Guido Dall'Olio | Urbino "Carlo Bo" (original) (raw)
Books by Guido Dall'Olio
Nella valle di Giosafat. Giustizia di Dio e giustizia degli uomini nella prima età moderna, 2021
In early modern Europe, many men and women summoned their adversaries to appear in the valley of ... more In early modern Europe, many men and women summoned their adversaries to appear in the valley of Jehoshaphat, where God pronounced His judgements, in order to restore violated justice.
Andrea Cicerchia, Guido Dall’Olio, Matteo Duni (eds.) Prescritto e proscritto. Religione e società nell’Italia moderna (secc. XVI-XIX), Carocci, Roma 2015, pp. 7-20, 2015
This book – which collects the acts of the congress held in Urbino (Italy) in September 2013 –she... more This book – which collects the acts of the congress held in Urbino (Italy) in September 2013 –sheds new light on the conflicts born about religion in modern Italy. Conflicts, these, born from the attempt to impose repressive norms (the «prescribed») and define the prohibitions (the «proscribed»), and at the same time because of the resistance that has arisen against these measures. After a framing of the Italian case in the European context, the collected contributions present the results of research covering a longer time span than that usually taken into account, and capture the institutions and beliefs in their dynamic relationship with alternative forces and instances. The areas investigated concern various aspects: theological and controversial treatises; the action of the Roman Inquisition between the XVIth and XVIIth centuries; the redefinition of the models of sanctity and of the inquisitorial and police apparatuses in the age of the Restoration, up to the confrontation between the ecclesiastical magisterium and medicine (official and «popular») in the early decades of the twentieth century.
A History of religious dissent and its repression by the Roman Inquisition in sixteenth century B... more A History of religious dissent and its repression by the Roman Inquisition in sixteenth century Bologna
Papers by Guido Dall'Olio
Before the Fire Burns: Trials for Superstition, Magic, and Witchcraft in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, 2024
This article investigates the factors that provoked the trial and death sentence of four witches ... more This article investigates the factors that provoked the trial and death sentence of four witches in Bologna in 1559. That is, it aims to elucidate how a witch hunt (albeit a small one) was triggered in a context where demonology was present, but the persecution of witchcraft had been
kept at a relatively moderate level (and continued to be so after that). Scholarly contributions on witchcraft and witch hunts are now innumerable, but in general, scholars have focused on the social
relations between the alleged witches and the community in which they lived, on the theological culture of the judges, or even on the deep roots of the sabbath. An analysis of a series of trials for magical and superstitious practices held in Bologna shortly before the 1559 convictions reveals how
it was possible to move from simple sorcery to actual witchcraft. This transition was accomplished both because of the malefic nature of some of the spells practiced by the defendants and because of the intervention of diocesan judges who, for various reasons, were more determined than their predecessors to prosecute witchcraft harshly. Although the link between simple superstition and witchcraft has already been explored to some extent, it emerges with particular clarity in these events.
"Non lasciar viver la malefica". Le streghe nei trattati e nei processi (secoli XVI-XVII), eds. Dinora Corsi and Matteo Duni, 2008
This paper deals with the possibility of using demonic possession and exorcism as a judicial defe... more This paper deals with the possibility of using demonic possession and exorcism as a judicial defense ("demonology defense"?). That is: the culprit should not be considered the possessed person, but the devil.
My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called mi... more My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called miracle of Laon and the bewitching of Anne Gunter (and a third, less-known case, is added towards the end for a further comparison). The ‘Miracle of Laon’ occurred in north-eastern France where, in November 1565, Nicole Obry became known as a young girl possessed by a spirit. The spirit appeared to Nicole as the soul of her deceased grandfather, and her family believed that she was a victim of demonic possession. Therefore, Nicole was exorcised by a Dominican friar at Vervins. The exorcist declared that she was truly possessed by the devil, and during the exorcisms he made the demon reveal his name, which was, rather predictably, Beelzebub. The friar based his diagnosis upon signs such as the rejection of sacred objects, abnormal strength, clairvoyance, and so on. Notwithstanding many people’s objections, the local ecclesiastical authorities considered Nicole’s possession authentic, and the girl was solemnly exorcised by the bishop of Laon. The day of her liberation from the demons, 8 February, continued to be celebrated annually with a special commemoration in the cathedral of Laon until the French Revolution.1
Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe
Linguae Rivista Di Lingue E Culture Moderne, Nov 19, 2012
Cet article fait le bilan de vingt-deux annees d'historiographie italienne sur la Reforme (19... more Cet article fait le bilan de vingt-deux annees d'historiographie italienne sur la Reforme (1975-1997). De cette masse de travaux emerge en particulier une tendance a analyser le mouvement italien de la Reforme en l'inserant dans le contexte historico-religieux des Etats italiens et de leurs rapports avec l'Eglise de Rome, delimitant une religiosite heterodoxe et souterraine, caracteristique d'une maniere italienne de se porter aux avants-postes du christianisme.
Nella valle di Giosafat. Giustizia di Dio e giustizia degli uomini nella prima età moderna, 2021
In early modern Europe, many men and women summoned their adversaries to appear in the valley of ... more In early modern Europe, many men and women summoned their adversaries to appear in the valley of Jehoshaphat, where God pronounced His judgements, in order to restore violated justice.
Andrea Cicerchia, Guido Dall’Olio, Matteo Duni (eds.) Prescritto e proscritto. Religione e società nell’Italia moderna (secc. XVI-XIX), Carocci, Roma 2015, pp. 7-20, 2015
This book – which collects the acts of the congress held in Urbino (Italy) in September 2013 –she... more This book – which collects the acts of the congress held in Urbino (Italy) in September 2013 –sheds new light on the conflicts born about religion in modern Italy. Conflicts, these, born from the attempt to impose repressive norms (the «prescribed») and define the prohibitions (the «proscribed»), and at the same time because of the resistance that has arisen against these measures. After a framing of the Italian case in the European context, the collected contributions present the results of research covering a longer time span than that usually taken into account, and capture the institutions and beliefs in their dynamic relationship with alternative forces and instances. The areas investigated concern various aspects: theological and controversial treatises; the action of the Roman Inquisition between the XVIth and XVIIth centuries; the redefinition of the models of sanctity and of the inquisitorial and police apparatuses in the age of the Restoration, up to the confrontation between the ecclesiastical magisterium and medicine (official and «popular») in the early decades of the twentieth century.
A History of religious dissent and its repression by the Roman Inquisition in sixteenth century B... more A History of religious dissent and its repression by the Roman Inquisition in sixteenth century Bologna
Before the Fire Burns: Trials for Superstition, Magic, and Witchcraft in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, 2024
This article investigates the factors that provoked the trial and death sentence of four witches ... more This article investigates the factors that provoked the trial and death sentence of four witches in Bologna in 1559. That is, it aims to elucidate how a witch hunt (albeit a small one) was triggered in a context where demonology was present, but the persecution of witchcraft had been
kept at a relatively moderate level (and continued to be so after that). Scholarly contributions on witchcraft and witch hunts are now innumerable, but in general, scholars have focused on the social
relations between the alleged witches and the community in which they lived, on the theological culture of the judges, or even on the deep roots of the sabbath. An analysis of a series of trials for magical and superstitious practices held in Bologna shortly before the 1559 convictions reveals how
it was possible to move from simple sorcery to actual witchcraft. This transition was accomplished both because of the malefic nature of some of the spells practiced by the defendants and because of the intervention of diocesan judges who, for various reasons, were more determined than their predecessors to prosecute witchcraft harshly. Although the link between simple superstition and witchcraft has already been explored to some extent, it emerges with particular clarity in these events.
"Non lasciar viver la malefica". Le streghe nei trattati e nei processi (secoli XVI-XVII), eds. Dinora Corsi and Matteo Duni, 2008
This paper deals with the possibility of using demonic possession and exorcism as a judicial defe... more This paper deals with the possibility of using demonic possession and exorcism as a judicial defense ("demonology defense"?). That is: the culprit should not be considered the possessed person, but the devil.
My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called mi... more My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called miracle of Laon and the bewitching of Anne Gunter (and a third, less-known case, is added towards the end for a further comparison). The ‘Miracle of Laon’ occurred in north-eastern France where, in November 1565, Nicole Obry became known as a young girl possessed by a spirit. The spirit appeared to Nicole as the soul of her deceased grandfather, and her family believed that she was a victim of demonic possession. Therefore, Nicole was exorcised by a Dominican friar at Vervins. The exorcist declared that she was truly possessed by the devil, and during the exorcisms he made the demon reveal his name, which was, rather predictably, Beelzebub. The friar based his diagnosis upon signs such as the rejection of sacred objects, abnormal strength, clairvoyance, and so on. Notwithstanding many people’s objections, the local ecclesiastical authorities considered Nicole’s possession authentic, and the girl was solemnly exorcised by the bishop of Laon. The day of her liberation from the demons, 8 February, continued to be celebrated annually with a special commemoration in the cathedral of Laon until the French Revolution.1
Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe
Linguae Rivista Di Lingue E Culture Moderne, Nov 19, 2012
Cet article fait le bilan de vingt-deux annees d'historiographie italienne sur la Reforme (19... more Cet article fait le bilan de vingt-deux annees d'historiographie italienne sur la Reforme (1975-1997). De cette masse de travaux emerge en particulier une tendance a analyser le mouvement italien de la Reforme en l'inserant dans le contexte historico-religieux des Etats italiens et de leurs rapports avec l'Eglise de Rome, delimitant une religiosite heterodoxe et souterraine, caracteristique d'une maniere italienne de se porter aux avants-postes du christianisme.
Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe, 2015
My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called mi... more My analysis begins with a summary of two well-known cases of demonic possession, the so-called miracle of Laon and the bewitching of Anne Gunter (and a third, less-known case, is added towards the end for a further comparison). The ‘Miracle of Laon’ occurred in north-eastern France where, in November 1565, Nicole Obry became known as a young girl possessed by a spirit. The spirit appeared to Nicole as the soul of her deceased grandfather, and her family believed that she was a victim of demonic possession. Therefore, Nicole was exorcised by a Dominican friar at Vervins. The exorcist declared that she was truly possessed by the devil, and during the exorcisms he made the demon reveal his name, which was, rather predictably, Beelzebub. The friar based his diagnosis upon signs such as the rejection of sacred objects, abnormal strength, clairvoyance, and so on. Notwithstanding many people’s objections, the local ecclesiastical authorities considered Nicole’s possession authentic, and the girl was solemnly exorcised by the bishop of Laon. The day of her liberation from the demons, 8 February, continued to be celebrated annually with a special commemoration in the cathedral of Laon until the French Revolution.1
Journal of Church and State, 2016
In: La ghianda e la quercia. Saggi per Adriano Prosperi, a cura di W. de Boer, V. Lavenia, G. Marcocci, Roma, Viella,, 2019
Guido Dall'Olio «Iudex vivorum et mortuorum». La giustizia di Dio a misura d'uomo 1. «Ti farò cit... more Guido Dall'Olio «Iudex vivorum et mortuorum». La giustizia di Dio a misura d'uomo 1. «Ti farò citare dinanzi ai tribunali di Cristo» Una novella delle Piacevoli notti di Giovan Francesco Straparola narra di due fratelli, Ermacora e Andolfo, che vivevano «in fraterna», cioè coabitavano, con i beni indivisi. La convivenza proseguì tranquillamente anche dopo che il fratello minore, Andolfo, ebbe preso moglie e messo al mondo diversi figli. Una volta che questi ultimi furono giunti alla maggiore età Andolfo, «mosso da fanciullesco e non ben regolato appetito», decise di reclamare la sua parte del patrimonio e di separarsi dal fratello. Ermacora cercò di convincerlo dell'irragionevolezza di quel proposito, ma invano. Per farlo desistere -da buon protagonista di una novella cinquecentesca -ricorse allora all'astuzia: avrebbe acconsentito -disse -solo a patto che Andolfo procedesse a una divisione dei beni perfettamente equa. Ogni soluzione che il fratello minore proponeva, tuttavia, venne respinta da Ermacora, che alla fine, di fronte a uno stupefatto Andolfo, spiegò pacatamente che nei beni da dividere dovevano essere inclusi la cognata e i nipoti, della cui amorevole compagnia egli aveva beneficiato fino ad allora e che gli sarebbero stati sottratti da una separazione. Se il fratello non avesse acconsentito a una siffatta suddivisione, Ermacora avrebbe agito risolutamente: «Io giuro», disse, «di convenirti dinanzi la mondana giustizia, e addimandar ragione, e non possendo ottenerla dal mondo, io ti farò citare dinanzi al tribunal di Cristo, a cui ogni cosa è manifesta e palese». Solo a quel punto, Andolfo si rese conto di quanto la sua richiesta avesse ferito i sentimenti -nonché l'orgoglio -di Ermacora e decise alla fine di rinunciare.
In: Urbino fra età moderna e contemporanea, a cura di G. Dall'Olio e S. Pivato, Rimini, Panozzo Editore, pp. 130-154, 2019
Sullo sfondo di uno scandalo locale - una monaca ingravidata dal suo amante (1735) - si stagliano... more Sullo sfondo di uno scandalo locale - una monaca ingravidata dal suo amante (1735) - si stagliano le vicende dei conflitti di potere all'interno della cittadina di Sant'Angelo in Vado, che coinvolgono in parte anche la famiglia Ganganelli, da cui proviene Lorenzo, il futuro papa Clemente XIV (1769-1774).
Schiavitù, razza e Chiesa cattolica tra XVII e XIX secolo: ricerche e questioni