Selim Eskiizmirliler | Université Paris Diderot (original) (raw)
Papers by Selim Eskiizmirliler
This thesis describes that it is possible to drive synthetic emotions of an interface agent with ... more This thesis describes that it is possible to drive synthetic emotions of an interface agent with an electronic nose system developed at AASS. The e-Nose can be used for quality control, and the detected distortion from a known smell sensation prototype is interpreted to a 3Drepresentation of emotional states, which in turn points to a set of pre-defined muscle contractions. This extension of a rule based motivation system, which we call Facial Expression Driver, is incorporated to a model for sensor fusion with active perception, to provide a general design for a more complex system with additional senses. To be consistent with the biologically inspired sensor fusion model a muscle based animated facial model was chosen as a test bed for the expression of current emotion. The social agent's facial expressions demonstrate its tolerance to the detected distortion in order to manipulate the user to restore the system to functional balance. Only a few of the known projects use chemically based sensing to drive a face in real-time, whether they are virtual characters or animatronics. This work may inspire a future android implementation of a head with electro active polymers as synthetic facial muscles. Sammanfattning Det här examensarbetet visar att det är möjligt att driva animerade ansiktsuttryck med det elektroniska näs-systemet utvecklat vid AASS. Näsan kan användas för kvalitetskontroll, och den detekterade avvikelsen från en känd luktprototyp översätts till en 3D-representation av känslomässiga tillstånd, som i sin tur pekar på en mängd fördefinierade muskelsammandragningar. Denna utökning av ett regelbaserat motivationssystem, som vi kallar Facial Expression Driver, ingår i en modell för sensor fusion med aktiv perception som designunderlag för ett mer komplext system med övriga sinnen. För att vara konsekvent med den biologiskt inspirerade fusionsmodellen så testas den mot en muskelbaserad ansiktsanimation för uttryck av aktuellt känslomässigt tillstånd. Den sociala agentens ansiktsuttryck visar dess tolerans mot avvikelsen i syfte att manipulera användaren att återställa systemets funktionella balans. Endast ett fåtal av de kända projekten använder de kemiskt baserade sinnena för att driva ansiktsuttryck i realtid, oavsett om de är virtuella eller baserade på animatronik. Det här arbetet kan vara en inspiration till en framtida implementering av ett androidhuvud med elektroaktiva polymerer som syntetiska ansiktsmuskler.
Current Biology, 2020
Highlights d Xenopus larvae elicit compensatory, gaze-stabilizing eye movements at all stages d S... more Highlights d Xenopus larvae elicit compensatory, gaze-stabilizing eye movements at all stages d Swimming in young larvae causes stronger head curvatures and linear acceleration d Utricular signals during swimming triggers adequate eye movements in young larvae d Stage-specific locomotor profiles differentially activate vestibular end organs
2022 10th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 2022
In this study we present a modified version of t commercially-available myoelectric prosthesis (M... more In this study we present a modified version of t commercially-available myoelectric prosthesis (Myobock © , Ottobock) with the aim of providing a Brain-Machine Interface BMI-based sensorimotor control of this device. The new system uses as input the ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) signals of the user as well as vibrations produced by a bracelet containing vibrating motors whose frequencies are proportional to the forces measured by Force-Sensitive Resistors (FSR) installed on the fingertips of the prosthesis. Four combinations of three different feature extraction methods (CSP, WD, GSO) have been used to construct the feature vectors of the EEG signals collected by two different recording systems with different number of electrodes during the experiments performed with seven able-bodied and four amputee subjects. The classification/prediction performances of three machine learning algorithms (Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine with linear and Radial Basis Function kernels) were then tested. The reported results provide a proof of concept for the use of a wireless BMI to control the main types of movement of myoelectric prostheses using an EEG system with less electrodes rather than a research-grade system.
A model using mutual influence of firing rates of corticomotoneurons for learning a precision gri... more A model using mutual influence of firing rates of corticomotoneurons for learning a precision grip task
<p>Distribution of the RMSE<sub>D</sub> (left column) and RMSE<sub>S</... more <p>Distribution of the RMSE<sub>D</sub> (left column) and RMSE<sub>S</sub> (right column) for the three sessions for the simulation 1 (A) and the robotic experiment (B). Both type of error are represented as a function of movement amplitudes during the session I (i.e. intra- and extrapolated positions) and of initial positions and movement amplitudes during respectively the session II and III.</p
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
In recent years, advances and improvements in engineering and robotics have been strengthening in... more In recent years, advances and improvements in engineering and robotics have been strengthening interactions between biological science and robotics in the goal of mimicking the complexity of biological systems. In this paper, motor control paradigms inspired by human mechanisms of sensory-motor coordination are applied to a biologically-inspired, purpose-designed robotic platform. The goal was to define and implement a multi-network architecture
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang)
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a combined feature extraction approach for an electronic ... more The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a combined feature extraction approach for an electronic tongue. The use of wavelet decomposition technique for feature extraction, followed by orthonormalization, decreases the number of classifier inputs to the multiplication of number of classes and number of sensors. This approach leads to a higher computational efficiency. Two experiments are presented to demonstrate the procedure.
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
In this article we present a biologically inspired motor control scheme based on sensory-motor in... more In this article we present a biologically inspired motor control scheme based on sensory-motor interaction modalities within the Central Nervous System, and its application to the control of a single joint limb segment actuated by two pneumatic McKibben muscles. The embedded Artificial Neural Network (ANN) module's architecture, whose functioning is regulated by reinforcement learning, is similar to the connectivity of cerebellar cortex. Various biologically plausible learning schemes, which enable functional plasticity in the cerebellar cortex, are discussed. The simulation and experimental results are then reported.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015
The large number of mechanical degrees of freedom of the hand is not fully exploited during actua... more The large number of mechanical degrees of freedom of the hand is not fully exploited during actual movements such as grasping. Usually, angular movements in various joints tend to be coupled, and EMG activities in different hand muscles tend to be correlated. The occurrence of covariation in the former was termed kinematic synergies, in the latter muscle synergies. This study addresses two questions: (i) Whether kinematic and muscle synergies can simultaneously accommodate for kinematic and kinetic constraints. (ii) If so, whether there is an interrelation between kinematic and muscle synergies. We used a reach-grasp-and-pull paradigm and recorded the hand kinematics as well as eight surface EMGs. Subjects had to either perform a precision grip or side grip and had to modify their grip force in order to displace an object against a low or high load. The analysis was subdivided into three epochs: reach, grasp-and-pull, and static hold. Principal component analysis (PCA, temporal or s...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2012
... Keywords: reach, grasp, movement kinematics, LWPR, robotic hand, Matching Units Principal cor... more ... Keywords: reach, grasp, movement kinematics, LWPR, robotic hand, Matching Units Principal corresponding author Email address: (Touvet F.) Preprint submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems June 7, 2011 *Manuscript Click here to ...
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2008
To address the problem of how the cerebellum processes the premotor orders that control fast move... more To address the problem of how the cerebellum processes the premotor orders that control fast movements of the forearm, a model of the cerebellar control is proposed: a cybernetic circuit composed of a model of the cerebellar premotor pathways driving a biomechanical model of the human forearm. Experiments consist of recording electromyographic (EMG) activities and cinematic variables of the human forearm during fast, single joint, point-to-point movements performed in horizontal and vertical directions with and without mass. The biomechanical model of the forearm is first validated by comparing actual movements and movements simulated by using, as inputs to this model, the synthesized EMG signals and of real EMG activities recorded during the experiments. Then the entire control model is validated by comparing actual movements to the desired ones simulated by the model of the cerebellar pathways whose inputs are velocity signals with Gaussian time-courses. The results show that approximate inverse functions can be computed by means of inner models of direct functions placed in feedback loops, and suggest that the orientation of any member segment with respect to gravity is computed as a cinematic variable in the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Biological Cybernetics, 2002
This article describes an expanded version of a previously proposed motor control scheme, based o... more This article describes an expanded version of a previously proposed motor control scheme, based on rules for combining sensory and motor signals within the central nervous system. Classical control elements of the previous cybernetic circuit were replaced by artificial neural network modules having an architecture based on the connectivity of the cerebellar cortex, and whose functioning is regulated by reinforcement learning. The resulting model was then applied to the motion control of a mechanical, single-joint robot arm actuated by two McKibben artificial muscles. Various biologically plausible learning schemes were studied using both simulations and experiments. After learning, the model was able to accurately pilot the movements of the robot arm, both in velocity and position.
ABSTRACT RESUME Pour adresser le problème de façon dont le cervelet traite les commandes prémotri... more ABSTRACT RESUME Pour adresser le problème de façon dont le cervelet traite les commandes prémotrices des mouvements rapides de l'avant-bras nous proposons un modèle du contrôle cérébelleux : un circuit cybernétique qui se compose de modèle des voies cérébelleuses conduisant un modèle biomécanique de l'avant-bras humain. Les expériences se composent de l'enregistrement des activités EMG et des variables cinématiques des mouvements rapides de pointage de 1 degré de liberté effectués dans des plans horizontaux et verticaux. Le modèle biomécanique de l'avant-bras est d'abord validé en comparant les mouvements réels et les mouvements simulés par utilisation, comme entrées à ce modèle, des signaux synthétisés d'EMG et des activités réelles d'EMG enregistrées pendant les expériences. Par la suite le modèle entier de commande est validé en comparant les mouvements désirés et les mouvements accomplis par le modèle dont les entrées sont des signaux de vitesse du mouvement désiré. Les résultats prouvent que des fonctions inverses approximatives peuvent être calculées au moyen de modèles intérieurs des fonctions directes placées dans des boucles de rétroaction, et suggèrent que l'orientation de n'importe quel segment de membre par rapport à la pesanteur soit calculée comme variable cinématique dans le système nerveux central. MOTS CLES: Neurosciences Computationnelles, Contrôle sensori moteur, Cervelet, Mouvements de pointage, EMG,
Inquiring into Human Enhancement, 2015
This thesis describes that it is possible to drive synthetic emotions of an interface agent with ... more This thesis describes that it is possible to drive synthetic emotions of an interface agent with an electronic nose system developed at AASS. The e-Nose can be used for quality control, and the detected distortion from a known smell sensation prototype is interpreted to a 3Drepresentation of emotional states, which in turn points to a set of pre-defined muscle contractions. This extension of a rule based motivation system, which we call Facial Expression Driver, is incorporated to a model for sensor fusion with active perception, to provide a general design for a more complex system with additional senses. To be consistent with the biologically inspired sensor fusion model a muscle based animated facial model was chosen as a test bed for the expression of current emotion. The social agent's facial expressions demonstrate its tolerance to the detected distortion in order to manipulate the user to restore the system to functional balance. Only a few of the known projects use chemically based sensing to drive a face in real-time, whether they are virtual characters or animatronics. This work may inspire a future android implementation of a head with electro active polymers as synthetic facial muscles. Sammanfattning Det här examensarbetet visar att det är möjligt att driva animerade ansiktsuttryck med det elektroniska näs-systemet utvecklat vid AASS. Näsan kan användas för kvalitetskontroll, och den detekterade avvikelsen från en känd luktprototyp översätts till en 3D-representation av känslomässiga tillstånd, som i sin tur pekar på en mängd fördefinierade muskelsammandragningar. Denna utökning av ett regelbaserat motivationssystem, som vi kallar Facial Expression Driver, ingår i en modell för sensor fusion med aktiv perception som designunderlag för ett mer komplext system med övriga sinnen. För att vara konsekvent med den biologiskt inspirerade fusionsmodellen så testas den mot en muskelbaserad ansiktsanimation för uttryck av aktuellt känslomässigt tillstånd. Den sociala agentens ansiktsuttryck visar dess tolerans mot avvikelsen i syfte att manipulera användaren att återställa systemets funktionella balans. Endast ett fåtal av de kända projekten använder de kemiskt baserade sinnena för att driva ansiktsuttryck i realtid, oavsett om de är virtuella eller baserade på animatronik. Det här arbetet kan vara en inspiration till en framtida implementering av ett androidhuvud med elektroaktiva polymerer som syntetiska ansiktsmuskler.
Current Biology, 2020
Highlights d Xenopus larvae elicit compensatory, gaze-stabilizing eye movements at all stages d S... more Highlights d Xenopus larvae elicit compensatory, gaze-stabilizing eye movements at all stages d Swimming in young larvae causes stronger head curvatures and linear acceleration d Utricular signals during swimming triggers adequate eye movements in young larvae d Stage-specific locomotor profiles differentially activate vestibular end organs
2022 10th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 2022
In this study we present a modified version of t commercially-available myoelectric prosthesis (M... more In this study we present a modified version of t commercially-available myoelectric prosthesis (Myobock © , Ottobock) with the aim of providing a Brain-Machine Interface BMI-based sensorimotor control of this device. The new system uses as input the ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) signals of the user as well as vibrations produced by a bracelet containing vibrating motors whose frequencies are proportional to the forces measured by Force-Sensitive Resistors (FSR) installed on the fingertips of the prosthesis. Four combinations of three different feature extraction methods (CSP, WD, GSO) have been used to construct the feature vectors of the EEG signals collected by two different recording systems with different number of electrodes during the experiments performed with seven able-bodied and four amputee subjects. The classification/prediction performances of three machine learning algorithms (Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine with linear and Radial Basis Function kernels) were then tested. The reported results provide a proof of concept for the use of a wireless BMI to control the main types of movement of myoelectric prostheses using an EEG system with less electrodes rather than a research-grade system.
A model using mutual influence of firing rates of corticomotoneurons for learning a precision gri... more A model using mutual influence of firing rates of corticomotoneurons for learning a precision grip task
<p>Distribution of the RMSE<sub>D</sub> (left column) and RMSE<sub>S</... more <p>Distribution of the RMSE<sub>D</sub> (left column) and RMSE<sub>S</sub> (right column) for the three sessions for the simulation 1 (A) and the robotic experiment (B). Both type of error are represented as a function of movement amplitudes during the session I (i.e. intra- and extrapolated positions) and of initial positions and movement amplitudes during respectively the session II and III.</p
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
In recent years, advances and improvements in engineering and robotics have been strengthening in... more In recent years, advances and improvements in engineering and robotics have been strengthening interactions between biological science and robotics in the goal of mimicking the complexity of biological systems. In this paper, motor control paradigms inspired by human mechanisms of sensory-motor coordination are applied to a biologically-inspired, purpose-designed robotic platform. The goal was to define and implement a multi-network architecture
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang)
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a combined feature extraction approach for an electronic ... more The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a combined feature extraction approach for an electronic tongue. The use of wavelet decomposition technique for feature extraction, followed by orthonormalization, decreases the number of classifier inputs to the multiplication of number of classes and number of sensors. This approach leads to a higher computational efficiency. Two experiments are presented to demonstrate the procedure.
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
In this article we present a biologically inspired motor control scheme based on sensory-motor in... more In this article we present a biologically inspired motor control scheme based on sensory-motor interaction modalities within the Central Nervous System, and its application to the control of a single joint limb segment actuated by two pneumatic McKibben muscles. The embedded Artificial Neural Network (ANN) module's architecture, whose functioning is regulated by reinforcement learning, is similar to the connectivity of cerebellar cortex. Various biologically plausible learning schemes, which enable functional plasticity in the cerebellar cortex, are discussed. The simulation and experimental results are then reported.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015
The large number of mechanical degrees of freedom of the hand is not fully exploited during actua... more The large number of mechanical degrees of freedom of the hand is not fully exploited during actual movements such as grasping. Usually, angular movements in various joints tend to be coupled, and EMG activities in different hand muscles tend to be correlated. The occurrence of covariation in the former was termed kinematic synergies, in the latter muscle synergies. This study addresses two questions: (i) Whether kinematic and muscle synergies can simultaneously accommodate for kinematic and kinetic constraints. (ii) If so, whether there is an interrelation between kinematic and muscle synergies. We used a reach-grasp-and-pull paradigm and recorded the hand kinematics as well as eight surface EMGs. Subjects had to either perform a precision grip or side grip and had to modify their grip force in order to displace an object against a low or high load. The analysis was subdivided into three epochs: reach, grasp-and-pull, and static hold. Principal component analysis (PCA, temporal or s...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2012
... Keywords: reach, grasp, movement kinematics, LWPR, robotic hand, Matching Units Principal cor... more ... Keywords: reach, grasp, movement kinematics, LWPR, robotic hand, Matching Units Principal corresponding author Email address: (Touvet F.) Preprint submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems June 7, 2011 *Manuscript Click here to ...
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2008
To address the problem of how the cerebellum processes the premotor orders that control fast move... more To address the problem of how the cerebellum processes the premotor orders that control fast movements of the forearm, a model of the cerebellar control is proposed: a cybernetic circuit composed of a model of the cerebellar premotor pathways driving a biomechanical model of the human forearm. Experiments consist of recording electromyographic (EMG) activities and cinematic variables of the human forearm during fast, single joint, point-to-point movements performed in horizontal and vertical directions with and without mass. The biomechanical model of the forearm is first validated by comparing actual movements and movements simulated by using, as inputs to this model, the synthesized EMG signals and of real EMG activities recorded during the experiments. Then the entire control model is validated by comparing actual movements to the desired ones simulated by the model of the cerebellar pathways whose inputs are velocity signals with Gaussian time-courses. The results show that approximate inverse functions can be computed by means of inner models of direct functions placed in feedback loops, and suggest that the orientation of any member segment with respect to gravity is computed as a cinematic variable in the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Biological Cybernetics, 2002
This article describes an expanded version of a previously proposed motor control scheme, based o... more This article describes an expanded version of a previously proposed motor control scheme, based on rules for combining sensory and motor signals within the central nervous system. Classical control elements of the previous cybernetic circuit were replaced by artificial neural network modules having an architecture based on the connectivity of the cerebellar cortex, and whose functioning is regulated by reinforcement learning. The resulting model was then applied to the motion control of a mechanical, single-joint robot arm actuated by two McKibben artificial muscles. Various biologically plausible learning schemes were studied using both simulations and experiments. After learning, the model was able to accurately pilot the movements of the robot arm, both in velocity and position.
ABSTRACT RESUME Pour adresser le problème de façon dont le cervelet traite les commandes prémotri... more ABSTRACT RESUME Pour adresser le problème de façon dont le cervelet traite les commandes prémotrices des mouvements rapides de l'avant-bras nous proposons un modèle du contrôle cérébelleux : un circuit cybernétique qui se compose de modèle des voies cérébelleuses conduisant un modèle biomécanique de l'avant-bras humain. Les expériences se composent de l'enregistrement des activités EMG et des variables cinématiques des mouvements rapides de pointage de 1 degré de liberté effectués dans des plans horizontaux et verticaux. Le modèle biomécanique de l'avant-bras est d'abord validé en comparant les mouvements réels et les mouvements simulés par utilisation, comme entrées à ce modèle, des signaux synthétisés d'EMG et des activités réelles d'EMG enregistrées pendant les expériences. Par la suite le modèle entier de commande est validé en comparant les mouvements désirés et les mouvements accomplis par le modèle dont les entrées sont des signaux de vitesse du mouvement désiré. Les résultats prouvent que des fonctions inverses approximatives peuvent être calculées au moyen de modèles intérieurs des fonctions directes placées dans des boucles de rétroaction, et suggèrent que l'orientation de n'importe quel segment de membre par rapport à la pesanteur soit calculée comme variable cinématique dans le système nerveux central. MOTS CLES: Neurosciences Computationnelles, Contrôle sensori moteur, Cervelet, Mouvements de pointage, EMG,
Inquiring into Human Enhancement, 2015