Romano Cerro | Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma (original) (raw)
Books by Romano Cerro
Cities: the Future of the Past. Architecture, Urban Planning and Restoration in Iran and Italy, 2023
Papers by Romano Cerro
Progetto selezionato con menzione Elena Santelli Il paesaggio come cura e strategia di rigenerazi... more Progetto selezionato con menzione Elena Santelli Il paesaggio come cura e strategia di rigenerazione territoriale: centro diffuso per il benessere alimentare, Leonessa (RI) Chiara Iacovetti-Archisocial_ riabitare lo spazio universitario, Pescara Mario Russo-The Globe Sara Navacchia Architettura e Paesaggio-Una cornice floreale per l'affaccio sul complesso monumentale di San Vitale, Ravenna
QUADERNI DELL’ISTITUTO DI STORIA DELL’ARCHITETTURA. Realtà dell'architettura fra materia e immagine. Per Giovanni Carbonara: studi e ricerche , 2021
Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of S. Clemente in Rome has b... more Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of S. Clemente in Rome has been subjected to a number excavation campaigns.
The latest excavations (2006-2011) involved a portion of the convent garden adjoining the north aisle of the lower basilica. These have brought to light some structures of the 3rd century AD building, a building which later housed a Christian church and which still later was to be transformed into an early Christian basilica.
The general instability of the structure and the decay and deterioration arising from severe microclimatic factors in the excavated area gave rise to a series of problems. In 2012 initial works were undertaken to ensure the safety of the site while allowing for a more permanent solution to be projected.
The idea was simple: it was necessary to avoid any additional structure which would cause any thrust on the surrounding ground or indeed transfer it elsewhere. What was needed then was to make the wall 'self-supporting', i.e. capable of absorbing the strains without deforming itself too much or triggering any other unwanted effect.
The solution consisted of a series of steel beams placed against the wall which needed to be supported. These were fixed to adjacent transversal structures by a recessed or chemical anchorage. The support structure was adapted to the irregular masonry by filling with thixotropic mortar, chromatically harmonised with the ancient surfaces.
In addition to this new structure, some complementary operations were carried out, such as: waterproofing, thermal protection and microclimatic control, consolidation and restoration of ancient surfaces.
Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione, Nuova serie, Anno V, n. 9, 2016
The S. Clemente complex is an eloquent demonstration of the layering of the strata of successive ... more The S. Clemente complex is an eloquent demonstration of the layering of the strata of successive cultures in Rome. The medieval basilica rests on pre-existing structures which conditioned both its form and dimensions and is the result of alterations carried out in the arc of almost a millennium.
The multi-disciplinary and complex restoration has affected a series of areas and architectural structures forming the eastern end of the church.
The work aimed to the restoration of decorative elements together with the recovery of architectonic and spatial values also brought to light an exceptional amount of material and information, which greatly increased knowledge of the building's history. This information concerned mainly the structural changes made to the facade during the course of the centuries.
This restoration has been supported by multiple scientific investigations the results of which were constantly integrated into the varying phases of planning and execution as they emerged and as work progressed. A relatively recent redevelopment had seen the removal of the large glass window in the interior facade separating the choir from the body of the church. However, conservation and comfort requirements necessitated its return in a more appropriate structure. The large wooden frame between the choir and the nave hides the new window and conceals the fine metal frames which fold back perfectly flat, to allow the flow of sound between the choir and the nave during special liturgy.
It was also found advisable to substitute the old heating system with a new radiant system, and to install new windows operated by remote control, as well as to screen the large areas of glass windows to ensure optimum microclimatic conditions for the use of the choir and for conservation of the decorations.
Riabitare Fiamignano. Un piccolo paese e le sue pratiche virtuose, 2021
Il convento dei Cappuccini di Fiamignano fu fondato nel 1568. In seguito alla sua soppressione ot... more Il convento dei Cappuccini di Fiamignano fu fondato nel 1568. In seguito alla sua soppressione ottocentesca, esso fu dapprima convertito in differenti usi pubblici e infine, gravemente danneggiato dal terremoto di Avezzano del 1915, fu definitivamente abbandonato nel 1919. Da allora iniziò un lungo periodo di spoliazione e depredamento che lo ha consegnato a un pressoché totale disinteresse e oblio.
Oggi, dopo circa un secolo, il convento beneficia di un rinnovato interesse, rivolto anche alla sua consistenza materiale oltre che alle sue vicende storiche e umane. Proprio le vestigia architettoniche della fabbrica si vogliono ora salvare dalla rovina, per quanto possibile, e riconsegnarle nella loro essenza materiale e in sicurezza alla fruizione pubblica, nell’intento di restituire finalmente unità e coerenza a un bene culturale organico e inscindibilmente costituito da opere d’arte, memoria storica e architettura.
Il saggio illustra il difficile percorso progettuale condotto fino a oggi, che si pone come la prima tappa di un più lungo cammino orientato alla riscoperta, al recupero e alla valorizzazione del monumento.
Paesaggio2000 st.ass., Gruppo di ricerca Landscape Design Lab Unifi-Un lago per tutti. Gestione s... more Paesaggio2000 st.ass., Gruppo di ricerca Landscape Design Lab Unifi-Un lago per tutti. Gestione sostenibile e valorizzazione economica, sociale e culturale del paesaggio nell'ambito del bacino idrico di Bilancino Più Studi Architettura-Restauro architettonico con ricostruzione del Casino di piacere del principe Stanislaw Poniatowski a Capodimonte (VT) Roland Baldi Architects-Caserma dei vigili del fuoco di Fleres (BZ)
STORIA-RESTAURO. Ricerche a Roma e nel Lazio, 2020
Storia-Restauro: un trait d'union che è un filo rosso di Michele Asciutti 9 FABRIZIO DE CESARIS, ... more Storia-Restauro: un trait d'union che è un filo rosso di Michele Asciutti 9 FABRIZIO DE CESARIS, GIACOMO RESTANTE La trabeazione del tempio di Antonino e Faustina a Roma Criticità e rimedi, tempo e uomo 13 MICHELE ASCIUTTI L'area archeologica del Palatino nordorientale. Restauro, riqualificazione e valorizzazione di una rilevante compagine architettonica 27 ELEONORA SCOPINARO Lo stadio, il giardino e il ninfeo. Considerazioni sulle trasformazioni del settore sud ovest della villa dei Quintili a Roma 51 RAFFAELE PUGLIESE Lo scavo archeologico della torre sud ovest del complesso dei Santi Quattro Coronati a Roma 65
11th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, Apr 2019
S. Clemente provides an eloquent demonstration of how successive layers of culture have accumulat... more S. Clemente provides an eloquent demonstration of how successive layers of culture have accumulated in Rome, one atop the other. The basilica rests on pre-existing structures that influenced its forms and dimensions, with today’s structure being the outcome of work performed in the course of nearly a millennium.
The complex, multidisciplinary restoration effort involved the settings and architectonic structures that make up the eastern end of the church. With the objective of renovating the decorative elements and restoring the spatial and architectonic values, the work also led to the rediscovery of an exceptional amount of materials and information that further enriched our knowledge on the building’s history. The chief focus of this information was the various ways in which the facade has been rearranged over the centuries.
10th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2018
Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of San Clemente in Rome has ... more Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of San Clemente in Rome has been subjected to a number excavation campaigns.
The latest excavations (2006-2011) involved a portion of the convent garden adjoining the north aisle of the lower basilica. These have brought to light some structures of the 3rd century AD building, a building which later housed a Christian church and which still later was to be transformed into an early Christian basilica.
The general instability of the structure and the decay and deterioration arising from severe microclimatic factors in the excavated area gave rise to a series of problems. In 2012 initial works were undertaken to ensure the safety of the site while allowing for a more permanent solution to be projected.
The idea was simple: it was necessary to avoid any additional structure which would cause any thrust on the surrounding ground or indeed transfer it elsewhere. What was needed then was to make the wall 'self-supporting', i.e. capable of absorbing the strains without deforming itself too much or triggering any other unwanted effect.
The solution consisted of a series of steel beams placed against the wall which needed to be supported. These were fixed to adjacent transversal structures by a recessed or chemical anchorage. The support structure was adapted to the irregular masonry by filling with thixotropic mortar, chromatically harmonised with the ancient surfaces.
In addition to this new structure, some complementary operations were carried out, such as: waterproofing, thermal protection and microclimatic control, consolidation and restoration of ancient surfaces.
9th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2017
The exceptional historical and artistic value of S. Clemente attracts more and more visitors. The... more The exceptional historical and artistic value of S. Clemente attracts more and more visitors. The increased number of visitors means that the facilities need to be upgraded. The structural and environmental complexity of the site, indeed, does not allow a safe and comfortable visit, nor one that ensures proper preservation and appreciation of the artworks. The main problems today are related to the technological systems needed in the underground levels.
It was therefore decided to replace existing systems, preparing a new installation. In addition to overcoming the technical problems, that will act as a support for a new mode of management and use of the monumental complex.
The project described here is the result of a long process of observation and refining of choices and represents an extraordinary opportunity to understand and improve the monument.
European Journal of Science and Theology, Apr 2017
S. Clemente is one of the most significant archaeological complexes in Rome. Here one can visit a... more S. Clemente is one of the most significant archaeological complexes in Rome. Here one can visit and see the many different construction phases of an important monument. There is a constant stream of visitors from all over the world who come to visit the basilica and descend to its underground levels. This large number of visitors makes it necessary to improve the system of access and to provide a route through the various levels; first of all to make the visit easier and safer, while at the same time ensuring the preservation of the monument. The provision of a new entrance is also needed in order to give back to the medieval church its proper dignity and not allow it to be simply a passage way to the excavations underneath. Moreover the present arrangement, where people have complete freedom to wander through the underground area, gives rise to a sense of disorientation, making it difficult for the visitor to understand the spatial and architectural qualities of the monument.
In the last ten years the possibility of creating a new access to the underground levels and of establishing a route to be followed by the visitor to the complex has been widely studied. In addition looking at a particular architectural solution, the project described here pays special attention to meeting general requirements of safety and economy of management, which are essential for the preservation and proper appreciation of this important part of our cultural heritage. Alongside the actual proposed work to be carried out, the project involves the implementation of an organizational plan and an extensive set of teaching aids, creating an integrated management scheme for the monument.
8th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2016
Analisi del contesto Descrizione dell'area d'intervento Inquadramento territoriale ed urbanistico... more Analisi del contesto Descrizione dell'area d'intervento Inquadramento territoriale ed urbanistico PROGETTO Introduzione Obiettivi e scelte di base Descrizione dell'intervento Qualità architettoniche Materiali Impiegati Articolazione dell'intervento Tempi previsti di realizzazione Calcolo sommario di spesa -Quadro economico RELAZIONE TECNICA ILLUSTRATIVA COMUNE DI SAN GIORGIO LA MOLARA (BN) -RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DI PIAZZA SAN PIETRO E DELLE AREE LIMITROFE Relazione tecnica illustrativa 1 STATO ATTUALE PREMESSA La presente indagine progettuale ha per oggetto l'area di Piazza San Pietro e delle aree ad essa attigue, nel centro storico di San Giorgio la Molara. Da sinistra: San Giorgio la Molara, panorama est prima degli eventi sismici. Sono visibili i campanili delle chiese scomparse di San Pietro e San Luca. San Giorgio la Molara, panorama est, anno 2012. Vista zenitale del centro storico, anno 2012. COMUNE DI SAN GIORGIO LA MOLARA (BN) -RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DI PIAZZA SAN PIETRO E DELLE AREE LIMITROFE Relazione tecnica illustrativa 2 Da sinistra: Piazza San Pietro negli anni '30, dettaglio di una cartolina dell'epoca. Nicola Ciletti, Portale della chiesa di San Pietro con figure, disegno. Nicola Ciletti, Portale della chiesa di San Pietro senza figure, disegno. Nicola Ciletti, Messa di mezzanotte 1929, olio.
Cities: the Future of the Past. Architecture, Urban Planning and Restoration in Iran and Italy, 2023
Progetto selezionato con menzione Elena Santelli Il paesaggio come cura e strategia di rigenerazi... more Progetto selezionato con menzione Elena Santelli Il paesaggio come cura e strategia di rigenerazione territoriale: centro diffuso per il benessere alimentare, Leonessa (RI) Chiara Iacovetti-Archisocial_ riabitare lo spazio universitario, Pescara Mario Russo-The Globe Sara Navacchia Architettura e Paesaggio-Una cornice floreale per l'affaccio sul complesso monumentale di San Vitale, Ravenna
QUADERNI DELL’ISTITUTO DI STORIA DELL’ARCHITETTURA. Realtà dell'architettura fra materia e immagine. Per Giovanni Carbonara: studi e ricerche , 2021
Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of S. Clemente in Rome has b... more Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of S. Clemente in Rome has been subjected to a number excavation campaigns.
The latest excavations (2006-2011) involved a portion of the convent garden adjoining the north aisle of the lower basilica. These have brought to light some structures of the 3rd century AD building, a building which later housed a Christian church and which still later was to be transformed into an early Christian basilica.
The general instability of the structure and the decay and deterioration arising from severe microclimatic factors in the excavated area gave rise to a series of problems. In 2012 initial works were undertaken to ensure the safety of the site while allowing for a more permanent solution to be projected.
The idea was simple: it was necessary to avoid any additional structure which would cause any thrust on the surrounding ground or indeed transfer it elsewhere. What was needed then was to make the wall 'self-supporting', i.e. capable of absorbing the strains without deforming itself too much or triggering any other unwanted effect.
The solution consisted of a series of steel beams placed against the wall which needed to be supported. These were fixed to adjacent transversal structures by a recessed or chemical anchorage. The support structure was adapted to the irregular masonry by filling with thixotropic mortar, chromatically harmonised with the ancient surfaces.
In addition to this new structure, some complementary operations were carried out, such as: waterproofing, thermal protection and microclimatic control, consolidation and restoration of ancient surfaces.
Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione, Nuova serie, Anno V, n. 9, 2016
The S. Clemente complex is an eloquent demonstration of the layering of the strata of successive ... more The S. Clemente complex is an eloquent demonstration of the layering of the strata of successive cultures in Rome. The medieval basilica rests on pre-existing structures which conditioned both its form and dimensions and is the result of alterations carried out in the arc of almost a millennium.
The multi-disciplinary and complex restoration has affected a series of areas and architectural structures forming the eastern end of the church.
The work aimed to the restoration of decorative elements together with the recovery of architectonic and spatial values also brought to light an exceptional amount of material and information, which greatly increased knowledge of the building's history. This information concerned mainly the structural changes made to the facade during the course of the centuries.
This restoration has been supported by multiple scientific investigations the results of which were constantly integrated into the varying phases of planning and execution as they emerged and as work progressed. A relatively recent redevelopment had seen the removal of the large glass window in the interior facade separating the choir from the body of the church. However, conservation and comfort requirements necessitated its return in a more appropriate structure. The large wooden frame between the choir and the nave hides the new window and conceals the fine metal frames which fold back perfectly flat, to allow the flow of sound between the choir and the nave during special liturgy.
It was also found advisable to substitute the old heating system with a new radiant system, and to install new windows operated by remote control, as well as to screen the large areas of glass windows to ensure optimum microclimatic conditions for the use of the choir and for conservation of the decorations.
Riabitare Fiamignano. Un piccolo paese e le sue pratiche virtuose, 2021
Il convento dei Cappuccini di Fiamignano fu fondato nel 1568. In seguito alla sua soppressione ot... more Il convento dei Cappuccini di Fiamignano fu fondato nel 1568. In seguito alla sua soppressione ottocentesca, esso fu dapprima convertito in differenti usi pubblici e infine, gravemente danneggiato dal terremoto di Avezzano del 1915, fu definitivamente abbandonato nel 1919. Da allora iniziò un lungo periodo di spoliazione e depredamento che lo ha consegnato a un pressoché totale disinteresse e oblio.
Oggi, dopo circa un secolo, il convento beneficia di un rinnovato interesse, rivolto anche alla sua consistenza materiale oltre che alle sue vicende storiche e umane. Proprio le vestigia architettoniche della fabbrica si vogliono ora salvare dalla rovina, per quanto possibile, e riconsegnarle nella loro essenza materiale e in sicurezza alla fruizione pubblica, nell’intento di restituire finalmente unità e coerenza a un bene culturale organico e inscindibilmente costituito da opere d’arte, memoria storica e architettura.
Il saggio illustra il difficile percorso progettuale condotto fino a oggi, che si pone come la prima tappa di un più lungo cammino orientato alla riscoperta, al recupero e alla valorizzazione del monumento.
Paesaggio2000 st.ass., Gruppo di ricerca Landscape Design Lab Unifi-Un lago per tutti. Gestione s... more Paesaggio2000 st.ass., Gruppo di ricerca Landscape Design Lab Unifi-Un lago per tutti. Gestione sostenibile e valorizzazione economica, sociale e culturale del paesaggio nell'ambito del bacino idrico di Bilancino Più Studi Architettura-Restauro architettonico con ricostruzione del Casino di piacere del principe Stanislaw Poniatowski a Capodimonte (VT) Roland Baldi Architects-Caserma dei vigili del fuoco di Fleres (BZ)
STORIA-RESTAURO. Ricerche a Roma e nel Lazio, 2020
Storia-Restauro: un trait d'union che è un filo rosso di Michele Asciutti 9 FABRIZIO DE CESARIS, ... more Storia-Restauro: un trait d'union che è un filo rosso di Michele Asciutti 9 FABRIZIO DE CESARIS, GIACOMO RESTANTE La trabeazione del tempio di Antonino e Faustina a Roma Criticità e rimedi, tempo e uomo 13 MICHELE ASCIUTTI L'area archeologica del Palatino nordorientale. Restauro, riqualificazione e valorizzazione di una rilevante compagine architettonica 27 ELEONORA SCOPINARO Lo stadio, il giardino e il ninfeo. Considerazioni sulle trasformazioni del settore sud ovest della villa dei Quintili a Roma 51 RAFFAELE PUGLIESE Lo scavo archeologico della torre sud ovest del complesso dei Santi Quattro Coronati a Roma 65
11th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, Apr 2019
S. Clemente provides an eloquent demonstration of how successive layers of culture have accumulat... more S. Clemente provides an eloquent demonstration of how successive layers of culture have accumulated in Rome, one atop the other. The basilica rests on pre-existing structures that influenced its forms and dimensions, with today’s structure being the outcome of work performed in the course of nearly a millennium.
The complex, multidisciplinary restoration effort involved the settings and architectonic structures that make up the eastern end of the church. With the objective of renovating the decorative elements and restoring the spatial and architectonic values, the work also led to the rediscovery of an exceptional amount of materials and information that further enriched our knowledge on the building’s history. The chief focus of this information was the various ways in which the facade has been rearranged over the centuries.
10th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2018
Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of San Clemente in Rome has ... more Since 1981 an area underlying the convent which adjoins the basilica of San Clemente in Rome has been subjected to a number excavation campaigns.
The latest excavations (2006-2011) involved a portion of the convent garden adjoining the north aisle of the lower basilica. These have brought to light some structures of the 3rd century AD building, a building which later housed a Christian church and which still later was to be transformed into an early Christian basilica.
The general instability of the structure and the decay and deterioration arising from severe microclimatic factors in the excavated area gave rise to a series of problems. In 2012 initial works were undertaken to ensure the safety of the site while allowing for a more permanent solution to be projected.
The idea was simple: it was necessary to avoid any additional structure which would cause any thrust on the surrounding ground or indeed transfer it elsewhere. What was needed then was to make the wall 'self-supporting', i.e. capable of absorbing the strains without deforming itself too much or triggering any other unwanted effect.
The solution consisted of a series of steel beams placed against the wall which needed to be supported. These were fixed to adjacent transversal structures by a recessed or chemical anchorage. The support structure was adapted to the irregular masonry by filling with thixotropic mortar, chromatically harmonised with the ancient surfaces.
In addition to this new structure, some complementary operations were carried out, such as: waterproofing, thermal protection and microclimatic control, consolidation and restoration of ancient surfaces.
9th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2017
The exceptional historical and artistic value of S. Clemente attracts more and more visitors. The... more The exceptional historical and artistic value of S. Clemente attracts more and more visitors. The increased number of visitors means that the facilities need to be upgraded. The structural and environmental complexity of the site, indeed, does not allow a safe and comfortable visit, nor one that ensures proper preservation and appreciation of the artworks. The main problems today are related to the technological systems needed in the underground levels.
It was therefore decided to replace existing systems, preparing a new installation. In addition to overcoming the technical problems, that will act as a support for a new mode of management and use of the monumental complex.
The project described here is the result of a long process of observation and refining of choices and represents an extraordinary opportunity to understand and improve the monument.
European Journal of Science and Theology, Apr 2017
S. Clemente is one of the most significant archaeological complexes in Rome. Here one can visit a... more S. Clemente is one of the most significant archaeological complexes in Rome. Here one can visit and see the many different construction phases of an important monument. There is a constant stream of visitors from all over the world who come to visit the basilica and descend to its underground levels. This large number of visitors makes it necessary to improve the system of access and to provide a route through the various levels; first of all to make the visit easier and safer, while at the same time ensuring the preservation of the monument. The provision of a new entrance is also needed in order to give back to the medieval church its proper dignity and not allow it to be simply a passage way to the excavations underneath. Moreover the present arrangement, where people have complete freedom to wander through the underground area, gives rise to a sense of disorientation, making it difficult for the visitor to understand the spatial and architectural qualities of the monument.
In the last ten years the possibility of creating a new access to the underground levels and of establishing a route to be followed by the visitor to the complex has been widely studied. In addition looking at a particular architectural solution, the project described here pays special attention to meeting general requirements of safety and economy of management, which are essential for the preservation and proper appreciation of this important part of our cultural heritage. Alongside the actual proposed work to be carried out, the project involves the implementation of an organizational plan and an extensive set of teaching aids, creating an integrated management scheme for the monument.
8th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation: Proceedings book, May 2016
Analisi del contesto Descrizione dell'area d'intervento Inquadramento territoriale ed urbanistico... more Analisi del contesto Descrizione dell'area d'intervento Inquadramento territoriale ed urbanistico PROGETTO Introduzione Obiettivi e scelte di base Descrizione dell'intervento Qualità architettoniche Materiali Impiegati Articolazione dell'intervento Tempi previsti di realizzazione Calcolo sommario di spesa -Quadro economico RELAZIONE TECNICA ILLUSTRATIVA COMUNE DI SAN GIORGIO LA MOLARA (BN) -RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DI PIAZZA SAN PIETRO E DELLE AREE LIMITROFE Relazione tecnica illustrativa 1 STATO ATTUALE PREMESSA La presente indagine progettuale ha per oggetto l'area di Piazza San Pietro e delle aree ad essa attigue, nel centro storico di San Giorgio la Molara. Da sinistra: San Giorgio la Molara, panorama est prima degli eventi sismici. Sono visibili i campanili delle chiese scomparse di San Pietro e San Luca. San Giorgio la Molara, panorama est, anno 2012. Vista zenitale del centro storico, anno 2012. COMUNE DI SAN GIORGIO LA MOLARA (BN) -RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DI PIAZZA SAN PIETRO E DELLE AREE LIMITROFE Relazione tecnica illustrativa 2 Da sinistra: Piazza San Pietro negli anni '30, dettaglio di una cartolina dell'epoca. Nicola Ciletti, Portale della chiesa di San Pietro con figure, disegno. Nicola Ciletti, Portale della chiesa di San Pietro senza figure, disegno. Nicola Ciletti, Messa di mezzanotte 1929, olio.