Alain G A Pavé | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (original) (raw)

Papers by Alain G A Pavé

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling of Intrageneric Competition for Nutrients Between Fusarium Strains

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodology of Modeling in Biology and Ecology

Modeling Living Systems, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Subject of Introducing Species

Etudes Rurales, Sep 1, 2010

Many environmentalists are as alarmist as the NGOs that seek to protect nature from introduced sp... more Many environmentalists are as alarmist as the NGOs that seek to protect nature from introduced species. Having developed around the concepts of the “equilibrium” and “stability” of ecosystems, the science of ecology has reinforced a static view of nature. Still imbued with a creationistic ideology, it has not yet taken into account the role of hazard and variability on the introduction of plant- and wildlife in an environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of La nécessité du hasard

Le hasard est essentiel aux systèmes vivants et à leur évolution. C’est un facteur externe, mais ... more Le hasard est essentiel aux systèmes vivants et à leur évolution. C’est un facteur externe, mais aussi et surtout le produit de mécanismes internes ; on le retrouve à tous les niveaux d’organisation du monde vivant, du gène à la biosphère. Ce livre nous montre comment ces mécanismes internes, véritables roulettes biologiques et écologiques, de nature déterministe, fonctionnent dans des domaines chaotiques en produisant des résultats de type aléatoire. Face à un environnement changeant, imprévisible et souvent agressif, ils engendrent la diversité qui permet aux organismes, aux populations ou aux écosystèmes de subsister, de s’adapter et d’évoluer. Ces mécanismes sont aussi des produits de l’évolution. C’est à ce prix que la vie a pu se maintenir sur notre planète : le hasard n’est pas subi, il est tout simplement nécessaire à la vie. Penser la biodiversité, à toutes les échelles et à tous les niveaux, permet une lecture intégrée du vivant. Pour mieux la comprendre et modéliser sa dy...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological and Ecological Systems Hierarchical Organisation

Methodos Series

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Use of an expert system as a tool to carry out urinary cyto-bacteriologic tests]](

Annales de biologie clinique, 1988

An expert system for urine examinations was developed. Its validation was performed in a routine ... more An expert system for urine examinations was developed. Its validation was performed in a routine work, by comparison of expert decisions with software conclusions. Results of finished examinations or in progress were taken into account. The agreement was satisfactory. In addition to reliability, advantages constituted by availability, flexibility and adaptability were notified. Repeatability and reproducibility were also emphasized.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [An expert system as an aid to the validation of results of the antibiogram. Feasibility study based on the example of Staphylococcus aureus]](

Pathologie-biologie, 1988

A model of expert system using Prolog language was developed, to verify the coherence of the resu... more A model of expert system using Prolog language was developed, to verify the coherence of the results of the antibiotic sensitivity test. Biological knowledge was formalized in three different ways: a credibility coefficient based on epidemiological data is assigned to known observed resistance; co-existent resistances are described with lists of "implicit" resistances, reflecting phenotypes commonly observed within some antibiotic groups; every single or "implicit" resistance is connected to a "gregarius" status, expressing the plasmidic nature of resistance. Applied to Staphylococcus aureus, the expert system is able to detect the inconsistencies of the antibiotic sensitivity test and to identify required knowledges. It therefore allows phenotypic interpretation of results.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics: differences in subinhibitory concentration effects on the growth of Escherichia coli]](

Pathologie-biologie, 1989

The growth of Escherichia coli in synthetic medium was mathematically analysed at subinhibitory l... more The growth of Escherichia coli in synthetic medium was mathematically analysed at subinhibitory levels of bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics. Over a threshold of concentration, bactericidal antibiotics induce an unexpected change of growth pattern. Bacteriostatic antibiotics induce a progressive effect linked to a continuously altered growth pattern that still remains close to the controls. This fundamental differential of antibiotic effects is reflecting well-known bacteriostatic or bactericidal phenomena. In vitro this analysis of the growth enables to measure the level of the antibiotic sensitivity. In vivo, these results must be taken into account when subinhibitory concentrations of antimicrobial agent are reached at the infection site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le modèle de Volterra-Kostitzin en dynamique des populations. Ajustement et interprétation des paramètres


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Research paper thumbnail of De l'observation à l'analyse: implication de la biométrie dans les pays de développement

Les pays du Nord s'ecartent progressivement du "modele unique", des schemas simplif... more Les pays du Nord s'ecartent progressivement du "modele unique", des schemas simplificateurs. Ils se diversifient et diversifient leurs modes de developpement. Tous les secteurs d'intervention de la biometrie sont concernes : l'agriculture, la peche, la sante, la foret, l'environnement et cela a tous les niveaux d'organisation de l'exploitation a la region, de la peche artisanale a la peche industrielle, du malade au systeme de sante, de la parcelle forestiere "monospecifique" a la grande foret intertropicale, de l'environnement local et regional a l'environnement planetaire. Les questions, tant fondamentales que finalisees, posees en termes de biodiversite et qui concernent au premier plan les pays du Sud sont aussi un facteur important de progres pour la discipline. On peut gager que l'experience acquise dans l'etude des problemes des pays du Sud, par un retour curieux, permettra sans doute de mieux apprehender les situations nouvelles rencontrees dans les pays du Nord

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation de tâches pour la résolution de problèmes en coopération système-utilisateur

Résumé/Abstract Un système coopératif d'aide à la résolution de problèmes doit être capable ... more Résumé/Abstract Un système coopératif d'aide à la résolution de problèmes doit être capable d'un côté de résoudre des problèmes de la manière la plus autonome et automatique possible et permettre de l'autre à son utilisateur d'intervenir ponctuellement ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monod's bacterial growth model revisited

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Object-centered representation for species systematics and identification in living systems in nature

Bioinformatics, 1990

An artificial intelligence application to identification in biological taxonomy is presented. An ... more An artificial intelligence application to identification in biological taxonomy is presented. An object-centered representation is described using SHIRKA, a knowledge-based system developed in France. The capacities of this system, relating to a classification algorithm, are described. An application to the identification of the trees and lianas of the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats (India) is presented to illustrate the problems encountered in the development of the knowledge base. A model of a systematist's reasoning, using evolutionary principles, is the basis of this work. Finally the efficiency of the system is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mille chercheurs hi��rarchisent les urgences

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Research paper thumbnail of Les tr��s grands ��quipements scientifiques: vers une ��volution des concepts et des moyens

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Research paper thumbnail of La Necessite Du Hasard. Vers Une Theorie Synthetique De La Biodiversite

EDP-Sciences, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The environment: a research field in the making

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling forest ecosystems: challenges, problems and approaches

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Research paper thumbnail of Environment and development: scientific approaches, structuring the field and coevolution between research of concerned scientific domains

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Research paper thumbnail of MILLE CHERCHEURS HIERARCHISENT LES URGENCES-Un clivage assez net entre Anglo-Saxons et Latins, Europe du Nord et du Sud

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling of Intrageneric Competition for Nutrients Between Fusarium Strains

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodology of Modeling in Biology and Ecology

Modeling Living Systems, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Subject of Introducing Species

Etudes Rurales, Sep 1, 2010

Many environmentalists are as alarmist as the NGOs that seek to protect nature from introduced sp... more Many environmentalists are as alarmist as the NGOs that seek to protect nature from introduced species. Having developed around the concepts of the “equilibrium” and “stability” of ecosystems, the science of ecology has reinforced a static view of nature. Still imbued with a creationistic ideology, it has not yet taken into account the role of hazard and variability on the introduction of plant- and wildlife in an environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of La nécessité du hasard

Le hasard est essentiel aux systèmes vivants et à leur évolution. C’est un facteur externe, mais ... more Le hasard est essentiel aux systèmes vivants et à leur évolution. C’est un facteur externe, mais aussi et surtout le produit de mécanismes internes ; on le retrouve à tous les niveaux d’organisation du monde vivant, du gène à la biosphère. Ce livre nous montre comment ces mécanismes internes, véritables roulettes biologiques et écologiques, de nature déterministe, fonctionnent dans des domaines chaotiques en produisant des résultats de type aléatoire. Face à un environnement changeant, imprévisible et souvent agressif, ils engendrent la diversité qui permet aux organismes, aux populations ou aux écosystèmes de subsister, de s’adapter et d’évoluer. Ces mécanismes sont aussi des produits de l’évolution. C’est à ce prix que la vie a pu se maintenir sur notre planète : le hasard n’est pas subi, il est tout simplement nécessaire à la vie. Penser la biodiversité, à toutes les échelles et à tous les niveaux, permet une lecture intégrée du vivant. Pour mieux la comprendre et modéliser sa dy...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological and Ecological Systems Hierarchical Organisation

Methodos Series

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Use of an expert system as a tool to carry out urinary cyto-bacteriologic tests]](

Annales de biologie clinique, 1988

An expert system for urine examinations was developed. Its validation was performed in a routine ... more An expert system for urine examinations was developed. Its validation was performed in a routine work, by comparison of expert decisions with software conclusions. Results of finished examinations or in progress were taken into account. The agreement was satisfactory. In addition to reliability, advantages constituted by availability, flexibility and adaptability were notified. Repeatability and reproducibility were also emphasized.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [An expert system as an aid to the validation of results of the antibiogram. Feasibility study based on the example of Staphylococcus aureus]](

Pathologie-biologie, 1988

A model of expert system using Prolog language was developed, to verify the coherence of the resu... more A model of expert system using Prolog language was developed, to verify the coherence of the results of the antibiotic sensitivity test. Biological knowledge was formalized in three different ways: a credibility coefficient based on epidemiological data is assigned to known observed resistance; co-existent resistances are described with lists of "implicit" resistances, reflecting phenotypes commonly observed within some antibiotic groups; every single or "implicit" resistance is connected to a "gregarius" status, expressing the plasmidic nature of resistance. Applied to Staphylococcus aureus, the expert system is able to detect the inconsistencies of the antibiotic sensitivity test and to identify required knowledges. It therefore allows phenotypic interpretation of results.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics: differences in subinhibitory concentration effects on the growth of Escherichia coli]](

Pathologie-biologie, 1989

The growth of Escherichia coli in synthetic medium was mathematically analysed at subinhibitory l... more The growth of Escherichia coli in synthetic medium was mathematically analysed at subinhibitory levels of bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics. Over a threshold of concentration, bactericidal antibiotics induce an unexpected change of growth pattern. Bacteriostatic antibiotics induce a progressive effect linked to a continuously altered growth pattern that still remains close to the controls. This fundamental differential of antibiotic effects is reflecting well-known bacteriostatic or bactericidal phenomena. In vitro this analysis of the growth enables to measure the level of the antibiotic sensitivity. In vivo, these results must be taken into account when subinhibitory concentrations of antimicrobial agent are reached at the infection site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le modèle de Volterra-Kostitzin en dynamique des populations. Ajustement et interprétation des paramètres


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Research paper thumbnail of De l'observation à l'analyse: implication de la biométrie dans les pays de développement

Les pays du Nord s'ecartent progressivement du "modele unique", des schemas simplif... more Les pays du Nord s'ecartent progressivement du "modele unique", des schemas simplificateurs. Ils se diversifient et diversifient leurs modes de developpement. Tous les secteurs d'intervention de la biometrie sont concernes : l'agriculture, la peche, la sante, la foret, l'environnement et cela a tous les niveaux d'organisation de l'exploitation a la region, de la peche artisanale a la peche industrielle, du malade au systeme de sante, de la parcelle forestiere "monospecifique" a la grande foret intertropicale, de l'environnement local et regional a l'environnement planetaire. Les questions, tant fondamentales que finalisees, posees en termes de biodiversite et qui concernent au premier plan les pays du Sud sont aussi un facteur important de progres pour la discipline. On peut gager que l'experience acquise dans l'etude des problemes des pays du Sud, par un retour curieux, permettra sans doute de mieux apprehender les situations nouvelles rencontrees dans les pays du Nord

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Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation de tâches pour la résolution de problèmes en coopération système-utilisateur

Résumé/Abstract Un système coopératif d'aide à la résolution de problèmes doit être capable ... more Résumé/Abstract Un système coopératif d'aide à la résolution de problèmes doit être capable d'un côté de résoudre des problèmes de la manière la plus autonome et automatique possible et permettre de l'autre à son utilisateur d'intervenir ponctuellement ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monod's bacterial growth model revisited

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Object-centered representation for species systematics and identification in living systems in nature

Bioinformatics, 1990

An artificial intelligence application to identification in biological taxonomy is presented. An ... more An artificial intelligence application to identification in biological taxonomy is presented. An object-centered representation is described using SHIRKA, a knowledge-based system developed in France. The capacities of this system, relating to a classification algorithm, are described. An application to the identification of the trees and lianas of the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats (India) is presented to illustrate the problems encountered in the development of the knowledge base. A model of a systematist's reasoning, using evolutionary principles, is the basis of this work. Finally the efficiency of the system is discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mille chercheurs hi��rarchisent les urgences

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Research paper thumbnail of Les tr��s grands ��quipements scientifiques: vers une ��volution des concepts et des moyens

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Research paper thumbnail of La Necessite Du Hasard. Vers Une Theorie Synthetique De La Biodiversite

EDP-Sciences, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of The environment: a research field in the making

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling forest ecosystems: challenges, problems and approaches

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Research paper thumbnail of Environment and development: scientific approaches, structuring the field and coevolution between research of concerned scientific domains

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Research paper thumbnail of MILLE CHERCHEURS HIERARCHISENT LES URGENCES-Un clivage assez net entre Anglo-Saxons et Latins, Europe du Nord et du Sud

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Research paper thumbnail of Amazonie, une aventure scientfique et humaine

CNRS/Gaalade, 2010

This book relates the scientific implementation of scientific labs, driven by the well known fren... more This book relates the scientific implementation of scientific labs, driven by the well known french institute of research CNRS, in French Guyana. It contains also a part explaining how interdisciplinary researches are conceived and driven.

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