Robin Recours | Université de Montpellier (original) (raw)
Papers by Robin Recours
Bien que traditionnellement associé aux sports individuels, l’athlétisme se pratique en groupes, ... more Bien que traditionnellement associé aux sports individuels, l’athlétisme se pratique en groupes, en tribus. Pour mieux comprendre les formes tribales de participation chez les jeunes, des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives ont été réalisées. Les analyses qualitatives s'appuient sur une observation participante, régulière et outillée (3 fois par semaine auprès de 26 jeunes athlètes) et 12 entretiens individuels. Les analyses quantitatives s'appuient sur les bilans des cinq dernières années de la Fédération Française d’Athlétisme (23104 jeunes licenciés). Les résultats font ressortir trois profils de pratiquants. Le premier profil est celui du pratiquant non-compétiteur postmoderne/dionysiaque : il s'agit de jeunes qui pratiquent l'athlétisme pour le bien-être et le plaisir que leur procure l'activité. Le second profil est celui du compétiteur moderne/prométhéen : ce sont de jeunes compétiteurs qui cherchent à réaliser des résultats et battre leurs records. Le troisième et dernier profil est synthétique. Il s'agit des jeunes qui viennent aux compétitions mais qui ne s'intéressent pas à la performance. Leur objectif est essentiellement de partager des moments forts avec leurs amis et de faire la fête. Ces trois profils de pratiquants sont à prendre en compte, dans leurs singularités, par la Fédération Française d'Athlétisme, les comités départementaux, les clubs et les entraîneurs.
Although traditionally perceived as an individual sport, athletics tends to be practised in groups, in tribes. In order to better understand the tribal forms of participation among young people, qualitative and quantitative analyses have been performed. The qualitative analysis was in the form of a participative observation, at regular intervals (three times a week), with 26 young athletes and 12 individual interviews. The quantitative analysis was based on the records provided by the French Athletics Federation (23,104 young licence holders). Results reveal three types of participants. The first category is called Postmodern/Dionysian and corresponds to those who practise without competing: it includes young people who practise athletics for well-being and pleasure. The second category is called Modern/Promethean and corresponds to those who compete: it includes young competitors who want to see progress and beat their records. The third and final category is a combination of the two. It includes young people who go to competitions but are not bothered by their performance. Their objective is essentially to share valuable experiences with friends and to party. The distinct nature of these three categories of participants should be better recognised by the French Athletics Federation, the local athletics committees, and coaches.
Keywords : Athletics, Modern, Postmodern, Youth
Article : G. Lassalle, R. Recours, J. Griffet & C. Gibout (2016). Young French Track and Field At... more Article :
G. Lassalle, R. Recours, J. Griffet & C. Gibout (2016). Young French Track and Field Atletes : Sports Clubs and Geographical Areas.
Annales de Géographie. n°711, pp. 441-465.
This article détails the distribution of Young athlètes aged from 13 to 14 in France. The analysis of performances shows qualitative (in terms of expertise) and quantitative (number of licence holders) changes. Mapping of licence holders and sport clubs shoows a gradation in sports infrastructures, from the most populated to the less populated régions. The trend is linked to the theory of central place (Christaller, 1933) and to the theory of sports places (Bale, 1989 ; Augustin, 2007). The study détails also the spatial configurations of track and field activities, and the political and economical issues of sports-club amalgamations in big cities.
Cette étude tente, à travers une approche compréhensive, d’analyser les aspects micropolitiques d... more Cette étude tente, à travers une approche compréhensive, d’analyser les aspects micropolitiques du street art. Dix-huit artistes ont été observés et interviewés individuellement. Les résultats suggèrent que cette pratique artistique est un « objet clivé » (Certeau 1984) qui oscille entre « artivisme » et coopératisme. Si de nombreux street-artistes contestent fortement les normes de la ville contemporaine, d’autres participent plus ou moins directement à leur renforcement. D’après les auteurs, les décideurs, artistes et chercheurs devraient prendre en compte cette hybridation.
Following a comprehensive approach, this study attempts to analyse the micro-politic aspects of the street art world. The data were collected from 18 artists, in participant observations and individual interviews. Results indicate that this artistic practice oscillates between « artivism » and cooperation. If many street artists strongly challenge the norms of the modern cities, others participate more or less directly to their strengthening. According to the authors, decision makers, artists, and researchers should take into account this hybridization.
In this study, the authors analyzed the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. The ai... more In this study, the authors analyzed the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. The aims of this study were: (1) to inform specialized shops that sell products or services for athletes; (2) to inform and help key sports managers to make decisions; and (3) to inform all athletes on the perks and reimbursements they may benefit from in their practice.
The study incorporates three categories of costs (equipment, registration, and travel) and four categories of benefits (sponsoring, reimbursement for travel expenses, invitations to competitions, and performance rewards). A questionnaire was administrated to 1132 athletes in France, from the 33 track and field specialties. The authors excluded from this sample all the jumping and throwing specialties in order to focus only on the 584 runners: 145 sprinters (24,83%), 168 middle-distance runners (28,77%), and 271 long-distance runners (46,40%). Results show that some socio-demographic and cultural variables influence the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. More scholarly research is needed to better understand the effects of these variables on sports consumption.
Keywords: benefits; costs; running; subcultures; amateurism
Cet article vise à analyser ce que gagnent et ce que dépensent les athlètes amateurs de course à pied. Trois raisons nous ont amenés à élaborer cette étude : (1) renseigner les distributeurs spécialisés dans la vente de produits et services sportifs; (2) renseigner les dirigeants ou cadres des clubs sportifs et les aider à prendre des décisions; (3) renseigner les athlètes sur les avantages et les dépenses dont ils peuvent bénéficier dans la pratique de l’athlétisme. L’étude prend en compte trois types de dépenses (dépenses en équipements sportifs,
dépenses en inscriptions aux compétitions, dépenses en déplacements) et quatre types de recettes ou avantages (sponsors équipement, remboursement des frais de déplacement par le club, invitation sur des compétitions payantes, prime de résultat versée par le club). L’enquête porte sur 1 132 athlètes, issus de 33 épreuves de l’athlétisme, réparties sur tout le territoire français. Nous avons exclu de cet échantillon les Sauts et les Lancers pour ne retenir que les familles athlétiques liées à la course. Celles-ci représentent un échantillon de 584 athlètes, dont 145 sprinteurs (24,83 %), 168 demi-fondeurs (28,77 %) et 271 fondeurs (46,40 %). Chacune de ces familles renvoie à une logique socio-économique de fonctionnement différente. Nos résultats montrent que ces familles sont construites de façon complexe en fonction des différentes variables qui caractérisent les athlètes.
Mots clés : bénéfices; dépenses; course à pied; sous-cultures; amateurisme
L'analyse des sports de rue montre que l'espace public des centres-villes est progressivement dél... more L'analyse des sports de rue montre que l'espace public des centres-villes est progressivement délaissé par les plus jeunes au profit des skateparks qui accueillent également ces pratiques ludiques urbaines. Les discours des enfants pratiquants et de leurs parents font ressortir que ces lieux sont le théâtre d'une cohabitation complexe qui engendre une sociabilité intergénérationnelle. En tant que révélateur microsociologique, cette claustration des sports de rue dans un espace consacré révèle une normalisation sportive et spatiale qui répond aux représentations et aux besoins des enfants ( 12 ans) et de leurs parents fréquentant ces lieux.
Les cahiers du numérique, 2011
Sociétés, 2006
Sociétés n° 92 -2006/2 Marges ZINÉDINE ZIDANE VU PAR LES ADOLESCENTS Pour une analyse poétique, m... more Sociétés n° 92 -2006/2 Marges ZINÉDINE ZIDANE VU PAR LES ADOLESCENTS Pour une analyse poétique, matérielle et dynamique des images de la célébrité sportive Robin RECOURS 1
In Spain today, few studies have been carried out to provide sufficient information regarding the... more In Spain today, few studies have been carried out to provide sufficient information regarding the attitudes of older persons toward physical activity and exercise. The present study was designed to remedy this deficiency by adapt-ing and validating the Older Person's Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Exercise Questionnaire. Firstly, a panel of experts offered first hand evidence in support of the content validity of the Spanish adaptation of the questionnaire. Evidence regarding the viability of the instrument was obtained through a test-retest pilot study and with the use of internal consistency method. In line with theoretical expectations, respondents who reported more positive attitudes toward physical activity showed better adherence rates. Finally, recommendations for future replications are discussed, considering the fact that the data on predictive validity of the instrument was obtained only at correlational level.
The image of sports figures has become an important issue for media and communication research. N... more The image of sports figures has become an important issue for media and communication research. Nevertheless, even if several studies in the literature focus on the idea of stardom in sports, most of them concern athletes who are well-appreciated by their fans. Rare are the studies dealing with sports figures who are depreciated. This research demonstrates the strong influence of fans' ideal self-images and motives for playing a sport on the evaluative reaction toward these icons. The researchers surveyed 878 adolescents, a representative sample of youth from Southern France. Their motives for playing a sport were evaluated by the QSMP2001, a validated instrument that measures the “distinctiveness”, the “sociability” and the “play to the limits” dimensions. Qualifying variables included age, gender and status. Results indicate that depreciated sports figures are disparaged because they do not adhere to the fans’ ideal self-images. This paper could inform marketers as they make d...
Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 2015
Agora débats/jeunesses, 2004
ABSTRACT The sense of sport as spectacle The authors have carried out a questionnaire in order to... more ABSTRACT The sense of sport as spectacle The authors have carried out a questionnaire in order to give an account of the support or rejection of sport celebrities by the adolescents. Nine hundred secondary school pupils from the region of Provence-Alpes have been interviewed. The results stress that on the one hand, the most appreciated sportsmen are those who convey a tribal, community and nationalist culture (largely exacerbated by the media, the entertainment world and political discourses) which confer them a status of heroes. On the other hand, the sportsmen hatred by adolescents are for reasons that imply the same imaginary processes (the tribal, the community, the nation), but this time in the sense of impurity, unacceptable and deception.
Ecopsychology, 2010
... Thus, even though respondents see Zidane as coming from the homeland of France, they also s... more ... Thus, even though respondents see Zidane as coming from the homeland of France, they also see him having roots in Algeria. As one journalist reminded readers in a story about Zidane's performance during a match at Saint-Denis: 'Zizou' [Zidane's nickname], whose the ...
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 2009
Although numerous authors have associated metal music with social problems such as suicide, self-... more Although numerous authors have associated metal music with social problems such as suicide, self-destruction and Satanism, few studies have been undertaken to examine the mental health of fans of heavy metal music. This study attempts to determine if there is a link between mental health and the enjoyment of this type of music in France. The researchers surveyed 333 fans of metal music. Their mental health was evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), a widely used instrument that measures anxiety and depression. The scores of the sample of metal music fans were then compared to the scores that reveal possible, probable, or severe mental disorders. Qualifying variables included age, gender, status, education, motivation and participation in metal music culture. The results indicated that fans of metal music are mainly young adults (median age = 22.67, SD = 5.29) and tend to be male (87.85 percent). As a whole, metal music fans have levels of anxiety and depression that are similar to and lower than levels in the general population. Specifically, \5 percent of metal music fans surveyed showed pathological symptoms. Subjects that scored higher levels of anxiety and depression were those that had literary and/or arts backgrounds rather than scientific backgrounds, that wrote metal music lyrics, that consumed alcohol and that engaged in the body modification practice of scarification. This study suggests that opponents of metal music should re-examine the basis for their criticism. More scholarly research is needed to better understand the effects of metal music on fans and on society.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 2011
Data from a representative sample of 2474 French youth show that, despite a 7-year French Ministr... more Data from a representative sample of 2474 French youth show that, despite a 7-year French Ministry of Health strategy for nutrition and physical activities, adolescents' motivation to practise sports and physical activities decreased significantly between 2001 and 2008. While this paper focuses on the context of physical activity in France, the general discussion may be applicable to other countries concerned with the obesity pandemic.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 2015
Street sports and street arts have been already studied separately from one another. In this arti... more Street sports and street arts have been already studied separately from one another. In this article, the authors question their mutual capability to transform the city. To this end, they used quantitative and qualitative analyses (questionnaires and interviews). They show that historical and cultural links are not sufficient to fully describe the complex relationships between these two activities. Interviewees and respondents, whether sportsmen/women or artists, develop an alternative way of seeing the city, build an urban utopia with more sensitivity, and, in a certain way, strengthen social links.
Bien que traditionnellement associé aux sports individuels, l’athlétisme se pratique en groupes, ... more Bien que traditionnellement associé aux sports individuels, l’athlétisme se pratique en groupes, en tribus. Pour mieux comprendre les formes tribales de participation chez les jeunes, des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives ont été réalisées. Les analyses qualitatives s'appuient sur une observation participante, régulière et outillée (3 fois par semaine auprès de 26 jeunes athlètes) et 12 entretiens individuels. Les analyses quantitatives s'appuient sur les bilans des cinq dernières années de la Fédération Française d’Athlétisme (23104 jeunes licenciés). Les résultats font ressortir trois profils de pratiquants. Le premier profil est celui du pratiquant non-compétiteur postmoderne/dionysiaque : il s'agit de jeunes qui pratiquent l'athlétisme pour le bien-être et le plaisir que leur procure l'activité. Le second profil est celui du compétiteur moderne/prométhéen : ce sont de jeunes compétiteurs qui cherchent à réaliser des résultats et battre leurs records. Le troisième et dernier profil est synthétique. Il s'agit des jeunes qui viennent aux compétitions mais qui ne s'intéressent pas à la performance. Leur objectif est essentiellement de partager des moments forts avec leurs amis et de faire la fête. Ces trois profils de pratiquants sont à prendre en compte, dans leurs singularités, par la Fédération Française d'Athlétisme, les comités départementaux, les clubs et les entraîneurs.
Although traditionally perceived as an individual sport, athletics tends to be practised in groups, in tribes. In order to better understand the tribal forms of participation among young people, qualitative and quantitative analyses have been performed. The qualitative analysis was in the form of a participative observation, at regular intervals (three times a week), with 26 young athletes and 12 individual interviews. The quantitative analysis was based on the records provided by the French Athletics Federation (23,104 young licence holders). Results reveal three types of participants. The first category is called Postmodern/Dionysian and corresponds to those who practise without competing: it includes young people who practise athletics for well-being and pleasure. The second category is called Modern/Promethean and corresponds to those who compete: it includes young competitors who want to see progress and beat their records. The third and final category is a combination of the two. It includes young people who go to competitions but are not bothered by their performance. Their objective is essentially to share valuable experiences with friends and to party. The distinct nature of these three categories of participants should be better recognised by the French Athletics Federation, the local athletics committees, and coaches.
Keywords : Athletics, Modern, Postmodern, Youth
Article : G. Lassalle, R. Recours, J. Griffet & C. Gibout (2016). Young French Track and Field At... more Article :
G. Lassalle, R. Recours, J. Griffet & C. Gibout (2016). Young French Track and Field Atletes : Sports Clubs and Geographical Areas.
Annales de Géographie. n°711, pp. 441-465.
This article détails the distribution of Young athlètes aged from 13 to 14 in France. The analysis of performances shows qualitative (in terms of expertise) and quantitative (number of licence holders) changes. Mapping of licence holders and sport clubs shoows a gradation in sports infrastructures, from the most populated to the less populated régions. The trend is linked to the theory of central place (Christaller, 1933) and to the theory of sports places (Bale, 1989 ; Augustin, 2007). The study détails also the spatial configurations of track and field activities, and the political and economical issues of sports-club amalgamations in big cities.
Cette étude tente, à travers une approche compréhensive, d’analyser les aspects micropolitiques d... more Cette étude tente, à travers une approche compréhensive, d’analyser les aspects micropolitiques du street art. Dix-huit artistes ont été observés et interviewés individuellement. Les résultats suggèrent que cette pratique artistique est un « objet clivé » (Certeau 1984) qui oscille entre « artivisme » et coopératisme. Si de nombreux street-artistes contestent fortement les normes de la ville contemporaine, d’autres participent plus ou moins directement à leur renforcement. D’après les auteurs, les décideurs, artistes et chercheurs devraient prendre en compte cette hybridation.
Following a comprehensive approach, this study attempts to analyse the micro-politic aspects of the street art world. The data were collected from 18 artists, in participant observations and individual interviews. Results indicate that this artistic practice oscillates between « artivism » and cooperation. If many street artists strongly challenge the norms of the modern cities, others participate more or less directly to their strengthening. According to the authors, decision makers, artists, and researchers should take into account this hybridization.
In this study, the authors analyzed the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. The ai... more In this study, the authors analyzed the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. The aims of this study were: (1) to inform specialized shops that sell products or services for athletes; (2) to inform and help key sports managers to make decisions; and (3) to inform all athletes on the perks and reimbursements they may benefit from in their practice.
The study incorporates three categories of costs (equipment, registration, and travel) and four categories of benefits (sponsoring, reimbursement for travel expenses, invitations to competitions, and performance rewards). A questionnaire was administrated to 1132 athletes in France, from the 33 track and field specialties. The authors excluded from this sample all the jumping and throwing specialties in order to focus only on the 584 runners: 145 sprinters (24,83%), 168 middle-distance runners (28,77%), and 271 long-distance runners (46,40%). Results show that some socio-demographic and cultural variables influence the benefits and costs experienced by amateur runners. More scholarly research is needed to better understand the effects of these variables on sports consumption.
Keywords: benefits; costs; running; subcultures; amateurism
Cet article vise à analyser ce que gagnent et ce que dépensent les athlètes amateurs de course à pied. Trois raisons nous ont amenés à élaborer cette étude : (1) renseigner les distributeurs spécialisés dans la vente de produits et services sportifs; (2) renseigner les dirigeants ou cadres des clubs sportifs et les aider à prendre des décisions; (3) renseigner les athlètes sur les avantages et les dépenses dont ils peuvent bénéficier dans la pratique de l’athlétisme. L’étude prend en compte trois types de dépenses (dépenses en équipements sportifs,
dépenses en inscriptions aux compétitions, dépenses en déplacements) et quatre types de recettes ou avantages (sponsors équipement, remboursement des frais de déplacement par le club, invitation sur des compétitions payantes, prime de résultat versée par le club). L’enquête porte sur 1 132 athlètes, issus de 33 épreuves de l’athlétisme, réparties sur tout le territoire français. Nous avons exclu de cet échantillon les Sauts et les Lancers pour ne retenir que les familles athlétiques liées à la course. Celles-ci représentent un échantillon de 584 athlètes, dont 145 sprinteurs (24,83 %), 168 demi-fondeurs (28,77 %) et 271 fondeurs (46,40 %). Chacune de ces familles renvoie à une logique socio-économique de fonctionnement différente. Nos résultats montrent que ces familles sont construites de façon complexe en fonction des différentes variables qui caractérisent les athlètes.
Mots clés : bénéfices; dépenses; course à pied; sous-cultures; amateurisme
L'analyse des sports de rue montre que l'espace public des centres-villes est progressivement dél... more L'analyse des sports de rue montre que l'espace public des centres-villes est progressivement délaissé par les plus jeunes au profit des skateparks qui accueillent également ces pratiques ludiques urbaines. Les discours des enfants pratiquants et de leurs parents font ressortir que ces lieux sont le théâtre d'une cohabitation complexe qui engendre une sociabilité intergénérationnelle. En tant que révélateur microsociologique, cette claustration des sports de rue dans un espace consacré révèle une normalisation sportive et spatiale qui répond aux représentations et aux besoins des enfants ( 12 ans) et de leurs parents fréquentant ces lieux.
Les cahiers du numérique, 2011
Sociétés, 2006
Sociétés n° 92 -2006/2 Marges ZINÉDINE ZIDANE VU PAR LES ADOLESCENTS Pour une analyse poétique, m... more Sociétés n° 92 -2006/2 Marges ZINÉDINE ZIDANE VU PAR LES ADOLESCENTS Pour une analyse poétique, matérielle et dynamique des images de la célébrité sportive Robin RECOURS 1
In Spain today, few studies have been carried out to provide sufficient information regarding the... more In Spain today, few studies have been carried out to provide sufficient information regarding the attitudes of older persons toward physical activity and exercise. The present study was designed to remedy this deficiency by adapt-ing and validating the Older Person's Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Exercise Questionnaire. Firstly, a panel of experts offered first hand evidence in support of the content validity of the Spanish adaptation of the questionnaire. Evidence regarding the viability of the instrument was obtained through a test-retest pilot study and with the use of internal consistency method. In line with theoretical expectations, respondents who reported more positive attitudes toward physical activity showed better adherence rates. Finally, recommendations for future replications are discussed, considering the fact that the data on predictive validity of the instrument was obtained only at correlational level.
The image of sports figures has become an important issue for media and communication research. N... more The image of sports figures has become an important issue for media and communication research. Nevertheless, even if several studies in the literature focus on the idea of stardom in sports, most of them concern athletes who are well-appreciated by their fans. Rare are the studies dealing with sports figures who are depreciated. This research demonstrates the strong influence of fans' ideal self-images and motives for playing a sport on the evaluative reaction toward these icons. The researchers surveyed 878 adolescents, a representative sample of youth from Southern France. Their motives for playing a sport were evaluated by the QSMP2001, a validated instrument that measures the “distinctiveness”, the “sociability” and the “play to the limits” dimensions. Qualifying variables included age, gender and status. Results indicate that depreciated sports figures are disparaged because they do not adhere to the fans’ ideal self-images. This paper could inform marketers as they make d...
Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 2015
Agora débats/jeunesses, 2004
ABSTRACT The sense of sport as spectacle The authors have carried out a questionnaire in order to... more ABSTRACT The sense of sport as spectacle The authors have carried out a questionnaire in order to give an account of the support or rejection of sport celebrities by the adolescents. Nine hundred secondary school pupils from the region of Provence-Alpes have been interviewed. The results stress that on the one hand, the most appreciated sportsmen are those who convey a tribal, community and nationalist culture (largely exacerbated by the media, the entertainment world and political discourses) which confer them a status of heroes. On the other hand, the sportsmen hatred by adolescents are for reasons that imply the same imaginary processes (the tribal, the community, the nation), but this time in the sense of impurity, unacceptable and deception.
Ecopsychology, 2010
... Thus, even though respondents see Zidane as coming from the homeland of France, they also s... more ... Thus, even though respondents see Zidane as coming from the homeland of France, they also see him having roots in Algeria. As one journalist reminded readers in a story about Zidane's performance during a match at Saint-Denis: 'Zizou' [Zidane's nickname], whose the ...
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 2009
Although numerous authors have associated metal music with social problems such as suicide, self-... more Although numerous authors have associated metal music with social problems such as suicide, self-destruction and Satanism, few studies have been undertaken to examine the mental health of fans of heavy metal music. This study attempts to determine if there is a link between mental health and the enjoyment of this type of music in France. The researchers surveyed 333 fans of metal music. Their mental health was evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), a widely used instrument that measures anxiety and depression. The scores of the sample of metal music fans were then compared to the scores that reveal possible, probable, or severe mental disorders. Qualifying variables included age, gender, status, education, motivation and participation in metal music culture. The results indicated that fans of metal music are mainly young adults (median age = 22.67, SD = 5.29) and tend to be male (87.85 percent). As a whole, metal music fans have levels of anxiety and depression that are similar to and lower than levels in the general population. Specifically, \5 percent of metal music fans surveyed showed pathological symptoms. Subjects that scored higher levels of anxiety and depression were those that had literary and/or arts backgrounds rather than scientific backgrounds, that wrote metal music lyrics, that consumed alcohol and that engaged in the body modification practice of scarification. This study suggests that opponents of metal music should re-examine the basis for their criticism. More scholarly research is needed to better understand the effects of metal music on fans and on society.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 2011
Data from a representative sample of 2474 French youth show that, despite a 7-year French Ministr... more Data from a representative sample of 2474 French youth show that, despite a 7-year French Ministry of Health strategy for nutrition and physical activities, adolescents' motivation to practise sports and physical activities decreased significantly between 2001 and 2008. While this paper focuses on the context of physical activity in France, the general discussion may be applicable to other countries concerned with the obesity pandemic.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 2015
Street sports and street arts have been already studied separately from one another. In this arti... more Street sports and street arts have been already studied separately from one another. In this article, the authors question their mutual capability to transform the city. To this end, they used quantitative and qualitative analyses (questionnaires and interviews). They show that historical and cultural links are not sufficient to fully describe the complex relationships between these two activities. Interviewees and respondents, whether sportsmen/women or artists, develop an alternative way of seeing the city, build an urban utopia with more sensitivity, and, in a certain way, strengthen social links.