Abdelkader Djeflat | Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (Lille-1) (original) (raw)
Papers by Abdelkader Djeflat
Technology Transfer in the Developing Countries, 1990
Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from th... more Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from the rest of the world and persistent reliance on mineral resources for their growth. At the same time, sustainable development is increasingly becoming a major concern for world development. In this respect, and from a sustainability point of view, knowledge economy opens up new and more accessible opportunities through the 'substitution' of physical resources by immaterial resources. This situation raises two fundamental questions: the first one relates to the opportunity of ensuring sustainable development while the knowledge base remains rather weak and policies often shortsighted. The second one is how an integrated approach based on knowledge can strengthen existing knowledge bases and create new ones to further sustainable development. Looking at a sample of advanced countries and Arab countries, this chapter argues that sustainability of growth rests fundamentally on the capability of properly harnessing knowledge. tps://www.igi-global.com/chapter/harnessing-knowledge-for-sustainable-development/189898
The strong growth and export performance in Africa for the last decade were largely due to higher... more The strong growth and export performance in Africa for the last decade were largely due to higher international commodity prices and did not translate into the broad-based economic and social development needed to reduce poverty and create jobs for the underemployed. In this paper, we assume that this pattern of development can be explained by the weak nature and narrowness of the learning process that developed in relation to natural resource sectors. Lateral migration of knowledge from the natural resource-based sectors remains scarce in Africa. The paper examines the oil and gas sector in Algeria using the case of the oil giant producer Sonatrach. It shows that knowledge migration benefited internal capacity building and core downstream activities to a certain extent. The capacity of the dominant sector and company to contribute to competence building and innovation in general and specifically in manufacturing activities was, however, very limited and Algeria and, as many other African countries, remains overly dependent on the production and export of oil and gas.
L'objectif de l'article ambitionne d'examiner l'idée de l'existence d'un système national d'innov... more L'objectif de l'article ambitionne d'examiner l'idée de l'existence d'un système national d'innovation (S.N.I) en Algérie et les possibilités de création de capacités d'innovation dans le secteur pharmaceutique. De nombreux travaux théoriques ont montré l'existence de S.N.I déstructurés et décloisonnés selon l'acception conventionnelle dans de nombreux pays du Sud. Notre angle d'analyse, en se basant sur le modèle théorique proposé par Casadella (2006), propose une approche nouvelle et spécifique, propre aux caractéristiques de sous-développement des pays du Sud composée de quatre étapes : 1/inaction, 2/amélioration décentralisée des connaissances, 3/amélioration centralisée, et puis 4/création de connaissances. Cette approche privilégie une
Djeflat, A. 2012 « La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et no... more Djeflat, A. 2012 « La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et nouvelles opportunités à la lumière du nouveau paradigme de l'économie de la connaissance » Revue Hommes et Migrations. N°1300 novembre-décembre, pp. 36-51 __________________________________________________________________________ La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et nouvelles opportunités à la lumière du paradigme de l'économie de la connaissance Abstract: Globalization and the acceleration of technological innovation, immediately put African countries face to new challenges of performance and competitiveness never before encountered and whose central element remains skills and human and knowledge capital. In fact, the need to implement strategies to mobilize all their human potential, whether inside or outside the country, becomes imperative for these countries. However, the national competences abroad pose specific problems. The countries that realized it very early were able to position themselves and face the double challenge of globalization and technology. These are the emerging countries that have been able to take advantage of their competencies established abroad in the scientific, the technological and the entrepreneurial fields. The best known success stories are from South Korea, China and India. These countries understood very early that the problems met by these competencies had to be overcome and gradually resolved them, given this formidable " reservoir " of knowledge, know-how,
La coopération décentralisée, initiée sous des formes très simples à travers les jumelages, s’est... more La coopération décentralisée, initiée sous des formes très simples à travers les jumelages, s’est ensuite développée de façon plus structurée et ambitieuse. Elle a donné aux collectivités territoriales et aux sociétés civiles un poids important dans la coopération pour le développement. Aujourd’hui on constate une nouvelle évolution fondée sur l’idée que la coopération décentralisée devrait être axée sur les leviers économiques, alors qu’elle a longtemps été appliquée dans des domaines plutôt sociaux, urbains, éducatifs, etc. Comment sommes-nous arrivés à cette coopération économique décentralisée ? Que signifie-t-elle ? Comment expliquer ce phénomène et quels sont les facteurs qui ont agi au Nord et au Sud ? Quelles formes prend et devrait prendre la coopération économique décentralisée ? Ne remet-elle pas en cause la nature même de la coopération décentralisée en investissant des activités jusqu’alors réservées aux entreprises et au monde marchand ? Telles sont les différentes questions à l’origine de cet appel à articles.
This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventio... more This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventions to diffuse and
scale up these role models. It discusses the so-called bridge institutions of innovation, which transform skills into
knowledge valued by markets. It shows how these institutions (science and technology parks, international universities
and skilled diaspora networks) promote innovation and create high productivity employment. Policy to promote
innovation is, therefore, designed as a process with endogenous dynamics, where one-step follows the other and evolves
in three time horizons: immediate (entry points), medium term (the critical mass effect) and long-term (major structural
reforms). Case studies from North African countries indicate that entry points are numerous and more common than
originally expected and that key issues are mostly linked to building critical mass in the medium term, and achieving
structural reforms and cultural change in the long-term.
While catch up theory assumes that innovation takes place in a linear models and that path depend... more While catch up theory assumes that innovation takes place in a linear models and that path dependant trajectories characterizes the innovation process, "innovation take off" rests on the premises that innovation systems need strong policy impulses from government for innovation to effectively take place. Innovation take off is the pre requisite for innovation systems to be operating in a conventional manner. In many Developing countries, like Maghreb countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco), innovation systems construction takes place in a very specific environment characterized by privatization of public concerns, the rise of a strong SMEs sector but with very little experience in the fields of R&D and innovation, and a relatively weak industrial sector in terms of industrial performances, suffering high obsolescence both in terms of human resources and equipment. While the approach in terms of innovation systems is real and attracts a great deal of attention from policy makers, the drive to use Industrial Technical Centre (ITC) as the quickest way to system construction and innovation take off is getting stronger and stronger and rests on the firm belief of policy makers that this is more adapted to the situations of their economies. In most Maghreb countries, essentially French speaking, policies are being worked out to establish ITCs in key strategic sectors: textile, garments, mechanical, electrical, food industries etc. Our
Introduction to Stochastic Models This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in whic... more Introduction to Stochastic Models This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in which stochastic models are encountered in applied sciences and techniques such as physics, engineering, biology and genetics, economics and social sciences. It covers ...
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2010
Sustainable development is becoming increasingly a major concern for African Countries. They need... more Sustainable development is becoming increasingly a major concern for African Countries. They need a relatively high rate of growth of GDP to solve the many problems of poverty and underdevelopment, while insuring sustainability to their economies. At the same time, it is increasingly recognised that sustainability requires more and more knowledge assets and capabilities. This paper aims at showing the difficulty in attaining sustainable development for African countries with a weak technological and knowledge base. It deals first with the issue of knowledge systems and knowledge economy and their links with sustainability from a conceptual point of view. It highlights the specific situation of African countries stressing the difficulties they meet in this respect in a second section. This paper then shows how knowledge capabilities are highly correlated with levels of sustainability using knowledge and sustainability indexes. The discussion addresses technology transfer and innovation as key elements of knowledge, while the conclusion explores some of the opportunities.
The Real Issues of the Middle East and the Arab Spring, 2012
ABSTRACT This chapter reviews and discusses in some depth a number of considerations that need to... more ABSTRACT This chapter reviews and discusses in some depth a number of considerations that need to be kept in mind when comparing international experiences in STI policies and drawing lessons for reforms. Issues of relevance to policy implementation, including constructive commitment and engagement by stakeholders, are given particular attention.
8 Machlup Fritz,1962, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States, Princeto... more 8 Machlup Fritz,1962, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 9 Rubin M.R., Taylor M., 1984, The Knowledge Industry in United-States: 1960-1980, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2014
This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventio... more This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventions to diffuse and scale up these role models. It discusses the so-called bridge institutions of innovation, which transform skills into knowledge valued by markets. It shows how these institutions (science and technology parks, international universities and skilled diaspora networks) promote innovation and create high productivity employment. Policy to promote innovation is, therefore, designed as a process with endogenous dynamics, where one-step follows the other and evolves in three time horizons: immediate (entry points), medium term (the critical mass effect) and long-term (major structural reforms). Case studies from North African countries indicate that entry points are numerous and more common than originally expected and that key issues are mostly linked to building critical mass in the medium term, and achieving structural reforms and cultural change in the long-term.
Hommes Migrations, Dec 1, 2012
Dans 25 ans, l'Afrique se sera vidée de ses cerveaux» 1 . Une sombre perspective pour l'Afrique e... more Dans 25 ans, l'Afrique se sera vidée de ses cerveaux» 1 . Une sombre perspective pour l'Afrique et notamment son développement social, scientifique et technologique. Le paradoxe est que pendant que les départs se chiffrent à 20 000 par année depuis 1990, l'Afrique fait appel chaque année à des spécialistes étrangers dont le nombre peut atteindre les 150 000, une dépense annuelle de 4 milliards d'USD 2 . Cette fuite perpétuelle de main-d'oeuvre qualifiée accentue l'écart entre l'Afrique et les autres continents en sciences et en technologie. De 0,5% qu'elle était au milieu des années 1980, la part africaine de la production scientifique mondiale est tombée à 0,3% au milieu des années 1990. Il y a plus de scientifiques et d'ingénieurs africains aux États-Unis qu'en Afrique 3 . La question de la diaspora est l'une des plus ambivalentes à l'heure actuelle et celle qui semble la plus controversée dans un certain nombre de pays comme l'Algérie.
The Real Issues of the Middle East and the Arab Spring, 2012
ABSTRACT This chapter examines some of the economic, political, and social circumstances that cre... more ABSTRACT This chapter examines some of the economic, political, and social circumstances that created the turmoil and so-called "Arab Spring". It explores the connection between the different driving forces that led to the present moment. It examines more specifically the role of science, technology, and innovation (STI) in the buildup of discontent and its subsequent explosion and considers how STI and entrepreneurship might now take us forward.
Technology Transfer in the Developing Countries, 1990
Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from th... more Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from the rest of the world and persistent reliance on mineral resources for their growth. At the same time, sustainable development is increasingly becoming a major concern for world development. In this respect, and from a sustainability point of view, knowledge economy opens up new and more accessible opportunities through the 'substitution' of physical resources by immaterial resources. This situation raises two fundamental questions: the first one relates to the opportunity of ensuring sustainable development while the knowledge base remains rather weak and policies often shortsighted. The second one is how an integrated approach based on knowledge can strengthen existing knowledge bases and create new ones to further sustainable development. Looking at a sample of advanced countries and Arab countries, this chapter argues that sustainability of growth rests fundamentally on the capability of properly harnessing knowledge. tps://www.igi-global.com/chapter/harnessing-knowledge-for-sustainable-development/189898
The strong growth and export performance in Africa for the last decade were largely due to higher... more The strong growth and export performance in Africa for the last decade were largely due to higher international commodity prices and did not translate into the broad-based economic and social development needed to reduce poverty and create jobs for the underemployed. In this paper, we assume that this pattern of development can be explained by the weak nature and narrowness of the learning process that developed in relation to natural resource sectors. Lateral migration of knowledge from the natural resource-based sectors remains scarce in Africa. The paper examines the oil and gas sector in Algeria using the case of the oil giant producer Sonatrach. It shows that knowledge migration benefited internal capacity building and core downstream activities to a certain extent. The capacity of the dominant sector and company to contribute to competence building and innovation in general and specifically in manufacturing activities was, however, very limited and Algeria and, as many other African countries, remains overly dependent on the production and export of oil and gas.
L'objectif de l'article ambitionne d'examiner l'idée de l'existence d'un système national d'innov... more L'objectif de l'article ambitionne d'examiner l'idée de l'existence d'un système national d'innovation (S.N.I) en Algérie et les possibilités de création de capacités d'innovation dans le secteur pharmaceutique. De nombreux travaux théoriques ont montré l'existence de S.N.I déstructurés et décloisonnés selon l'acception conventionnelle dans de nombreux pays du Sud. Notre angle d'analyse, en se basant sur le modèle théorique proposé par Casadella (2006), propose une approche nouvelle et spécifique, propre aux caractéristiques de sous-développement des pays du Sud composée de quatre étapes : 1/inaction, 2/amélioration décentralisée des connaissances, 3/amélioration centralisée, et puis 4/création de connaissances. Cette approche privilégie une
Djeflat, A. 2012 « La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et no... more Djeflat, A. 2012 « La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et nouvelles opportunités à la lumière du nouveau paradigme de l'économie de la connaissance » Revue Hommes et Migrations. N°1300 novembre-décembre, pp. 36-51 __________________________________________________________________________ La mobilité des diasporas et les logiques de retour : nouvelles lectures et nouvelles opportunités à la lumière du paradigme de l'économie de la connaissance Abstract: Globalization and the acceleration of technological innovation, immediately put African countries face to new challenges of performance and competitiveness never before encountered and whose central element remains skills and human and knowledge capital. In fact, the need to implement strategies to mobilize all their human potential, whether inside or outside the country, becomes imperative for these countries. However, the national competences abroad pose specific problems. The countries that realized it very early were able to position themselves and face the double challenge of globalization and technology. These are the emerging countries that have been able to take advantage of their competencies established abroad in the scientific, the technological and the entrepreneurial fields. The best known success stories are from South Korea, China and India. These countries understood very early that the problems met by these competencies had to be overcome and gradually resolved them, given this formidable " reservoir " of knowledge, know-how,
La coopération décentralisée, initiée sous des formes très simples à travers les jumelages, s’est... more La coopération décentralisée, initiée sous des formes très simples à travers les jumelages, s’est ensuite développée de façon plus structurée et ambitieuse. Elle a donné aux collectivités territoriales et aux sociétés civiles un poids important dans la coopération pour le développement. Aujourd’hui on constate une nouvelle évolution fondée sur l’idée que la coopération décentralisée devrait être axée sur les leviers économiques, alors qu’elle a longtemps été appliquée dans des domaines plutôt sociaux, urbains, éducatifs, etc. Comment sommes-nous arrivés à cette coopération économique décentralisée ? Que signifie-t-elle ? Comment expliquer ce phénomène et quels sont les facteurs qui ont agi au Nord et au Sud ? Quelles formes prend et devrait prendre la coopération économique décentralisée ? Ne remet-elle pas en cause la nature même de la coopération décentralisée en investissant des activités jusqu’alors réservées aux entreprises et au monde marchand ? Telles sont les différentes questions à l’origine de cet appel à articles.
This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventio... more This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventions to diffuse and
scale up these role models. It discusses the so-called bridge institutions of innovation, which transform skills into
knowledge valued by markets. It shows how these institutions (science and technology parks, international universities
and skilled diaspora networks) promote innovation and create high productivity employment. Policy to promote
innovation is, therefore, designed as a process with endogenous dynamics, where one-step follows the other and evolves
in three time horizons: immediate (entry points), medium term (the critical mass effect) and long-term (major structural
reforms). Case studies from North African countries indicate that entry points are numerous and more common than
originally expected and that key issues are mostly linked to building critical mass in the medium term, and achieving
structural reforms and cultural change in the long-term.
While catch up theory assumes that innovation takes place in a linear models and that path depend... more While catch up theory assumes that innovation takes place in a linear models and that path dependant trajectories characterizes the innovation process, "innovation take off" rests on the premises that innovation systems need strong policy impulses from government for innovation to effectively take place. Innovation take off is the pre requisite for innovation systems to be operating in a conventional manner. In many Developing countries, like Maghreb countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco), innovation systems construction takes place in a very specific environment characterized by privatization of public concerns, the rise of a strong SMEs sector but with very little experience in the fields of R&D and innovation, and a relatively weak industrial sector in terms of industrial performances, suffering high obsolescence both in terms of human resources and equipment. While the approach in terms of innovation systems is real and attracts a great deal of attention from policy makers, the drive to use Industrial Technical Centre (ITC) as the quickest way to system construction and innovation take off is getting stronger and stronger and rests on the firm belief of policy makers that this is more adapted to the situations of their economies. In most Maghreb countries, essentially French speaking, policies are being worked out to establish ITCs in key strategic sectors: textile, garments, mechanical, electrical, food industries etc. Our
Introduction to Stochastic Models This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in whic... more Introduction to Stochastic Models This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in which stochastic models are encountered in applied sciences and techniques such as physics, engineering, biology and genetics, economics and social sciences. It covers ...
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2010
Sustainable development is becoming increasingly a major concern for African Countries. They need... more Sustainable development is becoming increasingly a major concern for African Countries. They need a relatively high rate of growth of GDP to solve the many problems of poverty and underdevelopment, while insuring sustainability to their economies. At the same time, it is increasingly recognised that sustainability requires more and more knowledge assets and capabilities. This paper aims at showing the difficulty in attaining sustainable development for African countries with a weak technological and knowledge base. It deals first with the issue of knowledge systems and knowledge economy and their links with sustainability from a conceptual point of view. It highlights the specific situation of African countries stressing the difficulties they meet in this respect in a second section. This paper then shows how knowledge capabilities are highly correlated with levels of sustainability using knowledge and sustainability indexes. The discussion addresses technology transfer and innovation as key elements of knowledge, while the conclusion explores some of the opportunities.
The Real Issues of the Middle East and the Arab Spring, 2012
ABSTRACT This chapter reviews and discusses in some depth a number of considerations that need to... more ABSTRACT This chapter reviews and discusses in some depth a number of considerations that need to be kept in mind when comparing international experiences in STI policies and drawing lessons for reforms. Issues of relevance to policy implementation, including constructive commitment and engagement by stakeholders, are given particular attention.
8 Machlup Fritz,1962, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States, Princeto... more 8 Machlup Fritz,1962, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 9 Rubin M.R., Taylor M., 1984, The Knowledge Industry in United-States: 1960-1980, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2014
This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventio... more This article focuses on role models of modern innovation based development and public interventions to diffuse and scale up these role models. It discusses the so-called bridge institutions of innovation, which transform skills into knowledge valued by markets. It shows how these institutions (science and technology parks, international universities and skilled diaspora networks) promote innovation and create high productivity employment. Policy to promote innovation is, therefore, designed as a process with endogenous dynamics, where one-step follows the other and evolves in three time horizons: immediate (entry points), medium term (the critical mass effect) and long-term (major structural reforms). Case studies from North African countries indicate that entry points are numerous and more common than originally expected and that key issues are mostly linked to building critical mass in the medium term, and achieving structural reforms and cultural change in the long-term.
Hommes Migrations, Dec 1, 2012
Dans 25 ans, l'Afrique se sera vidée de ses cerveaux» 1 . Une sombre perspective pour l'Afrique e... more Dans 25 ans, l'Afrique se sera vidée de ses cerveaux» 1 . Une sombre perspective pour l'Afrique et notamment son développement social, scientifique et technologique. Le paradoxe est que pendant que les départs se chiffrent à 20 000 par année depuis 1990, l'Afrique fait appel chaque année à des spécialistes étrangers dont le nombre peut atteindre les 150 000, une dépense annuelle de 4 milliards d'USD 2 . Cette fuite perpétuelle de main-d'oeuvre qualifiée accentue l'écart entre l'Afrique et les autres continents en sciences et en technologie. De 0,5% qu'elle était au milieu des années 1980, la part africaine de la production scientifique mondiale est tombée à 0,3% au milieu des années 1990. Il y a plus de scientifiques et d'ingénieurs africains aux États-Unis qu'en Afrique 3 . La question de la diaspora est l'une des plus ambivalentes à l'heure actuelle et celle qui semble la plus controversée dans un certain nombre de pays comme l'Algérie.
The Real Issues of the Middle East and the Arab Spring, 2012
ABSTRACT This chapter examines some of the economic, political, and social circumstances that cre... more ABSTRACT This chapter examines some of the economic, political, and social circumstances that created the turmoil and so-called "Arab Spring". It explores the connection between the different driving forces that led to the present moment. It examines more specifically the role of science, technology, and innovation (STI) in the buildup of discontent and its subsequent explosion and considers how STI and entrepreneurship might now take us forward.
Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from th... more Abstratct: Arab countries face two major challenges resulting from increasing competition from the rest of the world and persistent reliance on mineral resources for their growth. At the same time, sustainable development is increasingly becoming a major concern for world development. In this respect, and from a sustainability point of view, knowledge economy opens up new and more accessible opportunities through the 'substitution' of physical resources by immaterial resources. This situation raises two fundamental questions: the first one relates to the opportunity of ensuring sustainable development while the knowledge base remains rather weak and policies often shortsighted. The second one is how an integrated approach based on knowledge can strengthen existing knowledge bases and create new ones to further sustainable development. Looking at a sample of advanced countries and Arab countries, this chapter argues that sustainability of growth rests fundamentally on the capability of properly harnessing knowledge. tps://www.igi-global.com/chapter/harnessing-knowledge-for-sustainable-development/189898
Innovation and Knowledge-Based Development processes are becoming increasingly central to country... more Innovation and Knowledge-Based Development processes are becoming increasingly central to country development strategies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as a source of sustainable growth and jobs. Indeed, each country in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) region faces multiple challenges –from youth employment to economic diversification - each within its own context. Yet responding to these challenges in a business-as-usual manner will be difficult. So variegated as they are, these challenges produce as many reasons for MENA countries to want to re-think their futures along entirely new lines – those of the more transformative changes that have become associated with moving towards a knowledge-based economy. Many countries of the region have already embraced the Knowledge Economy concept, and some are already taking strides in that direction. In the aim of stimulating and accompanying this process. The present document is an overview of ten countries in the Mena region from the Maghreb and the Mashrek: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.