Mariano Longo | University of Salento (original) (raw)
Papers by Mariano Longo
Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi racconta... more Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi raccontati dalla stampa pugliese Sara Fariello e Irene Strazzeri, Il corpo materno nel processo di medicalizzazione del parto: la violenza ostetrica Maria Mezzatesta, "Le strade libere le fanno le donne che le attraversano". Alcune riflessioni per de-costruire l'invisibilità delle molestie di strada Daniela Passafiume, Gender punishment: l'esperienza detentiva femminile tra "doppia condanna" e invisibilità Mariella Popolla, Sotto gli occhi di tuttə: alcune riflessioni introduttive sul revenge porn Miriam Belluzzo, L'isteria fra femminilità e politica: una breve introduzione Clark Pignedoli, Riflessioni sulla transnormatività in Italia al prisma dei saperi trans sulle pratiche drag king Enrico Petrilli, Vivere il narcocapitalismo, tra polizia dell'essere e il problema dell'eccitazione. Intervista a Laurent de Sutter Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Quantificare il sesso con le app Simone Tuzza, Il "corpo" vulnerabile: gestione dell'ordine pubblico tra cultura di polizia, imprevisti e paura del conflitto Fabio Liguori, Corruzione e devianza. Un approccio sociologico ai fenomeni di corruttela
Voci nel silenzio: la comunicazione al tempo del Coronavirus, 2020, ISBN 9788835107668, págs. 91-102, 2020
Resumen.-El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los límites entre sociología, narración sociol... more Resumen.-El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los límites entre sociología, narración sociológica y literatura, argumentando con autores clásicos, y conceptualizaciones, así como haciendo referencia a las diferentes corrientes teóricas y metodológicas, que hacen uso de la descripción o narración en sus análisis y del tipo de narración que aplican. I Hipótesis De qué material está hecha la sociedad. ¿Porqué se muestra un objeto de estudio tan particular, omnipresente y a la vez evanescente, entre nosotros, incluso también en nosotros, (como señaló Durkheim y muchos de los sociólogos del pasado y el presente), sin embargo tan difícil de definir?. Se trata de preguntas banales y a la vez complejas. La banalidad depende del hecho de que a nosotros, nos parece posible, intuitivamente definir el concepto de sociedad, en tanto que utilizamos habitualmente el término, por ejemplo en el lenguaje cotidiano, periodístico, político. La complejidad deriva de que no existe acuerdo, incluso entre especialistas, sobre su definición. El debate sociológico sobre la relación entre individuo y sociedad, proceso y estructura, micro y macro, y el consiguiente surgimiento de tradiciones teóricas diferentes, deriva principalmente de la dificultad de definir adecuadamente el objeto. El problema ontológico, ha sido frecuentemente advertido por los sociólogos como signo de la imperfección científica de la disciplina. Escarmentados por la crítica realizada por Kuhn, que subrayó la ausencia en las ciencias sociales en general y en la sociología en particular de un paradigma unitario, los sociólogos han señalado como deminutio, la preparadigmaticidad de su saber (Corbetta, 1999, pp. 17-20). 2
Emotions through Literature, 2019
The paper attempts a comparison between two librettos set to music by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. Th... more The paper attempts a comparison between two librettos set to music by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. The first, Idomeneo Re di Creta, was written by Giambattista Varesco and performed for the first time in 1780. It is an opera seria, which adopts tropes and common-places of the genre. Once Idomeneo comes back to his island, he is able to kill a monster menacing his people, thus restoring order and peace. The social structure, as emerging from the libretto, is still linked to the Ancient Regime model: society is unequal and order and justice are the output of the legitimate superiority of the sovereign.
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions through Literature, 2019
The Emotions in the Classics of Sociology, 2021
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Nómadas, 2006
El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los limites entre sociologia, narracion sociologica y l... more El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los limites entre sociologia, narracion sociologica y literatura, argumentando con autores clasicos, y conceptualizaciones, asi como haciendo referencia a las diferentes corrientes teoricas y metodologicas, que hacen uso de la descripcion o narracion en sus analisis y del tipo de narracion que aplican.
Il saggio tematizza la questione dell'etnocentrismo nelle scienze sociali, facendo riferiment... more Il saggio tematizza la questione dell'etnocentrismo nelle scienze sociali, facendo riferimento a Parsons e a Banfield, i quali consideravano le societa meridionali come caratterizzate da una forte resistenza alla modernizzazione. Analizzando autori come de Sousa Santos, Grosfoguel, Cassano e utilizzando in maniera eccentrica un contributo di Luhmann sull'argomento, il saggio propone modalita alternative di intendere il rapporto tra la collocazione culturale e geografica dello scienziato e la teoria sociale.
The paper deals with the transformation of power at the local level, by making reference to Lecce... more The paper deals with the transformation of power at the local level, by making reference to Lecce, a middle city in the South of Italy (Salento), as a case study. The authors draw their empirical material from a wider sociological research on the same topic they have edited in 2014 (Cremonesini, Cristante, Longo 2014) and try to sketch how the crisis of traditional political parties has produced a renewed vitality of relational networks, yet by now unable to define a common strategy and to share common values and a common strategic project for city policies. Keywords : power, elites, salons, relational networks, local government, South Italy
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions and Society, 2020
Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi racconta... more Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi raccontati dalla stampa pugliese Sara Fariello e Irene Strazzeri, Il corpo materno nel processo di medicalizzazione del parto: la violenza ostetrica Maria Mezzatesta, "Le strade libere le fanno le donne che le attraversano". Alcune riflessioni per de-costruire l'invisibilità delle molestie di strada Daniela Passafiume, Gender punishment: l'esperienza detentiva femminile tra "doppia condanna" e invisibilità Mariella Popolla, Sotto gli occhi di tuttə: alcune riflessioni introduttive sul revenge porn Miriam Belluzzo, L'isteria fra femminilità e politica: una breve introduzione Clark Pignedoli, Riflessioni sulla transnormatività in Italia al prisma dei saperi trans sulle pratiche drag king Enrico Petrilli, Vivere il narcocapitalismo, tra polizia dell'essere e il problema dell'eccitazione. Intervista a Laurent de Sutter Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Quantificare il sesso con le app Simone Tuzza, Il "corpo" vulnerabile: gestione dell'ordine pubblico tra cultura di polizia, imprevisti e paura del conflitto Fabio Liguori, Corruzione e devianza. Un approccio sociologico ai fenomeni di corruttela
Voci nel silenzio: la comunicazione al tempo del Coronavirus, 2020, ISBN 9788835107668, págs. 91-102, 2020
Resumen.-El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los límites entre sociología, narración sociol... more Resumen.-El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los límites entre sociología, narración sociológica y literatura, argumentando con autores clásicos, y conceptualizaciones, así como haciendo referencia a las diferentes corrientes teóricas y metodológicas, que hacen uso de la descripción o narración en sus análisis y del tipo de narración que aplican. I Hipótesis De qué material está hecha la sociedad. ¿Porqué se muestra un objeto de estudio tan particular, omnipresente y a la vez evanescente, entre nosotros, incluso también en nosotros, (como señaló Durkheim y muchos de los sociólogos del pasado y el presente), sin embargo tan difícil de definir?. Se trata de preguntas banales y a la vez complejas. La banalidad depende del hecho de que a nosotros, nos parece posible, intuitivamente definir el concepto de sociedad, en tanto que utilizamos habitualmente el término, por ejemplo en el lenguaje cotidiano, periodístico, político. La complejidad deriva de que no existe acuerdo, incluso entre especialistas, sobre su definición. El debate sociológico sobre la relación entre individuo y sociedad, proceso y estructura, micro y macro, y el consiguiente surgimiento de tradiciones teóricas diferentes, deriva principalmente de la dificultad de definir adecuadamente el objeto. El problema ontológico, ha sido frecuentemente advertido por los sociólogos como signo de la imperfección científica de la disciplina. Escarmentados por la crítica realizada por Kuhn, que subrayó la ausencia en las ciencias sociales en general y en la sociología en particular de un paradigma unitario, los sociólogos han señalado como deminutio, la preparadigmaticidad de su saber (Corbetta, 1999, pp. 17-20). 2
Emotions through Literature, 2019
The paper attempts a comparison between two librettos set to music by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. Th... more The paper attempts a comparison between two librettos set to music by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. The first, Idomeneo Re di Creta, was written by Giambattista Varesco and performed for the first time in 1780. It is an opera seria, which adopts tropes and common-places of the genre. Once Idomeneo comes back to his island, he is able to kill a monster menacing his people, thus restoring order and peace. The social structure, as emerging from the libretto, is still linked to the Ancient Regime model: society is unequal and order and justice are the output of the legitimate superiority of the sovereign.
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions through Literature, 2019
The Emotions in the Classics of Sociology, 2021
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Nómadas, 2006
El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los limites entre sociologia, narracion sociologica y l... more El presente trabajo reflexiona respecto a los limites entre sociologia, narracion sociologica y literatura, argumentando con autores clasicos, y conceptualizaciones, asi como haciendo referencia a las diferentes corrientes teoricas y metodologicas, que hacen uso de la descripcion o narracion en sus analisis y del tipo de narracion que aplican.
Il saggio tematizza la questione dell'etnocentrismo nelle scienze sociali, facendo riferiment... more Il saggio tematizza la questione dell'etnocentrismo nelle scienze sociali, facendo riferimento a Parsons e a Banfield, i quali consideravano le societa meridionali come caratterizzate da una forte resistenza alla modernizzazione. Analizzando autori come de Sousa Santos, Grosfoguel, Cassano e utilizzando in maniera eccentrica un contributo di Luhmann sull'argomento, il saggio propone modalita alternative di intendere il rapporto tra la collocazione culturale e geografica dello scienziato e la teoria sociale.
The paper deals with the transformation of power at the local level, by making reference to Lecce... more The paper deals with the transformation of power at the local level, by making reference to Lecce, a middle city in the South of Italy (Salento), as a case study. The authors draw their empirical material from a wider sociological research on the same topic they have edited in 2014 (Cremonesini, Cristante, Longo 2014) and try to sketch how the crisis of traditional political parties has produced a renewed vitality of relational networks, yet by now unable to define a common strategy and to share common values and a common strategic project for city policies. Keywords : power, elites, salons, relational networks, local government, South Italy
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions through Literature, 2019
Emotions and Society, 2020
Sguardi sul mondo. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2023
La questione metodologica più importante che gli scienziati sociali devono affrontare quando fann... more La questione metodologica più importante che gli scienziati sociali devono affrontare quando fanno ricorso a fonti letterarie è quella della loro veridicità. Il tema della veridicità è insieme rilevante e complesso, dal momento che impone di ragionare sull'attendibilità e sulla qualità dei dati. Quando utilizza narrazioni letterarie, infatti, lo scienziato sociale fa riferimento a fonti fittizie per loro stessa natura e le utilizza come strumenti per comprendere meglio aspetti della realtà (ad esempio la cultura, i valori e i processi sociali). Il saggio affronta il tema del valore cognitivo delle narrazioni e la loro utilizzabilità per la ricerca sociale
Sociologia, 2023
The paper deals with the question of multiple realities and poses some methodological questions r... more The paper deals with the question of multiple realities and poses some methodological questions related to the use of narrative sources for sociologica research
Emotions though literature. Fictional narrativ, society and the emotional self, 2019
The very possibility of a sociology of emotions lies not in homologies but in differences. If emo... more The very possibility of a sociology of emotions lies not in homologies but in differences. If emotions were experienced and managed in the same way across historical times, cultures and the different strata of the same society, any attempt at a sociology of emotions would be frustrating. In order for a specific sociological interest in emotions to emerge, the idea had to be overcome, according to which emotions are the sole irreflexive output of some interior drive, a mechanical response to the environment directed by our genetic make-up. Approaches which consider emotions as universal, transcultural and homogeneous, based as they are on an essentialist conception of human action, are endowed with a cogent persuasiveness. Essentialism (so one could plausibly call this trend) may be detected in biology, in psychology and even in the social sciences. The specific features of the approach were defined by Charles Darwin (1872) in his The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, in which he contrasted the idea of a divine origin of human expression, justified by the resemblance of humans to God and, in so doing, established a substantial continuity between animal and human emotions. Thus, according to Darwin, emotions and their expression are inborn, part of our inherited qualities: That the chief expressive actions, exhibited by man and by the lower animals, are now innate or inherited, that is, have not been learnt by the individual, is admitted by every one. So little has learning or imitation to do with several of them that they are from the earliest days and throughout life quite beyond our control. (ibid., p. 351) The evidence of the inborn character of emotions is to be traced, according to Darwin, in the spontaneous (hence non-imitative) capacity of young children to express feelings. One more quotation may explain Darwin's position: We may see children, only two or three years old, and even those born blind, blushing from shame; and the naked scalp of a very young infant reddens from passion. Infants scream from pain directly after birth, and all their features then assume the same form as during subsequent years […] We can thus also understand the fact that the young and the old of widely different races, both with man and animals, express the same state of mind by the same movements. (ibid., p. 352) Learning as an aspect of emotional expression is not utterly denied by Darwin, but it is reduced to a complementary character of hereditary and is given the ancillary role of a training in the appropriate use of innate qualities: "it is remarkable that some [emotions], which are certainly innate, require practice in the individual, before they are performed in a full and perfect manner; for instance, the inheritance of most of weeping and laughing" (ibid.). Charles Darwin's approach has been highly influential, chiefly in the field of psychology (Ekman, 1984; 1992), even though traces of essentialism may be detected even in some sociological treatment of emotions (see infra, Chapter II). This should not surprise, for at least two reason: the first, is the power of Darwin's argument, which destabilised the long-held idea of a peculiar position of man in the universe, producing a paradigmatic change by which the human being is a product of natural evolution and cannot be utterly distinguished from the rest of nature. The second is due to the apparently incontrovertible character of Darwin's reasoning: after all, it is part of our experience of the world that we all express (and probably feel) emotions in the same way. Yet, if emotions are conceived as innate, the operating space for the development of a sociology of emotions is by necessity limited: emotions are pre-given, hence emotional behaviour appears as the field of investigation of other disciplinary fields, such as psychology. The sociological perspective on emotion must, by necessity, start from a different set of premises. Some thirty years after Charles Darwin had issued his book on the expression of feeling, Charles Horton
Using librettos from Mozart's operas, the paper tries to describe a number of processes connected... more Using librettos from Mozart's operas, the paper tries to describe a number of processes connected to the evolution of juridical equality
This paper is about the interconnections between sociology and literature. It focuses on the cont... more This paper is about the interconnections between sociology and literature.
It focuses on the contributions to the topic of such authors as Florian
Znaniecki, Robert Nisbet and Robert Redfield. The brief historical
reconstruction is integrated with some thoughts on the role of narratives
(including literary narratives) as tools to understand our contemporary
The paper is an attempt to sketch the relevance of The social Construction of Reality by Berger a... more The paper is an attempt to sketch the relevance of The social Construction of Reality by Berger and Luckmann in the analysis of deviance
Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi raccontati dalla stampa ... more Valentina Cremonesini, «L'amavo troppo per non ucciderla». I femminicidi raccontati dalla stampa pugliese
Sara Fariello e Irene Strazzeri, Il corpo materno nel processo di medicalizzazione del parto: la violenza ostetrica
Maria Mezzatesta, "Le strade libere le fanno le donne che le attraversano". Alcune riflessioni per de-costruire l'invisibilità delle molestie di strada Daniela Passafiume, Gender punishment: l'esperienza detentiva femminile tra "doppia condanna" e invisibilità
Mariella Popolla, Sotto gli occhi di tuttə: alcune riflessioni introduttive sul revenge porn
Miriam Belluzzo, L'isteria fra femminilità e politica: una breve introduzione Clark Pignedoli, Riflessioni sulla transnormatività in Italia al prisma dei saperi trans sulle pratiche drag king
Enrico Petrilli, Vivere il narcocapitalismo, tra polizia dell'essere e il problema dell'eccitazione. Intervista a Laurent de Sutter
Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Quantificare il sesso con le app
Simone Tuzza, Il "corpo" vulnerabile: gestione dell'ordine pubblico tra cultura di polizia, imprevisti e paura del conflitto
Fabio Liguori, Corruzione e devianza. Un approccio sociologico ai fenomeni di corruttela