marco pettini | Aix-Marseille University (original) (raw)

Papers by marco pettini

Research paper thumbnail of Compressible MHD Turbulence: An Efficient Mechanism to Heat Stellar Coronae

Springer eBooks, 1985

The nonlinear propagation of a linearly polarized Alfvén wave along a uniform magnetic field is s... more The nonlinear propagation of a linearly polarized Alfvén wave along a uniform magnetic field is studied taking into account the back reaction of sound oscillations that have been excited by the wave itself. The Alfvén wave propagates through a uniform, viscous, resistive, magnetized and weakly compressible plasma in typical astrophysical conditions. The back reaction mechanism yields a nonlinear cascade of Alfvén waves on small length scales. The discovered results are very promising with respect to the turbulent heating problem where the laminar heating is negligible.

Research paper thumbnail of Chaotic diffusion across magnetic field in a model of electrostatic turbulent plasma

Unknown eBooks, Sep 1, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Transitions and Topology: Necessity Theorems

Interdisciplinary applied mathematics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem revisited

Research paper thumbnail of Topology and Phase Transitions II. Entropy and Topology

arXiv (Cornell University), May 20, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Anomalous diffusion of clumps in nonlinear dynamical systems

Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento, Oct 1, 1985

... (ricevuto il 31 Maggie 1985) PACS. 03.20. ... (4) JD MEISS, JR CARY, C. GREBOGI, JD CRAWFORD,... more ... (ricevuto il 31 Maggie 1985) PACS. 03.20. ... (4) JD MEISS, JR CARY, C. GREBOGI, JD CRAWFORD, AN KA~'FMAN and HDI ABAtC-BANEL: Physica D, 6, 375 (1983). (s) C, F. ~'. ]KARNEy: Physica D, 8, 360 (1983); F. VIVALDI, G. CASATI and I. GUARNERII Phys. Rev. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Controlling Chaos through parametric excitations

Lecture Notes in Physics, 1990

As in many physical and non physical systems chaos can have harmful consequences, the possibility... more As in many physical and non physical systems chaos can have harmful consequences, the possibility is discussed of reducing or suppressing it without radically modifying the system.

Research paper thumbnail of Possible failure of Arnold diffusion in nonlinear hamiltonian systems with more than two degrees of freedom

Physics Letters, Dec 1, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental evidence of suppression of chaos by resonant parametric perturbations

Physical Review A, Jun 1, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Geometry and Topology in Hamiltonian Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Interdisciplinary applied mathematics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of nonlinear systems in physics : ENEA, Bologna, Italy 23-24 November 1989

Modelling, analysis and computation in phenomenological theories, C. Lo Surdo in quest of the bio... more Modelling, analysis and computation in phenomenological theories, C. Lo Surdo in quest of the biological soliton - the acetanilide case, A. Tenenbaum molecular dynamics and material science, V. Rosato and A. Ventura electron dynamics and transport simulations in the linear and nonlinear response domain, F. Cleri numerical simulations of high dimensional Hamiltonian dynamics, M. Pettini and M. Cerruti-Sola n-body simulations of collisionless gravitating systems, A. Messina numerical simulation of compressible MHD turbulance, P. Londrillo numerical techniques for semi-implicit MHD spectral codes, F. Rubini and F. Malara microscopic and mesoscopic simulations of complex flows with cellular automata and related techniques, S. Succi et al nonlinear systems and climate dynamics, R. Legnani synergetic applications of complex ordered processes, I. Purica classifier systems as dynamical systems, R. Serra stochastic processes and analog simulation, L. Fronzoni and F. Cappello parallel architectures for simulations of complex systems, A. Mathis.

Research paper thumbnail of Geometrization of Hamiltonian Dynamics

Research paper thumbnail of Connectance and equipartition thresholds in hamiltonian systems

Physics Letters, Jun 1, 1985

Research paper thumbnail of Riemannian geometry of Hamiltonian chaos: Hints for a general theory

Physical Review E, Oct 13, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Routing a quantum state in a bio-inspired network

Quantum Information Processing

Research paper thumbnail of Topological Hypothesis on the Origin

Research paper thumbnail of Geometry and Chaos

Research paper thumbnail of Using “deductive Method” in Psychotherapy: a Change of Paradigm in Clinical Practice From Quantum Field Theory

European Psychiatry, 2015

Introduction In psychotherapy, the object of study is not directly perceptible and material, but ... more Introduction In psychotherapy, the object of study is not directly perceptible and material, but involves human mind complexity and specific content Objectives In psychotherapeutic relationship we propose a method to inspect by deduction non-conscious mind, patient hidden mood, hate, affectivity. Aims The aim of this work is using a modern physics research method in psychotherapy, in order to focus on what is not directly perceptible in clinical practice. Methods We can examine, instead of 'inductive method”, the 'deductive method”, adapted from physics theoretical approach. We have taken into consideration 'Human Birth Theory”, formulated in 1971 by psychiatrist Fagioli. The author conceived the beginning of human life as a neuropsyche reaction to light. Given the intrauterine dark, Fagioli deducted that brain at birth are activated by 'the absolutely new stimulus”, light. He also deducted 'vitality” and 'capability to imagine” as non-conscious mind features. We have checked recent neurobiological data in literature. Results Functional maturation of 'subplate zone”, light-inducted Immediate Early Genes activation, SATs variations, from foetus to newborn, retina instant activation by photon, 'viability” support Fagioli’s theory. Conclusions In relativistic physics and quantum field theory, deduction is finalised to discover hidden processes, in order to know the primum movens, not perceptible. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, the object par excellence is not just brain, like in neurology, but psyche. Its content is not directly knowable, but can be known also by deductive method, involving intuition, together perception of patient. In psychotherapy physics method can be applied, to discover the non-conscious thought, previous to pathological behaviour. Clinical examples can be reported.

Research paper thumbnail of Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Suppression of chaos by resonant parametric perturbations’ ’’

Physical Review E, 1993

The preceding Comment [Cuadros and Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 47, 4628 (1993)] on the paper by Lima and... more The preceding Comment [Cuadros and Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 47, 4628 (1993)] on the paper by Lima and Pettini [Phys. Rev. A 41, 726 (1990)] contains a correct premise; however, erroneous consequences are drawn from it. In this Reply we explain why. ... (Some reference links ...

Research paper thumbnail of Excitation of the inner 4d shell of neutral iodine

Physics Letters A, 1981

Abstract The absorption spectrum of neutral atomic iodine has been photographed in the EUV region... more Abstract The absorption spectrum of neutral atomic iodine has been photographed in the EUV region and three strong autoionized resonances have been identified. A broad absorption feature has been observed and is ascribed to a collective excitation of the 4d inner shell.

Research paper thumbnail of Compressible MHD Turbulence: An Efficient Mechanism to Heat Stellar Coronae

Springer eBooks, 1985

The nonlinear propagation of a linearly polarized Alfvén wave along a uniform magnetic field is s... more The nonlinear propagation of a linearly polarized Alfvén wave along a uniform magnetic field is studied taking into account the back reaction of sound oscillations that have been excited by the wave itself. The Alfvén wave propagates through a uniform, viscous, resistive, magnetized and weakly compressible plasma in typical astrophysical conditions. The back reaction mechanism yields a nonlinear cascade of Alfvén waves on small length scales. The discovered results are very promising with respect to the turbulent heating problem where the laminar heating is negligible.

Research paper thumbnail of Chaotic diffusion across magnetic field in a model of electrostatic turbulent plasma

Unknown eBooks, Sep 1, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Phase Transitions and Topology: Necessity Theorems

Interdisciplinary applied mathematics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem revisited

Research paper thumbnail of Topology and Phase Transitions II. Entropy and Topology

arXiv (Cornell University), May 20, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Anomalous diffusion of clumps in nonlinear dynamical systems

Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento, Oct 1, 1985

... (ricevuto il 31 Maggie 1985) PACS. 03.20. ... (4) JD MEISS, JR CARY, C. GREBOGI, JD CRAWFORD,... more ... (ricevuto il 31 Maggie 1985) PACS. 03.20. ... (4) JD MEISS, JR CARY, C. GREBOGI, JD CRAWFORD, AN KA~'FMAN and HDI ABAtC-BANEL: Physica D, 6, 375 (1983). (s) C, F. ~'. ]KARNEy: Physica D, 8, 360 (1983); F. VIVALDI, G. CASATI and I. GUARNERII Phys. Rev. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Controlling Chaos through parametric excitations

Lecture Notes in Physics, 1990

As in many physical and non physical systems chaos can have harmful consequences, the possibility... more As in many physical and non physical systems chaos can have harmful consequences, the possibility is discussed of reducing or suppressing it without radically modifying the system.

Research paper thumbnail of Possible failure of Arnold diffusion in nonlinear hamiltonian systems with more than two degrees of freedom

Physics Letters, Dec 1, 1984

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental evidence of suppression of chaos by resonant parametric perturbations

Physical Review A, Jun 1, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of Geometry and Topology in Hamiltonian Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Interdisciplinary applied mathematics, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of nonlinear systems in physics : ENEA, Bologna, Italy 23-24 November 1989

Modelling, analysis and computation in phenomenological theories, C. Lo Surdo in quest of the bio... more Modelling, analysis and computation in phenomenological theories, C. Lo Surdo in quest of the biological soliton - the acetanilide case, A. Tenenbaum molecular dynamics and material science, V. Rosato and A. Ventura electron dynamics and transport simulations in the linear and nonlinear response domain, F. Cleri numerical simulations of high dimensional Hamiltonian dynamics, M. Pettini and M. Cerruti-Sola n-body simulations of collisionless gravitating systems, A. Messina numerical simulation of compressible MHD turbulance, P. Londrillo numerical techniques for semi-implicit MHD spectral codes, F. Rubini and F. Malara microscopic and mesoscopic simulations of complex flows with cellular automata and related techniques, S. Succi et al nonlinear systems and climate dynamics, R. Legnani synergetic applications of complex ordered processes, I. Purica classifier systems as dynamical systems, R. Serra stochastic processes and analog simulation, L. Fronzoni and F. Cappello parallel architectures for simulations of complex systems, A. Mathis.

Research paper thumbnail of Geometrization of Hamiltonian Dynamics

Research paper thumbnail of Connectance and equipartition thresholds in hamiltonian systems

Physics Letters, Jun 1, 1985

Research paper thumbnail of Riemannian geometry of Hamiltonian chaos: Hints for a general theory

Physical Review E, Oct 13, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Routing a quantum state in a bio-inspired network

Quantum Information Processing

Research paper thumbnail of Topological Hypothesis on the Origin

Research paper thumbnail of Geometry and Chaos

Research paper thumbnail of Using “deductive Method” in Psychotherapy: a Change of Paradigm in Clinical Practice From Quantum Field Theory

European Psychiatry, 2015

Introduction In psychotherapy, the object of study is not directly perceptible and material, but ... more Introduction In psychotherapy, the object of study is not directly perceptible and material, but involves human mind complexity and specific content Objectives In psychotherapeutic relationship we propose a method to inspect by deduction non-conscious mind, patient hidden mood, hate, affectivity. Aims The aim of this work is using a modern physics research method in psychotherapy, in order to focus on what is not directly perceptible in clinical practice. Methods We can examine, instead of 'inductive method”, the 'deductive method”, adapted from physics theoretical approach. We have taken into consideration 'Human Birth Theory”, formulated in 1971 by psychiatrist Fagioli. The author conceived the beginning of human life as a neuropsyche reaction to light. Given the intrauterine dark, Fagioli deducted that brain at birth are activated by 'the absolutely new stimulus”, light. He also deducted 'vitality” and 'capability to imagine” as non-conscious mind features. We have checked recent neurobiological data in literature. Results Functional maturation of 'subplate zone”, light-inducted Immediate Early Genes activation, SATs variations, from foetus to newborn, retina instant activation by photon, 'viability” support Fagioli’s theory. Conclusions In relativistic physics and quantum field theory, deduction is finalised to discover hidden processes, in order to know the primum movens, not perceptible. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, the object par excellence is not just brain, like in neurology, but psyche. Its content is not directly knowable, but can be known also by deductive method, involving intuition, together perception of patient. In psychotherapy physics method can be applied, to discover the non-conscious thought, previous to pathological behaviour. Clinical examples can be reported.

Research paper thumbnail of Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Suppression of chaos by resonant parametric perturbations’ ’’

Physical Review E, 1993

The preceding Comment [Cuadros and Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 47, 4628 (1993)] on the paper by Lima and... more The preceding Comment [Cuadros and Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 47, 4628 (1993)] on the paper by Lima and Pettini [Phys. Rev. A 41, 726 (1990)] contains a correct premise; however, erroneous consequences are drawn from it. In this Reply we explain why. ... (Some reference links ...

Research paper thumbnail of Excitation of the inner 4d shell of neutral iodine

Physics Letters A, 1981

Abstract The absorption spectrum of neutral atomic iodine has been photographed in the EUV region... more Abstract The absorption spectrum of neutral atomic iodine has been photographed in the EUV region and three strong autoionized resonances have been identified. A broad absorption feature has been observed and is ascribed to a collective excitation of the 4d inner shell.