Fulvio Ferrari | University of Trento (original) (raw)
Papers by Fulvio Ferrari
Testo medievale e traduzione, 2001
Translating a medieval text implies facing some specific issues: first of all, the translator of ... more Translating a medieval text implies facing some specific issues: first of all, the translator of a medieval text cannot participate in the source- culture as a living culture. Therefore, he has to act as a philologist in order to reconstruct the whole context of the source-text. In doing so, some key-concepts - such as "original text" and "author" - have to be revalued and redefined.
In addition, translating a medieval text produces a widening, a modification in the outlook on the past of a specific culture. This modification in the self-consciousness of a culture cannot be described as neutral and is therefore open to evaluation and criticism. Criticism of a translation must take into account both the translator’s ideology and the social context in which he operates.
La traduzione del Nibelungenlied. Problemi di un atto interpretativo, a cura di Davide Bertagnolli Bologna 2024
L’articolo prende in esame le più influenti traduzioni italiane in versi del Nibelungenlied, dall... more L’articolo prende in esame le più influenti traduzioni italiane in versi del Nibelungenlied, dalla metà del secolo XIX ai giorni nostri, indagando le strategie adottate dai traduttori per creare/ricreare il ritmo dell’originale. Se le traduzioni ottocentesche e primo-novecentesche, utilizzando metri propri della tradizione italiana, rischiano di allontanarsi in modo eccessivo dal contenuto semantico del poema, le traduzioni moderne dei testi epici rischiano invece di ridursi a semplice prosa alineare. L’autore propone quindi di adottare una strategia in cui il verso libero della poesia novecentesca venga utilizzato senza rinunciare a effetti ritmico-musicali, creando ovunque possibile una coerenza tra materia della narrazione e mezzi espressivi.
Celui qui parle, c’est aussi important! Forme e declinazioni della funzione-autore tra linguistica, filologia e letteratura, 2023
Il paper prende in esame le strategie enunciative all'interno del corpus delle "Saghe degli Islan... more Il paper prende in esame le strategie enunciative all'interno del corpus delle "Saghe degli Islandesi", con particolare attenzione alle funzioni del narratore, dell'autore implicito e dell'autore empirico.
Quando le valchirie cantano in nederlandese: Het weefgezang der Walkyren di A.C.W. Staring, 2020
In the course of the seventeenth century a new interest in their own past awoke in the cultural e... more In the course of the seventeenth century a new interest in their own past awoke in the cultural elites in Scandinavia. Such interest brought about not only pioneering histor- iographic works, but also the edition and translation of Old Norse literary master- works, such as the Eddas, Snorri’s Heimskringla, some skaldic poems, and several sa- gas. At a later time, the publication of Edmund Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) and of James Macpher- son’s Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highland of Scotland (1760) pro- duced a deep change in the literary taste of the cultivated circles that paved the way for a broad reception of Old Norse literature in the whole of Europe during the second half of the eighteenth and the first decades of the nineteenth century.
This fascination for Northern literature was also shared by Dutch scholars and poets who were open to the new trends in English and German literatures. One of such poets was Antonie Christiaan Winand Staring (1767-1840) who wrote two hu- moresque poems that drew inspiration from Snorri’s Edda and two translations of Old Norse texts, Baldrs draumar and Darraðarljóð, which he composed on the basis of Herder’s and Gray’s versions. In this article I will focus on the example of Dar- raðarljóð, aiming to figure out which strategies Staring adopted in his translation work and how his text constructs an intertextual dialogue with other translations of the same poem.
Satire - Ironie - Parodie. Aspekte des Komischen in der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 2016
The essay analyzes the ambiguity of the narrative voice in the "Pfaffe Amis" of the medieval Germ... more The essay analyzes the ambiguity of the narrative voice in the "Pfaffe Amis" of the medieval German poet known as "Der Stricker".
Mare aperto, 1986
This short essay analyzes the historical and cultural context in which August Strindberg's novel ... more This short essay analyzes the historical and cultural context in which August Strindberg's novel “By the Open Sea” (“I havsbandet”) was composed. The different cultural influences are examined in the essay, in particular the role played by Max Nordau, Verner von Heidenstam and Friedrich Nietzsche in the construction of the literary world of the novel.
L'articolo prende in esame l'utilizzo delle fonti nordiche nella ricezione creativa della materia... more L'articolo prende in esame l'utilizzo delle fonti nordiche nella ricezione creativa della materia nibelungica in area tedesca tra XVIII e XIX secolo.
“Una banda di dèi alcolizzati con un sex appeal pari a zero" Mitologia nordica e fantasy di inizio millennio, 2013
Some considerations on the use of Old Norse mythology in some fictional novels published at the b... more Some considerations on the use of Old Norse mythology in some fictional novels published at the beginning of the new century.
Saints and their Legacies in Medieval Iceland
Perception, 2016
The study analyzes the existence of naturally biased associations in the general population betwe... more The study analyzes the existence of naturally biased associations in the general population between a series of musical selections and a series of quatrains. Differently from other studies in the field, the association is tested between complex stimuli involving literary texts, which increases the load of the semantic factors. The stimuli were eight quatrains taken from the same poem and eight musical clips taken from a classical musical version of the poem. The experiment was conducted in two phases. First, the participants were asked to rate 10 couples of opposite adjectives on a continuous bipolar scale when reading a quatrain or when listening to a musical clip; then they were asked to associate a given clip directly with the quatrains in decreasing order. The results showed the existence of significant associations between the semantics of the quatrains and the musical selections. They also confirmed the correspondences experienced by the composer when writing the musical versi...
Studies in the Transmission and Reception of Old Norse Literature, 2016
Classiconorroena, Feb 13, 2014
Medioevo Romanzo, 2019
L'articolo prende in considerazione i mutamenti nei sistemi letterari nordici medievali in seguit... more L'articolo prende in considerazione i mutamenti nei sistemi letterari nordici medievali in seguito al contatto con le forme letterarie continentali.
La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del ... more La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del medioevo nelle molteplici lingue germaniche (ad es. alto-tedesco, norreno, inglese antico e medio): fra di esse si possono contare i celebri poemi eroici Beowulf e I Nibelunghi, così come le saghe islandesi o piuttosto i componimenti mitologici di area nordica. La collana vuole offrire, per la prima volta nell'ambito editoriale italiano, degli agili volumi scritti da esperti del settore, che sopperiscono alla mancanza di guide sicure e complete dedicate al medioevo letterario germanico; libri pensati per un pubblico composto non solo dagli addetti ai lavori, ma anche -e soprattutto- da chiunque cerchi un saggio affidabile su opere della letteratura germanica medievale. Il Carme di Ildebrando (2019) ha inaugurato la serie, seguito dalle Elegie anglosassoni (2020) e da I Nibelunghi (2020). Nel 2021 sono previsti in uscita due ulteriori volumi: le saghe nordiche e l'Edda in prosa. Il Medioevo germanico non è mai stato così a portata di mano!
AOQU, 2020
RIASSUNTO: Ogni tentativo di individuare un gruppo di testi che, nell'ambito delle letterature ge... more RIASSUNTO: Ogni tentativo di individuare un gruppo di testi che, nell'ambito delle letterature germaniche medievali, possano essere definiti come "poemi epici" incontra difficoltà apparentemente insormontabili. Tali difficoltà sono dovute principalmente al fatto che il concetto stesso di epica è stato elaborato a partire da esempi appartenenti alle culture classiche e, in un momento successivo, anche a partire da esempi romanzi. L'articolo, dopo una discussione generale dei criteri di classificazione adottati da trattazioni comparatistiche e storico-letterarie, prende in esame tre testi narrativi in versi appartenenti a tre distinte tradizioni germaniche-Beowulf, Nibelungenlied ed Erikskrönika-cercando di mettere in luce le difficoltà di collocazione in un tradizionale sistema di generi. Opinione dell'autore è che solo adottando criteri di definizione non rigidi, che tengano conto caso per caso delle interazioni tra generi e tradizioni, è possibile parlare di "epica germanica". ABSTRACT: Any attempt to identify a group of texts that, in the context of medieval Germanic literatures, could be defined as "epic poems" encounters seemingly insurmountable difficulties. Such difficulties are mainly due to the fact that the concept of epic itself was developed starting from examples belonging to classical cultures and, at a later time, also starting from Old French examples. The article, after a general discussion of the classification criteria adopted by comparative and historical-literary treatises, examines three narrative texts in verse belonging to three distinct Germanic traditions: Beowulf, Nibelungenlied and Erikskrönika. The aim of the analysis is to highlight the difficulties of placing them into a traditional system of genres. The Fulvio Ferrari 104 author's opinion is that only by adopting non-rigid definition criteria, which take into account the interactions between genres and traditions on a case-by-case basis, is it possible to speak of a "Germanic epic".
Rielaborazioni del mito nel fumetto contemporaneo, 2019
L'articolo analizza il modo in cui la mitologia nordica, e in particolare il mito del ragnarok, s... more L'articolo analizza il modo in cui la mitologia nordica, e in particolare il mito del ragnarok, sono stati rielaborati nel fumetto francese 'Odin'.
Scandinavian Canadian Studies, 2019
Old Norse texts and literary motifs have been circulating in Italian literature since an early pe... more Old Norse texts and literary motifs have been circulating in Italian literature since an early period of its history. Already in the second half of the eighteenth century, we find evidence of the interest of some Italian intellectual circles in the cultural tradition of ancient Scandinavia. The aim of this article is to show how and why Italian culture "imported" Old Norse texts during the last two centuries, especially how the mandates of different projects determined which texts to translate, how to translate them, and how to present them to an Italian readership. In keeping with the theme of this special volume, particular attention is paid to the case of Fóstbraeðra saga and the context of its appearance in Italian translation, including associated references to the twentieth-century rewriting of this saga by the Icelandic writer Halldór Kiljan Laxness. RÉSUMÉ: Les textes et motifs littéraires en vieux nordique circulent dans la littérature italienne depuis le début de son histoire. Déjà dans la seconde moitié du dix-huitième siècle, nous trouvons des preuves de l'intérêt de certains cercles intellectuels italiens pour la tradition culturelle de la Scandinavie antique. Le but de cet article est de montrer comment et pourquoi la culture italienne a « importé » des textes en vieux nordique au cours des deux derniers siècles, en particulier comment les mandats de différents projets ont déterminé quels textes traduire, comment les traduire et comment les présenter à un lectorat italien. Conformément au thème de ce volume spécial, une attention particulière est accordée au cas de La saga Fóstbraeðra et au contexte de son apparition dans la traduction italienne, y compris des références associées à la réécriture de cette saga par l'écrivain islandais Halldór Kiljan Laxness.
Testo medievale e traduzione, 2001
Translating a medieval text implies facing some specific issues: first of all, the translator of ... more Translating a medieval text implies facing some specific issues: first of all, the translator of a medieval text cannot participate in the source- culture as a living culture. Therefore, he has to act as a philologist in order to reconstruct the whole context of the source-text. In doing so, some key-concepts - such as "original text" and "author" - have to be revalued and redefined.
In addition, translating a medieval text produces a widening, a modification in the outlook on the past of a specific culture. This modification in the self-consciousness of a culture cannot be described as neutral and is therefore open to evaluation and criticism. Criticism of a translation must take into account both the translator’s ideology and the social context in which he operates.
La traduzione del Nibelungenlied. Problemi di un atto interpretativo, a cura di Davide Bertagnolli Bologna 2024
L’articolo prende in esame le più influenti traduzioni italiane in versi del Nibelungenlied, dall... more L’articolo prende in esame le più influenti traduzioni italiane in versi del Nibelungenlied, dalla metà del secolo XIX ai giorni nostri, indagando le strategie adottate dai traduttori per creare/ricreare il ritmo dell’originale. Se le traduzioni ottocentesche e primo-novecentesche, utilizzando metri propri della tradizione italiana, rischiano di allontanarsi in modo eccessivo dal contenuto semantico del poema, le traduzioni moderne dei testi epici rischiano invece di ridursi a semplice prosa alineare. L’autore propone quindi di adottare una strategia in cui il verso libero della poesia novecentesca venga utilizzato senza rinunciare a effetti ritmico-musicali, creando ovunque possibile una coerenza tra materia della narrazione e mezzi espressivi.
Celui qui parle, c’est aussi important! Forme e declinazioni della funzione-autore tra linguistica, filologia e letteratura, 2023
Il paper prende in esame le strategie enunciative all'interno del corpus delle "Saghe degli Islan... more Il paper prende in esame le strategie enunciative all'interno del corpus delle "Saghe degli Islandesi", con particolare attenzione alle funzioni del narratore, dell'autore implicito e dell'autore empirico.
Quando le valchirie cantano in nederlandese: Het weefgezang der Walkyren di A.C.W. Staring, 2020
In the course of the seventeenth century a new interest in their own past awoke in the cultural e... more In the course of the seventeenth century a new interest in their own past awoke in the cultural elites in Scandinavia. Such interest brought about not only pioneering histor- iographic works, but also the edition and translation of Old Norse literary master- works, such as the Eddas, Snorri’s Heimskringla, some skaldic poems, and several sa- gas. At a later time, the publication of Edmund Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) and of James Macpher- son’s Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highland of Scotland (1760) pro- duced a deep change in the literary taste of the cultivated circles that paved the way for a broad reception of Old Norse literature in the whole of Europe during the second half of the eighteenth and the first decades of the nineteenth century.
This fascination for Northern literature was also shared by Dutch scholars and poets who were open to the new trends in English and German literatures. One of such poets was Antonie Christiaan Winand Staring (1767-1840) who wrote two hu- moresque poems that drew inspiration from Snorri’s Edda and two translations of Old Norse texts, Baldrs draumar and Darraðarljóð, which he composed on the basis of Herder’s and Gray’s versions. In this article I will focus on the example of Dar- raðarljóð, aiming to figure out which strategies Staring adopted in his translation work and how his text constructs an intertextual dialogue with other translations of the same poem.
Satire - Ironie - Parodie. Aspekte des Komischen in der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 2016
The essay analyzes the ambiguity of the narrative voice in the "Pfaffe Amis" of the medieval Germ... more The essay analyzes the ambiguity of the narrative voice in the "Pfaffe Amis" of the medieval German poet known as "Der Stricker".
Mare aperto, 1986
This short essay analyzes the historical and cultural context in which August Strindberg's novel ... more This short essay analyzes the historical and cultural context in which August Strindberg's novel “By the Open Sea” (“I havsbandet”) was composed. The different cultural influences are examined in the essay, in particular the role played by Max Nordau, Verner von Heidenstam and Friedrich Nietzsche in the construction of the literary world of the novel.
L'articolo prende in esame l'utilizzo delle fonti nordiche nella ricezione creativa della materia... more L'articolo prende in esame l'utilizzo delle fonti nordiche nella ricezione creativa della materia nibelungica in area tedesca tra XVIII e XIX secolo.
“Una banda di dèi alcolizzati con un sex appeal pari a zero" Mitologia nordica e fantasy di inizio millennio, 2013
Some considerations on the use of Old Norse mythology in some fictional novels published at the b... more Some considerations on the use of Old Norse mythology in some fictional novels published at the beginning of the new century.
Saints and their Legacies in Medieval Iceland
Perception, 2016
The study analyzes the existence of naturally biased associations in the general population betwe... more The study analyzes the existence of naturally biased associations in the general population between a series of musical selections and a series of quatrains. Differently from other studies in the field, the association is tested between complex stimuli involving literary texts, which increases the load of the semantic factors. The stimuli were eight quatrains taken from the same poem and eight musical clips taken from a classical musical version of the poem. The experiment was conducted in two phases. First, the participants were asked to rate 10 couples of opposite adjectives on a continuous bipolar scale when reading a quatrain or when listening to a musical clip; then they were asked to associate a given clip directly with the quatrains in decreasing order. The results showed the existence of significant associations between the semantics of the quatrains and the musical selections. They also confirmed the correspondences experienced by the composer when writing the musical versi...
Studies in the Transmission and Reception of Old Norse Literature, 2016
Classiconorroena, Feb 13, 2014
Medioevo Romanzo, 2019
L'articolo prende in considerazione i mutamenti nei sistemi letterari nordici medievali in seguit... more L'articolo prende in considerazione i mutamenti nei sistemi letterari nordici medievali in seguito al contatto con le forme letterarie continentali.
La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del ... more La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del medioevo nelle molteplici lingue germaniche (ad es. alto-tedesco, norreno, inglese antico e medio): fra di esse si possono contare i celebri poemi eroici Beowulf e I Nibelunghi, così come le saghe islandesi o piuttosto i componimenti mitologici di area nordica. La collana vuole offrire, per la prima volta nell'ambito editoriale italiano, degli agili volumi scritti da esperti del settore, che sopperiscono alla mancanza di guide sicure e complete dedicate al medioevo letterario germanico; libri pensati per un pubblico composto non solo dagli addetti ai lavori, ma anche -e soprattutto- da chiunque cerchi un saggio affidabile su opere della letteratura germanica medievale. Il Carme di Ildebrando (2019) ha inaugurato la serie, seguito dalle Elegie anglosassoni (2020) e da I Nibelunghi (2020). Nel 2021 sono previsti in uscita due ulteriori volumi: le saghe nordiche e l'Edda in prosa. Il Medioevo germanico non è mai stato così a portata di mano!
AOQU, 2020
RIASSUNTO: Ogni tentativo di individuare un gruppo di testi che, nell'ambito delle letterature ge... more RIASSUNTO: Ogni tentativo di individuare un gruppo di testi che, nell'ambito delle letterature germaniche medievali, possano essere definiti come "poemi epici" incontra difficoltà apparentemente insormontabili. Tali difficoltà sono dovute principalmente al fatto che il concetto stesso di epica è stato elaborato a partire da esempi appartenenti alle culture classiche e, in un momento successivo, anche a partire da esempi romanzi. L'articolo, dopo una discussione generale dei criteri di classificazione adottati da trattazioni comparatistiche e storico-letterarie, prende in esame tre testi narrativi in versi appartenenti a tre distinte tradizioni germaniche-Beowulf, Nibelungenlied ed Erikskrönika-cercando di mettere in luce le difficoltà di collocazione in un tradizionale sistema di generi. Opinione dell'autore è che solo adottando criteri di definizione non rigidi, che tengano conto caso per caso delle interazioni tra generi e tradizioni, è possibile parlare di "epica germanica". ABSTRACT: Any attempt to identify a group of texts that, in the context of medieval Germanic literatures, could be defined as "epic poems" encounters seemingly insurmountable difficulties. Such difficulties are mainly due to the fact that the concept of epic itself was developed starting from examples belonging to classical cultures and, at a later time, also starting from Old French examples. The article, after a general discussion of the classification criteria adopted by comparative and historical-literary treatises, examines three narrative texts in verse belonging to three distinct Germanic traditions: Beowulf, Nibelungenlied and Erikskrönika. The aim of the analysis is to highlight the difficulties of placing them into a traditional system of genres. The Fulvio Ferrari 104 author's opinion is that only by adopting non-rigid definition criteria, which take into account the interactions between genres and traditions on a case-by-case basis, is it possible to speak of a "Germanic epic".
Rielaborazioni del mito nel fumetto contemporaneo, 2019
L'articolo analizza il modo in cui la mitologia nordica, e in particolare il mito del ragnarok, s... more L'articolo analizza il modo in cui la mitologia nordica, e in particolare il mito del ragnarok, sono stati rielaborati nel fumetto francese 'Odin'.
Scandinavian Canadian Studies, 2019
Old Norse texts and literary motifs have been circulating in Italian literature since an early pe... more Old Norse texts and literary motifs have been circulating in Italian literature since an early period of its history. Already in the second half of the eighteenth century, we find evidence of the interest of some Italian intellectual circles in the cultural tradition of ancient Scandinavia. The aim of this article is to show how and why Italian culture "imported" Old Norse texts during the last two centuries, especially how the mandates of different projects determined which texts to translate, how to translate them, and how to present them to an Italian readership. In keeping with the theme of this special volume, particular attention is paid to the case of Fóstbraeðra saga and the context of its appearance in Italian translation, including associated references to the twentieth-century rewriting of this saga by the Icelandic writer Halldór Kiljan Laxness. RÉSUMÉ: Les textes et motifs littéraires en vieux nordique circulent dans la littérature italienne depuis le début de son histoire. Déjà dans la seconde moitié du dix-huitième siècle, nous trouvons des preuves de l'intérêt de certains cercles intellectuels italiens pour la tradition culturelle de la Scandinavie antique. Le but de cet article est de montrer comment et pourquoi la culture italienne a « importé » des textes en vieux nordique au cours des deux derniers siècles, en particulier comment les mandats de différents projets ont déterminé quels textes traduire, comment les traduire et comment les présenter à un lectorat italien. Conformément au thème de ce volume spécial, une attention particulière est accordée au cas de La saga Fóstbraeðra et au contexte de son apparition dans la traduction italienne, y compris des références associées à la réécriture de cette saga par l'écrivain islandais Halldór Kiljan Laxness.
Last proofs. The book is almost sold out but a few last copies can still be purchased here: ... more Last proofs.
The book is almost sold out but a few last copies can still be purchased here: