Omar Mouhib | Ibn Tofail (original) (raw)

Papers by Omar Mouhib

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive K values and training subsets selection for optimal K-NN performance on FPGA

Journal of King Saud University. Computer and information sciences/Maǧalaẗ ǧamʼaẗ al-malīk Saud : ùlm al-ḥasib wa al-maʼlumat, May 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of FPGA-based ML adaptive accelerator: A partial reconfiguration approach for optimized ML accelerator utilization

Array, Mar 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Cruise Control System of Electric Vehicle Powered by PMSM Motor Using T-S Fuzzy Approach

Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Classification Algorithms Implementation for Fire Prevention Data on Multiple Wireless Node Sensors

Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-Time Adaptive Neural Network on FPGA: Enhancing Adaptability through Dynamic Classifier Selection

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 14, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of New Designs of Chien Search and Syndrome Blocks for BCH and Reed Solomon Codes

nternational journal of communication networks and information security, Apr 17, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Design, Optimization and Simulation of a New Decoder for Reed Solomon and BCH Codes using the New Syndromes Block

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Bond graph representation of an optimal control problem for output error minimization

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Research paper thumbnail of Bond graph formulation of an optimal control problem for linear time invariant systems

Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of new Designs of Chien Search and Syndrome Blocks for BCH and Reed Solomon Codes

Int. J. Commun. Networks Inf. Secur., 2020

Error correcting codes constitute one of the core technologies in telecommunications field, espec... more Error correcting codes constitute one of the core technologies in telecommunications field, especially digital communication applications. The objective of this paper is to compare performance among new designs of chien search block on the one hand and syndrome architectures on the other hand in error correcting codes. All comparison of all designs is made by computing the number of logic, bit error rate values and number of iteration in the case of syndrome architectures Analysis results show that the performances of the new designs based on both second factorization method and Three-Parallel Syndrome architecture are superior to the performances of traditional designs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation en vue de la commande et identification paramétrique d’un vérin électropneumatique

Cet article traite de la modelisation en vue dela commande et de l’identification des parametres ... more Cet article traite de la modelisation en vue dela commande et de l’identification des parametres d’un verin electropneumatique. Le systeme etudie se compose de deux servodistributeurs proportionnels et d’un verin lineaire.La strategie d’estimation proposee procede en deux temps.Dans une premiere etape, la caracteristique non lineaire du debit massique d’un servodistributeur est estimee a l’aide d’une approximation polynomiale multivariable. Puis une parametrisation linearisante du modele dynamique par rap-port a un jeu minimal de parametres est etablie. Ces para-metres sont ensuite estimes en utilisant la solution au sens de moindres carres ponderes d’un systeme surdetermine obtenu par l’echantillonnage du modele dynamique le long d’une trajectoire excitante en boucle fermee. Une etude experimentale montre les performances de la methode sur un banc d’essais.

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Research paper thumbnail of Représentation bond graph d'un problème de commande optimale

Cet article a pour but de presenter une procedure fondee sur le formalisme bond graph pour resoud... more Cet article a pour but de presenter une procedure fondee sur le formalisme bond graph pour resoudre une categorie des problemes de commande optimale. Cette procedure permet la construction d'une representation bond graph qui constitue, grâce a l'exploitation bicausale, un moyen alternatif pour determiner directement la solution optimale sans passer par les etapes analytiques de la methode de Pontryagin. Mots-cles-Commande optimale, Principe de maximum de pontryagin, bond graph, bicausalite.

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Research paper thumbnail of Procedure for the bond graph construction of an optimal control problem

International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, 2006

This paper aims at providing a procedure and the proof of its effectiveness introducing an optima... more This paper aims at providing a procedure and the proof of its effectiveness introducing an optimal control formulation into the bond graph language. The class of optimal control problems presented concerns linear time invariant MIMO systems where the integral performance index corresponds to minimising the input and dissipative energy. The procedure enables the formulation to be set up exclusively at a graphical (namely bond graph) level. The proof uses the Pontryagin principle applied to the port-Hamiltonian formulation of the system.

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Research paper thumbnail of (In-)validation de modèles de systèmes incertains

Le travail de recherche presente dans ce memoire porte sur l'analyse theorique de l'appro... more Le travail de recherche presente dans ce memoire porte sur l'analyse theorique de l'approche frequentielle d'(in-)validation de modele de systemes incertains qui consiste a caracteriser les ecarts objet/modele par l'introduction non seulement de bruits perturbateurs, mais aussi d'operateurs d'incertitude dans la relation fonctionnelle associee au modele choisi. En supposant que les incertitudes et le bruit sont de norme bornee nous avons defini la notion de l'ensemble de modeles. Ceux que nous avons consideres sont formes a partir d'une representation lineaire fractionnaire. La question generique du probleme de validation de modele de systemes incertains ainsi etudiee dans cette these est la suivante : Etant donnees des mesures experimentales et un ensemble de modeles, existe t il un modele dans l'ensemble de modeles qui pourrait produire les donnees entrees/sorties observees? Ceci a demande simplement de trouver un element de l'ensemble de mo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hardware Implementation of Blind Source Separation Algorithm Using ZYBO Z7& Xilinx System Generator

Blind Source Separation (BSS) is termed as the extraction of source signals from mixed data witho... more Blind Source Separation (BSS) is termed as the extraction of source signals from mixed data without or with little knowledge about the source signals. It is used in many fields of research such as military, medical and industry. Among the many challenges that must be overcome to apply BSS to a real system, implementation restrictions are the most difficult. Software implementations require a significant amount of overhead to make them applicable to real-time systems and have a lower maximum speed of operation than hardware implementations. When speed is desired, the algorithm should be implemented on specialized hardware such as a Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) which allows the user to take advantage of parallel computational abilities. This paper describes the methodology for implementing real-time DSP applications on FPGA and the concept of hardware software cosimulation of the Second Order Blind Identification (SOBI) algorithm using MATLAB Simulink and Xilinx System Generato...

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Research paper thumbnail of Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255, 239) Used in Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T

This article presents a Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255,239) U... more This article presents a Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255,239) Used In Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T. This Parallelization is compared with the basic circuit used a serial syndrome computation block. In this paper we developed the design of three parallelization syndrome. This parallelization reduces both the consummation of power and the number of iterations. The RS (255,239) code is composed of 255 symbols that are multiples of 3. The Symbols are entered in parallel in the syndrome block.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimal Control Problem: Bond Graph Representation and Solver Implementation

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Research paper thumbnail of (In-)validation de modèles de systèmes incertains

Http Www Theses Fr, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Procedure for the bond graph construction of an optimal control problem

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Study of BCH Error Correcting Codes Using the Bit Error Rate Term BER

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive K values and training subsets selection for optimal K-NN performance on FPGA

Journal of King Saud University. Computer and information sciences/Maǧalaẗ ǧamʼaẗ al-malīk Saud : ùlm al-ḥasib wa al-maʼlumat, May 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of FPGA-based ML adaptive accelerator: A partial reconfiguration approach for optimized ML accelerator utilization

Array, Mar 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Cruise Control System of Electric Vehicle Powered by PMSM Motor Using T-S Fuzzy Approach

Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Classification Algorithms Implementation for Fire Prevention Data on Multiple Wireless Node Sensors

Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-Time Adaptive Neural Network on FPGA: Enhancing Adaptability through Dynamic Classifier Selection

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 14, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of New Designs of Chien Search and Syndrome Blocks for BCH and Reed Solomon Codes

nternational journal of communication networks and information security, Apr 17, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Design, Optimization and Simulation of a New Decoder for Reed Solomon and BCH Codes using the New Syndromes Block

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Bond graph representation of an optimal control problem for output error minimization

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Research paper thumbnail of Bond graph formulation of an optimal control problem for linear time invariant systems

Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Comparison of new Designs of Chien Search and Syndrome Blocks for BCH and Reed Solomon Codes

Int. J. Commun. Networks Inf. Secur., 2020

Error correcting codes constitute one of the core technologies in telecommunications field, espec... more Error correcting codes constitute one of the core technologies in telecommunications field, especially digital communication applications. The objective of this paper is to compare performance among new designs of chien search block on the one hand and syndrome architectures on the other hand in error correcting codes. All comparison of all designs is made by computing the number of logic, bit error rate values and number of iteration in the case of syndrome architectures Analysis results show that the performances of the new designs based on both second factorization method and Three-Parallel Syndrome architecture are superior to the performances of traditional designs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation en vue de la commande et identification paramétrique d’un vérin électropneumatique

Cet article traite de la modelisation en vue dela commande et de l’identification des parametres ... more Cet article traite de la modelisation en vue dela commande et de l’identification des parametres d’un verin electropneumatique. Le systeme etudie se compose de deux servodistributeurs proportionnels et d’un verin lineaire.La strategie d’estimation proposee procede en deux temps.Dans une premiere etape, la caracteristique non lineaire du debit massique d’un servodistributeur est estimee a l’aide d’une approximation polynomiale multivariable. Puis une parametrisation linearisante du modele dynamique par rap-port a un jeu minimal de parametres est etablie. Ces para-metres sont ensuite estimes en utilisant la solution au sens de moindres carres ponderes d’un systeme surdetermine obtenu par l’echantillonnage du modele dynamique le long d’une trajectoire excitante en boucle fermee. Une etude experimentale montre les performances de la methode sur un banc d’essais.

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Research paper thumbnail of Représentation bond graph d'un problème de commande optimale

Cet article a pour but de presenter une procedure fondee sur le formalisme bond graph pour resoud... more Cet article a pour but de presenter une procedure fondee sur le formalisme bond graph pour resoudre une categorie des problemes de commande optimale. Cette procedure permet la construction d'une representation bond graph qui constitue, grâce a l'exploitation bicausale, un moyen alternatif pour determiner directement la solution optimale sans passer par les etapes analytiques de la methode de Pontryagin. Mots-cles-Commande optimale, Principe de maximum de pontryagin, bond graph, bicausalite.

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Research paper thumbnail of Procedure for the bond graph construction of an optimal control problem

International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, 2006

This paper aims at providing a procedure and the proof of its effectiveness introducing an optima... more This paper aims at providing a procedure and the proof of its effectiveness introducing an optimal control formulation into the bond graph language. The class of optimal control problems presented concerns linear time invariant MIMO systems where the integral performance index corresponds to minimising the input and dissipative energy. The procedure enables the formulation to be set up exclusively at a graphical (namely bond graph) level. The proof uses the Pontryagin principle applied to the port-Hamiltonian formulation of the system.

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Research paper thumbnail of (In-)validation de modèles de systèmes incertains

Le travail de recherche presente dans ce memoire porte sur l'analyse theorique de l'appro... more Le travail de recherche presente dans ce memoire porte sur l'analyse theorique de l'approche frequentielle d'(in-)validation de modele de systemes incertains qui consiste a caracteriser les ecarts objet/modele par l'introduction non seulement de bruits perturbateurs, mais aussi d'operateurs d'incertitude dans la relation fonctionnelle associee au modele choisi. En supposant que les incertitudes et le bruit sont de norme bornee nous avons defini la notion de l'ensemble de modeles. Ceux que nous avons consideres sont formes a partir d'une representation lineaire fractionnaire. La question generique du probleme de validation de modele de systemes incertains ainsi etudiee dans cette these est la suivante : Etant donnees des mesures experimentales et un ensemble de modeles, existe t il un modele dans l'ensemble de modeles qui pourrait produire les donnees entrees/sorties observees? Ceci a demande simplement de trouver un element de l'ensemble de mo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hardware Implementation of Blind Source Separation Algorithm Using ZYBO Z7& Xilinx System Generator

Blind Source Separation (BSS) is termed as the extraction of source signals from mixed data witho... more Blind Source Separation (BSS) is termed as the extraction of source signals from mixed data without or with little knowledge about the source signals. It is used in many fields of research such as military, medical and industry. Among the many challenges that must be overcome to apply BSS to a real system, implementation restrictions are the most difficult. Software implementations require a significant amount of overhead to make them applicable to real-time systems and have a lower maximum speed of operation than hardware implementations. When speed is desired, the algorithm should be implemented on specialized hardware such as a Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) which allows the user to take advantage of parallel computational abilities. This paper describes the methodology for implementing real-time DSP applications on FPGA and the concept of hardware software cosimulation of the Second Order Blind Identification (SOBI) algorithm using MATLAB Simulink and Xilinx System Generato...

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Research paper thumbnail of Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255, 239) Used in Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T

This article presents a Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255,239) U... more This article presents a Three Parallelization Syndrome Block for Reed Solomon code RS (255,239) Used In Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T. This Parallelization is compared with the basic circuit used a serial syndrome computation block. In this paper we developed the design of three parallelization syndrome. This parallelization reduces both the consummation of power and the number of iterations. The RS (255,239) code is composed of 255 symbols that are multiples of 3. The Symbols are entered in parallel in the syndrome block.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimal Control Problem: Bond Graph Representation and Solver Implementation

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Research paper thumbnail of (In-)validation de modèles de systèmes incertains

Http Www Theses Fr, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Procedure for the bond graph construction of an optimal control problem

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance Study of BCH Error Correcting Codes Using the Bit Error Rate Term BER

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2017

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