Umberto Margiotta | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (original) (raw)

Papers by Umberto Margiotta

Research paper thumbnail of Coniugarsi crescendo1.docx

Accountability è termine inglese che si può tradurre in lingua italiana con "rendicontazione" o c... more Accountability è termine inglese che si può tradurre in lingua italiana con "rendicontazione" o con "responsabilità rispetto agli esiti". Nell'accezione più generale, essa indica l'obbligo di render conto a chi vi è interessato (stakeholders) dei risultati della propria azione in un certo ambito. Alle sue origini una visione liberistica dell'educazione che, a partire dalle critiche crescenti al Welfare State ispirò la riforma della scuola inglese, introdotta nel 1988 dal governo conservatore di Margaret Tatcher la quale varò l'Education Reform Act. In tale sistema, ai risultati scadenti conseguiti nei test nazionali la scuola interessata deve produrre un piano di miglioramento per superare le carenze individuate. Qualora, nell'arco di un certo periodo, non si abbiano progressi nei risultati, la scuola viene dichiarata inadeguata e chiusa o rifondata, previo il licenziamento di tutto il personale La richiesta di dimostrarsi accountable, per ogni comunità scolastica, si è diffusa in tutti i Paesi occidentali, e consiste nello stimolare il passaggio da una gestione di tipo burocratico ad una gestione guidata da una analisi attenta costi-benefici, fondata su una governance tecnocraticomoderata delle istituzioni scolastiche. Con il termine "accountability" si viene così ad indicare, nel mondo della scuola, l'insieme delle tecniche con cui possono esser misurati, giudicati ma anche valorizzati i risultati effettivamente conseguiti dalle singole autonomie scolastiche e, su questa base, attribuire loro responsabilità di merito, impegnandole in un costante miglioramento complessivo degli ambienti, delle pratiche didattiche, della gestione delle risorse umane e dei bilanci. Linee politiche di questo tipo si fondano sulla razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica e sul paradigma del capitale umano che prevede che gli investimenti realizzati in termini di istruzione vengano successivamente ricompensati e reintegrati attraverso l'incremento del Pil generato nel Paese, nonché dai livelli occupazionali e retributivi dei destinatari 1 . L'obiettivo è quello di inserire anche il sistema scolastico in un circuito autoalimentante di razionalizzazione economica della

Research paper thumbnail of Recherches en Education

Qualité ou fonction au sein de cette institution : Professeur d'Université Titre en anglais : The... more Qualité ou fonction au sein de cette institution : Professeur d'Université Titre en anglais : The Teacher professionality : professional training and talent's formation Résumé en anglais The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong façon in the problem of links between teacher training and educational research. For us the monster crucial question is that a new compass is essential. The latter cannot be made up only by one theory of the intelligence in formation. If one wants to make flexible, economic and expert the formative offer, and to support the personalization of learning, the processes and the products of training, then it is necessary, from a point of view of education, to ensure the formation and the development of the talents. That gives effectiveness of the teachers. By consequence the professionality of the teacher, or its teaching action and not only didactic, is in any point similar (in term of risks, oblativity, aspect determining of its acts) to that of a doctor. Like the doctor of the life, the teacher is responsible for the spirit of his pupils; if the diagnosis is a strategic act for the doctor, in term of intervention and treatment, it is it also for teaching under educational diagnosis

[Research paper thumbnail of Formation professionelle des enseignants e fornation des talentsdef[2].rtf](

The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong faç... more The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong façon in the problem of links between teacher training and educational research. For us the monster crucial question is that a new compass is essential. The latter cannot be made up only by one theory of the intelligence in formation. If one wants to make flexible, economic and expert the formative offer, and to support the personalization of learning, the processes and the products of training, then it is necessary, from a point of view of education, to ensure the formation and the development of the talents. That gives effectiveness of the teachers. By consequence the professionality of the teacher, or its teaching action and not only didactic, is in any point similar (in term of risks, oblativity, aspect determining of its acts) to that of a doctor. Like the doctor of the life, the teacher is responsible for the spirit of his pupils; if the diagnosis is a strategic act for the doctor, in term of intervention and treatment, it is it also for teaching under educational diagnosis

Research paper thumbnail of Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences: building the Lifelong Learning Society

To place the right/need to learn during one’s lifespan at the centre of active welfare has profou... more To place the right/need to learn during one’s lifespan at the centre of active welfare has profound implications. The same norm justifies the emergence of both social norms and, in everyday language, new categories of recognition and certification.
With all its ambiguities, the issue of the individual’s right to learn is shifting active welfare away from a “workfare” and towards a “learnfare” perspective. While the former does not deal with the contradiction of the growing temporariness of work, the latter ensures effective access on the individual’s part to learning opportunities, which are consistent with either the needs of the economy or his/her personal life projects. As a matter of fact, learnfare is not currently available even in those countries where there is major legislation on the matter. To take learnfare as a framework for social politics means interpreting the space opened by the Lisbon strategy and more recently by the EU2020 strategy not in a submissive manner but with an orientation towards its own direction of development. Here the point is – as Amartya Sen underlines – to go beyond the human capital definition, after having recognised its relevance. A so-called “welfare of capabilities” should therefore be established, and should be considered more than just a welfare of competencies, being connected with the collective and individual opportunities to act on one’s own right to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of How develop intercultural curriculum in learning process. Some issues and considerations

English In both education in general and learning processes in particular, there is an increasing... more English In both education in general and learning processes in particular, there is an increasing recognition of the need to develop students' intercultural competence. The development of this competence poses a range of theoretical and practical challenges. In this article, it is emphasize the need of developing an intercultural curriculum, considering and discussing steps and dimensions of curriculum. It's introduced an example of description of languages learning within an intercultural orientation and a model for understanding assessment. Consequently, it is introduced and discussed the construct, towards a conceptualisation. Following, it is considered the issues in eliciting intercultural competence in a proposed framework that includes assessment as both performance. The framework is composed by four interrelated processes Conceptualising (What to assess); Eliciting (How to elicit); Judging (How to judge) and Validating (How to justify). In the end, it's emphasized the challenge put by the need of not just looking for easy ways to assess but to expand the repertoire of learning to accommodate a more complex view of processes learning that includes the development of intercultural competence. Italian Sia nell'educazione in general che nei processi di apprendimento in particolare, vi è un crescente riconoscimento della necessità di sviluppare negli studenti la competenza interculturale. Lo sviluppo di una tale competenza pone le basi di una serie di sfide sia teoriche sia pratiche. In questo articolo si sottolinea la necessità di sviluppare un curriculum interculturale, considerando e discutendo gli steps e dimensioni necessari per tale obiettivo. Viene quindi introdotto un esempio di descrizione dell'apprendimento delle lingue con un'orientamento interculturale, nonché le modalità per capire la valutazione come parte finale del processo di implementazione di un siffatto curriculum. Successivamente, si discuttono i costrutti relativi alla costruzione di un curriculum interculturale, puntando alla concettualizzazione. Infine, vengono considerati i fattori coinvolti nella formazione della competenza interculturale, proponendo quindi un framework che includa la valutazione e performance come parti componenti essenziali di un curriculum interculturale, che mira soprattutto ad una formazione per competenze con un focus interculturale. Tale framework si compone di quattro processi interrelati: concettualizzazione (come valutare la competenza interculturale attraverso la descrizione della stessa); Stimolo (come stimolare, considerando le dimensioni prima generate, lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale); Giudizio (come giudicare lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale) e validazione (come validare la competenza interculturale acquisita in diversi contesti sociali di appren dimento)

Research paper thumbnail of UM Curriculum Internazionale (2).docx

AREAS OF EXPERTISE Competences empowerment, curriculum research, philosophy of education and tra... more AREAS OF EXPERTISE
Competences empowerment, curriculum research, philosophy of education and training, educational policies to learnfare perspective and program evaluation.

Chair on General Pedagogy and Sciences of Education , Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice , Italy, from 1974
Master of Philosohy, “Aldo Moro “ University, Bari, Italy, 1968

EMPLOYMENT (Positions held and description of duties)
October 1974 to Present
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Professor: April 1986 to Present
Associate Professor: October 1976 to October 1985
Assistant Professor: September 1971 to October 1976
Responsibilities include pursuing scholarly research, teaching graduate and post-graduate level courses, advising students, participating in curriculum development, and providing services to the School, University, profession, and community

Research paper thumbnail of POIEIN. La pedagogia e le scienze della formazione

Con quali strumenti e con quali concetti possiamo, oggi, pensare e studiare le categorie generali... more Con quali strumenti e con quali concetti possiamo, oggi, pensare e studiare le categorie generali delle scienze dell’educazione e della formazione? Come estrarre, dal disordine, gli elementi interpretativi atti a ricostruire una tensione formativa che miri a trovare nuovi equilibri euristici e teorici? Il testo parte dall’idea che sia urgente un chiarimento, non solo fondazionale, ma genetico-genealogico, dei tratti che rendono possibile il riconoscimento della specificità del discorso pedagogico contemporaneo; per contribuire ad una ripresa di quel vigore e di quella capacità di farsi intendere che la pedagogia aveva conosciuto e che pare oggi indebolito e disperso in una miriade di pratiche spesso tra loro divergenti. Si tratta, altresì, di elaborare una nuova cultura formativa che esprima il frutto dell’impegno di tutte le scienze della formazione. Nelle regioni della ricerca formativa, nuove pratiche partecipative e discorsive sembrano proporsi, in forma paradigmatica, come pont...

Research paper thumbnail of Dalla diaspora all’integrazione: nuovi paradigmi per la formazione

Il contesto internazionale sta mutando profondamente, e con esso il modo in cui la formazione può... more Il contesto internazionale sta mutando profondamente, e con esso il modo in cui la formazione può contribuire allo sviluppo economico e sociale dei Paesi europei. Per le istituzioni, le università, gli insegnanti, i cittadini, emerge sempre più forte la necessità di ripensare il paradigma educativo, in modo da armonizzarlo con la natura dinamica e complessa dell'attuale società della conoscenza. Il volume presenta la prospettiva sistematica di alcuni dei maggiori pedagogisti italiani sui cambiamenti, in atto e all'orizzonte, del sistema formativo europeo: dalle nuove realtà sorte in seguito alla crisi del welfare state - segnate dal lifelong learning e dall'interazione tra la formazione formale e quella informale - ai percorsi diretti verso un learnfare efficace ed equo, che renda universale, oltreché centrale e permanente, l'accesso alle conoscenze e il loro apprendimento.

Research paper thumbnail of An Item Banking Service: Pre-Project for a National System of Evaluation Tools

Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-Assessment, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of European Teacher Education: a fractal perspective tackling complexity

European Educational Research Journal, 2010

This article takes stock of the complex scenario of the European education space in its past, pre... more This article takes stock of the complex scenario of the European education space in its past, present and future developments, which highlights the priorities of the modernisation, improvement and convergence of the goals for education and training systems in the knowledge and learning society. The critical case of teacher education is then analysed within the European Higher Education Area, with its characteristic display of national and cultural features and constraints, often jostling with European recommendations about the competences and preparation of quality European teachers. This results in changes and reforms at a diverse pace, or even with contradictory trends, in different national contexts. An approach for tackling some of these issues has been devised by the European project EMETT (European Master for European Teacher Training), involving an academic network of eight universities within its Lifelong Learning Programme. The outcomes and reflections of this project work are thus reported, concerning the development and implementation of a European teacher education curriculum for a joint Master's degree. The key European priorities of mobility and intercultural, multilingual competences in teacher education have been taken into account within the framework of an integrated, flexible curriculum that can best be described by a fractal metaphor dealing with complexity from an ecological perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of O FENÔMENO DO ABANDONO ESCOLAR NA EUROPA DO NOVO MILÊNIO: Dados, políticas, intervenções e perspectivas

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformare la relazione educativa: passi per la costruzione della società dell’apprendimento permanente

Formazione Insegnamento Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Dell Educazione E Della Formazione, Dec 11, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship education based on the Change Laboratory

The International Journal of Management Education, 2014

This paper presents the results of a new model for entrepreneurship education in vocational educa... more This paper presents the results of a new model for entrepreneurship education in vocational education with students undertaking work experience. It surveys the contemporary theories of adult learning applied to entrepreneurship education, and then presents the theory of expansive learning within a Cultural Historical Activity Theory framework. The Change Laboratory, a kind of formative intervention developed within this framework and aiming to trigger expansive learning, seeks to redefine work practises through participation and dialectics among the stakeholders within the organization or at the boundaries of intersecting organizations. This model is applied to entrepreneurship education. In Italy and Australia small groups of vocational students undertaking long periods of work experience took part in Change Laboratory workshops. During the workshops the students, together with the researcher, their work tutors and teachers discussed the problems students were having at the boundary between school and work. They found shared solutions and put them into practice. In this process the students displayed entrepreneurial behaviour. The article analyzes the triggering events and the banners made during the workshops by the students in Italy and Australia as proof of expansive learning, as well reflective and transformative learning processes at the boundary.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermenéutica y lógica de la formación

Cultura Hermeneutica Y Educacion 2008 Isbn 978 84 935937 4 2 Pags 23 43, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Università e alta formazione

For Rivista Per La Formazione, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Formação de Tutor on-line (TOL): implantação e desenvolvimento de curso on-line para formação de tutores de países da União Européia e América Latina

Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tu... more Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tutores projetado em parceria entre UnisulVirtual (Unisul/Brasil) e UniVirtual (Ca'Foscari de Veneza/Itália). O Curso foi oferecido em duas etapas e distintas Plataformas: 1ª etapa: Plataforma UnisulVirtual e 2ª etapa: plataforma Moodle em ambiente projetado para a realização do curso. O objetivo do curso foi o

Research paper thumbnail of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for quality higher education

The role of Higher Education (HE), remained unaltered for hundreds of years, is today deeply cont... more The role of Higher Education (HE), remained unaltered for hundreds of years, is today deeply contested. In fact the institutional model of HE is not sustainable anymore, both from the point of view of efficiency (organization and expenditures for the institutions and students) and effectiveness (students' drop-out and studies procrastination, employability of graduates). There is agreement in recent studies in North America (Sheets, Crawford, & Soares, 2012) (Brown, Calkins, & Siemens, 2012) and Europe (EURYDICE, 2012) (European Commission: 2006, 2011a, 2011b; McAleese et al., 2013) about the drivers of the necessary change. It is universally recognized that universities are key players for the future and for the successful transition to a knowledge-based economy and society but also that this crucial sector of the economy and of the society needs in-depth restructuring and modernization. This is particularly felt in Europe, a regional context that struggles today to keep up wit...

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural Values influencing Teaching and Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Formação de Tutor on-line (TOL): implantação e desenvolvimento de curso on-line para formação de tutores de países da União Européia e América Latina

Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tu... more Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tutores projetado em parceria entre UnisulVirtual (Unisul/Brasil) e UniVirtual (Ca'Foscari de Veneza/Itália). O Curso foi oferecido em duas etapas e distintas Plataformas: 1ª etapa: Plataforma UnisulVirtual e 2ª etapa: plataforma Moodle em ambiente projetado para a realização do curso. O objetivo do curso foi o

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical and E-Learning Terms

Constructivism's central idea is that human knowledge is constru... more Constructivism's central idea is that human knowledge is constructed, that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning. This view of learning sharply contrasts with one in which learning is the passive transmission of information from one ...

Research paper thumbnail of Coniugarsi crescendo1.docx

Accountability è termine inglese che si può tradurre in lingua italiana con "rendicontazione" o c... more Accountability è termine inglese che si può tradurre in lingua italiana con "rendicontazione" o con "responsabilità rispetto agli esiti". Nell'accezione più generale, essa indica l'obbligo di render conto a chi vi è interessato (stakeholders) dei risultati della propria azione in un certo ambito. Alle sue origini una visione liberistica dell'educazione che, a partire dalle critiche crescenti al Welfare State ispirò la riforma della scuola inglese, introdotta nel 1988 dal governo conservatore di Margaret Tatcher la quale varò l'Education Reform Act. In tale sistema, ai risultati scadenti conseguiti nei test nazionali la scuola interessata deve produrre un piano di miglioramento per superare le carenze individuate. Qualora, nell'arco di un certo periodo, non si abbiano progressi nei risultati, la scuola viene dichiarata inadeguata e chiusa o rifondata, previo il licenziamento di tutto il personale La richiesta di dimostrarsi accountable, per ogni comunità scolastica, si è diffusa in tutti i Paesi occidentali, e consiste nello stimolare il passaggio da una gestione di tipo burocratico ad una gestione guidata da una analisi attenta costi-benefici, fondata su una governance tecnocraticomoderata delle istituzioni scolastiche. Con il termine "accountability" si viene così ad indicare, nel mondo della scuola, l'insieme delle tecniche con cui possono esser misurati, giudicati ma anche valorizzati i risultati effettivamente conseguiti dalle singole autonomie scolastiche e, su questa base, attribuire loro responsabilità di merito, impegnandole in un costante miglioramento complessivo degli ambienti, delle pratiche didattiche, della gestione delle risorse umane e dei bilanci. Linee politiche di questo tipo si fondano sulla razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica e sul paradigma del capitale umano che prevede che gli investimenti realizzati in termini di istruzione vengano successivamente ricompensati e reintegrati attraverso l'incremento del Pil generato nel Paese, nonché dai livelli occupazionali e retributivi dei destinatari 1 . L'obiettivo è quello di inserire anche il sistema scolastico in un circuito autoalimentante di razionalizzazione economica della

Research paper thumbnail of Recherches en Education

Qualité ou fonction au sein de cette institution : Professeur d'Université Titre en anglais : The... more Qualité ou fonction au sein de cette institution : Professeur d'Université Titre en anglais : The Teacher professionality : professional training and talent's formation Résumé en anglais The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong façon in the problem of links between teacher training and educational research. For us the monster crucial question is that a new compass is essential. The latter cannot be made up only by one theory of the intelligence in formation. If one wants to make flexible, economic and expert the formative offer, and to support the personalization of learning, the processes and the products of training, then it is necessary, from a point of view of education, to ensure the formation and the development of the talents. That gives effectiveness of the teachers. By consequence the professionality of the teacher, or its teaching action and not only didactic, is in any point similar (in term of risks, oblativity, aspect determining of its acts) to that of a doctor. Like the doctor of the life, the teacher is responsible for the spirit of his pupils; if the diagnosis is a strategic act for the doctor, in term of intervention and treatment, it is it also for teaching under educational diagnosis

[Research paper thumbnail of Formation professionelle des enseignants e fornation des talentsdef[2].rtf](

The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong faç... more The masterization process of initial teacher training, in Italy and in France, settles strong façon in the problem of links between teacher training and educational research. For us the monster crucial question is that a new compass is essential. The latter cannot be made up only by one theory of the intelligence in formation. If one wants to make flexible, economic and expert the formative offer, and to support the personalization of learning, the processes and the products of training, then it is necessary, from a point of view of education, to ensure the formation and the development of the talents. That gives effectiveness of the teachers. By consequence the professionality of the teacher, or its teaching action and not only didactic, is in any point similar (in term of risks, oblativity, aspect determining of its acts) to that of a doctor. Like the doctor of the life, the teacher is responsible for the spirit of his pupils; if the diagnosis is a strategic act for the doctor, in term of intervention and treatment, it is it also for teaching under educational diagnosis

Research paper thumbnail of Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences: building the Lifelong Learning Society

To place the right/need to learn during one’s lifespan at the centre of active welfare has profou... more To place the right/need to learn during one’s lifespan at the centre of active welfare has profound implications. The same norm justifies the emergence of both social norms and, in everyday language, new categories of recognition and certification.
With all its ambiguities, the issue of the individual’s right to learn is shifting active welfare away from a “workfare” and towards a “learnfare” perspective. While the former does not deal with the contradiction of the growing temporariness of work, the latter ensures effective access on the individual’s part to learning opportunities, which are consistent with either the needs of the economy or his/her personal life projects. As a matter of fact, learnfare is not currently available even in those countries where there is major legislation on the matter. To take learnfare as a framework for social politics means interpreting the space opened by the Lisbon strategy and more recently by the EU2020 strategy not in a submissive manner but with an orientation towards its own direction of development. Here the point is – as Amartya Sen underlines – to go beyond the human capital definition, after having recognised its relevance. A so-called “welfare of capabilities” should therefore be established, and should be considered more than just a welfare of competencies, being connected with the collective and individual opportunities to act on one’s own right to learn.

Research paper thumbnail of How develop intercultural curriculum in learning process. Some issues and considerations

English In both education in general and learning processes in particular, there is an increasing... more English In both education in general and learning processes in particular, there is an increasing recognition of the need to develop students' intercultural competence. The development of this competence poses a range of theoretical and practical challenges. In this article, it is emphasize the need of developing an intercultural curriculum, considering and discussing steps and dimensions of curriculum. It's introduced an example of description of languages learning within an intercultural orientation and a model for understanding assessment. Consequently, it is introduced and discussed the construct, towards a conceptualisation. Following, it is considered the issues in eliciting intercultural competence in a proposed framework that includes assessment as both performance. The framework is composed by four interrelated processes Conceptualising (What to assess); Eliciting (How to elicit); Judging (How to judge) and Validating (How to justify). In the end, it's emphasized the challenge put by the need of not just looking for easy ways to assess but to expand the repertoire of learning to accommodate a more complex view of processes learning that includes the development of intercultural competence. Italian Sia nell'educazione in general che nei processi di apprendimento in particolare, vi è un crescente riconoscimento della necessità di sviluppare negli studenti la competenza interculturale. Lo sviluppo di una tale competenza pone le basi di una serie di sfide sia teoriche sia pratiche. In questo articolo si sottolinea la necessità di sviluppare un curriculum interculturale, considerando e discutendo gli steps e dimensioni necessari per tale obiettivo. Viene quindi introdotto un esempio di descrizione dell'apprendimento delle lingue con un'orientamento interculturale, nonché le modalità per capire la valutazione come parte finale del processo di implementazione di un siffatto curriculum. Successivamente, si discuttono i costrutti relativi alla costruzione di un curriculum interculturale, puntando alla concettualizzazione. Infine, vengono considerati i fattori coinvolti nella formazione della competenza interculturale, proponendo quindi un framework che includa la valutazione e performance come parti componenti essenziali di un curriculum interculturale, che mira soprattutto ad una formazione per competenze con un focus interculturale. Tale framework si compone di quattro processi interrelati: concettualizzazione (come valutare la competenza interculturale attraverso la descrizione della stessa); Stimolo (come stimolare, considerando le dimensioni prima generate, lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale); Giudizio (come giudicare lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale) e validazione (come validare la competenza interculturale acquisita in diversi contesti sociali di appren dimento)

Research paper thumbnail of UM Curriculum Internazionale (2).docx

AREAS OF EXPERTISE Competences empowerment, curriculum research, philosophy of education and tra... more AREAS OF EXPERTISE
Competences empowerment, curriculum research, philosophy of education and training, educational policies to learnfare perspective and program evaluation.

Chair on General Pedagogy and Sciences of Education , Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice , Italy, from 1974
Master of Philosohy, “Aldo Moro “ University, Bari, Italy, 1968

EMPLOYMENT (Positions held and description of duties)
October 1974 to Present
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Professor: April 1986 to Present
Associate Professor: October 1976 to October 1985
Assistant Professor: September 1971 to October 1976
Responsibilities include pursuing scholarly research, teaching graduate and post-graduate level courses, advising students, participating in curriculum development, and providing services to the School, University, profession, and community

Research paper thumbnail of POIEIN. La pedagogia e le scienze della formazione

Con quali strumenti e con quali concetti possiamo, oggi, pensare e studiare le categorie generali... more Con quali strumenti e con quali concetti possiamo, oggi, pensare e studiare le categorie generali delle scienze dell’educazione e della formazione? Come estrarre, dal disordine, gli elementi interpretativi atti a ricostruire una tensione formativa che miri a trovare nuovi equilibri euristici e teorici? Il testo parte dall’idea che sia urgente un chiarimento, non solo fondazionale, ma genetico-genealogico, dei tratti che rendono possibile il riconoscimento della specificità del discorso pedagogico contemporaneo; per contribuire ad una ripresa di quel vigore e di quella capacità di farsi intendere che la pedagogia aveva conosciuto e che pare oggi indebolito e disperso in una miriade di pratiche spesso tra loro divergenti. Si tratta, altresì, di elaborare una nuova cultura formativa che esprima il frutto dell’impegno di tutte le scienze della formazione. Nelle regioni della ricerca formativa, nuove pratiche partecipative e discorsive sembrano proporsi, in forma paradigmatica, come pont...

Research paper thumbnail of Dalla diaspora all’integrazione: nuovi paradigmi per la formazione

Il contesto internazionale sta mutando profondamente, e con esso il modo in cui la formazione può... more Il contesto internazionale sta mutando profondamente, e con esso il modo in cui la formazione può contribuire allo sviluppo economico e sociale dei Paesi europei. Per le istituzioni, le università, gli insegnanti, i cittadini, emerge sempre più forte la necessità di ripensare il paradigma educativo, in modo da armonizzarlo con la natura dinamica e complessa dell'attuale società della conoscenza. Il volume presenta la prospettiva sistematica di alcuni dei maggiori pedagogisti italiani sui cambiamenti, in atto e all'orizzonte, del sistema formativo europeo: dalle nuove realtà sorte in seguito alla crisi del welfare state - segnate dal lifelong learning e dall'interazione tra la formazione formale e quella informale - ai percorsi diretti verso un learnfare efficace ed equo, che renda universale, oltreché centrale e permanente, l'accesso alle conoscenze e il loro apprendimento.

Research paper thumbnail of An Item Banking Service: Pre-Project for a National System of Evaluation Tools

Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-Assessment, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of European Teacher Education: a fractal perspective tackling complexity

European Educational Research Journal, 2010

This article takes stock of the complex scenario of the European education space in its past, pre... more This article takes stock of the complex scenario of the European education space in its past, present and future developments, which highlights the priorities of the modernisation, improvement and convergence of the goals for education and training systems in the knowledge and learning society. The critical case of teacher education is then analysed within the European Higher Education Area, with its characteristic display of national and cultural features and constraints, often jostling with European recommendations about the competences and preparation of quality European teachers. This results in changes and reforms at a diverse pace, or even with contradictory trends, in different national contexts. An approach for tackling some of these issues has been devised by the European project EMETT (European Master for European Teacher Training), involving an academic network of eight universities within its Lifelong Learning Programme. The outcomes and reflections of this project work are thus reported, concerning the development and implementation of a European teacher education curriculum for a joint Master's degree. The key European priorities of mobility and intercultural, multilingual competences in teacher education have been taken into account within the framework of an integrated, flexible curriculum that can best be described by a fractal metaphor dealing with complexity from an ecological perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of O FENÔMENO DO ABANDONO ESCOLAR NA EUROPA DO NOVO MILÊNIO: Dados, políticas, intervenções e perspectivas

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformare la relazione educativa: passi per la costruzione della società dell’apprendimento permanente

Formazione Insegnamento Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Dell Educazione E Della Formazione, Dec 11, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship education based on the Change Laboratory

The International Journal of Management Education, 2014

This paper presents the results of a new model for entrepreneurship education in vocational educa... more This paper presents the results of a new model for entrepreneurship education in vocational education with students undertaking work experience. It surveys the contemporary theories of adult learning applied to entrepreneurship education, and then presents the theory of expansive learning within a Cultural Historical Activity Theory framework. The Change Laboratory, a kind of formative intervention developed within this framework and aiming to trigger expansive learning, seeks to redefine work practises through participation and dialectics among the stakeholders within the organization or at the boundaries of intersecting organizations. This model is applied to entrepreneurship education. In Italy and Australia small groups of vocational students undertaking long periods of work experience took part in Change Laboratory workshops. During the workshops the students, together with the researcher, their work tutors and teachers discussed the problems students were having at the boundary between school and work. They found shared solutions and put them into practice. In this process the students displayed entrepreneurial behaviour. The article analyzes the triggering events and the banners made during the workshops by the students in Italy and Australia as proof of expansive learning, as well reflective and transformative learning processes at the boundary.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermenéutica y lógica de la formación

Cultura Hermeneutica Y Educacion 2008 Isbn 978 84 935937 4 2 Pags 23 43, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Università e alta formazione

For Rivista Per La Formazione, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Formação de Tutor on-line (TOL): implantação e desenvolvimento de curso on-line para formação de tutores de países da União Européia e América Latina

Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tu... more Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tutores projetado em parceria entre UnisulVirtual (Unisul/Brasil) e UniVirtual (Ca'Foscari de Veneza/Itália). O Curso foi oferecido em duas etapas e distintas Plataformas: 1ª etapa: Plataforma UnisulVirtual e 2ª etapa: plataforma Moodle em ambiente projetado para a realização do curso. O objetivo do curso foi o

Research paper thumbnail of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for quality higher education

The role of Higher Education (HE), remained unaltered for hundreds of years, is today deeply cont... more The role of Higher Education (HE), remained unaltered for hundreds of years, is today deeply contested. In fact the institutional model of HE is not sustainable anymore, both from the point of view of efficiency (organization and expenditures for the institutions and students) and effectiveness (students' drop-out and studies procrastination, employability of graduates). There is agreement in recent studies in North America (Sheets, Crawford, & Soares, 2012) (Brown, Calkins, & Siemens, 2012) and Europe (EURYDICE, 2012) (European Commission: 2006, 2011a, 2011b; McAleese et al., 2013) about the drivers of the necessary change. It is universally recognized that universities are key players for the future and for the successful transition to a knowledge-based economy and society but also that this crucial sector of the economy and of the society needs in-depth restructuring and modernization. This is particularly felt in Europe, a regional context that struggles today to keep up wit...

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural Values influencing Teaching and Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Formação de Tutor on-line (TOL): implantação e desenvolvimento de curso on-line para formação de tutores de países da União Européia e América Latina

Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tu... more Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar o desenvolvimento de um curso on-line de formação de tutores projetado em parceria entre UnisulVirtual (Unisul/Brasil) e UniVirtual (Ca'Foscari de Veneza/Itália). O Curso foi oferecido em duas etapas e distintas Plataformas: 1ª etapa: Plataforma UnisulVirtual e 2ª etapa: plataforma Moodle em ambiente projetado para a realização do curso. O objetivo do curso foi o

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical and E-Learning Terms

Constructivism's central idea is that human knowledge is constru... more Constructivism's central idea is that human knowledge is constructed, that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning. This view of learning sharply contrasts with one in which learning is the passive transmission of information from one ...