Emiliano Esposito | University of Trento (original) (raw)


Papers by Emiliano Esposito

Research paper thumbnail of Deprivation-based squatting as a choice from necessity: The housing pathways of low-income squatters in public housing in Naples, Italy

Cities, 2022

In this study, I investigate a unique sheltering strategy employed by the urban poor to satisfy t... more In this study, I investigate a unique sheltering strategy employed by the urban poor to satisfy their housingrelated needsan individualistic squatting in public housing (Esposito & Chiodelli, 2021). People with low income and no connection (or partial) to social movements or housing activists frequently engage in this practice. Such occupations are among the forms the most recent literature has defined as 'deprivation-based' or 'survival' squatting, stressing housing precarity/desperation as the main driving force. To enrich the existing debate on the latter phenomenon and by exploring a deep ethnographic work in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples (Italy), I propose that individualistic squatting can be a routinised housing option among others. In some cases, squatting is not the last-resort strategy of the urban poor who choose to squat, aiming at materialising long-term solutions within a highly unstable housing context.

Research paper thumbnail of Our Lady of Squatters: Housing and Religion

This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many repres... more This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many representations of Virgin Mary in south Italy— during the Easter Triduum. Celebrations involve dancing and singing performances that devotees put in place in order to expiate their sins. This project comprises a series of color photographs taken in the De Gasperi neighbourhood, eastern periphery of Naples, aiming to unveil the peculiar meaning that the rituals of Madonna dell’Arco assumes in the area. The district is a public housing complex where almost half of inhabitants illegally occupy the house where they live. It is a case of squatting that takes place outside any political framework. In the De Gasperi neighbourhood, Madonna dell’Arco has become the most important religious icon for squatters that long for being recognizes as the legal recipient of their houses. The project contributes to the international debate on squatting: it highlights the immaterial meaning of squatting through fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Le regole dell'informalità abitativa. Il caso del subentro illegale negli alloggi di edilizia pubblica a Napoli


L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca etnografica condotta nel complesso di case pop... more L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca etnografica condotta nel complesso di case popolari del rione De Gasperi a Ponticelli, nell'area orientale di Napoli, dove la pratica di occupare informalmente un alloggio pubblico e fortemente radicata da decenni. Il saggio indaga una forma peculiare, il "subentro informale", di cui viene analizzato il funzionamento. L'obiettivo e mostrare l'informalita abitativa come risultato di un sistema di influenze reciproche tra sfera formale e sfera informale.

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond proper political squatting: exploring individualistic need-based occupations in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples

Housing Studies, 2021

The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by rese... more The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by research on collectively organized, politically-motivated occupations. By contrast, occupations promoted to fulfil urgent housing needs by uncoordinated urban poor without any connection with activists (i.e. need-based squatting) have been far less explored. The present paper contributes to filling this research gap concerning squatting as a sheltering strategy by marginalized individuals. To this end, this article focuses on the overlooked phenomenon of the illegal occupation of public buildings for residential purposes in Italy that occurs outside any explicit political framework. In particular, it provides an ethnographic investigation of a case of squatting in an abandoned school located in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples. This investigation is the basis for the conceptualization of a specific type of need-based squatting, that is to say 'individualistic squatting' , who...

Research paper thumbnail of Esposito Chiodelli 2021 Individualistic squatting

Housing Studies, 2021

The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by rese... more The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western
cities has been dominated by research on collectively organized,
politically-motivated occupations. By contrast, occupations promoted
to fulfil urgent housing needs by uncoordinated urban
poor without any connection with activists (i.e. need-based squatting)
have been far less explored. The present paper contributes
to filling this research gap concerning squatting as a sheltering
strategy by marginalized individuals. To this end, this article focuses
on the overlooked phenomenon of the illegal occupation of public
buildings for residential purposes in Italy that occurs outside any
explicit political framework. In particular, it provides an ethnographic
investigation of a case of squatting in an abandoned
school located in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples. This
investigation is the basis for the conceptualization of a specific
type of need-based squatting, that is to say ‘individualistic squatting’,
whose specific features (including its distinct political character)
are highlighted, together with its peculiarity vis-à-vis other
types of need-based squatting.

Research paper thumbnail of L'occupazione informale di uno spazio di edilizia popolare come tappa di passaggio: la dimensione materiale del percorso abitativo di un occupante abusivo nella città di Napoli

AA. VV. (2020), Atti della XXII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. L'Urbanistica italiana di fronte all'Agenda 2030. Portare territori e comunità sulla strada della sostenibilità e della resilienza, Matera-Bari 5-6-7 giugno 2019, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano | ISBN 9788899237219, 2020

Within Southern-European housing models, individualistic squatting can be depicted as channel thr... more Within Southern-European housing models, individualistic squatting can be depicted as channel through which households and individuals access to the asset 'house'. In the light of a strong socioeconomic stratification of housing model, low-income people suffer high levels of housing deprivation. Informal occupation of public housing units constitutes a mean that marginalized groups employ to satisfy their need of shelter. The plot of macro and micro variables shapes households' housing-related decision-making process. This is the case of housing histories of De Gasperi district's squatters under investigation in this paper. Within housing pathways framework the analysis navigates through the several dimensions of squatting. Informal occupation of public flats is observed as nonlinear journey, during which households try to satisfy their material needs related to dwelling within a given set of contextual circumstances. The investigation contributes to the academic debate on squatting in Europe shading light on squatting as complex experience of living in a public building without any formal entitlement. Research bases on biographical approach taking into consideration inhabitants' long-term life stories. Through employing such method of investigation, the paper locates residential moves the crucial events of housing history. 1 | Introduzione. Le variabili complesse della scelta abitativa Il fenomeno dell'abitare informale è stato per lo più identificato nell'autocostruzione abusiva di immobili, una pratica riconosciuta dalla letteratura accademica come un fattore strutturale dello sviluppo urbano italiano e un canale informale di accesso alla proprietà abitativa (Belotti & Annunziata, 2017; Zanfi, 2013). Meno trattato è la pratica delle occupazioni di abitazioni e immobili di proprietà pubblica a scopo abitativo, nonostante sembri assumere una funzione altrettanto consolidata all'interno dell'urbanismo italiano. Si pensi ad esempio che nel 2013 il 6,4% del patrimonio abitativo pubblico (circa 48,000 abitazioni su 750,000) era occupato illegalmente, con un incremento del 20,9% rispetto al 2004 (Federcasa, 2015). In quest'ambito, il presente contributo si concentra sull'intreccio di variabili macro (di contesto) e micro (relative agli attori di tale pratica) che spinge determinati soggetti ad occupare informalmente unità di edilizia residenziale pubblica (ERP) durante il proprio percorso abitativo. A tale scopo, l'analisi prende in considerazione il caso del rione di alloggi popolari 'De Gasperi', nel quartiere Ponticelli della zona orientale di Napoli. Per percorso abitativo si intende la sequenza complessa delle soluzioni abitative (casa in affitto o di proprietà, coabitazione) che una famiglia (o un individuo) adotta per rispondere ai mutevoli bisogni residenziali (Meeus & De Decker, 2015; Clapham, 2014, 2005). Pertanto, la pratica dell'occupazione informale a scopo abitativo viene qui interpretata come tappa intermedia di un articolato percorso dell'abitare che dipende da un insieme complesso di variabili macro e micro. Le variabili macro sono quei fattori che definiscono la struttura all'interno della quale una famiglia sceglie la soluzione abitativa più congeniale alle proprie esigenze. Il tipo di modello abitativo è uno dei principali fattori di influenza delle scelte residenziali di un individuo (Hochstenbach & Boterman, 2015; Clapham et al., 2014). Per modello abitativo si intende la particolare configurazione che assume l'accesso alla casa, in quanto bene di necessità primaria. Tale configurazione dipende dai seguenti elementi: il livello di supporto statale in materia di housing, il ruolo del mercato privato della casa e la funzione della famiglia in quanto attore di welfare abitativo (Allen et al., 2004; Esping-Andersen, 1990). Le variabili micro sono quei fattori che si riferiscono alle caratteristiche dei nuclei familiari e alla capacità che questi hanno di soddisfare le esigenze abitative sulla base delle risorse a propria disposizione (Manzoni, 2013). Una parte della letteratura ha sottolineato l'importanza della classe di appartenenza o dell'habitus nell'influenzare le decisioni relative alla sfera abitativa (Stillerman, 2017; Bourdieu, 2005). Per habitus si può intendere la diversità di forme di capitale che una famiglia impiega per raggiungere le Atti della XXII Conferenza Nazionale SIU | L'urbanistica italiana di fronte all'Agenda 2030 202

Research paper thumbnail of Juggling the formal and the informal: The regulatory environment of the illegal access to public housing in Naples

Geoforum, 2020

This paper focuses on the informal occupation of public housing in Naples (Italy), analysing a sp... more This paper focuses on the informal occupation of public housing in Naples (Italy), analysing a specific mechanism, the fraudulent takeover, which is an alternative to ‘ordinary squatting’ (i.e. breaking into vacant dwellings) in terms of accessing a housing unit illegally. This mechanism proliferates symbiotically with the formal system regulating the inheritance of public housing units, which creates the space of possibility within which fraudulent takeover was born and spread. A complex regulatory environment emerges as the background of this informal practice, within which the actors of the illegal city can exploit legal loopholes and juggle formality and informality in order to satisfy their housing needs. By reading this case study through some analytical tools offered by both Southern urban theory and Northern legal studies, this paper contributes primarily to the international debate on the nexus between urban informality and the State: it shows the fundamental, multifaceted role of various public institutions in shaping the illegal city, both actively – through (selective or rough) labelling and (mediated or failed) implementation – and passively – through their mere existence.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupazioni abusive in un contesto di edilizia residenziale pubblica a Napoli: una pratica individualistica?

Argomenti, 2020

Deprivation-based squatting is one of the several forms of urban squatting that academic debate h... more Deprivation-based squatting is one of the several forms of urban squatting that academic debate has identified in Western countries. However, scholars have usually neglected this form of squatting, focusing their analysis mainly on politically-oriented occupations promoted by urban social movements. This paper intends to enrich the academic debate on complex meanings of deprivation-based squatting through analyzing the case of occupations in the rione De Gasperi, a public housing neighborhood in eastern Naples (Italy). This is a peculiar case of deprivation-based squatting that we call individualistic squatting, whose main features are analyzed and its inherent political character is stressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale. Abitare la crisi della casa: strategie e significati dell'informalità abitativa in Italia

Argomenti, 2020

L'abitare informale è da tempo un tema di particolare interesse per il dibattito accademico sulla... more L'abitare informale è da tempo un tema di particolare interesse per il dibattito accademico sulla città e lo sviluppo urbano -tanto da diventare oggetto di numerosi studi nell'ambito delle scienze sociali che ne discutono a partire da lavori sulla povertà, le condizioni di vita e i meccanismi di esclusione sociale, fino a far esplodere queste argomentazioni in ricerche su temi come la (ri)produzione di marginalità abitativa, i modelli spaziali di frammentazione socio-economica legati alla casa e l'accesso diseguale al welfare abitativo . In modo particolare, gli studi sulle forme e i significati dell'abitare informale in Italia si sono tradizionalmente concentrati sull'autocostruzione abusiva di immobili considerata un elemento strutturante dello sviluppo urbano del paese e un canale informale di accesso alla proprietà . Di più recente formazione è, invece, il dibattito sulle occupazioni di alloggi e stabili a fini abitativi che sembrano disegnare le geografie di un fenomeno altrettanto consolidato dentro il sistema di welfare abitativo italiano . In termini generali, potremmo definire il fenomeno delle occupazioni abitative come un insieme di pratiche di 'auto-abitazione' -non solo devote alla auto-costruzione fuori dall'iter legale, ma anche relative a pratiche di autoappropriazione a fini abitativi -messe in atto da quote di popolazione soggette a dinamiche di espulsione dal mercato (pubblico e privato) della casa che assumono la forma tanto di azioni collettive che di iniziative promosse da singoli soggetti (per sé stessi o per i loro nuclei familiari).

Research paper thumbnail of Our Lady of squatters: housing and religion

Visual Ethnography, 2019

This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many repres... more This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many representations of
Virgin Mary in south Italy— during the Easter Triduum. Celebrations involve dancing and singing
performances that devotees put in place in order to expiate their sins. This project comprises a series of color
photographs taken in the De Gasperi neighbourhood, eastern periphery of Naples, aiming to unveil the peculiar
meaning that the rituals of Madonna dell’Arco assumes in the area. The district is a public housing complex where
almost half of inhabitants illegally occupy the house where they live. It is a case of squatting that takes place
outside any political framework. In the De Gasperi neighbourhood, Madonna dell’Arco has become the most
important religious icon for squatters that long for being recognizes as the legal recipient of their houses. The
project contributes to the international debate on squatting: it highlights the immaterial meaning of squatting
through focusing on the religious dimension of squatters’ everyday life.

Research paper thumbnail of Deprivation-based squatting as a choice from necessity: The housing pathways of low-income squatters in public housing in Naples, Italy

Cities, 2022

In this study, I investigate a unique sheltering strategy employed by the urban poor to satisfy t... more In this study, I investigate a unique sheltering strategy employed by the urban poor to satisfy their housingrelated needsan individualistic squatting in public housing (Esposito & Chiodelli, 2021). People with low income and no connection (or partial) to social movements or housing activists frequently engage in this practice. Such occupations are among the forms the most recent literature has defined as 'deprivation-based' or 'survival' squatting, stressing housing precarity/desperation as the main driving force. To enrich the existing debate on the latter phenomenon and by exploring a deep ethnographic work in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples (Italy), I propose that individualistic squatting can be a routinised housing option among others. In some cases, squatting is not the last-resort strategy of the urban poor who choose to squat, aiming at materialising long-term solutions within a highly unstable housing context.

Research paper thumbnail of Our Lady of Squatters: Housing and Religion

This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many repres... more This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many representations of Virgin Mary in south Italy— during the Easter Triduum. Celebrations involve dancing and singing performances that devotees put in place in order to expiate their sins. This project comprises a series of color photographs taken in the De Gasperi neighbourhood, eastern periphery of Naples, aiming to unveil the peculiar meaning that the rituals of Madonna dell’Arco assumes in the area. The district is a public housing complex where almost half of inhabitants illegally occupy the house where they live. It is a case of squatting that takes place outside any political framework. In the De Gasperi neighbourhood, Madonna dell’Arco has become the most important religious icon for squatters that long for being recognizes as the legal recipient of their houses. The project contributes to the international debate on squatting: it highlights the immaterial meaning of squatting through fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Le regole dell'informalità abitativa. Il caso del subentro illegale negli alloggi di edilizia pubblica a Napoli


L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca etnografica condotta nel complesso di case pop... more L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca etnografica condotta nel complesso di case popolari del rione De Gasperi a Ponticelli, nell'area orientale di Napoli, dove la pratica di occupare informalmente un alloggio pubblico e fortemente radicata da decenni. Il saggio indaga una forma peculiare, il "subentro informale", di cui viene analizzato il funzionamento. L'obiettivo e mostrare l'informalita abitativa come risultato di un sistema di influenze reciproche tra sfera formale e sfera informale.

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond proper political squatting: exploring individualistic need-based occupations in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples

Housing Studies, 2021

The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by rese... more The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by research on collectively organized, politically-motivated occupations. By contrast, occupations promoted to fulfil urgent housing needs by uncoordinated urban poor without any connection with activists (i.e. need-based squatting) have been far less explored. The present paper contributes to filling this research gap concerning squatting as a sheltering strategy by marginalized individuals. To this end, this article focuses on the overlooked phenomenon of the illegal occupation of public buildings for residential purposes in Italy that occurs outside any explicit political framework. In particular, it provides an ethnographic investigation of a case of squatting in an abandoned school located in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples. This investigation is the basis for the conceptualization of a specific type of need-based squatting, that is to say 'individualistic squatting' , who...

Research paper thumbnail of Esposito Chiodelli 2021 Individualistic squatting

Housing Studies, 2021

The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western cities has been dominated by rese... more The public and academic debate about urban squatting in Western
cities has been dominated by research on collectively organized,
politically-motivated occupations. By contrast, occupations promoted
to fulfil urgent housing needs by uncoordinated urban
poor without any connection with activists (i.e. need-based squatting)
have been far less explored. The present paper contributes
to filling this research gap concerning squatting as a sheltering
strategy by marginalized individuals. To this end, this article focuses
on the overlooked phenomenon of the illegal occupation of public
buildings for residential purposes in Italy that occurs outside any
explicit political framework. In particular, it provides an ethnographic
investigation of a case of squatting in an abandoned
school located in a public housing neighbourhood in Naples. This
investigation is the basis for the conceptualization of a specific
type of need-based squatting, that is to say ‘individualistic squatting’,
whose specific features (including its distinct political character)
are highlighted, together with its peculiarity vis-à-vis other
types of need-based squatting.

Research paper thumbnail of L'occupazione informale di uno spazio di edilizia popolare come tappa di passaggio: la dimensione materiale del percorso abitativo di un occupante abusivo nella città di Napoli

AA. VV. (2020), Atti della XXII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. L'Urbanistica italiana di fronte all'Agenda 2030. Portare territori e comunità sulla strada della sostenibilità e della resilienza, Matera-Bari 5-6-7 giugno 2019, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano | ISBN 9788899237219, 2020

Within Southern-European housing models, individualistic squatting can be depicted as channel thr... more Within Southern-European housing models, individualistic squatting can be depicted as channel through which households and individuals access to the asset 'house'. In the light of a strong socioeconomic stratification of housing model, low-income people suffer high levels of housing deprivation. Informal occupation of public housing units constitutes a mean that marginalized groups employ to satisfy their need of shelter. The plot of macro and micro variables shapes households' housing-related decision-making process. This is the case of housing histories of De Gasperi district's squatters under investigation in this paper. Within housing pathways framework the analysis navigates through the several dimensions of squatting. Informal occupation of public flats is observed as nonlinear journey, during which households try to satisfy their material needs related to dwelling within a given set of contextual circumstances. The investigation contributes to the academic debate on squatting in Europe shading light on squatting as complex experience of living in a public building without any formal entitlement. Research bases on biographical approach taking into consideration inhabitants' long-term life stories. Through employing such method of investigation, the paper locates residential moves the crucial events of housing history. 1 | Introduzione. Le variabili complesse della scelta abitativa Il fenomeno dell'abitare informale è stato per lo più identificato nell'autocostruzione abusiva di immobili, una pratica riconosciuta dalla letteratura accademica come un fattore strutturale dello sviluppo urbano italiano e un canale informale di accesso alla proprietà abitativa (Belotti & Annunziata, 2017; Zanfi, 2013). Meno trattato è la pratica delle occupazioni di abitazioni e immobili di proprietà pubblica a scopo abitativo, nonostante sembri assumere una funzione altrettanto consolidata all'interno dell'urbanismo italiano. Si pensi ad esempio che nel 2013 il 6,4% del patrimonio abitativo pubblico (circa 48,000 abitazioni su 750,000) era occupato illegalmente, con un incremento del 20,9% rispetto al 2004 (Federcasa, 2015). In quest'ambito, il presente contributo si concentra sull'intreccio di variabili macro (di contesto) e micro (relative agli attori di tale pratica) che spinge determinati soggetti ad occupare informalmente unità di edilizia residenziale pubblica (ERP) durante il proprio percorso abitativo. A tale scopo, l'analisi prende in considerazione il caso del rione di alloggi popolari 'De Gasperi', nel quartiere Ponticelli della zona orientale di Napoli. Per percorso abitativo si intende la sequenza complessa delle soluzioni abitative (casa in affitto o di proprietà, coabitazione) che una famiglia (o un individuo) adotta per rispondere ai mutevoli bisogni residenziali (Meeus & De Decker, 2015; Clapham, 2014, 2005). Pertanto, la pratica dell'occupazione informale a scopo abitativo viene qui interpretata come tappa intermedia di un articolato percorso dell'abitare che dipende da un insieme complesso di variabili macro e micro. Le variabili macro sono quei fattori che definiscono la struttura all'interno della quale una famiglia sceglie la soluzione abitativa più congeniale alle proprie esigenze. Il tipo di modello abitativo è uno dei principali fattori di influenza delle scelte residenziali di un individuo (Hochstenbach & Boterman, 2015; Clapham et al., 2014). Per modello abitativo si intende la particolare configurazione che assume l'accesso alla casa, in quanto bene di necessità primaria. Tale configurazione dipende dai seguenti elementi: il livello di supporto statale in materia di housing, il ruolo del mercato privato della casa e la funzione della famiglia in quanto attore di welfare abitativo (Allen et al., 2004; Esping-Andersen, 1990). Le variabili micro sono quei fattori che si riferiscono alle caratteristiche dei nuclei familiari e alla capacità che questi hanno di soddisfare le esigenze abitative sulla base delle risorse a propria disposizione (Manzoni, 2013). Una parte della letteratura ha sottolineato l'importanza della classe di appartenenza o dell'habitus nell'influenzare le decisioni relative alla sfera abitativa (Stillerman, 2017; Bourdieu, 2005). Per habitus si può intendere la diversità di forme di capitale che una famiglia impiega per raggiungere le Atti della XXII Conferenza Nazionale SIU | L'urbanistica italiana di fronte all'Agenda 2030 202

Research paper thumbnail of Juggling the formal and the informal: The regulatory environment of the illegal access to public housing in Naples

Geoforum, 2020

This paper focuses on the informal occupation of public housing in Naples (Italy), analysing a sp... more This paper focuses on the informal occupation of public housing in Naples (Italy), analysing a specific mechanism, the fraudulent takeover, which is an alternative to ‘ordinary squatting’ (i.e. breaking into vacant dwellings) in terms of accessing a housing unit illegally. This mechanism proliferates symbiotically with the formal system regulating the inheritance of public housing units, which creates the space of possibility within which fraudulent takeover was born and spread. A complex regulatory environment emerges as the background of this informal practice, within which the actors of the illegal city can exploit legal loopholes and juggle formality and informality in order to satisfy their housing needs. By reading this case study through some analytical tools offered by both Southern urban theory and Northern legal studies, this paper contributes primarily to the international debate on the nexus between urban informality and the State: it shows the fundamental, multifaceted role of various public institutions in shaping the illegal city, both actively – through (selective or rough) labelling and (mediated or failed) implementation – and passively – through their mere existence.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupazioni abusive in un contesto di edilizia residenziale pubblica a Napoli: una pratica individualistica?

Argomenti, 2020

Deprivation-based squatting is one of the several forms of urban squatting that academic debate h... more Deprivation-based squatting is one of the several forms of urban squatting that academic debate has identified in Western countries. However, scholars have usually neglected this form of squatting, focusing their analysis mainly on politically-oriented occupations promoted by urban social movements. This paper intends to enrich the academic debate on complex meanings of deprivation-based squatting through analyzing the case of occupations in the rione De Gasperi, a public housing neighborhood in eastern Naples (Italy). This is a peculiar case of deprivation-based squatting that we call individualistic squatting, whose main features are analyzed and its inherent political character is stressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Editoriale. Abitare la crisi della casa: strategie e significati dell'informalità abitativa in Italia

Argomenti, 2020

L'abitare informale è da tempo un tema di particolare interesse per il dibattito accademico sulla... more L'abitare informale è da tempo un tema di particolare interesse per il dibattito accademico sulla città e lo sviluppo urbano -tanto da diventare oggetto di numerosi studi nell'ambito delle scienze sociali che ne discutono a partire da lavori sulla povertà, le condizioni di vita e i meccanismi di esclusione sociale, fino a far esplodere queste argomentazioni in ricerche su temi come la (ri)produzione di marginalità abitativa, i modelli spaziali di frammentazione socio-economica legati alla casa e l'accesso diseguale al welfare abitativo . In modo particolare, gli studi sulle forme e i significati dell'abitare informale in Italia si sono tradizionalmente concentrati sull'autocostruzione abusiva di immobili considerata un elemento strutturante dello sviluppo urbano del paese e un canale informale di accesso alla proprietà . Di più recente formazione è, invece, il dibattito sulle occupazioni di alloggi e stabili a fini abitativi che sembrano disegnare le geografie di un fenomeno altrettanto consolidato dentro il sistema di welfare abitativo italiano . In termini generali, potremmo definire il fenomeno delle occupazioni abitative come un insieme di pratiche di 'auto-abitazione' -non solo devote alla auto-costruzione fuori dall'iter legale, ma anche relative a pratiche di autoappropriazione a fini abitativi -messe in atto da quote di popolazione soggette a dinamiche di espulsione dal mercato (pubblico e privato) della casa che assumono la forma tanto di azioni collettive che di iniziative promosse da singoli soggetti (per sé stessi o per i loro nuclei familiari).

Research paper thumbnail of Our Lady of squatters: housing and religion

Visual Ethnography, 2019

This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many repres... more This photo essay documents the religious celebration of Madonna dell’Arco —one of the many representations of
Virgin Mary in south Italy— during the Easter Triduum. Celebrations involve dancing and singing
performances that devotees put in place in order to expiate their sins. This project comprises a series of color
photographs taken in the De Gasperi neighbourhood, eastern periphery of Naples, aiming to unveil the peculiar
meaning that the rituals of Madonna dell’Arco assumes in the area. The district is a public housing complex where
almost half of inhabitants illegally occupy the house where they live. It is a case of squatting that takes place
outside any political framework. In the De Gasperi neighbourhood, Madonna dell’Arco has become the most
important religious icon for squatters that long for being recognizes as the legal recipient of their houses. The
project contributes to the international debate on squatting: it highlights the immaterial meaning of squatting
through focusing on the religious dimension of squatters’ everyday life.