Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo | University of Iqra Buru (original) (raw)
Videos by Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
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Papers by Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 14, 2023
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 14, 2023
Penyederhanaan Birokrasi menjadi 2 (dua) level eselon, serta mengganti jabatan Admistrator (eselo... more Penyederhanaan Birokrasi menjadi 2 (dua) level eselon, serta mengganti jabatan Admistrator (eselon III) dan pengawas (eselon IV) dengan jabatan fungsional (JF) yang menghargai keahlian dan komptensi agar birokrasi semakin efektif dan efisien guna mengatasi isu ASN yang sering mendapat sorotan terhadap kinerjanya yang terlihat buruk atau masih kurang dengan apa yang diharapkan masyarakat. Untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa serta untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat Bagaimana implementasi Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor 17 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyetaraan Jabatan Administrasi Ke Dalam Jabatan Fungsional di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Metode kualitatif dan implementasi kebijakan model George C Edward III. Berdasarkan 4 variabel yang menentukan keberhasilan implementasi suatu kebijakan yaitu Komunikasi, Sumber Daya, Disposisi, dan Struktur Birokrasi masih belum berjalan dengan baik. Agar dapat melakukan Sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan Bimtek kemudian penambahan jumlah pelaksana kebijakan yang berkompeten sesuai dengan pendidikan jabatan fungsional.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Minyak kayu putih merupakan komoditas unggulan daerah Kabupaten Buru, minyak yang berasal dari ta... more Minyak kayu putih merupakan komoditas unggulan daerah Kabupaten Buru, minyak yang berasal dari tanaman epidemik kayu putih yang memiliki sifat antiseptik, antibakteri dan antijamur. Disaat pandemi COVID-19, banyak industri yang membutuhkan untuk dijadikan bahan dasar obat-obatan. Namun pada kenyataanya, kondisi yang berbeda akan kita temui saat melihat kehidupan keseharian petani minyak kayu putih dimana dengan kondisi ekonomi yang cukup memprihatinkan serta keberadaan lingkungan sosial ekonomi yang tertinggal dibandingkan pekerja pada sektor lain. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang kondisi petani minyak kayu putih selama pandemi COVID-19 serta mengaitkan strategi adaptasi petani minyak kayu putih, jaringan sosial serta kebiasaan makan untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan hidup sehari-hari. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan tujuan mempelajari kesadaran masyarakat dalam setting tertentu. Penentuan informan dilakukan ...
Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian
The effort taken to increase shallot production both in quality and quantity is to use fertilizer... more The effort taken to increase shallot production both in quality and quantity is to use fertilizer. One type of organic fertilizer that will be used is bokashi chicken manure. Bokashi is a fermentation of organic matter by inoculation of EM4 which is a mixed culture of beneficial microorganisms for plant growth such as Lactobacillus sp, photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes and yeast. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cutting tubers and applying various doses of chicken manure bokashi on the growth and production of shallots. The method used was a randomized block design in the form of a two-factor factorial where the first factor was the cutting of the seed tubers (p) which consisted of without cutting the ends of the tubers (p1) and cutting the ends of the tubers (p2). The second factor was the treatment of several doses of chicken manure bokashi (b) which consisted of several levels, namely 2 kg of chicken manure bokashi/plot (b1), 4 kg of chicken manure bo...
Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian
The condition of coconut plantations is currently damaged due to very old age, especially in Lama... more The condition of coconut plantations is currently damaged due to very old age, especially in Lamahang Village, District. This situation causes the production of coconut plants to decrease greatly and the productivity of the land is very low. For this reason, it is necessary to do research on the analysis of coconut farming income in Lamahang Village. The objects to be studied are the farmers who own deep coconut, and to see the income of deep coconut farmers based on business patterns, the contribution of deep coconut farming to farmers' income, and the exchange rate of deep coconut farmers. For the sample taken 25%, from 100 heads of families the number of coconut farmers in Lamahang Village. The results showed that the average Farmer Terms of Trade (NTP) in coconut farming was 116.89. This means that in general it can be described that the level of welfare of coconut farmers in Lamahang Village, Waplau District, is still relatively prosperous.
Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still... more Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still dominated by the analysis of the first and third-person perspectives. However, in the development of narrative text theory analysis, it is seen that there are changes in the division of types of viewpoints. In Bal's narratology theory, the point of view is called focalization, while those who see it from the point of view are called focalizers. Therefore, how the type of focalizer in the novel, especially in novel Telegram is the problem of this research. The purpose of this study was to identify the type of focalizer used in the novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data collection techniques used were reading techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis techniques in this study include data identification, data classification, data analysis, and concluding the results of data analysis. The results showed that the type of vocalizer used was an internal focalisator. The use of an internal focalizer shows that the author of the novel is telling the story from a first-person perspective and that the author does not appear in the story.
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
Simplification of the Bureaucracy into 2 (two) echelon levels, and replacing the positions of Adm... more Simplification of the Bureaucracy into 2 (two) echelon levels, and replacing the positions of Administrator (echelon III) and supervisor (echelon IV) with functional positions (JF) that respect expertise and competence so that the bureaucracy is more effective and efficient in overcoming ASN issues that often get the spotlight on performance that looks bad or is still less than what the community expects. To describe and analyze as well as to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors How to implement the Regulation of the Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2021 concerning Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions in Trenggalek Regency. Qualitative methods and policy implementation of George C Edward III's model. Based on 4 variables that determine the success of implementing a policy, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure, it is stil...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
This research was motivated by observational data that showed the promotion and level of the Func... more This research was motivated by observational data that showed the promotion and level of the Functional Position of the Pamong Praja Police (JF Pol PP) in the Pamong Praja and Fire Police Unit of Trenggalek Regency was not following the RB Regulation number 4 of 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibiting factors that resulted in the process of promotion and promotion to the rank of the Pamong Praja Police Functional Position. The type of research used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach using the theoretical method of George Edward III, which is based on 4 (four) aspects, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The source of this research data is the Functional Officer of the Civil Service Police in the Civil Service and Fire Police Unit of Trenggalek Regency. The results showed that the process of promotion and promotion was still not following the periodization due to the lack of understanding of the profile of...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
This study describes the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in preparing development plans in ... more This study describes the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in preparing development plans in Tulungagung Regency and its supporting and inhibiting factors. The research uses descriptive qualitative methods to construct data findings in the field with various relevant theories. The data collection technique uses interviews with selected informants. Data analysis uses an interactive model: data collection, condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in the preparation of regional development planning in Tulungagung Regency has been going well but not optimal, judging from the factors that influence policy implementation according to the theory of George C. Edwards III, namely: Communication has been going well at the level technical implementation, but needs to be improved at the leadership level; Resources that have been fulfilled in quantity but need to be increased in terms of the quality...
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik
This research is motivated by the author's interest in seeing how traditional markets in mode... more This research is motivated by the author's interest in seeing how traditional markets in modern times like today and in Islam recommend that everything should be neat, correct, orderly and orderly. The existence of traditional markets is one of the important sectors that support the people's economy. The negative image of traditional markets is identical to the poor physical aspects of buildings, management and slum management. Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning Market Implementation and Services is one of the regional regulations made by the regional government of Tulungagung Regency which is used to regulate macro-wise how market arrangements can be implemented. This study uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach, because the researcher wants to present the results of the study by describing the actual situation. Data collection techniques using interviews with selected informants, namely the Head of UPT Pasar Rakyat Ngemplak, fruit, veg...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
The Tulungagung Regency Government issued Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2011 concerning Parkin... more The Tulungagung Regency Government issued Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2011 concerning Parking Management as a juridical effort to deal with various problems related to parking. This regional regulation is used as a guideline for organizing parking on the side of public roads and special parking areas. The contents of this regional regulation regulate the administration of parking and parking fees in Tulungagung Regency so that it is hoped that the implementation of parking will be efficient and effective. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Tulungagung Regency Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2011 and to analyze the inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Regional Regulation. This study uses a qualitative research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism which is used to examine the condition of natural objects. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. The results of th...
Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Kabupaten Buru merupakan penghasil hotong terbesar di provinsi Maluku. Sebagai daerah penghasil h... more Kabupaten Buru merupakan penghasil hotong terbesar di provinsi Maluku. Sebagai daerah penghasil hotong banyak petani yang menggantungkan mata pencaharian dengan membudidayakan tanaman tersebut. Dilihat dari manfaatnya, hotong merupakan jenis makanan sehat yang rendah lemak yang baik dikonsumsi oleh segala usia. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk membantu petani hotong meningkatkan nilai jual hotong yang dihasilkan dengan mengolah hasil panen hotong menjadi tepung. Pengolahan tepung hotong diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian rumah tangga petani karena selama ini hotong hanya dijual dalam keadaan mentah kepada pengepul atau pembeli langsung dengan harga murah, serta hasil produksi tidak seluruhnya terjual habis. Selain itu mitra akan dibantu dalam hal pengadaan tepung, pengemasan dan pemasaran produk olahan hotong dengan harapan dapat menigkatkan kesejahteraan petani hotong. Kendala yang dihadapi mitra yaitu setiap masa panen hasil pemasaran hotong tidak selalu mencapai nilai maksimal s...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
The Regional Personnel Agency of Kediri shows data that not all State Civil Apparatuses in the Ke... more The Regional Personnel Agency of Kediri shows data that not all State Civil Apparatuses in the Kediri Regency are placed based on their capabilities and expertise on the expectations and goals of the institution. Some educational backgrounds do not suit the job specifications and often hinder employees from carrying out their tasks. In addition, the rotation and type of positions are different from their abilities and experience. Therefore, a strategy is needed to overcome these problems. Therefore, this study aims to describe and analyze personnel competency improvement strategies to increase the bureaucratic reform index. This is descriptive qualitative research with Miles Hubberman's interactive. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that to increase the competency of the state civil apparatus in order to increase the index of bureaucratic reform in Kediri Civil Service Agency, it is carried out through t...
EPH - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Feb 1, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 4, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 4, 2023
Buku ini merupakan sebuah usaha pencarian jati diri, sepenggal kerja dalam merumuskan keadaan dem... more Buku ini merupakan sebuah usaha pencarian jati diri, sepenggal kerja dalam merumuskan keadaan demi menemukan sumbangsih apa yang akan saya berikan untuk kemanusiaan dan menolak sebisa mungkin kehidupan statis, apalagi bergantung sepenuhnya pada dua anasir, god and state
Di Indonesia Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L) yang merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura u... more Di Indonesia Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L) yang merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura unggulan. Cabai rawit memiliki berbagai nama lain di seluruh penjuru nusantara. Tanaman ini dapat tumbbuh dan berproduksi di daratan tinggi maupun di daratan rendah, ataupun di lahan basah (sawah) dan tegalan yang gembur (kering).Cabai rawit merupakan tanaman perdu dari famili terong-terong (Solanaceae), konon kabarnya, tanaman ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan. Tanaman ini menyukai daerah kering dan di temukan pada ketinggian 0,5 hingga 1,250 meter dari permukaan laut.Beratus tahun, jauh sebelum Columbus mendarat di Benua Amerika, sudah banyak spesies cabai yang di budidayakan masyarakat setempat.tanaman ini mulai menyebar ke Benua Eropa dan Asia termasuk Negara Indonesia pada tahun 1 500-an.Cabai rawit umumnya di gunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bumbuh olahan. Masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan cabai sikomoditas sensasional sebagai bumbu untuk memberi rasa pedas yang khas...
to see the complete video presentation, please click
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 14, 2023
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 14, 2023
Penyederhanaan Birokrasi menjadi 2 (dua) level eselon, serta mengganti jabatan Admistrator (eselo... more Penyederhanaan Birokrasi menjadi 2 (dua) level eselon, serta mengganti jabatan Admistrator (eselon III) dan pengawas (eselon IV) dengan jabatan fungsional (JF) yang menghargai keahlian dan komptensi agar birokrasi semakin efektif dan efisien guna mengatasi isu ASN yang sering mendapat sorotan terhadap kinerjanya yang terlihat buruk atau masih kurang dengan apa yang diharapkan masyarakat. Untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa serta untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat Bagaimana implementasi Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor 17 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyetaraan Jabatan Administrasi Ke Dalam Jabatan Fungsional di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Metode kualitatif dan implementasi kebijakan model George C Edward III. Berdasarkan 4 variabel yang menentukan keberhasilan implementasi suatu kebijakan yaitu Komunikasi, Sumber Daya, Disposisi, dan Struktur Birokrasi masih belum berjalan dengan baik. Agar dapat melakukan Sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan Bimtek kemudian penambahan jumlah pelaksana kebijakan yang berkompeten sesuai dengan pendidikan jabatan fungsional.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Minyak kayu putih merupakan komoditas unggulan daerah Kabupaten Buru, minyak yang berasal dari ta... more Minyak kayu putih merupakan komoditas unggulan daerah Kabupaten Buru, minyak yang berasal dari tanaman epidemik kayu putih yang memiliki sifat antiseptik, antibakteri dan antijamur. Disaat pandemi COVID-19, banyak industri yang membutuhkan untuk dijadikan bahan dasar obat-obatan. Namun pada kenyataanya, kondisi yang berbeda akan kita temui saat melihat kehidupan keseharian petani minyak kayu putih dimana dengan kondisi ekonomi yang cukup memprihatinkan serta keberadaan lingkungan sosial ekonomi yang tertinggal dibandingkan pekerja pada sektor lain. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang kondisi petani minyak kayu putih selama pandemi COVID-19 serta mengaitkan strategi adaptasi petani minyak kayu putih, jaringan sosial serta kebiasaan makan untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan hidup sehari-hari. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan tujuan mempelajari kesadaran masyarakat dalam setting tertentu. Penentuan informan dilakukan ...
Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian
The effort taken to increase shallot production both in quality and quantity is to use fertilizer... more The effort taken to increase shallot production both in quality and quantity is to use fertilizer. One type of organic fertilizer that will be used is bokashi chicken manure. Bokashi is a fermentation of organic matter by inoculation of EM4 which is a mixed culture of beneficial microorganisms for plant growth such as Lactobacillus sp, photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes and yeast. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cutting tubers and applying various doses of chicken manure bokashi on the growth and production of shallots. The method used was a randomized block design in the form of a two-factor factorial where the first factor was the cutting of the seed tubers (p) which consisted of without cutting the ends of the tubers (p1) and cutting the ends of the tubers (p2). The second factor was the treatment of several doses of chicken manure bokashi (b) which consisted of several levels, namely 2 kg of chicken manure bokashi/plot (b1), 4 kg of chicken manure bo...
Agrotekma: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Ilmu Pertanian
The condition of coconut plantations is currently damaged due to very old age, especially in Lama... more The condition of coconut plantations is currently damaged due to very old age, especially in Lamahang Village, District. This situation causes the production of coconut plants to decrease greatly and the productivity of the land is very low. For this reason, it is necessary to do research on the analysis of coconut farming income in Lamahang Village. The objects to be studied are the farmers who own deep coconut, and to see the income of deep coconut farmers based on business patterns, the contribution of deep coconut farming to farmers' income, and the exchange rate of deep coconut farmers. For the sample taken 25%, from 100 heads of families the number of coconut farmers in Lamahang Village. The results showed that the average Farmer Terms of Trade (NTP) in coconut farming was 116.89. This means that in general it can be described that the level of welfare of coconut farmers in Lamahang Village, Waplau District, is still relatively prosperous.
Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still... more Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still dominated by the analysis of the first and third-person perspectives. However, in the development of narrative text theory analysis, it is seen that there are changes in the division of types of viewpoints. In Bal's narratology theory, the point of view is called focalization, while those who see it from the point of view are called focalizers. Therefore, how the type of focalizer in the novel, especially in novel Telegram is the problem of this research. The purpose of this study was to identify the type of focalizer used in the novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data collection techniques used were reading techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis techniques in this study include data identification, data classification, data analysis, and concluding the results of data analysis. The results showed that the type of vocalizer used was an internal focalisator. The use of an internal focalizer shows that the author of the novel is telling the story from a first-person perspective and that the author does not appear in the story.
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
Simplification of the Bureaucracy into 2 (two) echelon levels, and replacing the positions of Adm... more Simplification of the Bureaucracy into 2 (two) echelon levels, and replacing the positions of Administrator (echelon III) and supervisor (echelon IV) with functional positions (JF) that respect expertise and competence so that the bureaucracy is more effective and efficient in overcoming ASN issues that often get the spotlight on performance that looks bad or is still less than what the community expects. To describe and analyze as well as to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors How to implement the Regulation of the Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2021 concerning Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions in Trenggalek Regency. Qualitative methods and policy implementation of George C Edward III's model. Based on 4 variables that determine the success of implementing a policy, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure, it is stil...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
This research was motivated by observational data that showed the promotion and level of the Func... more This research was motivated by observational data that showed the promotion and level of the Functional Position of the Pamong Praja Police (JF Pol PP) in the Pamong Praja and Fire Police Unit of Trenggalek Regency was not following the RB Regulation number 4 of 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibiting factors that resulted in the process of promotion and promotion to the rank of the Pamong Praja Police Functional Position. The type of research used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach using the theoretical method of George Edward III, which is based on 4 (four) aspects, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The source of this research data is the Functional Officer of the Civil Service Police in the Civil Service and Fire Police Unit of Trenggalek Regency. The results showed that the process of promotion and promotion was still not following the periodization due to the lack of understanding of the profile of...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
This study describes the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in preparing development plans in ... more This study describes the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in preparing development plans in Tulungagung Regency and its supporting and inhibiting factors. The research uses descriptive qualitative methods to construct data findings in the field with various relevant theories. The data collection technique uses interviews with selected informants. Data analysis uses an interactive model: data collection, condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the implementation of Permendagri 86/2017 in the preparation of regional development planning in Tulungagung Regency has been going well but not optimal, judging from the factors that influence policy implementation according to the theory of George C. Edwards III, namely: Communication has been going well at the level technical implementation, but needs to be improved at the leadership level; Resources that have been fulfilled in quantity but need to be increased in terms of the quality...
Strukturasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Administrasi Publik
This research is motivated by the author's interest in seeing how traditional markets in mode... more This research is motivated by the author's interest in seeing how traditional markets in modern times like today and in Islam recommend that everything should be neat, correct, orderly and orderly. The existence of traditional markets is one of the important sectors that support the people's economy. The negative image of traditional markets is identical to the poor physical aspects of buildings, management and slum management. Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning Market Implementation and Services is one of the regional regulations made by the regional government of Tulungagung Regency which is used to regulate macro-wise how market arrangements can be implemented. This study uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach, because the researcher wants to present the results of the study by describing the actual situation. Data collection techniques using interviews with selected informants, namely the Head of UPT Pasar Rakyat Ngemplak, fruit, veg...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
The Tulungagung Regency Government issued Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2011 concerning Parkin... more The Tulungagung Regency Government issued Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2011 concerning Parking Management as a juridical effort to deal with various problems related to parking. This regional regulation is used as a guideline for organizing parking on the side of public roads and special parking areas. The contents of this regional regulation regulate the administration of parking and parking fees in Tulungagung Regency so that it is hoped that the implementation of parking will be efficient and effective. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Tulungagung Regency Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2011 and to analyze the inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Regional Regulation. This study uses a qualitative research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism which is used to examine the condition of natural objects. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. The results of th...
Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Kabupaten Buru merupakan penghasil hotong terbesar di provinsi Maluku. Sebagai daerah penghasil h... more Kabupaten Buru merupakan penghasil hotong terbesar di provinsi Maluku. Sebagai daerah penghasil hotong banyak petani yang menggantungkan mata pencaharian dengan membudidayakan tanaman tersebut. Dilihat dari manfaatnya, hotong merupakan jenis makanan sehat yang rendah lemak yang baik dikonsumsi oleh segala usia. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk membantu petani hotong meningkatkan nilai jual hotong yang dihasilkan dengan mengolah hasil panen hotong menjadi tepung. Pengolahan tepung hotong diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian rumah tangga petani karena selama ini hotong hanya dijual dalam keadaan mentah kepada pengepul atau pembeli langsung dengan harga murah, serta hasil produksi tidak seluruhnya terjual habis. Selain itu mitra akan dibantu dalam hal pengadaan tepung, pengemasan dan pemasaran produk olahan hotong dengan harapan dapat menigkatkan kesejahteraan petani hotong. Kendala yang dihadapi mitra yaitu setiap masa panen hasil pemasaran hotong tidak selalu mencapai nilai maksimal s...
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM)
The Regional Personnel Agency of Kediri shows data that not all State Civil Apparatuses in the Ke... more The Regional Personnel Agency of Kediri shows data that not all State Civil Apparatuses in the Kediri Regency are placed based on their capabilities and expertise on the expectations and goals of the institution. Some educational backgrounds do not suit the job specifications and often hinder employees from carrying out their tasks. In addition, the rotation and type of positions are different from their abilities and experience. Therefore, a strategy is needed to overcome these problems. Therefore, this study aims to describe and analyze personnel competency improvement strategies to increase the bureaucratic reform index. This is descriptive qualitative research with Miles Hubberman's interactive. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that to increase the competency of the state civil apparatus in order to increase the index of bureaucratic reform in Kediri Civil Service Agency, it is carried out through t...
EPH - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Feb 1, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 4, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 4, 2023
Buku ini merupakan sebuah usaha pencarian jati diri, sepenggal kerja dalam merumuskan keadaan dem... more Buku ini merupakan sebuah usaha pencarian jati diri, sepenggal kerja dalam merumuskan keadaan demi menemukan sumbangsih apa yang akan saya berikan untuk kemanusiaan dan menolak sebisa mungkin kehidupan statis, apalagi bergantung sepenuhnya pada dua anasir, god and state
Di Indonesia Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L) yang merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura u... more Di Indonesia Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L) yang merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura unggulan. Cabai rawit memiliki berbagai nama lain di seluruh penjuru nusantara. Tanaman ini dapat tumbbuh dan berproduksi di daratan tinggi maupun di daratan rendah, ataupun di lahan basah (sawah) dan tegalan yang gembur (kering).Cabai rawit merupakan tanaman perdu dari famili terong-terong (Solanaceae), konon kabarnya, tanaman ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan. Tanaman ini menyukai daerah kering dan di temukan pada ketinggian 0,5 hingga 1,250 meter dari permukaan laut.Beratus tahun, jauh sebelum Columbus mendarat di Benua Amerika, sudah banyak spesies cabai yang di budidayakan masyarakat setempat.tanaman ini mulai menyebar ke Benua Eropa dan Asia termasuk Negara Indonesia pada tahun 1 500-an.Cabai rawit umumnya di gunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bumbuh olahan. Masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan cabai sikomoditas sensasional sebagai bumbu untuk memberi rasa pedas yang khas...
Peran sector pertanian sangat strategis dalam perekonomian nasional dan kegiatan pertanian tidak ... more Peran sector pertanian sangat strategis dalam perekonomian nasional dan kegiatan pertanian tidak dapat terlepas dari air. Oleh sebab itu, irigasi sebagai salah satu komponen pendukung keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian mempunyai peran yang sangat penting. Perubahan tujuan pembangunan pertanian dari meningkatkan produksi untuk swasembada beras menjadi melestarikan ketahanan pangan, meningkatkan pendapatan petani, meningkatkan kesempatan kerja di daerah pedesaan dan perbaikan gizi keluarga.Untuk menunjang pembangunan pertanian salah satu faktor pendukung yang harus di kembangkan adalah melalui pembangunan pengairan atau irigasi yang di arahkan untuk menyediakan air irigasi yang cukup, mengamankan areal produksi dan lain sebagainya. Pembangunan pengairan di antaranya di lakukan dengan jalan pembangunan jaringan irigasi yang baru, rehabilitasi atau penyempurnaan serta pemeliharaan jaringan irigasi.Pembangunan pengairan yang di lakukan Pemerintah Indonesia merupakan upaya untuk memanfaat...
Mitra Ilmu, 2023
Pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat lapisan masyarakat ya... more Pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat lapisan masyarakat yang dalam kondisi sekarang tidak mampu untuk melepaskan diri dari perangkap kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan. Memberdayakan adalah memampukan dan memandirikan masyarakat
CV Cendekiawan Indonesia Timur, 2022
Kohesi sosial dapat dipahami sebagai kesatuan, keutuhan, dan kekompakan untuk menjaga anggota ke... more Kohesi sosial dapat dipahami sebagai kesatuan, keutuhan, dan kekompakan untuk menjaga anggota kelompok tetap hidup dalam suatu komunitas. Kohesi sosial masyarakat di sepuluh desa yang dijadikan sampel (selanjutnya disebut desa sampel) tergolong tinggi karena hampir semuanya memberikan nilai yang signifikan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya yang ada di sekitar desa. Tiga komponen utama indikator sense of community mewakili tingkat kohesi sosial dalam masyarakat di desa sampel, yaitu keterlibatan anggota, pemberian pengaruh, dan berbagi kontak emosional. Kohesi sosial merupakan pilar utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi desa; dukungan jaringan, solidaritas, dan kekeluargaan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat desa merupakan elemen pendukung utama dalam pertukaran ekonomi, penguatan ekonomi, dan pemberdayaan ekonomi. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidup, persoalan substansial yang selalu dihadapi oleh sebuah keluarga atau rumah tangga adalah bagaimana individu-individu di dalamnya dapat berusaha semaksimal mungkin dan dapat bekerja sama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga sehingga kelangsungan hidupnya tetap terjaga dan model relevansi strategi adaptasi menjadi model dalam menjawab permasalahan pembangunan ekonomi pedesaan.
Cendikiawan Indonesia Timur, 2021
Merebaknya pandemi Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) di Indonesia, mendorong tatanan masyarakat untu... more Merebaknya pandemi Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) di Indonesia, mendorong tatanan masyarakat untuk melakukan perubahan agar bisa hidup berdampingan dalam kondisi kebiasaan baru. Masyarakat harus membiasakan diri dan mulai untuk berbenah agar aktifitas genting tetap terlaksana meskipun dalam serba keterbatasan mobilitas. Yayasan Cendekiawan Indonesia Timur (YCIT) sebagai forum yang konsen pada kolaborasi riset, dan layanan informasi yang objektif seputar akademik dibawah naungan Yayasan Cendekiawan Indonesia Timur (YCIT) berinisiatif dalam melibatkan diri secara aktif pada penyebaran informasiinformasi positif. Khususnya dalam masa pandemic ini, peluncuran Book Chapter dengan tema COVID-19 terealisasi berkat hasil inisiatif dari keanggotaan YCIT.
Book Chapter seri berikut ini di rilis dari hasil pemikiran para akademisi dari beberapa pegiat kebijakan di Indonesia. Karena kondisi pandemic yang menghantam sektor-sektor penting dalam lini kehidupan manusia, termasuk segi kebijakan yang akan diterapkan, maka Book Chapter Seri ini di terbitkan dengan judul “Kebijakan dan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan dalam Upaya Penanganan Covid19”. Harapan kami, semoga dengan hasil pemikiran dan atau hasil penelitian yang tertuang dalam bab-bab buku ini menjadi sumber informasi yang baru atau referensi bacaan baru bagi masyarakat, terkhusus bagi akademisi diluar sana yang bergelut dengan kebijakan publik. Beberapa kondisi real implementasi
kebijakan dan model kebijakan serta evaluasinya di bahas dalam kajian bab buku ini seperti bagaimana formulasi kebijakan selama pandemic, bagaimana implementasinya, dan beberapa model kebijakan yang bisa menjadi rujukan penerapan pada satuan pembuat kebijakan untuk masing-masing pembaca.
Dalam kesempatan ini, saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada seluruh penulis, yang telah meluangkan pikiran dan atau hasil penelitiannya pada Book Chapter Elaborasi Ilmu Sosial untuk Covid-19 ini. Terima kasih pula kepada Dr. M Chairul Basrun Umanailo M. Si sebagai inisiator lahirnya ide Book Chapter ini. Terima kasih karena telah menjadi bagian dari karya Book Chapter YCIT. Ini akan menjadi sejarah besar bagi YCIT dan sejarah bagi tatanan kehidupan manusia disaat pandemic Covid ini berlalu. Akhir kata, semoga pandemi COVID-19 ini dapat segera berakhir dan dari setiap usaha yang kita lakukan dapat membawa kebaikan bagi banyak orang.
Cendikiawan Indonesia Timur, 2021
Merebaknya pandemi Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) di Indonesia, mendorong tatanan masyarakat untu... more Merebaknya pandemi Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) di Indonesia, mendorong tatanan masyarakat untuk melakukan perubahan agar bisa hidup berdampingan dalam kondisi kebiasaan baru. Masyarakat harus membiasakan diri dan mulai untuk berbenah agar aktifitas genting tetap terlaksana meskipun dalam serba keterbatasan mobilitas. Yayasan Cendekiawan Indonesia Timur (YCIT) sebagai forum yang konsen pada kolaborasi riset, dan layanan informasi yang objektif seputar akademik, berinisiatif dalam melibatkan diri secara aktif pada penyebaran
informasi-informasi positif. Khususnya dalam masa pandemic ini, peluncuran Book Chapter dengan tema COVID-19 terealisasi berkat hasil inisiatif dari keanggotaan YCIT.
Book Chapter seri berikut ini di rilis dari hasil pemikiran para akademisi dari beberapa pegiat ilmu sosial di Indonesia. Karena kondisi pandemic yang menghantam sektor-sektor penting dalam lini kehidupan manusia, termasuk segi mobilitas masyarakat yang akan diterapkan, maka Book Chapter Seri ini di terbitkan dengan judul “Strategi Komunikasi, Mobilitas Sosial serta Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Menghadapi Penyebaran COVID-19”. Harapan kami, semoga dengan hasil pemikiran dan atau hasil penelitian yang tertuang dalam bab-bab buku ini menjadi sumber informasi yang baru atau referensi bacaan baru bagi masyarakat, terkhusus bagi akademisi diluar sana yang bergelut dengan ilmu sosial. Beberapa kondisi real komunikasi, mobilitas sosial serta perubahan perilaku masyarakat di bahas dalam kajian bab buku ini seperti bagaimana mobilitas sosial selama pandemic, bagaimana komunikasinya, dan beberapa perubahan perilaku masyarakat yang bisa menjadi rujukan penerapan dalam menghadapi penyebaran COVID-19 untuk masing-masing pembaca.
Dalam kesempatan ini, saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada seluruh penulis, yang telah meluangkan pikiran dan atau hasil penelitiannya pada Book Chapter Elaborasi Ilmu Sosial untuk Covid-19 ini. Terima kasih pula kepada Dr. M Chairul Basrun Umanailo M. Si sebagai inisiator lahirnya ide Book Chapter ini. Terima kasih karena telah menjadi bagian dari karya Book Chapter YCIT. Ini akan menjadi sejarah besar bagi YCIT dan sejarah bagi tatanan kehidupan manusia disaat pandemic Covid ini berlalu. Akhir kata, semoga pandemi COVID-19 ini dapat segera berakhir dan dari setiap usaha yang kita lakukan dapat membawa kebaikan bagi banyak orang.
Cendekiawan Indonesia Timur, 2021
Book chapter dengan judul pengajaran, pembelajaran serta eksistensi lembaga pendidikan selama pan... more Book chapter dengan judul pengajaran, pembelajaran serta eksistensi lembaga pendidikan selama pandemi Covid-19 merupakan upaya akademisi untuk mengelaborasi pengetahuan dalam menyikapi situasi pandemi yang dihadapi seantero dunia. Menjadi tanggungjawab moral bagi seorang akademi berpartisipasi secara langsung menyumbang ide pemikiran serta saran konstruktif demi keberlanjutan kehidupan manusia. Sejarah panjang telah mengajarkan pada kita bagaimana pengajaran menjadi embrio pembebasan manusia dari penjajahan melalui tindakan memberontak, akhir abad 16 pengajaran masyarakat lokal di Indonesia mampu mengusir Portugis dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia, begitu pula jepang yang dipaksa mengangkat kaki dari Indonesia setelah beberapa saat sebelumnya mentransformasi pengetahuan kepada rakyat Indonesia. Semua ini bertanda bahwa pengajaran dan pembelajaran memiliki dampak yang besar dalam merubah kehidupan manusia Memahami posisi pengajaran, pembelajaran serta eksistensi lembaga pendidikan sebagai situasi manusia beraktifitas dalam mentransfer pengetahuan maupun membentuk kelembagaan sosial untuk menfasilitasi tujuan dari fungsi transfer yang dimaksudkan. Pengajaran sebagai suatu proses maupun tindakan dimana ada individu yang menyampaikan pengalaman, pengetahuan yang dialami atau yang diketahui kepada individual maupun komunitas melalui media pembelajaran. Kontekstual dari pengajaran diartikulasi sebagai seorang guru mengajar muridnya dalam upaya untuk mempengaruhi dengan tujuan spesifik seperti mencapai pemahaman, pengetahuan maupun ketrampilan. Pada bagian lainnya, pembelajaran adalah suatu pola hubungan sosial pendidik dengan peserta serta sumber belajar pada situasi tertentu. Pembelajaran merupakan suatu tindakan dalam kerangka tujuan atau proses mendapatkan pengetahuan maupun informasi dari dua belah pihak (guru dan siswa) mencapai tujuan yang sama dengan cara yang berbeda, guru menjelaskan, memfasilitasi atau juga membimbing sementara siswa mencari, mengembangkan, mendalami dan melaksanakan tujuan pembelajaran yang dimaksudkan. Mencakup sesuatu yang jauh lebih luas lagi yakni lembaga pendidikan yang dianggap sebagai ruang untuk berlangsungnya proses pendidikan dengan berbagai tujuan mengubah meningkatkan kemampuan, mengembangkan keahlian serta tingkah laku pesertanya kepada tujuan yang dianggap lebih baik. Bukan mustahil bagi kita semua melihat pengajaran, pembelajaran serta lembaga pendidikan sebagai trikotomi yang memiliki keterkaitan yang begitu kuat untuk melahirkan pendidikan yang fungsional sehingga saat pandemi covid-19 mencapai masyarakat dan mengganggu salah satu bagian yang menyebabkan ikut terganggunya bagian lain dalam jaringan trikotomi tersebut. Konsep sekolah di rumah (home-schooling) selama yang saya pahami bukanlah suatu pola dan tujuan utama dari tujuan pendidikan nasional akan tetapi dengan situasi pandemi konsep tersebut semakin populer bahkan menjadi mazhab tersendiri untuk menilai kepatuhan, loyalitas bahkan bentuk kepedulian dalam situasi pandemi seperti saat ini. Trikotomi pendidikan yang begitu erat harus bertemu dengan Trikotomi kepentingan (pencegahan, pengendalian dan penanganan penyebaran covid-19) menjadikan trikotomi pendidikan mengalami disharmoni fungsi dalam pencapaian tujuan utamanya. Satu kasus yang diketahui kita semua bagaimana pemerintah menerapkan pembelajaran online kepada seluruh lembaga pendidikan namun tidak diikuti dengan penyesuaian alat, media, kurikulum serta sumberdaya sehingga penerapan pembelajaran online berhasil menggugurkan struktur jaringan penyebaran virus covid-19 akan tetapi gagal dalam pencapaian tujuan utama pendidikan. Kembali saya ingatkan tentang fungsi manifes dan Laten lembaga pendidikan seperti yang disampaikan oleh Horton dan Hunt; mempersiapkan anggota masyarakat untuk mencari nafkah, dengan bekal keterampilan yang diperoleh dari lembaga pendidikan seperti sekolah maka seseorang siap untuk bekerja; mengembangkan bakat perseorangan demi kepuasan pribadi dan bagi kepentingan masyarakat; melestarikan kebudayaan masyarakat, lembaga pendidikan mengajarkan beragam kebudayaan dalam masyarakat; menanamkan keterampilan yang perlu bagi partisipasi dalam demokrasi. Pada tataran laten kita diharapkan mengurangi pengendalian orang tua; mempertahankan sistem kelas sosial; Memperpanjang masa remaja. Kedua fungsi ini akan membawa kita pada kata “pesimis” ketika memahami berbagai kebijakan pemerintah dalam mendesain Trikotomi pendidikan menghadapi pandemi covid-19 di Indonesia. Kita berhasil menahan laju penyebaran virus bahkan kita mampu mengendalikan situasi sehingga pandemi segera berakhir namun dalam limit waktu dua tahun kebijakan yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah sektor pendidkan harus menanggung dampak yang begitu besar. Pemulihan dampak pandemi harus sangat hati-hati karena banyak siswa yang mungkin lupa dimana letak kelasnya, guru lupa bagaimana menyampaikan materi belajar di kelas sehingga pemulihan ini sebaiknya memprioritaskan bagaimana mengembalikan mereka pada kondisi sebelumnya (saya contohkan bagaimana memulihkan derajat kepercayaan siswa dari google ke guru kelas). Kehkawatiran saya tertuju pada siwa yang semakin tidak bersemangat menulis dan membaca karena lebih sering mengkonsumsi zoom, mereka juga semakin lupa Tut Wuri Handayani akibat terlalu lama online di dunia maya. Saya berharap kata pesimis tidak terlahir kembali disaat pandemi covid-19 berhasil kita tinggalkan.
Marginalisasi bagi penulis merupakan sebuah realitas dimana masyarakat terperangkap pada situasi ... more Marginalisasi bagi penulis merupakan sebuah realitas dimana masyarakat terperangkap pada situasi yang serba terbatas pada pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, keterbatasan tersebutlah bagi penulis akan membuka peluang besar untuk terciptanya realitas kemiskinan. Apa yang penulis tangkap di Desa Ngringo adalah bagian dari marginalisasi sebagaimana keterbatasan buruh tani untuk mengakses sumber-sumber penghidupan akibat lahan yang tersedia telah berpindah kepemilikan kepada pihak pengembang maupun pemilik modal perusahaan. Dari situlah penulis semakin tertarik untuk mendalami fenomena marginalisasi hingga akhirnya tersusun buku dari hasil penelitian tersebut.
Fenomena sosial merupakan sebuah gambaran umum tentang keberadaan masyarakat di sekitar kita, bil... more Fenomena sosial merupakan sebuah gambaran umum tentang keberadaan masyarakat di sekitar kita, bila kemudian bisa diurai dalam sebuah aktifitas kajian maka kegunaan dari kemampuan analistis kita akan semestinya ikut berperan dalam sebuah proses perubahan. Ada hal manarik ketika realitas dalam masyarakat dapat kita tuangkan dalam karya yang sederhana. Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai gambaran umum serta kajian materi yang sederhana namun komprehensif, setidaknya ada harapan besar untuk dapat membantu mahasiswa memahami proses belajar dan proses penciptaan pemahaman.
Dalam menjalani keseharian di Pulau Buru, setidaknya kita akan menyaksikan banyak fenomena-fenome... more Dalam menjalani keseharian di Pulau Buru, setidaknya kita akan menyaksikan banyak fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, dan itulah realitas yang semestinya kita pikirkan. Banyak hal yang kemudian bisa kita analisa dan memberikan kontribusi untuk menuju pada perubahan masyarakat yang lebih baik, tidak terkecuali permasalahan sosial ekonomi yang belakangan ini semakin ramai diperbincangkan.
Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai realitas yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, dengan kalimat yang sederhana bahkan tidak teratur dalam strukturnya namun demikian sebagai upaya untuk mentransformasikan pengetahuan yang ada, sekalipun itu harus bersinggungan dengan pihak-pihak tertentu, namun penulis yakin bahwa setiap orang akan memiliki intepretasi berbeda sesuai disiplin ilmu yang dimilikinya.
Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai gambaran umum serta kajian materi yang sederhana namun komp... more Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai gambaran umum serta kajian materi yang sederhana namun komprehensif, setidaknya dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk memahami proses belajar dan proses penciptaan pemahaman.
Tulisan yang sederhana, coba ditampilkan dengan tujuan untuk menggugah rasa keingintahuan mahasiswa, agar nantinya upaya untuk menyempurnakan pemahaman Sosiologi Hukum lebih terjewantahkan lewat berbagai kajian yang ada
Belajar adalah “Anugrah”, ketika kesempatan itu datang sekiranya Tuhan menginginkan manusia untuk... more Belajar adalah “Anugrah”, ketika kesempatan itu datang sekiranya Tuhan menginginkan manusia untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik dari waktu sebelumnya. Begitu juga apa yang saya dapatkan selama menjalani studi di Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret, banyak pengalaman yang tidak saya ingin tinggalkan begitu saja dengan kesungguhan hati maka keinginan menulis buku ini semakin kuat. Buku ini berupaya menyajikan kajian-kajian yang sederhana tentang perubahan masyarakat, postmodern, politik, maupun kajian-kajian sosial dari berbagai realitas yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, dengan kalimat yang sederhana bahkan tidak teratur dalam strukturnya, namun demikian penulis tetap berupaya untuk mentransformasikan pengetahuan yang dimiliki, serta penulis yakin bahwa sesuatu yang “besar” selalu berawal dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang secara terus menerus membuka pikiran seseorang untuk menemukan sesuatu yang lebih baik lagi.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
Language is a characteristic and cultural identity of an area. The aim of this research is to exa... more Language is a characteristic and cultural identity of an area. The aim of this research is to examine the Deiksis persona Waetawa Language, Buru Maluku Regency. This study is a qualitative study because it tries to analyze broadly the use of the deetical person of the Waetawa dialect, and the process of describing it objectively and as it is. The research was sourced from a form of communication between fellow Waetawa villagers, which consisted of (adult children and parents) communicating using the Waetawa dialect deixis, meanwhile the type of data obtained in this study was oral speech. The data was collected using the method observation through record and note techniques. Data that has been classified are analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that Waetawa language deixis consisted of singular and plural first-person pronouns, singular and plural second-person pronouns, third and plural third-person pronouns.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still... more Until now, the analysis of the point of view in the intrinsic elements of literary works is still dominated by the analysis of the first and third-person perspectives. However, in the development of narrative text theory analysis, it is seen that there are changes in the division of types of viewpoints. In Bal's narratology theory, the point of view is called focalization, while those who see it from the point of view are called focalizers. Therefore, how the type of focalizer in the novel, especially in novel Telegram is the problem of this research. The purpose of this study was to identify the type of focalizer used in the novel. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data collection techniques used were reading techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis techniques in this study include data identification, data classification, data analysis, and concluding the results of data analysis. The results showed that the type of vocalizer used was an internal focalisator. The use of an internal focalizer shows that the author of the novel is telling the story from a first-person perspective and that the author does not appear in the story.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
The study's purpose was to define and examine, either directly or indirectly, the change in the l... more The study's purpose was to define and examine, either directly or indirectly, the change in the level of supervision at the Regional Inspectorate of Soppeng Regency, with work ethic being the intervening component. A quantitative methodology is a technique in this report-study Position at the Soppeng Regency Regional Inspectorate. Ninety-two workers were as a population sampled. Statistical research uses visualization of roads. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) Education and training and management have a direct effect on the ethics of work and also on the quality of supervision at the Central Inspectorate of Soppeng Regency 2) And have an indirect impact on the quality of care through work ethics on education and training and governance.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This analysis aims to define and evaluate the effects of health promotion and medical services on... more This analysis aims to define and evaluate the effects of health promotion and medical services on health services through success at the Tajuncu Health Centre, Soppeng Regency. This research used the causality design and quantitative method used at the Tajuncu Health Center, Soppeng Regency. This research sample was 100 health workers and nurses at the Tajunju Health Center, Soppeng Regency. The sampling procedure was carried out using an objective sampling technique. The analysis included all demographics as a sample. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Analysis of data using route analysis. The findings revealed that the degree of health promotion carried out by the Tajuncu Health Center in Soppeng Regency improved the awareness and ability of the population on the value of receiving health knowledge or education. Puskesmas related to sickness suffered by the group. Health promotion, which is well carried out, is due to the good results of health staff and health programs. Also, patient facilities are factors that decide the improvement of health services. The medical services are sufficient and proportionate to the specialty's level and specialization level. The social care given can be seen by advancing public health, early diagnosis and adequate consideration, prevention of injury, and successful recovery. Indirectly, success is a potent mediator between emergency care and health services.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits ... more This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits in South Buru Regency, many events are more caused by disobedient behavior. In this study, the approach taken is the Juridical Empires approach, namely research that uses primary data and secondary data by extracting data directly from the source. This research is also supported by a normative approach by examining library materials by examining and examining theories, concepts and regulations related to the problem. The results show that there are still many things that happen by the community due to ignorance and indifference to the regulations that have been set. Examples shown by officers who carry out their duties often open up opportunities for violations to occur. This research refers to several incidents in the field so that the compilation of references to facts in the field shows that people's disobedience to building regulations (building permits) is more caused by a factor of awareness. the intended awareness refers to the implementer of the rules as well as the object of the rules.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This study aims to determine the form and role of livelihood institutions in ensuring the sustain... more This study aims to determine the form and role of livelihood institutions in ensuring the sustainability of community livelihoods in rural areas. This research was conducted in Wamalana village, Buru Regency, Maluku using a qualitative approach. The results showed that the livelihood institutions in the village of Wamalana had a relationship with the ability of the community to meet the sustainability of their livelihoods to survive even though they were in a limited situation. Variety of livelihood institutions such as masohi, Masaurat, group of countries, and parusa have given their role as social security schemes for the community in building sustainable livelihoods. This livelihood institution is reflected in the tradition of helping the community in building cooperation based on the spirit of brotherhood ties. In the context of development intervention through empowerment of coastal communities in Buru Regency, various livelihood institutions at various levels can be used as an intervention channel for empowerment programs. Meanwhile, for the sake of further studies on rural livelihood institutions, it can be focused to see its effect on the level of economic welfare in rural communities which is measured quantitatively.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
The purpose of this study is to assess and evaluate how the satisfactory condition of rural commu... more The purpose of this study is to assess and evaluate how the satisfactory condition of rural communities and online programs is incorporated into society to develop information technology in West Sulawesi. The survey was conducted at the Information, Information, and Information Office of the West Sulawesi Area from June to July 2020. The sample used method is mainly focused on the sampling of all workers employed in the Contact Office. And the details of the district. West Sulawesi is dedicated to introducing a satisfactory method of the census and data collection utilizing a questionnaire. The Likert scale is the analysis instrument used in this research. The empirical approach is the detailed methodology used in this analysis-a review of the interaction between one and the other. This analysis demonstrates that Consistency of Information Technology and Consumer Engagement have an impact on Service Quality, Software Technology Usability, User Retention, and Quality. Services that have a positive and meaningful effect on online consumer loyalty, Office Knowledge Status and User Interface have a significant role in online customer satisfaction and standard of service.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
In principle, forest and forestry management is a management process for all components of the ec... more In principle, forest and forestry management is a management process for all components of the ecosystem, including humans. Utilization of forests to facilitate economic growth has eliminated the interests of customary forest communities, the rights of indigenous peoples have clearly been protected as human rights, as stated in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning the basic provisions of human rights. The people of Buru District, Grandeng Village, have an area of forest area for other uses of around 600 hectares which can be used for the benefit of local communities, but there are often problems between the Transmigration Community and Indigenous People who have unresolved ownership of land areas under customary law, as well as the involvement of the local government Buru Regency in providing solutions to problem solving, the method used is descriptive qualitative interview instruments and a review of legal documents related to the research theme. The results that can be conveyed are the utilization of Customary forest products and their management by the community in Lolongguba sub-district, often in coordination with Hinolong Baman or the Head of Soa, which means that legally the implementation of the Constitutional Court Decision, No.35 / PUU-X / 2012 concerning the Existence of Community Customary Forests has been implemented in the community, however the institutionality of the Waeapo Plains Indigenous Peoples has not been maximized, both in the implementation of customary law norms, as a result of factors, human resources, economy, social and customary institutions themselves. Based on legal research, it is necessary to formulate a legal umbrella both Government Regulations and Regional Regulations relating to ownership of forests and forest products.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This research discusses the form and function of language on social media which is considered to ... more This research discusses the form and function of language on social media which is considered to contain the prejudice and racial intolerance. In social media, language is used as a way of expressing thoughts, so that the use of language on social media is full of emotive language. The use of language in social media also tends to be propaganda. Propaganda on social media can be positive and can also be negative by taking advantage of prejudice which serves as a support to influence people who read what is written on social media. This research will focus on analyzing the form and function of language which is considered to contain the prejudice and racial intolerance in social media. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data in this study are texts that are considered to contain negative prejudice on Facebook. The method used is the observation method with documentation techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis includes; identification, classification, analysis, and conclusion. The results showed that the form of discourse strategy used on Facebook was comparison, generalization, and appointment of minorities. The research results also show that all types of discourse strategies tend to be used to show negative prejudice. The language function used is the function of informing and showing goals.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
The practice of dynastic politics in the Bima Regency is a long drama of concentration of power d... more The practice of dynastic politics in the Bima Regency is a long drama of concentration of power during the last 20 years, where the royal family controlled the previous four periods of leadership. The study of political dynasties is not related to a blue-blooded leader or not, but rather about retaining power in a particular family. Still, the families who practice dynastic politics in Bima are people from the royal family/sultanate who have reigned in the sultan. Bima, or to be more precise, the political actors of the dynasty in Bima were the sultan and his wife and children.This research uses qualitative methods with a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study are the people of Bolo District who will become voters in the 2020 Pemilukada of Bima Regency. Sampling was based on the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model, while the validity of the data uses the source triangulation technique.Dynastic politics in Bima Regency was done by using the image of the sultan as cultural legitimacy. The Bima community, who were still at the Magis consciousness level, smoothed their steps in getting votes in the contestation for the regent election; even people at this level of awareness became very easy to exploit. The next advantage of the practice of dynastic politics in Bima is that most of the opposition elites are still trapped in a naïve level of awareness. The opposition group does not consider how to take strategic steps to overthrow the incredible power of the political dynasty. The opposition must accept defeat because it is unable to gather resources to destroy its political opponents. This can be seen from how the opposition factions were divided into sections which made them weak.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This paper describes the indigenous religion practiced by the Donggo community in Bima Regency. T... more This paper describes the indigenous religion practiced by the Donggo community in Bima Regency. The original religion that developed in the Donggo community was known as Makakamba-Makakimbi. The focus of this paper is its existence in the form and practice of the Makakamba-Makakimbi belief and its dilemma in the siege of official religions. The results of this study indicate that the Makakamba-Makakimbi which once lived and developed among the Bima community is an indigenous religion (Indigenous Religion) adhered to by the Donggo community before the entry of official religion (which is recognized by the government). This practice of belief is expressed in the form of giving offerings (soji ro sangga), with the hope that agricultural products will be abundant and avoid harm. During its development, the existence of Makakamba-Makakimbi as the original religion of the Donggo community has faded after the presence of Islam, Catholicism and Protestant Christianity in the Donggo District area. Now, even though Makakamba-Makakimbi is no longer there, we can still see the practice in official religious practice by some of the Donggo (syncretic) community, especially in Mbawa Village.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This analysis aims to define and evaluate the influence of work promotion and skills on results t... more This analysis aims to define and evaluate the influence of work promotion and skills on results through employee satisfaction at the Soppeng Regency Regional Representative Council Secretariat (DPRD) either directly or indirectly, with the intermediate variable being job satisfaction. The tool used for this analysis is a quantitative methodology study site at the Secretariat of the Central People's Representative Council (DPRD) Soppeng Regency. And the local workforce, with a total of 132 workers, was sampled. Statistical research is based on a route study. This analysis's findings are as follows: 1) work promotion and competence have a direct impact on job satisfaction and performance. 2) have an indirect effect on job promotion and performance skills by job satisfaction in this situation. More successful job promotion and a high degree of competence would further improve workers' satisfaction at the Re Secretariat, which would affect the improved output of employees.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This analysis aims to examine the impact of transparency, compensation, and punishment on the dis... more This analysis aims to examine the impact of transparency, compensation, and punishment on the discipline and morale of public services at the Regional Secretariat of the Mamuju district. This study was undertaken using a quantitative approach to describe the location of the variables measured and the relationship between one variable and the other. The population of this sample was 467 staff members of the District Secretariat of Mamuju. Determine the representative sample size of 83 individuals to consider using the Slovene formula. Path mapping is the method used for the test analysis. The findings revealed that transparency has a substantive and essential impact on the public service motivations of the Mamuju District Secretariat. Remuneration and punishment have a positive and significant influence on public services' stimulation at the Mamuju District Secretariat. Specific duties have a positive and significant impact on the discipline of the office. The Mamuju District Secretariat, remuneration, and penalties have, in part, a positive and significant effect on the domain of the Mamuju Regency Office, and the stimulation of public utilities has a positive and significant impact on it.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This analysis aims to evaluate and examine the influence of training quality and career managemen... more This analysis aims to evaluate and examine the influence of training quality and career management on the performance of officials at the Soppeng District Police through competency growth. Both Soppeng District Police officers, as many as 351 personnel, were in the sample community. The sampling procedure was carried out using a purposeful sampling technique in this analysis, and the final sample collected was 150. Data collection methods are carried out by evaluation, interviews, questionnaires and notes, and data processing techniques using route analysis. The findings revealed that the achievement of the Polish officers' performance in Soppeng Regency was motivated by the creation of competencies that had an impact on the enhancement of work skills and improvements in work behavior. They will better contribute to the organization by organization exercises for them. Improving the efficiency of the apparatus is often motivated by the capacity of the company to handle the company's degree in an organization. Maintaining high results is one indicator of good management. Competency growth on products where the company must be prepared to carry out practical tests and reviews as space for its participants to conduct different coaching and development forms to put themselves in the right way. Competency growth helps businesses always remain ahead and take the most critical role in sustaining the standard of job compliance with its members' expertise.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This study aims to discuss the struggle of Sammaniyah scholars in maintaining the existence of Sa... more This study aims to discuss the struggle of Sammaniyah scholars in maintaining the existence of Sammaniyah Tariqa at the beginning and in the middle of the 20th century. The struggle of these scholars began since the Dutch removed the Islamic-Malay poliltics from the neighborhood of Palembang Sultanate Palace in 1824. Although the Dutch had left Indonesia and there has been a change of power, apparently the struggle of Islamic scholars to maintain the exposition of the order is still done. The method of study used in this research is qualitative with genealogical approaches, where researchers analyze the relationship of power built by the Sammaniyah scholars in spreading Islam and maintaining the teachings of orders. The different treatment experienced by the Sammaniyah order has made the Islamic scholars make a strategy so that they can endure the middle of the regime. Establishing a power relationship with the power Regim is one of the steps of Sammaniyah scholars in maintaining the order through the process of Islamization.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of local governments in facing the 4.0 r... more The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of local governments in facing the 4.0 revolution era in the fields of human resources, infrastructure, and organizational management. Because the world is now deepening the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 where information technology has become the basis in human life. The impact of industrial relocation is an intensive and massive automation application that changes digital work requirements. Human Resources who do not master digital literacy will sooner or later be eliminated. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach in solving problems in the field. The results of this study are that the readiness of local governments in terms of Human Resources, Organizational Management, the means of the inscription in the Mojokerto City Industrial Services with the AGIL Pearson theory approach at a sufficiently good level using the benchmarks of adaptation, goal achievement, integration and latency.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
are the object of researchers using organizational culture, which is a system adopted by the orga... more are the object of researchers using organizational culture, which is a system adopted by the organization, and locus of control and self-efficacy as a trait personality. This study combines the procedure adopted and individual character to measure employee performance. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Sampling in this study used probability sampling techniques with the Slovin formula so that the total sample was 114 people. The data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method using the Smart PLS application.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This study aimed to establish the impact of supervision and the work climate on the job satisfact... more This study aimed to establish the impact of supervision and the work climate on the job satisfaction of nurses by supporting roles in the hospital room of the Mother and Child Hospital of the Motherland. This style of study is retrospective with a survey procedure and a cross-section approach. The study instrument used a questionnaire to 100 nurses in the inpatient room of RSKD Ibu and Anak Pertiwi on supervision, work climate, career promotion, and job satisfaction. Study data has been analyzed using route analysis. The findings of the research showed that the significant impact of supervision (X1) was 0.097>0.05, indicating that Ha was not effectively adopted, there was no significant influence (constant value 0.870) of management (X1) on promotion (Y). The work environment (X2) of 0.098> 0.05 implies that Ha is not effectively approved. There is no significant impact (constant value of 1,000) of the work environment (X2) on promotion (Y). The considerable weight of Supervision (X1) of 0.000 <0.05 implies that Ha is successfully recognized, there is a significant impact (constant value of 0.415) of Supervision (X1) on work satisfaction (Z). The work environment (X2) of 0.024 <0.05 implies that Ha has been effectively recognized. There is a significant
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, 2021
This research aims to examine and evaluate the impact of standard service and Professionalism on ... more This research aims to examine and evaluate the impact of standard service and Professionalism on patient satisfaction through the hospital's picture in the Bahagia Makassar Hospital. This study method is quantitative, with the research design used for survey research and uses a cross-section approach. This study was performed at Bahagia Makassar Hospital from July 20 to August 20, 2020, with 231 respondents as samples. Sampling in this analysis used probability sampling using unintended sampling methods. The researcher's methodological approach is "Path Analysis." it is because the researchers want to see how Service Quality and Professionalism affect Customer Satisfaction through the Picture of the Hospital at Makassar General Hospital. The findings showed 1) the impact of the service quality variables on the hospital image is positive and significant; 2) the effect of the professionalism variable on the Hospital Image is positive and significant; 3) the influence of the service quality variables on patient satisfaction is positive and significant; 4) the impact of the variable Professionalism on patient loyalty is positive and significant.
IEOM Society International , 2020
Kinetic wind energy can be utilized as a source of electrical energy, Indonesia has a source of w... more Kinetic wind energy can be utilized as a source of electrical energy, Indonesia has a source of wind energy that is large enough, wind energy occurs because of differences in air pressure between hot air and cold air with the impact of earth rotation. Windmills are one form of utilization of wind energy that is converted to environmentally friendly electrical energy, horizontal axis windmills are wind turbines with horizontal main shafts that are parallel to the ground surface, a parameter that must be considered in horizontal axis windmills is the use of the number of blades and the type of blade used. This study is to analyze the calculation of windmills using three blades with a type of blade, namely NACA Airfoil 63-212 with a lift coefficient of 1.36 and a drag coefficient of 0.48 at an angle of attack 200, to determine the use of a windmill blade against the output power. In this study, the time needed by researchers was one month, and from the results of this study, the highest power was 4540.75 watts at 7 months with a tip speed ratio value of 4.18, at a wheel rotation of 46.16 RPM with the torque of the wheel. 939.71 Nm was produced while the lowest was 1043.16 watts in 11 months with a tip speed ratio of 4.18, at 28.27 RPM of the wheel with the torque of the wheel produced of 352.48 Nm. The coefficient of power (Cp) of the windmill analyzed by the researcher is 0.21 or equal to the efficiency of the windmill is 21%.