Vanessa Nina Borsan | Université de Lille (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Vanessa Nina Borsan
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021
InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis... more InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis. The project is musicologically motivated, thus it streams towards wider accessibility. It not only consists of the algorithms for music (pattern) analysis, but also provides the informative jupyter notebook and a case study that serves as a tutorial for less computationally experienced users. In order to make the codes more accessible, the project also allows the user to run the algorithms through the interface (GUI), a convenient format for users with little computational knowledge. The latter allows the user to apply the algorithms to their corpora without direct interaction with the code. The algorithms’ primary focus is a “music pattern” – melodic, rhythmic, and textual (e.g., lyric), but they also explore metadata information.
While music parameters, such as key, meters and other musical features are being studied with the music21 Python library, the patterns and lyrics are analysed with methods from computational linguistics, such as n-grams and word tokenization. Aside from a thorough explanation of the benefits of the algorithms, this thesis also focuses on the limitations of computationally applied methods, addresses their disadvantages and problematises the current issues of digital humanities. Both, advantages and disadvantages of the applied computational approach are being explored through two case studies, demonstrated on 63 Slovenian 20th-century lieder (“art” songs) by three composers - Marij Kogoj, Slavko Osterc and Lucijan Marija Škerjanc, first focusing on musical features alone, and second including lyrics and metadata information.
Univerza v Ljubljani , 2020
English below ---- Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospe... more English below
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vključuje 83 skladb treh ključnih skladateljev takratnega časa – Marija Kogoja (1892–1956), Lucijana Marijo Škerjanca in Slavka Osterca (1895–1941). Sprva je orisano glasbeno-zgodovinsko ozadje žanra in vseh treh avtorjev, ki pripomore k lažjeum razumevanju rezultatov. Temu sledi računalniška glasbena analiza zastavljenega korpusa. Prva ustvarjena računalniška koda, pisana v jeziku Python (z uporabo music21), se ukvarja z (meta)podatkovnimi bazami celotnega korpusa, korpusa posameznih skladateljev ter s posameznimi skladbami. Analiza pri tem upošteva šestnajst različnih parametrov. V nadaljevanju besedilo z metodo iskanja n-gramov obravnava melodične in tri različne ritmične vzorce. Po splošnem pregledu vzorcev se osredotoči na petnajst notnih primerov. Nabor samospevov je izbran tako, da tudi v svoji okrnjenosti izrišejo določene poteze vsakega izmed skladateljev. Na koncu so podani vsebinska sinteza, ovrednotenje računalniškega modela in predlogi za nadaljnje raziskovanje.
The central topic of my master’s thesis is music patterns in Slovenian lied in-between the two World wars. The research sets its fundamental focus to three central composers of the time – Marij Kogoj (1892–1956), Lucijan Marija Škerjanc (1900–1973) and Slavko Osterc (1895–1941). Firstly, the thesis establishes musically-historical groundwork which mainly serves as a mediator between the gathered results and their interpretation. This is followed by a digital analysis of music notation which consists of two preeminent frames, both executed in Python language with music21. The first model carries out corpus (meta)data processing through sixteen different parameters. The N-gram analysis method establishes the second model. It returns a series of melody patterns (music intervals) and three different types of rhythmic patterns. Both are commented separately and then compared. This method includes a selection of five music pieces per author. The thesis concludes its findings with content synthesis, evaluation of the established computational model and encourages further research within the observed topic.
Papers by Vanessa Nina Borsan
The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or a... more The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or across various music genres and cultures. This approach aims to shed light on the recurring instances present in diverse musical traditions. The paper presents a study analyzing folk songs using symbolic music representation, including melodic sequences and musical information. By examining a corpus of 400 monophonic Slovenian tunes, we are releasing annotations of structure, contour, and implied harmony. We propose an efficient algorithm based on suffix arrays and bitvectors to match both music content (melodic sequence) and context (descriptors). Our study reveals that certain descriptors, such as contour types and harmonic "stability" exhibit variations based on phrase position within a tune. Additionally, combining melody and descriptors in pattern-matching queries enhances precision for classification tasks. We emphasize the importance of the interplay between melodic sequences and music descriptors, highlighting that different pattern queries may have varying levels of detail requirements. As a result, our approach promotes flexibility in computational music analysis. Lastly, our objective is to foster the knowledge of Slovenian folk songs. 1. INTRODUCTION Music pattern analysis in the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is extensively studied. The challenges of this topic extend beyond algorithms, encompassing diverse music forms, representation (signal, symbolic, or textual), music content, and cultural metadata.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 15, 2021
for always being ready to help. • Xavier Serra for giving me the opportunity to become a part of ... more for always being ready to help. • Xavier Serra for giving me the opportunity to become a part of SMC. • My family for their eternal support.
Musicological Annual, Dec 27, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
ISMIR, 2023
Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult, Thierry Lecroq The objective of pat... more Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult, Thierry Lecroq
The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or across various music genres and cultures. This approach aims to shed light on the recurring instances present in diverse musical traditions. The paper presents a study analyzing folk songs using symbolic music representation, including melodic sequences and musical information. By examining a corpus of 400 monophonic Slovenian tunes, we are releasing annotations of structure, contour, and implied harmony. We propose an efficient algorithm based on suffix arrays and bit-vectors to match both music content (melodic sequence) and context (descriptors). Our study reveals that certain descriptors, such as contour types and harmonic “stability” exhibit variations based on phrase position within a tune. Additionally, combining melody and descriptors in pattern-matching queries enhances precision for classification tasks. We emphasize the importance of the interplay between melodic sequences and music descriptors, highlighting that different pattern queries may have varying levels of detail requirements. As a result, our approach promotes flexibility in computational music analysis. Lastly, our objective is to foster the knowledge of Slovenian folk songs.
ISMIR, 2023
Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult. Throughout history, a consistent t... more Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult.
Throughout history, a consistent temporal and spatial gap has persisted between the inception of novel knowledge and technology and their subsequent adoption for extensive practical utilization. The article explores the dynamic interaction and exchange of methodologies between musicology and computational music research. It focuses on an analysis of ten years’ worth of papers from the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) from 2012 to 2021. Over 1000 citations of ISMIR papers were reviewed, and out of these, 51 later works published in musicological venues drew from the findings of 28 ISMIR papers. Final results reveal that most contributions from ISMIR rarely make their way to musicology or humanities. Nevertheless, the paper highlights four examples of successful knowledge transfers between the fields and discusses best practices for collaborations while addressing potential causes for such disparities. In the epilogue, we address the interlaced origins of the problem as stemming from the language of new media, institutional restrictions, and the inability to engage in multidisciplinary communication.
Musicological Annual
V vročičnem vzponu interdisciplinarnih prizadevanj se znanstveni zborniki, revije in konference, ... more V vročičnem vzponu interdisciplinarnih prizadevanj se znanstveni zborniki, revije in konference, pa tudi projektne in ostale institucionalne tvorbe čedalje pogosteje odmikajo od izrecne disciplinarne zamejitve. Svoj prostor čedalje pogosteje odpirajo projektom večdisciplinarnih raziskovalnih skupin, a kljub temu »tisti, ki delujejo v eni disciplini, ne vedo vselej, kaj se dogaja v nekaterih drugih.« Tokratna številka Muzikološkega zbornika je namenjena osvetlitvi povezovalnih aspiracij sodobnega muzikološkega raziskovanja, zlasti dejavnosti na področju računalniško podprtega raziskovanja glasbe.
Musicological Annual
Procese razumevanja glasbe kot niza pojavov, ki so tesno povezani z IT praksami iskanja glasbe v ... more Procese razumevanja glasbe kot niza pojavov, ki so tesno povezani z IT praksami iskanja glasbe v slovenski raziskovalni skupnosti, skiciramo s treh osnovnih vidikov: etnomuzikološkega, bibliotekarskega (bistvenega, ko se glasbi približamo računalniško) in IT. Članek ocenjuje doprinos teh perspektiv k razumevanju glasbe, in predlaga, da tri obravnavane perspektive niso poljubne.
Musicological Annual 2022/2, 2022
What, if any, similarities and differences between song and speech are consistent across cultures... more What, if any, similarities and differences between song and speech are consistent across cultures? Both song and speech are found in all known human societies and are argued to share evolutionary roots and cognitive resources, yet no studies have compared similarities and differences between song and speech across languages on a global scale. We will compare sets of matched song/speech recordings produced by our 81 coauthors whose 1st/heritage languages span 23 language families. Each recording set consists of singing, recited lyrics, and spoken description, plus an optional instrumental version of the sung melody to allow us to capture a “musi-linguistic continuum” from instrumental music to naturalistic speech. Our literature review and pilot analysis using five audio recording sets (by speakers of Japanese, English, Farsi, Yoruba, and Marathi) led us to make six predictions for confirmatory analysis comparing song vs. spoken descriptions: three consistent differences and three co...
The general aim of this article is to sketch the processes of understanding music as a set of phe... more The general aim of this article is to sketch the processes of understanding music as a set of phenomena intricately involved with the IT novelties within the Slovenian research community from the three basic perspectives of ethno/musicologist, librarian (essential when approaching music computationally), and IT. It assesses what these perspectives have brought to the understanding of music, but more importantly indicates that the three perspectives are not arbitrary. Together they form digital musicology in Slovenia. First, it lays out the Slovenian contributions to e-music research, and illustrates academic specificities, both Slovenian and global. Lastly, the article offers some thoughts on current academic challenges and reflects on possible solutions.
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vklju... more Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vključuje 83 skladb treh ključnih skladateljev takratnega časa – Marija Kogoja (1892–1956), Lucijana Marijo Škerjanca in Slavka Osterca (1895–1941). Sprva je orisano glasbeno-zgodovinsko ozadje žanra in vseh treh avtorjev, ki pripomore k lažjeum razumevanju rezultatov. Temu sledi računalniška glasbena analiza zastavljenega korpusa. Prva ustvarjena računalniška koda, pisana v jeziku Python (z uporabo music21), ki se ukvarja z (meta)podatkovnimi bazami celotnega korpusa, korpusa posameznih skladateljev ter s posameznimi skladbami. Analiza pri tem upošteva šestnajst različnih parametrov. V nadaljevanju besedilo z metodo iskanja n-gramov obravnava melodične in tri različne ritmične vzorce. Po splošnem pregledu vzorcev se osredotoči na petnajst notnih primerov. Nabor samospevov je izbran tako, da tudi v svoji okrnjenosti izrišejo določene poteze vsakega izmed skladateljev. Na koncu so podani vsebi...
InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis... more InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis. The project is musicologically motivated, thus it streams towards wider accessibility. It not only consists of the algorithms for music (pattern) analysis, but also provides the informative jupyter notebook and a case study that serves as a tutorial for less computationally experienced users. In order to make the codes more accessible, the project also allows the user to run the algorithms through the inter-face (GUI), a convenient format for users with little computational knowledge. The latter allows the user to apply the algorithms to their corpora without direct inter-action with the code. The algorithms' primary focus is a "music pattern" – melodic, rhythmic, and textual (e.g., lyric), but they also explore metadata information. While music parameters, such as key, meters and other musical features are being studied with music21 Python library, the patterns and lyric...
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021
InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis... more InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis. The project is musicologically motivated, thus it streams towards wider accessibility. It not only consists of the algorithms for music (pattern) analysis, but also provides the informative jupyter notebook and a case study that serves as a tutorial for less computationally experienced users. In order to make the codes more accessible, the project also allows the user to run the algorithms through the interface (GUI), a convenient format for users with little computational knowledge. The latter allows the user to apply the algorithms to their corpora without direct interaction with the code. The algorithms’ primary focus is a “music pattern” – melodic, rhythmic, and textual (e.g., lyric), but they also explore metadata information.
While music parameters, such as key, meters and other musical features are being studied with the music21 Python library, the patterns and lyrics are analysed with methods from computational linguistics, such as n-grams and word tokenization. Aside from a thorough explanation of the benefits of the algorithms, this thesis also focuses on the limitations of computationally applied methods, addresses their disadvantages and problematises the current issues of digital humanities. Both, advantages and disadvantages of the applied computational approach are being explored through two case studies, demonstrated on 63 Slovenian 20th-century lieder (“art” songs) by three composers - Marij Kogoj, Slavko Osterc and Lucijan Marija Škerjanc, first focusing on musical features alone, and second including lyrics and metadata information.
Univerza v Ljubljani , 2020
English below ---- Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospe... more English below
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vključuje 83 skladb treh ključnih skladateljev takratnega časa – Marija Kogoja (1892–1956), Lucijana Marijo Škerjanca in Slavka Osterca (1895–1941). Sprva je orisano glasbeno-zgodovinsko ozadje žanra in vseh treh avtorjev, ki pripomore k lažjeum razumevanju rezultatov. Temu sledi računalniška glasbena analiza zastavljenega korpusa. Prva ustvarjena računalniška koda, pisana v jeziku Python (z uporabo music21), se ukvarja z (meta)podatkovnimi bazami celotnega korpusa, korpusa posameznih skladateljev ter s posameznimi skladbami. Analiza pri tem upošteva šestnajst različnih parametrov. V nadaljevanju besedilo z metodo iskanja n-gramov obravnava melodične in tri različne ritmične vzorce. Po splošnem pregledu vzorcev se osredotoči na petnajst notnih primerov. Nabor samospevov je izbran tako, da tudi v svoji okrnjenosti izrišejo določene poteze vsakega izmed skladateljev. Na koncu so podani vsebinska sinteza, ovrednotenje računalniškega modela in predlogi za nadaljnje raziskovanje.
The central topic of my master’s thesis is music patterns in Slovenian lied in-between the two World wars. The research sets its fundamental focus to three central composers of the time – Marij Kogoj (1892–1956), Lucijan Marija Škerjanc (1900–1973) and Slavko Osterc (1895–1941). Firstly, the thesis establishes musically-historical groundwork which mainly serves as a mediator between the gathered results and their interpretation. This is followed by a digital analysis of music notation which consists of two preeminent frames, both executed in Python language with music21. The first model carries out corpus (meta)data processing through sixteen different parameters. The N-gram analysis method establishes the second model. It returns a series of melody patterns (music intervals) and three different types of rhythmic patterns. Both are commented separately and then compared. This method includes a selection of five music pieces per author. The thesis concludes its findings with content synthesis, evaluation of the established computational model and encourages further research within the observed topic.
The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or a... more The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or across various music genres and cultures. This approach aims to shed light on the recurring instances present in diverse musical traditions. The paper presents a study analyzing folk songs using symbolic music representation, including melodic sequences and musical information. By examining a corpus of 400 monophonic Slovenian tunes, we are releasing annotations of structure, contour, and implied harmony. We propose an efficient algorithm based on suffix arrays and bitvectors to match both music content (melodic sequence) and context (descriptors). Our study reveals that certain descriptors, such as contour types and harmonic "stability" exhibit variations based on phrase position within a tune. Additionally, combining melody and descriptors in pattern-matching queries enhances precision for classification tasks. We emphasize the importance of the interplay between melodic sequences and music descriptors, highlighting that different pattern queries may have varying levels of detail requirements. As a result, our approach promotes flexibility in computational music analysis. Lastly, our objective is to foster the knowledge of Slovenian folk songs. 1. INTRODUCTION Music pattern analysis in the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is extensively studied. The challenges of this topic extend beyond algorithms, encompassing diverse music forms, representation (signal, symbolic, or textual), music content, and cultural metadata.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 15, 2021
for always being ready to help. • Xavier Serra for giving me the opportunity to become a part of ... more for always being ready to help. • Xavier Serra for giving me the opportunity to become a part of SMC. • My family for their eternal support.
Musicological Annual, Dec 27, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
ISMIR, 2023
Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult, Thierry Lecroq The objective of pat... more Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult, Thierry Lecroq
The objective of pattern-matching topics is to gain insights into repetitive patterns within or across various music genres and cultures. This approach aims to shed light on the recurring instances present in diverse musical traditions. The paper presents a study analyzing folk songs using symbolic music representation, including melodic sequences and musical information. By examining a corpus of 400 monophonic Slovenian tunes, we are releasing annotations of structure, contour, and implied harmony. We propose an efficient algorithm based on suffix arrays and bit-vectors to match both music content (melodic sequence) and context (descriptors). Our study reveals that certain descriptors, such as contour types and harmonic “stability” exhibit variations based on phrase position within a tune. Additionally, combining melody and descriptors in pattern-matching queries enhances precision for classification tasks. We emphasize the importance of the interplay between melodic sequences and music descriptors, highlighting that different pattern queries may have varying levels of detail requirements. As a result, our approach promotes flexibility in computational music analysis. Lastly, our objective is to foster the knowledge of Slovenian folk songs.
ISMIR, 2023
Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult. Throughout history, a consistent t... more Authors: Vanessa Nina Borsan, Mathieu Giraud, Richard Groult.
Throughout history, a consistent temporal and spatial gap has persisted between the inception of novel knowledge and technology and their subsequent adoption for extensive practical utilization. The article explores the dynamic interaction and exchange of methodologies between musicology and computational music research. It focuses on an analysis of ten years’ worth of papers from the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) from 2012 to 2021. Over 1000 citations of ISMIR papers were reviewed, and out of these, 51 later works published in musicological venues drew from the findings of 28 ISMIR papers. Final results reveal that most contributions from ISMIR rarely make their way to musicology or humanities. Nevertheless, the paper highlights four examples of successful knowledge transfers between the fields and discusses best practices for collaborations while addressing potential causes for such disparities. In the epilogue, we address the interlaced origins of the problem as stemming from the language of new media, institutional restrictions, and the inability to engage in multidisciplinary communication.
Musicological Annual
V vročičnem vzponu interdisciplinarnih prizadevanj se znanstveni zborniki, revije in konference, ... more V vročičnem vzponu interdisciplinarnih prizadevanj se znanstveni zborniki, revije in konference, pa tudi projektne in ostale institucionalne tvorbe čedalje pogosteje odmikajo od izrecne disciplinarne zamejitve. Svoj prostor čedalje pogosteje odpirajo projektom večdisciplinarnih raziskovalnih skupin, a kljub temu »tisti, ki delujejo v eni disciplini, ne vedo vselej, kaj se dogaja v nekaterih drugih.« Tokratna številka Muzikološkega zbornika je namenjena osvetlitvi povezovalnih aspiracij sodobnega muzikološkega raziskovanja, zlasti dejavnosti na področju računalniško podprtega raziskovanja glasbe.
Musicological Annual
Procese razumevanja glasbe kot niza pojavov, ki so tesno povezani z IT praksami iskanja glasbe v ... more Procese razumevanja glasbe kot niza pojavov, ki so tesno povezani z IT praksami iskanja glasbe v slovenski raziskovalni skupnosti, skiciramo s treh osnovnih vidikov: etnomuzikološkega, bibliotekarskega (bistvenega, ko se glasbi približamo računalniško) in IT. Članek ocenjuje doprinos teh perspektiv k razumevanju glasbe, in predlaga, da tri obravnavane perspektive niso poljubne.
Musicological Annual 2022/2, 2022
What, if any, similarities and differences between song and speech are consistent across cultures... more What, if any, similarities and differences between song and speech are consistent across cultures? Both song and speech are found in all known human societies and are argued to share evolutionary roots and cognitive resources, yet no studies have compared similarities and differences between song and speech across languages on a global scale. We will compare sets of matched song/speech recordings produced by our 81 coauthors whose 1st/heritage languages span 23 language families. Each recording set consists of singing, recited lyrics, and spoken description, plus an optional instrumental version of the sung melody to allow us to capture a “musi-linguistic continuum” from instrumental music to naturalistic speech. Our literature review and pilot analysis using five audio recording sets (by speakers of Japanese, English, Farsi, Yoruba, and Marathi) led us to make six predictions for confirmatory analysis comparing song vs. spoken descriptions: three consistent differences and three co...
The general aim of this article is to sketch the processes of understanding music as a set of phe... more The general aim of this article is to sketch the processes of understanding music as a set of phenomena intricately involved with the IT novelties within the Slovenian research community from the three basic perspectives of ethno/musicologist, librarian (essential when approaching music computationally), and IT. It assesses what these perspectives have brought to the understanding of music, but more importantly indicates that the three perspectives are not arbitrary. Together they form digital musicology in Slovenia. First, it lays out the Slovenian contributions to e-music research, and illustrates academic specificities, both Slovenian and global. Lastly, the article offers some thoughts on current academic challenges and reflects on possible solutions.
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vklju... more Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem vzorcev v slovenskem medvojnem samospevu. Raziskava vključuje 83 skladb treh ključnih skladateljev takratnega časa – Marija Kogoja (1892–1956), Lucijana Marijo Škerjanca in Slavka Osterca (1895–1941). Sprva je orisano glasbeno-zgodovinsko ozadje žanra in vseh treh avtorjev, ki pripomore k lažjeum razumevanju rezultatov. Temu sledi računalniška glasbena analiza zastavljenega korpusa. Prva ustvarjena računalniška koda, pisana v jeziku Python (z uporabo music21), ki se ukvarja z (meta)podatkovnimi bazami celotnega korpusa, korpusa posameznih skladateljev ter s posameznimi skladbami. Analiza pri tem upošteva šestnajst različnih parametrov. V nadaljevanju besedilo z metodo iskanja n-gramov obravnava melodične in tri različne ritmične vzorce. Po splošnem pregledu vzorcev se osredotoči na petnajst notnih primerov. Nabor samospevov je izbran tako, da tudi v svoji okrnjenosti izrišejo določene poteze vsakega izmed skladateljev. Na koncu so podani vsebi...
InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis... more InterLied is an interface, run by a set of algorithms for music score (primarily lieder) analysis. The project is musicologically motivated, thus it streams towards wider accessibility. It not only consists of the algorithms for music (pattern) analysis, but also provides the informative jupyter notebook and a case study that serves as a tutorial for less computationally experienced users. In order to make the codes more accessible, the project also allows the user to run the algorithms through the inter-face (GUI), a convenient format for users with little computational knowledge. The latter allows the user to apply the algorithms to their corpora without direct inter-action with the code. The algorithms' primary focus is a "music pattern" – melodic, rhythmic, and textual (e.g., lyric), but they also explore metadata information. While music parameters, such as key, meters and other musical features are being studied with music21 Python library, the patterns and lyric...