Paola Pittia | University of Teramo (original) (raw)

Papers by Paola Pittia

Research paper thumbnail of Oil-in-water Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Starch Particles and Formulated with Olive Oil: Colloidal Properties and Stability as Affected by Olive Oil Phenolic Content

Chemical engineering transactions, Jul 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Stability and Quality of Traditional and Innovative Chestnut Based Products

Acta horticulturae, Oct 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Applications of compounds recovered from olive mill waste

Elsevier eBooks, 2021

Abstract The chapter presents the state-of-the-art on the utilization of phenolic compounds deriv... more Abstract The chapter presents the state-of-the-art on the utilization of phenolic compounds derived from olive mill waste as ingredients in food products. A general introduction regarding the olive oil production chain is presented, focusing on the three main waste streams (olive leaves, olive mill wastewater, and olive pomace), which are well detailed from the chemical composition, bioactive profile, and recovery methods point of view. Encapsulation strategies are discussed in order to provide innovative knowledge regarding the stabilization of polyphenols extract recovered by olive wastes. The latest results of the studies regarding the exploitability of valuable compounds recovered from by-products are deeply discussed, and consumer acceptance of olive oil by-products used as a food ingredient is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical properties and microstructure of frozen carrots during storage as affected by blanching in water and sugar solutions

Food Chemistry, Feb 1, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Crocins pattern in saffron detected by UHPLC-MS/MS as marker of quality, process and traceability

Food Chemistry, Oct 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of freezing on Quality of organically grown apples

In the last decades an increasing interest was taken in organic plant and meat produc;ons. While ... more In the last decades an increasing interest was taken in organic plant and meat produc;ons. While the organic procedures are recognized for the absence and/or low presence of phytochemicals and environmental contaminants, s;ll under debate is their role on other quality a[ributes of the organic products including the healthy proper;es and the technological func;onali;es. Within the SUSORGANIC project, studies to evaluate the impact of technological ac;ons on organically produced fruits and vegetables are carried out in order to define their suitability to be processed and/or to op;mize the technologies to apply in order to improve the quality of the final products. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of freezing on quality of organically grown apples. The effect of dipping and vacuum impregnaUon as pre-treatments to improve stability over storage time was explored.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of a starter culture for the production of traditional Friuli sausages

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of water activity and molecular mobility on pectinmethylesterase activity in salt and glucose–maltodextrin model systems

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Modul 5 High temperature processing - general aspects/Verarbeitung unter hohen Temperaturen - Allgemeine Aspekte/Trattamenti ad alta temperatura - aspetti generali

Role of high temperature on degradative reactions in foods. High temperature technologies applied... more Role of high temperature on degradative reactions in foods. High temperature technologies applied to foods and applications - Blanching - Pasteurisation - Sterilisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of Innovation in Education and Training in Food Science and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Trattamenti ad alta temperatura - aspetti generali (Modulo 5)

In questo modulo verranno brevemente presentati i seguenti argomenti: - Perche trattamenti ad alt... more In questo modulo verranno brevemente presentati i seguenti argomenti: - Perche trattamenti ad alta temperatura negli alimenti? - Ruolo delle alte temperature sulle reazioni degradative negli alimenti - Tecnologie ad alte temperature applicate agli alimenti e relative applicazioni -- Scottatura -- Pastorizzazione -- Sterilizzazione

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Research paper thumbnail of The Future of Food Engineering: Education

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical properties, microstructure and stability of extra- virgin olive oil based mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion made with vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar, salt and other... more Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion made with vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar, salt and other minor ingredients. Its structural and rheological behaviour is of outstanding importance for the sensory properties and perceived texture as well as for the physical stability. Olive oil, despite its use as seasoning, is increasingly added in formulated and processed foods due to its peculiar sensory, nutritional and functional properties. The aim of this work was thus to study the physical and structural properties of mayonnaises made with extra virgin olive oils (EVOO). To this purpose, different EVOOs were selected according to their phenolic compounds content along with other vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower) taken as reference. Mayonnaises were characterized by colour measurements, back extrusion test, rheological evaluations. Samples produced with EVOO showed the lowest consistency and firmness when compared to sunflower or peanut oils. The elastic and viscous modulus and the los...

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Research paper thumbnail of Training and education strategies in food studies to enhance professional impact towards a modern and sustainable food supply chain: the ISEKI_Food projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Module 2.1 Food quality/Lebensmittelqualität/Qualità degli alimenti

Food quality can be defined as the combination of attributes or characteristics of a product that... more Food quality can be defined as the combination of attributes or characteristics of a product that have significance in determining the degree of acceptability of that product to the consumer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualità degli alimenti: attributi e indici (Module 2.1)

In questo capitolo saranno introdotti i principali concetti della qualita alimentare e gli attrib... more In questo capitolo saranno introdotti i principali concetti della qualita alimentare e gli attributi che contribuiscono nel definirla. - Qualita degli alimenti: definizione generale - Proprieta della qualita - Fattori che influiscono sulla qualita degli alimenti - Standard qualitativi degli alimenti

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality traits of fallow deer (Dama dama) dry-cured hams

Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2011

Meat processing by drying, after salting or fermentation and before a long ripening period, is an... more Meat processing by drying, after salting or fermentation and before a long ripening period, is an ancient and widespread process, used to preserve meat from spoilage. Among the wide variety of dry meat products made in Europe, the most famous ones are made from pork (Italian and Spanish dry-cured hams, fermented sausages), but other interesting products are obtained from meat of different species: i.e., the “bresaola”, from bovine, horse, goat, etc. (Paleari et al., 2002). Deer meat and meat products are interesting in this picture, since they include the high degree of consumers’ appreciation for dried products and considering the growing interest for food obtained by natural husbandry and technology...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pulsed electric fields (PEF) as hot air drying pre-treatment: Effect on quality and functional properties of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A taste for space

Food Science and Technology, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Response of organic and conventional apples to freezing and freezing pre-treatments: Focus on polyphenols content and antioxidant activity

Food Chemistry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Oil-in-water Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Starch Particles and Formulated with Olive Oil: Colloidal Properties and Stability as Affected by Olive Oil Phenolic Content

Chemical engineering transactions, Jul 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Stability and Quality of Traditional and Innovative Chestnut Based Products

Acta horticulturae, Oct 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Applications of compounds recovered from olive mill waste

Elsevier eBooks, 2021

Abstract The chapter presents the state-of-the-art on the utilization of phenolic compounds deriv... more Abstract The chapter presents the state-of-the-art on the utilization of phenolic compounds derived from olive mill waste as ingredients in food products. A general introduction regarding the olive oil production chain is presented, focusing on the three main waste streams (olive leaves, olive mill wastewater, and olive pomace), which are well detailed from the chemical composition, bioactive profile, and recovery methods point of view. Encapsulation strategies are discussed in order to provide innovative knowledge regarding the stabilization of polyphenols extract recovered by olive wastes. The latest results of the studies regarding the exploitability of valuable compounds recovered from by-products are deeply discussed, and consumer acceptance of olive oil by-products used as a food ingredient is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical properties and microstructure of frozen carrots during storage as affected by blanching in water and sugar solutions

Food Chemistry, Feb 1, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Crocins pattern in saffron detected by UHPLC-MS/MS as marker of quality, process and traceability

Food Chemistry, Oct 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of freezing on Quality of organically grown apples

In the last decades an increasing interest was taken in organic plant and meat produc;ons. While ... more In the last decades an increasing interest was taken in organic plant and meat produc;ons. While the organic procedures are recognized for the absence and/or low presence of phytochemicals and environmental contaminants, s;ll under debate is their role on other quality a[ributes of the organic products including the healthy proper;es and the technological func;onali;es. Within the SUSORGANIC project, studies to evaluate the impact of technological ac;ons on organically produced fruits and vegetables are carried out in order to define their suitability to be processed and/or to op;mize the technologies to apply in order to improve the quality of the final products. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of freezing on quality of organically grown apples. The effect of dipping and vacuum impregnaUon as pre-treatments to improve stability over storage time was explored.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of a starter culture for the production of traditional Friuli sausages

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of water activity and molecular mobility on pectinmethylesterase activity in salt and glucose–maltodextrin model systems

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Modul 5 High temperature processing - general aspects/Verarbeitung unter hohen Temperaturen - Allgemeine Aspekte/Trattamenti ad alta temperatura - aspetti generali

Role of high temperature on degradative reactions in foods. High temperature technologies applied... more Role of high temperature on degradative reactions in foods. High temperature technologies applied to foods and applications - Blanching - Pasteurisation - Sterilisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Drivers of Innovation in Education and Training in Food Science and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Trattamenti ad alta temperatura - aspetti generali (Modulo 5)

In questo modulo verranno brevemente presentati i seguenti argomenti: - Perche trattamenti ad alt... more In questo modulo verranno brevemente presentati i seguenti argomenti: - Perche trattamenti ad alta temperatura negli alimenti? - Ruolo delle alte temperature sulle reazioni degradative negli alimenti - Tecnologie ad alte temperature applicate agli alimenti e relative applicazioni -- Scottatura -- Pastorizzazione -- Sterilizzazione

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Research paper thumbnail of The Future of Food Engineering: Education

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Research paper thumbnail of Physical properties, microstructure and stability of extra- virgin olive oil based mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion made with vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar, salt and other... more Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion made with vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar, salt and other minor ingredients. Its structural and rheological behaviour is of outstanding importance for the sensory properties and perceived texture as well as for the physical stability. Olive oil, despite its use as seasoning, is increasingly added in formulated and processed foods due to its peculiar sensory, nutritional and functional properties. The aim of this work was thus to study the physical and structural properties of mayonnaises made with extra virgin olive oils (EVOO). To this purpose, different EVOOs were selected according to their phenolic compounds content along with other vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower) taken as reference. Mayonnaises were characterized by colour measurements, back extrusion test, rheological evaluations. Samples produced with EVOO showed the lowest consistency and firmness when compared to sunflower or peanut oils. The elastic and viscous modulus and the los...

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Research paper thumbnail of Training and education strategies in food studies to enhance professional impact towards a modern and sustainable food supply chain: the ISEKI_Food projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Module 2.1 Food quality/Lebensmittelqualität/Qualità degli alimenti

Food quality can be defined as the combination of attributes or characteristics of a product that... more Food quality can be defined as the combination of attributes or characteristics of a product that have significance in determining the degree of acceptability of that product to the consumer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualità degli alimenti: attributi e indici (Module 2.1)

In questo capitolo saranno introdotti i principali concetti della qualita alimentare e gli attrib... more In questo capitolo saranno introdotti i principali concetti della qualita alimentare e gli attributi che contribuiscono nel definirla. - Qualita degli alimenti: definizione generale - Proprieta della qualita - Fattori che influiscono sulla qualita degli alimenti - Standard qualitativi degli alimenti

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality traits of fallow deer (Dama dama) dry-cured hams

Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2011

Meat processing by drying, after salting or fermentation and before a long ripening period, is an... more Meat processing by drying, after salting or fermentation and before a long ripening period, is an ancient and widespread process, used to preserve meat from spoilage. Among the wide variety of dry meat products made in Europe, the most famous ones are made from pork (Italian and Spanish dry-cured hams, fermented sausages), but other interesting products are obtained from meat of different species: i.e., the “bresaola”, from bovine, horse, goat, etc. (Paleari et al., 2002). Deer meat and meat products are interesting in this picture, since they include the high degree of consumers’ appreciation for dried products and considering the growing interest for food obtained by natural husbandry and technology...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pulsed electric fields (PEF) as hot air drying pre-treatment: Effect on quality and functional properties of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A taste for space

Food Science and Technology, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Response of organic and conventional apples to freezing and freezing pre-treatments: Focus on polyphenols content and antioxidant activity

Food Chemistry, 2019

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