Mathilde Mura | Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne (original) (raw)

Mathilde Mura

Address: Paris, Île-de-France, France



Books by Mathilde Mura

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict

by Routes de L'Orient, JULIE BESSENAY-PROLONGE, Mathilde Mura, Jean-Jacques Herr, Salvatore Garfi, Karel Nováček, Lucie Robert, Vanessa Rose, Jérémie Schiettecatte, Gaëlle Thévenin, Zoé Vannier, and Amaury Havé

Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict, Jun 30, 2019

Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et ... more Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et en Asie Centrale

Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia

Edited by Julie Bessenay-Prolonge, Jean-Jacques Herr, Mathilde Mura

Full HD pdf freely available on :

Papers by Mathilde Mura

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the mapping of ancient watercourses of the Uruk – Larsa region (Southern Mesopotamia, Iraq) through remote sensing

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023

The deltaic plain of the Euphrates in the region of Uruk and Larsa, subjected to constant dune sh... more The deltaic plain of the Euphrates in the region of Uruk and Larsa, subjected to constant dune shifting due to strong deflation, allows for the identification of a dense network of ancient hydraulic structures and fluvial landforms. This study surveyed the area through remote sensing, using high resolution imagery and a Digital Elevation Model to enrich the watercourse map of the desertic plain between Uruk and Larsa. The use of a recently released worldwide open access DEM produced by the European Space Agency enabled an unprecedented quality of terrain analysis through open access large scale imagery and highlights the potential for many future applications in archaeological and paleo-environmental studies in the region. Finally, it unveils a new major connection between the cities of Uruk and Larsa, bringing new elements to reconstruct a complex hydraulic system over millennia of occupation.

Research paper thumbnail of Giraud J., Baldi J.S., Bonilauri S., et alii, 2019, Human occupation along the foothills of Northwestern Zagros during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene in the Rania and Peshdar plains First results of the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah (Iraqi Kurdistan)

Paléorient, 2019

Since 2012, the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah has been explori... more Since 2012, the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah has been exploring the Rania and Peshdar plains in order to understand the evolution of settlement patterns in Northern Mesopotamia from the Palaeolithic to the present day. Newly acquired data from surveys combined with excavations at six prehistoric sites provide the first picture of human settlement patterns in this region from the Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic. The development of these patterns reveals the presence of a local system that was deeply rooted in the wider Mesopotamian context but was also subject to influence from the Iranian plateau. Résumé. Depuis 2012, la mission archéologique française du Gouvernorat de Soulaimaniah explore les deux plaines de Peshdar et de Rania afin de comprendre l'évolution des systèmes d'habitat en Mésopotamie septentrionale dans la longue durée, du Paléolithique à aujourd'hui. Les données nouvellement acquises lors des prospections, ainsi que les informations issues de sondages effectués sur six sites préhistoriques permettent d'esquisser une première image des modèles d'implantation humaine dans la région, du Paléolithique jusqu'au Chalcolithique. L'évolution des modèles de peuplement montre une dynamique locale ancrée dans le système mésopotamien, mais influencée également par le plateau iranien.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting military occupation on archaeological sites

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 «Mari et la crise syrienne»

Bessenay-Prolonge J., Herr J.-J., Mura M. & (collab.) Havé A. (eds.), Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia, Routes de l’Orient Actes II, Association Routes de l’Orient, Paris, p. 199–224., 2019

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of BAUDOUIN E., MURA M. MANEL C. 2017, "Mentesh tepe (Azerbaïdjan) : résultats préliminaires de la campagne de fouille 2015"

Research paper thumbnail of Routes de l'Orient 3 - Actualités des Recherches Archéologiques

Research paper thumbnail of Atteintes au patrimoine archéologique en Syrie, en Irak et en Afghanistan : prospections et état des lieux

Conference Presentations by Mathilde Mura

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflicts: abstracts booklet of the Conference


Program of the Conference 2th & 3th November 2017

Poster by Mathilde Mura

Research paper thumbnail of The Soulaimaniah Governorate Archaeological Survey Missions (Iraqi Kurdistan) 2012-2016: district of Rania, Peshdhar and Dukan.

Thesis Chapters by Mathilde Mura

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamiques des tells, Pillages et Destructions Militaires : Etude comparative de l'évolution des tells archéologiques Moyen-Orientaux dans trois micro-régions de Syrie, d'Irak et d'Afghanistan

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict

by Routes de L'Orient, JULIE BESSENAY-PROLONGE, Mathilde Mura, Jean-Jacques Herr, Salvatore Garfi, Karel Nováček, Lucie Robert, Vanessa Rose, Jérémie Schiettecatte, Gaëlle Thévenin, Zoé Vannier, and Amaury Havé

Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict, Jun 30, 2019

Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et ... more Archéologie des Conflits / Archéologie en Conflit - Documenter la Destruction au Moyen-Orient et en Asie Centrale

Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia

Edited by Julie Bessenay-Prolonge, Jean-Jacques Herr, Mathilde Mura

Full HD pdf freely available on :

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution to the mapping of ancient watercourses of the Uruk – Larsa region (Southern Mesopotamia, Iraq) through remote sensing

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023

The deltaic plain of the Euphrates in the region of Uruk and Larsa, subjected to constant dune sh... more The deltaic plain of the Euphrates in the region of Uruk and Larsa, subjected to constant dune shifting due to strong deflation, allows for the identification of a dense network of ancient hydraulic structures and fluvial landforms. This study surveyed the area through remote sensing, using high resolution imagery and a Digital Elevation Model to enrich the watercourse map of the desertic plain between Uruk and Larsa. The use of a recently released worldwide open access DEM produced by the European Space Agency enabled an unprecedented quality of terrain analysis through open access large scale imagery and highlights the potential for many future applications in archaeological and paleo-environmental studies in the region. Finally, it unveils a new major connection between the cities of Uruk and Larsa, bringing new elements to reconstruct a complex hydraulic system over millennia of occupation.

Research paper thumbnail of Giraud J., Baldi J.S., Bonilauri S., et alii, 2019, Human occupation along the foothills of Northwestern Zagros during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene in the Rania and Peshdar plains First results of the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah (Iraqi Kurdistan)

Paléorient, 2019

Since 2012, the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah has been explori... more Since 2012, the French archaeological mission in the Governorate of Soulaimaniah has been exploring the Rania and Peshdar plains in order to understand the evolution of settlement patterns in Northern Mesopotamia from the Palaeolithic to the present day. Newly acquired data from surveys combined with excavations at six prehistoric sites provide the first picture of human settlement patterns in this region from the Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic. The development of these patterns reveals the presence of a local system that was deeply rooted in the wider Mesopotamian context but was also subject to influence from the Iranian plateau. Résumé. Depuis 2012, la mission archéologique française du Gouvernorat de Soulaimaniah explore les deux plaines de Peshdar et de Rania afin de comprendre l'évolution des systèmes d'habitat en Mésopotamie septentrionale dans la longue durée, du Paléolithique à aujourd'hui. Les données nouvellement acquises lors des prospections, ainsi que les informations issues de sondages effectués sur six sites préhistoriques permettent d'esquisser une première image des modèles d'implantation humaine dans la région, du Paléolithique jusqu'au Chalcolithique. L'évolution des modèles de peuplement montre une dynamique locale ancrée dans le système mésopotamien, mais influencée également par le plateau iranien.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting military occupation on archaeological sites

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 «Mari et la crise syrienne»

Bessenay-Prolonge J., Herr J.-J., Mura M. & (collab.) Havé A. (eds.), Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflict - Documenting Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle-East and Central Asia, Routes de l’Orient Actes II, Association Routes de l’Orient, Paris, p. 199–224., 2019

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of BAUDOUIN E., MURA M. MANEL C. 2017, "Mentesh tepe (Azerbaïdjan) : résultats préliminaires de la campagne de fouille 2015"

Research paper thumbnail of Routes de l'Orient 3 - Actualités des Recherches Archéologiques

Research paper thumbnail of Atteintes au patrimoine archéologique en Syrie, en Irak et en Afghanistan : prospections et état des lieux

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of Conflict / Archaeology in Conflicts: abstracts booklet of the Conference


Program of the Conference 2th & 3th November 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Soulaimaniah Governorate Archaeological Survey Missions (Iraqi Kurdistan) 2012-2016: district of Rania, Peshdhar and Dukan.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamiques des tells, Pillages et Destructions Militaires : Etude comparative de l'évolution des tells archéologiques Moyen-Orientaux dans trois micro-régions de Syrie, d'Irak et d'Afghanistan

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