Paola Leone | University of Salento (original) (raw)
Books by Paola Leone
Imparare a trarre informazioni da un contesto in cui persone agiscono, capire la connessione che ... more Imparare a trarre informazioni da un contesto in cui persone agiscono, capire la connessione che c’è tra le azioni che si compiono è costruttivo per chi deve diventare e per chi già è un insegnante. Il futuro insegnante deve imparare a raccogliere informazioni sul processo didattico senza essere intrusivo e senza valutare l’operato dell’insegnante esperto; nel corso della formazione in servizio, invece, la raccolta dati può servire anche a dare suggerimenti al collega sull’operato, se pur con tatto e cautela. Gli autori di questo saggio si rivolgono soprattutto alla prima tipologia di esperienza, prevista attualmente nel corso annuale abilitante post-laurea magistrale. Non a caso, i materiali e i contenuti proposti sono stati pensati e utilizzati durante il primo ciclo di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA), classi di abilitazione in lingue straniere (circa 80 studenti), ritestato durante i corsi PAS e infine sperimentato nella forma di materiale di lavoro e studio durante il secondo ciclo di TFA classe A346. Il volume è imperniato sull’insegnamento/apprendimento delle lingue straniere e tiene conto, valorizzandolo, del contributo delle attuali tecnologie informatiche e della comunicazione che servono ad ampliare i confini dei contesti in cui gli insegnanti operano. Il web aiuta i docenti a creare una rete con colleghi stranieri e a scambiare con loro materiali: le tecnologie informatiche della comunicazione mettono in contatto studenti italiani con parlanti nativi della loro lingua di studio, promuovendo così anche in contesto scolastico un uso della lingua quale veicolo per stabilire relazioni sociali, incentivando una forma di apprendimento inconsapevole come accade nella vita quotidiana. Per questo motivo, il testo contiene anche una sessione dedicata all’osservazione di attività di telecollaborazione alla cui elaborazione hanno partecipato 3 studiose dell’Universitade Estadual Paulista.
Nelle pagine di questo volume gli autori approfondiscono e discutono la densità di problemi conne... more Nelle pagine di questo volume gli autori approfondiscono e discutono la densità di problemi connessi con la didattica dell'ascolto e del parlato e suggeriscono percorsi di insegnamento realizzabili nei diversi gradi della formazione.
L'attenzione verso le componenti del processo comunicativo e l'interesse nei confronti di scambi verbali vivi e in evoluzione possono infatti ritrovarsi in percorsi didattici condivisi dalla scuola e dall'università e accomunano, tra l'altro, l'insegnamento delle lingue native e seconde. Il dialogo di competenze tra chi opera in ambito scolastico e universitario arricchisce il sapere, consente l'apertura a prassi innovative ed è una spinta a garantire, in una dimensione di rete, un processo educativo armonico e continuo. L'insegnamento linguistico deve, inoltre, aggiornare costantemente strategie e obiettivi didattici per rispondere alle esigenze di un mondo che cambia.
La molteplicità delle attuali pratiche comunicative, i numerosi spostamenti per studiare, conoscere, vivere e lavorare insieme sollecitano una visione della lingua non più limitatamente strumentale ma complessa ed articolata, attraverso la quale entrano in contatto identità individuali, culture e mondi. In tale prospettiva si inserisce la politica educativa plurilingue dell'Unione Europea, alla quale questo volume intende ispirarsi.
Papers by Paola Leone
IC2019. Au-delà des frontières - Más allá de las fronteras, May 2, 2019
IV Congresso Internazionale DILLE, May 23, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 25, 2018
Il lavoro riguarda la progettazione di uno scenario pedagogico per l'intercomprensione orale ... more Il lavoro riguarda la progettazione di uno scenario pedagogico per l'intercomprensione orale fra lingue elleniche. Attraverso l'esecuzione di attivita basate sul teletandem, si pongono come obiettivi il potenziamento delle abilita dialociche e metacognitive degli apprendenrti, oltre alla valorizzazione delle lingue minoritarie
Cesati, 2016
La presente indagine intende esplorare l’uso dei segnali discorsivi (SD) in italiano L2 da parte ... more La presente indagine intende esplorare l’uso dei segnali discorsivi (SD) in italiano L2 da parte di parlanti di lingue native differenti (due parlanti di ucraino, due di portoghese-brasiliano, due di anglo-americano, uno di spagnolo-messicano e uno di inglese-britannico). Si intende inoltre ipotizzare una possibile sequenza di acquisizione di tali segnali nelle interlingue di apprendenti con una diversa competenza nella lingua target. Per l’analisi dei dati, lo studio, di carattere essenzialmente esplorativo, adotta una prospettiva di stampo funzionalista (Bazzanella, 1995, 2006; Pons Bordería, 2006). Il nostro interesse verso lo studio dei SD è motivato dalla loro rilevanza come mezzi di coesione all’interno del discorso e come strumenti di gestione dell’interazione. L’adeguata capacità d’uso di tali meccanismi serve pertanto a potenziare l’efficacia dell’interazione orale dei parlanti non nativi.
The study investigates the impact of language proficiency on focus-on-form sequences during video... more The study investigates the impact of language proficiency on focus-on-form sequences during video-call and chat communication for language practice and learning. Four conversations between pairs of students composed by an L1 speaker and an L2 speaker of the same language (English) are analysed. In particular the study investigates: a) the impact of focuson-form sequences over the total duration of the conversational flow; and b) the features of focus-on-form sequences. Results indicate that, when the L2 speaker’s language competence is low (A2 of the CEFR), the conversational flow is structured by the language proficiency gap between the two interactants (e.g., there are many different types of repair); on the other hand, from level B1 upwards, the different proficiency levels seem to be progressively less important to the participants (e.g., recasts go unnoticed). These results suggest the possibility that in telecollaboration the learners’ L2 levels of competence might determine d...
Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 2010
The current study uses keyness to identify the essential lexicon and lexical patterns of history ... more The current study uses keyness to identify the essential lexicon and lexical patterns of history textbooks and match them to the out-of-school input to which a young learner might be exposed. Two frequency-ordered lists have been compared using the KeyWords component of WordSmith Tools v. 5.0 (Scott 2008). The first, compiled from a corpus of history textbooks used in lower secondary schools in Italy, named CoMaS (Corpus di Manuali di Storia), ascertains words needed to study history at school. The other, compiled from a published corpus of Italian spoken language, called LIP (Lessico di Frequenza dell’Italiano Parlato), specifies words frequent in daily communication. Results show discoursal, lexical, semantic, and morphological features which may be unfamiliar to the learner, and which should therefore be considered in a syllabus designed to develop students’ ability to interpret and express historical discourse.
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2012
This study investigates interactional leadership in Teletandem conversations, in which two speake... more This study investigates interactional leadership in Teletandem conversations, in which two speakers communicate employing instant messaging and VoIP software (e.g. Skype), each alternately using her L2, i.e. the partner's native language. The research focuses on the impact of language competence (native/non-native) and content expertise (familiarity with the topic at hand) on the role assumed by each interlocutor in structuring conversation. The subjects are four female university student volunteers forming two Teletandem pairs. Two participants were Italian native speakers, one was a native speaker (L1) of English and one a native German speaker. For each pair, video-recorded and transcribed data were collected during 3 different meetings, in two of which the L2 speakers chose the topic for conversation. Findings show that L2 partners have the opportunity to manage the conversation in terms of topic initiatives and interaction space and L1 speakers produce more topic moves and ...
Apples: journal of applied language studies, 2012
This study addresses the issue of interactional dominance in Teletandem conversations, in which t... more This study addresses the issue of interactional dominance in Teletandem conversations, in which two speakers communicate via video calls and chat and alternatively use their L2, the latter being the native language of the interlocutor. In particular, the research focuses on the impact of language competence (native/non-native) and content expertise (minus/plus familiarity with the topic at hand) on the role assumed by each interlocutor in structuring conversation. The data consists of 3 hours of computer-mediated recorded and transcribed conversations during 3 meetings: meeting 1 comprises free discussion for mutual introduction; meeting 2 is a discussion in English of a topic chosen by the Italian native speaker; meeting 3 is a discussion in Italian of a topic chosen by the English native speaker. The participants' language proficiency in L2 ranged from upperintermediate to advanced. The following indicators were considered: sequential dominance, determined by identifying and c...
The volume deals with the foreign languages teachers' training by means of classroom observat... more The volume deals with the foreign languages teachers' training by means of classroom observation. In particular, the focus is on the production of some instruments for the observation of the teaching practices in presentia and in telecollaboration (teletandem). The work is useful for the implementation of the teaching methodologies and approches.
Alsic, 2020
Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet telecollaboratif d'apprentissage appele Intercomp... more Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet telecollaboratif d'apprentissage appele Intercomprehension orale et teletandem (IOTT) developpe par l'universite Lyon 2 et l'universite du Salento. Il montre egalement le potentiel de la communication synchrone plurilingue assistee par ordinateur au niveau de l'apprentissage dans deux disciplines differentes : un programme d'intercomprehension et un cours de methodologie d'enseignement des langues etrangeres. Apres avoir decrit le design pedagogique (les activites deroulees au niveau international et local), les auteures proposent une demarche methodologique (Cros, 2004) qui permet d'autoevaluer le projet et ses resultats.L'observation des forces et faiblesses du scenario met en evidence les domaines a travers lesquels on peut le comprendre en profondeur, par le biais d'une analyse bottom-up, enrichie d'un focus theorique. Ce bilan a egalement pour but de valoriser l'innovation de IOTT par rapport aux scenarios et experiences d'enseignement/apprentissage d'intercomprehension et teletandem anterieurs. Le processus d'evaluation vise la transformation et le changement des valeurs et pratiques educatives et il implique les etudiants de maniere active. Leurs retours sont illustres par les donnees collectees a partir de questionnaires, journaux reflexifs, enregistrements des sessions teletandem et interviews. L'evaluation de IOTT est finalement effectuee en direction de l'amelioration de son design pedagogique dans le but d'optimiser l'apprentissage dans le cadre de futurs projets telecollaboratifs pour l'education plurilingue.
International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research, Dec 21, 2014
The article describes how telecollaboration is implemented at the University of Salento (Italy). ... more The article describes how telecollaboration is implemented at the University of Salento (Italy). Particularly, it explores how teletandem, that is peer exchange for foreign language practice via VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology, has become the nucleus for developing a socially situated pedagogical scenario, designed to promote basically oral interactional skills and learning in autonomy. The use of information and communication technology is relevant in the whole learning scenario which consists in 12 hrs of teletandem conversations and in workshops during which students do tasks based on the analysis of video-recordings of their virtual meetings in relation to several pedagogical aims. The whole learning scenario is learner-led and is based on students' reflective discussion with peers. Language use and cognitive processes implemented by the task-based pedagogy are useful not only in institutional like situations but can be as well applied to the informal and self-directed learning experience, for instance, when the higher education curriculum is concluded.
10 | 2 | 2021, 2021
A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or... more A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or IC) in primary schools is described and discussed in this article. In detail, its goal is to monitor listening comprehension and meaning recognition of Italian-speaking students (68 pupils) in two foreign Romance languages, while testing accessible learning materials, adapted for the needs of dyslexic children. In order to accomplish this goal, the story Tommaso e l’anguria by Mauro Scarpa (2019) is presented in Spanish and French, supported by images in kamishibai format, and children are asked to express their metacognitive knowledge about listening in L2. Data analysis is based on two post-listening monitoring activities and is primarily quantitative. Results show that the young learners understood the global meaning of the story; moreover, they recognised the meaning of more than 50% of the words in Spanish, while in French the percentage was lower. Although the young learner with d...
Teletandem 1 (Telles and Vassallo, 2006) is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communicative a... more Teletandem 1 (Telles and Vassallo, 2006) is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communicative activity in which two speakers are involved, each of whom is an expert in one language and who wishes to learn the language of the interlocutor. "Virtual meetings" which last one hour are organized weekly; students speak half of the time in their L1, and the other half in the L2. Teletandem is also a growing field of research, and the related data, collected by video-recording the conversations between two participants, are an interesting resource for analysing communication and learning processes. In order to build a teletandem databank (DOTI-Data of Oral Teletandem Interactions), we collected data from Sao Paolo State University at São José do Rio Preto (Brazil: languages Portuguese/English), and from the University of Salento (Italy: languages Italian/English). DOTI is currently composed of about 700 hours of video data from, oral teletandem sessions. The current paper describes: i) the state of the art with regard to developing a databank with video recorded oral sessions, as well as chat conversations; ii) teletandem as an interaction space; iii) different learning scenarios and microtasks that might influence the type of data and, in turn, metadata, in this context.
Il contributo esamina alcune funzioni della scrittura digitale durante scambi interattivi bimodal... more Il contributo esamina alcune funzioni della scrittura digitale durante scambi interattivi bimodali tramite chat e videochiamata. Il contesto comunicativo in analisi e costituito da alcune sessioni Teletandem finalizzate a promuovere l'apprendimento di una L2 tramite l'interazione. Si analizzano alcuni estratti di dialogo tra una parlante anglofona ed una italofona per individuare gli scambi che hanno una funzione comunicativa, didattica e didattico-comunicativa. L'analisi dell'alternanza nell'impiego della chat e della videochiamata, conferma la natura "ibrida" del tandem, gia evidenziata in altri studi sulla commutazione di codice negli incontri di tandem in presenza. L'avvicendamento nell'impiego della scrittura e dell'oralita contribuisce, tra l'altro, a definire lo status sociolinguistico di quest'evento virtuale, in cui ogni singolo partecipante conosce le regole del proprio ruolo di apprendente o di locutore competente. L'i...
Lingue e Linguaggi, 2020
Digital technologies, particularly those employed for mobile learning, drive users to perform act... more Digital technologies, particularly those employed for mobile learning, drive users to perform actions that are key contributions to the learning process. Thanks to the employment of electronic devices, including those small and handy such as smartphones and tablets, learning and teaching move from being virtual to concrete processes in the development of L2 skills. This paper describes some major characteristics of portable devices and their increasingly pervasive multiple uses. Furthermore, it illustrates mobile learning by focusing on its strongly innovative pedagogical implications: a new notion of context, which is no longer a physical space in which learning takes place; the re-interpretation of the bipolar distinction between formal and informal learning; the pro-active role of learners, who can choose where, what and when to study; and finally the notion of ‘delocalized community’ as an agent of learning. This process of innovation and ‘materialization’ of learning is support...
New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education, 2016
T his contribution aims at (1) discussing the characteristics of collecting, filing and storing d... more T his contribution aims at (1) discussing the characteristics of collecting, filing and storing data to have a databank of oral interactions between university students whose main objective is the learning of a second language through teletandem; and (2) defining the steps for further collections and storage. Our data are Skype sessions of foreign language learners who interact via Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) with a proficient partner in the language they are learning. Our databank aims at (1) giving value to teletandem as a situated learning context, (2) substantiating the research carried out in the field, and (3) offering other researchers the possibility to access data to confirm or refute published research. We first define a schema for interpreting teletandem sessions according to the Interaction Space (IS) Model as defined by Chanier and colleagues (2014). Subsequently, we discuss metadata concerning contexts (e.g. description of the university and of the language courses) and learning scenarios (e.g. objectives, materials).
The study analyses interactional behaviour of nativ e and non-native speakers who are partners in... more The study analyses interactional behaviour of nativ e and non-native speakers who are partners in a dyadic computer-mediated "conversation for learning ", named Telatandem (, during which each speak er talks in L2 which is the intercutor's L1. Particularly, the study aims to investigate whether one of the participant is alone responsible for controlling the conversation and if his/her behavio ur is the same when conversation is in his/her L1 or L2, and whether during conversation in L2 the ch ance to choose content for discussion might represent for him/her an opportunity to act as the "leader" of the communication process, by establishing conditions for ensuing dialogue, for i nstance by asking the interlocutor various questions. As face-to-face tandem, Teletandem communicative ex change is characterized by pedagogical turns in which participants correct/repair interlocutors' language misuse, explain a rule related to their first...
Imparare a trarre informazioni da un contesto in cui persone agiscono, capire la connessione che ... more Imparare a trarre informazioni da un contesto in cui persone agiscono, capire la connessione che c’è tra le azioni che si compiono è costruttivo per chi deve diventare e per chi già è un insegnante. Il futuro insegnante deve imparare a raccogliere informazioni sul processo didattico senza essere intrusivo e senza valutare l’operato dell’insegnante esperto; nel corso della formazione in servizio, invece, la raccolta dati può servire anche a dare suggerimenti al collega sull’operato, se pur con tatto e cautela. Gli autori di questo saggio si rivolgono soprattutto alla prima tipologia di esperienza, prevista attualmente nel corso annuale abilitante post-laurea magistrale. Non a caso, i materiali e i contenuti proposti sono stati pensati e utilizzati durante il primo ciclo di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA), classi di abilitazione in lingue straniere (circa 80 studenti), ritestato durante i corsi PAS e infine sperimentato nella forma di materiale di lavoro e studio durante il secondo ciclo di TFA classe A346. Il volume è imperniato sull’insegnamento/apprendimento delle lingue straniere e tiene conto, valorizzandolo, del contributo delle attuali tecnologie informatiche e della comunicazione che servono ad ampliare i confini dei contesti in cui gli insegnanti operano. Il web aiuta i docenti a creare una rete con colleghi stranieri e a scambiare con loro materiali: le tecnologie informatiche della comunicazione mettono in contatto studenti italiani con parlanti nativi della loro lingua di studio, promuovendo così anche in contesto scolastico un uso della lingua quale veicolo per stabilire relazioni sociali, incentivando una forma di apprendimento inconsapevole come accade nella vita quotidiana. Per questo motivo, il testo contiene anche una sessione dedicata all’osservazione di attività di telecollaborazione alla cui elaborazione hanno partecipato 3 studiose dell’Universitade Estadual Paulista.
Nelle pagine di questo volume gli autori approfondiscono e discutono la densità di problemi conne... more Nelle pagine di questo volume gli autori approfondiscono e discutono la densità di problemi connessi con la didattica dell'ascolto e del parlato e suggeriscono percorsi di insegnamento realizzabili nei diversi gradi della formazione.
L'attenzione verso le componenti del processo comunicativo e l'interesse nei confronti di scambi verbali vivi e in evoluzione possono infatti ritrovarsi in percorsi didattici condivisi dalla scuola e dall'università e accomunano, tra l'altro, l'insegnamento delle lingue native e seconde. Il dialogo di competenze tra chi opera in ambito scolastico e universitario arricchisce il sapere, consente l'apertura a prassi innovative ed è una spinta a garantire, in una dimensione di rete, un processo educativo armonico e continuo. L'insegnamento linguistico deve, inoltre, aggiornare costantemente strategie e obiettivi didattici per rispondere alle esigenze di un mondo che cambia.
La molteplicità delle attuali pratiche comunicative, i numerosi spostamenti per studiare, conoscere, vivere e lavorare insieme sollecitano una visione della lingua non più limitatamente strumentale ma complessa ed articolata, attraverso la quale entrano in contatto identità individuali, culture e mondi. In tale prospettiva si inserisce la politica educativa plurilingue dell'Unione Europea, alla quale questo volume intende ispirarsi.
IC2019. Au-delà des frontières - Más allá de las fronteras, May 2, 2019
IV Congresso Internazionale DILLE, May 23, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 25, 2018
Il lavoro riguarda la progettazione di uno scenario pedagogico per l'intercomprensione orale ... more Il lavoro riguarda la progettazione di uno scenario pedagogico per l'intercomprensione orale fra lingue elleniche. Attraverso l'esecuzione di attivita basate sul teletandem, si pongono come obiettivi il potenziamento delle abilita dialociche e metacognitive degli apprendenrti, oltre alla valorizzazione delle lingue minoritarie
Cesati, 2016
La presente indagine intende esplorare l’uso dei segnali discorsivi (SD) in italiano L2 da parte ... more La presente indagine intende esplorare l’uso dei segnali discorsivi (SD) in italiano L2 da parte di parlanti di lingue native differenti (due parlanti di ucraino, due di portoghese-brasiliano, due di anglo-americano, uno di spagnolo-messicano e uno di inglese-britannico). Si intende inoltre ipotizzare una possibile sequenza di acquisizione di tali segnali nelle interlingue di apprendenti con una diversa competenza nella lingua target. Per l’analisi dei dati, lo studio, di carattere essenzialmente esplorativo, adotta una prospettiva di stampo funzionalista (Bazzanella, 1995, 2006; Pons Bordería, 2006). Il nostro interesse verso lo studio dei SD è motivato dalla loro rilevanza come mezzi di coesione all’interno del discorso e come strumenti di gestione dell’interazione. L’adeguata capacità d’uso di tali meccanismi serve pertanto a potenziare l’efficacia dell’interazione orale dei parlanti non nativi.
The study investigates the impact of language proficiency on focus-on-form sequences during video... more The study investigates the impact of language proficiency on focus-on-form sequences during video-call and chat communication for language practice and learning. Four conversations between pairs of students composed by an L1 speaker and an L2 speaker of the same language (English) are analysed. In particular the study investigates: a) the impact of focuson-form sequences over the total duration of the conversational flow; and b) the features of focus-on-form sequences. Results indicate that, when the L2 speaker’s language competence is low (A2 of the CEFR), the conversational flow is structured by the language proficiency gap between the two interactants (e.g., there are many different types of repair); on the other hand, from level B1 upwards, the different proficiency levels seem to be progressively less important to the participants (e.g., recasts go unnoticed). These results suggest the possibility that in telecollaboration the learners’ L2 levels of competence might determine d...
Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 2010
The current study uses keyness to identify the essential lexicon and lexical patterns of history ... more The current study uses keyness to identify the essential lexicon and lexical patterns of history textbooks and match them to the out-of-school input to which a young learner might be exposed. Two frequency-ordered lists have been compared using the KeyWords component of WordSmith Tools v. 5.0 (Scott 2008). The first, compiled from a corpus of history textbooks used in lower secondary schools in Italy, named CoMaS (Corpus di Manuali di Storia), ascertains words needed to study history at school. The other, compiled from a published corpus of Italian spoken language, called LIP (Lessico di Frequenza dell’Italiano Parlato), specifies words frequent in daily communication. Results show discoursal, lexical, semantic, and morphological features which may be unfamiliar to the learner, and which should therefore be considered in a syllabus designed to develop students’ ability to interpret and express historical discourse.
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2012
This study investigates interactional leadership in Teletandem conversations, in which two speake... more This study investigates interactional leadership in Teletandem conversations, in which two speakers communicate employing instant messaging and VoIP software (e.g. Skype), each alternately using her L2, i.e. the partner's native language. The research focuses on the impact of language competence (native/non-native) and content expertise (familiarity with the topic at hand) on the role assumed by each interlocutor in structuring conversation. The subjects are four female university student volunteers forming two Teletandem pairs. Two participants were Italian native speakers, one was a native speaker (L1) of English and one a native German speaker. For each pair, video-recorded and transcribed data were collected during 3 different meetings, in two of which the L2 speakers chose the topic for conversation. Findings show that L2 partners have the opportunity to manage the conversation in terms of topic initiatives and interaction space and L1 speakers produce more topic moves and ...
Apples: journal of applied language studies, 2012
This study addresses the issue of interactional dominance in Teletandem conversations, in which t... more This study addresses the issue of interactional dominance in Teletandem conversations, in which two speakers communicate via video calls and chat and alternatively use their L2, the latter being the native language of the interlocutor. In particular, the research focuses on the impact of language competence (native/non-native) and content expertise (minus/plus familiarity with the topic at hand) on the role assumed by each interlocutor in structuring conversation. The data consists of 3 hours of computer-mediated recorded and transcribed conversations during 3 meetings: meeting 1 comprises free discussion for mutual introduction; meeting 2 is a discussion in English of a topic chosen by the Italian native speaker; meeting 3 is a discussion in Italian of a topic chosen by the English native speaker. The participants' language proficiency in L2 ranged from upperintermediate to advanced. The following indicators were considered: sequential dominance, determined by identifying and c...
The volume deals with the foreign languages teachers' training by means of classroom observat... more The volume deals with the foreign languages teachers' training by means of classroom observation. In particular, the focus is on the production of some instruments for the observation of the teaching practices in presentia and in telecollaboration (teletandem). The work is useful for the implementation of the teaching methodologies and approches.
Alsic, 2020
Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet telecollaboratif d'apprentissage appele Intercomp... more Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet telecollaboratif d'apprentissage appele Intercomprehension orale et teletandem (IOTT) developpe par l'universite Lyon 2 et l'universite du Salento. Il montre egalement le potentiel de la communication synchrone plurilingue assistee par ordinateur au niveau de l'apprentissage dans deux disciplines differentes : un programme d'intercomprehension et un cours de methodologie d'enseignement des langues etrangeres. Apres avoir decrit le design pedagogique (les activites deroulees au niveau international et local), les auteures proposent une demarche methodologique (Cros, 2004) qui permet d'autoevaluer le projet et ses resultats.L'observation des forces et faiblesses du scenario met en evidence les domaines a travers lesquels on peut le comprendre en profondeur, par le biais d'une analyse bottom-up, enrichie d'un focus theorique. Ce bilan a egalement pour but de valoriser l'innovation de IOTT par rapport aux scenarios et experiences d'enseignement/apprentissage d'intercomprehension et teletandem anterieurs. Le processus d'evaluation vise la transformation et le changement des valeurs et pratiques educatives et il implique les etudiants de maniere active. Leurs retours sont illustres par les donnees collectees a partir de questionnaires, journaux reflexifs, enregistrements des sessions teletandem et interviews. L'evaluation de IOTT est finalement effectuee en direction de l'amelioration de son design pedagogique dans le but d'optimiser l'apprentissage dans le cadre de futurs projets telecollaboratifs pour l'education plurilingue.
International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research, Dec 21, 2014
The article describes how telecollaboration is implemented at the University of Salento (Italy). ... more The article describes how telecollaboration is implemented at the University of Salento (Italy). Particularly, it explores how teletandem, that is peer exchange for foreign language practice via VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology, has become the nucleus for developing a socially situated pedagogical scenario, designed to promote basically oral interactional skills and learning in autonomy. The use of information and communication technology is relevant in the whole learning scenario which consists in 12 hrs of teletandem conversations and in workshops during which students do tasks based on the analysis of video-recordings of their virtual meetings in relation to several pedagogical aims. The whole learning scenario is learner-led and is based on students' reflective discussion with peers. Language use and cognitive processes implemented by the task-based pedagogy are useful not only in institutional like situations but can be as well applied to the informal and self-directed learning experience, for instance, when the higher education curriculum is concluded.
10 | 2 | 2021, 2021
A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or... more A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or IC) in primary schools is described and discussed in this article. In detail, its goal is to monitor listening comprehension and meaning recognition of Italian-speaking students (68 pupils) in two foreign Romance languages, while testing accessible learning materials, adapted for the needs of dyslexic children. In order to accomplish this goal, the story Tommaso e l’anguria by Mauro Scarpa (2019) is presented in Spanish and French, supported by images in kamishibai format, and children are asked to express their metacognitive knowledge about listening in L2. Data analysis is based on two post-listening monitoring activities and is primarily quantitative. Results show that the young learners understood the global meaning of the story; moreover, they recognised the meaning of more than 50% of the words in Spanish, while in French the percentage was lower. Although the young learner with d...
Teletandem 1 (Telles and Vassallo, 2006) is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communicative a... more Teletandem 1 (Telles and Vassallo, 2006) is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communicative activity in which two speakers are involved, each of whom is an expert in one language and who wishes to learn the language of the interlocutor. "Virtual meetings" which last one hour are organized weekly; students speak half of the time in their L1, and the other half in the L2. Teletandem is also a growing field of research, and the related data, collected by video-recording the conversations between two participants, are an interesting resource for analysing communication and learning processes. In order to build a teletandem databank (DOTI-Data of Oral Teletandem Interactions), we collected data from Sao Paolo State University at São José do Rio Preto (Brazil: languages Portuguese/English), and from the University of Salento (Italy: languages Italian/English). DOTI is currently composed of about 700 hours of video data from, oral teletandem sessions. The current paper describes: i) the state of the art with regard to developing a databank with video recorded oral sessions, as well as chat conversations; ii) teletandem as an interaction space; iii) different learning scenarios and microtasks that might influence the type of data and, in turn, metadata, in this context.
Il contributo esamina alcune funzioni della scrittura digitale durante scambi interattivi bimodal... more Il contributo esamina alcune funzioni della scrittura digitale durante scambi interattivi bimodali tramite chat e videochiamata. Il contesto comunicativo in analisi e costituito da alcune sessioni Teletandem finalizzate a promuovere l'apprendimento di una L2 tramite l'interazione. Si analizzano alcuni estratti di dialogo tra una parlante anglofona ed una italofona per individuare gli scambi che hanno una funzione comunicativa, didattica e didattico-comunicativa. L'analisi dell'alternanza nell'impiego della chat e della videochiamata, conferma la natura "ibrida" del tandem, gia evidenziata in altri studi sulla commutazione di codice negli incontri di tandem in presenza. L'avvicendamento nell'impiego della scrittura e dell'oralita contribuisce, tra l'altro, a definire lo status sociolinguistico di quest'evento virtuale, in cui ogni singolo partecipante conosce le regole del proprio ruolo di apprendente o di locutore competente. L'i...
Lingue e Linguaggi, 2020
Digital technologies, particularly those employed for mobile learning, drive users to perform act... more Digital technologies, particularly those employed for mobile learning, drive users to perform actions that are key contributions to the learning process. Thanks to the employment of electronic devices, including those small and handy such as smartphones and tablets, learning and teaching move from being virtual to concrete processes in the development of L2 skills. This paper describes some major characteristics of portable devices and their increasingly pervasive multiple uses. Furthermore, it illustrates mobile learning by focusing on its strongly innovative pedagogical implications: a new notion of context, which is no longer a physical space in which learning takes place; the re-interpretation of the bipolar distinction between formal and informal learning; the pro-active role of learners, who can choose where, what and when to study; and finally the notion of ‘delocalized community’ as an agent of learning. This process of innovation and ‘materialization’ of learning is support...
New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education, 2016
T his contribution aims at (1) discussing the characteristics of collecting, filing and storing d... more T his contribution aims at (1) discussing the characteristics of collecting, filing and storing data to have a databank of oral interactions between university students whose main objective is the learning of a second language through teletandem; and (2) defining the steps for further collections and storage. Our data are Skype sessions of foreign language learners who interact via Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) with a proficient partner in the language they are learning. Our databank aims at (1) giving value to teletandem as a situated learning context, (2) substantiating the research carried out in the field, and (3) offering other researchers the possibility to access data to confirm or refute published research. We first define a schema for interpreting teletandem sessions according to the Interaction Space (IS) Model as defined by Chanier and colleagues (2014). Subsequently, we discuss metadata concerning contexts (e.g. description of the university and of the language courses) and learning scenarios (e.g. objectives, materials).
The study analyses interactional behaviour of nativ e and non-native speakers who are partners in... more The study analyses interactional behaviour of nativ e and non-native speakers who are partners in a dyadic computer-mediated "conversation for learning ", named Telatandem (, during which each speak er talks in L2 which is the intercutor's L1. Particularly, the study aims to investigate whether one of the participant is alone responsible for controlling the conversation and if his/her behavio ur is the same when conversation is in his/her L1 or L2, and whether during conversation in L2 the ch ance to choose content for discussion might represent for him/her an opportunity to act as the "leader" of the communication process, by establishing conditions for ensuing dialogue, for i nstance by asking the interlocutor various questions. As face-to-face tandem, Teletandem communicative ex change is characterized by pedagogical turns in which participants correct/repair interlocutors' language misuse, explain a rule related to their first...
Alsic, 2020
Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet télécollaboratif d'apprentissage appelé Intercompréhensio... more Cet article dresse un bilan d'un projet télécollaboratif d'apprentissage appelé Intercompréhension orale et teletandem (IOTT) développé par l'université Lyon 2 et l'université du Salento.
Il montre également le potentiel de la communication synchrone plurilingue assistée par ordinateur au niveau de l'apprentissage dans deux disciplines différentes : un programme d'intercompréhension et un cours de méthodologie d'enseignement des langues étrangères. Après avoir décrit le design pédagogique (les activités déroulées au niveau international et local), les auteures proposent une démarche méthodologique (Cros, 2004) qui permet d'autoévaluer le projet et ses résultats.
L'observation des forces et faiblesses du scénario met en évidence les domaines à travers lesquels on peut le comprendre en profondeur, par le biais d'une analyse bottom-up, enrichie d'un focus théorique. Ce bilan a également pour but de valoriser l'innovation de IOTT par rapport aux scénarios et expériences d'enseignement/apprentissage d'intercompréhension et télétandem antérieurs. Le processus d'évaluation vise la transformation et le changement des valeurs et pratiques éducatives et il implique les étudiants de manière active. Leurs retours sont illustrés par les données collectées à partir de questionnaires, journaux réflexifs, enregistrements des sessions télétandem et interviews. L'évaluation de IOTT est finalement effectuée en direction de l'amélioration de son design pédagogique dans le but d'optimiser l'apprentissage dans le cadre de futurs projets télécollaboratifs pour l'éducation plurilingue.
EL.LE, 2021
A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or... more A teaching experience aimed at spreading an inclusive-oriented approach to intercomprehension (or IC) in primary schools is described and discussed in this article. In detail, its goal is to monitor listening comprehension and meaning recognition of Italian-speaking students (68 pupils) in two foreign Romance languages, while testing accessible learning materials, adapted for the needs of dyslexic children. In order to accomplish this goal, the story Tommaso e l’anguria by Mauro Scarpa (2019) is presented in Spanish and French, supported by images in kamishibai format, and children are asked to express their metacognitive knowledge about listening in L2. Data analysis is based on two post-listening monitoring activities and is primarily quantitative. Results show that the young learners understood the global meaning of the story; moreover, they recognised the meaning of more than 50% of the words in Spanish, while in French the percentage was lower. Although the young learner with dyslexia successfully completed all pedagogical tasks, results show that some graphic changes in the paper lexical recognition test are required. The analysis thus confirms the inclusive potential of the intercomprehension-based approach based on the development of L2 oral skills in primary school.