Francesco Caro | University of Salerno Italy (original) (raw)
Papers by Francesco Caro
... M. CAPUNZO, L. BRUNETTI, P. CAVALLO, G. BOCCIA, F. DE CARO, M. IELUZZI Department of Educatio... more ... M. CAPUNZO, L. BRUNETTI, P. CAVALLO, G. BOCCIA, F. DE CARO, M. IELUZZI Department of Educational Sciences, Chair of ... A voucher sample is de-posited at the Herbarium of the Farmaya Laboratory, Guatemala 7. ... Correspondence: Dr. Pierpaolo Cavallo, University of ...
Coronaviruses, 2021
Italy was the first western nation affected by the pandemic and was observed as a pilot case in t... more Italy was the first western nation affected by the pandemic and was observed as a pilot case in the management of the new coronavirus epidemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 disease has been challenging in Italy. On June 25, 2020 there were 239,821 total cases, of which 33,592 were deaths nationwide. Three lessons emerged from this experience that can serve as a blueprint to improve future plans for the outbreak of viruses. First, early reports on the spread of COVID-19 can help inform public health officials and medical practitioners in effort to combat its progression; second, inadequate risk assessment related to the urgency of the situation and limited reporting to the virus has led the rapid spread of COVID-19; third, an effective response to the virus had to be undertaken with coherent system of actions simultaneously.
Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia, 2017
According to Legislative Decree n. 81/08 and Ministerial Circular of 18/11/2010, this paper propo... more According to Legislative Decree n. 81/08 and Ministerial Circular of 18/11/2010, this paper proposes to verify the relationship between the sources of risk of stress, sentinel events and gender. Sentinel events and their variations are mapped for three years. Successively, a self-reported OPRA (Organizational and Psychosocial Risk Assessment) questionnaire was administered. The sample was not probabilistic and balanced for two categories: Inside Sentinel Event and Outside Sentinel Event. 249 subjects were extracted from a population of 770 subjects of a debt collection firm. A two-way ANOVA was applied. The results show that sentinel events and Gender have no relationship with the inventory of sources of risk. Future research should consider the relationship between stressors and their exposure time, considering the working environment dynamics. In this way, the relationship between stressors and sentinel events can be studied and tested in greater detail, showing empirical evidence...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Introduction: The University of Salerno has implemented a nudge intervention with the aim of prom... more Introduction: The University of Salerno has implemented a nudge intervention with the aim of promoting vaccine adherence among employees of academia and identifying individual and contextual determinants that influence adherence. Method: A purpose-built questionnaire was used during the reference period of October–December 2022 in order to assess levels of state anxiety (STAI-Y1), perceived stress (PSS-10), and public sentiments, which influence vaccination behavior, with consequences for the whole population (VCI). Results: Analysis of the results revealed a difference in mean scores on the PSS: those who have always adhered to the vaccination campaign compared to those who have never been vaccinated perceived higher levels of stress (12.01 vs. 11.33; F = 4.744, p = 0.031); furthermore, there was a relationship between the presence/absence of pathologies and VCI (F = 3,93; df = 1; p = 0.04). Conclusions: The University of Salerno’s nudge intervention made its employees more respons...
SAGE Open, 2016
Usually, sentinel events and gender are useful variables to propose appropriate intervention stra... more Usually, sentinel events and gender are useful variables to propose appropriate intervention strategies for promoting public health. The Italian legislation has incorporated aspects of the scientific literature of stress into law 81/08 and the ministerial circular of November 18, 2010, obliging the detection of work-related stress with specific reference to gender and working environment characteristics. Specifically, the Italian law requires the discovery of sentinel events in the working environment. This study evaluates the role of sentinel events in the detection of work-related stress in relation to gender. The sample includes 249 Italian subjects of a debt collection company divided into two groups (male and female) and distributed in two different categories: Inside Sentinel Events and Outside Sentinel Events. A multifactorial questionnaire, the Organizational and Psychosocial Risk Assessment (OPRA), was administered. The application of two-way ANOVA did not show any statisti...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Aim: “Antimicrobial stewardship” (AMS) is defined as a healthcare-system-wide approach to promoti... more Aim: “Antimicrobial stewardship” (AMS) is defined as a healthcare-system-wide approach to promoting and monitoring the judicious use of antimicrobials to preserve their future effectiveness. Therefore, we structured an observational study to monitor the hospital trend of antibiotic consumption and related expenditure before the COVID-19 pandemic and to evaluate how much AMS could affect this trend. Methods: The research covered the antibiotic prescriptions at the University Hospital (U.H.) “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona”, Salerno, Italy, comparing data on the therapies prescribed from 1 January to 31 December 2017 (27,384 patients) with those collected during the same period in 2019 (27,047 patients). Results: Unlike national data, our results highlighted a decreasing trend in the consumption of antibiotics that did not concern only carbapenems and fluoroquinolones, but also the third-generation cephalosporins. Noteworthily, there was also a reduction in 2019 compared with 2...
Background: The international strategic plan for COVID-19 vaccines remains the practical option f... more Background: The international strategic plan for COVID-19 vaccines remains the practical option for the protection of health. However, vaccine hesitancy remains an obstacle to full population vaccination, with rapid developments in COVID-19 vaccines and concerns about efficacy acting as influencing factors. Aim: The present study investigated the perception of vaccine hesitancy among parents of adolescents in order to explore the reasons and related emotional states. Methods: In January–March 2022, an online questionnaire was administered to a sample of parents who brought their children to the vaccine center of a local health unit, ASL Salerno (Campania, Italy). Results: The participants were 1105 parents (F = 64.6%; mean age = 47.37 years, SD = 7.52) of adolescents (F = 47.6%; mean age = 14.83 years, SD = 1.72). All parents had received the COVID-19 vaccine. Regarding the vaccination schedule, 46.8% believed that children receive more vaccinations than they should; 25.1% believed ...
Journal of Public Health Research
Chemical risk in hospital settings is a growing concern that health professionals and supervisory... more Chemical risk in hospital settings is a growing concern that health professionals and supervisory authorities must deal with daily. Exposure to chemical risk is quite different depending on the hospital department involved and might origin from multiple sources, such as the use of sterilizing agents, disinfectants, detergents, solvents, heavy metals, dangerous drugs, and anesthetic gases. Improving prevention procedures and constantly monitoring the presence and level of potentially toxic substances, both in workers (biological monitoring) and in working environments (environmental monitoring), might significantly reduce the risk of exposure and contaminations. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on this subject, which includes the current international regulations, the chemical pollutants to which medical and paramedical personnel are mainly exposed, and the strategies developed to improve safety conditions for all healthcare workers.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: In July 2021, the vaccination campaign in Italy suffered a sudden setback, and the nu... more Background: In July 2021, the vaccination campaign in Italy suffered a sudden setback, and the number of vaccine administrations decreased dramatically. On 20 July 2021, the obligation of the Green Digital Pass came into force in order to access work and leisure places, penalizing those who had not been vaccinated. The purpose of this work was to investigate the phenomenon of vaccination hesitancy and the underlying reasons, as well as any changes to the membership following the obligation of the Green Pass. Methods: A total of 83 subjects (45.8% F; mean age 22.24 ± 4.308) participated in the survey during the post-vaccine observation phase at the Vaccinal Center of the University Hospital “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona” (Salerno, Italy). The questionnaire collected anamnestic information, as well as data on state anxiety (STAI-Y), perception of quality of life (SF-12), perception of COVID-19 risks, and vaccine hesitancy. Results: Among participants, 19.3% reported hesitatio...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: It is common knowledge that first responders are among the helping professionals most... more Background: It is common knowledge that first responders are among the helping professionals most at risk of burnout and psychological vulnerability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their mental health has been subjected to various risk factors. Methods: Data on socio-demographic characteristics, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and psychological vulnerability (SCL-90-R) were obtained from 228 subjects (55.3% female; M age = 45.23, SD = 13.14) grouped on the basis of their actual involvement during the emergency phases (82% First Responders and 18% Second Responders). Results: First responders exceeded the MBI clinical cut-off, while SRs did not (χ² ≥ 0.5); specifically, EE = 89.8%, DP = 85.8%, and PA = 82.1%. The FR group showed a higher mean in the global severity index (GSI = 49.37) than did the SRs (=43.95), and the FR group exceeded the clinical cut-off in the SCL-90-R scales of SOM (51.06), ANX (52.40), and PHOB (53.60), while the SF group did so only for the PHOB scale (50.4...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Longevity is rightly considered one of the greatest achievements of modern society, an achievemen... more Longevity is rightly considered one of the greatest achievements of modern society, an achievement understood as the possibility of increasing the healthy part of life and not only its full duration. This study investigated the phenomenon of regional longevity in Cilento by analyzing the association between longevity indicators and some environmental factors, in order to understand if factors such as altitude, climate, UNESCO protected areas, and hinterland can directly or indirectly influence the measure of healthy living and lead to longevity. Demographic and environmental data were collected through the Archives of the Cilento municipalities, the National Institute of Statistics, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, and the Italian National Commission for UNESCO. The Geographically Weighted Regression were used to determine the association between longevity indicators and environmental factors. Correlation analysis between the longevity indicators was ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background: In Italy, the under-30 age category was the one that joined the anti-COVID-19 vaccina... more Background: In Italy, the under-30 age category was the one that joined the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign in an important way. This study investigates the emotional states and motivations underlying joining the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of SF-12, STAI Y, and open questions was administered to investigate the state of health, the state of anxiety, and motivational states of the participants. Results: Of the sample, 80.7% were vaccinated at the first call, deeming the action important to combat the infection. However, 48.2% stated that they were quite worried about the problems related to the pandemic, 37.3% feared being directly infected, and 43.4% were worried about the health of relatives and friends. Conclusions: The positive impact that the vaccination campaign has had on the under-30 category is very significant for the immunization process, which is of fundamental importance for fighting the pandemic, so the “benefits” outweigh...
Introduzione. L'analisi dei quasi errori in sanità è uno strumento fondamentale per individua... more Introduzione. L'analisi dei quasi errori in sanità è uno strumento fondamentale per individuare le aree di criticità nel percorso clinico assistenziale. L'utilizzo di un sistema di segnalazione di errori e near miss messo a punto dalla nostra cattedra denominato I.R.G.E. system ha reso possibili una serie di modifiche organizzative e comportamentali che si sono dimostrate efficaci nell'evitare il verificarsi di nuovi errori nelle strutture ospedalieri di riferimento. Dall'analisi delle segnalazioni dei near miss è stato rilevato che il sito chirurgico errato resta una problematica sempre aperta da cui scaturisce la necessità di individuare tecniche e procedure che possano ridurre tale rischio. Materiali e metodi. È pervenuta una segnalazione dalla quale si evince che in cartella clinica e sul cartellino anestesiologico è stato segnalato come arto da operare quello sano. L'errore è emerso al momento della compilazione del foglio chirurgico di identificazione del paziente in quanto lo stesso ha ribadito quale fosse l'arto da operare giusto. Abbiamo attivato una procedura di Root Cause Analisys per individuare quale fosse stata l'origine del potenziale errore. È emerso che l'origine della confusione sia stato l'aver segnato l'arto da operare con un pennarello che aveva lo stesso colore di quello utilizzato dall'ecografista per tracciare il decorso della safena durante l'indagine prechirurgica. Al fine di evitare il ripetersi di errori analoghi è stata emessa una circolare nella quale veniva indicato che per la segnalazione dei siti chirurgici bisognava utilizzare un unico colore (VERDE) e che lo stesso non poteva essere utilizzato per altri scopi. Conclusioni. Questo caso ha dimostrato che malgrado venisse adottata la procedura della marcatura del sito chirurgico ci possono essere delle cause che confondono il chirurgo e potrebbero determinare un errore di notevole gravità. L'analisi dei quasi errori si dimostra un valido strumento per evitare errori potenziali, infatti, nel caso attuale l'errore è stato evitato dal paziente in quanto cosciente e consapevole, mentre ben altra cosa sarebbe accaduta se il paziente o non fosse stato cosciente o non capace di intendere
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
Una buona adesione all’igiene mani e un uso sapiente di guanti possono ridurre le infezioni e, di... more Una buona adesione all’igiene mani e un uso sapiente di guanti possono ridurre le infezioni e, di conseguenza, il contagio tra pazienti e personale sanitario, riducendo i tempi di degenza e assicurando una maggiore protezione sia ai pazienti che al personale sanitario è esposto alle Infezioni Correlate all’Ambiente (ICA). L’igiene delle mani rimane la prima misura da mettere in atto per garantire la decontaminazione delle mani dopo la rimozione dei guanti. Essa può essere effettuata tramite lavaggio convenzionale oppure utilizzando prodotti idroalcolici che risultano essere significativamente più efficaci. In aggiunta alla corretta igiene delle mani si sono valutati anche la conseguente riduzione dell’utilizzo dei guanti con minore impatto sulla spesa sanitaria.
La Sanità Pubblica. Ricerca applicata, 2021
L’obiettivo del progetto consiste nella messa a punto di un modello operativo di valutazione cong... more L’obiettivo del progetto consiste nella messa a punto di un modello operativo di valutazione congiunta (Specialista del Pronto Soccorso, Specialista Oncologo/Ematologo, Specialista in Terapie Palliative) del paziente oncologico/ematologico che giunga in PS. Attraverso tale valutazione polispecialistica precoce ci proponiamo d’individuare il percorso assistenziale più adeguato per il paziente oncologico ed oncoematologico ricoverato in Pronto Soccorso, percorso che potrà contemplare sia il ricovero in ambito specialistico specifico onco-ematologico che quello in ambito specialistico di altro genere (es. Medicina Interna, Cardiologia, Chirurgia, etc.) o indirizzarlo ad un’assistenza di tipo squisitamente palliativo (Hospice/Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata territoriale) o di degenza riabilitativa a media-intensità di cura di medio/lungo periodo presso il PO “G. Da Procida” della AOU San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona.
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
Secondo quanto riportato nel manuale Peer Education Training of Trainers Manual (2003) si definis... more Secondo quanto riportato nel manuale Peer Education Training of Trainers Manual (2003) si definisce Peer Education: “il processo tramite il quale giovani con un’adeguata formazione e motivazione affrontano attività informali o organizzate con loro pari (simili in età, background o interessi) lungo un periodo di tempo, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare le loro conoscenze, attitudini, credenze e competenze permettendogli di divenire responsabili della propria salute e di poterla proteggere”. Quando si parla di Peer-Education si parla di una metodica di educazione non formale che rientra tra i metodi di apprendimento “a mediazione sociale”. In quanto metodica a mediazione sociale basa le proprie fondamenta sull’idea che l’ambito sociale in cui un individuo matura le proprie esperienze rappresenti una componente fondamentale nello sviluppo dello stesso e, conseguentemente, nel suo modo di approcciarsi successivamente agli eventi della vita quotidiana.
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
La medicina tradizionale è incentrata sull’obiettivo di migliorare la salute attraverso l’identif... more La medicina tradizionale è incentrata sull’obiettivo di migliorare la salute attraverso l’identificazione e il trattamento dei disturbi di salute che hanno già prodotto sintomi o complicanze. La medicina preventiva, al contrario, mira a prevenire l’insorgenza di condizioni patologiche, nonché alla diagnosi dei disturbi prima dell’insorgenza di sintomi o complicanze, quando le probabilità di recupero sono massime. Se prestata nei tempi e nelle modalità dovuti, la prevenzione migliora le condizioni di salute generale e riduce i costi della sanità. L’obiettivo generale della prevenzione è ridurre la probabilità di un soggetto di ammalarsi, sviluppare condizioni invalidanti o morire prematuramente. La medicina preventiva può, quindi, essere considerata come la forma più ampia di interdisciplinarietà esistente in campo medico e sanitario; infatti, coinvolge ogni settore di cui la moderna scienza medica dispone, nel tentativo di impedire l’insorgere di patologie, individuandone preventiva...
La Sanità Pubblica. Ricerca applicata, 2021
Ridurre l’uso eccessivo, incontrollato o inappropriato degli antibiotici, è essenziale per garant... more Ridurre l’uso eccessivo, incontrollato o inappropriato degli antibiotici, è essenziale per garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti e la qualità dell’Assistenza Medica. Per prevenire e controllare le infezioni correlate all’assistenza (ICA) e lo sviluppo dell’antimicrobico-resistenza si possono utilizzare varie strategie: • adozione di programmi di sorveglianza e controllo condivisi a livello nazionale, comprendenti lo sviluppo di percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici comuni, • implementazione della stewardship antimicrobica e dei programmi di formazione rivolti al personale sanitario, finalizzati alla promozione di una maggiore osservanza delle Linee Guida, • incremento della sorveglianza, effettuando studi di prevalenza ripetuti nel tempo, per poter identificare precocemente eventuali criticità e valutare l’efficacia dei presidi messi in atto, • potenziamento delle strutture ospedaliere, aumento delle camere singole destinate all’isolamento di pazienti particolarmente a rischio, • miglior...
... M. CAPUNZO, L. BRUNETTI, P. CAVALLO, G. BOCCIA, F. DE CARO, M. IELUZZI Department of Educatio... more ... M. CAPUNZO, L. BRUNETTI, P. CAVALLO, G. BOCCIA, F. DE CARO, M. IELUZZI Department of Educational Sciences, Chair of ... A voucher sample is de-posited at the Herbarium of the Farmaya Laboratory, Guatemala 7. ... Correspondence: Dr. Pierpaolo Cavallo, University of ...
Coronaviruses, 2021
Italy was the first western nation affected by the pandemic and was observed as a pilot case in t... more Italy was the first western nation affected by the pandemic and was observed as a pilot case in the management of the new coronavirus epidemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 disease has been challenging in Italy. On June 25, 2020 there were 239,821 total cases, of which 33,592 were deaths nationwide. Three lessons emerged from this experience that can serve as a blueprint to improve future plans for the outbreak of viruses. First, early reports on the spread of COVID-19 can help inform public health officials and medical practitioners in effort to combat its progression; second, inadequate risk assessment related to the urgency of the situation and limited reporting to the virus has led the rapid spread of COVID-19; third, an effective response to the virus had to be undertaken with coherent system of actions simultaneously.
Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia, 2017
According to Legislative Decree n. 81/08 and Ministerial Circular of 18/11/2010, this paper propo... more According to Legislative Decree n. 81/08 and Ministerial Circular of 18/11/2010, this paper proposes to verify the relationship between the sources of risk of stress, sentinel events and gender. Sentinel events and their variations are mapped for three years. Successively, a self-reported OPRA (Organizational and Psychosocial Risk Assessment) questionnaire was administered. The sample was not probabilistic and balanced for two categories: Inside Sentinel Event and Outside Sentinel Event. 249 subjects were extracted from a population of 770 subjects of a debt collection firm. A two-way ANOVA was applied. The results show that sentinel events and Gender have no relationship with the inventory of sources of risk. Future research should consider the relationship between stressors and their exposure time, considering the working environment dynamics. In this way, the relationship between stressors and sentinel events can be studied and tested in greater detail, showing empirical evidence...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Introduction: The University of Salerno has implemented a nudge intervention with the aim of prom... more Introduction: The University of Salerno has implemented a nudge intervention with the aim of promoting vaccine adherence among employees of academia and identifying individual and contextual determinants that influence adherence. Method: A purpose-built questionnaire was used during the reference period of October–December 2022 in order to assess levels of state anxiety (STAI-Y1), perceived stress (PSS-10), and public sentiments, which influence vaccination behavior, with consequences for the whole population (VCI). Results: Analysis of the results revealed a difference in mean scores on the PSS: those who have always adhered to the vaccination campaign compared to those who have never been vaccinated perceived higher levels of stress (12.01 vs. 11.33; F = 4.744, p = 0.031); furthermore, there was a relationship between the presence/absence of pathologies and VCI (F = 3,93; df = 1; p = 0.04). Conclusions: The University of Salerno’s nudge intervention made its employees more respons...
SAGE Open, 2016
Usually, sentinel events and gender are useful variables to propose appropriate intervention stra... more Usually, sentinel events and gender are useful variables to propose appropriate intervention strategies for promoting public health. The Italian legislation has incorporated aspects of the scientific literature of stress into law 81/08 and the ministerial circular of November 18, 2010, obliging the detection of work-related stress with specific reference to gender and working environment characteristics. Specifically, the Italian law requires the discovery of sentinel events in the working environment. This study evaluates the role of sentinel events in the detection of work-related stress in relation to gender. The sample includes 249 Italian subjects of a debt collection company divided into two groups (male and female) and distributed in two different categories: Inside Sentinel Events and Outside Sentinel Events. A multifactorial questionnaire, the Organizational and Psychosocial Risk Assessment (OPRA), was administered. The application of two-way ANOVA did not show any statisti...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Aim: “Antimicrobial stewardship” (AMS) is defined as a healthcare-system-wide approach to promoti... more Aim: “Antimicrobial stewardship” (AMS) is defined as a healthcare-system-wide approach to promoting and monitoring the judicious use of antimicrobials to preserve their future effectiveness. Therefore, we structured an observational study to monitor the hospital trend of antibiotic consumption and related expenditure before the COVID-19 pandemic and to evaluate how much AMS could affect this trend. Methods: The research covered the antibiotic prescriptions at the University Hospital (U.H.) “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona”, Salerno, Italy, comparing data on the therapies prescribed from 1 January to 31 December 2017 (27,384 patients) with those collected during the same period in 2019 (27,047 patients). Results: Unlike national data, our results highlighted a decreasing trend in the consumption of antibiotics that did not concern only carbapenems and fluoroquinolones, but also the third-generation cephalosporins. Noteworthily, there was also a reduction in 2019 compared with 2...
Background: The international strategic plan for COVID-19 vaccines remains the practical option f... more Background: The international strategic plan for COVID-19 vaccines remains the practical option for the protection of health. However, vaccine hesitancy remains an obstacle to full population vaccination, with rapid developments in COVID-19 vaccines and concerns about efficacy acting as influencing factors. Aim: The present study investigated the perception of vaccine hesitancy among parents of adolescents in order to explore the reasons and related emotional states. Methods: In January–March 2022, an online questionnaire was administered to a sample of parents who brought their children to the vaccine center of a local health unit, ASL Salerno (Campania, Italy). Results: The participants were 1105 parents (F = 64.6%; mean age = 47.37 years, SD = 7.52) of adolescents (F = 47.6%; mean age = 14.83 years, SD = 1.72). All parents had received the COVID-19 vaccine. Regarding the vaccination schedule, 46.8% believed that children receive more vaccinations than they should; 25.1% believed ...
Journal of Public Health Research
Chemical risk in hospital settings is a growing concern that health professionals and supervisory... more Chemical risk in hospital settings is a growing concern that health professionals and supervisory authorities must deal with daily. Exposure to chemical risk is quite different depending on the hospital department involved and might origin from multiple sources, such as the use of sterilizing agents, disinfectants, detergents, solvents, heavy metals, dangerous drugs, and anesthetic gases. Improving prevention procedures and constantly monitoring the presence and level of potentially toxic substances, both in workers (biological monitoring) and in working environments (environmental monitoring), might significantly reduce the risk of exposure and contaminations. The purpose of this article is to present an overview on this subject, which includes the current international regulations, the chemical pollutants to which medical and paramedical personnel are mainly exposed, and the strategies developed to improve safety conditions for all healthcare workers.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: In July 2021, the vaccination campaign in Italy suffered a sudden setback, and the nu... more Background: In July 2021, the vaccination campaign in Italy suffered a sudden setback, and the number of vaccine administrations decreased dramatically. On 20 July 2021, the obligation of the Green Digital Pass came into force in order to access work and leisure places, penalizing those who had not been vaccinated. The purpose of this work was to investigate the phenomenon of vaccination hesitancy and the underlying reasons, as well as any changes to the membership following the obligation of the Green Pass. Methods: A total of 83 subjects (45.8% F; mean age 22.24 ± 4.308) participated in the survey during the post-vaccine observation phase at the Vaccinal Center of the University Hospital “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona” (Salerno, Italy). The questionnaire collected anamnestic information, as well as data on state anxiety (STAI-Y), perception of quality of life (SF-12), perception of COVID-19 risks, and vaccine hesitancy. Results: Among participants, 19.3% reported hesitatio...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: It is common knowledge that first responders are among the helping professionals most... more Background: It is common knowledge that first responders are among the helping professionals most at risk of burnout and psychological vulnerability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their mental health has been subjected to various risk factors. Methods: Data on socio-demographic characteristics, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and psychological vulnerability (SCL-90-R) were obtained from 228 subjects (55.3% female; M age = 45.23, SD = 13.14) grouped on the basis of their actual involvement during the emergency phases (82% First Responders and 18% Second Responders). Results: First responders exceeded the MBI clinical cut-off, while SRs did not (χ² ≥ 0.5); specifically, EE = 89.8%, DP = 85.8%, and PA = 82.1%. The FR group showed a higher mean in the global severity index (GSI = 49.37) than did the SRs (=43.95), and the FR group exceeded the clinical cut-off in the SCL-90-R scales of SOM (51.06), ANX (52.40), and PHOB (53.60), while the SF group did so only for the PHOB scale (50.4...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Longevity is rightly considered one of the greatest achievements of modern society, an achievemen... more Longevity is rightly considered one of the greatest achievements of modern society, an achievement understood as the possibility of increasing the healthy part of life and not only its full duration. This study investigated the phenomenon of regional longevity in Cilento by analyzing the association between longevity indicators and some environmental factors, in order to understand if factors such as altitude, climate, UNESCO protected areas, and hinterland can directly or indirectly influence the measure of healthy living and lead to longevity. Demographic and environmental data were collected through the Archives of the Cilento municipalities, the National Institute of Statistics, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, and the Italian National Commission for UNESCO. The Geographically Weighted Regression were used to determine the association between longevity indicators and environmental factors. Correlation analysis between the longevity indicators was ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Background: In Italy, the under-30 age category was the one that joined the anti-COVID-19 vaccina... more Background: In Italy, the under-30 age category was the one that joined the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign in an important way. This study investigates the emotional states and motivations underlying joining the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of SF-12, STAI Y, and open questions was administered to investigate the state of health, the state of anxiety, and motivational states of the participants. Results: Of the sample, 80.7% were vaccinated at the first call, deeming the action important to combat the infection. However, 48.2% stated that they were quite worried about the problems related to the pandemic, 37.3% feared being directly infected, and 43.4% were worried about the health of relatives and friends. Conclusions: The positive impact that the vaccination campaign has had on the under-30 category is very significant for the immunization process, which is of fundamental importance for fighting the pandemic, so the “benefits” outweigh...
Introduzione. L'analisi dei quasi errori in sanità è uno strumento fondamentale per individua... more Introduzione. L'analisi dei quasi errori in sanità è uno strumento fondamentale per individuare le aree di criticità nel percorso clinico assistenziale. L'utilizzo di un sistema di segnalazione di errori e near miss messo a punto dalla nostra cattedra denominato I.R.G.E. system ha reso possibili una serie di modifiche organizzative e comportamentali che si sono dimostrate efficaci nell'evitare il verificarsi di nuovi errori nelle strutture ospedalieri di riferimento. Dall'analisi delle segnalazioni dei near miss è stato rilevato che il sito chirurgico errato resta una problematica sempre aperta da cui scaturisce la necessità di individuare tecniche e procedure che possano ridurre tale rischio. Materiali e metodi. È pervenuta una segnalazione dalla quale si evince che in cartella clinica e sul cartellino anestesiologico è stato segnalato come arto da operare quello sano. L'errore è emerso al momento della compilazione del foglio chirurgico di identificazione del paziente in quanto lo stesso ha ribadito quale fosse l'arto da operare giusto. Abbiamo attivato una procedura di Root Cause Analisys per individuare quale fosse stata l'origine del potenziale errore. È emerso che l'origine della confusione sia stato l'aver segnato l'arto da operare con un pennarello che aveva lo stesso colore di quello utilizzato dall'ecografista per tracciare il decorso della safena durante l'indagine prechirurgica. Al fine di evitare il ripetersi di errori analoghi è stata emessa una circolare nella quale veniva indicato che per la segnalazione dei siti chirurgici bisognava utilizzare un unico colore (VERDE) e che lo stesso non poteva essere utilizzato per altri scopi. Conclusioni. Questo caso ha dimostrato che malgrado venisse adottata la procedura della marcatura del sito chirurgico ci possono essere delle cause che confondono il chirurgo e potrebbero determinare un errore di notevole gravità. L'analisi dei quasi errori si dimostra un valido strumento per evitare errori potenziali, infatti, nel caso attuale l'errore è stato evitato dal paziente in quanto cosciente e consapevole, mentre ben altra cosa sarebbe accaduta se il paziente o non fosse stato cosciente o non capace di intendere
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
Una buona adesione all’igiene mani e un uso sapiente di guanti possono ridurre le infezioni e, di... more Una buona adesione all’igiene mani e un uso sapiente di guanti possono ridurre le infezioni e, di conseguenza, il contagio tra pazienti e personale sanitario, riducendo i tempi di degenza e assicurando una maggiore protezione sia ai pazienti che al personale sanitario è esposto alle Infezioni Correlate all’Ambiente (ICA). L’igiene delle mani rimane la prima misura da mettere in atto per garantire la decontaminazione delle mani dopo la rimozione dei guanti. Essa può essere effettuata tramite lavaggio convenzionale oppure utilizzando prodotti idroalcolici che risultano essere significativamente più efficaci. In aggiunta alla corretta igiene delle mani si sono valutati anche la conseguente riduzione dell’utilizzo dei guanti con minore impatto sulla spesa sanitaria.
La Sanità Pubblica. Ricerca applicata, 2021
L’obiettivo del progetto consiste nella messa a punto di un modello operativo di valutazione cong... more L’obiettivo del progetto consiste nella messa a punto di un modello operativo di valutazione congiunta (Specialista del Pronto Soccorso, Specialista Oncologo/Ematologo, Specialista in Terapie Palliative) del paziente oncologico/ematologico che giunga in PS. Attraverso tale valutazione polispecialistica precoce ci proponiamo d’individuare il percorso assistenziale più adeguato per il paziente oncologico ed oncoematologico ricoverato in Pronto Soccorso, percorso che potrà contemplare sia il ricovero in ambito specialistico specifico onco-ematologico che quello in ambito specialistico di altro genere (es. Medicina Interna, Cardiologia, Chirurgia, etc.) o indirizzarlo ad un’assistenza di tipo squisitamente palliativo (Hospice/Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata territoriale) o di degenza riabilitativa a media-intensità di cura di medio/lungo periodo presso il PO “G. Da Procida” della AOU San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona.
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
Secondo quanto riportato nel manuale Peer Education Training of Trainers Manual (2003) si definis... more Secondo quanto riportato nel manuale Peer Education Training of Trainers Manual (2003) si definisce Peer Education: “il processo tramite il quale giovani con un’adeguata formazione e motivazione affrontano attività informali o organizzate con loro pari (simili in età, background o interessi) lungo un periodo di tempo, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare le loro conoscenze, attitudini, credenze e competenze permettendogli di divenire responsabili della propria salute e di poterla proteggere”. Quando si parla di Peer-Education si parla di una metodica di educazione non formale che rientra tra i metodi di apprendimento “a mediazione sociale”. In quanto metodica a mediazione sociale basa le proprie fondamenta sull’idea che l’ambito sociale in cui un individuo matura le proprie esperienze rappresenti una componente fondamentale nello sviluppo dello stesso e, conseguentemente, nel suo modo di approcciarsi successivamente agli eventi della vita quotidiana.
La Sanita pubblica. Ricerca sul campo., 2020
La medicina tradizionale è incentrata sull’obiettivo di migliorare la salute attraverso l’identif... more La medicina tradizionale è incentrata sull’obiettivo di migliorare la salute attraverso l’identificazione e il trattamento dei disturbi di salute che hanno già prodotto sintomi o complicanze. La medicina preventiva, al contrario, mira a prevenire l’insorgenza di condizioni patologiche, nonché alla diagnosi dei disturbi prima dell’insorgenza di sintomi o complicanze, quando le probabilità di recupero sono massime. Se prestata nei tempi e nelle modalità dovuti, la prevenzione migliora le condizioni di salute generale e riduce i costi della sanità. L’obiettivo generale della prevenzione è ridurre la probabilità di un soggetto di ammalarsi, sviluppare condizioni invalidanti o morire prematuramente. La medicina preventiva può, quindi, essere considerata come la forma più ampia di interdisciplinarietà esistente in campo medico e sanitario; infatti, coinvolge ogni settore di cui la moderna scienza medica dispone, nel tentativo di impedire l’insorgere di patologie, individuandone preventiva...
La Sanità Pubblica. Ricerca applicata, 2021
Ridurre l’uso eccessivo, incontrollato o inappropriato degli antibiotici, è essenziale per garant... more Ridurre l’uso eccessivo, incontrollato o inappropriato degli antibiotici, è essenziale per garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti e la qualità dell’Assistenza Medica. Per prevenire e controllare le infezioni correlate all’assistenza (ICA) e lo sviluppo dell’antimicrobico-resistenza si possono utilizzare varie strategie: • adozione di programmi di sorveglianza e controllo condivisi a livello nazionale, comprendenti lo sviluppo di percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici comuni, • implementazione della stewardship antimicrobica e dei programmi di formazione rivolti al personale sanitario, finalizzati alla promozione di una maggiore osservanza delle Linee Guida, • incremento della sorveglianza, effettuando studi di prevalenza ripetuti nel tempo, per poter identificare precocemente eventuali criticità e valutare l’efficacia dei presidi messi in atto, • potenziamento delle strutture ospedaliere, aumento delle camere singole destinate all’isolamento di pazienti particolarmente a rischio, • miglior...