giuseppe leo | Université de Strasbourg (original) (raw)
PROJECT OF CONFERENCE IN EATGA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "The unexplored places of Transcultural G... more PROJECT OF CONFERENCE IN EATGA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - "The unexplored places of Transcultural Group Analysis between large multicultural groups, catastrophes and new subjectivities" (Ischia, May 4-5, 2018)
Abstract: A place of memory can be defined as a point of narrative crystallization of the collective memory (Binder, 2001), a place that can be material (such as a monument), symbolic (an anniversary, a pilgrimage) and functional (such as an autobiography) in which a group can recognize itself as well as its own story (Binder, 2001). Identity, both in its individual and collective dimensions, seems to us a continuous construction and elaboration of memories which are welcomed in places which, like spaces to return to in a continuous to-ing and fro-ing, run through the whole lives of men. Looking for oneself in the places of one’s own memory seems an original way of treating the subject of id-entity, but at this point we have to make a first limitation of the subject: by introducing a hyphen, we have to take into consideration the ‘Id’, the unconscious dimension of the identity. Psychoanalysis, as thought on the unconscious, and psychoanalysts, whom we can ask “Can psychoanalysis help us understand this dialogue between places of the memory and id-entity?”, make their entrance here. This question sprang from two different sources of inspiration (that are to be discussed in my talk): the importance of the ‘biographies of the unconscious’ (as one of the books by Salomon Resnik is entitled) (Resnik, 2006) as well as of sharing, so that memory, or rather remembering, keeps its significance.
ALTOUNIAN, J. (2015), “Survivors’ hands. Witnesses to the annihilation of the living and the affirmation of life”, in Giuseppe D. Leo, Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
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BOHLEBER, W. (2015), “Civilization, man-made disaster and collective memory”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Ed.), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
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DEUTSCH, J. (2015), “Psychoanalytic thoughts on Israel and the siege of Gaza”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
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FREUD, S. (1915), Thoughts for the Times on War and Death, in Standard Edition, vol. 14, Hogarth Press, London 1950-1974.
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GAMPEL, Y. (2015), “Psychoanalytic reflections about middle East crisis”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
GRANDE, T. (2001), Introduction, in Halbwachs, M., La memoria collettiva, Unicopli, Milan.
HALBERSTADT-FREUD, H. (2015), “Split loyalties of third generation children of Nazi’s”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
HALBWACHS, M. (1941), La topographie légendaire des Évangiles en Terre Sainte. Étude de mémoire collective, PUF, Paris.
–––––, M. (1950), La mémoire collective, posthumous work published by Jeanne Alexandre, PUF, Paris. English translation, The Collective Memory, Harper and Row, New York 1980. Cf. also for the Italian edition La memoria collettiva, Unicopli, Milano 2001.
HINSHELWOOD, D. R. (2015), Preface, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
JANIGRO, N. (2015), “Mutating landscapes. From peace to war, from war to peace”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
KAËS, R. (2007) “Gender and generation. Order and disorder in identifications”, lecture given at the S.P.I. Congress in Rome in 2007.
LEO, G. D. (Editor) (2015), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places, Prefaced by Robert Hinshelwood, writings by J. ALTOUNIAN, W. BOHLEBER, J. DEUTSCH,Y. GAMPEL, H. HALBERSTADT-FREUD,N. JANIGRO,G. LEO, R. K. PAPADOPOULOS, M. RITTER, S. VARVIN, H.-J. WIRTH, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
LEO, G. D. (Editor) (2017), Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis, Prefaced by Vamik Volkan, writings by Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Linden West, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
MUSATTI, C. (1989), Introduction to vol. 8 of the Opere (Freud's Works), Bollati Boringhieri, Turin.
PAPADOPOULOS, R. K. (2015), “Refugees and psychological trauma”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
PUGET, J. (2007) “State Terror and Psychoanalysis”, in Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal, n. 8, June 2007 (in Italian).
RESNIK, S. (2006), Biographie de l’inconscient, Dunod, Paris.
RITTER, M. (2015), “Return to Dresden”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places,Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
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VARVIN, S. (2015), “Trauma and resilience”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).
WIRTH, H.-J. (2015), “Remembering, repeating and not working through: on the interactability of the Palestinian Israeli conflict”, in Giuseppe D. Leo (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas, and Memory Places, Frenis Zero Press, Lecce (Italy).