Alessandro Silvestri | Università degli Studi di Salerno (original) (raw)

Books by Alessandro Silvestri

Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, L’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia. Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo medioevo, Roma, Viella, 2018, pp. 498.

Reviews: R. Chilà, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 76/2 (2021), 407-409 D. Abulafia, Spec... more Reviews:
R. Chilà, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 76/2 (2021), 407-409
D. Abulafia, Speculum, 96/1 (2021), 256-258.
K. Toomaspoeg, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 100 (2020), 713-715.
F. Titone, English Historical Review, CXXXV, no. 574 (2020), 671-673.
M. Toniazzi, Medioevo latino, XL (2019), 865.
Le carte e la storia, 1 (2019), 123.
E. Tello Hernández, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 49/2 (2019), 877-878.
F. Delle Donne, Studi Medievali, 60/2 (2019), 1027-1030.
N. Bazzano, Renaissance Quarterly, 72/4 (2019), 1487-1489.
P. Buffo, L’indice dei libri del mese, Anno XXXV, 11 (2018), 28.

L’Europa tardomedievale è contrassegnata dalla presenza di unioni politiche particolarmente complesse, che includevano diversi stati e territori. Come si manifestava l’esercizio dell’autorità da parte dei governanti? Secondo quali logiche? Tramite quali strumenti?
Grazie alla straordinaria documentazione archivistica superstite, il regno di Sicilia del secolo XV costituisce un modello ideale per studiare questo tipo di problematiche e per verificare quali meccanismi – amministrativi, finanziari e informativi – furono approntati dai re aragonesi e dagli ufficiali al loro servizio per regolarne il governo a distanza e per indirizzarne l’utilizzo delle risorse.
Nonostante la perdita dell’indipendenza politica e il suo definitivo assorbimento tra i territori della Corona d’Aragona, l’isola mantenne però un impianto istituzionale autonomo, che divenne terreno di scontro e negoziazione con i sovrani, ma nel contesto di una complessiva adesione della società siciliana alla politica estera di Alfonso il Magnanimo.

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Edited volumes and journal special issues by Alessandro Silvestri

Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri (ed.), Information and the Government of the Composite Polities of the Renaissance World (c. 1350-1650), Special Issue of European Review of History, 30/4 (2023)

European Review of History, 30/4, 2023

This special issue uses information as a lens through which to examine the operation of the Renai... more This special issue uses information as a lens through which to examine the operation of the Renaissance world’s composite polities and political unions, such as the Venetian thalassocracy or the Spanish Empire. To date, late-medieval and early modern scholarship has mostly neglected the role of information in ruling those polities. Yet information was crucial, for it allowed authorities to know what was happening in their dominions and colonies and thus shaped their policies and interactions with local political societies. The authors of this special issue suggest that a focus on information can help us fully understand how composite polities operated, whether on a regional, Mediterranean or global scale. This introductory essay examines the historiographical debate about late-medieval and early modern composite polities and unions and discusses how and to what extent communication strategies, record-keeping practices and data accumulation can be used to understand how authorities relied on information to exercise their rule over their various dominions. It also discusses this approach in relation to this special issue’s six case studies and other examples of pre-modern composite polities.

1. A. Silvestri, Information and the government of the composite polities of the Renaissance world (c. 1350–1650)
2. I. Lazzarini, Ruling by information, governing by records: the spoken and written grammar of power in post-communal Italy (c. 1350–1520)
3. R.C. Head, Archiving the Swiss Tagsatzung in the early modern era: from distributed protocols to confederal archive
4. A. Silvestri, ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)
5. N. O' Connell, Jem Sultan and Venice’s intelligence system: sorting and deploying information in Venice’s ‘letterocracy’
6. J. Flores & P. Cardim, An imperial formation joins a composite polity: the Portuguese Empire and the information system of the Hispanic Monarchy (1580–1640)
7. T. Calvo & G. Gaudin, Manila and their agents in the court: long-distance political communication and imperial configuration in the seventeenth-century Spanish monarchy
8. F. de Vivo, The composite world of early modern information

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Research paper thumbnail of Fonti per la storia degli archivi degli antichi Stati italiani a cura di FILIPPO DE VIVO -ANDREA GUIDI -ALESSANDRO SILVESTRI con la collaborazione di FABIO ANTONINI e GIACOMO GIUDICI

Una selezione di oltre 300 documenti relativi a sette antichi stati italiani, dal 1271 alla fine ... more Una selezione di oltre 300 documenti relativi a sette antichi stati italiani, dal 1271 alla fine del Settecento. I documenti sono divisi in sei grandi capitoli tematici: Archivi e potere, Organizzazione e ordinamento, Aspetti materiali, Il personale, Archivi e società, Dalla consultazione alla storia. Il volume e ciascuno dei capitoli sono preceduti da ampie introduzioni, e ognuno dei documenti è accompagnato da indicazioni bibliografiche essenziali. Il volume è gratuitamente scaricabile dal sito della Direzione Generale Archivi, collana Fonti

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Research paper thumbnail of Archival Transformations in Early Modern Europe, Special issue of European History Quarterly, 46 (2016), ed. Filippo de Vivo, Andrea Guidi and Alessandro Silvestri

European History Quarterly, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of F. de Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri (eds.), Archival transformations in early modern Europe, special issue: European History Quarterly, 46/3 (2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Archivi e Archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna, a cura di F. de Vivo, A. Guidi e A. Silvestri, Roma 2015

Viella, 2015

La raccolta di saggi proposta intende provare a rispondere ad una serie di quesiti incentrati sul... more La raccolta di saggi proposta intende provare a rispondere ad una serie di quesiti incentrati sul rapporto tra archivi e società negli stati italiani tra Medioevo ed Età moderna. Quale era il personale addetto alla produzione e alla cura delle carte? E in quale modo esso era suddiviso al proprio interno? Dai notai dei comuni italiani fino ai più organizzati archivi d’età moderna, diverse categorie di personale specializzato – quali notai, cancellieri, segretari, ma anche archivisti veri e propri, ecc. – hanno contribuito alle diverse fasi della costruzione ed accumulazione degli archivi? Quale ruolo avevano questi ufficiali nella società del tempo? Quale tipo di provenienza sociale? L’impiego in cancelleria garantiva una promozione sociale? E quale educazione ricevevano le diverse categorie di segretari ed archivisti? Da Firenze a Venezia, noti esempi di cancellieri umanisti dimostrano che alcuni di essi spiccavano per le loro qualità intellettuali e letterarie, e non solo strettamente professionali e tecniche. In entrambe queste repubbliche l’organizzazione degli addetti alla cancelleria era regolata da apposite norme interne, e a Venezia lo stato organizzava perfino la loro formazione. Qui una legislazione accurata determinava elementi come la durata dell’ufficio o la suddivisione del lavoro tra i diversi funzionari, ma non mancavano neppure interessi di carattere socio-politico, come ad esempio la parentela o l’appartenenza a certi gruppi di potere. Nelle signorie, al contrario la rilevanza data al ruolo dei segretari, favorì lo sviluppo di relazioni di carattere interpersonale tra principe e segretario stesso, scelto perciò anche per la sua appartenenza al gruppo dei suoi consiglieri più fidati, oltre che per le sue capacità politiche e amministrative.
Su di un piano prettamente sociale si possono comparare queste due realtà? E secondo quali termini? Quali sono, inoltre, le differenze tra il personale delle cancellerie e degli archivi dei regni dell’Italia meridionale, rispetto a quello delle coeve entità istituzionali dell’Italia comunale e delle signorie centro-settentrionali? Si è parlato molto della transizione da un modello nel quale il personale di cancelleria era composto prevalentemente da ufficiali dalla formazione notarile o umanistica, ad un altro caratterizzato piuttosto dalla necessità di trovare funzionari che rispondessero prima di tutto alla richiesta dei governi centrali di avere personale fidato e fedele. L’occasione di questo convegno sarà buona anche per fare il punto su questi temi.
D’altra parte, l’intenzione è quella di usare i documenti stessi per documentare la formazione culturale e gli interessi culturali dei cancellieri: componimenti poetici, piccoli ghirigori sbozzati da segretari annoiati sui margini o sulle carte di guardia dei registri rivelano l’inclinazione culturale e il mondo personale dell’autore.

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Journal articles by Alessandro Silvestri

Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Circolazione di modelli amministrativi e decentralizzazione istituzionale nella Corona d’Aragona del tardo medioevo: le strutture contabili e finanziarie'

Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 2023

Sintesi Questo contributo esamina l’apparato finanziario e contabile della Corona d’Aragona nel ... more Sintesi
Questo contributo esamina l’apparato finanziario e contabile della Corona d’Aragona nel tardo medioevo. In particolare, mediante un approccio di tipo comparativo, si discutono, da una parte, la circolazione di modelli amministrativi tra i diversi territori dell’unione politica catalano-aragonese, e dall’altra lato, il processo di decentralizzazione istituzionale che interessò la monarchia, che è qui inteso come il frutto di una strategia programmatica portata avanti dai re d’Aragona.

This essay examines the Crown of Aragon’s financial and accounting apparatus
in the late Middle Ages. By pursuing a comparative approach, this paper explores the circulation of administrative models between the diverse territories of the Catalan-Aragonese political union and the process of institutional devolution within this monarchy. This process is regarded as the outcome of a strategic programme developed by the kings of Aragon.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)

European Review of History, 2023

‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral c... more ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)
Alessandro Silvestri
Pages 554-579 | Received 21 Jun 2022, Accepted 04 Jan 2023, Published online: 12 Sep 2023

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Accumulating information
Recording the islands
Territorial knowledge and its use
Navigating through Information and Misinformation
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Starting in the 1340s, the Crown of Aragon strengthened its position in the Western Mediterranean by absorbing the Kingdom of Majorca (1343), reincorporating the realm of Sicily (1392) and securing its control over constantly rebellious Sardinia (1420). To govern those territories, which were distant from the royal court and separated by sea, the kings of Aragon developed a pervasive information strategy that facilitated the retrieval of data from their archives and the transformation of that data into useful knowledge that kept them informed about the three islands’ administration. The monarchs developed regional series of registers specifically dedicated to Majorca, Sardinia and Sicily in which orders and ordinances pertaining to the islands were recorded and they created or strengthened territorial archives for preserving records and accounts produced in the localities. They also relied on a network of accountable officers and informants who updated them via official and unofficial letters and, finally, they gathered intelligence using envoys who travelled continuously across the Mediterranean to inform the Crown on a vast range of affairs pertaining to the islands. This essay explores these topics during the long fourteenth century, using the records and correspondence preserved in various archives of the Catalan-Aragonese world and emphasizing the role of both the written word and oral communication for ruling a late-medieval composite polity like the Crown of Aragon.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'I registri patrimoniali o quaterni litterarum della gran corte dei conti del regno di Sicilia nel tardo medioevo'

Documenta. Rivista internazionale di studi storico-filologici sulle fonti, 2022

The registri patrimoniali or quaterni litterarum of the Kingdom of Sicily’s great court of accoun... more The registri patrimoniali or quaterni litterarum of the Kingdom of Sicily’s great court of accounts in the later Middle Ages · This contribution focuses on the processes of production, organisation, and preservation of financial and fiscal records in the late-medieval Kingdom of Sicily. After briefly discussing the operation of the island’s main accounting body (magna curia rationum, i.e., great court of accounts) and the strategies its officers (magistri rationales, i.e., accounting masters) adopted for the practical preservation of the documents they produced and received while carrying out their duties, this essay thoroughly examines one of the office’s main documentary series : the quaterni litterarum (books of letters), later called registri patrimoniali. In this regard, on the one hand, this paper explores the methods the accounting masters developed for storing and arranging a broad range of financial and fiscal information in the above-mentioned quaterni litterarum ; on the other hand, it examines these books’ uses and contents during the age of the Trastamaras (1412-1516). In so doing, this essay illustrates the different types of documents therein transcribed, giving a peculiar emphasis to three main questions : the practical management of the great court of accounts’ office, the accounting masters’ advisory activity, and the management of justice whenever it affected fiscal administration. Finally, the essay includes an appendix listing the existing volumes of the series produced in the later Middle Ages and preserved today at the Archivio di Stato di Palermo.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Pagari certa quantitati secundu la taxa. La strategia fiscale di Alfonso il Magnanimo in Sicilia, Niccolò Piccinino e la conquista di Napoli (1441-1442)'

Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 2022

Nel corso della lunga campagna militare che Alfonso il Magnanimo condusse per la conquista di Nap... more Nel corso della lunga campagna militare che Alfonso il Magnanimo condusse per la conquista di Napoli e del Mezzogiorno (1421-23 e 1435-42), la Sicilia svolse un ruolo fondamentale per il finanziamento della guerra, soprattutto grazie alle risorse provenienti dal regio demanio, ovvero quelle frutto delle imposte indirette e del commercio granario. Per vie delle crescenti e urgenti esigenze economiche della Corona, nell’ultima fase del conflitto Alfonso il Magnanimo ricorse in maniera più intensa alla tassazione diretta, promovendo nel contempo diverse altre strategie fiscali alternative. Tale processo, come si discute in questo articolo, emerse con particolare forza nel 1441-42, quando il sovrano elaborò un inedito programma fiscale per fare fronte al pagamento della condotta di Niccolò Piccinino e di diverse lettere di cambio. Da una parte, si richiese alle città demaniali e baronali dell’isola il pagamento di una esosa composizione per i loro supposti crimini di usura, estendendo poi tale richiesta economica a tutti i sudditi del regno nella forma di una subventio generalis; dall’altra parte, si provvide all’imposizione di un prestito forzoso ad alcuni membri delle élite politiche, urbane e religiose dell’isola.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Swine at the chancery and locks to chests: Dispersal, destruction, and accumulation of Sicily's financial archives in the later Middle Ages'

Archival Science, 2022

In the last twenty years, anthropologists, archivists, and historians have dedicated increased at... more In the last twenty years, anthropologists, archivists, and historians have dedicated increased attention to the study of archives as objects of research themselves. In so doing, scholars have predominantly examined the emergence and transformations of archives during the early modern age, focusing mostly on political and diplomatic depositories. They have tended to neglect financial archives, which is unfortunate, as-alongside judicial archives-they were probably the largest documentary repositories of the pre-modern world and those that first faced the problem of managing huge masses of documentation. This article discusses the formation and development of the Kingdom of Sicily's financial archives in the later Middle Ages, arguing that this repository evolved into a collecting archive by the early fifteenth-century, when it preserved not only the records and accounts produced by the central financial administration, but also those from a number of territorial officers and magistracies. This archival turn, I suggest, originated from the fact that the Crown of Aragon's rulers constantly needed increased incomes to fund bureaucracies and warfare and exercise patronage, and thus needed financial information organized, at hand, and under their control. After briefly discussing the emergence of the financial archive in the thirteenth-century, this essay traces the Crown's attempts to create a stable repository for storing financial records and accounts and its continuous struggles to prevent documentation from being scattered and dispersed. Finally, it examines the successful strategy that King Alfonso V of Aragon (1416-58), called the Magnanimous, pursued to organize financial documentation and concentrate records and accounts produced by financial administration into a stable building. The essay pays particular attention to the material aspects of preserving records, e.g., the restoration of buildings, construction of chests, and preparation of secure locks that were integral to the emergence of collecting archives for financial documents in the later Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, I conti di Nicola Speciale, tesoriere del regno di Sicilia e il finanziamento della politica italiana di Alfonso il Magnanimo (1419-22)

Mediaeval Sophia, 2021

Abstract (ITA) Gli studiosi della Sicilia tardomedievale hanno spesso sottovalutato il ruolo dell... more Abstract (ITA)
Gli studiosi della Sicilia tardomedievale hanno spesso sottovalutato il ruolo dell’isola nel finanziamento della politica estera della Corona d’Aragona, considerandolo marginale rispetto a quello delle componenti iberiche dell’unione catalano-aragonese. D’altro canto, le fonti documentarie superstiti attestano che, a cominciare dal regno di Alfonso V d’Aragona (1416-58), detto il Magnanimo, il regno di Sicilia ebbe invece un ruolo di primo piano per lo svolgimento delle guerre italiane del sovrano iberico, come si evince chiaramente mediante lo studio della tesoreria isolana negli anni in cui fu retta dall’esperto burocrate Nicola Speciale (1419-22) e della sua contabilità superstite. Quest’ultimo, infatti, fu in grado di accrescere in maniera esponenziale gli introiti della tesoreria allo scopo di finanziare le campagne militari alfonsine prima in Sardegna e Corsica e poi, soprattutto, a Napoli e nel Mezzogiorno. L’attività del tresorer Nicola Speciale, d’altro canto, non si sostanziò solamente con sovvenzionamenti economici e pagamenti diretti a nome del sovrano, ma anche – per via della posizione strategica dell’isola – tramite il continuo invio di vettovaglie, armamenti e altre merci alle truppe di terra dislocate nel Mezzogiorno e agli equipaggi delle galee della flotta regia.

Abstract (ENG)
Scholars of late-medieval Sicily have mostly neglected the role of the island in funding the foreign policy of the Crown of Aragon. In their opinion, the island’s economic contribution to warfare was marginal in comparison to the economic support provided by the Iberian territories of the Catalan-Aragonese union. However, the existing archival sources demonstrate that, since the age of King Alfonso the Magnanimous (1416-58), called the Magnanimous, the Kingdom of Sicily had a prominent role in the wars this sovereign led in Italy. This is evident through studying the Sicilian treasury’s management under the expert bureaucrat Nicola Speciale (1419-22) and its surviving accounts. This officer was able to increase exponentially the incomes of the treasury in order to fund the King Alfonso’s campaigns in Sardinia and Corsica and later, more evidently, in Naples and Southern Italy. Moreover, the tresorer Nicola Speciale’s activity did not result only into various economic contributions and direct payments on behalf of the sovereign, but also – because of the island’s strategical position – into the continuous shipping of provisions, weaponry, and other goods to the monarch’s land forces in Southern Italy and to the crews of the royal fleet’s galleys.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Too much to account for. The Crown of Aragon and the collapse of the auditing system in late-medieval Sicily'.

Accounting History Review, 2020

This study focuses on the accounting and auditing system of the Kingdom of Sicily during the reig... more This study focuses on the accounting and auditing system of the Kingdom of Sicily during the reign of Alfonso V of Aragon (1416–58), known as the Magnanimous. In particular, it discusses the operation of and the relationships between the two offices entrusted with the management of the kingdom’s accounts: the century-old magna curia rationum and the new office of the conservator maior regii patrimonii (established in 1414), modelled on the Castilian contaduría mayor de hacienda. This essay adopts the approach associated with the ‘archival turn’, to show that studying the accounting and bookkeeping practices, as well as their developments and innovations, is crucial to understand the operation of the Sicilian auditing system and its function in the broader political system of the Crown of Aragon. As a result of the perpetual state of conflict generated by the political agenda of Alfonso the Magnanimous in Italy and of his increasing war funding demands, the Aragonese strategically exploited the new accounting and bookkeeping practice of the conservator to increase royal influence over the local financial apparatus. Relying on the exceptional amount of original accounting and financial records preserved at the State Archives of Palermo, this study is the first detailed examination of the auditing system and accounting practice of late-medieval Sicily. At the same time, the analysis shows that the operation and the transformations of the accounting system of a polity such as Sicily is fully intelligible only if examined in connection with the broader government of the political union of which that polity was a constituent member.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anna Gialdini and Alessandro Silvestri, 'Administrative knowledge and material practices in the archive Binding and rebinding in late medieval and early modern Sicily'

Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge (MEFRM), 2019

Over the course of the fifteenth century, the Kingdom of Sicily faced significant institutional a... more Over the course of the fifteenth century, the Kingdom of Sicily faced significant institutional and administrative changes, originating from the need, on the part of the Aragonese sovereigns, to rule the island from afar. These developments resulted not only in the establishment of a new financial office (the conservator regii patrimonii), but also in innovations in the methods used for producing and recording documents, which in turn are reflected in the structures of the archival bindings and other material features that survive to this day. Through the analysis of material elements from the mise en page of the documents to their temporary filing systems and binding structures, this article focuses on the relationship between text and paratext in late-medieval Sicily, and casts light upon the carefully-crafted material forms of the document throughout its lifespan. In short, the Sicilian case study demonstrates how apparently mere material aspects played a crucial role for the government of a trans-Mediterranean monarchy such as the Crown of Aragon, as they allowed its kings – and their bureaucratic staff – to classify, organize, and use a growing amount of information in a way that fulfilled their administrative needs..

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, '“That register is the most ancient and useful of the Kingdom”. Recording, Organizing, and Retrieving Information in the Fifteenth-Century Sicilian Chancery'.

Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2018

This article argues that the late-medieval Catalan-Aragonese kings and their viceroys relied on r... more This article argues that the late-medieval Catalan-Aragonese kings and their viceroys relied on record-keeping as a practical means of government, in essence for controlling the Kingdom of Sicily from a distance. More broadly, books, registers, and rolls are to be considered as crucial instruments through which late-medieval governments exercised their rule over complex political and social systems and were kept informed about their dominions' affairs. It is thus crucial to make those practical written tools into primary objects of research. By focusing on the "registers" of the royal chancery of the Kingdom of Sicily, this study examines the procedure for producing letters and privileges in connection to the establishment of a viceregal system; the strategies the Sicilian chancery staff adopted for recording documents, and the emergence of a method based on multiple registrations; the technical innovations they introduced for managing an increasing amount of information and facilitating its retrieval. Moreover, this study shows that the increasing attention of authorities towards record-keeping also generated a political conflict with Sicilian society, to the extent that the local parliament pursued the abolition of the registers of the royal chancery.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Archives of the Mediterranean: Governance and Record-keeping in the Crown of Aragon in the Long Fifteenth Century'

European History Quarterly, 2016

From the late medieval period the Crown of Aragon was at the forefront of archival innovation. Cu... more From the late medieval period the Crown of Aragon was at the forefront of archival innovation. Culminating in the establishment of the Royal Archive of Barcelona in 1318, this development was not, as is traditionally stated, a mere imitation of external models, but the result of an innovative historical process that had its roots in local history and reflected the structure of the Aragonese monarchy. As a result of the later enlargement and decentralisation of the Crown, and especially after the advent of the House of Trastámara in 1414, the Aragonese developed an extensive system for record-keeping across the Mediterranean. By focusing on what I describe as a complex archival network, this article analyses a series of administrative developments, which are generally studied in isolation, as instead interrelated responses to similar needs across disparate and far-flung territories. The results differed within the Iberian dominions (Aragon, Majorca, and Valencia) and in the Italian kingdoms of Sicily and Naples, with Sardinia somewhere in between. For all these differences, however, the establishment of a number of financial archives shows that this network had an especially crucial role in defending the royal patrimony in all the territories under the rule of the Crown of Aragon. The authorities also tried to use archives as tools for exercising pressures over local political elites, as demonstrated, for instance, by the systematic inquiry into feudal possessions and pecuniary rights instigated by King Ferdinand II in early sixteenth-century Sicily. The outcome, however, was totally unexpected.

See the contents of the special issue here:

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Research paper thumbnail of F. de Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri, 'Introduction, Archival Transformations in Early Modern European History', in Archival transformations in early modern Europe, special issue: European History Quarterly, 46/3 (2016), 421-434

European History Quarterly, 2016

This special issue addresses a double transformation. The first is the historical process that sa... more This special issue addresses a double transformation. The first is the historical process that saw a dramatic increase in the production of documents and a substantial improvement in their management and preservation throughout Europe between the fifteenth and the eighteenth centuries. The early modern period, broadly conceived, is often described as the age of print, but it was also the great time of archives, understood as both the physical repositories and organized offices established by institutions or collectivities to store handwritten documents produced in the course of continuous functions with a view to long-term use. For many European historians, the process of centralization, expansion and (more or less successful) rearrangement of archives is symbolized by the establishment of the great Simancas and Vatican archives in 1540 and 1612 respectively. But, as the articles collected here demonstrate, smaller states also enacted reforms in record-keeping, and these changes were more concerned with archives than with central institutions. The second transformation is interpretive and methodological. Archives have long been at the centre of historians’ research, but over the last ten to fifteen years, an ‘archival turn’ in disciplines ranging from history, literature, anthropology and the social sciences has transformed archives from sites of research into objects of enquiry in their own right. These works study the evolving processes of selection, ordering and usage that produced archives not as neutral repositories of sources but as historically constructed tools of power relations, deeply embedded in changing social and cultural contexts...

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Ruling from afar: government and information management in late medieval Sicily'

Journal of Medieval History, 2016

In 1412 Sicily lost its independence and became part of the Crown of Aragon. To rule the island, ... more In 1412 Sicily lost its independence and became part of the Crown of Aragon. To rule the island, the new monarchs developed a system of long-distance government, through the action of local viceroys. But how did this system work in practice? This article engages with the lively historiographical debate about late medieval Sicily and more generally the Aragonese conglomerate by examining the series of libri quictacionum (‘books of quittances’) produced by the financial office, the Conservatoria regii patrimonii. It shows that the management of information – by means of a new genre of documents, an innovative record-keeping system and an apparatus of marginal annotations – became crucial in establishing effective government at a distance and in strengthening royal control over Sicilian institutions and officers. Moreover, these books and the documents they encompass highlight the social dynamics of the island and the emergence of an urban class: the Aragonese promoted the inclusion of the principal members of the latter into central government by granting them offices.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, La Real Cancelleria siciliana nel tardo medioevo e l'inquisitio di Giovan Luca Barberi (secoli XIV-XVI)

Reti Medievali Rivista, 2016

Agli inizi del secolo XVI, Giovan Luca Barberi, Maestro notaio della Real Cancelleria del Regno d... more Agli inizi del secolo XVI, Giovan Luca Barberi, Maestro notaio della Real Cancelleria del Regno di Sicilia, fu protagonista di una lunga e intensa inquisitio, per conto di Ferdinando II d’Aragona, sul patrimonio regio dell’isola e sui possedimenti della feudalità locale. Questa celebre indagine è stata al centro di alcuni importanti studi che ne hanno messo principalmente in evidenza gli aspetti giurisprudenziali e le conseguenze politiche sull’isola. Tuttavia, se analizzata in una “chiave” amministrativa, l’opera di Barberi (i cosiddetti capibrevi) risulta innanzi tutto come una straordinaria impresa archivistica, frutto di una profonda e complessa indagine tra le scritture e i depositi documentari del Regno, e strettamente connessa al ruolo di Maestro notaio che lo stesso Barberi ebbe all’interno della Cancelleria siciliana. Il presente studio si pone quindi l’obiettivo, da una parte, di descrivere le dinamiche che, tra la fine del Trecento e il secolo successivo, permearono il funzionamento della Real Cancelleria dell’isola e i compiti del suo personale, nonché i sistemi di produzione, registrazione e conservazione delle scritture; dall’altra parte, alla luce di quanto detto in merito al funzionamento della Cancelleria siciliana, si vuole proporre una rielaborazione complessiva dell’interpretazione dell’inquisitio barberiana, illustrando nel dettaglio come il Maestro notaio si sia servito degli archivi del Regno e come abbia portato avanti la propria indagine, ovvero in che modo abbia utilizzato e organizzato le informazioni a sua disposizione per compilare i capibrevi.

Abstract in English
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Giovan Luca Barberi, Magister notarius of the Sicilian Royal chancery, led an intense and long-lasting inquisitio on the royal patrimony of the island and on the possessions of local lords on behalf of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. This well-known inquiry arouse the interest of a number of scholars, who have especially stressed the aspects connected to its importance in the history of law, as well as its political consequences. However, by analysing Barberi’s work (a system of books known as capibrevi) through an administrative perspective, it can now be understood as the result of an “archival enterprise” and, at the same time, strictly connected to the role of Magister notarius that Barberi had in the Sicilian chancery. On the one hand, this study describes the fourteenth- and fifteenth-century dynamics that influenced the functioning of the Regia cancelleria and the tasks of its personnel, as well as to define the methods for producing, recording and preserving documentation. On the other hand, this study promotes a new explanation of Barberi’s inquisitio, illustrating in detail how the Magister notarius worked in royal archives and how carried out his inquiry, in other words, how he retrieved, used and organised information for compiling the capibrevi.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Produzione e conservazione delle scritture nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia (secoli XII-XVII). Storia, storiografia e nuove prospettive di ricerca'

Atlanti. Review for Modern Archival Theory and Practice, International Institute for Archival Science, 2013

Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new s... more Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new studies have only marginally concerned the production of documents and record-keeping in Naples and Sicily, between the Middle and Early Modern Ages, in spite of their undisputed importance. Except for few important articles, over the last fifty years researches have not been able to develop a complete picture concerning the chancery/archival events of the two southern contexts: only the collaboration between archivists and academic scholars, through the exchange of knowledge and skills, can start a new season of studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, L’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia. Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo medioevo, Roma, Viella, 2018, pp. 498.

Reviews: R. Chilà, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 76/2 (2021), 407-409 D. Abulafia, Spec... more Reviews:
R. Chilà, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 76/2 (2021), 407-409
D. Abulafia, Speculum, 96/1 (2021), 256-258.
K. Toomaspoeg, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 100 (2020), 713-715.
F. Titone, English Historical Review, CXXXV, no. 574 (2020), 671-673.
M. Toniazzi, Medioevo latino, XL (2019), 865.
Le carte e la storia, 1 (2019), 123.
E. Tello Hernández, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 49/2 (2019), 877-878.
F. Delle Donne, Studi Medievali, 60/2 (2019), 1027-1030.
N. Bazzano, Renaissance Quarterly, 72/4 (2019), 1487-1489.
P. Buffo, L’indice dei libri del mese, Anno XXXV, 11 (2018), 28.

L’Europa tardomedievale è contrassegnata dalla presenza di unioni politiche particolarmente complesse, che includevano diversi stati e territori. Come si manifestava l’esercizio dell’autorità da parte dei governanti? Secondo quali logiche? Tramite quali strumenti?
Grazie alla straordinaria documentazione archivistica superstite, il regno di Sicilia del secolo XV costituisce un modello ideale per studiare questo tipo di problematiche e per verificare quali meccanismi – amministrativi, finanziari e informativi – furono approntati dai re aragonesi e dagli ufficiali al loro servizio per regolarne il governo a distanza e per indirizzarne l’utilizzo delle risorse.
Nonostante la perdita dell’indipendenza politica e il suo definitivo assorbimento tra i territori della Corona d’Aragona, l’isola mantenne però un impianto istituzionale autonomo, che divenne terreno di scontro e negoziazione con i sovrani, ma nel contesto di una complessiva adesione della società siciliana alla politica estera di Alfonso il Magnanimo.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri (ed.), Information and the Government of the Composite Polities of the Renaissance World (c. 1350-1650), Special Issue of European Review of History, 30/4 (2023)

European Review of History, 30/4, 2023

This special issue uses information as a lens through which to examine the operation of the Renai... more This special issue uses information as a lens through which to examine the operation of the Renaissance world’s composite polities and political unions, such as the Venetian thalassocracy or the Spanish Empire. To date, late-medieval and early modern scholarship has mostly neglected the role of information in ruling those polities. Yet information was crucial, for it allowed authorities to know what was happening in their dominions and colonies and thus shaped their policies and interactions with local political societies. The authors of this special issue suggest that a focus on information can help us fully understand how composite polities operated, whether on a regional, Mediterranean or global scale. This introductory essay examines the historiographical debate about late-medieval and early modern composite polities and unions and discusses how and to what extent communication strategies, record-keeping practices and data accumulation can be used to understand how authorities relied on information to exercise their rule over their various dominions. It also discusses this approach in relation to this special issue’s six case studies and other examples of pre-modern composite polities.

1. A. Silvestri, Information and the government of the composite polities of the Renaissance world (c. 1350–1650)
2. I. Lazzarini, Ruling by information, governing by records: the spoken and written grammar of power in post-communal Italy (c. 1350–1520)
3. R.C. Head, Archiving the Swiss Tagsatzung in the early modern era: from distributed protocols to confederal archive
4. A. Silvestri, ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)
5. N. O' Connell, Jem Sultan and Venice’s intelligence system: sorting and deploying information in Venice’s ‘letterocracy’
6. J. Flores & P. Cardim, An imperial formation joins a composite polity: the Portuguese Empire and the information system of the Hispanic Monarchy (1580–1640)
7. T. Calvo & G. Gaudin, Manila and their agents in the court: long-distance political communication and imperial configuration in the seventeenth-century Spanish monarchy
8. F. de Vivo, The composite world of early modern information

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Research paper thumbnail of Fonti per la storia degli archivi degli antichi Stati italiani a cura di FILIPPO DE VIVO -ANDREA GUIDI -ALESSANDRO SILVESTRI con la collaborazione di FABIO ANTONINI e GIACOMO GIUDICI

Una selezione di oltre 300 documenti relativi a sette antichi stati italiani, dal 1271 alla fine ... more Una selezione di oltre 300 documenti relativi a sette antichi stati italiani, dal 1271 alla fine del Settecento. I documenti sono divisi in sei grandi capitoli tematici: Archivi e potere, Organizzazione e ordinamento, Aspetti materiali, Il personale, Archivi e società, Dalla consultazione alla storia. Il volume e ciascuno dei capitoli sono preceduti da ampie introduzioni, e ognuno dei documenti è accompagnato da indicazioni bibliografiche essenziali. Il volume è gratuitamente scaricabile dal sito della Direzione Generale Archivi, collana Fonti

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Research paper thumbnail of Archival Transformations in Early Modern Europe, Special issue of European History Quarterly, 46 (2016), ed. Filippo de Vivo, Andrea Guidi and Alessandro Silvestri

European History Quarterly, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of F. de Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri (eds.), Archival transformations in early modern Europe, special issue: European History Quarterly, 46/3 (2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Archivi e Archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna, a cura di F. de Vivo, A. Guidi e A. Silvestri, Roma 2015

Viella, 2015

La raccolta di saggi proposta intende provare a rispondere ad una serie di quesiti incentrati sul... more La raccolta di saggi proposta intende provare a rispondere ad una serie di quesiti incentrati sul rapporto tra archivi e società negli stati italiani tra Medioevo ed Età moderna. Quale era il personale addetto alla produzione e alla cura delle carte? E in quale modo esso era suddiviso al proprio interno? Dai notai dei comuni italiani fino ai più organizzati archivi d’età moderna, diverse categorie di personale specializzato – quali notai, cancellieri, segretari, ma anche archivisti veri e propri, ecc. – hanno contribuito alle diverse fasi della costruzione ed accumulazione degli archivi? Quale ruolo avevano questi ufficiali nella società del tempo? Quale tipo di provenienza sociale? L’impiego in cancelleria garantiva una promozione sociale? E quale educazione ricevevano le diverse categorie di segretari ed archivisti? Da Firenze a Venezia, noti esempi di cancellieri umanisti dimostrano che alcuni di essi spiccavano per le loro qualità intellettuali e letterarie, e non solo strettamente professionali e tecniche. In entrambe queste repubbliche l’organizzazione degli addetti alla cancelleria era regolata da apposite norme interne, e a Venezia lo stato organizzava perfino la loro formazione. Qui una legislazione accurata determinava elementi come la durata dell’ufficio o la suddivisione del lavoro tra i diversi funzionari, ma non mancavano neppure interessi di carattere socio-politico, come ad esempio la parentela o l’appartenenza a certi gruppi di potere. Nelle signorie, al contrario la rilevanza data al ruolo dei segretari, favorì lo sviluppo di relazioni di carattere interpersonale tra principe e segretario stesso, scelto perciò anche per la sua appartenenza al gruppo dei suoi consiglieri più fidati, oltre che per le sue capacità politiche e amministrative.
Su di un piano prettamente sociale si possono comparare queste due realtà? E secondo quali termini? Quali sono, inoltre, le differenze tra il personale delle cancellerie e degli archivi dei regni dell’Italia meridionale, rispetto a quello delle coeve entità istituzionali dell’Italia comunale e delle signorie centro-settentrionali? Si è parlato molto della transizione da un modello nel quale il personale di cancelleria era composto prevalentemente da ufficiali dalla formazione notarile o umanistica, ad un altro caratterizzato piuttosto dalla necessità di trovare funzionari che rispondessero prima di tutto alla richiesta dei governi centrali di avere personale fidato e fedele. L’occasione di questo convegno sarà buona anche per fare il punto su questi temi.
D’altra parte, l’intenzione è quella di usare i documenti stessi per documentare la formazione culturale e gli interessi culturali dei cancellieri: componimenti poetici, piccoli ghirigori sbozzati da segretari annoiati sui margini o sulle carte di guardia dei registri rivelano l’inclinazione culturale e il mondo personale dell’autore.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Circolazione di modelli amministrativi e decentralizzazione istituzionale nella Corona d’Aragona del tardo medioevo: le strutture contabili e finanziarie'

Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 2023

Sintesi Questo contributo esamina l’apparato finanziario e contabile della Corona d’Aragona nel ... more Sintesi
Questo contributo esamina l’apparato finanziario e contabile della Corona d’Aragona nel tardo medioevo. In particolare, mediante un approccio di tipo comparativo, si discutono, da una parte, la circolazione di modelli amministrativi tra i diversi territori dell’unione politica catalano-aragonese, e dall’altra lato, il processo di decentralizzazione istituzionale che interessò la monarchia, che è qui inteso come il frutto di una strategia programmatica portata avanti dai re d’Aragona.

This essay examines the Crown of Aragon’s financial and accounting apparatus
in the late Middle Ages. By pursuing a comparative approach, this paper explores the circulation of administrative models between the diverse territories of the Catalan-Aragonese political union and the process of institutional devolution within this monarchy. This process is regarded as the outcome of a strategic programme developed by the kings of Aragon.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)

European Review of History, 2023

‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral c... more ‘We want to know and be clearly informed’: official records, unofficial correspondence and oral communication in the fourteenth-century Crown of Aragon (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)
Alessandro Silvestri
Pages 554-579 | Received 21 Jun 2022, Accepted 04 Jan 2023, Published online: 12 Sep 2023

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Accumulating information
Recording the islands
Territorial knowledge and its use
Navigating through Information and Misinformation
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Starting in the 1340s, the Crown of Aragon strengthened its position in the Western Mediterranean by absorbing the Kingdom of Majorca (1343), reincorporating the realm of Sicily (1392) and securing its control over constantly rebellious Sardinia (1420). To govern those territories, which were distant from the royal court and separated by sea, the kings of Aragon developed a pervasive information strategy that facilitated the retrieval of data from their archives and the transformation of that data into useful knowledge that kept them informed about the three islands’ administration. The monarchs developed regional series of registers specifically dedicated to Majorca, Sardinia and Sicily in which orders and ordinances pertaining to the islands were recorded and they created or strengthened territorial archives for preserving records and accounts produced in the localities. They also relied on a network of accountable officers and informants who updated them via official and unofficial letters and, finally, they gathered intelligence using envoys who travelled continuously across the Mediterranean to inform the Crown on a vast range of affairs pertaining to the islands. This essay explores these topics during the long fourteenth century, using the records and correspondence preserved in various archives of the Catalan-Aragonese world and emphasizing the role of both the written word and oral communication for ruling a late-medieval composite polity like the Crown of Aragon.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'I registri patrimoniali o quaterni litterarum della gran corte dei conti del regno di Sicilia nel tardo medioevo'

Documenta. Rivista internazionale di studi storico-filologici sulle fonti, 2022

The registri patrimoniali or quaterni litterarum of the Kingdom of Sicily’s great court of accoun... more The registri patrimoniali or quaterni litterarum of the Kingdom of Sicily’s great court of accounts in the later Middle Ages · This contribution focuses on the processes of production, organisation, and preservation of financial and fiscal records in the late-medieval Kingdom of Sicily. After briefly discussing the operation of the island’s main accounting body (magna curia rationum, i.e., great court of accounts) and the strategies its officers (magistri rationales, i.e., accounting masters) adopted for the practical preservation of the documents they produced and received while carrying out their duties, this essay thoroughly examines one of the office’s main documentary series : the quaterni litterarum (books of letters), later called registri patrimoniali. In this regard, on the one hand, this paper explores the methods the accounting masters developed for storing and arranging a broad range of financial and fiscal information in the above-mentioned quaterni litterarum ; on the other hand, it examines these books’ uses and contents during the age of the Trastamaras (1412-1516). In so doing, this essay illustrates the different types of documents therein transcribed, giving a peculiar emphasis to three main questions : the practical management of the great court of accounts’ office, the accounting masters’ advisory activity, and the management of justice whenever it affected fiscal administration. Finally, the essay includes an appendix listing the existing volumes of the series produced in the later Middle Ages and preserved today at the Archivio di Stato di Palermo.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Pagari certa quantitati secundu la taxa. La strategia fiscale di Alfonso il Magnanimo in Sicilia, Niccolò Piccinino e la conquista di Napoli (1441-1442)'

Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 2022

Nel corso della lunga campagna militare che Alfonso il Magnanimo condusse per la conquista di Nap... more Nel corso della lunga campagna militare che Alfonso il Magnanimo condusse per la conquista di Napoli e del Mezzogiorno (1421-23 e 1435-42), la Sicilia svolse un ruolo fondamentale per il finanziamento della guerra, soprattutto grazie alle risorse provenienti dal regio demanio, ovvero quelle frutto delle imposte indirette e del commercio granario. Per vie delle crescenti e urgenti esigenze economiche della Corona, nell’ultima fase del conflitto Alfonso il Magnanimo ricorse in maniera più intensa alla tassazione diretta, promovendo nel contempo diverse altre strategie fiscali alternative. Tale processo, come si discute in questo articolo, emerse con particolare forza nel 1441-42, quando il sovrano elaborò un inedito programma fiscale per fare fronte al pagamento della condotta di Niccolò Piccinino e di diverse lettere di cambio. Da una parte, si richiese alle città demaniali e baronali dell’isola il pagamento di una esosa composizione per i loro supposti crimini di usura, estendendo poi tale richiesta economica a tutti i sudditi del regno nella forma di una subventio generalis; dall’altra parte, si provvide all’imposizione di un prestito forzoso ad alcuni membri delle élite politiche, urbane e religiose dell’isola.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Swine at the chancery and locks to chests: Dispersal, destruction, and accumulation of Sicily's financial archives in the later Middle Ages'

Archival Science, 2022

In the last twenty years, anthropologists, archivists, and historians have dedicated increased at... more In the last twenty years, anthropologists, archivists, and historians have dedicated increased attention to the study of archives as objects of research themselves. In so doing, scholars have predominantly examined the emergence and transformations of archives during the early modern age, focusing mostly on political and diplomatic depositories. They have tended to neglect financial archives, which is unfortunate, as-alongside judicial archives-they were probably the largest documentary repositories of the pre-modern world and those that first faced the problem of managing huge masses of documentation. This article discusses the formation and development of the Kingdom of Sicily's financial archives in the later Middle Ages, arguing that this repository evolved into a collecting archive by the early fifteenth-century, when it preserved not only the records and accounts produced by the central financial administration, but also those from a number of territorial officers and magistracies. This archival turn, I suggest, originated from the fact that the Crown of Aragon's rulers constantly needed increased incomes to fund bureaucracies and warfare and exercise patronage, and thus needed financial information organized, at hand, and under their control. After briefly discussing the emergence of the financial archive in the thirteenth-century, this essay traces the Crown's attempts to create a stable repository for storing financial records and accounts and its continuous struggles to prevent documentation from being scattered and dispersed. Finally, it examines the successful strategy that King Alfonso V of Aragon (1416-58), called the Magnanimous, pursued to organize financial documentation and concentrate records and accounts produced by financial administration into a stable building. The essay pays particular attention to the material aspects of preserving records, e.g., the restoration of buildings, construction of chests, and preparation of secure locks that were integral to the emergence of collecting archives for financial documents in the later Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, I conti di Nicola Speciale, tesoriere del regno di Sicilia e il finanziamento della politica italiana di Alfonso il Magnanimo (1419-22)

Mediaeval Sophia, 2021

Abstract (ITA) Gli studiosi della Sicilia tardomedievale hanno spesso sottovalutato il ruolo dell... more Abstract (ITA)
Gli studiosi della Sicilia tardomedievale hanno spesso sottovalutato il ruolo dell’isola nel finanziamento della politica estera della Corona d’Aragona, considerandolo marginale rispetto a quello delle componenti iberiche dell’unione catalano-aragonese. D’altro canto, le fonti documentarie superstiti attestano che, a cominciare dal regno di Alfonso V d’Aragona (1416-58), detto il Magnanimo, il regno di Sicilia ebbe invece un ruolo di primo piano per lo svolgimento delle guerre italiane del sovrano iberico, come si evince chiaramente mediante lo studio della tesoreria isolana negli anni in cui fu retta dall’esperto burocrate Nicola Speciale (1419-22) e della sua contabilità superstite. Quest’ultimo, infatti, fu in grado di accrescere in maniera esponenziale gli introiti della tesoreria allo scopo di finanziare le campagne militari alfonsine prima in Sardegna e Corsica e poi, soprattutto, a Napoli e nel Mezzogiorno. L’attività del tresorer Nicola Speciale, d’altro canto, non si sostanziò solamente con sovvenzionamenti economici e pagamenti diretti a nome del sovrano, ma anche – per via della posizione strategica dell’isola – tramite il continuo invio di vettovaglie, armamenti e altre merci alle truppe di terra dislocate nel Mezzogiorno e agli equipaggi delle galee della flotta regia.

Abstract (ENG)
Scholars of late-medieval Sicily have mostly neglected the role of the island in funding the foreign policy of the Crown of Aragon. In their opinion, the island’s economic contribution to warfare was marginal in comparison to the economic support provided by the Iberian territories of the Catalan-Aragonese union. However, the existing archival sources demonstrate that, since the age of King Alfonso the Magnanimous (1416-58), called the Magnanimous, the Kingdom of Sicily had a prominent role in the wars this sovereign led in Italy. This is evident through studying the Sicilian treasury’s management under the expert bureaucrat Nicola Speciale (1419-22) and its surviving accounts. This officer was able to increase exponentially the incomes of the treasury in order to fund the King Alfonso’s campaigns in Sardinia and Corsica and later, more evidently, in Naples and Southern Italy. Moreover, the tresorer Nicola Speciale’s activity did not result only into various economic contributions and direct payments on behalf of the sovereign, but also – because of the island’s strategical position – into the continuous shipping of provisions, weaponry, and other goods to the monarch’s land forces in Southern Italy and to the crews of the royal fleet’s galleys.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Too much to account for. The Crown of Aragon and the collapse of the auditing system in late-medieval Sicily'.

Accounting History Review, 2020

This study focuses on the accounting and auditing system of the Kingdom of Sicily during the reig... more This study focuses on the accounting and auditing system of the Kingdom of Sicily during the reign of Alfonso V of Aragon (1416–58), known as the Magnanimous. In particular, it discusses the operation of and the relationships between the two offices entrusted with the management of the kingdom’s accounts: the century-old magna curia rationum and the new office of the conservator maior regii patrimonii (established in 1414), modelled on the Castilian contaduría mayor de hacienda. This essay adopts the approach associated with the ‘archival turn’, to show that studying the accounting and bookkeeping practices, as well as their developments and innovations, is crucial to understand the operation of the Sicilian auditing system and its function in the broader political system of the Crown of Aragon. As a result of the perpetual state of conflict generated by the political agenda of Alfonso the Magnanimous in Italy and of his increasing war funding demands, the Aragonese strategically exploited the new accounting and bookkeeping practice of the conservator to increase royal influence over the local financial apparatus. Relying on the exceptional amount of original accounting and financial records preserved at the State Archives of Palermo, this study is the first detailed examination of the auditing system and accounting practice of late-medieval Sicily. At the same time, the analysis shows that the operation and the transformations of the accounting system of a polity such as Sicily is fully intelligible only if examined in connection with the broader government of the political union of which that polity was a constituent member.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anna Gialdini and Alessandro Silvestri, 'Administrative knowledge and material practices in the archive Binding and rebinding in late medieval and early modern Sicily'

Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge (MEFRM), 2019

Over the course of the fifteenth century, the Kingdom of Sicily faced significant institutional a... more Over the course of the fifteenth century, the Kingdom of Sicily faced significant institutional and administrative changes, originating from the need, on the part of the Aragonese sovereigns, to rule the island from afar. These developments resulted not only in the establishment of a new financial office (the conservator regii patrimonii), but also in innovations in the methods used for producing and recording documents, which in turn are reflected in the structures of the archival bindings and other material features that survive to this day. Through the analysis of material elements from the mise en page of the documents to their temporary filing systems and binding structures, this article focuses on the relationship between text and paratext in late-medieval Sicily, and casts light upon the carefully-crafted material forms of the document throughout its lifespan. In short, the Sicilian case study demonstrates how apparently mere material aspects played a crucial role for the government of a trans-Mediterranean monarchy such as the Crown of Aragon, as they allowed its kings – and their bureaucratic staff – to classify, organize, and use a growing amount of information in a way that fulfilled their administrative needs..

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, '“That register is the most ancient and useful of the Kingdom”. Recording, Organizing, and Retrieving Information in the Fifteenth-Century Sicilian Chancery'.

Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2018

This article argues that the late-medieval Catalan-Aragonese kings and their viceroys relied on r... more This article argues that the late-medieval Catalan-Aragonese kings and their viceroys relied on record-keeping as a practical means of government, in essence for controlling the Kingdom of Sicily from a distance. More broadly, books, registers, and rolls are to be considered as crucial instruments through which late-medieval governments exercised their rule over complex political and social systems and were kept informed about their dominions' affairs. It is thus crucial to make those practical written tools into primary objects of research. By focusing on the "registers" of the royal chancery of the Kingdom of Sicily, this study examines the procedure for producing letters and privileges in connection to the establishment of a viceregal system; the strategies the Sicilian chancery staff adopted for recording documents, and the emergence of a method based on multiple registrations; the technical innovations they introduced for managing an increasing amount of information and facilitating its retrieval. Moreover, this study shows that the increasing attention of authorities towards record-keeping also generated a political conflict with Sicilian society, to the extent that the local parliament pursued the abolition of the registers of the royal chancery.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Archives of the Mediterranean: Governance and Record-keeping in the Crown of Aragon in the Long Fifteenth Century'

European History Quarterly, 2016

From the late medieval period the Crown of Aragon was at the forefront of archival innovation. Cu... more From the late medieval period the Crown of Aragon was at the forefront of archival innovation. Culminating in the establishment of the Royal Archive of Barcelona in 1318, this development was not, as is traditionally stated, a mere imitation of external models, but the result of an innovative historical process that had its roots in local history and reflected the structure of the Aragonese monarchy. As a result of the later enlargement and decentralisation of the Crown, and especially after the advent of the House of Trastámara in 1414, the Aragonese developed an extensive system for record-keeping across the Mediterranean. By focusing on what I describe as a complex archival network, this article analyses a series of administrative developments, which are generally studied in isolation, as instead interrelated responses to similar needs across disparate and far-flung territories. The results differed within the Iberian dominions (Aragon, Majorca, and Valencia) and in the Italian kingdoms of Sicily and Naples, with Sardinia somewhere in between. For all these differences, however, the establishment of a number of financial archives shows that this network had an especially crucial role in defending the royal patrimony in all the territories under the rule of the Crown of Aragon. The authorities also tried to use archives as tools for exercising pressures over local political elites, as demonstrated, for instance, by the systematic inquiry into feudal possessions and pecuniary rights instigated by King Ferdinand II in early sixteenth-century Sicily. The outcome, however, was totally unexpected.

See the contents of the special issue here:

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Research paper thumbnail of F. de Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri, 'Introduction, Archival Transformations in Early Modern European History', in Archival transformations in early modern Europe, special issue: European History Quarterly, 46/3 (2016), 421-434

European History Quarterly, 2016

This special issue addresses a double transformation. The first is the historical process that sa... more This special issue addresses a double transformation. The first is the historical process that saw a dramatic increase in the production of documents and a substantial improvement in their management and preservation throughout Europe between the fifteenth and the eighteenth centuries. The early modern period, broadly conceived, is often described as the age of print, but it was also the great time of archives, understood as both the physical repositories and organized offices established by institutions or collectivities to store handwritten documents produced in the course of continuous functions with a view to long-term use. For many European historians, the process of centralization, expansion and (more or less successful) rearrangement of archives is symbolized by the establishment of the great Simancas and Vatican archives in 1540 and 1612 respectively. But, as the articles collected here demonstrate, smaller states also enacted reforms in record-keeping, and these changes were more concerned with archives than with central institutions. The second transformation is interpretive and methodological. Archives have long been at the centre of historians’ research, but over the last ten to fifteen years, an ‘archival turn’ in disciplines ranging from history, literature, anthropology and the social sciences has transformed archives from sites of research into objects of enquiry in their own right. These works study the evolving processes of selection, ordering and usage that produced archives not as neutral repositories of sources but as historically constructed tools of power relations, deeply embedded in changing social and cultural contexts...

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Ruling from afar: government and information management in late medieval Sicily'

Journal of Medieval History, 2016

In 1412 Sicily lost its independence and became part of the Crown of Aragon. To rule the island, ... more In 1412 Sicily lost its independence and became part of the Crown of Aragon. To rule the island, the new monarchs developed a system of long-distance government, through the action of local viceroys. But how did this system work in practice? This article engages with the lively historiographical debate about late medieval Sicily and more generally the Aragonese conglomerate by examining the series of libri quictacionum (‘books of quittances’) produced by the financial office, the Conservatoria regii patrimonii. It shows that the management of information – by means of a new genre of documents, an innovative record-keeping system and an apparatus of marginal annotations – became crucial in establishing effective government at a distance and in strengthening royal control over Sicilian institutions and officers. Moreover, these books and the documents they encompass highlight the social dynamics of the island and the emergence of an urban class: the Aragonese promoted the inclusion of the principal members of the latter into central government by granting them offices.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, La Real Cancelleria siciliana nel tardo medioevo e l'inquisitio di Giovan Luca Barberi (secoli XIV-XVI)

Reti Medievali Rivista, 2016

Agli inizi del secolo XVI, Giovan Luca Barberi, Maestro notaio della Real Cancelleria del Regno d... more Agli inizi del secolo XVI, Giovan Luca Barberi, Maestro notaio della Real Cancelleria del Regno di Sicilia, fu protagonista di una lunga e intensa inquisitio, per conto di Ferdinando II d’Aragona, sul patrimonio regio dell’isola e sui possedimenti della feudalità locale. Questa celebre indagine è stata al centro di alcuni importanti studi che ne hanno messo principalmente in evidenza gli aspetti giurisprudenziali e le conseguenze politiche sull’isola. Tuttavia, se analizzata in una “chiave” amministrativa, l’opera di Barberi (i cosiddetti capibrevi) risulta innanzi tutto come una straordinaria impresa archivistica, frutto di una profonda e complessa indagine tra le scritture e i depositi documentari del Regno, e strettamente connessa al ruolo di Maestro notaio che lo stesso Barberi ebbe all’interno della Cancelleria siciliana. Il presente studio si pone quindi l’obiettivo, da una parte, di descrivere le dinamiche che, tra la fine del Trecento e il secolo successivo, permearono il funzionamento della Real Cancelleria dell’isola e i compiti del suo personale, nonché i sistemi di produzione, registrazione e conservazione delle scritture; dall’altra parte, alla luce di quanto detto in merito al funzionamento della Cancelleria siciliana, si vuole proporre una rielaborazione complessiva dell’interpretazione dell’inquisitio barberiana, illustrando nel dettaglio come il Maestro notaio si sia servito degli archivi del Regno e come abbia portato avanti la propria indagine, ovvero in che modo abbia utilizzato e organizzato le informazioni a sua disposizione per compilare i capibrevi.

Abstract in English
At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Giovan Luca Barberi, Magister notarius of the Sicilian Royal chancery, led an intense and long-lasting inquisitio on the royal patrimony of the island and on the possessions of local lords on behalf of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. This well-known inquiry arouse the interest of a number of scholars, who have especially stressed the aspects connected to its importance in the history of law, as well as its political consequences. However, by analysing Barberi’s work (a system of books known as capibrevi) through an administrative perspective, it can now be understood as the result of an “archival enterprise” and, at the same time, strictly connected to the role of Magister notarius that Barberi had in the Sicilian chancery. On the one hand, this study describes the fourteenth- and fifteenth-century dynamics that influenced the functioning of the Regia cancelleria and the tasks of its personnel, as well as to define the methods for producing, recording and preserving documentation. On the other hand, this study promotes a new explanation of Barberi’s inquisitio, illustrating in detail how the Magister notarius worked in royal archives and how carried out his inquiry, in other words, how he retrieved, used and organised information for compiling the capibrevi.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Produzione e conservazione delle scritture nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia (secoli XII-XVII). Storia, storiografia e nuove prospettive di ricerca'

Atlanti. Review for Modern Archival Theory and Practice, International Institute for Archival Science, 2013

Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new s... more Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new studies have only marginally concerned the production of documents and record-keeping in Naples and Sicily, between the Middle and Early Modern Ages, in spite of their undisputed importance. Except for few important articles, over the last fifty years researches have not been able to develop a complete picture concerning the chancery/archival events of the two southern contexts: only the collaboration between archivists and academic scholars, through the exchange of knowledge and skills, can start a new season of studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, Produzione e conservazione delle scritture nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia (secoli XII-XVII). Storia, storiografia e nuove prospettive di ricerca

Atlanti, Review for Modern Archival Theory and Practice, International Institute for Archival Science, Oct 2013

"Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new ... more "Recent Italian historiography has shown new interest for archival and chancery history. But new studies have only marginally concerned the production of documents and record-keeping in Naples and Sicily, between the Middle and Early Modern Ages, in spite of their undisputed importance. Except for few important articles, over the last fifty years researches have not been able to develop a complete picture concerning the chancery/archival events of the two southern contexts: only the collaboration between archivists and academic scholars, through the exchange of knowledge and skills, can start a new season of studies."

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, Produzione documentaria e dinamiche di potere nel Regno di Sicilia

Archivio Storico Siciliano, XXXIV-XXXV, 7-42, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of S. Morelli & A. Silvestri, 'Kingdoms of Sicily'

D. Menjot et al., The Routledge Handbook of Public Taxation in Medieval Europe (Abingdon: Routledge), 2023

The study of taxation is crucial for the full understanding of the medieval polities’ nature and ... more The study of taxation is crucial for the full understanding of the medieval polities’ nature and operation, whether they were realms, cities, or feudal lordships. However, scholarship has often pushed its study into the background of the academic investigation, analysing taxation in the context of various economic and political investigations, but rarely as an object of research per se. This chapter instead examines the emergence and development of taxation in Southern Italy and Sicily from 1100 to 1500. On the one hand, it discusses the establishment of the early fiscal systems in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, and their following transformations under the Swabian and the Angevin dynasties. On the other hand, by adopting a comparative approach, it analyses the organisation of taxation in the later Middle Ages, when the Southern Italian mainland and Sicily – the two Kingdoms of Sicily – became two distinct polities, respectively under the Angevin and the Catalan-Aragonese dynasty. In so doing, this chapter focuses on both the central and the territorial level, examining a broad spectrum of themes, including the organisation of direct collections of money, the crucial role the indirect tolls and levies’ revenues, and the distribution of the fiscal burden among the realms’ subjects.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘L’amministrazione finanziaria del regno di Sicilia nella prima età dei Trastámara (1412-23)’

M. Lafuente Gomez and M.T. Iranzo Muñio (eds), En pro del común. La fiscalización de las cuentas públicas en la Corona de Aragón en la Baja Edad Media (Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad), 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Sicilia. Scheda di sintesi', in La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo, 5, vol. II, 907-912

F. Del Tredici (ed.), La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo. Censimento e quadri regionali (Roma: Universitalia), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Cabrera Enriquez', in La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo, 5, vol. II, 1085-1094

F. Del Tredici (ed.), La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo. Censimento e quadri regionali (Roma: Universitalia), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Chiaromonte', in La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo, 5, vol. II, 1028-1035

F. Del Tredici (ed.), La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo. Censimento e quadri regionali (Roma: Universitalia), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Alagona', in La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo, 5, vol. II, 1045-1050

F. Del Tredici (ed.), La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo. Censimento e quadri regionali (Roma: Universitalia), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'Ventimiglia', in La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo, 5, vol. II, 1037-1044

F. Del Tredici (ed.), La signoria rurale nell'Italia del tardo medioevo. Censimento e quadri regionali (Roma: Universitalia), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘Prime note per un riordinamento dei registri cancellereschi del regno di Sicilia durante l’età dei Martini (1392-1410)’, in Medioevo e mediterraneo: incontri, scambi e confronti. Studi per Salvatore Fodale, a cura di P. Sardina et al., (Palermo: University Press), I, pp. 233-261.

Medioevo e mediterraneo: incontri, scambi e confronti. Studi per Salvatore Fodale, a cura di P. Sardina, D. Santoro, M.A. Russo e M. Pacifico, 2 voll. (Palermo: University Press), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘La tesoreria del regno di Sicilia e l’amministrazione centrale della Corona d’Aragona nell’età di Alfonso il Magnanimo: subalternità o complementarità?’, G. D'Agostino et al., La Corona d’Aragona e l’Italia, Atti del XX Congresso di Storia della Corona d’Aragona, II/1, pp. 1013-1027.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, 'From Auditing to Budgeting in Late Medieval Sicily: Institutions, Administrators, and Information Management'

Accounts and Accountability in Late Medieval Europe: Records, Procedures, and Socio-Political Impact , 2020

Dear reader, Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access... more Dear reader,
Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license.
The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers: under this same license.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, ‘Investigating the Archives. The Capibrevium between Conflict and Negotiation under Ferdinand II of Aragon (1479-1516)’

M.P. Donato and A. Saada (eds), Pratiques d’archives à l’époque modern. Europe, mondes coloniaux (Paris: Classique Garnier), 2019

Included in the collection of essays ed. by M.P. Donato and A. Saada (2019), this chapter focuses... more Included in the collection of essays ed. by M.P. Donato and A. Saada (2019), this chapter focuses on the Aragonese rule of Sicily from a distance through exploring the archival strategy pursued by King Ferdinand II of Aragon (1479-1516). In particular, it examines the so-called "capibrevium", a written tool describing the royal patrimony of the Kingdom of Sicily, which the chancery officer Giovan Luca Barberi developed through investigating the Sicilian archives.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, Social Mobility in Late Medieval Sicily: Continuity and Change

Sandro Carocci and Isabella Lazzarini (eds), Social Mobility in Medieval Italy (1100-1500) , 2018

This volume aims to investigate the complex theme of social mobility in medieval Italy both by co... more This volume aims to investigate the complex theme of social mobility in medieval Italy both by comparing Italian research to contemporary international studies in various European contexts, and by analysing a broad range of themes and specific case studies. Medieval social mobility as a European phenomenon, in fact, still awaits a systematic analysis, and has seldom been investigated iuxta propria principia in social, political and economic history.
The essays in the book deal with a number of crucial problems: how is social mobility investigated in European and Mediterranean contexts? How did classic mobility channels such as the Church, officialdom, trade, the law, the lordship or diplomacy contribute to shaping the many variables at play in late medieval societies, and to changing – and challenging – inequality? How did movements and changes in social spaces become visible, and what were their markers? What were the dynamics at the heart of the processes of social mobility in the many territorial contexts of the Italian peninsula?

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, Governo a distanza e controllo del territorio nella Sicilia di età bassomedievale: pratiche di governo, innovazioni documentarie e forme della negoziazione

Istituzioni, scritture, contabilità Il caso molisano nell’Italia tardomedievale a cura di Isabella Lazzarini, Armando Miranda, Francesco Senatore, 2017

L’attenzione a una “storia documentaria” dei poteri tardomedievali si colloca al crocevia di una ... more L’attenzione a una “storia documentaria” dei poteri tardomedievali si colloca al crocevia di una serie di ricerche recenti di grande interesse, legate da un lato al rapporto fra scritture e potere, dall’altro ai processi di state-building. Il presente volume si propone di fare convergere questo fascio di tematiche attorno a un caso specifico: le fonti relative alle comunità e alle grandi stirpi feudali radicate in quel che ora consideriamo Molise durante l’età angioino-aragonese (XIII-XV sec.). Il caso molisano viene poi inserito nei più ampi scenari del Regno di Napoli e della penisola, mettendo a fuoco lo specifico snodo costituito dal rapporto fra scritture cancelleresche e contabili e istituzioni nel costruirsi di relazioni complesse fra centri e territori.

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Research paper thumbnail of F. de Vivo, A. Guidi, A. Silvestri, Introduzione a un percorso di studio, pp. 9-38

Archivi e archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna, a cura di F. de Vivo, A. Guidi e A. Silvestri, Viella (in uscita nell'autunno 2015), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, Archivi senza archivisti. I Maestri notai e la gestione delle scritture nel Regno di Sicilia (prima metà sec. XV), pp. 43-69

Archivi e archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna, a cura di F. de Vivo, A. Guidi e A. Silvestri, Viella (in uscita nell'autunno 2015), 2015

Nel 1412, con l'avvento della dinastia di Trastamara sul trono aragonese, la Sicilia perse defini... more Nel 1412, con l'avvento della dinastia di Trastamara sul trono aragonese, la Sicilia perse definitivamente la propria indipendenza e divenne parte della Corona d'Aragona. Le istituzioni siciliane furono quindi riformate e il loro funzionamento adeguato alle esigenze dei nuovi sovrani, ma l'intervento regio si riverberò anche sui sistemi legati alla conservazione delle scritture pubbliche, sia al centro sia nelle periferie, in considerazione del fatto che l'accesso e la gestione dell'informazione rappresentava uno strumento essenziale per il controllo a distanza dell'isola. I sovrani provvidero quindi alla concentrazione delle magistrature centrali e dei loro archivi a Palermo, presso palazzo Steri ed emanarono una serie di disposizioni che imponevano agli ufficiali il versamento degli archivi – che tal volta erano gestiti alla stregua di una proprietà privata – presso alcuni depositi centrali. Nel contempo, fu sviluppato un sistema pluriarchivistico, sulla base del quale Maestri Notai di ciascuna magistratura erano investiti di funzioni archivistiche e gestivano personalmente i diversi depositi documentari prodotti dagli uffici. Solamente nel caso dell'organo giudiziario della Magna Regia Curia – e in conseguenza della complessa attività di questa magistratura – si mantenne la figura di un vero e proprio archivarius. I Maestri Notai, per lo più esponenti delle élite cittadine dell'isola e in possesso di competenze tecniche derivanti principalmente dalla loro attività in Cancelleria – ma in alcune circostanze anche dall’attività notarile – rappresentavano il vertice ‘tecnico’ delle cancellerie amministrative. Essi erano gli elementi che godevano della maggiore fiducia da parte dei governanti e dei titolari delle magistrature, e proprio per questo erano investiti – ma anche premiati per via degli introiti che ne derivavano – della responsabilità di tenere gli archivi. I Maestri Notai non solo si occupavano materialmente della conservazione delle carte, ma si preoccupavano anche di aggiornare i sistemi di registrazione esistenti, allo scopo di rendere fruibili gli archivi. Nel corso del Quattrocento, l'interesse della Corona per l'amministrazione degli archivi e l'efficente gestione delle scritture da parte degli ufficiali incaricati, permisero quindi lo sviluppo di un sistema archivistico funzionale alle esigenze della monarchia e al governo dell'isola, testimoniato peraltro dalla continuità nell'uso di queste pratiche archivistiche nei secoli successivi e dalle centinaia di registri sopravvissuti per il secolo XV e oggi conservati presso l'Archivio di Stato di Palermo.

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, «Ad Terram sive Casalem Redducere». Cenni sullo sviluppo di un nuovo strumento cancelleresco: le Licentie Populandi nella Sicilia del secolo XV

Atlante delle città fondate in Italia da tardomedioevo al Novecento. Inventari e repertori documentari., 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Taxation in Renaissance Sicily

Routledge Resources Online - The Renaissance World, 2023

The Renaissance age was pivotal for the organization and development of European polities’ fiscal... more The Renaissance age was pivotal for the organization and development of European polities’ fiscal systems. Because of the increasing costs of war and bureaucracy, rulers were in constant need of income. They had to organize systems of direct taxation that ensured regular and expected revenues to supplement the irregular income from indirect taxes and levies of various origins. The fiscal development of the Kingdom of Sicily was not different from that of other Renaissance monarchies and republics, except for its late development of regular direct taxation. For a long time, Sicilian monarchs largely relied on indirect taxation, continuing the fiscal policy established in previous centuries. These revenues were higher by far than those from occasional direct collections of money (collette) because the Crown possessed a huge royal demesne (i.e., towns, lands, and incomes pertaining to the monarchy). This meant sovereigns received significant income generated by customs duties and tolls paid at the urban level, as well as from various other levies, such as those imposed on the aristocracy, the church, and the island’s Jewish community. In addition to this, the Crown obtained even larger sums from taxes on the wheat trade. A regular system of direct taxation was introduced in Sicily only in the mid-fifteenth century, a few decades after the island lost its political independence (1409) and became a constituent member of the Crown of Aragon, a union of territories that also included the kingdoms of Aragon, Majorca, Sardinia, and Valencia, the Principality of Barcelona, as well as the realm of Naples between 1442 and 1458 and then from 1504 onward. Under Alfonso V of Aragon (1416–58), called the Magnanimous, the Sicilian parliament began periodically granting the Crown an amount of money (donativum, i.e., donation) in exchange for various demands on the king, de facto following the model of the Iberian parliamentary assemblies. This direct taxation allowed the monarch to receive a regular income as the donation was paid in instalments by the three estates that made up parliament (the baronial, the ecclesiastical, and the urban estates). In turn, a group of parliamentary members called deputati [deputies] administered the revenue collection on behalf of parliament, also precisely establishing the sum to be paid by the members of each estate; at the urban level, local governments independently organized the distribution of the fiscal burden due for the donation among their citizens. The donation remained the fundamental fiscal tool through which the Crown raised direct income during the entire early modern era when Sicily was a member the Spanish empire. It used the monies to fund various wars, in particular, the defense of Sicily from the Turkish threat. But even as the donation was regularized, revenues from indirect taxation remained the main source of the Crown’s income, although they suffered significant deterioration from the seventeenth century onward.

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Research paper thumbnail of Basicò (Casalnuovo)

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Capri Leone

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Castel di Lucio

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Furnari

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Gangi

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Gioiosa Guardia

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Graniti

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Librizzi

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Limina

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Oliveri

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of San Martino - Spadafora

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Savoca

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Tripi

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Venetico

Atlante delle Città Fondate in Italia dal Tardomedioevo al Novecento. Italia centro-meridionale e insulare, DVD, ed by. A. Casamento, Edizioni Kappa (Roma 2013), ad vocem, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, review of Stéphane Péquignot and Yann Potin (eds), Les conflits d’archives: France, Espagne, Méditerranée, Presses universitaires de Rennes (2022), in La vie des idées (22.11.2023), Collège de France

La vie des idées, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, review of Isabella Lazzarini, L’ordine delle scritture. Il linguaggio documentario del potere nell’Italia tardomedievale, in  in Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 53/1 (2023), pp. 401-404 (Roma, Viella: 2021)

Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, review of Jessica O’Leary Elite Women as Diplomatic Agents in Italy and Hungary, 1470–1510 Kinship and the Aragonese Dynastic Network ( Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, 2022), in Royal Studies Journal, 10/1 (2023), 208-211

Royal Studies Journal, 10/1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, review of Pierluigi Terenzi, Gli Angiò in Italia centrale. Potere e relazioni politiche in Toscana e nelle terre della Chiesa (1263-1335) (Roma, Viella: 2019), in Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 51/2, pp. 1037-39.

Anuario de Estudios Medievales 51/2, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A. Silvestri, review of Périphéries financières angevines: institutions et pratiques de l’administration de territoires composites (XIIIe-XVe siècles), a cura di S. Morelli, (Roma: École Française de Rome, 2018), Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 49/2, pp. 856-858

Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 49/2, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 October 2024, "Presens rasura non fuit facta vicio, sed ignorancia novi scriptoris’. Guida pratica ai metodi di ordinamento, registrazione e rinvenimento delle scritture della Sicilia tardo medievale", XXI Congresso di Storia della Corona d’Aragona, Cagliari

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Research paper thumbnail of 3 July 2024, "Here Comes Trouble: Officers, Accounts and War in 15th-Century Sicily", Session 231: Accountability during Crisis II: War, Finances and Accounting, Leeds Medieval Congress 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of 10-13 June 2024, "Bianca di Navarra e l’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia: scritture, contabilità e pratiche di governo (1402-13)", SISMED 2024, Session: Donne tra le righe, donne sopra le righe? genere, scritture e pratiche di gestione nell’Italia medievale, Università degli Studi di Udine

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Research paper thumbnail of 14 May 2024, “Il ruolo dell’informazione per il governo degli ‘stati’ compositi dell’età premoderna: problemi, soluzioni e il caso della Corona d’Aragona bassomedievale”, Percorso di eccellenza 2023-2024, SARAS, Università degli Studi di Roma.

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Research paper thumbnail of 7 May 2024, "Governare un regno che non c’è. Corona d’Aragona, Napoli e Sicilia tra finanza creativa, intercomunicabilità e guerra a bassa intensità (1418-35)", seminar for the Dottorato in Storia, Storia dell'Arte e Archeologia dell’Università degli Studi di Genova

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Research paper thumbnail of 29 January 2024, “...quando remanino in potiri de donni. Gli archivi regi, Bianca di Navarra e alcune (prime) riflessioni su questioni di genere nel Regno di Sicilia del tardo medioevo”, at the workshop Genere e archivi: governare le scritture, costruire la memoria.

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Research paper thumbnail of 25-26 September 2023, "La logica di Giovan Luca Barberí. Istruzioni per la mappatura documentaria della feudalità nella Sicilia tardo medievale (secc. XIV-XVI)", @ Pluma, papel, tijera: fuentes y escrituras para la historia de la nobleza bajomedieval, Palermo, Italy

Il Convegno rientra nelle iniziative promosse dalla rete internazionale di ricerca su Nobility, f... more Il Convegno rientra nelle iniziative promosse dalla rete internazionale di ricerca su Nobility, family strategies and power systems between the Kingdom of Sicily and the Iberian Peninsula in the late Middle Ages

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Research paper thumbnail of 2-3 June 2023, "Mani pulite! Auditing Accounts and Fighting Corruption in Fifteenth-century Sicily’, Medieval accountability: normativity, numeracy, and rhetoric from the institutional to the domestic sphere", workshop, Bucarest, Romania

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Research paper thumbnail of 19 May 2023, Book presentation of Maurizio Vesco, "Carlo Aragona Tagliavia, Presidente del Regno di Sicilia, nelle Lettere viceregie del Tribunale del Real Patrimonio. Repertorio I (1566-1568) ", w/ D. Gulli, Palazzo Butera, Palermo

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Research paper thumbnail of 27 April 2023, Book presentation of Valentina Prisco, "Eleonora d’Aragona. Pratiche di potere e modelli culturali nell’Italia del Rinascimento", w/ A. Galdi, M.R. Pellizzari and A. Silvestri, Università degli Studi di Salerno

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Research paper thumbnail of 28-30 November 2022, "Waves of Information across the Mediterranean Sea. The Kings of Aragon and their islands in the later Middle Ages (Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily)", VI international conference Medieval Europe in Motion. The Sea, FCSH–NOVA, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

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Research paper thumbnail of 6 October 2022, ‘Il cancelliere del tribunale: funzioni, documentazione prodotta e conservata’, w/ Stefano Talamini, U of Trento), online seminar series: ALLORA. Administrative and Legal LexicOn of Romance-speaking European Areas (1150–1750), Università Federico II di Napoli, Italia

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Research paper thumbnail of 5-8 September 2022, "Fonti per lo studio del commercio e della contabilità nel Mediterraneo tardomedievale", II International Summer School of Mediterranean Studies, "Las ciudades y sus recursos, agentes y espacios de la política y de la economía (siglos XIV-XVII)", Universitat de Barcelona

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Research paper thumbnail of 21 July 2022, ‘Archiving and Record-keeping in the Later Middle Ages: The Crown of Aragon’, seminar series of the Department of Collections Expertise and Engagement of The National Archives, Kew, Richmond (UK)

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Research paper thumbnail of 13 July 2022, ‘An interrupted war? The Crown of Aragon, the first war for Naples, and its continuation in the 1420s’, Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, Conference 2022, (University of Crete, 11-15 July 2022)

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Research paper thumbnail of 23 June 2022, "“To the end of the World”. Being Accountable in the Fifteenth-century Crown of Aragon’s Administration", Workshop "Culture of Accountability" (Leiden, Netherlands, 23-24 June 2022)

Between the mid-fourteenth- and the beginning of fifteenth century the Crown of Aragon definitely... more Between the mid-fourteenth- and the beginning of fifteenth century the Crown of Aragon definitely emerged as a thalassocracy, stretching from the Iberian Peninsula to Italy, and including the major islands of the Mediterranean. To rule such a union of territories, its monarchs relied on a various staff which operated in the localities of their behalf. They ranged from viceroys and governors who were at the top of royal bureaucracies to a number of higher and minor officers (clerks, notaries, accountants, etc.) in charge of managing political, financial, and judicial affairs, de facto keeping local administrations on track through their daily activities. Whereas some of those officers had gained their status of being accountable thanks to their direct and personal relationships with monarchs, others became accountable through their administrative service (such as the members of the emerging urban elites), or by materially ‘acquiring their accountability’. This is the case, for instance, of those merchants and bankers who copiously funded the Crown, obtaining positions in royal administrations. Through mostly focusing on the Kingdom of Sicily as a member of the Crown of Aragon – and comparatively on the other islands under the same rule control (Mallorca and Sardinia) – this talk analyses the problem of accountability as a phenomenon that differently adapted to the peculiar political, social, and financial conditions of each realm. Moreover, this paper aims to test the idea that accountable officers were not necessarily those who strictly followed administrative regulations or acted ethically, but those who better met the kings’ needs. Despite the strict activity of controlling organs, monarchs could always accept (or ignore) deviations from bureaucratic procedures or even pardon occasional, personal misconducts. Governing was not mere administrative rationality, but a complex and contradictory activity intersected by political and financial factors, which in turn influenced the Crown’s concept of accountability.

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Research paper thumbnail of 14 June 2022, 10.45-12.15, Aula C 102, sessione: "Le suppliche fiscali nell’Italia catalano-aragonese: usi, tipologie e linguaggi (secoli XIV-XV)", II Convegno della Medievistica Italiana (Matera, 13-16 giugno 2022)

"Le suppliche fiscali nell’Italia catalano-aragonese: usi, tipologie e linguaggi (secoli XIV-XV)"... more "Le suppliche fiscali nell’Italia catalano-aragonese: usi, tipologie e linguaggi (secoli XIV-XV)"

a. Fabrizio Alias (Università degli Studi di Sassari), «A la real maiestat humilment suppliquen los consellers». Suppliche fiscali della città di Cagliari ai sovrani aragonesi nel corso del Trecento.
b. Alessandro Silvestri (Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats - CSIC), La dura vita del gabelliere. Le suppliche fiscali nella Sicilia del Quattrocento e istruzioni per l’uso.
c. Davide Morra (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), «Pro parte popularium». Suppliche fiscali e politiche sulle immunità nel regno di Napoli tardomedievale

Pierluigi Terenzi (Universitá degli Studi di Firenze)

Abstract della sessione
Ormai da alcuni anni, la storiografia medievistica ha manifestato un significativo interesse nei confronti delle fonti documentarie che le istituzioni statali, cittadine ed ecclesiastiche producevano nell’Italia tardomedievale per l’espletamento di una vasta gamma di questioni amministrative e politiche: lo si evince, ad esempio, dai numerosi lavori dedicati alle scritture cancelleresche, giudiziarie e diplomatiche, non intese come mero strumento d’indagine, ma come oggetto di studio a sé stante. Tuttavia, sono rimaste pressoché fuori dalle indagini degli studiosi le fonti di natura finanziaria, fiscale e contabile che, va detto, costituiscono oggi una significativa parte dei patrimoni documentari conservati negli archivi italiani. Si tratta di fonti archivistiche dal valore inestimabile, il cui studio è fondamentale per la piena comprensione delle dinamiche politiche, economiche e sociali degli stati territoriali italiani del tardo medioevo. Con questo panel si vuole spostare l’attenzione su una particolare categoria documentaria, quella delle cosiddette suppliche fiscali, indagandone le diverse tipologie e usi nell’Italia catalano-aragonese del Tre e Quattrocento. Nel far ciò, gli interventi che compongono questo panel indagano questo particolare tipo di suppliche in relazione al mondo urbano, ovvero come strumento di definizione delle dinamiche fiscali tra le universitates e la monarchia (come si fa nei casi studio dedicati alla Sardegna e al Mezzogiorno), oppure, nel caso del regno di Sicilia, all’interno dello stesso contesto cittadino, analizzandone anche forme e linguaggi. Nello specifico, la Relazione (a) analizza le suppliche fiscali nel contesto delle relazioni tra i re d’Aragona e le città del regno di Sardegna nel Trecento, con una attenzione particolare a Cagliari, esaminando il ruolo delle suppliche come strumento essenziale di dialogo con la monarchia e per la costruzione di un sistema di fiscalità municipale; la Relazione (b) utilizza invece le suppliche fiscali come strumento di indagine della gestione “in pratica” delle gabelle e del contesto sociale in cui operavano i gabellieri nelle universitates nel regno di Sicilia della metà del secolo XV; la Relazione (c), infine, affronta il tema delle suppliche fiscali nel regno di Napoli alla fine del Quattrocento, esaminandone il ruolo cruciale per seguire la negoziazione fra la Corona e le università o i singoli individui allo scopo di definire i carichi fiscali nel territorio.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Tuesday 7 June 2022 [ONLINE], Archives and Record-keeping in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean, h. 17.00 (GMT) / 18.00 (CET)](

The final SMM webinar for the 2021/22 academic year is: Archives and Record-keeping in the Medi... more The final SMM webinar for the 2021/22 academic year is:

Archives and Record-keeping in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean

Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 5pm (UTC + 1)

All welcome! Please register here to receive the Zoom link:


Prof. Marina Rustow (Princeton University)
Dr Benedikt Reier (University of Hamburg)
Dr Daisy Livingston (University of Hamburg)

Dr Alessandro Silvestri (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

It is well known that writing was important in medieval Muslim societies and research is increasingly showing there to have also been considerable energy invested in the production and preservation of written documents. In a region whose history has been written disproportionately using narrative texts rather than original documents, the recognition of its archival history has major potential to reshape our understanding of this period and region. In this webinar we discuss archiving in the medieval Arabic-speaking Eastern Mediterranean, covering an extended period from the time of the Fatimid caliphs to the demise of the Mamluk sultans (10th to 16th centuries CE). We present three case-studies which showcase a diverse range of historical actors, exploring state record-keeping, the archival practices of religious scholars, and the preservation of legal documents, to illustrate the rich and complex archival history of this region.

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Research paper thumbnail of 4 May 2022, La Corona d’Aragona e le sue isole nel tardo medioevo: governo e ruolo dell’informazione (Maiorca, Sardegna e Sicilia), on-line seminar, Moments Hiscoar 2021-22

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Research paper thumbnail of 30 November - 1 December 2021, "La Corona d'Aragona, oggi" (On-line),


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Research paper thumbnail of ARCHIves - A comparative history of archives in late medieval and early modern Italy (ERC-funded project)

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Research paper thumbnail of Genere e archivi: governare le scritture, costruire la memoria

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Research paper thumbnail of November 2022 - June 2023 - PROGRAMME of the XIV Taula de Debat / Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals, CSIC (Barcelona)

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2022 - June 2023 - PROGRAMME of the XXI Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Research paper thumbnail of 13 July 2022, Panel 6.3, "Movements and Interruptions in the Mediterranean World (1200-1500) II – People and War", Lecture Room 5, h. 9.30-11.00, SMM Conference 2022, University of Crete, Rethymnon

From the straits of Gibraltar to the Levantine Sea, the late-medieval Mediterranean world was cha... more From the straits of Gibraltar to the Levantine Sea, the late-medieval Mediterranean world was characterised by a continuous series of wars and invasions, in turn marked by sudden accelerations and unexpected interruptions. This complex and frequently changing political environment also affected the government of territories, with rulers seeking for new strategies and tools for strengthening their authority over their subjects and conducting their foreign policies against external powers. The papers of this session explore these and other questions by focusing on a set of specific examples in both the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean, and with a particular stress on single rulers or on groups of people who dealt with the problem of exercising rule. On the one hand, whether Paper A analyses how Brancaleone I Doria operated – also ideologically – to be recognised as a legitimate ruler in Sardinia, Paper B explores how and to what extent Marino Badoaro, the “Rettore” of the duchy of Crete, exploited poetry as a means to rule a foreign city. On the other hand, while paper C illustrates how Alfonso the Magnanimous continued the war for Naples along the 1420s thanks to a various group of people at his service, Paper D focuses on the chancery environment of the Mamluk Sultanate, as a crucial organ for defining the boundaries between Mamluk and Christian’s territories.

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 July 2022, Panel 5.2, "Movements and Interruptions in the Mediterranean World (1200-1500) I – People and Concepts", Lecture Room 1, h. 16.30-18.00, SMM Conference 2022, University of Crete, Rethymnon

Through focusing on the Western Mediterranean of the later Middle Ages, this panel discusses the ... more Through focusing on the Western Mediterranean of the later Middle Ages, this panel discusses the different factors of disruption that marked various societies and communities of the period. In particular, this session’s papers examine the circumstances that produced the change and interruption of a specific status, as well as how societies and communities adapted to new environments. In particular, the first paper focuses on the use of terms such as “segregation” and “marginalisation” in the context of the Western Mediterranean; the following two papers analyse the “double” interruption that marked the life of both Muslim and Christian captives, namely the beginning and the end of their captivity; finally, the last paper examines how Jewish converts practiced their citizenship and to what extent they adapted to their new status in late-medieval Barcelona.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Summer School of Mediterranean Studies

Las ciudades y sus recursos, 2022

El objetivo principal de este curso de verano es ofrecer una mirada a la historia política y econ... more El objetivo principal de este curso de verano es ofrecer una mirada a la historia política y económica de las ciudades del Mediterráneo a lo largo de una cronología amplia, para evidenciar elementos de continuidad y ruptura entre la Baja Edad Media y la Primera Edad Moderna. El público de referencia son estudiantes de grado, máster y doctorado, sin excluir a un público más amplio interesado en estos temas. Las clases estarán organizadas en torno a cinco temas principales: la red de los consulados, la diplomacia urbana, los agentes comerciales, la respuesta a las catástrofes y el patrimonio arquitectónico y documental relacionado con la historia política y económica de las ciudades.

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2021 - June 2022 - PROGRAMME of the XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milá i Fontanals

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Marco Conti, jessica ottelli, María José Cañizares Gómez, Robert Friedrich, Abel Lorenzo-Rodríguez, PhD Dr., Cornel-Peter Rodenbusch, Valerio Luca Floris, and Camille Larraz

The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address: https://conec...[ more ](;)The seminars will always take place on-line, at 5pm (CET) at the following address:

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Research paper thumbnail of October 2020 - June 2021 - PROGRAMME of the XIX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals of the Institució Milà i Fontanals  INSTITUCIÓ MILÀ I FONTANALS

by Alessandro Silvestri, Laura Miquel Milian, Alessandro Rizzo, Victòria A. Burguera i Puigserver, Anahí Álvarez Aguado, María Eugenia Pérez Gordillo, Andrea Pergola, Marina Girona Berenguer, Cristina M García García, Irene Velasco Marta, and Carlos Crespo Amat

For obtaining the link to attend the seminars, please contact us at:

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Administrative accountability in the later Middle Ages University of  Bucharest, 16 - 17 November  2018

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Research paper thumbnail of A Eurasia of Composite Polities, 1250-1500: collective identities and communications in the premodern world - Dublin, 14-16 June 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of "Gli studi sul tardo medioevo: tendenze recenti" - San Miniato, 7-10 ottobre 2015 - XXVIII Seminario residenziale di studi della Fondazione Centro studi sul tardo medioevo

Programma e abstract degli interventi al XXVIII Seminario residenziale di studi della Fondazione ... more Programma e abstract degli interventi al XXVIII Seminario residenziale di studi della Fondazione Centro studi sul tardo medioevo "Gli studi sul tardo medioevo: tendenze recenti" - San Miniato, 7-10 ottobre 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAMMA DEFINITIVO E REGISTRAZIONE/FULL PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATION - 18-19 September 2014, ‘Archives, Officers and Society in Italy from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period (14th-18th century)’

"We are pleased to announce that the full programme of the ARCHIves Conference ‘Archives, Office... more "We are pleased to announce that the full programme of the ARCHIves Conference ‘Archives, Officers and Society in Medieval and Early Modern Italy’ is now available (full abstracts are available at and on our Academia‘s webpage).
The conference will take place at the Istituto Storico Italiano per l’Età Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo Mattei di Giove, via Michelangelo Caetani, 32, Rome (Italy), 18-19 September 2014.

There are no registration fees, but places are limited; if you would like to participate (or for any other question), please write to

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP EAUH Ostrava 4-7 September 2024 - Main session "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)"

M20 Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries), 2024

We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: gover... more We are seeking paper proposals for the main session M20 "Maritime cities at the boundaries: governance, intervention and agency at sea in Late Medieval Western Europe (13 th -15 th centuries)" to be held at the European Association for Urban History conference (EAUH) 2024: 4-7 September 2024 in Ostrava (Czech Republic). Find all the details of the session in the attached file. All paper proposals should be submitted through the EAUH 2024 website by the 30th September 2023:

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Research paper thumbnail of REGISTRATION AND BURSARIES - 23 November 2015,  On the Matter of Books and Records:  Forms, Substance, Forgeries, and Meanings Beyond the Lines, Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Our next workshop will focus on the materiality of books and records. The following speakers ar... more Our next workshop will focus on the materiality of books and records.
The following speakers are confirmed to speak: Danae Bafa, UCL; Jessica Berenbeim, Magdalene College, University of Oxford; Carlo Federici, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; Emily Taylor, British Museum; Alfred Hiatt, Queen Mary University of London; Ian Sansom, University of Warwick.
More information and the definitive programme will follow shortly

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Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPER (Deadline: 2 October 2020) - Seminars of Medieval Studies 2020-21, IMF-CSIC, Barcelona


The department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (CSIC, Barcelona) is delighted to invite proposals for paper presentations at the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals (Medieval Studies Seminars), which will take place on-line from October 2020 to June 2021.
The Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals are specifically targeted to those students in the last years of their doctoral studies and those who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis for examination, as well as to all those researchers who obtained their PhD degree in the previous 12 months. The purpose of this series of seminars (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions) is to give those students and doctors the opportunity to discuss and share their research with an audience of doctoral students, young researchers and experienced scholars.
We welcome proposals relating to various trends of research and a broad range of disciplines, but with a main focus on Medieval Mediterranean and the Spanish peninsula, from various perspectives (archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology).
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a 1-page CV by 2nd October 2020 to the following address: Abstracts and presentations can be in the following languages: Catalan, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Successful applicants will be notified by 5th October 2020.
Note that the speakers of the Seminaris d’Estudis Medievals will receive a certificate attesting their participation to the seminars.

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP - XX Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

Deadline: 6-10-2021.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Paper 2022-23 - XXI Seminari d'Estudis Doctorals (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)

Deadline: 20/09/2022

DESCRIPTION The Department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fonta... more DESCRIPTION
The Department of Historical Sciences-Medieval Studies of the Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats (CSIC, Barcelona) is delighted to invite proposals for paper presentations at the “XXI Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals”, which will take place on-line from October 2022 to June 2023.
The Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals are specifically targeted to those students in the last years of their doctoral studies and those who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis for examination, as well as to all those researchers who obtained their PhD degree in the previous 12 months. The purpose of this series of seminars (20 minutes for presentation, followed by Q&A) is to give those students and doctors the opportunity to discuss and share their research with an audience of doctoral students, young researchers and experienced scholars.
We welcome proposals relating to various trends of research and a broad range of disciplines, but with a main focus on Medieval Mediterranean and the Iberian peninsula, from various perspectives (archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology).
Please submit abstracts of no more than 250 words and a 1-page CV by 20th September 2022 to the following address: Abstracts and presentations can be in the following languages: Catalan, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Successful applicants will be notified at the beginning of October 2022.
Note that the speakers of the Seminari d’Estudis Medievals will receive a certificate attesting their participation to the seminars.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recensione a A. Silvestri, L’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia. Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo medioevo, Roma, Viella, 2018, in «Renaissance Quarterly», LXXII, 4, 2019, pp. 1487-1489.

Recensione a A. Silvestri, L’amministrazione del regno di Sicilia. Cancelleria, apparati finanziari e strumenti di governo nel tardo medioevo, Roma, Viella, 2018, in «Renaissance Quarterly», LXXII, 4, 2019, pp. 1487-1489.

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Research paper thumbnail of Alle radici della storia della diplomazia: scrivere, conservare, pubblicare un trattato di pace (1454-1735), Barcellona, 6 aprile 2022, ore 17 (incontro virtuale)

XIII Seminari d'Estudis medievals, Taula de debat, Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Huma... more XIII Seminari d'Estudis medievals, Taula de debat, Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats - CSIC, Barcelona

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Research paper thumbnail of Webinar: Riflessioni sul paradigma storiografico dār al Islām/dār al-ḥarb alla luce dei documenti diplomatici scambiati tra il sultanato mamelucco e i poteri cristiani, cycle of webinars: “Seminari vir(tu)als d’Estudis Medievals” (Institució Milà I Fontanals, CSIC, April 15, 2021).

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