeding to make it efficient and enable creditors to execute their rights more easily. The legislator did not consider the specific features of the execution proceedings based on a foreign judgment. That resulted in courts allowing coercive execution even though a decision on recognition of the foreign judgment has not become effective. In the paper the author analyses the foreign judgment execution proceeding according to the Law on Execution and Security by comparing it with the rules of the Law on Conflict of Laws, laws of some EU member states and states in the Southeast Balkan region. Provisions of the Brussel I Regulation and the Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from 2019 have been analysed as well. The author is pledging for stipulating specific rules on proceeding for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, while considering equally the interests of creditors and debtors.
Grupe društava su karakteristika savremene ekonomije, ali su sve do nedavno bile zanemarene od st... more Grupe društava su karakteristika savremene ekonomije, ali su sve do nedavno bile zanemarene od strane međunarodnih zakonodavaca. Dva osnovna problema u pravnom
Pravo i privreda, 2020
Th e problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs has stimulated the debate regarding the legality of... more Th e problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs has stimulated the debate
regarding the legality of these loans and the legality of state intervention to protect debtors during the last decade. The problem is not new since the issue of changes in the value of monetary obligations has occupied a legal mind for many centuries. The theory of monetary nominalism has been generally used in comparative law to regulate monetary obligations, while the valorist theory has served as its corrective. It is necessary to answer under which conditions the nominalist theory should step back, and the valorist theory should be applied? In search for the answer, the author explains the development of the institute of changed circumstances (rebus sic stantibus), emphasizing the contemporary approach to allow for the accepting of the extraordinary changes of commercial factors and the subsequent frustration of the contract’s commercial purpose as justifi cations for the breach of contract or its amendment by courts. The European countries have solved the problem of loans indexed in Swiss francs by adopting special laws on the conversion of the CHF debts and by annulling the CHF loans on the grounds of the failure of banks to inform their customers
about risks related with the undertaking of debts indexed in foreign currency. The author analyses the Serbian Law on conversion of living property loans indexed in Swiss francs and the legal opinion of the Serbian Supreme Cassation Court on the nullity of the Swiss francs contract clause in the light of comparative law views on the issues of the changes in the value of monetary obligations and the duty to inform in pre-contractual stage.
Liber Amicorum Mirko Vasiljević, 2021
The parent company's liability for its subsidiary's obligations has been discussed in legal theor... more The parent company's liability for its subsidiary's obligations has been discussed in legal theory and courts' practice since the end of the 19 th century, without a final solution reached. Courts exceptionally admit a parent company's liability in cases of indebtedness of its subsidiary. However, Anglosaxon and European courts apply different criteria in deciding whether to accept creditors' claims against parent companies. The issue is even more striking regarding delict liability, considering that traditionally it requires proving the alleged delict perpetrator's fault. The legal basis for parent companies' liability for competition law delicts should not differ from generally accepted legal principles concerning delict responsibility. However, the EU bodies have established a legal presumption that a parent is responsible for its subsidiary's competition infringement when the parent's total control over the subsidiary exists. The author examines legal theories and criteria supporting the parent's company liability in comparative company law and EU competition law to assess the coherence of the EU attitude with generally established legal principles.
Pravo konkurencije Evropske unije - Opšta pitanja i antitrust, 2016
Pojam i predmet prava konkurencije. Pojmovna razgraničenja. 2. Nastanak i razvoj prava konkurenci... more Pojam i predmet prava konkurencije. Pojmovna razgraničenja. 2. Nastanak i razvoj prava konkurencije 2.1. Nastanak i razvoj prava konkurencije u SAD-u 11 2.2. Nastanak i razvoj prava konkurencije u Evropi 12 2.3. Razvoj prava konkurencije u Evropskoj uniji 3. Osnovni ekonomski principi i pravo konkurencije 3.1. Nevidljiva ruka tržišta 3.2. Savršena konkurencija 3.3. Monopol 3.4. Monopolistička konkurencija 3.5. Delotvorna (efektivna) konkurencija 3.6. Dinamička konkurencija 3.7. Oligopol 3.8. Harvardska škola 3.9. Čikaška škola 3.10. Razvoj ekonomske misli nakon Čikaške škole (Postčikago) 34 4. Ciljevi prava konkurencije 4.1. Ekonomsko blagostanje 4.2. Očuvanje procesa konkurencije 4.. 3 Ciljevi evropskog prava konkurencije 4.. 4 Ostali ciljevi 5. Izvori prava konkurencije Evropske unije 5.1. 53 Stvaranje pravnog sistema EU kroz razvoj evropske integracije 5.2. Primarni izvori prava EU 5.3. Sekund arni izvori prava EU 5.4. Primarni izvori prava konkurencije EU 5.5. Sekundarni izvori prava konkurencije EU 5.6. Meko pravo 6. Subjekti prava konkurencije 6.1.
The Reform of Legislation on Restructuring, Reorganisation and Insolvency in the Light of European Tendencies, 2023
In the period 2020-2022, the research team of the Law Faculty University of East Sarajevo, the In... more In the period 2020-2022, the research team of the Law Faculty University of East Sarajevo, the Institute for Comparative Law in Belgrade, the Law Faculty University of Banja Luka and the Economic Faculty University of East Sarajevo implemented a scientific-research project, “The Reform of Legislation on Restructuring, Reorganisation and Insolvency in the Light of European Tendencies”. The Ministry of Scientific-Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska and the Law Faculty University of East Sarajevo funded the project. The project aimed to analyse the consistency of national legislation on insolvency and restructuring with EU law and assess the effectiveness of the current legislative framework.
The project closure was celebrated by organising the international scientific conference on 2.12.2022 at the Law Faculty University of East Sarajevo. The project team members and guest lecturers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and European countries presented papers concerning restructuring and insolvency issues. Twenty authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Germany and Poland participated in the conference. They analysed national legislation on insolvency and restructuring and the requirements that EU law puts before national legislators in this field.
The thematic collection of works “The Reform of Legislation on Restructuring, Reorganisation and Insolvency in the Light of European Tendencies” comprises complete papers from the international scientific conference. All papers went through two double-blind peer reviews before publication. We are convinced that the collection of works, considering its actuality, as well as the thorough and comprehensive elaboration of the most significant issues in insolvency and restructuring, will draw the attention of researchers and practitioners in Bosnia and Herzegovina and countries of the region.
We express special gratitude to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska for the financial support for the publication of this book.