Stefano Camporeale | University of Siena / Università di Siena (original) (raw)
Books by Stefano Camporeale
L´Erma di Bretschneider., 2020
Hidalgo Prieto, R., Cinque, G. E., Viscogliosi, A., & Pizzo, A. (Eds.). (2020). Adventus Hadriani... more Hidalgo Prieto, R., Cinque, G. E., Viscogliosi, A., & Pizzo, A. (Eds.). (2020). Adventus Hadriani, Investigaciones sobre arquitectura adrianea: Hispania Antiqua. Serie arqueológica XI. L´Erma di Bretschneider.
Il Foro di Sala 1. Il Capitolium, MAS 3, Roma: Quasar, 2021
ACOR - Atlas des techniques de la construction by Stefano Camporeale
Sito web del progetto ACOR - Atlas des techniques de la construction romaine. Il progetto consist... more Sito web del progetto ACOR - Atlas des techniques de la construction romaine.
Il progetto consiste in un database consultabile sul web, comprendente un corpus di tecniche associate a edifici, siti e territori.
Edited books by Stefano Camporeale
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la total... more Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por medio ya sea electrónico, químico, óptico, informático, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial.
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la total... more Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por ningún medio ya sea electrónico, químico, mecánico, óptico, informático, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial. Las noticias, asertos y opiniones contenidos en esta obra son de la exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores. La editorial, por su parte, sólo se hace responsable del interés científico de sus publicaciones.
E. Papi, A. Akerraz, S. Camporeale (a cura di). pp. 548, tavv. 170, tabb. 67, ISBN 978-88-7140-556-8
Papers by Stefano Camporeale
RAC in Rome (2016). Atti della 12a Roman Archaeology Conference (2016): le sessioni di Roma, 2020
Gradus 14.1, 2019, 2020
Nel contributo sono presentati i risultati degli ultimi scavi (2018-2019) realizzati nell'acropol... more Nel contributo sono presentati i risultati degli ultimi scavi (2018-2019) realizzati nell'acropoli di Populonia, alla base del terrazzamento ad arcate dell'edificio delle Logge e sulla terrazza superiore, dove già negli anni 2000 e 2005 era stato individuato un balneum.
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
The Domus Tiberiana Project started in 2013 and is coordinated by the Soprintendenza Speciale per... more The Domus Tiberiana Project started in 2013 and is coordinated by the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo e l'area archeologica centrale di Roma. It aims at a new and comprehensive study of the first imperial palace on the Palatine. Several aspects are considered, integrating the results of preceding research into new analyses archived inside the GIS SITAR of the Soprintendenza: the study of wall stratigraphy, building techniques, decoration systems, archaeological finds, and architectural restorations. This paper shows the first results of the survey of building techniques and materials used in the Hadrianic block along the western section of the Nova Via, built at the same time as the enlargement of the northwestern corner of the Domus Tiberiana. In particular, metrological analysis of bricks has proved how the different supplies of bipedales, sesquipedales, bessales, broken roof tiles and reused bricks were arranged inside the building. In fact it seems that the distribution of building techniques in the different portions of the construction was planned according to an economic and structural rationale.
N. Mugnai, J. Nikolaus, N. Ray (eds), De Africa Romaque. Merging cultures across North Africa. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Leicester (26-27 October 2013), Oxford 2016
Using the examples of opus quadratum and opus africanum, this study discusses the interconnection... more Using the examples of opus quadratum and opus africanum, this study discusses the interconnection between traditions and techniques of construction which typifies the architecture of North Africa between the second century BC and the early Imperial period. To understand how the Hellenistic and Roman traditions are grafted onto their predecessors, the analysis begins with the Phoenician period. New hypotheses are also proposed about the two techniques, based on typology and the construction process. The analysis does not confirm earlier hypotheses about their Phoenician origin. Opus quadratum was used at Carthage in the fifth century BC and spread from there during the second century BC, as exemplified by the mausoleum at Thugga. Opus africanum appears at Carthage in the seventh century BC, but the more complex versions are found both at Bulla Regia and at Carthage from the second century BC. The reasons for using this technique are clarified, starting from its diffusion in Morocco and by analysis of the Capitolium at Sala.
Archeologia dell'Architettura, 2015
The bricks of Mauretania Tingitana. Materials for a typology. This paper presents a preliminary ... more The bricks of Mauretania Tingitana. Materials for a typology.
This paper presents a preliminary typology of the bricks used in Mauretania Tingitana and an examination of the known brick stamps. The bricks were introduced in this territory by the military after the creation of the province in 40 AD. In bath buildings, one finds the largest use of bricks, which also consist of a broad range of types. The methods of construction of the heated walls are particularly interesting, and they are of three main types: with nail-shaped spacers, with solid-brick spacers, and the “tongue and groove” system. The examination of brick stamps highlights how military productions were limited, and in fact we know only of one stamp of a cohors milliaria dated to the second half of the 1st c. and one stamp of an Ala Quinta in the 2nd c. AD. During the 2nd c. AD the products of the imperial figlinae, which were located mostly in the area around Tangiers, were diffused across the whole province. On the other hand, in the southern regions of Tingitana we find a concentration of bricks stamped by private officinatores. In conclusion, on the basis of the thermal systems, one sees how building technology changed through the 1st and 2nd centuries. On the other hand, during the 2nd and 3rd centuries the baths in Tingitana were built using a standardized wall heating system that probably originated in Baetica.
L´Erma di Bretschneider., 2020
Hidalgo Prieto, R., Cinque, G. E., Viscogliosi, A., & Pizzo, A. (Eds.). (2020). Adventus Hadriani... more Hidalgo Prieto, R., Cinque, G. E., Viscogliosi, A., & Pizzo, A. (Eds.). (2020). Adventus Hadriani, Investigaciones sobre arquitectura adrianea: Hispania Antiqua. Serie arqueológica XI. L´Erma di Bretschneider.
Il Foro di Sala 1. Il Capitolium, MAS 3, Roma: Quasar, 2021
Sito web del progetto ACOR - Atlas des techniques de la construction romaine. Il progetto consist... more Sito web del progetto ACOR - Atlas des techniques de la construction romaine.
Il progetto consiste in un database consultabile sul web, comprendente un corpus di tecniche associate a edifici, siti e territori.
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la total... more Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por medio ya sea electrónico, químico, óptico, informático, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial.
Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la total... more Reservados todos los derechos por la legislación en materia de Propiedad Intelectual. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro, incluido el diseño de la cubierta, puede reproducirse, almacenarse o transmitirse en manera alguna por ningún medio ya sea electrónico, químico, mecánico, óptico, informático, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial. Las noticias, asertos y opiniones contenidos en esta obra son de la exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores. La editorial, por su parte, sólo se hace responsable del interés científico de sus publicaciones.
E. Papi, A. Akerraz, S. Camporeale (a cura di). pp. 548, tavv. 170, tabb. 67, ISBN 978-88-7140-556-8
RAC in Rome (2016). Atti della 12a Roman Archaeology Conference (2016): le sessioni di Roma, 2020
Gradus 14.1, 2019, 2020
Nel contributo sono presentati i risultati degli ultimi scavi (2018-2019) realizzati nell'acropol... more Nel contributo sono presentati i risultati degli ultimi scavi (2018-2019) realizzati nell'acropoli di Populonia, alla base del terrazzamento ad arcate dell'edificio delle Logge e sulla terrazza superiore, dove già negli anni 2000 e 2005 era stato individuato un balneum.
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
Archeologia dell'architettura, 2017
The Domus Tiberiana Project started in 2013 and is coordinated by the Soprintendenza Speciale per... more The Domus Tiberiana Project started in 2013 and is coordinated by the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo e l'area archeologica centrale di Roma. It aims at a new and comprehensive study of the first imperial palace on the Palatine. Several aspects are considered, integrating the results of preceding research into new analyses archived inside the GIS SITAR of the Soprintendenza: the study of wall stratigraphy, building techniques, decoration systems, archaeological finds, and architectural restorations. This paper shows the first results of the survey of building techniques and materials used in the Hadrianic block along the western section of the Nova Via, built at the same time as the enlargement of the northwestern corner of the Domus Tiberiana. In particular, metrological analysis of bricks has proved how the different supplies of bipedales, sesquipedales, bessales, broken roof tiles and reused bricks were arranged inside the building. In fact it seems that the distribution of building techniques in the different portions of the construction was planned according to an economic and structural rationale.
N. Mugnai, J. Nikolaus, N. Ray (eds), De Africa Romaque. Merging cultures across North Africa. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Leicester (26-27 October 2013), Oxford 2016
Using the examples of opus quadratum and opus africanum, this study discusses the interconnection... more Using the examples of opus quadratum and opus africanum, this study discusses the interconnection between traditions and techniques of construction which typifies the architecture of North Africa between the second century BC and the early Imperial period. To understand how the Hellenistic and Roman traditions are grafted onto their predecessors, the analysis begins with the Phoenician period. New hypotheses are also proposed about the two techniques, based on typology and the construction process. The analysis does not confirm earlier hypotheses about their Phoenician origin. Opus quadratum was used at Carthage in the fifth century BC and spread from there during the second century BC, as exemplified by the mausoleum at Thugga. Opus africanum appears at Carthage in the seventh century BC, but the more complex versions are found both at Bulla Regia and at Carthage from the second century BC. The reasons for using this technique are clarified, starting from its diffusion in Morocco and by analysis of the Capitolium at Sala.
Archeologia dell'Architettura, 2015
The bricks of Mauretania Tingitana. Materials for a typology. This paper presents a preliminary ... more The bricks of Mauretania Tingitana. Materials for a typology.
This paper presents a preliminary typology of the bricks used in Mauretania Tingitana and an examination of the known brick stamps. The bricks were introduced in this territory by the military after the creation of the province in 40 AD. In bath buildings, one finds the largest use of bricks, which also consist of a broad range of types. The methods of construction of the heated walls are particularly interesting, and they are of three main types: with nail-shaped spacers, with solid-brick spacers, and the “tongue and groove” system. The examination of brick stamps highlights how military productions were limited, and in fact we know only of one stamp of a cohors milliaria dated to the second half of the 1st c. and one stamp of an Ala Quinta in the 2nd c. AD. During the 2nd c. AD the products of the imperial figlinae, which were located mostly in the area around Tangiers, were diffused across the whole province. On the other hand, in the southern regions of Tingitana we find a concentration of bricks stamped by private officinatores. In conclusion, on the basis of the thermal systems, one sees how building technology changed through the 1st and 2nd centuries. On the other hand, during the 2nd and 3rd centuries the baths in Tingitana were built using a standardized wall heating system that probably originated in Baetica.
sito web Abbonamenti:[ more ](;)sito web Abbonamenti: archeologia-dell-architettura/ «Archeologia dell'Architettura» XIX, 2014: -carta € 33,00; -carta + ebook € 40,00; -ebook su range IP € 70,00; -carta + ebook su range IP € 100,00; -ebook arretrati su range IP € 250,00. Per gli invii in contrassegno o all'estero saranno addebitate le spese postali. ISSN 1126-6236 ISBN 978-88-7814-628-0 e-ISBN 978-88-7814-632-7 © 2014 All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s. via del Termine, 36; 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) tel. +39 055 8450 216; fax +39 055 8453 188 e-mail sito web Stampato a Firenze nel dicembre 2014 Tecnografica Rossi Per le annate XV-XVII la redazione si è avvalsa delle valutazioni dei seguenti referee Indice I. TECNICHE COSTRUTTIVE E CICLI EDILIZI TR A VI E IX SECOLO, FR A ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE Atti del Seminario (Padova, 25 ottobre 2013) a cura di Gian Pietro Brogiolo 9 J.-C. Bessac, Techniques classiques de construction et de décor architectural en pierre de taille entre Orient et Occident (VIe-IXe siècle): abandon ou perte? 24 P. Gilento, R. Parenti, Modelli edilizi e tecniche costruttive tra Tardoantico ed Età islamica in area siro-giordana 45 G.P. Brogiolo, Architetture di qualità tra VI e IX secolo in Italia settentrionale 60 S. Zanetto, Le cripte delle basiliche patriarcali di Aquileia e di Venezia: IX o XI secolo? 80 D. Esposito, Il cantiere e le opere murarie in Roma fra Tardoantico e alto Medioevo 88 P. Vitti, Tradizione romana e tradizione bizantina nelle tecniche costruttive delle volte fra V e VI secolo: il caso delle Mura Aureliane 114 S. Borghini, Murature giustinianee in Italia centrale: il caso perugino del San Michele Arcangelo 127 L. Caballero Zoreda, M. de los Ángeles Utrero Agudo, El ciclo constructivo de la alta Edad Media hispánica. Siglos VIII-X 147 J. Sarabia Bautista, El ciclo edilicio en la arquitectura tardoantigua y altomedieval del sureste de Hispania: los casos de Valentia, Eio y Carthago Spartaria II. CASI DI STUDIO 173 A. Chartrain, P. Flotté, E. Henry, Tempo, tecniche, approvvigionamenti: un tentativo di analisi archeologica dell'uso dei materiali lapidei nella cittadina gallo-romana di Argentomagus (Francia) 192 S. Camporeale, Opus africanum e tecniche a telaio litico in Etruria e Campania (VII a.C.-VI d.C.) 210 C. Mascione, Le mura dell'acropoli di Populonia. Tecnica costruttiva e organizzazione del cantiere 229 F. Zoni, Le maestranze antelamiche nella Liguria di ponente. Diffusione dell'opus quadratum tra XII e XIII secolo Stefano Camporeale Opus africanum e tecniche a telaio litico in Etruria e Campania (VII a.C.-VI d.C.) 1 Archeologia dell'Architettura XVIII 2013, pp. 192-209 1 Questo contributo raccoglie parte dei risultati di una ricerca svolta nell'ambito di una Marie Curie Fellowship (IEF, 2011-2013) presso il laboratorio AOROC dell'Ecole normale supérieure di Parigi. I miei ringraziamenti vanno in primo luogo a Hélène Dessales, responsabile scientifica della ricerca, per il suo sostegno e aiuto durante il periodo del mio soggiorno a Parigi oltre che per i preziosi commenti alla prima versione di questo studio. Altri utilissime osservazioni sono dovute agli amici e colleghi Cynthia Mascione, Antonio Pizzo e Jean-Paul Thuillier. Per la parte riguardante il Nord Africa, i risultati della ricerca saranno presentati in uno studio dal titolo "Merging technologies in North African ancient architecture: ashlar masonry and opus africanum from Phoenicians to Romans", all'interno degli atti del convegno De Africa Romaque. Merging cultures across North Africa (Leicester, 27-28 ottobre 2013) di prossima pubblicazione. 2 V. ad esempio Bianchini 2010, p. 24 con considerazioni sulle proprietà strutturali del telaio ligneo, per cui v. (appareil à cadres et remplissage); Wright 2009, p. 172. Sono noti esempi nel Nord Africa in età imperiale a Cuicul (mercato di Cosinius), a Thamugadi (santuario dell'Aqua Septiminana Felix), nella fattoria di Brisgane, e nel VI d.C. a Dehès in Siria. 5 V., nonostante gli eccessi polemici, Coarelli 2013 con precedenti bibliografici indicati nelle note. In ogni caso il quadro che proponiamo per schematizzare le tecniche a telaio non esaurisce la variabilità delle opere a materiali misti (cd. opus mixtum). Sono qui escluse quelle che non sono provviste di un'armatura portante e strutturalmente indipendente, come l'opus listatum, per il quale v. Righini 2005. 6 V. ad esempio Adam 1984, pp. 132-135. 7 I contributi a carattere più generale sulle opere a telaio litico (fra cui l'opus Africanum) sono
All 'Insegna del Giglio INDICE I. TEMI E PROSPETTIVE DI RICERCA 11 G.P. Brogiolo, Introduzione 1.... more All 'Insegna del Giglio INDICE I. TEMI E PROSPETTIVE DI RICERCA 11 G.P. Brogiolo, Introduzione 1. Prospettive dell'Archeologia dell'architettura 17 A. Azkarate Garai-Olaun, Archeologia dell'Architettura in Spagna 29 N. Reveyron, L'archéologie du bâti en France 2. Tra tutela, prevenzione e restauro 47 S. Lagomarsino, A. Boato, Stratigrafia e statica 55 G.P. Brogiolo, P. Faccio, Stratigrafia e prevenzione 65 F. Doglioni, Leggibilità della costruzione, percorsi di ricerca stratigrafica e restauro 81 E. Micheletto, L. Papotti, Archeologia dell'architettura e tutela in Piemonte 101 D. Fiorani, Stratigrafia tra prevenzione e restauro: annotazioni da un dibattito 107 S.F. Musso, Analisi stratigrafica (studio) versus prevenzione e restauro (azione) 3. Dall'Archeologia della Architettura all'Archeologia di una città 117 M.Á. Tabales Rodríguez, La transformación del Alcázar de Sevilla y sus implicaciones urbanas 131 M. Valenti, M.-A. Causarano, Dall'Archeologia dell'architettura all'Archeologia di una città. Il caso di Siena 151 A. Chavarría Arnau, Percezione e dato archeologico sull'architettura medievale a Padova in età comunale 163 P. Mateos Cruz, Archeologia della cittá: analisi dell'architettura e dell'urbanistica antica 4. Interpretare le architetture 171 S. Camporeale, Archeologia dei cantieri di età romana 181 R. Parenti, P. Gilento, Orient and Occident: continuity and evolution in construction know-how from the 4 th to the 9 th centuries 197 A. Cagnana, Oriente e Occidente: contatti e trasmissioni di tecnologie fra X e XII secolo 205 G. Bianchi, Archeologia dell'Architettura e indicatori materiali di storia sociale: il caso toscano tra IX e XII secolo 211 C. Tosco, Interpretare le architetture: il dialogo tra l'archeologia e la storia 213 Summaries 171 ARCHEOLOGIA DEI CANTIERI DI ETÀ ROMANA 1 Ringrazio Rita Volpe, Hélène Dessales e Antonio Pizzo per i loro commenti e correzioni alla prima versione di questo contributo.
A total of 67 bricks and tiles found in different archaeological contexts during excavations at T... more A total of 67 bricks and tiles found in different archaeological contexts during excavations at Thamusida have been investigated here. The first analysed set consists of 27 bricks found in the area of an Islamic ceramic workshop, which was active at Thamusida from the 8th century onwards. The second set of 40 bricks and tiles was found mostly in situ. They date to the Roman occupation of the site (1st-3rd century AD). Thirteen of them bear different types of stamps. In addition, two types of clay (7 samples) from the surrounding area were analysed as reference for the materials used in the local ceramic production. The samples were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. The results allowed reconstructing two local productions of building materials: one during Roman and one during Islamic times, both using local grey tirs (without any manipulation or temper additions) as raw materials. Imports were further identified, tracing both short- and medium-range trade connections. Banasa could be addressed as a likely production site of bricks stamped QAP and APP, while the bay of Tangiers should be indicated as a likely provenance of bricks stamped C∞ and HADRIAVG.
The ratio between local productions and imports changed in the second half of the 2nd century AD. The earlier phase of the settlement used both local and imported building materials, while the local productions seem to completely replace imports in the later phase.
At Populonia, a coastal settlement in Tyrrhenian Etruria, a joint study has been launched that lo... more At Populonia, a coastal settlement in Tyrrhenian Etruria, a joint study has been launched that looks at quarries of stone, particularly calcareous sandstone, and the buildings in which it was used, as part of a plan to reconstruct the production processes of ornamental and building stone and, in parallel, to understand their economic and social value for the urban community. Various methodologies were tested and integrated, particularly for the study of quarries, in order to reconstruct the organization of the extraction process and to make possible the comparison with the built environment: stratigraphic excavation, bi- and three-dimensional survey, cataloguing of quarrying traces, geophysical survey (seismic refraction), and mineralogical and petrographic analyses. Although calcareous sandstone has been used in squared blocks since at least the Orientalizing period (mid-seventh century BC) in upper class funerary buildings, a study of the traces of extraction in the Buche delle Fate quarry made it possible to identify the technical background of the workers and the procedures for extracting the blocks, datable to the reconstruction of the acropolis of Populonia between the late third to mid second century BC. Archaeometrical analyses allowed the stone material samples taken from buildings to be related with different quarry areas, revealing itself as the most reliable method for tracking the supply points of the calcareous sandstone for individual construction sites.
The analysis of the inscriptions on public works and of two buildings in Volubilis was carried ou... more The analysis of the inscriptions on public works and of two buildings in Volubilis was carried out in order to evaluate the impact of the construction works in the area of the economy of a provincial city. The inscriptions yield information for the identification of buildings, patrons, workers, and also to evaluate costs and the origin of financial resources. Specifically, the predominance of financing by the respublica is shown with the almost complete absence of acts of private evergetism. From the analysis of the two buildings, the first of a residential nature and the second of a public and monumental nature, it has been possible to work out the original projects and the time and materials needed for their construction were calculated. Due to the high percentage of square blocks used in the domus work carried out by skilled workers acquires great importance. The frequent construction of new residential buildings made the training and maintenance of this kind of labourer possible, probably organized in small teams. The same craftsmen, gathered together in larger groups, were also involved in the construction of public buildings. As a result of the comparison of both buildings a different management is shown in the provisioning of compact limestone extracted in the quarries in the vicinity of the city
The study of the building techniques of Thamusida is based on the stratigraphic analysis of the b... more The study of the building techniques of Thamusida is based on the stratigraphic analysis of the buildings excavated by the French and Italian-Moroccan expeditions. The study of the construction phases allowed the definition of the production process of wall structures and from these we can analyse the type, supply, and working of the material and masonry types. Through this method the remains of the buildings become a source of primary importance for the history of the settlement. The analytical part follows a progression from the analysis of materials available in situ, to the discussion of the appropriate methodology, the editing of the catalogue and mapping of the techniques in the buildings. In particular, the methods of Building Archaeology, with the discussion of drawings and written documentation used during the work in the field were perfected and determined the structure of the catalogue. The typology of the techniques and the definition of the production processes were assisted by the application of quantitative methods to calculate the percentage of materials used and their dimensions. The catalogue describes the characteristics of the core and wall faces of each technique using a series of pre-ordered analytical parameters, including also the attestation of techniques in dated and undated structures. The relative and absolute chronology of the structures is gathered by horizontal stratigraphy; in the case they were absent or not published, the chronology was reconstructed from the relative chronology or by comparison with the dated structures. The adopted classification allowed a chronology to be attributed to all buildings and to create a series of constructive periods, which represent the principal phases of the settlement. The explanatory part of the study follows in the next three paragraphs. Firstly we come back to the typology of the building techniques previously elaborated in Mauretania Tingitana. The chronology of masonry types and principle workings (mud bricks, building techniques in stone between the Pre-Roman and the Provincial period, techniques with stone in rows, use of the bricks and squared stones) are clarified on the basis of new data obtained at Thamusida. In the second paragraph the building phases are put in relation to the alternation of different workers, and the typology of buildings so to permit the understanding of the socio-economic levels of the patrons. The groups of craftsmen are identifiable by the degree of specialization of the different production cycles; the techniques were therefore gathered into seven groups ordered form the less to the more specialized: 1) masonry in earth; 2) masonry with un-worked elements; 3) masonry in stone and mortar made in wooden formwork; 4) masonry in stone and mortar made without formwork; 5) masonry in stone and brickwork; 6) dry stone masonry in roughly worked stones; 7) squared stone masonry. Finally, comes the hypothesis about the organisation of the work teams and building sites during the different periods, discussing the problems of supply, transport and construction in relation to the role of the emperor, army and private organisations which worked locally, also taking into consideration the results of the study of the brick typology and the architectural decoration. The army performed an important role, influencing the technical environment from the second half of the 1st century A.D., when new building systems and materials (lime mortar and fired bricks). The typology of the techniques together with the architectural decoration seem to demonstrate that the soldiers built some of the public buildings (thermal baths and temples). In the private buildings one finds techniques, which are similar to those of the military, but one cannot exclude that the local workers worked for the army and then used the acquired knowledge for domestic and commercial buildings. From the productive cycles the presence of numerous work teams emerges probably also represented by private organizations which employed veterans who continued to build using the techniques they had learnt during their military service.
The study of the brick typology concerns the materials found by the Italian-Moroccan and the prev... more The study of the brick typology concerns the materials found by the Italian-Moroccan and the previous French excavations. The bricks were divided into 6 groups; for each type a description is given and, in other entry terms, an indication of the texture, size, attestation and the bibliographical comparisons. The functions are made clearer by an eventual reconstruction, which shows details of the various constructive systems. Group 1. Includes the bricks used for the construction of wall faces together with stone. Two types were documented: the first is rectangular; the comparisons indicate a use from the I century AD in Tingitana and Baetica. The second brick, thinner in respect to the above mentioned, is datable to the Islamic period. Group 2. Includes roof tiles and imbrices used for covering the roof. The tiles are characterized by rounded flanges and on the inferior surface, there are oblique cuts used to fix the tiles together. Group 3. Bricks for columns. Two types were identified: a third of a circle, and the semi-circled bricks, used for the pilae in bath’s hypocausts. Group 4. Amongst the bricks for the floors, two types were identified: rhomboid and rectangular used to form fish-bone or diamond patterns. Group 5. Includes two types of bricks used in the building structure and arches for the furnaces, rectangular and wedge shaped. Group 6. The more pronounced typology was used in baths. The main group includes bricks for the heated areas: for the vaulting (with tenons and terracotta slabs), for the heated walls (with mortises or flanges), for the pavements (bipedales), for the hypocaust (quarter circle in pilae or wedge shaped for the arches). Comparisons with other typologies known from bibliography or still in situ at Banasa, Sala, Volubilis and Lixus show that the construction system used in the baths at Thamusida was attested in the rest of the province from the second half of the I and III century AD.
The study of the stamps on bricks, roof tiles and imbrices refers to the material found in the It... more The study of the stamps on bricks, roof tiles and imbrices refers to the material found in the Italian-Moroccan and the previous French excavations. The catalogue includes stamps with 3 moulded letters, which were applied to bricks (Nn. 1-3), and with three impressed letters on tiles (Nn. 4-5) referable to the names of the officinatores or army corps, a stamp of a cohors on a brick (N. 6), and the stamps on roof tiles and imbrices referable to Imperial productions (Nn. 7-8); at the end an illegible stamp is included (N. 9) giving a total of 29 stamps. Each is presented with a reconstruction, obtained from a drawing or by carbon paper rubbing; the stamps coming from the latest excavations were also documented by photograph. In conclusion a picture of the provenance, the commercial routes and markets occupied by the different types of bricks is traced. At the start of the Roman occupation some bricks arrived from Tangiers whilst during the Hadrianic period only roof tiles and imbrices were shipped. It is probable that the bricks arrived with the provisions that the procurator secured for the army, while the coeval local production of tiles perhaps destined for the soldiers, completed the quantities of materials necessary for construction. The space occupied by the local officinatores was destined to supply rectangular bricks. The location of manufactures is unknown; the investigations carried out in the surroundings of Thamusida (magnetic survey, surface survey, geo-archaeology) have not revealed any production structure. It is probable that the ateliers were located around Banasa where the use of bricks in construction is more widely attested with a wider product typology.
86 decorated items found in the Italian-Moroccan excavations and the previous French campaigns we... more 86 decorated items found in the Italian-Moroccan excavations and the previous French campaigns were analysed. They included 41 bases, 14 capitals, and 22 items concerning independent columns, tangent columns, half columns and pilasters; 7 cornices and 2 moulded blocks were also found. All the items were cut from local calcarenite except for one of the bases and a sculpted capital in calcareous rock. The bases include different types: with a single torus, Attic and quadrangular. The capitals belong to different architectural orders and one can distinguish Corinthian, pseudo-Corinthian, composite and leaf capitals. The sculpted decorations on the cornices and other non-identifiable supports were examined separately: these mouldings were different as they were found on the borders or on the whole side of the block on which they had been carried out. In all cases, the distinction between the different decorative types depended on the profile of the mouldings and by their superimposition from the base to the top. Finally we find the non decorated items relating to the column shafts, sub-divided into drums and squared pilaster blocks. The principal dimensions of the examples found are recorded in some tables, while the drawings and photographies of types graphically represent the size of the single ornaments and mouldings. In the conclusions the information derived from the observations of the raw material used, from the workings applied, positioning of the items and their dimensional characteristics together with the chrono-typology reconstructed on the basis of the attestation in situ and the morphological comparisons was summarized. And so we arrive at the hypothesis of the organization of the groups of workers and the building sites. In particular there are four different distinguishable technical levels, also in the substantial scarce specialization and limited raw materials. First group: more specialised, worked on the harder stone with which some of the more important products were carried out, characterised by the use of Roman units of measure and by the application of precise rules of general proportion and implementation of the profiles. Second group: it was represented by a base and capital, which take the morphology of the architectural components of Volubilis. They were perhaps travelling workers or influenced by another technical environment, also if they were no more specialized than those of the third group. Some bases compared with Sala and Volubilis were also included here. Third group: it is more numerous and which characterises more the technical environment of Thamusida and the surrounding territory. The hypothesis is that the craftsmen were organised in independent groups or connected to the army. The base with a single torus and the Attic bases were sculpted following rules of thumb, adopting different units of measure. The workers seemed to have worked the calcarenite in the centres of the Sebou valley between the second half of the 1st and the first half of the 3rd centuries, with a limited set of tools and stylistic repertoire. Fourth group: it includes the workers from the army who carved the more simple examples with a quadrangle shape and decorations of leaves on the capitals. It is possible that the style of these decorations varied with the arrival of new troops. In the military camp, built in the second half of the 1st century AD, above all the workers of the third group were intervened, but the pseudo-Corinthian capitals of the entrance of the principia were sculpted by scarcely specialised workers perhaps soldiers. In the same period, limestone was used for the construction of the inside columns in the thermal baths, also worked by the workers of the third group. At the entrance you find, instead, two bases in rose bio-calcarenite imported for the occasion. The work of the soldiers is more evident during the 2nd century (alterations to the internal structure of the barracks, the construction of the Temple carrée and the Temple a trois cellae). Based on the existing proof it seems that the military ranks were not specialized craftsmen and apart from the two cases cited, for the public building programmes it was necessary to import prefabricated elements or to turn to the other workers, as they also did for the decorations of the thermal baths in the first half of the 3rd century.
5th International Workshop on the Archaeology of Roman Construction: Arquelogía de la Construcció... more 5th International Workshop on the Archaeology of Roman Construction: Arquelogía de la Construcción V
Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure
University of Oxford,
11-12 April 2015
Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford
Luca Mandolesi, adArte s.r.l. pyArchInit -15 anni di sviluppo di una piattaforma GIS OpenSource p... more Luca Mandolesi, adArte s.r.l. pyArchInit -15 anni di sviluppo di una piattaforma GIS OpenSource per l'archeologia DI LABORATORIO DI ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA
Gli incontri hanno l'obiettivo principale di offrire una formazione aggiuntiva agli studenti del ... more Gli incontri hanno l'obiettivo principale di offrire una formazione aggiuntiva agli studenti del Dipartimento di scienze storiche e dei beni culturali relativamente alla conoscenza del patrimonio architettonico e dei metodi di analisi dell'edilizia storica. Gli incontri si propongono anche di favorire il confronto fra gli specialisti che interverranno. La cadenza dei seminariè annuale o semestrale. Gli argomenti possono essere proposti ai responsabili scientifici o organizzativi.
Dans le cadre du séminaire d’histoire de la construction (organisé par les laboratoire AOrOC, LAM... more Dans le cadre du séminaire d’histoire de la construction (organisé par les laboratoire AOrOC, LAMOP, CTAD et Orient & Méditerrannée, avec le soutien du labex TransferS), la journée sera consacrée aux appareils mixtes. Ces techniques, qui se diffusent de l’époque romaine à l’époque contemporaine, associent des assises en terre cuite et des assises en moellons de pierre. Pour l’époque antique, ces techniques sont intéressantes parce qu’elles précèdent la création du dit opus mixtum en réticulé, mais pour les époques ultérieures elles caractérisent aussi d’autres types d’appareils. En général, les appareils mixtes sont rarement abordés par les études d'archéologie de la construction et ce séminaire ouvre une nouvelle contribution à ce champ de recherche. En fait, les appareils mixtes matérialisent des critères d’utilisation à la foi esthétiques, statiques et économiques des matériaux. Il s'agit de comprendre, cas par cas, si ces techniques sont utilisées pour des raisons esthétiques ou symboliques, ou en relation avec le comportement mécanique des matériaux ou même, par exemple, pour répondre à des critères de rapidité d'exécution. Après une introduction par S. Camporeale, quatre interventions sont prévues, deux se concentrant sur l’époque romaine (Caterina Previato, Université de Padoue : Italie septentrionale ; B. Clément, société Archéodunum : cas de Lugdunum), une sur l’époque médiévale (M.A. Causarano, Université de Padoue : cas de Padoue et de Sienne en Italie), la dernière sur l’époque moderne (Ph. Sosnowska, Université Libre de Bruxelles : cas de Bruxelles).