G. Pignatel | University of Perugia (original) (raw)

Papers by G. Pignatel

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of P Implanted Silicon Bolometers

ESSDERC '87: 17th European Solid State Device Research Conference, 1987

We have measured electrical resistance R as function of temperature T in the range 2 % 20 K of se... more We have measured electrical resistance R as function of temperature T in the range 2 % 20 K of severaL P implanted Silicon bolonmeters with the aim of optimize the characteristics of the bolometers. We have investigated the R(T) behavior of several samples obtaitned by varying implant conditions, depth profile and annealing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Monolithic integration of Si-PIN diodes and n-channel double-gate JFET's for room temperature X-ray spectroscopy

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of silicon dioxide and phosphosilicate glass deposited films

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

ABSTRACT Silicate glasses, both undoped and lightly doped with phosphorus, prepared by a low pres... more ABSTRACT Silicate glasses, both undoped and lightly doped with phosphorus, prepared by a low pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system using tetraethylorthosilicate or silane as silicon sources and atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition technique using silane, were evaluated. The three analyzed phosphosilicate films were nominally 4.0 wt % doped. All the samples were deposited in the temperature range of 350–420 °C. Their main properties such as refractive index, density, wet etch rate, stress, step coverage, moisture resistance, and infrared absorption are reported. Infrared absorption measurements were performed on both as‐deposited and annealed films (430 °C for 15 min in N 2 ) to investigate the presence of water and Si–OH groups, as well as P=O and Si–O bond interactions. The P‐doped films were tested as final passivation layers on 1 Mbit erasable programmable read only memory devices mounted in ceramic packages. Similar electrical results have been obtained with three different phosphosilicate glass films. However, the most reliable results after assembly and packaging were obtained for films deposited by PECVD technique using tetraethylorthosilicate as the source of silicon in the films.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of new silicon bolometers for calorimetric particles detection

In order to study the feasibility of a neutrino mass determination experiment, various new silico... more In order to study the feasibility of a neutrino mass determination experiment, various new silicon bolometers have been constructed after optimization of the implant conditions. They were exposed to alpha particles and X-rays at low and very low temperatures in a dilution refrigerator.

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Research paper thumbnail of Good-quality silica optical waveguides formed by low-temperature-oxidation chemical vapor deposition technique

A new reactor--namely Select from Watkins Johnson--which is capable to deposit thick films of dop... more A new reactor--namely Select from Watkins Johnson--which is capable to deposit thick films of doped and undoped silicon oxide by low temperature oxidation (T < 500 degree(s)C) from silane and oxygen, has been used to realize 6 micrometers thick silica waveguides which are three- modal at a wavelength of 1.15 micrometers with an attenuation loss better than 1.0 dB/cm on

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a detector-compatible JFET technology on high-resistivity silicon

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998

We report on the development of a radiation-detector compatible JFET technology on high-resistivi... more We report on the development of a radiation-detector compatible JFET technology on high-resistivity silicon for monolithic integration of detectors and front-end electronics. A dedicated test-chip has been designed and fabricated for process and device characterization. Results from the electrical characterization of a first fabrication run show that good values of detector leakage current (≈1nA/cm2) can be obtained in spite of the relatively high thermal budget characterizing the process. As far as the JFET performance is concerned, a problem of insufficient device isolation at high substrate voltages has been evidenced. A second run is currently being carried on with the aim of optimizing the JFET structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of a γ-ray detection system based on a CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to a silicon PiN diode

2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008

ABSTRACT As a step towards the realization of a γ-ray 8x8 modular imaging probe, the single pixel... more ABSTRACT As a step towards the realization of a γ-ray 8x8 modular imaging probe, the single pixel element has been extensively tested. It consists of a 6.1 mm2 x 3.7 mm CsI(Tl) scintillation crystal optically coupled to the backside of a 3.6 mm2 PiN diode on a 300 um fully depleted silicon wafer. The γ-ray detection system has been irradiated with the radio-isotopes: 241Am, 99mTc, 152Eu and 137Cs to span the energy range between 60 and 1400 keV. The linearity of the response is very good and the total conversion efficiency is 0.45. The dependence of the energy resolution on the electronic noise has been simulated and compared with experimental values. The intrinsic resolution of the crystal is about 6% and the ENC about 200 rms electrons. The resolution on the 140 keV line of the 99mTc and the 660 keV line of the 137Cs are 19% and 7.4%, respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gate-length dependence of bulk generation lifetime and surface generation velocity measurement in high-resistivity silicon using gated diodes

ICMTS 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (Cat. No.00CH37095), 2000

ABSTRACT The accuracy of the gated-diode method for extracting bulk generation lifetime and surfa... more ABSTRACT The accuracy of the gated-diode method for extracting bulk generation lifetime and surface generation velocity in high resistivity silicon is shown to depend critically on the gate length of the adopted test device, as a result of nonidealities which are not accounted for by the measurement technique. Minimization of the surface generation velocity measurement error requires the gate length to be suitably reduced, while long gate devices are needed for accurate bulk generation lifetime extraction. Both parameters can be measured from a single test structure obtained by compenetrating a short gate device with a long gate one.

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Research paper thumbnail of Microfluidics for the treatment of the hydrocephalus

The aim of this work consists in investigating how micro fluidic systems realized with different ... more The aim of this work consists in investigating how micro fluidic systems realized with different micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) technologies and telemetry sensors can be applied in the treatment of the human disease called hydrocephalus. In particular we will evaluate system performances in terms of maximum allowable flow-rate and valve efficiency.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal Characterization of a sensor microheater through an effective temperature coefficient of resistance

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Research paper thumbnail of Active Pixel Sensors Detectors in CMOS Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a fabrication technology for silicon microstrip detectors with integrated electronics

2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37310), 2002

We report on an R&D activity aimed at the realisation of silicon microstrip detectors with in... more We report on an R&D activity aimed at the realisation of silicon microstrip detectors with integrated front-end electronics, to be used in high-energy physics experiments and medical/industrial imaging applications. A dedicated fabrication technology has been developed at ITC-RST (Trento, Italy), which allows for the production of single-sided microstrip detectors, with integrated coupling capacitors and polysilicon resistors, as well as active devices, including N-channel Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET's), and N- or P-channel MOS transistors. The peculiar characteristics of the fabrication process are outlined, and experimental results from the electrical characterisation of the devices are reported, showing that transistors with good electric figures can be obtained within the proposed technology while preserving the basic detector parameters.

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Research paper thumbnail of Compact modeling of n-side interstrip resistance in p-stop and p-spray isolated double-sided silicon microstrip detectors

2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (Cat. No.00CH37149), 2000

ABSTRACT A compact, analytical model is derived for the n-side interstrip resistance of double-si... more ABSTRACT A compact, analytical model is derived for the n-side interstrip resistance of double-sided silicon microstrip detectors, allowing for fast and accurate prediction of the minimum p-stop (or p-spray) implant dose ensuring adequate interstrip isolation. The basic idea on which the proposed model relies is that the portion of the detector between two adjacent n-strips can effectively be assimilated to an equivalent n-channel MOSFET. The interstrip resistance can be evaluated as the output resistance of such an equivalent MOSFET using standard SPICE-like models. The influence of radiation-induced oxide charge and p-stop (or p-spray) voltage can be incorporated into the model by simply including in the threshold voltage expression the induced flat-band voltage shift and body-effect term, respectively

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Simulation of Silicon Thin Detectors

Sensors and Microsystems - Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-limitation of edge-generated currents in single-sided microstrip detectors after type inversion

1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.99CH37019), 1999

ABSTRACT Heavily irradiated p+-n single-sided microstrip detectors show no dramatic increase in t... more ABSTRACT Heavily irradiated p+-n single-sided microstrip detectors show no dramatic increase in the leakage current due to contributions originating from the cut region, despite, after type inversion, the space-charge region is touching the heavily-damaged, cutting edge, already at zero bias. In this paper, we present both theoretical and experimental results aimed at providing interpretation for such phenomenon. In particular, we show that, for high defect densities at the detector cutting edge, the hole density approaches locally its equilibrium value. Correspondingly, the net generation rate saturates, this ultimately limiting the amount of current which can originate from the detector edge. Measurements from devices irradiated at different fluences are in good agreement with simulation results

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Research paper thumbnail of High Sensitivity Silicon Bolometers

Superconducting and Low-Temperature Particle Detectors, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Development of silicon microheaters for chemoresistive gas sensors</title>

Design, Test, and Microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS, 1999

ABSTRACT We report on the design, fabrication, and characterization of a microheater module for c... more ABSTRACT We report on the design, fabrication, and characterization of a microheater module for chemoresistive, metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensors, consisting of a dielectric stacked membrane, micromachined from bulk silicon and with an embedded polysilicon resistor heater. Fabricated structures exhibit excellent heating efficiency, requiring only 30 mW to achieve a temperature of 500 C. Measured electrothermal characteristics are in good agreement with the outcomes of 3D numerical simulations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Radiation Hard Silicon Detectors: The Smart Project

Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 9th Conference, 2006

The research actitvity of the SMART project, a collaboration of Italian research institutes funde... more The research actitvity of the SMART project, a collaboration of Italian research institutes funded by the I.N.F.N., has been focused on the development of radiation hard silicon position sensitive detectors for the CERN Large Hadron Collider luminosity upgrade. Electrical characterization of pad and micro-strip devices as well as study of microscopic defects on the bulk material have been carried out

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Research paper thumbnail of A test chip for the development of PIN-type silicon radiation detectors

Proceedings of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of PIN diode and integrated JFET on high resistivity silicon: a new test structure

2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37310), 2002

ABSTRACT A new test structure intended as a pixel for segmented X- and γ-ray detectors has been d... more ABSTRACT A new test structure intended as a pixel for segmented X- and γ-ray detectors has been designed fabricated and tested. The structure consists of a PIN diode of 0.8 mm2 area and of an n-channel JFET integrated on the same high resistivity (6 kΩ cm) silicon chip. The electrical parameters-leakage current, the transconductance and the capacitance have good expected values. Instead, noise in excess is present in the transistor. Operated at room temperature as an X-ray detector with the integrated frontend transistor in the charge sensitive configuration, the new test structure shows an equivalent noise charge of about 60 electrons rms at the optimum shaping time of 3-6 μs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of P Implanted Silicon Bolometers

ESSDERC '87: 17th European Solid State Device Research Conference, 1987

We have measured electrical resistance R as function of temperature T in the range 2 % 20 K of se... more We have measured electrical resistance R as function of temperature T in the range 2 % 20 K of severaL P implanted Silicon bolonmeters with the aim of optimize the characteristics of the bolometers. We have investigated the R(T) behavior of several samples obtaitned by varying implant conditions, depth profile and annealing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Monolithic integration of Si-PIN diodes and n-channel double-gate JFET's for room temperature X-ray spectroscopy

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of silicon dioxide and phosphosilicate glass deposited films

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

ABSTRACT Silicate glasses, both undoped and lightly doped with phosphorus, prepared by a low pres... more ABSTRACT Silicate glasses, both undoped and lightly doped with phosphorus, prepared by a low pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system using tetraethylorthosilicate or silane as silicon sources and atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition technique using silane, were evaluated. The three analyzed phosphosilicate films were nominally 4.0 wt % doped. All the samples were deposited in the temperature range of 350–420 °C. Their main properties such as refractive index, density, wet etch rate, stress, step coverage, moisture resistance, and infrared absorption are reported. Infrared absorption measurements were performed on both as‐deposited and annealed films (430 °C for 15 min in N 2 ) to investigate the presence of water and Si–OH groups, as well as P=O and Si–O bond interactions. The P‐doped films were tested as final passivation layers on 1 Mbit erasable programmable read only memory devices mounted in ceramic packages. Similar electrical results have been obtained with three different phosphosilicate glass films. However, the most reliable results after assembly and packaging were obtained for films deposited by PECVD technique using tetraethylorthosilicate as the source of silicon in the films.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study of new silicon bolometers for calorimetric particles detection

In order to study the feasibility of a neutrino mass determination experiment, various new silico... more In order to study the feasibility of a neutrino mass determination experiment, various new silicon bolometers have been constructed after optimization of the implant conditions. They were exposed to alpha particles and X-rays at low and very low temperatures in a dilution refrigerator.

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Research paper thumbnail of Good-quality silica optical waveguides formed by low-temperature-oxidation chemical vapor deposition technique

A new reactor--namely Select from Watkins Johnson--which is capable to deposit thick films of dop... more A new reactor--namely Select from Watkins Johnson--which is capable to deposit thick films of doped and undoped silicon oxide by low temperature oxidation (T < 500 degree(s)C) from silane and oxygen, has been used to realize 6 micrometers thick silica waveguides which are three- modal at a wavelength of 1.15 micrometers with an attenuation loss better than 1.0 dB/cm on

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a detector-compatible JFET technology on high-resistivity silicon

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998

We report on the development of a radiation-detector compatible JFET technology on high-resistivi... more We report on the development of a radiation-detector compatible JFET technology on high-resistivity silicon for monolithic integration of detectors and front-end electronics. A dedicated test-chip has been designed and fabricated for process and device characterization. Results from the electrical characterization of a first fabrication run show that good values of detector leakage current (≈1nA/cm2) can be obtained in spite of the relatively high thermal budget characterizing the process. As far as the JFET performance is concerned, a problem of insufficient device isolation at high substrate voltages has been evidenced. A second run is currently being carried on with the aim of optimizing the JFET structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of a γ-ray detection system based on a CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to a silicon PiN diode

2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008

ABSTRACT As a step towards the realization of a γ-ray 8x8 modular imaging probe, the single pixel... more ABSTRACT As a step towards the realization of a γ-ray 8x8 modular imaging probe, the single pixel element has been extensively tested. It consists of a 6.1 mm2 x 3.7 mm CsI(Tl) scintillation crystal optically coupled to the backside of a 3.6 mm2 PiN diode on a 300 um fully depleted silicon wafer. The γ-ray detection system has been irradiated with the radio-isotopes: 241Am, 99mTc, 152Eu and 137Cs to span the energy range between 60 and 1400 keV. The linearity of the response is very good and the total conversion efficiency is 0.45. The dependence of the energy resolution on the electronic noise has been simulated and compared with experimental values. The intrinsic resolution of the crystal is about 6% and the ENC about 200 rms electrons. The resolution on the 140 keV line of the 99mTc and the 660 keV line of the 137Cs are 19% and 7.4%, respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gate-length dependence of bulk generation lifetime and surface generation velocity measurement in high-resistivity silicon using gated diodes

ICMTS 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (Cat. No.00CH37095), 2000

ABSTRACT The accuracy of the gated-diode method for extracting bulk generation lifetime and surfa... more ABSTRACT The accuracy of the gated-diode method for extracting bulk generation lifetime and surface generation velocity in high resistivity silicon is shown to depend critically on the gate length of the adopted test device, as a result of nonidealities which are not accounted for by the measurement technique. Minimization of the surface generation velocity measurement error requires the gate length to be suitably reduced, while long gate devices are needed for accurate bulk generation lifetime extraction. Both parameters can be measured from a single test structure obtained by compenetrating a short gate device with a long gate one.

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Research paper thumbnail of Microfluidics for the treatment of the hydrocephalus

The aim of this work consists in investigating how micro fluidic systems realized with different ... more The aim of this work consists in investigating how micro fluidic systems realized with different micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) technologies and telemetry sensors can be applied in the treatment of the human disease called hydrocephalus. In particular we will evaluate system performances in terms of maximum allowable flow-rate and valve efficiency.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal Characterization of a sensor microheater through an effective temperature coefficient of resistance

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Research paper thumbnail of Active Pixel Sensors Detectors in CMOS Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a fabrication technology for silicon microstrip detectors with integrated electronics

2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37310), 2002

We report on an R&D activity aimed at the realisation of silicon microstrip detectors with in... more We report on an R&D activity aimed at the realisation of silicon microstrip detectors with integrated front-end electronics, to be used in high-energy physics experiments and medical/industrial imaging applications. A dedicated fabrication technology has been developed at ITC-RST (Trento, Italy), which allows for the production of single-sided microstrip detectors, with integrated coupling capacitors and polysilicon resistors, as well as active devices, including N-channel Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET's), and N- or P-channel MOS transistors. The peculiar characteristics of the fabrication process are outlined, and experimental results from the electrical characterisation of the devices are reported, showing that transistors with good electric figures can be obtained within the proposed technology while preserving the basic detector parameters.

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Research paper thumbnail of Compact modeling of n-side interstrip resistance in p-stop and p-spray isolated double-sided silicon microstrip detectors

2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (Cat. No.00CH37149), 2000

ABSTRACT A compact, analytical model is derived for the n-side interstrip resistance of double-si... more ABSTRACT A compact, analytical model is derived for the n-side interstrip resistance of double-sided silicon microstrip detectors, allowing for fast and accurate prediction of the minimum p-stop (or p-spray) implant dose ensuring adequate interstrip isolation. The basic idea on which the proposed model relies is that the portion of the detector between two adjacent n-strips can effectively be assimilated to an equivalent n-channel MOSFET. The interstrip resistance can be evaluated as the output resistance of such an equivalent MOSFET using standard SPICE-like models. The influence of radiation-induced oxide charge and p-stop (or p-spray) voltage can be incorporated into the model by simply including in the threshold voltage expression the induced flat-band voltage shift and body-effect term, respectively

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and Simulation of Silicon Thin Detectors

Sensors and Microsystems - Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-limitation of edge-generated currents in single-sided microstrip detectors after type inversion

1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record. 1999 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Cat. No.99CH37019), 1999

ABSTRACT Heavily irradiated p+-n single-sided microstrip detectors show no dramatic increase in t... more ABSTRACT Heavily irradiated p+-n single-sided microstrip detectors show no dramatic increase in the leakage current due to contributions originating from the cut region, despite, after type inversion, the space-charge region is touching the heavily-damaged, cutting edge, already at zero bias. In this paper, we present both theoretical and experimental results aimed at providing interpretation for such phenomenon. In particular, we show that, for high defect densities at the detector cutting edge, the hole density approaches locally its equilibrium value. Correspondingly, the net generation rate saturates, this ultimately limiting the amount of current which can originate from the detector edge. Measurements from devices irradiated at different fluences are in good agreement with simulation results

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Research paper thumbnail of High Sensitivity Silicon Bolometers

Superconducting and Low-Temperature Particle Detectors, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Development of silicon microheaters for chemoresistive gas sensors</title>

Design, Test, and Microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS, 1999

ABSTRACT We report on the design, fabrication, and characterization of a microheater module for c... more ABSTRACT We report on the design, fabrication, and characterization of a microheater module for chemoresistive, metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensors, consisting of a dielectric stacked membrane, micromachined from bulk silicon and with an embedded polysilicon resistor heater. Fabricated structures exhibit excellent heating efficiency, requiring only 30 mW to achieve a temperature of 500 C. Measured electrothermal characteristics are in good agreement with the outcomes of 3D numerical simulations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Radiation Hard Silicon Detectors: The Smart Project

Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 9th Conference, 2006

The research actitvity of the SMART project, a collaboration of Italian research institutes funde... more The research actitvity of the SMART project, a collaboration of Italian research institutes funded by the I.N.F.N., has been focused on the development of radiation hard silicon position sensitive detectors for the CERN Large Hadron Collider luminosity upgrade. Electrical characterization of pad and micro-strip devices as well as study of microscopic defects on the bulk material have been carried out

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Research paper thumbnail of A test chip for the development of PIN-type silicon radiation detectors

Proceedings of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of PIN diode and integrated JFET on high resistivity silicon: a new test structure

2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (Cat. No.01CH37310), 2002

ABSTRACT A new test structure intended as a pixel for segmented X- and γ-ray detectors has been d... more ABSTRACT A new test structure intended as a pixel for segmented X- and γ-ray detectors has been designed fabricated and tested. The structure consists of a PIN diode of 0.8 mm2 area and of an n-channel JFET integrated on the same high resistivity (6 kΩ cm) silicon chip. The electrical parameters-leakage current, the transconductance and the capacitance have good expected values. Instead, noise in excess is present in the transistor. Operated at room temperature as an X-ray detector with the integrated frontend transistor in the charge sensitive configuration, the new test structure shows an equivalent noise charge of about 60 electrons rms at the optimum shaping time of 3-6 μs.

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