Beatrice Gallelli | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (original) (raw)

Drafts by Beatrice Gallelli

Research paper thumbnail of Gallelli Una nuova guerra di popolo PDF

Al momento l'emergenza epidemiologica nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) sta rientrando, ma ... more Al momento l'emergenza epidemiologica nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) sta rientrando, ma il processo di riscrittura della storia dell'epidemia come "trionfo del modello politico cinese" 1-come ha ben suggerito Marco Fumian-non si arresta. Giorno dopo giorno si aggiungono sempre più dettagli delle nuove narrazioni che il Partito promuove al duplice scopo di glorificare il suo operato e obliterare le sue mancanze nella gestione delle fasi iniziali della crisi. Mentre sul web cinese si dibatte della possibile origine americana del "coronavirus" (o SARS-CoV-2) e perfino funzionari di governo danno adito a speculazioni circa il ruolo di Washington nella diffusione globale della sindrome respiratoria Covid-19, il popolo viene chiamato, ancora una volta, a "ringraziare" il Partito e il suo segretario generale per il lavoro svolto attraverso una campagna di "educazione alla gratitudine" (gan' en jiaoyu 感 恩 教 育) 2 e "la longa manus del Dipartimento centrale di propaganda" si spinge fino a stringere e fare proprio anche il "mondo poetico", 3 come ci racconta Federico Picerni. Ma come viene costruita questa narrazione? Come prende forma attraverso il linguaggio, verbale e non, il mosaico propagandistico della "guerra di popolo" (renmin zhanzheng 人 民 战 争)-così com'è stata ribattezzata da Xi Jinping la lotta all'epidemia ? In breve, come si trasforma un'epidemia in un poema epico? Di seguito, proveremo a rintracciare i piccoli tasselli che dal 20 gennaio, giorno in cui Xi ha finalmente annunciato il diffondersi del coronavirus, hanno mano a mano costruito questa nuova "guerra di popolo", caricandola di significato politico e importanza simbolica.

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Research paper thumbnail of 中国梦理论.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a Community of Shared Destiny. The Belt and Road Initiative in the Political Speeches of Xi Jinping.pdf

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Papers by Beatrice Gallelli

Research paper thumbnail of China’s Official Narratives on Xinjiang: Interethnic mingling, economic prosperity and religious terrorism

Asia maior/Asia Maior, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of From a Story of Disaster to a Story of Victory

Routledge eBooks, May 30, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Jingshen

Routledge eBooks, Jul 25, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party: What Next?

Rome, IAI, November 2022, 5 p. (IAI Commentaries ; 22|52), 2022

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party confirmed Xi Jinping’s position as Gene... more The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party confirmed Xi Jinping’s position as General Secretary for a norm-breaking third term. Long before the Congress, the abolition of the two-term presidential limit and the lack of a designated successor had indicated that Xi had no intention to leave. Regarding foreign policy, the Congress has confirmed the continuation of “Xiplomacy”, characterised by a more assertive approach to an international environment perceived as ever more hostile to China. No tolerance will be shown to those threatening China’s “core interests”, including Taiwan; at the same time, China will seek closer ties with countries with which it shares a “pragmatic” approach to “development and security” in international relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Differences and common ground across the continent

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Research paper thumbnail of Metaphors of a Metaphor

Annali di Ca' Foscari: Serie Orientale, 2016

<div> <p>Following the profound changes in the Chinese socio-economic structure in th... more <div> <p>Following the profound changes in the Chinese socio-economic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-), Chinese political language is also undergoing rapid changes – it is becoming more abstract and depoliticised. Alongside the Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, political language has enhanced its power by using concepts and linguistic forms which belong to traditional Chinese culture. The 'Chinese dream', the concept fostered by the current Chinese leadership, is a clear expression of this trend. In the view of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders, with president Xi Jinping at its 'core', the 'Chinese dream' is a grand process of 'national renaissance' following a century of 'humiliation' at the hands of the West and Japan, and is about to be realized. From this perspective, it is shared by all Chinese people and it will satisfy the dreams of all Chinese. But what exactly does this 'common Chinese dream' mean, and what does the metaphor of the dream obscure? In order to answer these questions and scrutinise the ideology which upholds Chinese political discourse, one of the most interesting levels of analysis is that of its figurative language, particularly metaphor. In light of Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) important contribution, the analysis of the meaning of the 'Chinese dream' is conducted through the examination and interpretation of the conceptual metaphors as used by Xi Jinping in two of his speeches, where he explains this concept. Metaphor is one of the most powerful persuasive means used by politicians, hence, its analysis is a useful tool for discovering and understanding the current Chinese leadership's rhetoric strategy and its principal goals.</p> </div>

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Research paper thumbnail of Jie Dong. <i>The Socialinguistics of Voice in Globalising China</i>

Annali di Ca' Foscari: Serie Orientale, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of De-framing a 'national dream': Identity and political legitimacy in the discourse on the Chinese dream

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Research paper thumbnail of Dong Jie. The sociolinguistics of voice in globalising China. London: Routledge, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of 中国梦理论:中国国家话语的新形态 (The Chinese dream theory: The new shape of China’s national discourse)

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Research paper thumbnail of Metafora DI Una Metafora: La Retorica Del "Sogno Cinese

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Research paper thumbnail of Metafore di una metafora

Nel mutato contesto socio-economico, politico e culturale della Cina post-maoista, il linguaggio ... more Nel mutato contesto socio-economico, politico e culturale della Cina post-maoista, il linguaggio del discorso politico cinese subisce rapide e profonde trasformazioni. Gli slogan usati dal Partito Comunista Cinese tendono a una graduale depoliticizzazione e, in essi, alla retorica marxista-leninista si affiancano sempre piu riferimenti al repertorio della cultura tradizionale cinese. Il “sogno cinese” promosso dall’attuale presidente Xi Jinping e piena espressione di questa tendenza. Tuttavia, resta ancora da comprendere quale sia la motivazione che soggiace all’adozione di un universale ideologico e di una retorica cosi distanti da quelli marxisti-leninisti: la metafora del “sogno” cosa nasconde in realta? Scopo del presente studio e quello di individuare, ove possibile, una risposta a tale interrogativo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doing Things with Metaphors in Contemporary China

54 | Supplemento | 2018

The ‘Chinese dream’ sums up China’s goals in the twenty-first century. Since its first appearance... more The ‘Chinese dream’ sums up China’s goals in the twenty-first century. Since its first appearance in 2012, the concept of the Chinese dream has been the core of Xi Jinping’s “new thoughts, new ideas and new arguments”. At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China it was elevated as one of the guiding principles of ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’, which represents the latest effort towards the Sinicization of Marxism. This paper aims at casting light on whether the discourse on the Chinese dream carries new contents or is based on old concepts ‘camouflaged’ as new. To do so, it will analyse the ideological implications of those ‘creative metaphors’ that compose the discursive mosaic of the Chinese dream as used by Xi Jinping in his political speeches. Drawing on the studies on conceptual metaphors and frame analysis, this study analyses those metaphorical expressions that are purposely outlined in the transcription of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale Metafore di una metafora La retorica del 'sogno cinese

Following the profound changes in the Chinese socioeconomic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-)... more Following the profound changes in the Chinese socioeconomic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-), Chinese political language is also undergoing rapid changes-it is becoming more abstract and depoliticised. Alongside the Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, political language has enhanced its power by using concepts and linguistic forms which belong to traditional Chinese culture. The 'Chinese dream', the concept fostered by the current Chinese leadership, is a clear expression of this trend. In the view of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders, with president Xi Jinping at its 'core', the 'Chinese dream' is a grand process of 'national renaissance' following a century of 'humiliation' at the hands of the West and Japan, and is about to be realized. From this perspective, it is shared by all Chinese people and it will satisfy the dreams of all Chinese. But what exactly does this 'com-mon Chinese dream' mean, and what does the metaphor of the d...

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Research paper thumbnail of China in Italy: Risk Assessment and Preventive Solutions

Rome, IAI, December 2021, 35 p. (IAI Papers ; 21|52), ISBN 978-88-9368-235-0, 2021

Italy's 2019 decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China in support of the Belt and... more Italy's 2019 decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China in support of the Belt and Road Initiative sparked a heated debate at home and abroad. The possibility of Italy upgrading its trade and investment relations with China through the shortcut of a political endorsement of President Xi Jinping's flagship foreign-policy initiative was framed as either a heaven-sent opportunity or a serious strategic threat. Two years on, most of the concerns pointed out in the debate, especially regarding infrastructures, have proven unsubstantiated (although the economic opportunities for which the Italian Government wished have also failed to materialise). However, cooperation initiatives between Italian and Chinese entities in sectors often overlooked in the mainstream debate, such as media and academic partnerships, do present risks. The creation of an interagency China Information and Coordination Unit would help to preventor, at least, to minimise-such risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Poverty Alleviation Under Xi Jinping: Official Narratives and Political Legitimacy

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a community of shared destiny

China’s New Silk Road

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Research paper thumbnail of Gallelli Una nuova guerra di popolo PDF

Al momento l'emergenza epidemiologica nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) sta rientrando, ma ... more Al momento l'emergenza epidemiologica nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC) sta rientrando, ma il processo di riscrittura della storia dell'epidemia come "trionfo del modello politico cinese" 1-come ha ben suggerito Marco Fumian-non si arresta. Giorno dopo giorno si aggiungono sempre più dettagli delle nuove narrazioni che il Partito promuove al duplice scopo di glorificare il suo operato e obliterare le sue mancanze nella gestione delle fasi iniziali della crisi. Mentre sul web cinese si dibatte della possibile origine americana del "coronavirus" (o SARS-CoV-2) e perfino funzionari di governo danno adito a speculazioni circa il ruolo di Washington nella diffusione globale della sindrome respiratoria Covid-19, il popolo viene chiamato, ancora una volta, a "ringraziare" il Partito e il suo segretario generale per il lavoro svolto attraverso una campagna di "educazione alla gratitudine" (gan' en jiaoyu 感 恩 教 育) 2 e "la longa manus del Dipartimento centrale di propaganda" si spinge fino a stringere e fare proprio anche il "mondo poetico", 3 come ci racconta Federico Picerni. Ma come viene costruita questa narrazione? Come prende forma attraverso il linguaggio, verbale e non, il mosaico propagandistico della "guerra di popolo" (renmin zhanzheng 人 民 战 争)-così com'è stata ribattezzata da Xi Jinping la lotta all'epidemia ? In breve, come si trasforma un'epidemia in un poema epico? Di seguito, proveremo a rintracciare i piccoli tasselli che dal 20 gennaio, giorno in cui Xi ha finalmente annunciato il diffondersi del coronavirus, hanno mano a mano costruito questa nuova "guerra di popolo", caricandola di significato politico e importanza simbolica.

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Research paper thumbnail of 中国梦理论.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a Community of Shared Destiny. The Belt and Road Initiative in the Political Speeches of Xi Jinping.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of China’s Official Narratives on Xinjiang: Interethnic mingling, economic prosperity and religious terrorism

Asia maior/Asia Maior, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of From a Story of Disaster to a Story of Victory

Routledge eBooks, May 30, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Jingshen

Routledge eBooks, Jul 25, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party: What Next?

Rome, IAI, November 2022, 5 p. (IAI Commentaries ; 22|52), 2022

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party confirmed Xi Jinping’s position as Gene... more The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party confirmed Xi Jinping’s position as General Secretary for a norm-breaking third term. Long before the Congress, the abolition of the two-term presidential limit and the lack of a designated successor had indicated that Xi had no intention to leave. Regarding foreign policy, the Congress has confirmed the continuation of “Xiplomacy”, characterised by a more assertive approach to an international environment perceived as ever more hostile to China. No tolerance will be shown to those threatening China’s “core interests”, including Taiwan; at the same time, China will seek closer ties with countries with which it shares a “pragmatic” approach to “development and security” in international relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Differences and common ground across the continent

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Research paper thumbnail of Metaphors of a Metaphor

Annali di Ca' Foscari: Serie Orientale, 2016

<div> <p>Following the profound changes in the Chinese socio-economic structure in th... more <div> <p>Following the profound changes in the Chinese socio-economic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-), Chinese political language is also undergoing rapid changes – it is becoming more abstract and depoliticised. Alongside the Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, political language has enhanced its power by using concepts and linguistic forms which belong to traditional Chinese culture. The 'Chinese dream', the concept fostered by the current Chinese leadership, is a clear expression of this trend. In the view of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders, with president Xi Jinping at its 'core', the 'Chinese dream' is a grand process of 'national renaissance' following a century of 'humiliation' at the hands of the West and Japan, and is about to be realized. From this perspective, it is shared by all Chinese people and it will satisfy the dreams of all Chinese. But what exactly does this 'common Chinese dream' mean, and what does the metaphor of the dream obscure? In order to answer these questions and scrutinise the ideology which upholds Chinese political discourse, one of the most interesting levels of analysis is that of its figurative language, particularly metaphor. In light of Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) important contribution, the analysis of the meaning of the 'Chinese dream' is conducted through the examination and interpretation of the conceptual metaphors as used by Xi Jinping in two of his speeches, where he explains this concept. Metaphor is one of the most powerful persuasive means used by politicians, hence, its analysis is a useful tool for discovering and understanding the current Chinese leadership's rhetoric strategy and its principal goals.</p> </div>

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Research paper thumbnail of Jie Dong. <i>The Socialinguistics of Voice in Globalising China</i>

Annali di Ca' Foscari: Serie Orientale, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of De-framing a 'national dream': Identity and political legitimacy in the discourse on the Chinese dream

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Research paper thumbnail of Dong Jie. The sociolinguistics of voice in globalising China. London: Routledge, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of 中国梦理论:中国国家话语的新形态 (The Chinese dream theory: The new shape of China’s national discourse)

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Research paper thumbnail of Metafora DI Una Metafora: La Retorica Del "Sogno Cinese

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Research paper thumbnail of Metafore di una metafora

Nel mutato contesto socio-economico, politico e culturale della Cina post-maoista, il linguaggio ... more Nel mutato contesto socio-economico, politico e culturale della Cina post-maoista, il linguaggio del discorso politico cinese subisce rapide e profonde trasformazioni. Gli slogan usati dal Partito Comunista Cinese tendono a una graduale depoliticizzazione e, in essi, alla retorica marxista-leninista si affiancano sempre piu riferimenti al repertorio della cultura tradizionale cinese. Il “sogno cinese” promosso dall’attuale presidente Xi Jinping e piena espressione di questa tendenza. Tuttavia, resta ancora da comprendere quale sia la motivazione che soggiace all’adozione di un universale ideologico e di una retorica cosi distanti da quelli marxisti-leninisti: la metafora del “sogno” cosa nasconde in realta? Scopo del presente studio e quello di individuare, ove possibile, una risposta a tale interrogativo.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doing Things with Metaphors in Contemporary China

54 | Supplemento | 2018

The ‘Chinese dream’ sums up China’s goals in the twenty-first century. Since its first appearance... more The ‘Chinese dream’ sums up China’s goals in the twenty-first century. Since its first appearance in 2012, the concept of the Chinese dream has been the core of Xi Jinping’s “new thoughts, new ideas and new arguments”. At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China it was elevated as one of the guiding principles of ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’, which represents the latest effort towards the Sinicization of Marxism. This paper aims at casting light on whether the discourse on the Chinese dream carries new contents or is based on old concepts ‘camouflaged’ as new. To do so, it will analyse the ideological implications of those ‘creative metaphors’ that compose the discursive mosaic of the Chinese dream as used by Xi Jinping in his political speeches. Drawing on the studies on conceptual metaphors and frame analysis, this study analyses those metaphorical expressions that are purposely outlined in the transcription of the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale Metafore di una metafora La retorica del 'sogno cinese

Following the profound changes in the Chinese socioeconomic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-)... more Following the profound changes in the Chinese socioeconomic structure in the Post-Mao era (1976-), Chinese political language is also undergoing rapid changes-it is becoming more abstract and depoliticised. Alongside the Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, political language has enhanced its power by using concepts and linguistic forms which belong to traditional Chinese culture. The 'Chinese dream', the concept fostered by the current Chinese leadership, is a clear expression of this trend. In the view of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders, with president Xi Jinping at its 'core', the 'Chinese dream' is a grand process of 'national renaissance' following a century of 'humiliation' at the hands of the West and Japan, and is about to be realized. From this perspective, it is shared by all Chinese people and it will satisfy the dreams of all Chinese. But what exactly does this 'com-mon Chinese dream' mean, and what does the metaphor of the d...

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Research paper thumbnail of China in Italy: Risk Assessment and Preventive Solutions

Rome, IAI, December 2021, 35 p. (IAI Papers ; 21|52), ISBN 978-88-9368-235-0, 2021

Italy's 2019 decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China in support of the Belt and... more Italy's 2019 decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with China in support of the Belt and Road Initiative sparked a heated debate at home and abroad. The possibility of Italy upgrading its trade and investment relations with China through the shortcut of a political endorsement of President Xi Jinping's flagship foreign-policy initiative was framed as either a heaven-sent opportunity or a serious strategic threat. Two years on, most of the concerns pointed out in the debate, especially regarding infrastructures, have proven unsubstantiated (although the economic opportunities for which the Italian Government wished have also failed to materialise). However, cooperation initiatives between Italian and Chinese entities in sectors often overlooked in the mainstream debate, such as media and academic partnerships, do present risks. The creation of an interagency China Information and Coordination Unit would help to preventor, at least, to minimise-such risks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Poverty Alleviation Under Xi Jinping: Official Narratives and Political Legitimacy

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a community of shared destiny

China’s New Silk Road

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Research paper thumbnail of Jie Dong. The Socialinguistics of Voice in Globalising China

55 | 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Italian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Longing for economic engagement amid general distrust

Survey: Europeans’ views of China in the age of COVID-19, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Italian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19 Longing for economic engagement amid general distrust

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Research paper thumbnail of La Cina di oggi in otto parole preprint pp.1-11

La Cina di oggi in otto parole, 2021

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