Karlo Kozul | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (original) (raw)
Papers by Karlo Kozul
European Respiratory Journal, Sep 1, 2013
Number: 3196 Publication Number: P966 Abstract Group: 6.1. Epidemiology
Dirofilarioza je zoonoza čiji su prirodni domaćini pas i mačka (D. repens, D. immitis), rakun (D.... more Dirofilarioza je zoonoza čiji su prirodni domaćini pas i mačka (D. repens, D. immitis), rakun (D. tenuis), medvjed (D. ursi), ali i neke druge divlje životinje. Prenosi se sa zaraženih životinja na čovjeka, najčešće ubodom komarca (iz roda Aedes, Anopheles, Culex). Kao pojava, humana dirofilarioza je u Hrvatskoj rijetka. Istra je uz Dubrovačko-neretvansku županiju jedno od dva područja u Hrvatskoj u kojima je nedvojbeno utvrđena prisutnost dirofilarioze pasa uzrokovane parazitom Dirofilaria immitis. Nasuprot tome, dirofilarioza uzrokovana parazitom Dirofilaria repens u pasa je prisutna širom Hrvatske. Na području Osječko-baranjske županije, do 2014., nije zabilježen niti jedan slučaj humane dirofilarioze. U periodu od 20 prosinca 2014. do 1. ožujka 2015., na Očnom odjelu, KBC Osijek, obrađeno je 6 pacijenata zbog očne dirofilarioze, s područja Osječko-baranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Cilj rada bio je povezati podatke o oboljelim osobama sa rezultatima istraživanja o prisut...
Collegium antropologicum, 2014
To determine risk factors for non-use of condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse among high-r... more To determine risk factors for non-use of condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse among high-risk population groups for acquiring HIV/STIs. We collected the data obtained by interviews in the period from 2005 to 2011 in the Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center for HIV/AIDS at the Institute of Public Health of Zadar County. Four hundred ninety four respondents were divided into risk and control groups. The majority of the respondents in our population does not consistently use condoms, in the risk group as much as 89.9%, and in the control group 65.7% of them (p< 0.001). Persons consuming alcohol when having sexual relations use condoms about 5x less often compared to those not consuming alcohol at all (OR=5.00; CI=1.69-14.29). There are significant differences among women and men in the risk group regarding reasons for non-use of condoms. The main reason with women is "I trust mypartners" 33.7% while men "do not like having sex with condoms, 53.6% of them (p ...
According to frequent thyroid function disorders in systemic connective tissue diseases a group o... more According to frequent thyroid function disorders in systemic connective tissue diseases a group of 380 patients were analysed - 70 with systemic erythematous lupus (SLE), 31 with progressive systemic scleris (PSS) and 270 with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thyroxine (T4) and triodothyronine (T3) were measured by radioimmunoassay technique and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) chronologically by monoclonal antibody technique and thereafter by fluoroimmunoassay. Thyreopahty was found at 15 patients with SLE (21.43%), 11 patients with PSS (35.48%) and 35 patients with RA (12.54%). Our results pointed out the significant frequency of thyroid function disorders in these diseases and imply the necessity of the routine thyroid function follow up, therefore to take adequate cure in due time.
Centar za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje (CST) je javno-zdravstvena mjera prevencije HIV i... more Centar za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje (CST) je javno-zdravstvena mjera prevencije HIV infekcije, koja osigurava pravodobno liječenje HIV pozitivnim osobama. U Osijeku, pri Zavodu za javno zdravstvo, osnovan je 2005. godine. Ciljevi istraživanja: Utvrditi koje su karakteristike korisnika CST-a Osijek, te analiza i usporedba rizika za infekciju HIV-om s obzirom na spolnu distribuciju. Ispitanici: Obrađeno je 1.023 korisnika iz CST-a Osijek prosječne starosti 29,15 ± 9,16 godina. Metode: prikupljane su slijedeće varijable: spol, dob, mjesto stanovanja, stručna sprema, radni status, seksualna opredijeljenost, korištenje kondoma, plaćanje i naplaćivanje seksualnih usluga, korištenje i.v. droga putem tuđe upotrijebljene igle, te podatak o tetoviranju i piercing-u. Sve varijable prikazane su grafički i tablično, a razlike između ispitivanih grupa utvrdili smo χ2 testom, a statistička značajnost određena je na razini p<0,05. Rezultati: Obrađeno je 686 korisnika muškog (29,6 ± 9...
Scabies, also known colloquially as the seven-year itch, is a skin disease caused by a parasitic ... more Scabies, also known colloquially as the seven-year itch, is a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis (Hering). The primary risk factor is crowdedness – so schools, kindergartens, retirement homes and other forms of big collectives often represent the source of infection. The mites spreads quickly from person to person through prolonged, direct, close contact. The diagnosis of scabies is made based on a characteristic itching sensation and described changes in predilection sites, and it is confirmed upon finding the cause, which are either eggs or faecal matter, in skin scrapings taken from lesions (papules, burrows). S. scabiei are sensitive to low-toxic formulations of insecticide such as fly spray. The aim of the study is to present the incidence of scabies in the territory of Osijek-Baranja County in the last ten years (2004 – 2013). A descriptive retrospective epidemiological study was conducted. Data were presented in tables and graphs. Statistic...
Utvrditi karakteristike korisnika Centra za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje u Osijeku te ri... more Utvrditi karakteristike korisnika Centra za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje u Osijeku te rizične čimbenike koji su povezani s nastankom HIV-a u razdoblju od osnutka Centra 2005. godine do kraja 2013. godine. METODE U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanju obrađeno je 1252 ispitanika koji se ubrajaju u skupinu teško dostupnih populacija, zbog čega je otežano postizanje reprezentativnog uzorka. Rizični faktori su obuhvaćali: dob, spol, mjesto prebivališta, stručnu spremu, spolnu orijentaciju, homoseksualni kontakt, učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica, prodavanje seksualnih usluga, korištenje zaštite tijekom spolnog odnosa, korištenje opojnih sredstava, intravenska ovisnost. Kategoričke varijable su statistički uspoređene pomoću χ2 testa, a numeričke koje su pokazivale normalnu razdiobu uspoređene su pomoću Studentovog t-testa. Bivarijatna logistička regresija je korištena u stvaranju modela koji bi procijenio značaj rizičnih čimbenika za nastanak HIV infekcije. Razina statističke značajnosti određena je na razini p<0.05. REZULTATI U devetogodišnjem razdoblju u centar se javilo 837 (66.75%) muškaraca i 417 (33.25%) žena prosječne dobi 29.36±9.28 godina. Testom su otkrivene 23 HIV pozitivne osobe, čime je incidencija HIV-a u Osječkobaranjskoj županiji 0.837 oboljela na 100 000 stanovnika. Najveći broj korisnika dolazi iz grada (74.52%), srednje je stručne spreme (72.42%). Prema spolnoj orijentaciji najveći broj korisnika je heteroseksualne orijentacije (79.95%), zatim homoseksualne (10.19%), a najmanje biseksualne (9.86%). Najčešće rizično ponašanje čini spolni odnos bez zaštite (83.2%), učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica (21.18%), homoseksualni kontakt (17.83%), intravenska ovisnost (11.58%) i prodavanje seksualnih usluga (3.56%). Logističkom regresijom utvrđeno je kako su najznačajniji rizični faktori za HIV infekciju muški spol (OR=3.19 (0.95 -10.8)), homoseksualni kontakt (OR=7.53 (3.22-17.65)), zatim učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica (OR=1.48 (0.57-3.85)) i prodavanje seksualnih usluga (OR=1.38 (0.18-10.59)) te homoseksualna (OR=8.31 (3.23-21.35)) i biseksualna spolna orijentacija (OR=4.69 (1.547-14.25)). ZAKLJUČAK Adekvatnom i pravodobnom intervencijom uz poboljšanje javnozdravstvenih akcija, edukacijom, senzibilizacijom populacije i destigmatizacijom oboljelih, incidencija infekcije HIV-om bi se i dalje, na području Republike Hrvatske, mogla održavati na niskoj razini.
The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and it’s ... more The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and it’s variability within 100 essential hypertensive patients and 100 examinees in healthy control group. Essential hypertensive patients had significantly shorter average RR interval, that is, faster heart frequency then the control group. Average variability of the heart frequency was statisticaly considerably lower in hypertensive than in the healthy control group. Sistolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, duration of hypertension, levels have considerate total influence on heart frequency and it’s variability during calm and during deep breathing. The most distinctive negative connection was found between variability of the heart frequency and duration of hypertension. The type A behaviour within hypertensive patients and the control group was more common then type B. In the hypertensive group, total influence of all independent Bortner’s variables on to variability of the heart fr...
Collegium antropologicum, 2014
The aim of the study was to determine the differences in sexual behaviour and condom use as a pro... more The aim of the study was to determine the differences in sexual behaviour and condom use as a protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI) between the first-year and the last-year students. Data were collected by filling anonymous and consented questionnaire in June of 2011 at University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia. Out of 857 students in the planned sample, 462 (53.9%) filled out the questionnaire, and 353/462 (76.4%) were sexually active. Data from sexually active students were processed and statistically significant results between first-year and the last-year students were presented. Studied sample consisted of 192/353 (54.4%) first-year students and 161/353 (45.6%) last-year students. Average age of sexual initiation for the first-year students was 17.28 +/- 1.29 years, a for the last-year students 18.45 +/- 2.14 years, and the difference is significant (Man-Whitney test = 10335.00, p < 0.01). First-year students have lower number of sexual part...
Collegium antropologicum, 2012
The aim of this study was to establish effect of 14 day consumption of commercially available yog... more The aim of this study was to establish effect of 14 day consumption of commercially available yoghurt containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC53103 - LGG (Bioaktiv LGG, Dukat, Croatia) on Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. salivary counts in children. Twenty five patients, 6-10 yr old participated in the study. At the inclusion in the study caries risk for every patient was evaluated. The saliva samples were tested with chair side kits for saliva buffer capacity (CRT buffer, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), S. Mutans and Lactobacillus counts (CRT bacteria test, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). Seven, 14 and 30d after yoghurt consumption saliva samples were tested again with CRT buffer and CRT bacteria tests. Obtained data were analyzed using chi2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results showed significant increase in saliva buffer capacity 30d after yoghurt consumption. S. Mutans salivary counts were significantly decreased after 30d. Significant differences in Lactobacillus coun...
Collegium antropologicum, 2011
The aim of this paper was to explore alcohol consumption and the development of this habit in the... more The aim of this paper was to explore alcohol consumption and the development of this habit in the adolescent population based on qualitative data from 59 anonymous essays written by high school students. We found that the most of adolescents had their first experiences with alcohol in the seventh or eighth grades. They reported that they usually drank alcohol to be happy, to relax, to be courageous in approaching the opposite sex, to fit into society, and to be popular. Factors affecting drinking are influence of peers, family and social attitude towards drinking, laws and enforcement of legislation. In further prevention programs, we must be able to demonstrate that "having a good time" does not mean drinking alcohol. Programs for the prevention of alcohol-related problems must begin by adolescence, including both sexes equally and can be achieved through a coordinated and intense public health effort.
Collegium antropologicum, 2010
The primary goal of this research is to compare risks and occurrence of HIV infection in Osijek-B... more The primary goal of this research is to compare risks and occurrence of HIV infection in Osijek-Baranja and Zadar County. Several chosen socioeconomic factors controlled by sex and age were investigated including level of education, employment and marital status of the free-of charge voluntary counseling and testing center (VCT) customers in the towns of Osijek and Zadar and their risk behaviors for acquiring HIV. Bivariate analysis of the differences between the customers from Osijek and Zadar showed statistically significant differences in the following variables: gender, education, number of VCT clients who use intravenous drugs (IDU), promiscuous behavior, number of homosexual clients, mode of receiving information on the VCT services, marital and partnership status, having children, inclination towards homosexual and bisexual relations, the main reasons for not using condoms, injecting drugs (IDU) needle sharing and the occurrence of hepatitis C. The analysis showed that signif...
European journal of epidemiology, 2000
During a 3-year period (1992-1995), 239 index cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 459 ... more During a 3-year period (1992-1995), 239 index cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 459 members of their households from the Osijek-Baranja county were examined. The aim of the study was to determine the spread of HBV infection in the families with a member verified as a virus carrier, and to identify the family members with the highest risk of infection according to kinship degrees. The retrospective and prospective methods were used in the study. The probable route of infection was assessed by the use of an epidemiologic questionnaire, and the serologic status of the study subjects concerning infection with HBV was determined by enzyme immunoassays (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBe and anti-HBc). The first member of a family identified as a virus carrier was considered an index case. HBV infection was demonstrated in 334 (47.85%) out of a total of 698 subjects. Only 21 (6.28%) of the 334 subjects with verified HBV infection developed the clinical picture of acute hepatitis B. Th...
Public Health, 2011
Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are chronic granulomatous diseases. Clinical, pathologic and immunol... more Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are chronic granulomatous diseases. Clinical, pathologic and immunologic aspects are similar although different. The authors were interested to highlight possible epidemiological similarities of these two granulomatous diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate incidence rate as well as age, sex and geographic distribution of sarcoidosis in South Croatia and to compare it with these epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis. Retrospective. The study was including ten years follow up period (1997-2006), and was performed in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. All data were collected retrospectively and analyzed using Statistica 7 programme. The mean annual incidence of sarcoidosis was 3.3/100,000 inhabitants with a mean of 15,6 cases per year. Woman accounted for 61% of all sarcoidosis cases. The mean sarcoidosis patient age was 44.94 ± 11.85 years. The peak age group was 40-49 years (31%). Significant difference according to incidence rate on the islands comparing to the rates on the coast and the mainland was observed (P = 0.003). The mean sarcoidosis mortality rate was 1.2/100,000. Statistically significant differences between sarcoidosis and tuberculosis were observed according the higher number of tuberculosis patients (P < 0.000), among males (P < 0.000), and females, too (P < 0.000) as well as in mortality rates (P = 0.401). Significantly more patients had tuberculosis on the mainland (P < 0.000) and on the coast (P < 0.000), but not in the islands (P = 0.260). The results from this study showed dissimilarities in classic epidemiological patterns between sarcoidosis and tuberculosis, incidence rates, as well as sex and geographic distribution. Our findings resulted from this study might be starting point for the future epidemiological, genetic, and immunological studies.
BMC Public Health, 2013
Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of tuberculosis.... more Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of tuberculosis. A number of studies have addressed the issue of risk factors for tuberculosis development. Croatia is a European country with an incidence rate of 14/100 000 which is slowly decreasing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural and biological risk factors for tuberculosis in Croatia in comparison to other high-income, low-incidence European countries. Methods: A total of 300 tuberculosis patients were matched for age, sex and county of residence to 300 controls randomly selected from general practitioners' registers. They were interviewed and their medical records were evaluated for variables broadly described as potential risk factors. Results: In multiple logistic regression, the following factors were significant: parents born in a particular neighbouring county (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (OR = 3.90, 95% CI 2.01-7.58), the lowest level of education (OR = 3.44, 95% CI 1.39-8.50), poor household equipment (OR = 4.72, 95% CI 1.51-14.76), unemployment (OR = 2.69, 95% CI 1.18-6.16), contact with tuberculosis (OR = 2.19, 95% CI 1.27-3.77), former (OR = 2.27, 95% CI 1.19-4.33) and current smoking habits (OR = 2.35, 95% CI 1.27-4.36), diabetes (OR = 2.38, 95% CI 1.05-5.38), a malignant disease (OR = 5.79, 95% CI 1.49-22.42), being underweight in the previous year (OR = 13.57, 95% CI 1.21-152.38). Conclusion: In our study, the identified risk groups for tuberculosis reflect a complex interaction between socioeconomic conditions, lifestyle and non-communicable diseases. Interventions focused on poverty will undoubtedly be useful, but not sufficient. Tuberculosis control would benefit from a combination of broad public health activities aimed at the prevention and control of risky lifestyles and non-communicable diseases, interventions outside the health sector, and efforts to constantly improve the Croatian national tuberculosis programme.
European Respiratory Journal, Sep 1, 2013
Number: 3196 Publication Number: P966 Abstract Group: 6.1. Epidemiology
Dirofilarioza je zoonoza čiji su prirodni domaćini pas i mačka (D. repens, D. immitis), rakun (D.... more Dirofilarioza je zoonoza čiji su prirodni domaćini pas i mačka (D. repens, D. immitis), rakun (D. tenuis), medvjed (D. ursi), ali i neke druge divlje životinje. Prenosi se sa zaraženih životinja na čovjeka, najčešće ubodom komarca (iz roda Aedes, Anopheles, Culex). Kao pojava, humana dirofilarioza je u Hrvatskoj rijetka. Istra je uz Dubrovačko-neretvansku županiju jedno od dva područja u Hrvatskoj u kojima je nedvojbeno utvrđena prisutnost dirofilarioze pasa uzrokovane parazitom Dirofilaria immitis. Nasuprot tome, dirofilarioza uzrokovana parazitom Dirofilaria repens u pasa je prisutna širom Hrvatske. Na području Osječko-baranjske županije, do 2014., nije zabilježen niti jedan slučaj humane dirofilarioze. U periodu od 20 prosinca 2014. do 1. ožujka 2015., na Očnom odjelu, KBC Osijek, obrađeno je 6 pacijenata zbog očne dirofilarioze, s područja Osječko-baranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Cilj rada bio je povezati podatke o oboljelim osobama sa rezultatima istraživanja o prisut...
Collegium antropologicum, 2014
To determine risk factors for non-use of condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse among high-r... more To determine risk factors for non-use of condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse among high-risk population groups for acquiring HIV/STIs. We collected the data obtained by interviews in the period from 2005 to 2011 in the Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center for HIV/AIDS at the Institute of Public Health of Zadar County. Four hundred ninety four respondents were divided into risk and control groups. The majority of the respondents in our population does not consistently use condoms, in the risk group as much as 89.9%, and in the control group 65.7% of them (p< 0.001). Persons consuming alcohol when having sexual relations use condoms about 5x less often compared to those not consuming alcohol at all (OR=5.00; CI=1.69-14.29). There are significant differences among women and men in the risk group regarding reasons for non-use of condoms. The main reason with women is "I trust mypartners" 33.7% while men "do not like having sex with condoms, 53.6% of them (p ...
According to frequent thyroid function disorders in systemic connective tissue diseases a group o... more According to frequent thyroid function disorders in systemic connective tissue diseases a group of 380 patients were analysed - 70 with systemic erythematous lupus (SLE), 31 with progressive systemic scleris (PSS) and 270 with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thyroxine (T4) and triodothyronine (T3) were measured by radioimmunoassay technique and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) chronologically by monoclonal antibody technique and thereafter by fluoroimmunoassay. Thyreopahty was found at 15 patients with SLE (21.43%), 11 patients with PSS (35.48%) and 35 patients with RA (12.54%). Our results pointed out the significant frequency of thyroid function disorders in these diseases and imply the necessity of the routine thyroid function follow up, therefore to take adequate cure in due time.
Centar za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje (CST) je javno-zdravstvena mjera prevencije HIV i... more Centar za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje (CST) je javno-zdravstvena mjera prevencije HIV infekcije, koja osigurava pravodobno liječenje HIV pozitivnim osobama. U Osijeku, pri Zavodu za javno zdravstvo, osnovan je 2005. godine. Ciljevi istraživanja: Utvrditi koje su karakteristike korisnika CST-a Osijek, te analiza i usporedba rizika za infekciju HIV-om s obzirom na spolnu distribuciju. Ispitanici: Obrađeno je 1.023 korisnika iz CST-a Osijek prosječne starosti 29,15 ± 9,16 godina. Metode: prikupljane su slijedeće varijable: spol, dob, mjesto stanovanja, stručna sprema, radni status, seksualna opredijeljenost, korištenje kondoma, plaćanje i naplaćivanje seksualnih usluga, korištenje i.v. droga putem tuđe upotrijebljene igle, te podatak o tetoviranju i piercing-u. Sve varijable prikazane su grafički i tablično, a razlike između ispitivanih grupa utvrdili smo χ2 testom, a statistička značajnost određena je na razini p<0,05. Rezultati: Obrađeno je 686 korisnika muškog (29,6 ± 9...
Scabies, also known colloquially as the seven-year itch, is a skin disease caused by a parasitic ... more Scabies, also known colloquially as the seven-year itch, is a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis (Hering). The primary risk factor is crowdedness – so schools, kindergartens, retirement homes and other forms of big collectives often represent the source of infection. The mites spreads quickly from person to person through prolonged, direct, close contact. The diagnosis of scabies is made based on a characteristic itching sensation and described changes in predilection sites, and it is confirmed upon finding the cause, which are either eggs or faecal matter, in skin scrapings taken from lesions (papules, burrows). S. scabiei are sensitive to low-toxic formulations of insecticide such as fly spray. The aim of the study is to present the incidence of scabies in the territory of Osijek-Baranja County in the last ten years (2004 – 2013). A descriptive retrospective epidemiological study was conducted. Data were presented in tables and graphs. Statistic...
Utvrditi karakteristike korisnika Centra za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje u Osijeku te ri... more Utvrditi karakteristike korisnika Centra za dobrovoljno savjetovanje i testiranje u Osijeku te rizične čimbenike koji su povezani s nastankom HIV-a u razdoblju od osnutka Centra 2005. godine do kraja 2013. godine. METODE U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanju obrađeno je 1252 ispitanika koji se ubrajaju u skupinu teško dostupnih populacija, zbog čega je otežano postizanje reprezentativnog uzorka. Rizični faktori su obuhvaćali: dob, spol, mjesto prebivališta, stručnu spremu, spolnu orijentaciju, homoseksualni kontakt, učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica, prodavanje seksualnih usluga, korištenje zaštite tijekom spolnog odnosa, korištenje opojnih sredstava, intravenska ovisnost. Kategoričke varijable su statistički uspoređene pomoću χ2 testa, a numeričke koje su pokazivale normalnu razdiobu uspoređene su pomoću Studentovog t-testa. Bivarijatna logistička regresija je korištena u stvaranju modela koji bi procijenio značaj rizičnih čimbenika za nastanak HIV infekcije. Razina statističke značajnosti određena je na razini p<0.05. REZULTATI U devetogodišnjem razdoblju u centar se javilo 837 (66.75%) muškaraca i 417 (33.25%) žena prosječne dobi 29.36±9.28 godina. Testom su otkrivene 23 HIV pozitivne osobe, čime je incidencija HIV-a u Osječkobaranjskoj županiji 0.837 oboljela na 100 000 stanovnika. Najveći broj korisnika dolazi iz grada (74.52%), srednje je stručne spreme (72.42%). Prema spolnoj orijentaciji najveći broj korisnika je heteroseksualne orijentacije (79.95%), zatim homoseksualne (10.19%), a najmanje biseksualne (9.86%). Najčešće rizično ponašanje čini spolni odnos bez zaštite (83.2%), učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica (21.18%), homoseksualni kontakt (17.83%), intravenska ovisnost (11.58%) i prodavanje seksualnih usluga (3.56%). Logističkom regresijom utvrđeno je kako su najznačajniji rizični faktori za HIV infekciju muški spol (OR=3.19 (0.95 -10.8)), homoseksualni kontakt (OR=7.53 (3.22-17.65)), zatim učestalo mijenjanje spolnih partnera/ica (OR=1.48 (0.57-3.85)) i prodavanje seksualnih usluga (OR=1.38 (0.18-10.59)) te homoseksualna (OR=8.31 (3.23-21.35)) i biseksualna spolna orijentacija (OR=4.69 (1.547-14.25)). ZAKLJUČAK Adekvatnom i pravodobnom intervencijom uz poboljšanje javnozdravstvenih akcija, edukacijom, senzibilizacijom populacije i destigmatizacijom oboljelih, incidencija infekcije HIV-om bi se i dalje, na području Republike Hrvatske, mogla održavati na niskoj razini.
The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and it’s ... more The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and it’s variability within 100 essential hypertensive patients and 100 examinees in healthy control group. Essential hypertensive patients had significantly shorter average RR interval, that is, faster heart frequency then the control group. Average variability of the heart frequency was statisticaly considerably lower in hypertensive than in the healthy control group. Sistolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, duration of hypertension, levels have considerate total influence on heart frequency and it’s variability during calm and during deep breathing. The most distinctive negative connection was found between variability of the heart frequency and duration of hypertension. The type A behaviour within hypertensive patients and the control group was more common then type B. In the hypertensive group, total influence of all independent Bortner’s variables on to variability of the heart fr...
Collegium antropologicum, 2014
The aim of the study was to determine the differences in sexual behaviour and condom use as a pro... more The aim of the study was to determine the differences in sexual behaviour and condom use as a protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI) between the first-year and the last-year students. Data were collected by filling anonymous and consented questionnaire in June of 2011 at University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia. Out of 857 students in the planned sample, 462 (53.9%) filled out the questionnaire, and 353/462 (76.4%) were sexually active. Data from sexually active students were processed and statistically significant results between first-year and the last-year students were presented. Studied sample consisted of 192/353 (54.4%) first-year students and 161/353 (45.6%) last-year students. Average age of sexual initiation for the first-year students was 17.28 +/- 1.29 years, a for the last-year students 18.45 +/- 2.14 years, and the difference is significant (Man-Whitney test = 10335.00, p < 0.01). First-year students have lower number of sexual part...
Collegium antropologicum, 2012
The aim of this study was to establish effect of 14 day consumption of commercially available yog... more The aim of this study was to establish effect of 14 day consumption of commercially available yoghurt containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC53103 - LGG (Bioaktiv LGG, Dukat, Croatia) on Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. salivary counts in children. Twenty five patients, 6-10 yr old participated in the study. At the inclusion in the study caries risk for every patient was evaluated. The saliva samples were tested with chair side kits for saliva buffer capacity (CRT buffer, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), S. Mutans and Lactobacillus counts (CRT bacteria test, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). Seven, 14 and 30d after yoghurt consumption saliva samples were tested again with CRT buffer and CRT bacteria tests. Obtained data were analyzed using chi2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results showed significant increase in saliva buffer capacity 30d after yoghurt consumption. S. Mutans salivary counts were significantly decreased after 30d. Significant differences in Lactobacillus coun...
Collegium antropologicum, 2011
The aim of this paper was to explore alcohol consumption and the development of this habit in the... more The aim of this paper was to explore alcohol consumption and the development of this habit in the adolescent population based on qualitative data from 59 anonymous essays written by high school students. We found that the most of adolescents had their first experiences with alcohol in the seventh or eighth grades. They reported that they usually drank alcohol to be happy, to relax, to be courageous in approaching the opposite sex, to fit into society, and to be popular. Factors affecting drinking are influence of peers, family and social attitude towards drinking, laws and enforcement of legislation. In further prevention programs, we must be able to demonstrate that "having a good time" does not mean drinking alcohol. Programs for the prevention of alcohol-related problems must begin by adolescence, including both sexes equally and can be achieved through a coordinated and intense public health effort.
Collegium antropologicum, 2010
The primary goal of this research is to compare risks and occurrence of HIV infection in Osijek-B... more The primary goal of this research is to compare risks and occurrence of HIV infection in Osijek-Baranja and Zadar County. Several chosen socioeconomic factors controlled by sex and age were investigated including level of education, employment and marital status of the free-of charge voluntary counseling and testing center (VCT) customers in the towns of Osijek and Zadar and their risk behaviors for acquiring HIV. Bivariate analysis of the differences between the customers from Osijek and Zadar showed statistically significant differences in the following variables: gender, education, number of VCT clients who use intravenous drugs (IDU), promiscuous behavior, number of homosexual clients, mode of receiving information on the VCT services, marital and partnership status, having children, inclination towards homosexual and bisexual relations, the main reasons for not using condoms, injecting drugs (IDU) needle sharing and the occurrence of hepatitis C. The analysis showed that signif...
European journal of epidemiology, 2000
During a 3-year period (1992-1995), 239 index cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 459 ... more During a 3-year period (1992-1995), 239 index cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 459 members of their households from the Osijek-Baranja county were examined. The aim of the study was to determine the spread of HBV infection in the families with a member verified as a virus carrier, and to identify the family members with the highest risk of infection according to kinship degrees. The retrospective and prospective methods were used in the study. The probable route of infection was assessed by the use of an epidemiologic questionnaire, and the serologic status of the study subjects concerning infection with HBV was determined by enzyme immunoassays (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBe and anti-HBc). The first member of a family identified as a virus carrier was considered an index case. HBV infection was demonstrated in 334 (47.85%) out of a total of 698 subjects. Only 21 (6.28%) of the 334 subjects with verified HBV infection developed the clinical picture of acute hepatitis B. Th...
Public Health, 2011
Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are chronic granulomatous diseases. Clinical, pathologic and immunol... more Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are chronic granulomatous diseases. Clinical, pathologic and immunologic aspects are similar although different. The authors were interested to highlight possible epidemiological similarities of these two granulomatous diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate incidence rate as well as age, sex and geographic distribution of sarcoidosis in South Croatia and to compare it with these epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis. Retrospective. The study was including ten years follow up period (1997-2006), and was performed in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. All data were collected retrospectively and analyzed using Statistica 7 programme. The mean annual incidence of sarcoidosis was 3.3/100,000 inhabitants with a mean of 15,6 cases per year. Woman accounted for 61% of all sarcoidosis cases. The mean sarcoidosis patient age was 44.94 ± 11.85 years. The peak age group was 40-49 years (31%). Significant difference according to incidence rate on the islands comparing to the rates on the coast and the mainland was observed (P = 0.003). The mean sarcoidosis mortality rate was 1.2/100,000. Statistically significant differences between sarcoidosis and tuberculosis were observed according the higher number of tuberculosis patients (P < 0.000), among males (P < 0.000), and females, too (P < 0.000) as well as in mortality rates (P = 0.401). Significantly more patients had tuberculosis on the mainland (P < 0.000) and on the coast (P < 0.000), but not in the islands (P = 0.260). The results from this study showed dissimilarities in classic epidemiological patterns between sarcoidosis and tuberculosis, incidence rates, as well as sex and geographic distribution. Our findings resulted from this study might be starting point for the future epidemiological, genetic, and immunological studies.
BMC Public Health, 2013
Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of tuberculosis.... more Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of tuberculosis. A number of studies have addressed the issue of risk factors for tuberculosis development. Croatia is a European country with an incidence rate of 14/100 000 which is slowly decreasing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural and biological risk factors for tuberculosis in Croatia in comparison to other high-income, low-incidence European countries. Methods: A total of 300 tuberculosis patients were matched for age, sex and county of residence to 300 controls randomly selected from general practitioners' registers. They were interviewed and their medical records were evaluated for variables broadly described as potential risk factors. Results: In multiple logistic regression, the following factors were significant: parents born in a particular neighbouring county (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (OR = 3.90, 95% CI 2.01-7.58), the lowest level of education (OR = 3.44, 95% CI 1.39-8.50), poor household equipment (OR = 4.72, 95% CI 1.51-14.76), unemployment (OR = 2.69, 95% CI 1.18-6.16), contact with tuberculosis (OR = 2.19, 95% CI 1.27-3.77), former (OR = 2.27, 95% CI 1.19-4.33) and current smoking habits (OR = 2.35, 95% CI 1.27-4.36), diabetes (OR = 2.38, 95% CI 1.05-5.38), a malignant disease (OR = 5.79, 95% CI 1.49-22.42), being underweight in the previous year (OR = 13.57, 95% CI 1.21-152.38). Conclusion: In our study, the identified risk groups for tuberculosis reflect a complex interaction between socioeconomic conditions, lifestyle and non-communicable diseases. Interventions focused on poverty will undoubtedly be useful, but not sufficient. Tuberculosis control would benefit from a combination of broad public health activities aimed at the prevention and control of risky lifestyles and non-communicable diseases, interventions outside the health sector, and efforts to constantly improve the Croatian national tuberculosis programme.