Andi Rembeci | Universiteti i Tiranes (original) (raw)
Books by Andi Rembeci
Militos Editions, 2012
The codex bearing the number 93, housed today at the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, is... more The codex bearing the number 93, housed today at the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, is one of the approximately 100 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts that were brought out from obscure neglect with the change of the regime in this country. The centre of our attention is a manuscript codex of the 10th century, measuring 153 × 120 mm, written on 308 thin parchment leaves of whitish colour that contain the text of the four Gospels, accompanied by the same number of miniatures. The text of the whole manuscript has been written in a cross shape, something that is very rare in the history of the Greek manuscripts. The round shape minuscule writing is of exceptional calligraphic artistry. The place where it was written, taking into consideration the style of the writing, most probably is Constantinople, and the place where it was used is the Metropolis of Korça, where it constituted a holy artefact for many centuries, a fact that generally connects the environment of present-day Albania with the capital city of Byzantium.
With the contribution of the Directorate of the Central Archives of Albania, of the Holy Archbishopric of Tirana and of the Interconfessional Bible Society of Albania we present the facsimile edition of this manuscript, accompanied with the paleographic transcription of the Gospel according to Luke, and its respective translation in Albanian.
We believe that this publication, apart from its scientific importance, will make a contribution in presenting the Christian monuments of Albania in particular, and those of the Christian world in general.
Militos Editions, 2012
Kodiku me nr. 93 që ndodhet sot në Arkivin Qendror Shtetëror të Tiranës në Shqipëri është një nga... more Kodiku me nr. 93 që ndodhet sot në Arkivin Qendror Shtetëror të Tiranës në Shqipëri është një nga 100 dorëshkrimet bizantine dhe pasbizantine që u rizbuluan nga mosdukja pas ndryshimit të regjimit në këtë vend. Bëhet fjalë për kodikun e dorëshkruar të shekullit X, me përmasa 153 x 120 mm, shkruar në 308 fletë pergamene të hollë me ngjyrë të bardhë dhe që përmban tekstin e katër Ungjijve, shoqëruar nga po kaq miniatura. Teksti në të gjithë dorëshkrimin është shkruar në formën e kryqit, një dukuri veçanërisht e rrallë në historinë e dorëshkrimeve shkruar në greqisht. Shkrimi është germëvogël i rrumbullakët, i një mjeshtërie të shkëlqyer kaligrafike. Si vend kopjimi, sipas stilit të shkrimit, mundësitë janë që të jetë Konstandinopoja dhe vendi i përdorimit Mitropolia e Korçës, thesar i çmuar i së cilës pati qenë për shumë shekuj, fakt që lidh në përgjithësi mjedisin e Shqipërisë së sotshme me kryeqytetin e Bizantit.
Me kontributin e Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Arkivave të Shqipërisë, të Kryepeshkopatës së Hirshme të Tiranës dhe të Shoqërisë Biblike Ndërkofesionale të Shqipërisë, paraqesim në botim faksimile këtë dorëshkrim fort të rëndësishëm, shoqëruar nga transkriptimi paleografik i Ungjillit sipas Lukës dhe përkthimi gjegjës në shqip.
Besojmë se ky botim, veç rëndësisë së vet shkencore, është dhe një veprim simbolik për promovimin e monumenteve të krishterimin në Shqipëri, por dhe në përgjithësi të botës së krishterë.
Art & Heritage, 2016
Collection 488, named “The codices of Albania” in the Albanian Central State Archive (CSA), took ... more Collection 488, named “The codices of Albania” in the Albanian Central State Archive (CSA), took its modern form aboutthe end of the 1970s when the entire collection of the archivewas organized and indexed. It contains all the Byzantine and post-Byzantine manuscripts that were brought from the shelves of monastic, diocesan, or private libraries to the CSA. Today, Collection488 contains 119 units. Of course, originally there were many moremanuscripts from the Byzantine period and later that were copied orended up within the modern boundaries of Albania than have beensaved today. The vitality and the cultural richness of the OrthodoxChristian communities during the past centuries are clearly seen inthe various monuments of the Paleo-Christian, Byzantine, and post-Byzantine periods including: architectural monuments enriched withartistic hagiography, masterpieces of metalworking, micro-sculpture,embroidery, woodcarving, and manuscripts – examples of which canbe found within Albania. Important spiritual and cultural centers suchas Berat, Durrës, Vlora, Korça, Gjirokastër, etc., which retain an important role even today, gathered together remarkable collections ofcodices. But what happened to all those other manuscripts?
Tirana Centre of Hellenic Foundation of Culture, 2010
The Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts catalogued in the Fund 488 of the Central State Arc... more The Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts catalogued in the Fund
488 of the Central State Archive of Albania in Tirana, represent nowadays
one of the most important Albanian documentary heritages. This is a
collection of more than 100 codices, the earliest of them dating in the 6th
century A.D. (the well known Beratinus Purpureum), and the latest dating
in the first half of the 20th century (Codex of Korça, no. 99, years 1676-
1943). By these manuscripts, mainly containing Biblical texts, theological
and philological texts, is reflected the reality of the Albanian territory during
the different tumultuous periods of the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empires.
The well known cities of the Medieval Albanians and of the period of the
European Renaissance were not a part of the areas controlled from these Empires,
but were, at the same time, active centers of the political, economical
and cultural life. This is splendidly testified by the monuments found in these
cities, amongst them even by the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts.
These lands and their inhabitants were not mere statistics in the records of
the Empires, but were a vigorous part of the then development. Through
studying and the scientific representation of these documentary sources, the
cosmopolite identity of this heritage can be shown clearly: it is an undeniable
cultural passport, ranking this country and this nation amongst other European
nations, without favoritism, prejudice, nor giving them any improper
Papers by Andi Rembeci
Journal of the Albanian Young Academy, 2019
Methodological the Researches on the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Paleography in Albania, Assessm... more Methodological the Researches on the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Paleography in Albania, Assessments about Past and Present, Perspectives and Future Challenges
In the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, there is a collection of approximately 100 Byzantine and post Byzantine manuscripts, arranged in the Fund “Codices of Albania”, bearing the index number 488. On the ground of paleographical or philological studies, few things have been said about this collection. One of the issues that have not been addressed in separate studies, is the history of these manuscripts, how did they come from the hands of their users, to their nowadays lodging in the archive shelves. Chasing them back in time through centuries is not an easy task, due to the lack of information. However, an effort on the field can be done. In the first part of the present paper we will try to bring forth all the historical data relating the CSA’s manuscripts collection and at the same time, will present the scientific achievements in this field up to now. We will evaluate the earlier attempts of cataloguing these manuscripts from different authors, whose endeavors date since the 19th century, and while contextualizing them to the circumstances and specific conditions of their time, we will evaluate the methodology used in compiling them and how they respond to the nowadays needs of researches. While in the second part, taking in consideration the existing difficulties which researchers encounter while trying to address to the Tirana manuscripts, we will propose some contemporary scientific methodologies and technologies in cataloguing the manuscripts, on publishing these catalogues and synthetically utilizing their content, as well as using new technological means on the paleographic studies.
Living in the Ottoman Lands: Identities Administration and Warfare, 2021
During the ottoman period, the local Christian communities in the Albanian region, but not only, ... more During the ottoman period, the local Christian communities in the Albanian region, but not only, were bound to organize their communities, in order to deal with the taxes, solve the local community’s disputes, realize the necessary religious constructions and all the works of social character. The social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of the Christians was manifested through the religious institutions, and was administered according to the in-house rules that were compiled under the spirit of the byzantine legislation. Thus, the orthodox temples during the ottoman period were not only an expression of religious feelings, but also the centre of communitarian life, a place of gathering and a scene where artistic trends were expressed.
The study of the historic sources housed at the Central State Archive in Tirana, but also in archives outside of Albania, offers new data on the implementation of the legal framework that was followed in the case of church buildings. In this paper, by comparing these sources with the actual number of churches, we will try to contribute in: a) examining the legal framework contemporaneous with the building of the orthodox temples and the evolution of this activity, especially during the 18th-19th centuries; b) examine the procedures that were followed in order to obtain the building license; c) defining the means used to obtain the building licenses; d) exploring the ways and degree of executing the ottoman law on church building, also examining the “alternative practices” and, e) demonstrating the religious building activity in Albania during the above period.
Studying manuscripts in Greek from the 18th century at the Central State Archive in Tirana can be... more Studying manuscripts in Greek from the 18th century at the Central State Archive in Tirana can be highly beneficial to understanding the dynamics of the development of several intricate cultural movements in the Balkan peninsula during the Ottoman rule.
This article focuses on three authors from that time. The first Anastas Teodor Kavalioti, author of Physics (Φυσική πραγματεία) and Metaphysics (Μεταφυσική), both forming part of the Codex Beratinus 74. The diffusion of Kavaljoti’s codices in Romania, Albania and Greece demonstrate the popularity of the New Academy of Voskopoja.
Not less important is Introduction to Logic (Εἰσαγωγή Λογικῆς) by George Sougdouris. Published in Vienna (1792), this work is incomplete in the Codex Beratinus 68. The ubication of copies of this book speak loudly about the diffusion and the importance it enjoyed. After this work, in the Codex Beratinus 68 follows the General Compendium of the Application of Logic by Anastas Papavasilopuli (Σύνοψις γενικὴ τῆς λογικῆς ἔλξεως). The purpose of this book sprang from the conviction that the diffusion of knowledge along with philosophical thoughts would have a bearing on the life of the individual and of the community. Transposing such ideas into the Ottoman territories did in fact influence the formation of the nations in the Balkan region after the long Sultanic isolation from the rest of Europe.
The article highlights the most salient features of each of the abovementioned works.
Proceedings of the Conference on Local History: Η Κοζάνη και η περιοχή της από τους Βυζαντινούς στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (Kozani and its area from the Byzantines to the Modern Times), 2019
In the following paper we shall present some information about the nowadays village Vithkuq of Al... more In the following paper we shall present some information about the nowadays village Vithkuq of Albania, found between the village Voskopoje (Moschopolis) and the city of Korça (Korytsa), North-West of Përmet. Based on the oral tradition, as registered by Lioufis in 1924, some inhabitants of Vithkuqi were settled in the region of Kozani about the year 1390. Similar oral traditions exist about other cradles of the Kozani inhabit-ants, connecting them with Kosdiani or Kostaniani of Pogon, but also with Hormovo. These traditions are opposed or regarded with much reserve from the work of Prof. Patrinelis in 1996.
Nevertheless, as it is known, behind each oral tradition exists a historic background, not necessarily identical with the tradition that usually changes the historic facts and saves several particles of the truth, even though these particles can obscure the historic reality. Therefore, we ought to be very careful with the oral tradition; while not totally neglecting them, we should enquire about them and examine the historical facts, if they exist.
In the present paper we will not discuss problems that arise from historic testimonies, nor will proceed into examining the tradition, since Patrinelis has already done this. We will try to make a general presentation of the information regarding the village Vithkuqi of Moschopolis, hoping that these data will be helpful for the research regarding the cradles of Kozani inhabitants. Even if there aren’t any averred historic testimonies about the origin of Kozani colonists from the above village, these data may take a rejective position toward the connection of Kozani with the Albanian village Vithkuq, like a reduction ad absurdum, encouraging the researchers to investigate other territories.
Punëtor të shquar të Albanologjisë, 2019
"... Njeriu, që meritonte çdo falenderim dhe mirënjohje për kontributin e tij në shpëtimin e thes... more "... Njeriu, që meritonte çdo falenderim dhe mirënjohje për kontributin e tij në shpëtimin e thesarit kulturor, vlera e të cilit tejkalon kufijtë e një vendi dhe klasifikohet në tërësinë e vlerave botërore, u gjend në bankën e të akuzuarve përpara “gjykatës popullore” si të ishte keqbërës. Në dosjen e tij i ishin ngarkuar shumë akuza të pabazuara, ... Më 1980 iu konfiskuan dorëshkrimet dhe iu ndalua çdo lloj hulumtimi dhe veprimtari kërkimore
për monumentet...."
“Theofan Popa duhet të vlerësohet si protagonisti i padukshëm i shpëtimit të shumë monumenteve kulturore në Shqipëri, por edhe si një studiues nismëtar i artit të krishterë në vend, me një vepër voluminoze, të cilën studiuesit e mëvonshëm e kanë të pamundur ta anashkalojnë”.
È fatto ormai noto che la formazione di un qualsiasi archivio, sia esso civile oppure religioso, ... more È fatto ormai noto che la formazione di un qualsiasi archivio, sia esso civile oppure religioso, naturale oppure legale, non costituisce una realtà casuale e sintomatica. Le testimonianze scritte sono raccolte riguardo ai bisogni istituzionali o le attività quotidiane di un'autorità, rappreséntano la sua documentazione e sono conservate in archivi, creando distinti livelli storici, proprio come vengono creati i livelli geologici.
Nel seguente lavoro si cercherà di trattare 1) la breve storia degli archivi e delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche in Albania, 2) il loro contenuto, concentrandomi sui codici manoscritti e libri antichi stampati, 3) le collaborazioni tra le istituzioni statali e quelle ecclesiastiche verso un dialogo culturale aperto.
Inscriptions on the church monuments of Albania, stationary or portable, belong to the Byzantine ... more Inscriptions on the church monuments of Albania, stationary or
portable, belong to the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine period
and are generally written texts that contain data or, rather, information
regarding the building, rebuilding, painting, and decorating
of Orthodox churches in the country. They also mention,
among others, the names of the founders and/or donors, painters,
and masters of the architectural monuments, clerics etc.
The whole variety of these inscriptions is divided into:
• Founder/Donor Inscriptions, which are placed in prominent
places in the churches. They constitute an important historical
source that has great value not only for the monument itself, but
also for the general socio-historical background within which
these works of art were created.
• Liturgical Inscriptions, which, as an inseparable part of the mural
paintings, title the pictorial compositions, designate the saints
depicted, contain hagiographical citations, portions of hymns and
sayings from the wisdom of Church Fathers and Elders etc.
• Donation Inscriptions, which are mainly located on smaller surfaces
of church walls etc. and contain information regarding the
manner and scale of the expansion of Islam, the relations between
converts to Islam and Christians, the behavior of the latter
towards the monuments and customs of the area, taxes, various
offerings, the study of personal names in the region, the study
of local variants of male and female names, the pronunciation of
place names, kinship relations etc.
• Chronological Inscriptions, which are located on church walls,
registries, tiles, and codices refer to various events, such as famine,
epidemics, wars, episcopal changes, slavery, taxes, diplomatic
relations with beys and imams, important events, sellingbuying
Inscriptions vary according to the nature of the monument on
which they are placed, and first and foremost they have great
importance for the local history of the Orthodox Church. The
data they offer also has great importance for the study of historic
dioceses, bishops in the Albanian territory, church boundaries,
Furthermore, inscriptions constitute a precious source for the history
of the country, because of their importance for general, local,
political and cultural history. Even though this data is limited,
some of the inscriptions are of great importance, due to the fact
that they remain the only evidence for certain Albanian historical
issues, as is the case of the inscriptions regarding the possessions
of the Albanian prince, Karl Topia.
The inscriptions contain information of great interest for the chronology
of church building throughout the centuries as well as the
history of architecture. Also of great importance, is the data that
derives from the inscriptions regarding the centuries-long tradition
of church-painting. Epigraphic sources provide important data on
local church paintings, the general framework of the artistic activity,
the names of the artists, the chronology of their work etc.
The existence of inscriptions with various biographical and historical
data is of great importance because it connects us with
renowned masters and it contributes to the promotion of the tradition
of the country in the art of metal processing, wood carving,
embroidery, craftsmanship, and other cultural activities.
The inscriptions also present very interesting data in regard to
social and educational history. They contain data that display
the social framework of the time, the educational development,
philanthropic and social activities, etc. Many inscriptions demonstrate
the fact that very important monuments were sometimes
built by wealthy local magistrates or parishioners and at other
times by the whole village. They present data on the economic
progress of single individuals or groups of the population, on
the cost of the production and decoration of a monument, which
allows us to evaluate the current artistic value of the movable
The Central State Archive of Albania (Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Shqipërisë) houses precious docu... more The Central State Archive of Albania (Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Shqipërisë) houses precious documents regarding the economical and merchant activity of the city of Shkodra, which was the center of the pashalik with the same name (1757-1831), and, in general, of the North Albania with Corfu and the Seven Islands during the last centuries of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, these docu-ments are of great interest for the history of Greece and Albania and, in partic¬ular, for the history of economy of the aforementioned cities.
This paper relies generally on the documentary sources of the Albanian archive, which, up to nowadays, have not been evaluated, nor studied properly. The goal of this paper is to make a first presentation of the relative historical sources and, later, to investigate and interpret from a first approach the merchant exchanges and relations of the city of Shkodra with Corfu and the Seven Islands during the 19th century, with the intention to continue our research at the archives on the same subject, covering the period until the end of the 19th century. This paper is only a small extract of the huge archival wealth that is found at the Central State Archive of Albania, remaining unpublished. We hope that this contribution will encourage an elaborated study in the future concerning the merchandise, but not only, relations between our countries.
The illuminated manuscript is an inseparable part of Byzantine art history, a fundamental complem... more The illuminated manuscript is an inseparable part of Byzantine art history, a fundamental complement to monumental painting and to portable icons, as well as an essential constitutive element of Byzantine civilization. The relationships between text and its appearance, according to the types of manuscripts, – and according to their use, artists, sponsors, owners, users, but also aesthetics, – are of special importance. Particularly the gospel manuscripts, which were produced more often, – those of the continuous text (four gospels) or those of the selected text (liturgical or evangelical Gospel excerpts) – often provide us with rich and important decors. These codices present iconographic elements and, mostly, decorative elements in common with other religious or secular manuscripts of the time. Meanwhile, the correspondence canons of Eusebius of Caesarea being, in the case of manuscript tradition, functional appendices to the gospel text, gave rise to the creation and development of a rich decoration system, which is a special feature of Gospel manuscripts.
A. Ndreca (ed.) Shêjzat, 2017
The paper reports on same conclusions of a study on the Codex of the Metropolis of Korça and Sela... more The paper reports on same conclusions of a study on the Codex of the Metropolis of Korça and Selasphoros (AQSh, F 488 D 99). The acts recorded date as early as 1676 and end at the beginning of the 20th century. The codex is made of paper. Its approximate size is 260 x 440 mm. The paper is thick and without lines. Containing 190 folios, the codex is bound with a cardboard cover that has been endued with a sheet of leather without decorations. The first written folio (f 5r) contains a note saying that the codex is property of the Metropolis of Korça and Selasphoros, and that it was offered as a gift to this Metropolis in 1676 by Parthenios, Archbishop of Ohrid.
Written in Greek, the codex gives precious information on the Christian communities during the Ottoman era, namely, on the administration and the judicial, the economical and social realities, the concept of "legal" inside the community and the political reality of the Christian Orthodox communities.
The acts of this codex contain important data about the anarchic situation in Albania du ring the 17th century. Amongst them, it is worth mentioning the letter that the Christian community of Korça sent to Ali Pasha of loannina in the year 1818, or the decisions taken in 1728 in Boboshtica opposing the arbitrary actions of merchants and landowners, when the Ottoman Empire was declining. The codex also gives plenty of information about the organizational and functional methods of the Elders Committee, elected on January 4th, 1866 “after discussing and reaching an agreement”; as well as information about the different social classes.
Thanks to collective contribution - the documents from this codex read - the streets of the city were cobblestoned (end of the 18th century); the aqueduct was built (1869); a new cemetery was built (end of the 18th century); the clock tower was built {1784), etc. The codex also treasures data concerning the visual arts, e.g. about the brothers Constantine and Athanasios Zographos, who painted not only the churches in Korça, but also those in the surrounding towns.
Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region (4th c. BC-19th c. AD)
The exhibition Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region, 4th century B.C. to 19th century A.D... more The exhibition Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region, 4th century B.C. to 19th century A.D. is the outcome of ten years of deliberations and consultations on the state of national museums in Albania. At the heart of it all was a relentless quest to discover what can be done to transform these museums from static organizations into dynamic, interactive institutions.
Militos Editions, 2012
The codex bearing the number 93, housed today at the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, is... more The codex bearing the number 93, housed today at the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, is one of the approximately 100 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts that were brought out from obscure neglect with the change of the regime in this country. The centre of our attention is a manuscript codex of the 10th century, measuring 153 × 120 mm, written on 308 thin parchment leaves of whitish colour that contain the text of the four Gospels, accompanied by the same number of miniatures. The text of the whole manuscript has been written in a cross shape, something that is very rare in the history of the Greek manuscripts. The round shape minuscule writing is of exceptional calligraphic artistry. The place where it was written, taking into consideration the style of the writing, most probably is Constantinople, and the place where it was used is the Metropolis of Korça, where it constituted a holy artefact for many centuries, a fact that generally connects the environment of present-day Albania with the capital city of Byzantium.
With the contribution of the Directorate of the Central Archives of Albania, of the Holy Archbishopric of Tirana and of the Interconfessional Bible Society of Albania we present the facsimile edition of this manuscript, accompanied with the paleographic transcription of the Gospel according to Luke, and its respective translation in Albanian.
We believe that this publication, apart from its scientific importance, will make a contribution in presenting the Christian monuments of Albania in particular, and those of the Christian world in general.
Militos Editions, 2012
Kodiku me nr. 93 që ndodhet sot në Arkivin Qendror Shtetëror të Tiranës në Shqipëri është një nga... more Kodiku me nr. 93 që ndodhet sot në Arkivin Qendror Shtetëror të Tiranës në Shqipëri është një nga 100 dorëshkrimet bizantine dhe pasbizantine që u rizbuluan nga mosdukja pas ndryshimit të regjimit në këtë vend. Bëhet fjalë për kodikun e dorëshkruar të shekullit X, me përmasa 153 x 120 mm, shkruar në 308 fletë pergamene të hollë me ngjyrë të bardhë dhe që përmban tekstin e katër Ungjijve, shoqëruar nga po kaq miniatura. Teksti në të gjithë dorëshkrimin është shkruar në formën e kryqit, një dukuri veçanërisht e rrallë në historinë e dorëshkrimeve shkruar në greqisht. Shkrimi është germëvogël i rrumbullakët, i një mjeshtërie të shkëlqyer kaligrafike. Si vend kopjimi, sipas stilit të shkrimit, mundësitë janë që të jetë Konstandinopoja dhe vendi i përdorimit Mitropolia e Korçës, thesar i çmuar i së cilës pati qenë për shumë shekuj, fakt që lidh në përgjithësi mjedisin e Shqipërisë së sotshme me kryeqytetin e Bizantit.
Me kontributin e Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Arkivave të Shqipërisë, të Kryepeshkopatës së Hirshme të Tiranës dhe të Shoqërisë Biblike Ndërkofesionale të Shqipërisë, paraqesim në botim faksimile këtë dorëshkrim fort të rëndësishëm, shoqëruar nga transkriptimi paleografik i Ungjillit sipas Lukës dhe përkthimi gjegjës në shqip.
Besojmë se ky botim, veç rëndësisë së vet shkencore, është dhe një veprim simbolik për promovimin e monumenteve të krishterimin në Shqipëri, por dhe në përgjithësi të botës së krishterë.
Art & Heritage, 2016
Collection 488, named “The codices of Albania” in the Albanian Central State Archive (CSA), took ... more Collection 488, named “The codices of Albania” in the Albanian Central State Archive (CSA), took its modern form aboutthe end of the 1970s when the entire collection of the archivewas organized and indexed. It contains all the Byzantine and post-Byzantine manuscripts that were brought from the shelves of monastic, diocesan, or private libraries to the CSA. Today, Collection488 contains 119 units. Of course, originally there were many moremanuscripts from the Byzantine period and later that were copied orended up within the modern boundaries of Albania than have beensaved today. The vitality and the cultural richness of the OrthodoxChristian communities during the past centuries are clearly seen inthe various monuments of the Paleo-Christian, Byzantine, and post-Byzantine periods including: architectural monuments enriched withartistic hagiography, masterpieces of metalworking, micro-sculpture,embroidery, woodcarving, and manuscripts – examples of which canbe found within Albania. Important spiritual and cultural centers suchas Berat, Durrës, Vlora, Korça, Gjirokastër, etc., which retain an important role even today, gathered together remarkable collections ofcodices. But what happened to all those other manuscripts?
Tirana Centre of Hellenic Foundation of Culture, 2010
The Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts catalogued in the Fund 488 of the Central State Arc... more The Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts catalogued in the Fund
488 of the Central State Archive of Albania in Tirana, represent nowadays
one of the most important Albanian documentary heritages. This is a
collection of more than 100 codices, the earliest of them dating in the 6th
century A.D. (the well known Beratinus Purpureum), and the latest dating
in the first half of the 20th century (Codex of Korça, no. 99, years 1676-
1943). By these manuscripts, mainly containing Biblical texts, theological
and philological texts, is reflected the reality of the Albanian territory during
the different tumultuous periods of the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empires.
The well known cities of the Medieval Albanians and of the period of the
European Renaissance were not a part of the areas controlled from these Empires,
but were, at the same time, active centers of the political, economical
and cultural life. This is splendidly testified by the monuments found in these
cities, amongst them even by the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine manuscripts.
These lands and their inhabitants were not mere statistics in the records of
the Empires, but were a vigorous part of the then development. Through
studying and the scientific representation of these documentary sources, the
cosmopolite identity of this heritage can be shown clearly: it is an undeniable
cultural passport, ranking this country and this nation amongst other European
nations, without favoritism, prejudice, nor giving them any improper
Journal of the Albanian Young Academy, 2019
Methodological the Researches on the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Paleography in Albania, Assessm... more Methodological the Researches on the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Paleography in Albania, Assessments about Past and Present, Perspectives and Future Challenges
In the Central State Archive of Tirana, Albania, there is a collection of approximately 100 Byzantine and post Byzantine manuscripts, arranged in the Fund “Codices of Albania”, bearing the index number 488. On the ground of paleographical or philological studies, few things have been said about this collection. One of the issues that have not been addressed in separate studies, is the history of these manuscripts, how did they come from the hands of their users, to their nowadays lodging in the archive shelves. Chasing them back in time through centuries is not an easy task, due to the lack of information. However, an effort on the field can be done. In the first part of the present paper we will try to bring forth all the historical data relating the CSA’s manuscripts collection and at the same time, will present the scientific achievements in this field up to now. We will evaluate the earlier attempts of cataloguing these manuscripts from different authors, whose endeavors date since the 19th century, and while contextualizing them to the circumstances and specific conditions of their time, we will evaluate the methodology used in compiling them and how they respond to the nowadays needs of researches. While in the second part, taking in consideration the existing difficulties which researchers encounter while trying to address to the Tirana manuscripts, we will propose some contemporary scientific methodologies and technologies in cataloguing the manuscripts, on publishing these catalogues and synthetically utilizing their content, as well as using new technological means on the paleographic studies.
Living in the Ottoman Lands: Identities Administration and Warfare, 2021
During the ottoman period, the local Christian communities in the Albanian region, but not only, ... more During the ottoman period, the local Christian communities in the Albanian region, but not only, were bound to organize their communities, in order to deal with the taxes, solve the local community’s disputes, realize the necessary religious constructions and all the works of social character. The social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of the Christians was manifested through the religious institutions, and was administered according to the in-house rules that were compiled under the spirit of the byzantine legislation. Thus, the orthodox temples during the ottoman period were not only an expression of religious feelings, but also the centre of communitarian life, a place of gathering and a scene where artistic trends were expressed.
The study of the historic sources housed at the Central State Archive in Tirana, but also in archives outside of Albania, offers new data on the implementation of the legal framework that was followed in the case of church buildings. In this paper, by comparing these sources with the actual number of churches, we will try to contribute in: a) examining the legal framework contemporaneous with the building of the orthodox temples and the evolution of this activity, especially during the 18th-19th centuries; b) examine the procedures that were followed in order to obtain the building license; c) defining the means used to obtain the building licenses; d) exploring the ways and degree of executing the ottoman law on church building, also examining the “alternative practices” and, e) demonstrating the religious building activity in Albania during the above period.
Studying manuscripts in Greek from the 18th century at the Central State Archive in Tirana can be... more Studying manuscripts in Greek from the 18th century at the Central State Archive in Tirana can be highly beneficial to understanding the dynamics of the development of several intricate cultural movements in the Balkan peninsula during the Ottoman rule.
This article focuses on three authors from that time. The first Anastas Teodor Kavalioti, author of Physics (Φυσική πραγματεία) and Metaphysics (Μεταφυσική), both forming part of the Codex Beratinus 74. The diffusion of Kavaljoti’s codices in Romania, Albania and Greece demonstrate the popularity of the New Academy of Voskopoja.
Not less important is Introduction to Logic (Εἰσαγωγή Λογικῆς) by George Sougdouris. Published in Vienna (1792), this work is incomplete in the Codex Beratinus 68. The ubication of copies of this book speak loudly about the diffusion and the importance it enjoyed. After this work, in the Codex Beratinus 68 follows the General Compendium of the Application of Logic by Anastas Papavasilopuli (Σύνοψις γενικὴ τῆς λογικῆς ἔλξεως). The purpose of this book sprang from the conviction that the diffusion of knowledge along with philosophical thoughts would have a bearing on the life of the individual and of the community. Transposing such ideas into the Ottoman territories did in fact influence the formation of the nations in the Balkan region after the long Sultanic isolation from the rest of Europe.
The article highlights the most salient features of each of the abovementioned works.
Proceedings of the Conference on Local History: Η Κοζάνη και η περιοχή της από τους Βυζαντινούς στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (Kozani and its area from the Byzantines to the Modern Times), 2019
In the following paper we shall present some information about the nowadays village Vithkuq of Al... more In the following paper we shall present some information about the nowadays village Vithkuq of Albania, found between the village Voskopoje (Moschopolis) and the city of Korça (Korytsa), North-West of Përmet. Based on the oral tradition, as registered by Lioufis in 1924, some inhabitants of Vithkuqi were settled in the region of Kozani about the year 1390. Similar oral traditions exist about other cradles of the Kozani inhabit-ants, connecting them with Kosdiani or Kostaniani of Pogon, but also with Hormovo. These traditions are opposed or regarded with much reserve from the work of Prof. Patrinelis in 1996.
Nevertheless, as it is known, behind each oral tradition exists a historic background, not necessarily identical with the tradition that usually changes the historic facts and saves several particles of the truth, even though these particles can obscure the historic reality. Therefore, we ought to be very careful with the oral tradition; while not totally neglecting them, we should enquire about them and examine the historical facts, if they exist.
In the present paper we will not discuss problems that arise from historic testimonies, nor will proceed into examining the tradition, since Patrinelis has already done this. We will try to make a general presentation of the information regarding the village Vithkuqi of Moschopolis, hoping that these data will be helpful for the research regarding the cradles of Kozani inhabitants. Even if there aren’t any averred historic testimonies about the origin of Kozani colonists from the above village, these data may take a rejective position toward the connection of Kozani with the Albanian village Vithkuq, like a reduction ad absurdum, encouraging the researchers to investigate other territories.
Punëtor të shquar të Albanologjisë, 2019
"... Njeriu, që meritonte çdo falenderim dhe mirënjohje për kontributin e tij në shpëtimin e thes... more "... Njeriu, që meritonte çdo falenderim dhe mirënjohje për kontributin e tij në shpëtimin e thesarit kulturor, vlera e të cilit tejkalon kufijtë e një vendi dhe klasifikohet në tërësinë e vlerave botërore, u gjend në bankën e të akuzuarve përpara “gjykatës popullore” si të ishte keqbërës. Në dosjen e tij i ishin ngarkuar shumë akuza të pabazuara, ... Më 1980 iu konfiskuan dorëshkrimet dhe iu ndalua çdo lloj hulumtimi dhe veprimtari kërkimore
për monumentet...."
“Theofan Popa duhet të vlerësohet si protagonisti i padukshëm i shpëtimit të shumë monumenteve kulturore në Shqipëri, por edhe si një studiues nismëtar i artit të krishterë në vend, me një vepër voluminoze, të cilën studiuesit e mëvonshëm e kanë të pamundur ta anashkalojnë”.
È fatto ormai noto che la formazione di un qualsiasi archivio, sia esso civile oppure religioso, ... more È fatto ormai noto che la formazione di un qualsiasi archivio, sia esso civile oppure religioso, naturale oppure legale, non costituisce una realtà casuale e sintomatica. Le testimonianze scritte sono raccolte riguardo ai bisogni istituzionali o le attività quotidiane di un'autorità, rappreséntano la sua documentazione e sono conservate in archivi, creando distinti livelli storici, proprio come vengono creati i livelli geologici.
Nel seguente lavoro si cercherà di trattare 1) la breve storia degli archivi e delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche in Albania, 2) il loro contenuto, concentrandomi sui codici manoscritti e libri antichi stampati, 3) le collaborazioni tra le istituzioni statali e quelle ecclesiastiche verso un dialogo culturale aperto.
Inscriptions on the church monuments of Albania, stationary or portable, belong to the Byzantine ... more Inscriptions on the church monuments of Albania, stationary or
portable, belong to the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine period
and are generally written texts that contain data or, rather, information
regarding the building, rebuilding, painting, and decorating
of Orthodox churches in the country. They also mention,
among others, the names of the founders and/or donors, painters,
and masters of the architectural monuments, clerics etc.
The whole variety of these inscriptions is divided into:
• Founder/Donor Inscriptions, which are placed in prominent
places in the churches. They constitute an important historical
source that has great value not only for the monument itself, but
also for the general socio-historical background within which
these works of art were created.
• Liturgical Inscriptions, which, as an inseparable part of the mural
paintings, title the pictorial compositions, designate the saints
depicted, contain hagiographical citations, portions of hymns and
sayings from the wisdom of Church Fathers and Elders etc.
• Donation Inscriptions, which are mainly located on smaller surfaces
of church walls etc. and contain information regarding the
manner and scale of the expansion of Islam, the relations between
converts to Islam and Christians, the behavior of the latter
towards the monuments and customs of the area, taxes, various
offerings, the study of personal names in the region, the study
of local variants of male and female names, the pronunciation of
place names, kinship relations etc.
• Chronological Inscriptions, which are located on church walls,
registries, tiles, and codices refer to various events, such as famine,
epidemics, wars, episcopal changes, slavery, taxes, diplomatic
relations with beys and imams, important events, sellingbuying
Inscriptions vary according to the nature of the monument on
which they are placed, and first and foremost they have great
importance for the local history of the Orthodox Church. The
data they offer also has great importance for the study of historic
dioceses, bishops in the Albanian territory, church boundaries,
Furthermore, inscriptions constitute a precious source for the history
of the country, because of their importance for general, local,
political and cultural history. Even though this data is limited,
some of the inscriptions are of great importance, due to the fact
that they remain the only evidence for certain Albanian historical
issues, as is the case of the inscriptions regarding the possessions
of the Albanian prince, Karl Topia.
The inscriptions contain information of great interest for the chronology
of church building throughout the centuries as well as the
history of architecture. Also of great importance, is the data that
derives from the inscriptions regarding the centuries-long tradition
of church-painting. Epigraphic sources provide important data on
local church paintings, the general framework of the artistic activity,
the names of the artists, the chronology of their work etc.
The existence of inscriptions with various biographical and historical
data is of great importance because it connects us with
renowned masters and it contributes to the promotion of the tradition
of the country in the art of metal processing, wood carving,
embroidery, craftsmanship, and other cultural activities.
The inscriptions also present very interesting data in regard to
social and educational history. They contain data that display
the social framework of the time, the educational development,
philanthropic and social activities, etc. Many inscriptions demonstrate
the fact that very important monuments were sometimes
built by wealthy local magistrates or parishioners and at other
times by the whole village. They present data on the economic
progress of single individuals or groups of the population, on
the cost of the production and decoration of a monument, which
allows us to evaluate the current artistic value of the movable
The Central State Archive of Albania (Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Shqipërisë) houses precious docu... more The Central State Archive of Albania (Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Shqipërisë) houses precious documents regarding the economical and merchant activity of the city of Shkodra, which was the center of the pashalik with the same name (1757-1831), and, in general, of the North Albania with Corfu and the Seven Islands during the last centuries of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, these docu-ments are of great interest for the history of Greece and Albania and, in partic¬ular, for the history of economy of the aforementioned cities.
This paper relies generally on the documentary sources of the Albanian archive, which, up to nowadays, have not been evaluated, nor studied properly. The goal of this paper is to make a first presentation of the relative historical sources and, later, to investigate and interpret from a first approach the merchant exchanges and relations of the city of Shkodra with Corfu and the Seven Islands during the 19th century, with the intention to continue our research at the archives on the same subject, covering the period until the end of the 19th century. This paper is only a small extract of the huge archival wealth that is found at the Central State Archive of Albania, remaining unpublished. We hope that this contribution will encourage an elaborated study in the future concerning the merchandise, but not only, relations between our countries.
The illuminated manuscript is an inseparable part of Byzantine art history, a fundamental complem... more The illuminated manuscript is an inseparable part of Byzantine art history, a fundamental complement to monumental painting and to portable icons, as well as an essential constitutive element of Byzantine civilization. The relationships between text and its appearance, according to the types of manuscripts, – and according to their use, artists, sponsors, owners, users, but also aesthetics, – are of special importance. Particularly the gospel manuscripts, which were produced more often, – those of the continuous text (four gospels) or those of the selected text (liturgical or evangelical Gospel excerpts) – often provide us with rich and important decors. These codices present iconographic elements and, mostly, decorative elements in common with other religious or secular manuscripts of the time. Meanwhile, the correspondence canons of Eusebius of Caesarea being, in the case of manuscript tradition, functional appendices to the gospel text, gave rise to the creation and development of a rich decoration system, which is a special feature of Gospel manuscripts.
A. Ndreca (ed.) Shêjzat, 2017
The paper reports on same conclusions of a study on the Codex of the Metropolis of Korça and Sela... more The paper reports on same conclusions of a study on the Codex of the Metropolis of Korça and Selasphoros (AQSh, F 488 D 99). The acts recorded date as early as 1676 and end at the beginning of the 20th century. The codex is made of paper. Its approximate size is 260 x 440 mm. The paper is thick and without lines. Containing 190 folios, the codex is bound with a cardboard cover that has been endued with a sheet of leather without decorations. The first written folio (f 5r) contains a note saying that the codex is property of the Metropolis of Korça and Selasphoros, and that it was offered as a gift to this Metropolis in 1676 by Parthenios, Archbishop of Ohrid.
Written in Greek, the codex gives precious information on the Christian communities during the Ottoman era, namely, on the administration and the judicial, the economical and social realities, the concept of "legal" inside the community and the political reality of the Christian Orthodox communities.
The acts of this codex contain important data about the anarchic situation in Albania du ring the 17th century. Amongst them, it is worth mentioning the letter that the Christian community of Korça sent to Ali Pasha of loannina in the year 1818, or the decisions taken in 1728 in Boboshtica opposing the arbitrary actions of merchants and landowners, when the Ottoman Empire was declining. The codex also gives plenty of information about the organizational and functional methods of the Elders Committee, elected on January 4th, 1866 “after discussing and reaching an agreement”; as well as information about the different social classes.
Thanks to collective contribution - the documents from this codex read - the streets of the city were cobblestoned (end of the 18th century); the aqueduct was built (1869); a new cemetery was built (end of the 18th century); the clock tower was built {1784), etc. The codex also treasures data concerning the visual arts, e.g. about the brothers Constantine and Athanasios Zographos, who painted not only the churches in Korça, but also those in the surrounding towns.
Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region (4th c. BC-19th c. AD)
The exhibition Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region, 4th century B.C. to 19th century A.D... more The exhibition Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region, 4th century B.C. to 19th century A.D. is the outcome of ten years of deliberations and consultations on the state of national museums in Albania. At the heart of it all was a relentless quest to discover what can be done to transform these museums from static organizations into dynamic, interactive institutions.
Borozan Đ. (ed.), The 1000th Anniversary of Saint Jovan Vladimir, 2017
The cult of St. John the Vladimir was promoted mainly by two clergymen. First by Kosmas Mavroudes... more The cult of St. John the Vladimir was promoted mainly by two clergymen. First by Kosmas Mavroudes (1643 – 1701), former Metropolitan of Kitios and Amathunta, in Cyprus, who was to serve from the year 1682 as the abbot of the Monastery of St. John the Vladimir in Elbasan and, on 1693, was elected Metropolitan of Durres. The second person who promoted the cult of St. John the Vladimir was Joasaph, Archbishop of Ochrid (1719 – 1745). He was responsible for the publication in Moschopolis, on 1742, of many akolouthiai (services) for different saints who were honored by the locals. The Vitae and akolouthia of the Saint John the Vladimir were among these publica-tions. After its first publication in Venice, on 1744 was published another akolouthia of the saint in Greek language, that was to be republished, in the same place, on 1858. At the same time, different local artists were invited to paint the interiors of the churches or paint mobile icons with the portrait or cycles of the life of St. John the Vladimir. The critical investigation of the abovementioned akolouthiai, seen as diachronic instruments in the political and socio-economical context, aims to analyze, firstly, the reappearance of the cult of St. John the Vladimir in the ottoman period and the popularity that he had in the Albanian milieu. At the same time, the comparing the above instru-ments with the artistic material heritage of the cult of the St. John the Vladimir mainly in Central Albania, will bring into discussion the theory of a coordinated effort that aims the consolidation of the cult of the saint, but altogether with his promotion and the promotion of other martyr-saints, the resistance against the islamization.
In a group of 100 manuscripts kept at the Central Archive of the State (CAS), Tirana dating from ... more In a group of 100 manuscripts kept at the Central Archive of the State (CAS), Tirana dating from the Byzantine and the post-Byzantine period, a number of codices present evidence of a manuscript book culture, common in Southern Italy and Byzantine Epirus during the 12th-14th centuries. In this paper I will briefly present some data and preliminary thoughts regarding seven manuscripts from the CAS collection, belonging to the Italo-Byzantine cultural area of book production. The manuscripts are those of Berat, bearing the numbers 24, 14, 31, 33, 34, 49, 40 and 41.
The social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of the Christian community in Korça was manifes... more The social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of the Christian community in Korça was manifested through the Christian institutions of the city, which were the churches, the monasteries and the schools. The institutions of the
Christian Orthodox religion during the Ottoman conquest constituted the center of the community and were, at the same time, the venue of the artistic manifestations of the time. The development of the masonry and of the artistic activity in the city of Korça, as well as in the areas that were under the jurisdiction of the Metropolis of Korça, is evident also from the data offered by the church archives. One of these sources is the Codex of the Metropolis of Korça and Selasphorous, rich with important information concerning the masonry and the development of religious art during the 18th-19th centuries. Based on the data that come mainly from this source, but also from other regesta of churches or monasteries of the Metropolis of Korça, this paper aims to make a presentation of the cultural and artistic activity, through the critic presentation of the historic data regarding the monumental heritage of the Orthodox Christians in the city of Korça. The paper is separated in three units. In the first unit are presented the five church monuments that are built in the city of Korça. In succession we have presented a list of 19 monasteries, based on information from the Codex of Korça and other codices, giving also short information about the sources. On the last unit we have made a presentation of the artistic trends about the area in question, which are represented by the workshop of the Korça painters, starting with David Selenica, later mentioning other prominent painters, Konstandin Shpataraku, Konstandin the hieromonach, the brothers Konstandin and Athanasios Zografi, and also their sons, Terpo and Efthimios Zografi. The up to now research data are linked with new data that derive from the aforementioned sources, thus completing or reconsidering nowadays hypotheses about the artistic activity of these painters.