Cosimo Magazzino | Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy (original) (raw)

Books by Cosimo Magazzino

Research paper thumbnail of Un’analisi wavelet della sostenibilità fiscale italiana

Intorno alla Politica Economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Intorno alla Politica Economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli

FrancoAngeli, 2021

Il volume raccoglie alcuni saggi di politica economica dedicati a Gian Cesare Romagnoli e present... more Il volume raccoglie alcuni saggi di politica economica dedicati a Gian Cesare Romagnoli e presentati nella Giornata in suo onore all’Università Roma Tre. Tra i temi affrontati: la contabilità economica italiana ed europea; la politica economica dell’ambiente; una trattazione metodologica e applicata del ciclo economico, del commercio internazionale, della sostenibilità fiscale del debito pubblico e dello stato del benessere per l’infanzia; la politica dei trasporti e la politica economica regionale.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di stabilità e politica economica europea, a cura di C. Magazzino e G. C. Romagnoli, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2015.

Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, su “Legge di Stabilità e pol... more Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, su “Legge di Stabilità e politica economica europea” svolta da Lilia Cavallari, Stefano D’Addona, Rama Dasi Mariani, Francesco Forte, Marilena Giannetti, Valerio Intraligi, Stefano Lepore, Cosimo Magazzino, Olga Marzovilla, Marco Mele, Paolo Naticchioni, Gian Cesare Romagnoli e Gaetana Trupiano. La Legge di stabilità per il 2015 segnala un cambio di stagione importante, anche se non è risolutiva di per sé in termini di spinta alla crescita e alla riduzione del debito pubblico. La novità sostanziale è data da una riduzione consistente del cuneo fiscale come parte di una nuova politica industriale basata soprattutto sulle riforme strutturali che il Paese attende da anni. Essa si accompagna al Jobs Act da cui si attende una ripresa della crescita. Le risorse aggiuntive prodotte dalla più rapida crescita saranno destinate ad addolcire l’onere dell’aggiustamento fiscale per famiglie e imprese. La Legge di Stabilità trova un soddisfacente punto di incontro tra austerity e crescita e si collega alle politiche di exit strategy dalla crisi economica che beneficeranno della riduzione degli spread attesa anche dal Quantitative Easing. Con questo scopo, la ricerca ha guardato agli effetti delle politiche fiscale e monetaria europee e alle tendenze del mercato del lavoro in presenza di cambiamento tecnologico. L’approccio seguito dal governo Renzi è stato quello di impegnarsi sulle riforme istituzionali e strutturali richieste dalla nuova governance europea piuttosto che invocare l’unione politica, per la quale mancano ancora i presupposti, come panacea del debito pubblico. In questa temperie storica, la domanda di unione politica è maggiore dell’offerta e ciò costringe i paesi che la domandano a pagare prezzi più alti in termini di quadro macroeconomico. L’auspicio espresso dalla ricerca effettuata dal CREI nell’anno precedente, che il nuovo governo potesse trarre utili elementi di riflessione dai suoi risultati, anche sul profilo redistributivo di un welfare meno universalistico, ha trovato un parziale riscontro.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di Stabilità e finanza pubblica in Italia

Il volume, che raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, ha avuto come riferime... more Il volume, che raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma
Tre, ha avuto come riferimento la Legge di Stabilità per il 2014 e le
sue novità sostanziali: una lieve riduzione del cuneo fiscale e la sostituzione
dell’IMU con altre imposte sugli immobili. La Legge di
Stabilità 2014 manca di consistenza oltre che di una visione strategica
ed è perciò inadeguata a invertire le aspettative di continuazione
della recessione, in corso dal 2008. Per una politica economica
che doveva affrontare questi gravi problemi, dopo il superamento
dell’emergenza finanziaria da parte del Governo Monti, con il contributo
della BCE, la finanza pubblica italiana poteva fornire con difficoltà
nuove risorse provenienti da un aumento della imposizione
data l’alta pressione fiscale raggiunta. Per questa ragione, si è auspicato
che il Governo Letta guardasse con maggiore interesse a
una ricomposizione della spesa pubblica, con le risorse che potevano
essere rese disponibili dall’aumento dell’IVA e dal processo di
spending review, al fine di consentire una riduzione consistente del
cuneo fiscale come parte di una nuova politica industriale basata soprattutto
sulle riforme strutturali che il Paese attende da anni. Con
questo scopo, la ricerca ha guardato anche alle dimensioni del governo
nel periodo post-unitario. L’auspicio espresso dalla ricerca effettuata
dal CREI nell’anno precedente, che il nuovo Governo Letta
potesse trarre utili elementi di riflessione dai suoi risultati, anche sul
profilo redistributivo, è rimasto disatteso nell’attuale contesto politico
caratterizzato da una politica economica esile e da una finanza
pubblica pesante.

Research paper thumbnail of Politica Economica

Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri vol... more Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri volumi, sia italiani sia stranieri. Con un semplice clic del mouse, il docente può creare il testo per il proprio corso attingendo a singoli capitoli dai più disparati volumi, in modo da realizzare un libro personalizzato che risponda al meglio alle esigenze del proprio corso, con la possibilità di aggiungere anche materiale originale scritto dal docente stesso.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di Stabilità e politica economica in Italia

Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI dell’Università Roma Tre sulla “Legge di... more Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI dell’Università
Roma Tre sulla “Legge di Stabilità e la politica economica in Italia” svolta
da Carmela D’Apice, Maurizio Franzini, Cosimo Magazzino, Salvatore
Monni, Alessandro Petretto, Gian Cesare Romagnoli e Gaetana Trupiano.
La Legge di Stabilità ha sostituito la Legge Finanziaria dal 2010, all’inizio
della crisi dei debiti sovrani europei. Nel 2011 il governo di Mario
Monti ha dovuto affrontare sfide molto difficili: uno spread tra Bund tedeschi
e Btp italiani decennali oltre i 500 punti base, il terzo rapporto
debito pubblico/Pil del mondo, i vincoli di finanza pubblica dettati dalla
nuova governance europea, la pressione da parte delle agenzie di rating
su titoli di stato e sistema bancario, una crisi di produttività ultra-decennale,
un’evasione fiscale endemica e una instabilità politica di fondo.
La stella polare dell’esecutivo è stata quella di raccogliere la dura
sfida del consolidamento dei conti pubblici nonostante una recessione
persistente e una disoccupazione giovanile inaccettabile. Ma gli strumenti
scelti per cercare di conseguire gli obiettivi sembrano essere stati,
almeno in parte, mal selezionati e discutibili in termini redistributivi.
Inoltre, l’austerità voluta dall’esecutivo è stata restrittiva perché si è
quasi totalmente concentrata sul versante delle entrate, mentre il contributo
al risanamento dei conti pubblici avrebbe dovuto agire su entrambi
i fronti, aprendo la strada a un’austerità espansiva, con la riduzione
del cuneo fiscale. Anche nella Legge di Stabilità per il 2013, le
semplificazioni, le liberalizzazioni, le privatizzazioni, una minore tassazione
del lavoro, una riforma delle relazioni finanziarie intergovernative,
l’abbandono dell’universalismo delle prestazioni, sono rimasti sullo
sfondo. L’auspicio è che il nuovo governo possa trarre utili elementi di
riflessione da questa ricerca.

Research paper thumbnail of Precorso di Matematica

Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri vol... more Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri volumi, sia italiani sia stranieri. Con un semplice clic del mouse, il docente può creare il testo per il proprio corso attingendo a singoli capitoli dai più disparati volumi, in modo da realizzare un libro personalizzato che risponda al meglio alle esigenze del proprio corso, con la possibilità di aggiungere anche materiale originale scritto dal docente stesso.

Research paper thumbnail of La politica economica di Margaret Thatcher

Questo volume analizza le politiche, soprattutto in campo economico- finanziario, attuate dagli ... more Questo volume analizza le politiche, soprattutto in campo economico-
finanziario, attuate dagli esecutivi britannici guidati da Margaret
H. Thatcher nel corso degli anni Ottanta del XX secolo. Al fine di
comprendere meglio le scelte governative e le reazioni degli agenti
economici, viene offerto un inquadramento storico, politico e sociale
del Regno Unito anche in chiave comparatistica.
Il volume costituisce, sia per gli addetti ai lavori che per il grande
pubblico, un utile strumento di comprensione di un decennio di
grandi cambiamenti e di una figura controversa sulla quale pochi
sono stati i contributi scientifici, soprattutto in lingua italiana. L’analisi
assume un interesse particolare in questi anni giacché l’affermarsi
del paradigma del “conservatorismo liberale” – la cui validità
viene messa in dubbio dalla crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale
in atto – trova le sue radici proprio nel periodo che dagli studiosi è
stato indicato come “il decennio della Thatcher e di Reagan”.

Research paper thumbnail of Politiche di bilancio e crescita economica

I problemi della finanza pubblica, in questi giorni difficili per l’Italia e l’Europa, sono passa... more I problemi della finanza pubblica, in questi giorni difficili per l’Italia e l’Europa, sono passati da argomento tecnico, ristretto a un pubblico di iniziati, ad oggetto di dibattito quotidiano. […] Ci sono domande molto importanti e impegnative che raramente trovano spazio in questo turbinio di dibattiti e di commenti. Perché l’Italia ha il terzo debito pubblico più alto al mondo? Come ci siamo arrivati? È il livello del debito che ha frenato e tuttora frena l’economia italiana? Qual è il rapporto tra spesa pubblica e reddito aggregato? È vero che più grande è la dimensione dell’operatore pubblico, minore è la crescita dell’economia? […] Tali sono alcuni degli interrogativi che si pone Cosimo Magazzino in questo libro. E lo fa con la serietà e il rigore dell’economista, rifuggendo da scorciatoie giornalistiche e improvvisazioni, affrontando i problemi con una molteplicità di approcci, che vanno dalla ricostruzione storica, all’inquadramento teorico per giungere all’analisi statistico-econometrica.

Magazzino’s results are particularly relevant in the light of the present European debt crisis, which is the result of governments that have excessively grown throughout the last decades. […] The principles of sound public finances emphasized by Magazzino seem to get abandoned little by little. Not a bright future to look forward to. We have barely overcome the banking crisis, we are midst in a state finance crisis, and already an excessive money supply crisis is looming.

Papers by Cosimo Magazzino

Research paper thumbnail of Do energy and geopolitical risks influence environmental quality? A quantile-based load capacity factor assessment for fragile countries

Energy Strategy Reviews, 2024

Most countries have tried to decline fossil fuels dependency by supporting clean energy transitio... more Most countries have tried to decline fossil fuels dependency by supporting clean energy transition. In light of this, this study investigates the impact of energy security risk (ESR) and geopolitical risk (GPR) on the load capacity factor (LCF) in four fragile countries (Brazil-BRA; India-IND; South Africa-ZAF, Türkiye-TUR). The study applies quantile approaches for the period between 1985/m2 and 2018/m12, which represents the largest amount of accessible data. The results show that (i) at higher quantiles, ESR declines the LCF in IND and ZAF, while it has an increasing impact in BRA and a mixed impact in TUR; (ii) GPR increases the LCF in BRA, ZAF, and TUR at lower and middle quantiles, while GPR decreases ecological quality at higher quantiles in all countries; (iii) ESR and GPR have a causal effect on the LCF across various quantiles; (iv) ESR and GPR are strong predictors of the LCF, but their predictive power varies by quantile and becomes significantly weaker with increasing lags. With these fresh outcomes, the study underlines the significant influence of ESR and GPR in ensuring ecological sustainability across all quantiles and countries. The overall findings of the study emphasize that risks and uncertainties degrade the ecological quality of four fragile countries and that policymakers should turn to clean energy sources in case of an increase in geopolitical and energy risks.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving waste management: The impact of environmental technology, taxes, and carbon emissions on incineration in EU countries

Journal of Environmental Management, 2024

Amid the urgent global imperatives concerning climate change and resource preservation, our resea... more Amid the urgent global imperatives concerning climate change and resource preservation, our research delves into the critical domains of waste management and environmental sustainability within the European Union (EU), collecting data from 1990 to 2022. The Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR) results reveal a resounding commitment among EU member states to diminish their reliance on incineration, which is evident through adopting green technologies and environmentally conscious taxation policies, aligning with the European Union's sustainability objectives. However, this transition presents the intricate task of harmonizing industrial emissions management with efficient waste disposal. Tailoring waste management strategies to accommodate diverse consumption patterns and unique circumstances within individual member states becomes imperative. Cointegrating regressions highlighted the long-run relationship among the selected variables, while Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) and Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSE) estimates roughly confirmed MMQR results. ML analyses, conducted through two ensemble methods (Gradient Boosting, GB, and Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost) shed light on the relative importance of the predictors: in particular, environmental taxation, consumption-based emissions, and production-based emissions greatly contribute to determining the variation of combustible renewables and waste. This study recommends that EU countries establish monitoring mechanisms to advance waste management and environmental sustainability through green technology adoption, enhance environmental taxation policies, and accelerate the renewable energy transition.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of circular economy in EU entrepreneurship

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2024

Fostering innovation is one of the key roles of the Circular Economy (CE) that applies also to Eu... more Fostering innovation is one of the key roles of the Circular Economy (CE) that applies also to European Union (EU) firms, because entrepreneurs are persistently seeking new ways and means to create values, contributing with significant market opportunities, and depicting large potential for EU sustainable growth. This study explores the effects of firms’ investments in using highly disruptive technologies in the energy sector on the Eurozone (EU-27) in the last two decades (1990–2019). An Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) experiment through a Deep Learning (DL) approach is implemented to test this hypothesis. The empirical findings show that investments in highly disruptive technologies, especially by large digitally qualified companies, boost economic growth. They are also a crucial driver of digitalization not only because they enhance a wide strategic change implying a radical innovation in business models, but they completely transform markets, from energy to food production, water resources, pollution, connectivity, and plastic waste. These expected benefits represent a possible policy measure to offset the decline in global activity due to the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on global energy markets. In addition, a positive association between trade and output is confirmed. Finally, promising policy actions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Drivers and Solutions of Green Innovation Influencing the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies

Heliyon, 2024

The degradation of the environment in China is accelerating along with economic expansion. Adopti... more The degradation of the environment in China is accelerating along with economic expansion. Adoption of renewable energy technologies (RETs) is crucial for reducing the adverse impacts of economic growth on the environment and fostering sustainable development. This study attempts to identify the green innovation drivers and sub-drivers that affect the adoption of RETs in China and provide solutions for boosting their implementation. The study prioritized the drivers, sub-drivers, and strategies of green innovation by combining the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. In the study, the triple bottom line (TBL) approach has been used to determine the economic, societal, and environmental driving forces. The study also suggests strategies for encouraging the use of RETs. The results of the AHP method revealed that economics is the most crucial driver, with a weight of 0.376, followed by environmental (0.332), and social (0.291) drivers. The findings of the SAW method indicated that government green innovation initiatives, consumer initiatives, and industry initiatives are the most significant strategies for deploying RETs in China. This study has important theoretical and practical ramifications for encouraging China to adopt RETs. The suggested approaches can help researchers, business professionals, and policymakers promote sustainable development in China.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the role of digitalization and technological innovation in promoting sustainable natural resource exploitation

Resources Policy, 2024

In the era of technological advancement, the potential of digitalization and technical innovation... more In the era of technological advancement, the potential of digitalization and technical innovation to revolutionize sustainable resource exploitation has become a focal point. The promises of reduced environmental impact, heightened efficiency, and improved socioeconomic outcomes underscore the transformative power that digitalization holds for resource management. To this extent, the fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy VIsekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) methods are used to examine challenges and come up with possible solutions for the mining sector in Pakistan to adopt digital transformation. The study identifies several key challenges, sub-challenges, and strategies, giving readers a thorough grasp of digital transformation. These challenges and sub-challenges are evaluated and ranked according to their relative weights using the fuzzy AHP approach. The fuzzy VIKOR method is applied to determine strategies that can help overcome these challenges and promote digitalization and technological innovation in the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The results of fuzzy AHP show that policy and regulation, infrastructure, and human capital are key challenges. The findings of fuzzy VIKOR indicate that robust policy development, investment in Research and Development (R&D), and leveraging global trends and partnerships are key strategies to overcome the challenges. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, offering new perspectives on integrating digital technology into the natural resource sector to foster sustainable development.

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmaceutical consumption, economic growth and life expectancy in the OECD: the application of a new causal direction from dependency algorithm and a DeepNet process

Journal of Economic Studies, 2024

Purpose-The objective of this study is to reevaluate the correlation among pharmaceutical consump... more Purpose-The objective of this study is to reevaluate the correlation among pharmaceutical consumption, per capita income, and life expectancy across different age groups (at birth, middle age, and advanced age) within the OECD countries between 1998 and 2018. Design/methodology/approach-We employ a two-step methodology, utilizing two independent approaches. Firstly, we conduct the Dumitrescu-Hurlin pairwise panel causality test, followed by Machine Learning (ML) experiments employing the Causal Direction from Dependency (D2C) Prediction algorithm and a DeepNet process, thought to deliver robust inferences with respect to the nature, sign, direction, and significance of the causal relationships revealed in the econometric procedure. Findings-Our findings reveal a two-way positive bidirectional causal relationship between GDP and total pharmaceutical sales per capita. This contradicts the conventional notion that health expenditures decrease with economic development due to general health improvements. Furthermore, we observe that GDP per capita positively correlates with life expectancy at birth, 40, and 60, consistently generating positive and statistically significant predictive values. Nonetheless, the value generated by the input life expectancy at 60 on the target income per capita is negative (À61.89%), shedding light on the asymmetric and nonlinear nature of this nexus.

Research paper thumbnail of The economic determinants of world disorder events: An empirical analysis

Journal of Policy Modeling, 2024

This paper delves into the economic determinants of World Disorder Events (WDE) using robust empi... more This paper delves into the economic determinants of World Disorder Events (WDE) using robust empirical methodologies applied to a cross-section of world data over the period 1997-2022. By employing econometric models such as Robust Least Squares (RLS), complemented with Artificial Intelligence methods, such as Ridge Regression (RR) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), we uncover the influence of various economic, environmental, and health factors on the frequency and intensity of WDE. RR is used to address multicollinearity among predictors, thereby enhancing the reliability of our regression estimates. The robustness of our findings is further ensured through ANN models, which improve prediction accuracy and model stability. This analysis not only identifies key economic drivers of WDE but also offers policy recommendations to reduce the incidence and impact of these events. By integrating multiple applied techniques, this paper contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between economic conditions and global stability, offering valuable insights for policymakers and economic analysts.

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of deep learning on environmental science

BMC Environmental Science, 2024

Deep Learning (DL), a subset of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a powerful tool in environm... more Deep Learning (DL), a subset of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a powerful tool in environmental science, reshaping the landscape of data analysis and interpretation. This study focuses on the remarkable impact of DL on various aspects of environmental science, including remote sensing, climate modelling, biodiversity assessment, pollution monitoring, and environmental health.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Air and Rail Transportation on Environmental Pollution in Turkey: A Fourier Cointegration Analysis

Management of Environmental Quality, 2024

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the influence of air and rail transportation on pollution ... more Purpose
This paper aims to investigate the influence of air and rail transportation on pollution in Turkey from 1970 to 2020.

Fourier Autoregressive Distributive Lags (ADL) and Fourier Fractional ADL cointegration tests (Banerjee et al., 2017; Ilkay et al., 2021) are employed to analyze the relationship be-tween the variables. Cointegration tests that take into account soft transitions under structural changes are implemented. Structural change issues are crucial for this topic since the changes in countries’ environmental policies and transportation habits are shaped by the decisions taken in relation to environmental regulations. Finally, for robustness purposes, we tested the estimated equation with a completely different methodology. Thus, a Machine Learning (ML) analysis is conducted, through a Ridge Regression (RR).

The findings obtained by applying Fourier Autoregressive Distributive Lags (FADL) and Fourier Fractional ADL cointegration tests, which can control for structural changes, reveal the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables. In addition, FMOLS estimates emphasize that economic growth and air transport can lead to increased pollution in the long run, while rail transport reduces it. Moreover, the statistically significant trigonometric terms indicate the existence of a smooth structural change among the variables. Robustness checks are performed through a Machine Learning (ML) analysis, which roughly confirms the previous results.

To our knowledge, existing research in Turkey focuses mainly on road transport, while the impact of rail and air transport on pollution has not yet been investigated. As such, this study will be a significant addition to the academic literature.

Research paper thumbnail of How facilitating is defense and health expenditures in achieving low carbon dioxide emissions: an application of quantile regression

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2024

The present study aims to connect two strands of literature that analyze the role of defense and ... more The present study aims to connect two strands of literature that analyze the role of defense and health expenditures in environmental degradation. To this end, the study utilized a balanced panel data set comprising 27 European countries from 1995 to 2020. In addition, a novel and robust quantile-based regression method proposed by Machado and Silva (

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Interactions Between Oil Prices and Renewable Energy Production in Italy Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Wavelet and Machine Learning Analyses

Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2024

This study examines the intricate dynamics between oil prices and renewable energy investments in... more This study examines the intricate dynamics between oil prices and renewable energy investments in Italy during the initial phase of the CoronaVirus Disease 2019 pandemic, a period characterized by significant economic and social upheaval. Utilizing advanced empirical techniques, such as Partial Wavelet Coherency analysis, Time-Varying Granger Causality, and Robinson Log-Periodogram tests, as well as Machine Learning (ML) regressions, this research uncovers nuanced insights into the interplay between oil prices and renewable energy series including biomass, solar, hydro, wind, and geothermal. Key findings indicate a predominant in-phase relationship with oil prices leading most renewable energy series, and unidirectional causality from renewables to oil prices in several instances, highlighting the potential influence of renewable energy on oil market dynamics. In robustness checks, ML models further elucidate the impact, with solar, hydro, and geothermal sources showing significant importance scores. These insights are critical for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to enhance energy security and transition towards sustainable energy sources amidst global crises.

Research paper thumbnail of Un’analisi wavelet della sostenibilità fiscale italiana

Intorno alla Politica Economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Intorno alla Politica Economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli

FrancoAngeli, 2021

Il volume raccoglie alcuni saggi di politica economica dedicati a Gian Cesare Romagnoli e present... more Il volume raccoglie alcuni saggi di politica economica dedicati a Gian Cesare Romagnoli e presentati nella Giornata in suo onore all’Università Roma Tre. Tra i temi affrontati: la contabilità economica italiana ed europea; la politica economica dell’ambiente; una trattazione metodologica e applicata del ciclo economico, del commercio internazionale, della sostenibilità fiscale del debito pubblico e dello stato del benessere per l’infanzia; la politica dei trasporti e la politica economica regionale.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di stabilità e politica economica europea, a cura di C. Magazzino e G. C. Romagnoli, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2015.

Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, su “Legge di Stabilità e pol... more Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, su “Legge di Stabilità e politica economica europea” svolta da Lilia Cavallari, Stefano D’Addona, Rama Dasi Mariani, Francesco Forte, Marilena Giannetti, Valerio Intraligi, Stefano Lepore, Cosimo Magazzino, Olga Marzovilla, Marco Mele, Paolo Naticchioni, Gian Cesare Romagnoli e Gaetana Trupiano. La Legge di stabilità per il 2015 segnala un cambio di stagione importante, anche se non è risolutiva di per sé in termini di spinta alla crescita e alla riduzione del debito pubblico. La novità sostanziale è data da una riduzione consistente del cuneo fiscale come parte di una nuova politica industriale basata soprattutto sulle riforme strutturali che il Paese attende da anni. Essa si accompagna al Jobs Act da cui si attende una ripresa della crescita. Le risorse aggiuntive prodotte dalla più rapida crescita saranno destinate ad addolcire l’onere dell’aggiustamento fiscale per famiglie e imprese. La Legge di Stabilità trova un soddisfacente punto di incontro tra austerity e crescita e si collega alle politiche di exit strategy dalla crisi economica che beneficeranno della riduzione degli spread attesa anche dal Quantitative Easing. Con questo scopo, la ricerca ha guardato agli effetti delle politiche fiscale e monetaria europee e alle tendenze del mercato del lavoro in presenza di cambiamento tecnologico. L’approccio seguito dal governo Renzi è stato quello di impegnarsi sulle riforme istituzionali e strutturali richieste dalla nuova governance europea piuttosto che invocare l’unione politica, per la quale mancano ancora i presupposti, come panacea del debito pubblico. In questa temperie storica, la domanda di unione politica è maggiore dell’offerta e ciò costringe i paesi che la domandano a pagare prezzi più alti in termini di quadro macroeconomico. L’auspicio espresso dalla ricerca effettuata dal CREI nell’anno precedente, che il nuovo governo potesse trarre utili elementi di riflessione dai suoi risultati, anche sul profilo redistributivo di un welfare meno universalistico, ha trovato un parziale riscontro.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di Stabilità e finanza pubblica in Italia

Il volume, che raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma Tre, ha avuto come riferime... more Il volume, che raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI di Roma
Tre, ha avuto come riferimento la Legge di Stabilità per il 2014 e le
sue novità sostanziali: una lieve riduzione del cuneo fiscale e la sostituzione
dell’IMU con altre imposte sugli immobili. La Legge di
Stabilità 2014 manca di consistenza oltre che di una visione strategica
ed è perciò inadeguata a invertire le aspettative di continuazione
della recessione, in corso dal 2008. Per una politica economica
che doveva affrontare questi gravi problemi, dopo il superamento
dell’emergenza finanziaria da parte del Governo Monti, con il contributo
della BCE, la finanza pubblica italiana poteva fornire con difficoltà
nuove risorse provenienti da un aumento della imposizione
data l’alta pressione fiscale raggiunta. Per questa ragione, si è auspicato
che il Governo Letta guardasse con maggiore interesse a
una ricomposizione della spesa pubblica, con le risorse che potevano
essere rese disponibili dall’aumento dell’IVA e dal processo di
spending review, al fine di consentire una riduzione consistente del
cuneo fiscale come parte di una nuova politica industriale basata soprattutto
sulle riforme strutturali che il Paese attende da anni. Con
questo scopo, la ricerca ha guardato anche alle dimensioni del governo
nel periodo post-unitario. L’auspicio espresso dalla ricerca effettuata
dal CREI nell’anno precedente, che il nuovo Governo Letta
potesse trarre utili elementi di riflessione dai suoi risultati, anche sul
profilo redistributivo, è rimasto disatteso nell’attuale contesto politico
caratterizzato da una politica economica esile e da una finanza
pubblica pesante.

Research paper thumbnail of Politica Economica

Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri vol... more Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri volumi, sia italiani sia stranieri. Con un semplice clic del mouse, il docente può creare il testo per il proprio corso attingendo a singoli capitoli dai più disparati volumi, in modo da realizzare un libro personalizzato che risponda al meglio alle esigenze del proprio corso, con la possibilità di aggiungere anche materiale originale scritto dal docente stesso.

Research paper thumbnail of Legge di Stabilità e politica economica in Italia

Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI dell’Università Roma Tre sulla “Legge di... more Il volume raccoglie i risultati di una ricerca del CREI dell’Università
Roma Tre sulla “Legge di Stabilità e la politica economica in Italia” svolta
da Carmela D’Apice, Maurizio Franzini, Cosimo Magazzino, Salvatore
Monni, Alessandro Petretto, Gian Cesare Romagnoli e Gaetana Trupiano.
La Legge di Stabilità ha sostituito la Legge Finanziaria dal 2010, all’inizio
della crisi dei debiti sovrani europei. Nel 2011 il governo di Mario
Monti ha dovuto affrontare sfide molto difficili: uno spread tra Bund tedeschi
e Btp italiani decennali oltre i 500 punti base, il terzo rapporto
debito pubblico/Pil del mondo, i vincoli di finanza pubblica dettati dalla
nuova governance europea, la pressione da parte delle agenzie di rating
su titoli di stato e sistema bancario, una crisi di produttività ultra-decennale,
un’evasione fiscale endemica e una instabilità politica di fondo.
La stella polare dell’esecutivo è stata quella di raccogliere la dura
sfida del consolidamento dei conti pubblici nonostante una recessione
persistente e una disoccupazione giovanile inaccettabile. Ma gli strumenti
scelti per cercare di conseguire gli obiettivi sembrano essere stati,
almeno in parte, mal selezionati e discutibili in termini redistributivi.
Inoltre, l’austerità voluta dall’esecutivo è stata restrittiva perché si è
quasi totalmente concentrata sul versante delle entrate, mentre il contributo
al risanamento dei conti pubblici avrebbe dovuto agire su entrambi
i fronti, aprendo la strada a un’austerità espansiva, con la riduzione
del cuneo fiscale. Anche nella Legge di Stabilità per il 2013, le
semplificazioni, le liberalizzazioni, le privatizzazioni, una minore tassazione
del lavoro, una riforma delle relazioni finanziarie intergovernative,
l’abbandono dell’universalismo delle prestazioni, sono rimasti sullo
sfondo. L’auspicio è che il nuovo governo possa trarre utili elementi di
riflessione da questa ricerca.

Research paper thumbnail of Precorso di Matematica

Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri vol... more Hill dispone di un vasto database, "Create", in cui sono contenuti in forma digitale i propri volumi, sia italiani sia stranieri. Con un semplice clic del mouse, il docente può creare il testo per il proprio corso attingendo a singoli capitoli dai più disparati volumi, in modo da realizzare un libro personalizzato che risponda al meglio alle esigenze del proprio corso, con la possibilità di aggiungere anche materiale originale scritto dal docente stesso.

Research paper thumbnail of La politica economica di Margaret Thatcher

Questo volume analizza le politiche, soprattutto in campo economico- finanziario, attuate dagli ... more Questo volume analizza le politiche, soprattutto in campo economico-
finanziario, attuate dagli esecutivi britannici guidati da Margaret
H. Thatcher nel corso degli anni Ottanta del XX secolo. Al fine di
comprendere meglio le scelte governative e le reazioni degli agenti
economici, viene offerto un inquadramento storico, politico e sociale
del Regno Unito anche in chiave comparatistica.
Il volume costituisce, sia per gli addetti ai lavori che per il grande
pubblico, un utile strumento di comprensione di un decennio di
grandi cambiamenti e di una figura controversa sulla quale pochi
sono stati i contributi scientifici, soprattutto in lingua italiana. L’analisi
assume un interesse particolare in questi anni giacché l’affermarsi
del paradigma del “conservatorismo liberale” – la cui validità
viene messa in dubbio dalla crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale
in atto – trova le sue radici proprio nel periodo che dagli studiosi è
stato indicato come “il decennio della Thatcher e di Reagan”.

Research paper thumbnail of Politiche di bilancio e crescita economica

I problemi della finanza pubblica, in questi giorni difficili per l’Italia e l’Europa, sono passa... more I problemi della finanza pubblica, in questi giorni difficili per l’Italia e l’Europa, sono passati da argomento tecnico, ristretto a un pubblico di iniziati, ad oggetto di dibattito quotidiano. […] Ci sono domande molto importanti e impegnative che raramente trovano spazio in questo turbinio di dibattiti e di commenti. Perché l’Italia ha il terzo debito pubblico più alto al mondo? Come ci siamo arrivati? È il livello del debito che ha frenato e tuttora frena l’economia italiana? Qual è il rapporto tra spesa pubblica e reddito aggregato? È vero che più grande è la dimensione dell’operatore pubblico, minore è la crescita dell’economia? […] Tali sono alcuni degli interrogativi che si pone Cosimo Magazzino in questo libro. E lo fa con la serietà e il rigore dell’economista, rifuggendo da scorciatoie giornalistiche e improvvisazioni, affrontando i problemi con una molteplicità di approcci, che vanno dalla ricostruzione storica, all’inquadramento teorico per giungere all’analisi statistico-econometrica.

Magazzino’s results are particularly relevant in the light of the present European debt crisis, which is the result of governments that have excessively grown throughout the last decades. […] The principles of sound public finances emphasized by Magazzino seem to get abandoned little by little. Not a bright future to look forward to. We have barely overcome the banking crisis, we are midst in a state finance crisis, and already an excessive money supply crisis is looming.

Research paper thumbnail of Do energy and geopolitical risks influence environmental quality? A quantile-based load capacity factor assessment for fragile countries

Energy Strategy Reviews, 2024

Most countries have tried to decline fossil fuels dependency by supporting clean energy transitio... more Most countries have tried to decline fossil fuels dependency by supporting clean energy transition. In light of this, this study investigates the impact of energy security risk (ESR) and geopolitical risk (GPR) on the load capacity factor (LCF) in four fragile countries (Brazil-BRA; India-IND; South Africa-ZAF, Türkiye-TUR). The study applies quantile approaches for the period between 1985/m2 and 2018/m12, which represents the largest amount of accessible data. The results show that (i) at higher quantiles, ESR declines the LCF in IND and ZAF, while it has an increasing impact in BRA and a mixed impact in TUR; (ii) GPR increases the LCF in BRA, ZAF, and TUR at lower and middle quantiles, while GPR decreases ecological quality at higher quantiles in all countries; (iii) ESR and GPR have a causal effect on the LCF across various quantiles; (iv) ESR and GPR are strong predictors of the LCF, but their predictive power varies by quantile and becomes significantly weaker with increasing lags. With these fresh outcomes, the study underlines the significant influence of ESR and GPR in ensuring ecological sustainability across all quantiles and countries. The overall findings of the study emphasize that risks and uncertainties degrade the ecological quality of four fragile countries and that policymakers should turn to clean energy sources in case of an increase in geopolitical and energy risks.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving waste management: The impact of environmental technology, taxes, and carbon emissions on incineration in EU countries

Journal of Environmental Management, 2024

Amid the urgent global imperatives concerning climate change and resource preservation, our resea... more Amid the urgent global imperatives concerning climate change and resource preservation, our research delves into the critical domains of waste management and environmental sustainability within the European Union (EU), collecting data from 1990 to 2022. The Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR) results reveal a resounding commitment among EU member states to diminish their reliance on incineration, which is evident through adopting green technologies and environmentally conscious taxation policies, aligning with the European Union's sustainability objectives. However, this transition presents the intricate task of harmonizing industrial emissions management with efficient waste disposal. Tailoring waste management strategies to accommodate diverse consumption patterns and unique circumstances within individual member states becomes imperative. Cointegrating regressions highlighted the long-run relationship among the selected variables, while Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) and Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSE) estimates roughly confirmed MMQR results. ML analyses, conducted through two ensemble methods (Gradient Boosting, GB, and Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost) shed light on the relative importance of the predictors: in particular, environmental taxation, consumption-based emissions, and production-based emissions greatly contribute to determining the variation of combustible renewables and waste. This study recommends that EU countries establish monitoring mechanisms to advance waste management and environmental sustainability through green technology adoption, enhance environmental taxation policies, and accelerate the renewable energy transition.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of circular economy in EU entrepreneurship

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2024

Fostering innovation is one of the key roles of the Circular Economy (CE) that applies also to Eu... more Fostering innovation is one of the key roles of the Circular Economy (CE) that applies also to European Union (EU) firms, because entrepreneurs are persistently seeking new ways and means to create values, contributing with significant market opportunities, and depicting large potential for EU sustainable growth. This study explores the effects of firms’ investments in using highly disruptive technologies in the energy sector on the Eurozone (EU-27) in the last two decades (1990–2019). An Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) experiment through a Deep Learning (DL) approach is implemented to test this hypothesis. The empirical findings show that investments in highly disruptive technologies, especially by large digitally qualified companies, boost economic growth. They are also a crucial driver of digitalization not only because they enhance a wide strategic change implying a radical innovation in business models, but they completely transform markets, from energy to food production, water resources, pollution, connectivity, and plastic waste. These expected benefits represent a possible policy measure to offset the decline in global activity due to the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on global energy markets. In addition, a positive association between trade and output is confirmed. Finally, promising policy actions are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Drivers and Solutions of Green Innovation Influencing the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies

Heliyon, 2024

The degradation of the environment in China is accelerating along with economic expansion. Adopti... more The degradation of the environment in China is accelerating along with economic expansion. Adoption of renewable energy technologies (RETs) is crucial for reducing the adverse impacts of economic growth on the environment and fostering sustainable development. This study attempts to identify the green innovation drivers and sub-drivers that affect the adoption of RETs in China and provide solutions for boosting their implementation. The study prioritized the drivers, sub-drivers, and strategies of green innovation by combining the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. In the study, the triple bottom line (TBL) approach has been used to determine the economic, societal, and environmental driving forces. The study also suggests strategies for encouraging the use of RETs. The results of the AHP method revealed that economics is the most crucial driver, with a weight of 0.376, followed by environmental (0.332), and social (0.291) drivers. The findings of the SAW method indicated that government green innovation initiatives, consumer initiatives, and industry initiatives are the most significant strategies for deploying RETs in China. This study has important theoretical and practical ramifications for encouraging China to adopt RETs. The suggested approaches can help researchers, business professionals, and policymakers promote sustainable development in China.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the role of digitalization and technological innovation in promoting sustainable natural resource exploitation

Resources Policy, 2024

In the era of technological advancement, the potential of digitalization and technical innovation... more In the era of technological advancement, the potential of digitalization and technical innovation to revolutionize sustainable resource exploitation has become a focal point. The promises of reduced environmental impact, heightened efficiency, and improved socioeconomic outcomes underscore the transformative power that digitalization holds for resource management. To this extent, the fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy VIsekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) methods are used to examine challenges and come up with possible solutions for the mining sector in Pakistan to adopt digital transformation. The study identifies several key challenges, sub-challenges, and strategies, giving readers a thorough grasp of digital transformation. These challenges and sub-challenges are evaluated and ranked according to their relative weights using the fuzzy AHP approach. The fuzzy VIKOR method is applied to determine strategies that can help overcome these challenges and promote digitalization and technological innovation in the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The results of fuzzy AHP show that policy and regulation, infrastructure, and human capital are key challenges. The findings of fuzzy VIKOR indicate that robust policy development, investment in Research and Development (R&D), and leveraging global trends and partnerships are key strategies to overcome the challenges. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, offering new perspectives on integrating digital technology into the natural resource sector to foster sustainable development.

Research paper thumbnail of Pharmaceutical consumption, economic growth and life expectancy in the OECD: the application of a new causal direction from dependency algorithm and a DeepNet process

Journal of Economic Studies, 2024

Purpose-The objective of this study is to reevaluate the correlation among pharmaceutical consump... more Purpose-The objective of this study is to reevaluate the correlation among pharmaceutical consumption, per capita income, and life expectancy across different age groups (at birth, middle age, and advanced age) within the OECD countries between 1998 and 2018. Design/methodology/approach-We employ a two-step methodology, utilizing two independent approaches. Firstly, we conduct the Dumitrescu-Hurlin pairwise panel causality test, followed by Machine Learning (ML) experiments employing the Causal Direction from Dependency (D2C) Prediction algorithm and a DeepNet process, thought to deliver robust inferences with respect to the nature, sign, direction, and significance of the causal relationships revealed in the econometric procedure. Findings-Our findings reveal a two-way positive bidirectional causal relationship between GDP and total pharmaceutical sales per capita. This contradicts the conventional notion that health expenditures decrease with economic development due to general health improvements. Furthermore, we observe that GDP per capita positively correlates with life expectancy at birth, 40, and 60, consistently generating positive and statistically significant predictive values. Nonetheless, the value generated by the input life expectancy at 60 on the target income per capita is negative (À61.89%), shedding light on the asymmetric and nonlinear nature of this nexus.

Research paper thumbnail of The economic determinants of world disorder events: An empirical analysis

Journal of Policy Modeling, 2024

This paper delves into the economic determinants of World Disorder Events (WDE) using robust empi... more This paper delves into the economic determinants of World Disorder Events (WDE) using robust empirical methodologies applied to a cross-section of world data over the period 1997-2022. By employing econometric models such as Robust Least Squares (RLS), complemented with Artificial Intelligence methods, such as Ridge Regression (RR) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), we uncover the influence of various economic, environmental, and health factors on the frequency and intensity of WDE. RR is used to address multicollinearity among predictors, thereby enhancing the reliability of our regression estimates. The robustness of our findings is further ensured through ANN models, which improve prediction accuracy and model stability. This analysis not only identifies key economic drivers of WDE but also offers policy recommendations to reduce the incidence and impact of these events. By integrating multiple applied techniques, this paper contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between economic conditions and global stability, offering valuable insights for policymakers and economic analysts.

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of deep learning on environmental science

BMC Environmental Science, 2024

Deep Learning (DL), a subset of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a powerful tool in environm... more Deep Learning (DL), a subset of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a powerful tool in environmental science, reshaping the landscape of data analysis and interpretation. This study focuses on the remarkable impact of DL on various aspects of environmental science, including remote sensing, climate modelling, biodiversity assessment, pollution monitoring, and environmental health.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Air and Rail Transportation on Environmental Pollution in Turkey: A Fourier Cointegration Analysis

Management of Environmental Quality, 2024

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the influence of air and rail transportation on pollution ... more Purpose
This paper aims to investigate the influence of air and rail transportation on pollution in Turkey from 1970 to 2020.

Fourier Autoregressive Distributive Lags (ADL) and Fourier Fractional ADL cointegration tests (Banerjee et al., 2017; Ilkay et al., 2021) are employed to analyze the relationship be-tween the variables. Cointegration tests that take into account soft transitions under structural changes are implemented. Structural change issues are crucial for this topic since the changes in countries’ environmental policies and transportation habits are shaped by the decisions taken in relation to environmental regulations. Finally, for robustness purposes, we tested the estimated equation with a completely different methodology. Thus, a Machine Learning (ML) analysis is conducted, through a Ridge Regression (RR).

The findings obtained by applying Fourier Autoregressive Distributive Lags (FADL) and Fourier Fractional ADL cointegration tests, which can control for structural changes, reveal the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables. In addition, FMOLS estimates emphasize that economic growth and air transport can lead to increased pollution in the long run, while rail transport reduces it. Moreover, the statistically significant trigonometric terms indicate the existence of a smooth structural change among the variables. Robustness checks are performed through a Machine Learning (ML) analysis, which roughly confirms the previous results.

To our knowledge, existing research in Turkey focuses mainly on road transport, while the impact of rail and air transport on pollution has not yet been investigated. As such, this study will be a significant addition to the academic literature.

Research paper thumbnail of How facilitating is defense and health expenditures in achieving low carbon dioxide emissions: an application of quantile regression

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2024

The present study aims to connect two strands of literature that analyze the role of defense and ... more The present study aims to connect two strands of literature that analyze the role of defense and health expenditures in environmental degradation. To this end, the study utilized a balanced panel data set comprising 27 European countries from 1995 to 2020. In addition, a novel and robust quantile-based regression method proposed by Machado and Silva (

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Interactions Between Oil Prices and Renewable Energy Production in Italy Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Wavelet and Machine Learning Analyses

Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2024

This study examines the intricate dynamics between oil prices and renewable energy investments in... more This study examines the intricate dynamics between oil prices and renewable energy investments in Italy during the initial phase of the CoronaVirus Disease 2019 pandemic, a period characterized by significant economic and social upheaval. Utilizing advanced empirical techniques, such as Partial Wavelet Coherency analysis, Time-Varying Granger Causality, and Robinson Log-Periodogram tests, as well as Machine Learning (ML) regressions, this research uncovers nuanced insights into the interplay between oil prices and renewable energy series including biomass, solar, hydro, wind, and geothermal. Key findings indicate a predominant in-phase relationship with oil prices leading most renewable energy series, and unidirectional causality from renewables to oil prices in several instances, highlighting the potential influence of renewable energy on oil market dynamics. In robustness checks, ML models further elucidate the impact, with solar, hydro, and geothermal sources showing significant importance scores. These insights are critical for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to enhance energy security and transition towards sustainable energy sources amidst global crises.

Research paper thumbnail of Marginal effect of electricity generation on CO2 emissions: Disaggregated level evidence from China by KRLS method and high-frequency daily data

Energy Strategy Reviews, 2024

The effect of energy use on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has been frequently studied in the lit... more The effect of energy use on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has been frequently studied in the literature. These studies have mainly concluded that countries should decline (increase) the use of fossil fuel (clean) energy. However, the literature suffers from a significant shortcoming as it does not focus on the marginal effect of a 1 % increase for each energy generation source on sectoral CO2 emissions. Therefore, a detailed analysis is conducted in this study to examine the relationship between electricity generation (EG) and CO2 emissions at a disaggregated level. The focus is on China, the world's leading country in terms of CO2 emissions and energy use. Thus, the study considers source-based EG and sector-based CO2 emissions, uses high-frequency daily data between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2022, and applies the kernel-based regularized least squares (KRLS) method. The outcomes show that (i) the effects of EG sources on sectoral CO2 emissions follow a nonlinear structure, suggesting that the marginal effect varies by sector, EG sources, and estimation models (either incremental or degressive). Therefore, there are certain externalities among alternative EG sources for the effects of CO2 emissions in the sectors; (ii) the statistically significant effects of EG sources on CO2 emissions vary by sector and constructed models, showing that some EG sources are much more important for CO2 emissions in some sectors. For this reason, not all EG sources have the same importance for sectoral CO2 emissions; (iii) the KRLS method has a higher estimation ability of CO2 emissions, reaching ∼99.8 %, which provides novel outcomes and allows researchers to argue various policy options based on the obtained results. The study thus highlights varying marginal impacts of EG sources on sectoral CO2 emissions. The changing marginal influence is a crucial point that should be considered by Chinese policymakers when formulating energy-related environmental policies.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the efficiency of green innovation and marketing strategies for long-term sustainability in the context of Environmental labelling

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024

In the contemporary landscape, as environmental concerns take center stage, consumers are increas... more In the contemporary landscape, as environmental concerns take center stage, consumers are increasingly urged to make ecologically friendly choices, facilitated by the prevalence of environmental labeling. This study undertakes a comprehensive investigation into the influence of environmental labeling on customer purchasing behavior, with a specific emphasis on evaluating the effectiveness of green marketing and innovation initiatives. Using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) methodologies, the research pinpoints the elements and tactics able to influence consumer behavior in connection to environmental labeling. Therefore, seven factors, twenty-one sub-factors, and six strategies are identified. The results of Fuzzy AHP show the prominent role of product attributes, marketing and promotion strategies, and sustainability practices while seeking to change consumer behavior with regard to environmental labeling. In addition, the findings from the Fuzzy WASPAS approach suggest that environmentally friendly packaging, product labeling, and partnerships and collaboration are the most successful green innovation and marketing strategies. The findings of this study can help shape the design of more effective environmental labeling programs and marketing plans for encouraging sustainable purchases.

Research paper thumbnail of The mutual effects of residential energy demand and climate change in the United States: A wavelet analysis

Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 2024

This study examines the complex and time-varying relationship between residential energy demand (... more This study examines the complex and time-varying relationship between residential energy demand (including electricity, geothermal, and solar energy) and climate change using wavelet analyses with monthly USA data from January 1990 to March 2023. The results show that residential energy demand and climate change indicators exhibit a time-varying interrelationship with cyclical and lag effects. Specifically, before 2021, a positive correlation between residential electricity demand and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in short-term frequencies was found, but the relationship reversed thereafter, with an increase in CO 2 levels influencing and decreasing residential electricity demand. In the long run frequencies, the link between residential power consumption and CO 2 emissions shifted over time, exhibiting inconsistent co-movement. The co-movements between residential geothermal and CO 2 show predominantly positive correlations, with CO 2 leading the relationship in the short run, while geothermal leads the co-movements in the long run. In both short and long-term frequencies, the dependency and co-movement between residential solar and CO 2 are mixed, with residential solar leading to positive correlations and CO 2 leading to negative correlations. Therefore, improved insulation, energy-efficient windows, and high-efficiency heating systems can all assist in reducing heat loss and the total energy demand for domestic heating and subsequently low CO 2 emissions.

Research paper thumbnail of

Environmental Pollution, 2024

This article contributes to the scant literature exploring the determinants of methane emissions.... more This article contributes to the scant literature exploring the determinants of methane emissions. A lot is explored considering CO2 emissions, but fewer studies concentrate on the other most long-lived greenhouse gas (GHG), methane which contributes largely to climate change. For the empirical analysis, a large dataset is used considering 192 countries with data ranging from 1960 up to 2022 and considering a wide set of determinants (total central government debt, domestic credit to the private sector, exports of goods and services, GDP per capita, total unemployment, renewable energy consumption, urban population, Gini Index, and Voice and Accountability). Panel Quantile Regression (PQR) estimates show a non-negligible statistical effect of all the selected variables (except for the Gini Index) over the distribution's quantiles. Moreover, the Simple Regression Tree (SRT) model allows us to observe that the losing countries, located in the poorest world regions, abundant in natural resources, are those expected to curb methane emissions. For that, public interventions like digitalization, green education, green financing, ensuring the increase in Voice and Accountability, and green jobs, would lead losers to be positioned in the winner's rankings and would ensure an effective fight against climate change.

Research paper thumbnail of The double sustainability: The link between government debt and renewable energy

The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2024

This paper innovatively explores the relationship between a country's government debt and the use... more This paper innovatively explores the relationship between a country's government debt and the use of renewable energy. Incorporating key socioeconomic and financial variables, critical to the United Nations SDG-7, we build a panel dataset for G7 countries from 1990-2021. Using cointegrating regression methods (FMOLS and DOLS), Quantile Regressions (QR) and pairwise panel causality tests, we find bidirectional causality between government debt and renewable energy consumption (REC). The empirical findings emphasize the important policy implications for sustainable economic development. Escalating government debt can hinder investment in renewable energy infrastructure, while increased renewable energy has a positive impact on government debt dynamics. Policymakers are encouraged to prioritize fiscal responsibility to secure resources for renewable energy investments. Moreover, incentivizing renewable energy deployment promotes long-term fiscal benefits and creates a positive feedback loop. In fact, a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between government finances and environmental sustainability is crucial for an optimal balance.

Research paper thumbnail of The Credit-Output-Productivity Nexus: A Comprehensive Review

International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024

The interactions between financial development, productivity and growth have been extensively stu... more The interactions between financial development, productivity and growth have been extensively studied in the literature. However, their nature, directions and magnitudes remain unclear, and no consensus has been reached, notably in the agricultural sector. We conduct a state-of-the-art review of this topic and also present alternative environmental determinants (climate change and extreme event issues; water, soil and land management practices; waste management and circular economy) of agricultural productivity. In doing so, we show where this domain has fallen short on methodological approaches, while emphasizing the relevant feature characterizing this empirical debate. Moreover, we emphasize the heterogeneity of the linkages between financial development, productivity and growth across income groups. Along with prospects for future research, some policy recommendations are offered.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Nexus between GHG Emissions and AFOLU Activities: New Insights from C-Vine Copula Approach

Agricultural Research, 2024

The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) account... more The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) account for more than 10% of the total GHG emissions in Iran. To reduce the environmental impact, assessments of Iran’s GHG emissions status are critical for identifying the national policies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the bio-based industry. However, there is no study exploring the dependency between AFOLU and GHG emissions in Iran by using the Vine Copula approach. Hence, the study aims to examine the causality direction and correlation structure among selected horticulture, farming crops, livestock, and poultry products and carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (N2O), and methane emissions (CH4) in the Iranian agriculture sector over the period 1961–2019, to determine which crops or products are more responsible to deteriorate the environment. The empirical strategy used a C-Vine Copula model to measure the correlations together with the Granger causality (GC) test to analyze the causality links. According to the empirical findings, several crops and products are the sources of emissions. Rice and vegetable cultivations, as well as meat and milk products (Kendall’s τ values of 0.37, 0.33, 0.31, and 0.31, respectively), are the leading sources of CH4 emissions. Legumes, eggs, maize, rice, and milk enhance N2O emissions, while CO2 emissions are caused by apple, potato, and apricot crops (Kendall’s τ values of 0.22, 0.18, and 0.16, respectively). Finally, based on the findings, policy implications are offered.

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of the Subjective Well-Being in the Italian Regions Through an ANN Algorithm

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2024

This research aims to analyze the determinants of subjective well-being in the Italian regions. T... more This research aims to analyze the determinants of subjective well-being in the Italian regions. To this extent, a new ISTAT-BES database has been used, with data for the Italian regions between 2004 and 2021. An artificial neural network (ANN) experiment was conducted to explore the link among these variables. Empirical findings show that subjective well-being is positively associated with education, income, and social relations. Our results align with those provided by past studies on the determinants of subjective well-being. These results imply that governments should improve subjective well-being by increasing the level of investment in education, deepening economic growth, reducing income inequality, and promoting social relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the relationship between oil prices and renewable energy sources in Italy during the first COVID-19 wave through quantile and wavelet analyses

Renewable Energy Focus, 2024

The paper aims to analyze the evolution of oil prices and renewable energy production in Italy du... more The paper aims to analyze the evolution of oil prices and renewable energy production in Italy during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis with daily data for the period January 2020-September 2020 through several time series techniques (long memory test and spectral causality analysis) and Wavelet Analysis tools. Italy has been the first country all over the world to be severely hit by the pandemic, reacting immediately with strong restrictive measures. The applied results show that oil prices and renewable energy sources were highly correlated during the pandemic shock. Moreover, causality tests reveal a unidirectional flow running from solar, hydro, and wind sources to oil prices, highlighting the relevance of the effect of the energy transition on the oil market. It is also imperative for a country that is a net energy resources importer to achieve a more sustainable way of production and accelerate the energy transition process, especially during phases of high fossil fuel prices.

Research paper thumbnail of L'UME: fondamenti, politiche, crisi e soluzioni possibili

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-11.L'euro e i mercati finanziari

1 L'introduzione dell'€ ha accelerato l'integrazione finanziaria europea, grazie all'eliminazione... more 1 L'introduzione dell'€ ha accelerato l'integrazione finanziaria europea, grazie all'eliminazione del rischio di e e dell'ostacolo al libero flusso di servizi e attività finanziarie. Oggi il mercato può determinare, in termini di p, il rischio intrinseco dei titoli, tenendo conto soltanto del puro rischio aziendale: nell'attribuire un p al rischio delle due obbligazioni, il mercato non deve più considerare il rischio di variazioni del e tra 2 monete nazionali.

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-10.Politiche di bilancio nelle unioni monetarie

Research paper thumbnail of L’Unione Europea e le sue politiche

Research paper thumbnail of Governance economica dell’UE: le fonti informative

Research paper thumbnail of Il quadro normativo nazionale: dalla revisione costituzionale all’applicazione delle nuove regole

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-9. La politica monetaria nell’Eurozona

1 Supponiamo che F sperimenti un boom dovuto a ↑AD, mentre G sia in recessione (con ↓AD) e che i ... more 1 Supponiamo che F sperimenti un boom dovuto a ↑AD, mentre G sia in recessione (con ↓AD) e che i due shock si compensino esattamente (shock asimmetrico «puro»). La BCE, guardando alla stabilità dei p nell'UME, non nota modifiche a p e Y nell'intera area, e non interviene. Pertanto, varieranno Y e u nei 2 Paesi. In G, ↓Y (da Y G1 a Y G3 ); mentre in F, ↑Y (da Y F1 a Y F3 ). In questo caso la BCE non riesce a stabilizzare il sistema, comportandosi come se attribuisse alla stabilizzazione del Y un peso nullo. 2 7

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-8.La BCE

Nel periodo post-bellico si sono delineati 2 modelli di BC: anglo-francese e tedesco. I modelli d... more Nel periodo post-bellico si sono delineati 2 modelli di BC: anglo-francese e tedesco. I modelli differiscono sotto 2 aspetti principali:  gli obiettivi della BC: nel modello anglo-francese la BC persegue diversi obiettivi (stabilità dei p, stabilizzazione del ciclo economico, mantenimento di un elevato livello di N, stabilità finanziaria); nel modello tedesco la stabilità dei p è considerata l'obiettivo primario;

Research paper thumbnail of Sorveglianza macroeconomica e European Stability Mechanism

Research paper thumbnail of Case study: Programmazione economica 2018

Saldo strutturale = saldo nominale -componente ciclica -misure una tantum saldo nominale= -1,9 co... more Saldo strutturale = saldo nominale -componente ciclica -misure una tantum saldo nominale= -1,9 componente ciclica = parametro di aggiustamento ciclico x output gap= -0,9 misure una tantum=0,1

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-7.La transizione verso un'unione monetaria

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-6.Come completare un'unione monetaria

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-5. La fragilità delle unioni monetarie incomplete

Nelle UM incomplete ogni Paese membro mantiene la propria PF indipendente. Le UM complete sono ca... more Nelle UM incomplete ogni Paese membro mantiene la propria PF indipendente. Le UM complete sono caratterizzate dall'unificazione del bilancio. L'UM incompleta è fragile e poco sostenibile.

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-3.Benefici di una moneta comune

Research paper thumbnail of Gli obiettivi della politica di bilancio

Più alti e positivi i valori degli indicatori di sostenibilità S1 e S2, maggiore è l'aggiustament... more Più alti e positivi i valori degli indicatori di sostenibilità S1 e S2, maggiore è l'aggiustamento fiscale necessario e quindi il rischio di sostenibilità. A parità di altre condizioni, più alta è la proiezione delle spese connesse all'invecchiamento e più difficile risulta il mantenimento del vincolo di bilancio intertemporale, poiché si richiederebbero avanzi primari molto consistenti.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Patto di Stabilità e Crescita e le sue articolazioni

Research paper thumbnail of Il Sistema europeo dei conti: SEC2010

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-4.Costi e benefici a confronto

Combiniamo le curve dei costi e dei benefici di una moneta comune con il grado di apertura di un ... more Combiniamo le curve dei costi e dei benefici di una moneta comune con il grado di apertura di un Paese. Il punto di intersezione tra le curve dei costi e dei benefici (T*) determina il livello critico di apertura che rende conveniente per un Paese aderire a un'UM coi suoi partner commerciali. A sinistra di T*, al Paese conviene mantenere la moneta nazionale (B<C); a destra, gli conviene rinunciarvi a vantaggio della moneta unica (B>C). La forma e la posizione della curva dei costi dipendono dall'opinione che si ha sull'efficacia delle PM e delle PC nel correggere gli shock da D.

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-2.La teoria delle aree valutarie ottimali: una critica

1 L'analisi di Mundell si svolge in un contesto in cui si verifica uno spostamento della D dai pr... more 1 L'analisi di Mundell si svolge in un contesto in cui si verifica uno spostamento della D dai prodotti francesi a quelli tedeschi. È probabile che un simile shock si verifichi frequentemente tra i membri di una UM?

Research paper thumbnail of PEEII-1.Costi di una moneta comune

Rinunciando alla propria moneta nazionale, un Paese rinuncia anche a uno strumento di Politica Ec... more Rinunciando alla propria moneta nazionale, un Paese rinuncia anche a uno strumento di Politica Economica (PE), perdendo la capacità di attuare una Politica Monetaria (PM) autonoma. Infatti, in una unione monetaria (UM) completa, la Banca Centrale nazionale (BCN) non ha un potere effettivo. Pertanto, un Paese che aderisce a un'UM non può modificare il prezzo della propria valuta (con svalutazioni o rivalutazioni), determinare la quantità di M nazionale in circolazione, né variare il i a breve.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Air Pollution in the ESG Model at the World Level

Research paper thumbnail of The Inextricable Link Among Climate Change, Pandemic, Migrations, and Geopolitics: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Us

Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society. EURECA-PRO 2022. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2023

The theme of sustainability transition has been the subject of an increasing number of research i... more The theme of sustainability transition has been the subject of an increasing number of research in recent years. This contribution aims to highlight the close links existing between several issues (that are apparently distant from each other, but all related to sustainability) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In particular, we want to underline the interdependencies—and possible developments—mong climate change, pandemics, migration, and geopolitics, in light of the new discoveries of AI.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization for Project Quality Management

Application of Mathematics and Optimization in Construction Project Management, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Project Stakeholder Management

Application of Mathematics and Optimization in Construction Project Management, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Un’analisi wavelet della sostenibilità fiscale italiana

Intorno alla Politica Economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Le politiche europee dell’immigrazione

La politica dell'immigrazione in Italia e in Europa, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of La sostenibilità fiscale italiana in un’ottica di lungo periodo

Le frontiere della Politica Economica, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Le privatizzazioni che servono

Noi e lo Stato. Siamo ancora sudditi?, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of La curva pericolosa: spesa pubblica e crescita economica

L’economia liberale. Saggi per Francesco Forte, 2018

Saggi per Francesco Forte a cura di Gian Cesare Romagnoli ISBN 9788891742834 Copyright © FrancoAn... more Saggi per Francesco Forte a cura di Gian Cesare Romagnoli ISBN 9788891742834 Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Wagner's Law, Government Size and Economic Growth: An Empirical Test and Theoretical Explanations for Italy 1861–2008

Gustav von Schmoller and Adolph Wagner. The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Energy consumption, real GDP, and financial development nexus in Italy: an application of an auto-regressive distributed lag bound testing approach

Brebbia, C.A., Polonara, F., Magaril, E.R., Passerini, G., (eds.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment – Energy Quest 2016, WIT Press, Southampton, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of I rating sui debiti sovrani e le crisi finanziarie internazionali

Marzovilla, O., Romagnoli, G.C., (a cura di), Il sistema monetario internazionale: dall’approccio egemone a uno multivalutario, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2016

Questa ricerca analizza l’evoluzione e i mutamenti del Sistema Monetario Internazionale (s.m.i.) ... more Questa ricerca analizza l’evoluzione e i mutamenti del Sistema Monetario Internazionale (s.m.i.) nel passaggio dall’egemonia del dollar standard all’adozione possibile di un vero approccio multivalutario. I saggi presentati ripercorrono le tappe fondamentali della evoluzione del s.m.i., soffermandosi su alcuni problemi ad essa connessi.

Research paper thumbnail of L’eredità del thatcherismo

Indiscussa icona degli anni Ottanta, Margaret Thatcher è stata Primo ministro dal 1979 al 1990 e ... more Indiscussa icona degli anni Ottanta, Margaret Thatcher è stata Primo ministro dal 1979 al 1990 e prima donna ad aver ricoperto questa carica vincendo tre elezioni consecutive con la sua "rivoluzione conservatrice": durante la recessione del 1980, la Thatcher prese di petto la spesa pubblica, l'inflazione e i sindacati, portando il paese verso la crescita. Questa raccolta, frutto di un importante convegno organizzato a Roma nel 2014 dall'associazione Rete Liberale, intende affrontare, attraverso il contributo di autorevoli esponenti del mondo accademico e culturale italiano, e le tesi che hanno portato alla nascita del "thatcherismo", pensiero che fonde conservatorismo e liberalismo di stampo friedmaniano. Il libro, inoltre, ripercorre il momento dell'ascesa di questa donna straordinaria e le azioni politiche che la porteranno ad essere soprannominata "The Iron Lady".

Research paper thumbnail of Consolidamenti e stimoli fiscali nell’UE: un’analisi empirica

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensione del governo e crescita economica in Italia: un’analisi empirica basata su nuovi dati (1861-2008)

L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e... more L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e sanzionate (se non espressamente autorizzate) la riproduzione in ogni modo e forma (comprese le fotocopie, la scansione, la memorizzazione elettronica) e la comunicazione (ivi inclusi a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo: la distribuzione, l'adattamento, la traduzione e la rielaborazione, anche a mezzo di canali digitali interattivi e con qualsiasi modalità attualmente nota od in futuro sviluppata).

Research paper thumbnail of Politica energetica e manovra economica per il 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Le esperienze di unioni monetarie in Africa Occidentale

L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sul diritto d'autore. L'Utente nel m... more L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sul diritto d'autore. L'Utente nel momento in cui effettua il download dell'opera accetta tutte le condizioni della licenza d'uso dell'opera previste e comunicate sul sito

Research paper thumbnail of On the failure of European planning for less developed regions. The case of Calabria

Research paper thumbnail of Alcune linee guida per una spending review

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal size of governments and the optimal ratio between current and capital expenditure

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Air Pollution and COVID-19-related deaths: An Application to three French Cities

EnerarXiv, 2020

We selected three major French cities (Paris, Lyon, and Marseille) to investigate the relationshi... more We selected three major French cities (Paris, Lyon, and Marseille) to investigate the relationship between the COVID-19 outbreak and air pollution. Using Artificial Neural Networks experiments, we have determined the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 linked to COVID-19-related deaths. Our focus is on the potential effects of Particulate Matter in spreading the epidemic. The underlying hypothesis is that a predetermined particulate concentration can foster COVID-19 and make the respiratory system more susceptible to this infection. The empirical strategy used an innovative Machine Learning methodology. In particular, through the so-called cutting technique in ANNs, we found new threshold levels of PM2.5 and PM10 connected to COVID19: 17.4 µg/m 3 (PM2.5) and 29.6 µg/m 3 (PM10) for Paris; 15.6 µg/m 3 (PM2.5) and 20.6 µg/m 3 (PM10) for Lyon; 14.3 µg/m 3 (PM2.5) and 22.04 µg/m 3 (PM10) for Marseille.