Fabio Musso | Urbino "Carlo Bo" (original) (raw)

Journal Articles by Fabio Musso

Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Preface, Special Issue on Retailer Offer and Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Vol. 3(4), 2014

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Vol. 3(4), October-December, pp. i-iii, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430. ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810. , 2014

Innovation in the retail sector occurred as a continuous process in the recent decades and involv... more Innovation in the retail sector occurred as a continuous process in the recent decades and involved technological, organizational, structural and relational aspects. Most of the main changes have been characterized by gradualism, with an announced fast revolution, e-commerce, that took almost ten years to start exerting its effects to a considerable extent. Actually e-commerce is continuing its growth and incremental progress is changing into exponential progress. The consequent disintermediation, reintermediation and multichannelling issues are a matter of fact, leading the emergence of a new paradigm for retailing, and the definition of its boundaries is still under discussion.What retailers are currently doing in the continuously changing context is the subject of this Special Issue on "Retailer Offer and Consumer Behavior". What emerges is a combination of innovative solutions within mostly traditional retail environments, although the presence of e-commerce leads to the adoption of multi-channelling strategies and the improvement of all areas of influence inside the store. Increased multisensory interaction with the client and customized relationship based on big data are recurring themes that emerge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Crisis and SMEs' behavior: an Analysis on the Furniture Sector in Italy

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), pp. 115-126, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430., 2014

This paper examines the results of a case study analysis carried out on five small and medium-siz... more This paper examines the results of a case study analysis carried out on five small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the furnishing sector of an Italian province. The aim of the study was to analyze which kind of strategies SMEs are adopting in order to face the economic crisis started in 2008. The cases analyzed highlighted the ability of firms in reacting by the development a proactive strategy, which brought them to positive economic results over time. Discussion of results and managerial implications are suggested in order to properly address other enterprises acting in similar market condition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial, International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), 2014

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), pp. 1-2, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430., 2014

Traditionally, strategic management has been analyzed from an economic perspective, with approach... more Traditionally, strategic management has been analyzed from an economic perspective, with approaches aiming at understanding the mechanisms underlying firms' performance. The most relevant theories, such as the structure-strategy-performance paradigm by Porter for the analysis of competitive advantage, the game theory about competitive interaction, the evolutionary perspective and the resource-based view, tried to point out conditions and causal mechanisms of competitiveness, linking internal resources to the generation of value in a market context.
More recently, a psychological perspective has been adopted in several studies in order to contribute to understanding organizational and market dynamics. The field of analysis shifted from the external environment to the internal resources of an economic organization, paying increasing attention to the cognitive and behavioral processes. However, the emphasis put by psychology of strategic management literature on behavioral and cognitive aspects of strategy formulation brought to undervalue emotional and affective aspects, leading to a still inadequate representation of strategic management.
There is still a lot of work in terms of interdisciplinary studies to succeed in capturing a vision which includes all perspectives that need to be taken for a complete understanding of the decision-making process of companies and organizations.
This journal aims at encouraging this interdisciplinary approach, firstly by integrating the economic and the management perspectives with the behavioral and psychological ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Strategy for SMEs: Criteria for Foreign Markets and Entry Modes Selection

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (JSBED), Vol. 21, n. 2, pp. 301-312, ISSN: 1462-6004, DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-10-2013-0149., 2014

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of small- and medium-s... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the international market selection (IMS) and entry mode selection (EMS) processes.
Design/methodology/approach – To achieve this, an examination of the degree of systematic/active behaviour during IMS and EMS on a sample of 221 SMEs was conducted. Moreover, the paper sought to comprehend whether SMEs select foreign market and entry mode in a separate and sequential way, and whether there is a relationship between the sequentiality of IMS and EMS, on one side, and SME behaviour during these two processes, on the other side.
Findings – Results revealed that SMEs have a non-systematic and passive behaviour during IMS and EMS, respectively. Moreover, a high predilection in performing the two processes contemporaneously or without any logic was found. Finally, a strong relation between sequentiality of IMS and EMS and degree of systematic and active behaviour during the processes existed.
Originality/value – In this study, using a sample of SMEs located in a region of Italy, SME behaviour in the IMS and entry mode choice processes was tested.
Article Type:Research paper
Keyword(s): International marketing strategy; Entry mode selection; International market selection; Small- and medium-size enterprises.

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial, International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 3(1), 2013,

One of the most well-known theories on market functioning according to the firm’s perspective is ... more One of the most well-known theories on market functioning according to the firm’s perspective is that of transaction costs analysis (TCA), proposed in its early versions by Coase and then by Williamson who formulated the most relevant statements about this theory. The TCA approach supported the academic literature in explaining the criteria of organizational forms and strategic choices, among which are diversification, vertical integration, internationalization, and various forms of cooperation and interaction among firms. Two key assumptions of human behavior support this theory: bounded rationality and opportunism. Bounded rationality assumes that decision makers have limited cognitive capabilities and a not fully rational behavior. These constraints emerge in conditions of uncertainty, for which the context of an economic interaction cannot be specified ex ante and performance cannot be verified ex post. Unfortunately, the TCA literature lacks an understanding of what determines limited rationality and opportunism, and which are the factors that have an influence on these dimensions of human behavior.
The papers collected in this issue of The International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB) contribute in continuing the construction of the complex mosaic of concepts and tools that is necessary for the study of economic behavior. They provide different perspectives on interactions in which individual and organizations are involved, responding to influencing factors whose knowledge is still limited.

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Research paper thumbnail of Key decisions and changes in internationalization strategies. The case of smaller firms

Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 21, n. 3, 2013, pp. 240-259, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2013.790466, ISSN 0965-254X (Print), 1466-4488 (Online)., 2013

The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterp... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the mechanical manufacturing sector. The focus of the paper is on the factors affecting both the strategic choices and the changes that occurred during the internationalization process, after the first foreign market entry. To accomplish this goal, quantitative research has been performed through a survey on entrepreneurs and managers of 60 Italian SMEs. The questionnaires collected were used to perform a cluster analysis in order to identify various groups of companies exhibiting similar behaviours. This study provided a valuable contribution to the knowledge of SMEs' internationalization in general and of the mechanical sector in particular, showing the importance of analysing when a firm decides to change its markets or its entry mode, along a continuum of reactive versus proactive changes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Decision-Making Process in International Business Strategies. Factors of Influence on Small and Medium Enterprises

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2013, pp. 1-22. doi: 10.4018/ijabe.2013040101, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2013

This paper investigates the relationship between the contextual factors related to the firm's dec... more This paper investigates the relationship between the contextual factors related to the firm's decision-maker and the process of international strategic decision-making. The analysis has been conducted focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Data for the research came from 111 usable responses to a survey on a sample of SME decision-makers in international field. The results of regression analysis indicate that the context variables, both internal and external, exerted more influence on international strategic decision making process than the decision-maker personality characteristics.

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Research paper thumbnail of CSR for retailers' led channel relationships: Evidence from Italian SME manufacturers

International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), Vol. 4, n. 1, 2013, January-March, pp.21-36, DOI: 10.4018/ijissc.2013010102, ISSN: 1941-868X, EISSN: 1941-8698. , 2013

This paper analyses the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies by small and m... more This paper analyses the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies by small and medium manufacturers which are involved in supplying relationships with large retailers. The purpose of the paper is to examine CSR drivers within large retailers’ supply chains. A quantitative empirical research was conducted focusing on the food sector, as a sector in which traceability, supplier’s coordination and control are critical to the supply chain. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire addressed to 89 Italian SME manufacturers to explore the main factors influencing the adoption of CSR and the level of formalization of the related policies. Findings revealed the key role of large retailers for the establishment of a sustainable/ethical supply chain. An attenuation of the hierarchic/conflictual perspective in buyer-seller relationships emerged, with a reduction of margin-compression effects for smaller suppliers as a consequence of power imbalances. A relevant consequence of CSR is a relationship development model in which all the involved subjects can benefit, including smaller partners inside the supply chains.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Industrial Districts Logistics suitable for Industrial Parks?

Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 9, No 4, 2013, pp. 221-233. Online ISSN: 2067 – 340X, Print ISSN: 2065-0175., 2013

The paper discusses the role of logistics for industrial districts, highlighting the current stat... more The paper discusses the role of logistics for industrial districts, highlighting the current status and defining a logistics model supporting the relationships between providers and users of logistic services within the local context of an industrial district.
A comparison with industrial parks, with reference to Romanian ones, allows identifying the potential of adaptation for industrial district logistic models to industrial parks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ruolo dei consorzi per la valorizzazione del Made in Italy nel mercato indiano

Piccola Impresa/Small Business, n. 3, 2012, pp. 99-123, ISSN: 0394-7947., 2012

This paper argues that export consortia should be re-assessed in terms of relevance and effective... more This paper argues that export consortia should be re-assessed in terms of relevance and effectiveness, in the light of recent changes in international market competition. Therefore this paper aims to explore the role of export consortia to foster “Made in Italy” companies and products in emerging markets, attempting to highlight their limitations and opportunities. The empirical research is based on two case-studies of Italian export consortia active in the Indian market and promoting agrifood products. According to conducted research, the examined export consortia behaviour shows that little changes have emerged when compared to “traditional” approaches widely practiced in the past, even though it is clear that firms are increasingly aware about the possible role of export consortia in emerging markets.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Editorial", International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 2(1), 2012

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 2(1), 2012, pp. 1-2, ISSN 2069-5756., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of MVM’s Nonlinear Internationalization: A Case Study

Journal of East-West Business, Vol 18, n. 4, 2012, pp. 275-300 , ISSN 1066-9868 (Print), 1528-6959 (Online), doi :10.1080/10669868.2012.736081, 2012

This article aims to contribute to the international and East-West business literature by discuss... more This article aims to contribute to the international and East-West business literature by discussing the nature of nonlinear internationalization based on a case study of an Italian firm, Meccanica Valle Metauro S.r.l., that had activities in Central and Eastern Europe and other countries and by identifying causes of nonlinearities. The study concludes that nonlinear internationalization may be caused by different internal and external factors and actors; that it can occur once or several times; that foreign market exit may be temporary (followed by re-entry) and permanent; and that de-internationalization does not always mean a failure for the firm.

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Research paper thumbnail of How Do Smaller Firms Select Foreign Markets?

International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4, No. 6, 2012, pp. 44-53, ISSN 1918-719X(Print) ISSN 1918-7203(Online) , DOI: 10.5539/ijms.v4n6p44., 2012

The purpose of this paper was to analyze the internationalization of small and medium-sized enter... more The purpose of this paper was to analyze the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in relation to the international market selection (IMS). To accomplish this, an investigation of the primary factors influencing SMEs’ choice when selecting international markets with a systematic approach way was conducted. In addition we sought to understand whether there was a relationship between the systematic approach in IMS and the characteristics of SMEs. Results revealed that the majority of SMEs adopt a non-systematic IMS. However, in the case of SMEs following a systematic approach to IMS, the study pointed out that SMEs are influenced by firm-specific and host country factors, but not by entry barriers like geographic and cultural distance. In addition, results illustrated the existence of a relationship between systematic IMS and firm size.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Decision-Maker Characteristics on the International Strategic Decision-Making Process: An SME  Perspective

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 58, 2012, pp. 279-288, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of SMEs’ strategic decision-making proc... more The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of SMEs’ strategic decision-making processes in international business. In particularly, we want to understand if exist a relationship between SMEs’ decision-maker characteristics (e.g. international experience, nationality, skill), and the process of strategic decision-making in international field. To achieve this, an examination of these aspects on a sample of 77 SMEs was conducted.
Main results revealed that there is a strong relationship between decision-maker education and two important phases of international strategic decision-making process, that are International Market Selection and Entry Mode Selection.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Preface, Special Issue on Retailer-Consumer Relationships

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), vol. 1, n. 4,2012, pp. I-III. doi: 10.4018/ijabe.2012040104, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospettive di analisi per l’innovazione nei canali di marketing

Mercati e competitività, n. 3, 2012, pp. 85-106, ISSN: 1826-7386., 2012

Il lavoro propone un’analisi dell’innovazione nei canali di marketing focalizzandosi su ciò che v... more Il lavoro propone un’analisi dell’innovazione nei canali di marketing focalizzandosi su ciò che va inteso come innovazione per l'intero canale. Vengono seguite tre prospettive di analisi: una prospettiva tecnologica, riferita all’influenza della tecnologia nelle interazioni fra i membri dei canali e con i clienti finali, una prospettiva strutturale, riguardante nuove configurazioni di canale, e una prospettiva relazionale, relativa ai cambiamenti nei rapporti verticali fra le imprese.
Sulla base di una revisione della letteratura, lo studio fornisce uno schema concettuale da cui sviluppare successive ricerche e approfondimenti che possano cogliere la misura e gli effetti dei cambiamenti determinati dall’innovazione.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology in Marketing Channels: Present and Future Drivers of Innovation

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), vol. 1, n. 2, 2012, pp. 41-51, doi:10.4018/ijabe.2012040104, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Markets Entry Mode Decision for Italian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, January, pp. 3-16. ISSN 1833-3850, E-ISSN 1833-8119, doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n2p3., 2012

Using a resource-based view model, this paper examines the main factors influencing small and med... more Using a resource-based view model, this paper examines the main factors influencing small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) international entry mode selection. In addition, a possible relationship between firms belonging to industrial districts and the entry mode choice has been verified. Data for the analysis of this study were collected interviewing 221 owners/managers of SMEs in Italy. Results showed that entry mode decisions are mainly influenced by firm specific factors. Furthermore, the study does not support the hypothesis of a connection between the firm’s belonging to an industrial district and firms’ behavior in entry mode selection. This study has made it possible to detect by a resource-based perspective the main factors influencing the choice of entry modes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Relational Dynamics within Vertical Business Networks: The Need for a Transdiscplinary Approach

Analele Universitatii Bucuresti. Seria Stiinte Economice si Administrative, Annals of the University of Bucharest: Economic and Administrative Series, Issue 5, 2011, pp. 131-148, ISSN: 1842-9327, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori

Mercati e competitività, n. 1, 2011, pp. 73-92, doi: 10.3280/MC2011-001005, ISSN: 1826-7386, 2011

"Large retailers’ suppliers selection criteria are changing towards a greater attention to factor... more "Large retailers’ suppliers selection criteria are changing towards a greater attention to factors that can increase variety and differentiation of assortments. This paper aims to analyze the changes in which small and medium manufacturers are involved as retailers’ suppliers.
A survey on a sample of SMEs in the food industry has been conducted in order to understanding the level of pressure that manufacturers perceive in retailers’ selection criteria. The analysis reveals as retailers’ attention is moving towards issues concerning the ability of the supplier to sustain a high level of efficiency along the whole supply chain. "

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Preface, Special Issue on Retailer Offer and Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Vol. 3(4), 2014

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Vol. 3(4), October-December, pp. i-iii, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430. ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810. , 2014

Innovation in the retail sector occurred as a continuous process in the recent decades and involv... more Innovation in the retail sector occurred as a continuous process in the recent decades and involved technological, organizational, structural and relational aspects. Most of the main changes have been characterized by gradualism, with an announced fast revolution, e-commerce, that took almost ten years to start exerting its effects to a considerable extent. Actually e-commerce is continuing its growth and incremental progress is changing into exponential progress. The consequent disintermediation, reintermediation and multichannelling issues are a matter of fact, leading the emergence of a new paradigm for retailing, and the definition of its boundaries is still under discussion.What retailers are currently doing in the continuously changing context is the subject of this Special Issue on "Retailer Offer and Consumer Behavior". What emerges is a combination of innovative solutions within mostly traditional retail environments, although the presence of e-commerce leads to the adoption of multi-channelling strategies and the improvement of all areas of influence inside the store. Increased multisensory interaction with the client and customized relationship based on big data are recurring themes that emerge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic Crisis and SMEs' behavior: an Analysis on the Furniture Sector in Italy

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), pp. 115-126, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430., 2014

This paper examines the results of a case study analysis carried out on five small and medium-siz... more This paper examines the results of a case study analysis carried out on five small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the furnishing sector of an Italian province. The aim of the study was to analyze which kind of strategies SMEs are adopting in order to face the economic crisis started in 2008. The cases analyzed highlighted the ability of firms in reacting by the development a proactive strategy, which brought them to positive economic results over time. Discussion of results and managerial implications are suggested in order to properly address other enterprises acting in similar market condition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial, International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), 2014

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 4(1), pp. 1-2, ISSN 2069-5756, EISSN 2285-0430., 2014

Traditionally, strategic management has been analyzed from an economic perspective, with approach... more Traditionally, strategic management has been analyzed from an economic perspective, with approaches aiming at understanding the mechanisms underlying firms' performance. The most relevant theories, such as the structure-strategy-performance paradigm by Porter for the analysis of competitive advantage, the game theory about competitive interaction, the evolutionary perspective and the resource-based view, tried to point out conditions and causal mechanisms of competitiveness, linking internal resources to the generation of value in a market context.
More recently, a psychological perspective has been adopted in several studies in order to contribute to understanding organizational and market dynamics. The field of analysis shifted from the external environment to the internal resources of an economic organization, paying increasing attention to the cognitive and behavioral processes. However, the emphasis put by psychology of strategic management literature on behavioral and cognitive aspects of strategy formulation brought to undervalue emotional and affective aspects, leading to a still inadequate representation of strategic management.
There is still a lot of work in terms of interdisciplinary studies to succeed in capturing a vision which includes all perspectives that need to be taken for a complete understanding of the decision-making process of companies and organizations.
This journal aims at encouraging this interdisciplinary approach, firstly by integrating the economic and the management perspectives with the behavioral and psychological ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Strategy for SMEs: Criteria for Foreign Markets and Entry Modes Selection

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (JSBED), Vol. 21, n. 2, pp. 301-312, ISSN: 1462-6004, DOI: 10.1108/JSBED-10-2013-0149., 2014

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of small- and medium-s... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the international market selection (IMS) and entry mode selection (EMS) processes.
Design/methodology/approach – To achieve this, an examination of the degree of systematic/active behaviour during IMS and EMS on a sample of 221 SMEs was conducted. Moreover, the paper sought to comprehend whether SMEs select foreign market and entry mode in a separate and sequential way, and whether there is a relationship between the sequentiality of IMS and EMS, on one side, and SME behaviour during these two processes, on the other side.
Findings – Results revealed that SMEs have a non-systematic and passive behaviour during IMS and EMS, respectively. Moreover, a high predilection in performing the two processes contemporaneously or without any logic was found. Finally, a strong relation between sequentiality of IMS and EMS and degree of systematic and active behaviour during the processes existed.
Originality/value – In this study, using a sample of SMEs located in a region of Italy, SME behaviour in the IMS and entry mode choice processes was tested.
Article Type:Research paper
Keyword(s): International marketing strategy; Entry mode selection; International market selection; Small- and medium-size enterprises.

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial, International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 3(1), 2013,

One of the most well-known theories on market functioning according to the firm’s perspective is ... more One of the most well-known theories on market functioning according to the firm’s perspective is that of transaction costs analysis (TCA), proposed in its early versions by Coase and then by Williamson who formulated the most relevant statements about this theory. The TCA approach supported the academic literature in explaining the criteria of organizational forms and strategic choices, among which are diversification, vertical integration, internationalization, and various forms of cooperation and interaction among firms. Two key assumptions of human behavior support this theory: bounded rationality and opportunism. Bounded rationality assumes that decision makers have limited cognitive capabilities and a not fully rational behavior. These constraints emerge in conditions of uncertainty, for which the context of an economic interaction cannot be specified ex ante and performance cannot be verified ex post. Unfortunately, the TCA literature lacks an understanding of what determines limited rationality and opportunism, and which are the factors that have an influence on these dimensions of human behavior.
The papers collected in this issue of The International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB) contribute in continuing the construction of the complex mosaic of concepts and tools that is necessary for the study of economic behavior. They provide different perspectives on interactions in which individual and organizations are involved, responding to influencing factors whose knowledge is still limited.

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Research paper thumbnail of Key decisions and changes in internationalization strategies. The case of smaller firms

Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 21, n. 3, 2013, pp. 240-259, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2013.790466, ISSN 0965-254X (Print), 1466-4488 (Online)., 2013

The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterp... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the mechanical manufacturing sector. The focus of the paper is on the factors affecting both the strategic choices and the changes that occurred during the internationalization process, after the first foreign market entry. To accomplish this goal, quantitative research has been performed through a survey on entrepreneurs and managers of 60 Italian SMEs. The questionnaires collected were used to perform a cluster analysis in order to identify various groups of companies exhibiting similar behaviours. This study provided a valuable contribution to the knowledge of SMEs' internationalization in general and of the mechanical sector in particular, showing the importance of analysing when a firm decides to change its markets or its entry mode, along a continuum of reactive versus proactive changes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Decision-Making Process in International Business Strategies. Factors of Influence on Small and Medium Enterprises

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2013, pp. 1-22. doi: 10.4018/ijabe.2013040101, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2013

This paper investigates the relationship between the contextual factors related to the firm's dec... more This paper investigates the relationship between the contextual factors related to the firm's decision-maker and the process of international strategic decision-making. The analysis has been conducted focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Data for the research came from 111 usable responses to a survey on a sample of SME decision-makers in international field. The results of regression analysis indicate that the context variables, both internal and external, exerted more influence on international strategic decision making process than the decision-maker personality characteristics.

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Research paper thumbnail of CSR for retailers' led channel relationships: Evidence from Italian SME manufacturers

International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), Vol. 4, n. 1, 2013, January-March, pp.21-36, DOI: 10.4018/ijissc.2013010102, ISSN: 1941-868X, EISSN: 1941-8698. , 2013

This paper analyses the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies by small and m... more This paper analyses the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies by small and medium manufacturers which are involved in supplying relationships with large retailers. The purpose of the paper is to examine CSR drivers within large retailers’ supply chains. A quantitative empirical research was conducted focusing on the food sector, as a sector in which traceability, supplier’s coordination and control are critical to the supply chain. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire addressed to 89 Italian SME manufacturers to explore the main factors influencing the adoption of CSR and the level of formalization of the related policies. Findings revealed the key role of large retailers for the establishment of a sustainable/ethical supply chain. An attenuation of the hierarchic/conflictual perspective in buyer-seller relationships emerged, with a reduction of margin-compression effects for smaller suppliers as a consequence of power imbalances. A relevant consequence of CSR is a relationship development model in which all the involved subjects can benefit, including smaller partners inside the supply chains.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Industrial Districts Logistics suitable for Industrial Parks?

Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 9, No 4, 2013, pp. 221-233. Online ISSN: 2067 – 340X, Print ISSN: 2065-0175., 2013

The paper discusses the role of logistics for industrial districts, highlighting the current stat... more The paper discusses the role of logistics for industrial districts, highlighting the current status and defining a logistics model supporting the relationships between providers and users of logistic services within the local context of an industrial district.
A comparison with industrial parks, with reference to Romanian ones, allows identifying the potential of adaptation for industrial district logistic models to industrial parks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ruolo dei consorzi per la valorizzazione del Made in Italy nel mercato indiano

Piccola Impresa/Small Business, n. 3, 2012, pp. 99-123, ISSN: 0394-7947., 2012

This paper argues that export consortia should be re-assessed in terms of relevance and effective... more This paper argues that export consortia should be re-assessed in terms of relevance and effectiveness, in the light of recent changes in international market competition. Therefore this paper aims to explore the role of export consortia to foster “Made in Italy” companies and products in emerging markets, attempting to highlight their limitations and opportunities. The empirical research is based on two case-studies of Italian export consortia active in the Indian market and promoting agrifood products. According to conducted research, the examined export consortia behaviour shows that little changes have emerged when compared to “traditional” approaches widely practiced in the past, even though it is clear that firms are increasingly aware about the possible role of export consortia in emerging markets.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Editorial", International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 2(1), 2012

International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB), Vol. 2(1), 2012, pp. 1-2, ISSN 2069-5756., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of MVM’s Nonlinear Internationalization: A Case Study

Journal of East-West Business, Vol 18, n. 4, 2012, pp. 275-300 , ISSN 1066-9868 (Print), 1528-6959 (Online), doi :10.1080/10669868.2012.736081, 2012

This article aims to contribute to the international and East-West business literature by discuss... more This article aims to contribute to the international and East-West business literature by discussing the nature of nonlinear internationalization based on a case study of an Italian firm, Meccanica Valle Metauro S.r.l., that had activities in Central and Eastern Europe and other countries and by identifying causes of nonlinearities. The study concludes that nonlinear internationalization may be caused by different internal and external factors and actors; that it can occur once or several times; that foreign market exit may be temporary (followed by re-entry) and permanent; and that de-internationalization does not always mean a failure for the firm.

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Research paper thumbnail of How Do Smaller Firms Select Foreign Markets?

International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4, No. 6, 2012, pp. 44-53, ISSN 1918-719X(Print) ISSN 1918-7203(Online) , DOI: 10.5539/ijms.v4n6p44., 2012

The purpose of this paper was to analyze the internationalization of small and medium-sized enter... more The purpose of this paper was to analyze the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in relation to the international market selection (IMS). To accomplish this, an investigation of the primary factors influencing SMEs’ choice when selecting international markets with a systematic approach way was conducted. In addition we sought to understand whether there was a relationship between the systematic approach in IMS and the characteristics of SMEs. Results revealed that the majority of SMEs adopt a non-systematic IMS. However, in the case of SMEs following a systematic approach to IMS, the study pointed out that SMEs are influenced by firm-specific and host country factors, but not by entry barriers like geographic and cultural distance. In addition, results illustrated the existence of a relationship between systematic IMS and firm size.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Decision-Maker Characteristics on the International Strategic Decision-Making Process: An SME  Perspective

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 58, 2012, pp. 279-288, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of SMEs’ strategic decision-making proc... more The purpose of this paper is to explore different aspects of SMEs’ strategic decision-making processes in international business. In particularly, we want to understand if exist a relationship between SMEs’ decision-maker characteristics (e.g. international experience, nationality, skill), and the process of strategic decision-making in international field. To achieve this, an examination of these aspects on a sample of 77 SMEs was conducted.
Main results revealed that there is a strong relationship between decision-maker education and two important phases of international strategic decision-making process, that are International Market Selection and Entry Mode Selection.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Preface, Special Issue on Retailer-Consumer Relationships

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), vol. 1, n. 4,2012, pp. I-III. doi: 10.4018/ijabe.2012040104, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospettive di analisi per l’innovazione nei canali di marketing

Mercati e competitività, n. 3, 2012, pp. 85-106, ISSN: 1826-7386., 2012

Il lavoro propone un’analisi dell’innovazione nei canali di marketing focalizzandosi su ciò che v... more Il lavoro propone un’analisi dell’innovazione nei canali di marketing focalizzandosi su ciò che va inteso come innovazione per l'intero canale. Vengono seguite tre prospettive di analisi: una prospettiva tecnologica, riferita all’influenza della tecnologia nelle interazioni fra i membri dei canali e con i clienti finali, una prospettiva strutturale, riguardante nuove configurazioni di canale, e una prospettiva relazionale, relativa ai cambiamenti nei rapporti verticali fra le imprese.
Sulla base di una revisione della letteratura, lo studio fornisce uno schema concettuale da cui sviluppare successive ricerche e approfondimenti che possano cogliere la misura e gli effetti dei cambiamenti determinati dall’innovazione.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology in Marketing Channels: Present and Future Drivers of Innovation

International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics (IJABE), vol. 1, n. 2, 2012, pp. 41-51, doi:10.4018/ijabe.2012040104, ISSN: 2160-9802, EISSN: 2160-9810., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Markets Entry Mode Decision for Italian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, January, pp. 3-16. ISSN 1833-3850, E-ISSN 1833-8119, doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n2p3., 2012

Using a resource-based view model, this paper examines the main factors influencing small and med... more Using a resource-based view model, this paper examines the main factors influencing small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) international entry mode selection. In addition, a possible relationship between firms belonging to industrial districts and the entry mode choice has been verified. Data for the analysis of this study were collected interviewing 221 owners/managers of SMEs in Italy. Results showed that entry mode decisions are mainly influenced by firm specific factors. Furthermore, the study does not support the hypothesis of a connection between the firm’s belonging to an industrial district and firms’ behavior in entry mode selection. This study has made it possible to detect by a resource-based perspective the main factors influencing the choice of entry modes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Relational Dynamics within Vertical Business Networks: The Need for a Transdiscplinary Approach

Analele Universitatii Bucuresti. Seria Stiinte Economice si Administrative, Annals of the University of Bucharest: Economic and Administrative Series, Issue 5, 2011, pp. 131-148, ISSN: 1842-9327, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori

Mercati e competitività, n. 1, 2011, pp. 73-92, doi: 10.3280/MC2011-001005, ISSN: 1826-7386, 2011

"Large retailers’ suppliers selection criteria are changing towards a greater attention to factor... more "Large retailers’ suppliers selection criteria are changing towards a greater attention to factors that can increase variety and differentiation of assortments. This paper aims to analyze the changes in which small and medium manufacturers are involved as retailers’ suppliers.
A survey on a sample of SMEs in the food industry has been conducted in order to understanding the level of pressure that manufacturers perceive in retailers’ selection criteria. The analysis reveals as retailers’ attention is moving towards issues concerning the ability of the supplier to sustain a high level of efficiency along the whole supply chain. "

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Research paper thumbnail of Handbook of Research on Retailer-Consumer Relationship Development

Research on consumer behavior has traditionally focused on the analysis of decisions related to t... more Research on consumer behavior has traditionally focused on the analysis of decisions related to the choice of products or brand manufacturers. In more recent years, an increasing number of contributions considered this choice together with the choice of the point of sale and the retailer. Indeed, what consumers buy is a complex system of products and services, and a context in which they are delivered.
The relationship between consumers and retailers is based on economic factors, but a wide variety of non-economic elements exert an influence, both at the individual and the collective level. Interactions follow economic and social behavior norms, and social norms and codes of conduct change continuously, as a consequence of technology changes and cultural changes. Technology changes – particularly communication technologies – mainly refer to the Internet and social media development. Cultural changes refer to the convergence at international level of income, lifestyles and habits, on one side, and the increased mobility of people, on the other side, that favor the encounter and interaction between different cultures.
The shopping behavior is changing as well. Since shopping has become something more than a necessary activity – with leisure and entertainment components – new horizons to the development of enriched shopping experiences started to be opened.
Retailers analyze and interpret such changes in a continuous effort aimed at identifying new markets and market segments. However, the responsive nature of retailers has not to be emphasized. Whilst retailers operate with cultural norms and thus reflect these, they can also shape the cultural norms in many ways. Retailers initiatives and environments are not neutral entities, and they can condition and structure consumers moods and behaviors and in some case can also influence cultural norms.
Modern techniques of retailing and new retail formats allow retailers to assume a more central role to consumers' concerns. The elements of the retail offer pay more attention to store design, ambience and all those issues which have to do with the balance between price, service and quality of purchased products, and also to offer entertainment occasions to customers.
All the changes described above require an examination and updating of knowledge about the relationship between consumers and retailers. At the same time, the role of retailers must be analyzed following a multiple perspective according to issues related to consumers' behavioral dynamics, technology, communication codes and tools, social interaction, market knowledge, and social responsibility.
This book provides theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings on the topics related to the changes that are occurring. Firstly, it is addressed to scholars that need an overview of the research field related to the retailer-consumer relationship in order to better contextualize their studies and receive suggestions for cross-disciplinary analyses. In addition, the book can be a tool for managers and entrepreneurs, both in the retail trade and the manufacturing sector, for upgrading their knowledge in the field and complete their perspective for a better approach to their reference markets.
Finally, the book can also be a valuable reference for local government agencies and public bodies that are in charge of the management of planning policies for the retail offer development and city centers organization. This field is connected to the Town Center Management (TCM) area of interest, for which is essential a complete knowledge of all the dynamics related to the retailer-consumer relationship.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategie e competitività internazionale delle piccole e medie imprese. Un'analisi sul settore della meccanica

Gran parte dell’industria manifatturiera italiana è composta da imprese di piccole e medie dimens... more Gran parte dell’industria manifatturiera italiana è composta da imprese di piccole e medie dimensioni che manifestano elevate capacità di competere nei mercati esteri ma che, allo stesso tempo, hanno difficoltà a seguire orientamenti strategici coerenti di fronte alle dinamiche della globalizzazione.
Questo lavoro fornisce una verifica, alla luce delle teorie finora formulate sui processi di internazionalizzazione delle imprese, in particolare quelle piccole e medie, di quali sono i cambiamenti che si sono manifestati negli ultimi anni nel modo di affrontare i mercati esteri. Attraverso un'analisi su un campione di imprese del settore della meccanica, il libro approfondisce qual è il grado di consapevolezza strategica e quali criteri vengono seguiti per le decisioni chiave a livello internazionale, cioè quelle sulla selezione dei mercati e la scelta delle modalità di entrata.
L'analisi fornisce spunti per delineare possibili percorsi di rafforzamento delle capacità strategiche e competitive delle imprese, che passano sostanzialmente attraverso forme di alleanze, soprattutto a partire dai network locali, e una migliore integrazione con i soggetti pubblici e istituzionali che possono favorire un'evoluzione dell'imprenditorialità e fornire stimoli e sostegni per l'attuazione di percorsi strategici coerenti e compatibili con le caratteristiche delle imprese stesse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il settore armiero per uso sportivo, venatorio e civile in Italia. Imprese produttrici, consumi per caccia e tiro, impatto economico e occupazionale

La ricerca presentata in questo volume riguarda l’analisi del settore armiero per uso sportivo e ... more La ricerca presentata in questo volume riguarda l’analisi del settore armiero per uso sportivo e civile in Italia, relativamente cioè alla produzione di armi e munizioni destinate alle varie specialità di tiro e venatorie. Lo studio è stato condotto con l’obiettivo di analizzare il settore dal punto di vista del sistema produttivo e delinearne le principali dinamiche evolutive, misurare il peso economico e occupazionale in termini di fatturato, valore aggiunto e addetti coinvolti sia del settore che dell'intera filiera (sistema di fornitura e canali distributivi), stimare il valore di tutti i settori che, direttamente o indirettamente, vengono alimentati dalla domanda finale di coloro che praticano attività sportivo/venatorie.

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Research paper thumbnail of SME Food Suppliers versus Large Retailers: Perspectives in the International Supply Chains

The market share of international retail chains substantially increased from the beginning of the... more The market share of international retail chains substantially increased from the beginning of the nineties. The supplier’s market has been adapted to the evolutions of retailers’ market in terms of modified purchasing processes. Due to these changes, the requirements for food industry suppliers grew in number and quality. The paper shows how the relationship between suppliers and retailers is affected by several important changes, above all at international level. In particular, the analysis is focused on the Italian food SME suppliers related with large retailers. In-depth interviews to 89 Italian food SME suppliers have been conducted in 2008. Results have been analyzed and compared to the retailers’ point of view, resulting from public reports (such as Annual report, CSR report, etc.). Considering the selection criteria used by retailers, one of the main results of the analysis is that the growth of small and medium suppliers is stimulated when they operate with international large retailers. At the same time, the pressure on price and the required organizational qualifications lead to a selection process in which smaller manufacturers seem to be the more vulnerable actors.

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Research paper thumbnail of La modernizzazione del commercio fra centri storici ed entroterra rurale. I cambiamenti della distribuzione al dettaglio nella provincia di Pesaro e Urbino

Questo volume riporta i risultati di uno studio voluto dalla Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino con l’o... more Questo volume riporta i risultati di uno studio voluto dalla Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino con l’obiettivo di comprendere quali sono le principali direttrici del cambiamento che sta caratterizzando la struttura della distribuzione al dettaglio nel territorio provinciale e quali possibili modelli di governo del territorio possono essere adottati per contrastarne gli effetti negativi e conciliare le esigenze di valorizzazione delle attività economiche con quelle di qualificazione del tessuto civico.
L’analisi si estende oltre il tradizionale campo di approfondimento del rapporto fra commercio moderno e tradizionale, che vede nelle città il riferimento attorno a cui gravitano i cambiamenti in atto, e va a includere anche le problematiche dell’entroterra, che variano in relazione alle diverse configurazioni degli insediamenti economici e abitativi nel territorio provinciale e al modo in cui le conseguenze della modernizzazione del commercio si riflettono sui comportamenti della domanda finale e sul valore/attrattività complessiva dell’area.

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Research paper thumbnail of L’impresa commerciale minore in Italia

L’impresa commerciale minore rappresenta un fenomeno spesso trascurato negli studi economico-azie... more L’impresa commerciale minore rappresenta un fenomeno spesso trascurato negli studi economico-aziendali rispetto all’importanza che esso riveste sia in termini di generazione di valore, che di spazi occupazionali, che di servizio al funzionamento dei circuiti distributivi dei beni di consumo.
Se nei settori manifatturieri la piccola impresa, in particolare in Italia, vede riconosciuta piena dignità quale elemento fondamentale della struttura industriale, giustificando lo sviluppo di numerose e approfondite analisi che la riguardano, nel caso dell’impresa commerciale tende a prevalere una prospettiva che la colloca fra le realtà non troppo complesse da comprendere e rispetto a cui le esigenze di approfondirne i caratteri e le dinamiche non appaiono particolarmente sentite. A questo si aggiunge una percezione diffusa che tende a delineare il tessuto commerciale minore come un fenomeno associato a una condizione di ritardo del sistema distributivo rispetto ai processi di modernizzazione, quindi destinato a ridimensionarsi se non a scomparire, e comunque caratterizzato da maggiori costi di funzionamento e inefficienze che gravano sull’intero circuito della distribuzione e, in ultima analisi, sui consumatori finali.
Questo lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di fare chiarezza sui caratteri, il ruolo e le prospettive di evoluzione della piccola e media impresa commerciale in Italia. Innanzitutto riconoscendo che esiste una varietà di tipologie che la contraddistinguono e che difficilmente si presta a generalizzazioni, così come varia e articolata è la personalità degli imprenditori con cui l’impresa finisce spesso per identificarsi. Andare a fondo in queste problematiche significa riuscire a guardare, da una parte, al sistema di imprese nel suo insieme e al modo in cui esso evolve parallelamente alle modificazioni che riguardano l’apparato distributivo e la comunità socio-economica in cui esso è inserito; dall’altra, significa anche focalizzare l’analisi sulla singola unità che lo compone, individuandone le problematiche, i tratti ricorrenti e gli elementi di differenziazione che ne rendono le specificità sia in termini soggettivi - dell’imprenditore innanzitutto, e della cultura dominante all’interno dell’impresa - che oggettivo/strutturali.
Un’osservazione di questo genere non può prescindere da una prospettiva proiettata anche sugli sviluppi che si vanno delineando, cercando di comprendere quale potrà essere il ruolo e lo spazio destinato all’impresa commerciale minore di fronte al processo di modernizzazione del settore distributivo che anche nel nostro Paese si sta ormai pienamente manifestando.
Le riflessioni contenute nel libro si sviluppano sulla base di due aree di indagine. La prima riguarda un lavoro di ricerca che è stato effettuato su un campione di 1.000 imprese commerciali al dettaglio di piccole e medie dimensioni presso cui è stata condotta un’indagine annuale, per un periodo di cinque anni. La seconda è relativa all’analisi dei risultati dell’8° Censimento dell’Industria e dei Servizi, i cui dati di dettaglio sono stati resi disponibili nella primavera del 2004.
Le indicazioni che emergono, avvalorate anche da un’analisi comparativa effettuata sui sistemi distributivi più evoluti a livello internazionale, mettono in risalto tre temi chiave, alla luce dei quali è possibile individuare i connotati di quella che si potrà configurare come una “via italiana” alla modernizzazione del commercio. Tali temi riguardano il commercio organizzato, le localizzazioni commerciali e l’innovazione di formula.
Il primo fa riferimento alle forme di integrazione relazionale i cui modelli organizzativi più di frequente utilizzati si distinguono in due tipologie: le alleanze fra dettaglianti, o fra dettaglianti e grossisti, note col nome, rispettivamente, di gruppi d’acquisto e unioni volontarie, che configurano la tipologia dell’associazionismo; dall’altra le affiliazioni, promosse e coordinate da un soggetto che conserva la leadership del canale e che può essere sia un produttore che un distributore, di cui l’esempio tipico è il franchising.
Con riferimento alle localizzazioni, le linee evolutive rilevanti per le imprese minori sono quelle che riguardano i contesti maggiormente in grado di influire sullo sviluppo e la valorizzazione delle attività commerciali, ossia i centri commerciali e i centri urbani. Nel caso dell’Italia, il ruolo dei centri urbani risulta particolarmente controverso: se da una parte, infatti, la tipica strutturazione dei centri storici si presta favorevolmente ad ospitare un’articolata offerta commerciale e ad attirare attività di shopping, tanto che ne viene da tempo evocata la funzione di centri commerciali naturali, dall’altra si manifestano problemi particolarmente accentuati di accessibilità legati alla carenza di parcheggi e di sistemi di trasporto efficienti, frutto di politiche di pianificazione urbanistica non sempre di successo. Il risultato è che si assiste a un degenerare delle condizioni di attrattività dei centri urbani e un conseguente decadimento della redditività delle imprese commerciali localizzate al loro interno.
Rispetto, infine, alla direttrice di evoluzione inerente l’innovazione nelle formule commerciali, l’ottica focalizzata sulle imprese minori richiama l’attenzione sugli sviluppi di quelle formule che maggiormente permettono di valorizzarne il ruolo, enfatizzando la flessibilità e il contributo di servizio che un’impresa minore e a prevalente conduzione familiare può esprimere.
Si tratta di temi che rappresentano dei fronti di intervento per le imprese, rispetto ai quali definire le strategie, ma che allo stesso tempo si configurano come condizioni di contesto non sempre influenzabili a livello individuale, come nel caso delle problematiche riguardanti i centri urbani o i vincoli normativi all’introduzione di nuove formule commerciali. In ogni caso, è da questi aspetti, in base a come evolvono e da come vengono governati, che scaturisce la condizione competitiva e il ruolo delle piccole e medie imprese commerciali nel sistema distributivo. Potenzialmente si tratta di un ruolo non secondario, anche all’interno di un sistema distributivo avanzato, indipendentemente dai connotati che lo identificano e dai modelli di sviluppo al suo interno dominanti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Competere e radicarsi in Cina

Il volume affronta e sviluppa il tema del rapporto che le imprese italiane possono, e in alcuni c... more Il volume affronta e sviluppa il tema del rapporto che le imprese italiane possono, e in alcuni casi devono, instaurare con la realtà economica cinese, per la quale la definizione di “mercato” rischia di essere inadeguata se si considerano gli elementi di complessità che il fenomeno contiene.
Per molto tempo si è parlato della Cina come primario polo produttivo, come mercato potenziale, come futura potenza economica e tecnologica. Queste previsioni hanno spinto le imprese di tutto il mondo a riflettere sulla rilevanza di questo Paese per le loro strategie di espansione e di crescita, se non di sopravvivenza. Alcune grandi imprese multinazionali hanno avviato negli anni ’80 e ’90 processi di investimento all’interno del contesto economico cinese, in alcuni casi basandosi su stime eccessivamente ottimistiche e pertanto incorrendo in costi e perdite elevate; altre imprese hanno invece atteso che la Cina realizzasse riforme economiche più profonde, auspicandone l’ingresso nella World Trade Organization in tempi rapidi e secondo modalità in grado di assicurare effettiva apertura e integrazione con l’esterno.
Il mondo delle imprese in Italia ha tenuto fino a tutti gli anni novanta un atteggiamento particolarmente cauto e prudente se confrontato con le imprese provenienti da altri Paesi occidentali. Rispetto al ruolo che la Cina sta assumendo nello scenario internazionale, nel contesto italiano sono state finora seguite due prospettive, entrambe caratterizzate da parziale miopia e da una lettura troppo legata alle dinamiche passate, più che ai cambiamenti che si stanno prospettando. La prima è che la Cina potesse diventare un valido mercato di destinazione per i beni di consumo nazionali; la seconda riguarda la capacità di fare innovazione e la difendibilità della tecnologia, quali fattori in grado di assicurare un vantaggio stabile rispetto agli inseguitori cinesi.
Oggi il quadro appare più chiaramente delineato. La Cina negli ultimi anni ha cominciato a concretizzare in modo inequivocabile le previsioni che la qualificavano come il nuovo protagonista del sistema economico internazionale. Sta emergendo in modo ormai evidente come le imprese cinesi siano, e sempre più lo saranno in futuro, in grado di affermare una leadership non solo sul mercato interno ma anche nei mercati internazionali, anche rispetto a produzioni qualificate e con capacità di affermazione di marca.
I più recenti sviluppi stanno peraltro mettendo in evidenza un chiaro orientamento, in Cina, verso la ricerca di una leadership anche di innovazione, grazie al supporto di precise scelte di politica economica. Pertanto, di fronte a tale evoluzione, le imprese internazionali hanno proceduto senza indugio a coinvolgere l’economia cinese nelle strategie e nei piani operativi in ambito produttivo, commerciale e in modo crescente tecnologico. Questo ha contribuito a rendere il Paese un’area di primaria importanza non solo sul piano manifatturiero e industriale, ma anche nel processo di specializzazione e divisione del lavoro internazionale riguardante la produzione di conoscenza.
Le imprese italiane si trovano quindi ad un bivio, dovendo rispondere sia all’evoluzione economica, industriale e tecnologica delle imprese cinesi, sia alla rapidità, flessibilità e soprattutto al commitment di risorse manifestati dai concorrenti occidentali. Quello che serve, allora, è una strada svincolata dagli schemi del passato e più legata a dinamiche di cambiamento che stanno modificando equilibri e ruoli nell’intero scenario dell’economia globalizzata.
La via indicata nel volume è quella dell’integrazione con il sistema economico e distributivo cinese, rinunciando ad alcune fasi della catena del valore a vantaggio della centralità nei processi di coordinamento aziendali e interaziendali, rispetto ai quali presidiare le aree strategiche. L’obiettivo non è solo l’inserimento nello scenario competitivo del mercato cinese ma, più ampiamente, in quello globale, in funzione del quale la presenza in Cina costituisce un presupposto ormai irrinunciabile per l’allocazione delle risorse e il conseguimento del vantaggio competitivo.
Per giocare un ruolo di insider nella competizione in Cina e, attraverso questa, nell’intero contesto globale, le imprese devono muoversi lungo tre direttrici, che sono quelle sviluppate nel volume. In primo luogo occorre acquisire una maggiore capacità di gestione dei fattori culturali e sociali che influenzano i rapporti economici e le relazioni fra imprese all’interno del sistema economico cinese. E’ necessario infatti che le imprese, e in generale tutti gli operatori, abbiano la consapevolezza delle differenze culturali fra Cina e Italia e che sappiano adattare i comportamenti in funzione di tali diversità.
In secondo luogo, si ritiene indispensabile avviare un processo di radicamento che coinvolga l’insieme delle attività della catena del valore, dagli approvvigionamenti alla distribuzione commerciale, includendo le fasi di progettazione e di ricerca e sviluppo. Le imprese che da tempo sono integrate nel mercato cinese stanno assumendo una configurazione organizzativa in cui il peso delle unità cinesi è divenuto ormai prevalente rispetto ad altre attività/filiali estere, e in alcuni casi anche rispetto a quelle localizzate nel Paese d’origine.
Infine, le imprese italiane devono acquisire una conoscenza esauriente degli strumenti di natura normativa e operativa che possano facilitare il processo di inserimento nel sistema economico cinese, in modo da riuscire a calibrare risorse organizzative e finanziarie adeguate per sostenere le iniziative operative da avviare e gestire in Cina.
Questi aspetti rappresentano i fronti lungo cui un’impresa deve muoversi per costruire competenze, esperienze e relazioni, tali da consentire un’azione orientata attraverso una presenza che non può certamente essere né occasionale né “subita”, ma che deve rientrare a pieno titolo nelle scelte strategiche di lungo periodo.
Le parti che compongono il volume assolvono un ruolo complementare rispetto all’obiettivo di fornire le coordinate entro cui muovere le analisi che necessariamente l’impresa, o l’operatore economico in generale, dovrà poi sviluppare in maniera più approfondita con riferimento alle specifiche realtà settoriali e aziendali di riferimento. La lettura del libro va infatti considerata come un punto di partenza da cui sviluppare una sensibilità verso gli aspetti maggiormente critici per operare efficacemente in Cina, senza incorrere nel pericolo di generalizzazioni e allo stesso tempo riconoscendo nella complessità del contesto economico e sociale cinese una condizione che richiede processi di apprendimento che non possono esaurirsi con questa lettura.
Iniziare ad addentrarsi in tematiche talvolta sottovalutate, o ritenute gestibili attraverso il semplice ricorso a specialisti esterni, consente di raggiungere un maggior grado di consapevolezza in merito alle criticità a esse legate, permettendo di indirizzare in modo più efficace gli sforzi finalizzati al presidio delle variabili chiave che le caratterizzano. La visione strategica che ne può conseguire facilita le scelte in merito alle priorità e al bilanciamento degli sforzi che le imprese devono compiere, rafforzando il ruolo di connessione e coordinamento di processi che sempre più tenderanno a svilupparsi su un piano internazionale e che si muoveranno fra scelte di mercato e gerarchia.
Nella parte iniziale del volume vengono esaminati i caratteri distintivi del sistema economico cinese e come questi si ripercuotono sulle relazioni fra imprese, evidenziando le problematiche legate al radicamento delle imprese estere, sia sul piano organizzativo-produttivo che su quello commerciale-di¬stributivo.
In particolare, nel primo capitolo viene fornito un quadro di sintesi del processo di sviluppo economico e industriale cinese, tratteggiando il percorso intrapreso dalle autorità governative nell’ambito delle politiche economiche e industriali fin dal 1978, ed evidenziando la rilevanza del processo di apertura internazionale al commercio e agli investimenti diretti esteri nel sostenere la crescita economica del Paese. Viene inoltre posta in evidenza la notevole varietà della Cina al suo interno, prendendo in considerazione i tratti maggiormente significativi della dimensione geografica, economica e politica, ed esaminando come tali diversità hanno influito sui processi di segmentazione del mercato su base regionale, enfatizzando i percorsi differenziati che le aree interne hanno intrapreso durante il periodo della riforma economica e di apertura al mondo esterno.
Nel secondo capitolo viene affrontata la componente culturale delle relazioni fra imprese, che nel caso della Cina risentono di regole sociali fortemente vincolanti. Il termine guanxi è ormai entrato nel vocabolario di chi opera con la Cina; comprenderne il significato e addentrarsi nella tematica delle relazioni costituisce un presupposto per iniziare a interpretare correttamente i comportamenti degli operatori cinesi e riuscire a dosare con maggiore adeguatezza scelte e strumenti operativi durante la gestione dei rapporti sia di mercato che all’interno delle organizzazioni.
Il terzo capitolo tratta le principali criticità di tipo strategico e organizzativo nella costituzione e gestione di una equity joint-venture (EJV) che realizza attività di natura produttiva in Cina. Nell’affrontare questo argomento viene fatto ampio riferimento alla letteratura internazionale di International Business, con l’obiettivo di evidenziare i più rilevanti contributi relativi all’espe¬rienza più che ventennale delle imprese occidentali operanti in Cina. Il tema della gestione delle EJV viene sviluppato utilizzando come schema di analisi concettuale la dicotomia fra “riduzione” e “assimilazione” della complessità del contesto locale, che in Cina si mantiene tuttora notevolmente elevata. Le imprese occidentali si trovano infatti a scegliere – per esempio nella selezione del partner locale, nell’organizzazione delle attività operative, nella gestione delle risorse umane – se trasferire il proprio modello gestionale oppure se aderire, sia per quanto concerne la gestione interna che le relazioni esterne, alle specifiche routine organizzative che caratterizzano la business culture cinese.
Nel quarto capitolo viene trattato il sistema distributivo cinese, sia nei suoi tratti evolutivi che nelle componenti strutturali che lo caratterizzano. Si tratta di un’area particolarmente critica nella gestione dei rapporti di mercato, per la varietà delle forme distributive presenti e per la conformazione che esse assumono. In Cina convivono infatti sia espressioni distributive di tipo pre-industriale, sia tipologie di imprese e canali che ancora rispecchiano gli schemi dell’economia pianificata, sia, infine, imprese estere che si sono già insediate nel mercato cinese, e che sono leader a livello mondiale nelle formule in cui sono specializzate, capaci di fornire stimoli e trasmettere modelli gestionali in grado di accelerare fortemente il processo di modernizzazione.
La difficoltà a conoscere e comprendere il settore distributivo in Cina, accentuata dalla mancanza di dati statistici pienamente attendibili e dalle profonde diversità a livello regionale che impediscono qualsiasi generalizzazione, richiede che alla variabile distributiva sia dedicata costante attenzione e che la sua gestione venga considerata la componente primaria del processo di penetrazione nel mercato cinese.
Il quinto capitolo ha un contenuto strettamente operativo in quanto analizza i principali stadi che è necessario affrontare per realizzare un insediamento nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Il capitolo evidenzia le norme che regolano le società a partecipazione estera, le caratteristiche delle varie tipologie societarie fra le quali l’operatore estero può scegliere e le agevolazioni a favore di quest’ultimo in funzione della tipologia di investimento o del luogo nel quale intende effettuarlo.
L’evoluzione normativa cinese consente all’operatore straniero di costituire un soggetto giuridico pienamente controllato ed è su questa soluzione che oggi si muovono largamente le imprese estere. Nonostante si evitino, così facendo, le ingerenze del partner cinese nella gestione degli organi societari, rimane comunque da risolvere, con un’adeguata strategia, la gestione dei rapporti extra societari con il o i partner cinesi dalla cui presenza non si può prescindere. Anche in questa ottica è di grande utilità quanto descritto nel terzo capitolo.
Il sesto capitolo è dedicato invece alla gestione delle società a partecipazione estera e in esso si trovano indicazioni circa: il reperimento delle varie risorse necessarie per lo sviluppo dell’attività nella Repubblica popolare cinese, in particolare le risorse umane e finanziarie; le operazioni con l’estero e quindi il regime doganale e il regime valutario; la gestione di importazioni ed esportazioni così come i regimi particolari vigenti nelle numerose zone franche presenti nel paese.
L’ultimo capitolo affronta un tema particolarmente attuale riferito alle forme di tutela degli investimenti materiali e immateriali effettuati dagli operatori esteri in Cina.

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Integrazione dei Distretti Industriali fra ICT e Logistica

Il volume analizza le problematiche logistiche dei distretti industriali prendendo come riferimen... more Il volume analizza le problematiche logistiche dei distretti industriali prendendo come riferimento tre distretti situati nelle Marche: quello della calzatura di Civitanova - Fermo, quello del mobile di Pesaro e quello della meccanica leggera di Fabriano. Partendo dalla prospettiva delle imprese, vengono considerate le dinamiche che caratterizzano lo sviluppo della logistica quale connettore di network locali fondati sulla capacità delle imprese di interagire e coordinarsi efficacemente. E proprio il conseguimento, tramite interventi di governo locale, di un'attività logistica diffusa ed equilibrata è presupposto fondamentale per assicurare all'intero sistema locale, piccole imprese comprese, la capacità di assecondare con efficacia i processi evolutivi delle filiere distrettuali ed extra distrettuali, soprattutto se i loro confini tendono a estendersi su un piano sempre più internazionale.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le relazioni con i mercati esteri delle imprese produttrici di mobili. Sistemi distrettuali e canali distributivi.  Nuova edizione

Il settore del mobile-arredamento è uno di quelli che maggiormente rispecchiano la connotazione d... more Il settore del mobile-arredamento è uno di quelli che maggiormente rispecchiano la connotazione distrettuale dell’industria manifatturiera italiana e la sua capacità di affermare in campo internazionale il vantaggio competitivo delle imprese che vi appartengono.
Prendendo spunto dall’analisi dei processi di internazionalizzazione delle imprese minori, e in particolare di quelle inserite nei contesti distrettuali, questo lavoro suggerisce una lettura del settore con un’ottica focalizzata sui rapporti di mercato e sul modo in cui questi risentono dell’influenza delle relazioni a monte, in particolare quelle che presenti all’interno del contesto distrettuale di appartenenza.
La ricerca condotta sul distretto preso come riferimento, quello pesarese, mette in luce l’esistenza di precise economie distrettuali “di canale”, date dalla maggiore capacità di risposta flessibile alle sollecitazioni esterne con accresciuta visibilità e capacità informativa, sfruttando a proprio vantaggio la varietà di sollecitazioni, di interlocutori e di spazi mercato via via disponibili.
Si tratta di un modello di sviluppo che si è protratto nel tempo e ha maturato una diffusa coscienza dell’internazionalizzazione, le cui dinamiche hanno messo in luce una grande versatilità ma talvolta anche profili statici e scarsa permeabilità fra esperienze vissute nel mercato interno e nei mercati esteri. L’appartenenza al doppio sistema distretto-canale determina infatti un’articolazione di ruoli e un intreccio di relazioni che scaturisce dal complesso combinarsi di piccole dimensioni di impresa, distretto industriale e processi di internazionalizzazione e che richiede una visione di insieme e comportamenti coerenti.
Collocare la piccola impresa nel distretto e nel canale aiuta a riflettere sulla sua effettiva e potenziale capacità strategica, dando valore alle dinamiche relazionali nell’intera filiera di produzione-vendita e coinvolgendo la dimensione distrettuale nel confronto competitivo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le relazioni con i mercati esteri delle imprese produttrici di mobili. Sistemi distrettuali e canali distributivi

Il settore del mobile-arredamento è uno di quelli che maggiormente rispecchiano la connotazione d... more Il settore del mobile-arredamento è uno di quelli che maggiormente rispecchiano la connotazione distrettuale dell’industria manifatturiera italiana e la sua capacità di affermare in campo internazionale il vantaggio competitivo delle imprese che vi appartengono.
Prendendo spunto dall’analisi dei processi di internazionalizzazione delle imprese minori, e in particolare di quelle inserite nei contesti distrettuali, questo lavoro suggerisce una lettura del settore con un’ottica focalizzata sui rapporti di mercato e sul modo in cui questi risentono dell’influenza delle relazioni a monte, in particolare quelle che presenti all’interno del contesto distrettuale di appartenenza.
La ricerca condotta sul distretto preso come riferimento, quello pesarese, mette in luce l’esistenza di precise economie distrettuali “di canale”, date dalla maggiore capacità di risposta flessibile alle sollecitazioni esterne con accresciuta visibilità e capacità informativa, sfruttando a proprio vantaggio la varietà di sollecitazioni, di interlocutori e di spazi mercato via via disponibili.
Si tratta di un modello di sviluppo che si è protratto nel tempo e ha maturato una diffusa coscienza dell’internazionalizzazione, le cui dinamiche hanno messo in luce una grande versatilità ma talvolta anche profili statici e scarsa permeabilità fra esperienze vissute nel mercato interno e nei mercati esteri. L’appartenenza al doppio sistema distretto-canale determina infatti un’articolazione di ruoli e un intreccio di relazioni che scaturisce dal complesso combinarsi di piccole dimensioni di impresa, distretto industriale e processi di internazionalizzazione e che richiede una visione di insieme e comportamenti coerenti.
Collocare la piccola impresa nel distretto e nel canale aiuta a riflettere sulla sua effettiva e potenziale capacità strategica, dando valore alle dinamiche relazionali nell’intera filiera di produzione-vendita e coinvolgendo la dimensione distrettuale nel confronto competitivo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economie distrettuali e canali di distribuzione all’estero. Varietà di percorsi delle imprese pesaresi del mobile

La ricerca presentata in questo libro è stata realizzata in un arco di tempo esteso (1985-1997) p... more La ricerca presentata in questo libro è stata realizzata in un arco di tempo esteso (1985-1997) per seguire i percorsi internazionali delle piccole imprese appartenenti a un distretto, quello pesarese del mobile, per il quale fin dalle origini si è evidenziata una forte presenza di economie distrettuali “di canale” nelle relazioni con i circuiti commerciali esterni, nazionali e internazionali. Si tratta di un modello di sviluppo parzialmente difforme da quello di altri sistemi distrettuali, che si è protratto nel tempo e ha maturato una diffusa coscienza dell’internazionalizzazione, sfruttando a proprio vantaggio la varietà di sollecitazioni, di interlocutori e di spazi mercato via via disponibili.
Dinamiche che, sul fronte delle imprese, hanno messo in luce una grande versatilità ma talvolta anche profili statici e scarsa permeabilità fra esperienze vissute nel mercato interno e nei mercati esteri. L’appartenenza al doppio sistema distretto-canale determina infatti un’articolazione di ruoli e un intreccio di relazioni che scaturisce dal complesso combinarsi di piccole dimensioni di impresa, distretto industriale e processi di internazionalizzazione e che richiede una visione di insieme e comportamenti coerenti.
Collocare la piccola impresa nel distretto e nel canale aiuta a riflettere sulla sua effettiva e potenziale capacità strategica, dando valore alle dinamiche relazionali nell’intera filiera di produzione e vendita e coinvolgendo quindi la dimensione distrettuale nel confronto competitivo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Relazioni di canale e strategie di acquisto delle imprese commerciali. Potere e stabilità nella grande distribuzione britannica

In questi anni si assiste a un diffuso impegno da parte delle imprese nell’ampliare i fronti di m... more In questi anni si assiste a un diffuso impegno da parte delle imprese nell’ampliare i fronti di miglioramento dell’efficienza, sia interna che nei rapporti con gli interlocutori a monte e a valle della filiera produttiva e del canale di marketing. Nel caso delle relazioni fra produttori e intermediari commerciali tali fenomeni risultano stimolati e accentuati dai profondi mutamenti in atto nei sistemi distributivi. La sempre maggiore autonomia dei grandi distributori e la divergenza di finalità con i produttori rendono spesso i rapporti conflittuali, ma la necessità di fronteggiare la concorrenza orizzontale, sia a livello produttivo che distributivo, richiede una sempre maggiore collaborazione.
Tutto ciò comporta l’esigenza di comprendere a fondo il funzionamento delle interazioni fra produttori e distributori, tenendo conto non solo degli aspetti tecnici che le caratterizzano, ma anche di quelli strutturali, strategici e comportamentali.
Questo lavoro mette in luce le modalità con cui si svolgono i rapporti fra le imprese della grande distribuzione e le varie tipologie di fornitori, che si differenziano al variare della dimensione e della struttura competitiva del mercato di appartenenza. L’esempio delle grandi imprese commerciali britanniche, che nonostante l’elevato potere contrattuale non attivano comportamenti opportunistici ma, anzi, sfruttano tale potere per costruire relazioni improntate alla cooperazione nel lungo periodo, mostra quanto importante sia lo sviluppo di una nuova cultura nei rapporti verticali. In questo, la gestione delle attività di approvvigionamento dell’impresa commerciale risulta un momento chiave. L’adozione di scelte strategiche e strutturali nell’ambito della funzione acquisti in coordinamento con le altre funzioni aziendali, permette infatti di soddisfare due esigenze: quella di differenziare le relazioni in base ai diversi fornitori senza però modificare l’orientamento di base alla stabilità e alla collaborazione, e quella di massimizzare i benefici dell’interazione verticale, favorendo la continuità fra le attività di interfaccia a monte (marketing di acquisto) con quelle a valle (marketing di vendita), attraverso il rafforzamento dei collegamenti fra i due momenti decisionali.

This work highlights the ways in which relationships between large retailers and suppliers develop themselves dependinf on of various types of suppliers. Suppliers diffrentiate among each other on the basis of size, the competitive structure of the market to which they belong. The case of British large retailers is analysed. These retailers, despite their high bargaining power, do not turn on opportunistic behavior, but rather, they use this power to build relationships based on cooperation in the long run. This demonstrates how important is the development of a new culture in vertical relationships. In this culture, the management of procurement activities is a key moment. The adoption of strategic choices and structural framework of the purchasing function in coordination with other corporate functions, makes it possible to satisfy two requirements: to differentiate relationships according to different types of providers, without changing the basic orientation to the stability and collaboration, and the maximization of benefits from the vertical interaction.

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovation in Marketing Channels

Symphonya, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovation in marketing channel: the perspective of SME suppliers in large retailers’ supply chains

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Longitudinal Analysis in the Retail Sector

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Private Label Products Buying Decisions: A Comparative Analysis on Consumer Perspective

The purpose of this study is to understand which factors have influence on the private label prod... more The purpose of this study is to understand which factors have influence on the private label products buying decisions. A survey was conducted on a sample of consumers of food products. The have been collected through the administration of a questionnaire to 587 consumers in the Italian market. Results have been analyzed with the Extra Tree Classifier methodology, which allows to measure the importance of each variable included in the model, also in case of correlation between variables. The results show that consumers’ choice seems to be influenced by groups of heterogeneous variables related to: the perception of consumers on the product, the satisfaction of post-consumption, the role of the store, and the trust built over time by retailers. The results of the study provide useful indications on the role of the private label products in retailers’ assortments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting the purchase of private label food products

British Food Journal, 2020

PurposeThis research paper aims to understand which factors influence the purchase of private lab... more PurposeThis research paper aims to understand which factors influence the purchase of private label food products, by measuring the importance of 14 variables for purchasing frequency.Design/methodology/approachData were collected through questionnaires to a sample of consumers. They have been analysed according to the extra tree classifier methodology, which allows providing a more reliable classification – compared to previous studies – of factors affecting consumers' choices of private label products.FindingsResults show that consumers' choices related to private label food products are influenced by groups of heterogeneous variables related to their perception on products, satisfaction of post-consumption, store's role and trust built over time by retailers.Research limitations/implicationsData have been collected through an online survey, which could generate the bias of self-selection; the sampling method is non-probabilistic.Practical implicationsThe study provide...

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate social responsibility in the relationships between large retailers and Italian small and medium food suppliers

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability

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Research paper thumbnail of Testing the Effectiveness of the Health Belief Model in Predicting Preventive Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Romania and Italy

Frontiers in Psychology

We use a cultural psychology approach to examine the relevance of the Health Belief Model (HBM) f... more We use a cultural psychology approach to examine the relevance of the Health Belief Model (HBM) for predicting a variety of behaviors that had been recommended by health officials during the initial stages of the COVID-19 lockdown for containing the spread of the virus and not overburdening the health system in Europe. Our study is grounded in the assumption that health behavior is activated based on locally relevant perceptions of threats, susceptibility and benefits in engaging in protective behavior, which requires careful attention to how these perceptions might be structured and activated. We assess the validity of the HBM in two European countries that have been relatively understudied, using simultaneous measurements during acute periods of infection in Romania and Italy. An online questionnaire provided a total of (N = 1863) valid answers from both countries. First, to understand individual difference patterns within and across populations, we fit a General Linear Model in w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Il Ruolo Del Turismo e Del Territorio Nel Processo DI Internazionalizzazione Delle Pmi Vitivinicole

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Research paper thumbnail of Grande distribuzione alimentare e criteri di selezione dei fornitori nella prospettiva dei piccoli e medi produttori

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Management of Small Sport Clubs Musso

Revista Economica, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision-maker's overconfidence and international performance: the role of the adoption of intuitive practices

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Jan 24, 2022

PurposeThe paper analyses the influence of the decision-makers' overconfidence on the intuiti... more PurposeThe paper analyses the influence of the decision-makers' overconfidence on the intuitive practices' adoption, as well as on the international performance during international strategic decision-making processes (SDMPs) of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, the study investigates the possible mediating effect of intuition on the relationship between overconfidence and international performance.Design/methodology/approachA semi-structured questionnaire based on a sample of 160 SMEs and a regression analysis have been employed.FindingsResults show a negative relationship between intuition and international performance and a positive one between overconfidence and international performance. Furthermore, a negative relation between overconfidence and intuition has been identified. Findings also highlight the mediating role of intuition in the relationship between overconfidence and international performance.Practical implicationsThe paper provides valuable implications related to the analysis of overconfidence as a critical decision-maker's character and intuition as a feature of the decision-making methodology. Moreover, the study offers indications for SMEs facing complex strategic decisions.Originality/valueThe paper adopts an original perspective by combining the SDMP analysis with that of international strategy within the SMEs context. Additionally, the study enriches the existing literature by (1) investigating overconfidence in the decision-making; (2) enhancing the examination of overconfidence and intuitive practices in the international SDMP; (3) deepening the research field focused on the identification of the intuitive processes' predictors that is still in its infancy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Is Embeddedness a Key Feature of Business Ecosystems? The Case of Craft Breweries in Italy

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 31, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Born global family firms: a multiple case study

International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of International decision processes within SMEs: the influence of biological sex and stereotypical gender roles

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Key factors for ensuring performance and attracting practitioners to small sport clubs

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Making small sports clubs manageable and economically sustainable – a study on clay target shooting in Italy

Managing Sport and Leisure, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision-maker characteristics and international decisions for SMEs

Management Decision, 2015

Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to explore how characteristics of decision-makers influence... more Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to explore how characteristics of decision-makers influence internationalization strategies within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a particular focus on the strategic decision-making process (SDMP).Design/methodology/approach– This work is based on a sample of 165 decision-makers of SMEs, using hierarchical multiple regression to examine the relationship between the dimensions studied.Findings– The results of a regression analysis suggest that decision-makers tend to follow a more rational SDMP depending on their education level and risk attitude, and the firm’s past international performance. At the same time, the political behaviour of the decision-maker emerges as a character associated with their risk attitude and need for achievement, and it is negatively influenced by age.Originality/value– This research contributes to the growing literature on SMEs, combining the field of analysis of SDMP with that of international strateg...

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of network relationships in small wineries’ internationalization

International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2017

Purpose This paper aims to examine the role of tourist-generated and other network relationships ... more Purpose This paper aims to examine the role of tourist-generated and other network relationships in small Italian wineries’ internationalization. Design/methodology/approach It is based on 14 cases of which four are discussed in detail. All 14 cases are summarized in two tables and analyzed in the Discussion section. Findings Most firms did not pre-plan their foreign activities. International wine tourism was a major source for creating the contacts necessary for their internationalization: they created relationships/networks in tourists’ home markets and, as a result, expanded there either through selling directly to tourists or to the importers they recommended. In addition, they relied on contacts created at trade fairs or by friends/relatives. Some internationalization attempts failed, as the firms were passive and lacked long-term strategic plans. Thus, these producers have not fully realized the potential of wine tourists’ contacts and other network relationships in their inte...

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Research paper thumbnail of Internazionalizzare l'impresa

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of factors affecting the purchase of private label products by different age consumers

British Food Journal

PurposeThe aim of this study is to determine how the different age of consumers impacts on some f... more PurposeThe aim of this study is to determine how the different age of consumers impacts on some factors that drive consumers to the purchasing of private label products, considering differences and similarities of behaviors.Design/methodology/approachThe research was conducted through the administration of a questionnaire to evaluate consumers' perceptions about private label food products. To collect data, the convenience sampling method has been used. The valid answers collected and analyzed are 358.FindingsThe results of this study highlight that the response of different age groups to the Private Label Brands (PLBs) must be considered in the light of the positioning adopted by the individual retailers. Value for money and satisfaction on previous consumption are relevant for purchasing decisions regardless of the retailer's strategy and the age of consumers. A third factor, price, is important for the whole sample. Focusing on the specific age clusters, the younger respo...

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Research paper thumbnail of The modernization process of Chinese retailing

Beretta S., Lihong Z., 意大利人眼中的中 国 (Contemporary China through Eyes of Italian Experts), East China University Press, Shanghai, 2012, 2012

This paper analyzes the main drivers of the modernization process of retailing and wholesaling in... more This paper analyzes the main drivers of the modernization process of retailing and wholesaling in China, following a double perspective: a structural perspective, and a relational perspective. The process of retailing modernization in China is characterized by a combination of traditional – and in some cases pre-industrial – retail formats, and modern formats, most of them introduced in the Chinese context by global leading retailers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imprese distrettuali e rapporto col mercato: potenzialità e limiti dei processi di internazionalizzazione del distretto pesarese del mobile

Atti del convegno Il futuro dei distretti, Università …, Jan 1, 1999

The research analyzes an industrial district specialized in the production of furniture; the obje... more The research analyzes an industrial district specialized in the production of furniture; the objective is to outline its evolution in the international markets and to identify, in detail, the firms' changing processes. A comprehensive result outlines a range of trails pointing out to the direct influence over the firms by the international experiences. The difficulties to transfer such experiences from a market to others, even in fields where firms are aware and confident, shows the existence of strategic and managerial faults. It is noticeable, however, the high grade of adaptability of small businesses to sudden changes in the market trends, in Italy and all over the world. To better meet the market requirements, it has been proved the essential function of the industrial district, that allows a free circulation of information and stimulates imitation and innovation processes. As a final thought, the focus is brought to the need of responsibilities and competencies to drive the district to structural changes and to help businesses to get more valuable and effective position in the international competition.

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Presentato al convegno “Clusters”, cit, Jan 1, 2003

The study is concerned with an Italian industrial district that has been studied for a period of ... more The study is concerned with an Italian industrial district that has been studied for a period of 18 years. This has made possible the construction of a taxonomy based on dynamic profiles of exporting firms, whose characters have been examined in their main changing patterns.
The results of the research attest the presence of definite district economies along the distribution channels, that allow the enterprises to increase their competitiveness on a flexibility base, in spite of efficiency. The study tries to understand how much this condition, that prevents a radication in market relations, could remain an internationalization alternative model and a complementary behavior compared with those characterized by a stabler presence in the foreign countries and not only limited to trade activities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreign markets entry mode decision for SMEs. Key factors and role of industrial districts

The principal aim of this paper was to examine the internationalization of small and medium-sized... more The principal aim of this paper was to examine the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the entry mode selection process. To successfully accomplish this, a resource-based view model was used to investigate the primary factors influencing a SMEs’ international entry mode. Data was obtained during direct interviews with owners/managers of SMEs in Italy. The results revealed that entry mode decisions were primarily influenced by firm specific factors, above all organizational culture. The study also illustrated that SMEs were not influenced by their belonging to an industrial district.

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Model of Supply Chain Management in a Web Service Oriented Architecture

This paper focuses on web innovation of the supply chain management of an expanded enterprise fro... more This paper focuses on web innovation of the supply chain management of an expanded enterprise from the provision, production to final delivery of a product/service in accordance with customer requests. In an open architecture the technology of web services improves system performance in terms of cost, time and quality. The ability to interact online with all subjects of supply chain breaks down geographical barriers and ensuring timeliness and transparency of information. The enterprise becomes greater agile, flexible and speed in responding to customer needs and market changes.

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Research paper thumbnail of CSR in Large Retailers and Food SME Relations: Evidences from Italian Market

This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) drivers within retailers... more This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) drivers within retailers’ supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. The study is focused on the relationship between European retailers and small-medium enterprises in the food sector. In particular the analysis examines the effects of the large retailers’ CSR initiatives on the small suppliers involved in supply chains where large retailers are leaders. The research identifies that small and medium Italian manufacturers adapt their processes and tools to the CSR requirements of large retailers. When food SME are strongly involved as suppliers of international large retailers, they reach a higher level of consciousness in CSR relevance and, above all, they are more capable of managing CSR activities by adopting standards and certification systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospettive di analisi per l’innovazione nei canali di marketing

This work aims at contributing to a vision of innovation in marketing channels, which is not limi... more This work aims at contributing to a vision of innovation in marketing channels, which is not limited to a few specific aspects of innovation or to the single stages of the channel, and which considers the channel as a whole.
The analysis will be carried out following three different perspectives: a technological perspective, focusing on the influence of technology on the interactions among channels members and with the final demand; a structural perspective, referring to what new channel configurations may occur and; a relational perspective, focusing on the changes in vertical relationships between firms.
The analysis aims to provide a conceptual framework on the basis of which future investigations and insights can be conducted to capture the extent and effects of the changes that occur, as a result of innovation

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology in marketing channels: Present and future drivers of innovation

The paper analyses the contribution of technological innovations to improve the relations and int... more The paper analyses the contribution of technological innovations to improve the relations and interactions among all members of marketing channels and those with the end consumer. The analysis focuses on marketing channel as a whole, aiming at providing a conceptual framework for future investigations and insights that can be conducted to capture the extent and effects of the changes in technology.
The technological perspective of innovation is analyzed by taking into account all types of channels, not just those at the retail distribution level. This perspective can be divided into an area of innovation in vertical relationships between channel members and an area of innovation in relationships with final demand.
The main fronts of innovation in vertical relations between firms are: logistics, the joint management of supplying activities, and those joint activities with a high level of integration among partners, such as Vendor Managed Category Management.
As regard to relationships with final demand main innovation fields are: checkout technologies, electronic and mobile payments, distance and on-line selling, and self-service technologies

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Research paper thumbnail of International Market and Entry Mode Selection: An Sme Perspective

The principal aim of this paper was to examine the internationalization of small and medium-sized... more The principal aim of this paper was to examine the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regard to the international market selection (IMS) and entry mode selection (EMS) processes. To accomplish this, an investigation of the degree of systematic/active behaviour during IMS and EMS on a sample of 221 SMEs was conducted. Moreover, we sought to understand whether SMEs select foreign market and entry mode in a separate and sequential way, and whether there is a relationship between the sequentiality of IMS and EMS, on one side, and SME behaviour during these two processes, on the other side. Results revealed that SMEs have a non systematic and passive behaviour during IMS and EMS, respectively. Moreover, a high preference in performing the two processes contemporaneously or without any logic was found. Finally, a strong relation between sequentiality of IMS and EMS and degree of systematic and active behaviour during the processes existed

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Research paper thumbnail of Retailer and Small and Medium Supplier Responsibilities in International Supply Chains: Evidences from European and Italian Perspectives

This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility drivers within international s... more This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility drivers within international supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. This study is concentrated on European retailers and organizations within Fair Trade supply chains, and small-medium enterprise manufacturers in the food sector. A qualitative analysis on the strategies of large retailers is developed. Further a quantitative analysis on the level of policies and instruments of CSR in small and medium Italian food that are large suppliers of international retailers is produced. The analysis focused on the role of large retailers examining the effects of their international corporate social responsibility initiatives. Requirements for international supply chain members were also reviewed.

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