Manuel A Capella P | University of Guayaquil (original) (raw)

Papers by Manuel A Capella P

Research paper thumbnail of Salud Mental Colectiva y Determinación Social: Posibilidades Paradigmáticas

Quaderns de Psicologia

En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de sal... more En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de salud mental colectiva. Lo hago tomando distancia de miradas positivistas, funcionalistas, biomédicas e individualistas, y subrayando el rol fundamental de procesos de determinación social comprendidos de forma crítica, intercultural y transdisciplinaria. El procedimiento supuso una revisión exploratoria de fuentes tituladas “salud mental colectiva” (2016-2021) y la inclusión de publicaciones clave adicionales. Los resultados señalan la importancia de teorizar la salud mental de forma compleja y dialéctica, contextualizar ecológicamente los sufrimientos, accionar estrategias de bienestar y procurar reflexividad permanente en torno a la interculturalidad y las relaciones de poder. Las posibilidades exploradas resaltan el aporte esencial de la epidemiología crítica latinoamericana, en diálogo constante con otros valiosos saberes. Desde dicha construcción dialógica, un paradigma de salud menta...

Research paper thumbnail of Salud Mental Colectiva y Determinación Social: Posibilidades Paradigmáticas

Quaderns de Psicologia, 2023

En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de sal... more En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de salud mental colectiva. Lo hago tomando distancia de miradas positivistas, funcionalistas, biomédicas e individualistas, y subrayando el rol fundamental de procesos de determinación social comprendidos de forma crítica, intercultural y transdisciplinaria. El procedimiento supuso una revisión exploratoria de fuentes tituladas “salud mental colectiva” (2016-2021) y la inclusión de publicaciones clave adicionales. Los resultados señalan la importancia de teorizar la salud mental de forma compleja y dialéctica, contextualizar ecológicamente los sufrimientos, accionar estrategias de bienestar y procurar reflexividad permanente en torno a la interculturalidad y las relaciones de poder. Las posibilidades exploradas resaltan el aporte esencial de la epidemiología crítica latinoamericana, en diálogo constante con otros valiosos saberes. Desde dicha construcción dialógica, un paradigma de salud mental colectiva emerge como una potente alternativa para abordar sufrimientos mentales en el contexto de sistemas sociales que nos enferman.

[Research paper thumbnail of “No creen en los psicólogos”: la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil [“They don´t believe in psychologists”: the construction of psychology from everyday life in Guayaquil]](

Revista de Antropologia , 2023

En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaq... more En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil, Ecuador, a partir de una etnografía crítica multisituada. Los resultados incluyen interpretaciones en torno a bienestares, malestares y alternativas terapéuticas, así como observaciones que dan cuenta de la tensión entre psicologización y resistencia cultural, la representación de psicólogas y psicólogos como portadores de un rol cargado de experticia y moralidad, y determinadas expectativas populares con respecto al trabajo psicológico. Aunque parciales, los análisis aportan a debates en curso respecto a procesos de psicologización; y subrayan la importancia de profundizar una formación intercultural en contextos urbanos heterogéneos e inequitativos, con configuraciones complejas que amalgaman bienestares, sufrimientos
sociales y malestares cotidianos.

In this article I analyze the construction of psychology as derived from the everyday life of the people in Guayaquil, Ecuador, through a multi-sited critical ethnography. Results include interpretations around well-being, distress and therapeutic alternatives; as well as observations that account for the tension between psychologization and cultural resistance, the representation of psychologist´s professional role as being charged with expertise and morality, and certain popular expectations regarding the conditions and results of psychological work. Albeit partial, these analyzes contribute to ongoing debates regarding processes of psychologization; and underline the importance of deepening the interculturality of training in heterogeneous and unequal urban contexts, which have complex configurations that amalgamate well-being, social
suffering and everyday distress.

[Research paper thumbnail of “No creen en los psicólogos”: la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil ["They don´t believe in psychologists": the construction of psychology from everyday life in Guayaquil] En prensa / in press](

Revista de Antropologia , 2023

En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaq... more En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil, Ecuador, a partir de una etnografía crítica multi-situada. Los resultados incluyen interpretaciones en torno a bienestares, malestares y alternativas terapéuticas, así como observaciones que dan cuenta de la tensión entre psicologización y resistencia cultural, la representación de psicólogas y psicólogos como portadores de un rol cargado de experticia y moralidad, y determinadas expectativas populares con respecto al trabajo psicológico. Aunque parciales, los análisis aportan a debates en curso respecto a procesos de psicologización; y subrayan la importancia de profundizar una formación intercultural en contextos urbanos heterogéneos e inequitativos, con configuraciones complejas que amalgaman bienestares, sufrimientos sociales y malestares cotidianos.

In this article I analyze the construction of psychology as derived from the everyday life of the people in Guayaquil, Ecuador, through a multi-sited critical ethnography. Results include interpretations around well-being, distress and therapeutic alternatives; as well as observations that account for the tension between psychologization and cultural resistance, the representation of psychologist´s professional role as being charged with expertise and morality, and certain popular expectations regarding the conditions and results of psychological work. Albeit partial, these analyzes contribute to ongoing debates regarding processes of psychologization; and underline the importance of deepening an intercultural approach in heterogeneous and unequal urban contexts, which have complex configurations that amalgamate well-being, social suffering and everyday distress.

Research paper thumbnail of Acciones colectivas frente al Covid-19 en Latinoamérica: Una exploración desde la psicología comunitaria crítica

Revista digital internacional de psicología y ciencia social, 2022

Comprender las acciones colectivas en la actual coyuntura del Covid-19 es fundamental para quiene... more Comprender las acciones colectivas en la actual coyuntura del Covid-19 es fundamental para quienes efectúan investigación e intervención en el campo de la Psicología y otras ciencias sociales. Desde la perspectiva de la Psicología comunitaria crítica, la presente revisión exploratoria de literatura identifica acciones colectivas hechas en Latinoamérica durante 2020, para atender las necesidades de varias comunidades. Se identificaron acciones diversas, aunque documentadas en publicaciones que no están explícitamente posicionadas desde la referida perspectiva de Psicología comunitaria. En dichas acciones registradas se priorizó un asistencialismo de emergencia, sobre todo en torno a la salud y la alimentación de grupos vulnerables. Acciones de participación política y transformación social explícita parecen haber sido menos frecuentes. Los autores discuten el rol clave que tendría el estudio de las acciones colectivas para precautelar la supervivencia y el bienestar humano, en contraste con perspectivas que podrían tender a psicologizar y patologizar a las comunidades afectadas por la coyuntura pandémica y por la inequidad estructural. La tecnología digital tuvo un rol importante en algunas acciones, mientras otras sugieren el potencial estratégico de determinados colectivos, como las mujeres y los jóvenes. Se destaca la importancia analítica de abordar las acciones colectivas trascendiendo nociones conductuales mecanicistas, considerando de modo intercultural la pluralidad de significados en contextos concretos, desde una mirada de interseccionalidad, e incorporando categorías clave como acción, agencia-estructura, ideología, poder, y participación comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Epidemiology and the People's Health J. Breilh Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021. ISBN 9780190492786 (hardback)/ISBN 9780190492809 (epub)

World Medical & Health Policy

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Adaptación o resistencia? Una aproximación a la subjetividad de estudiantes de psicología ecuatorianos en un contexto de protesta social

Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia

En Latinoamérica se registraron varias movilizaciones antineoliberales durante el 2019, siendo Ec... more En Latinoamérica se registraron varias movilizaciones antineoliberales durante el 2019, siendo Ecuador uno de los países donde tuvieron lugar. Desde la mirada de la psicología crítica, el presente artículo de investigación explora discursivamente algunas actitudes de un grupo de estudiantes de psicología ante las protestas en dicho país. Estas se definieron según la comprensión de su identidad profesional, en el marco de procesos de resistencia-adaptación y de sujeción- subjetivación. Se interpretaron, mediante un análisis crítico del discurso, las diversas actitudes de los participantes ante los eventos del paro nacional. Se concluyó que existen divergencias entre perspectivas respecto al rol del psicólogo, teniendo por un lado la visión de un psicólogo “imparcial”, construida a partir de la normatividad paradigmática positivista y, por otro, aquella de estudiantes que se perciben como socialmente comprometidos, influenciados por un acercamiento más emocional a su realidad. Se inte...

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming psychologists in Ecuador: a critical ethnography of trainees´ professional identity

Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London)., Oct 28, 2019

This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities du... more This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities during their training in a State-funded Ecuadorian University, approached from the perspective of Critical Psychology. Considering the field´s theoretical bias, critical psychologists have called for qualitative data that contribute to ongoing discussions. Responsive to such call, this thesis asked the question: “How do psychologists in contemporary Ecuador construct their professional identity?” The author conducted a twelve-month critical ethnography, focusing on a particular training facility as a strategic site; from there, the inquiry extended to so-called “vulnerable” and “marginal” places, where trainees performed their preprofesional and professional roles. Findings highlight how the negotiation of professional identity is a “messy”, subject-dependent and context-dependent process shaped by power. Trainees dwelled between the coloniality of hegemonic psychology, and a – mostly veiled - cultural resistance to it. They embodied a “dual belonging”, being members of “professional” and “popular” worlds simultaneously. Trainees learned a “help-as-war” metaphor: utilising foreign theories and methods to help allegedly ignorant and in-deficit subjects, even if this implied disrespecting their culture and needs. To unpack the local professional – popular interactions which shape – and are shaped by - professional identity, the author suggests the working category of “liminal exchanges”, which integrates classic Freirean conceptualisations with relevant anthropological insights regarding gift giving. Findings stress the need to construct a more critical psychology training, one which acknowledges the “messiness” of professional identity and responds more congruently to the culture and needs of the people. This would require in-group and intergroup processes of conscientización; reinforcing our commitment with social justice while avoiding unfruitful purism; accepting enabling contradictions; and articulating the fight for structural transformations with small-scale performative changes. The ethnographic evidence presented in the thesis has significant implications for ongoing debates within Critical Psychology and related fields, at a local and global scale.

Research paper thumbnail of The Initial Mental Health Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Across Some Ecuadorian Provinces

Investigatio, 2020

Resumen El 11 de marzo, Ecuador declaró estado de emergencia por la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto co... more Resumen El 11 de marzo, Ecuador declaró estado de emergencia por la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto condujo a medidas públicas sin precedentes para combatir la propagación de Covid-19, incluido el aislamiento físico. Como el evento es reciente, existe una investigación limitada sobre el impacto psicológico para el público en general durante el pico de la epidemia. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer la prevalencia de los síntomas informados de estrés, ansiedad y depresión, e identificar los factores de riesgo que contribuyen a la angustia psicológica en la población de algunas provincias de Ecuador en relación con la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto se realizó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta que incluye variables sociodemográficas y la prueba de escala DASS-21 a 789 personas. Los resultados indican que un número preocupante de personas informó niveles severos o extremadamente severos de depresión (10.3%), ansiedad (19.4%) y estrés (13.5%).

Research paper thumbnail of Sen, A. (2006). "Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny

Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Hacia una psicología ecuatoriana: una argumentación intergeneracional sobre la importancia de la cultura y la glocalidad en la investigación

La psicologia en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importaci... more La psicologia en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importacion de conocimiento extranjero. Ante esta realidad historica, algunos autores han propuesto avanzar hacia una psicologia que sea verdaderamente ecuatoriana . El presente articulo parte de esta convocatoria, y argumenta que para acercarnos a dicha empresa hay dos nociones que deben tener una especial relevancia: la cultura y la glocalidad . Los autores – ambos psicologos ecuatorianos, aunque pertenecientes a diferentes generaciones - parten de una reconstruccion critica y reflexiva de los antecedentes historicos de la disciplina a nivel local, y advierten la escaza importancia que se ha dado tanto a la cultura, como a la integracion de saberes locales y globales. Luego de hacer un llamado a transformar esta realidad, se proponen algunas areas de estudio potencialmente relevantes para las investigadoras e investigadores ecuatorianos, asi como para aquellos de otras latitudes que vivan escen...

Research paper thumbnail of How coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists: ethnographic evidence from Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American ... more This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists. A critical ethnography was conducted at a psychology training institution in Ecuador, consisting of twelve months of participant observation; forty-one semi-structured interviews; and analysis of academic discourse, photos, videos and relevant social media content. The research was guided by the tradition of Critical Psychology-specifically Liberation Psychology-and Critical Discourse Analysis. Findings suggest the pervasiveness of coloniality in the making of Ecuadorian psychologists and, hypothetically, of others in Latin America and the wider Global South. Interpretations also highlight the non-essentialist, non-dichotomist, 'messy' nature of such processes, a consideration which may advance current ethical and analytical debates on decolonisation. Echoing ongoing critical arguments, authors suggest that a 'help-as-war' metaphor is a category with potential value to contribute to such advancement, an approach that has important theoretical and pragmatic implications for researchers and practitioners.

Research paper thumbnail of Co-constructing a decolonising praxis in academia through dialogues and pedagogical experiences between the UK and Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

As demanded by Argentinian cartoonist Quino's (2014) character Libertad (meaning freedom), the La... more As demanded by Argentinian cartoonist Quino's (2014) character Libertad (meaning freedom), the Latin American tradition of Liberation Psychology has explicitly called for a decolonising praxis since the 1970s. Such call has implications for training courses in psychology and other fields related to health and wellbeing, such as psychiatrists or social workers. However, there are various challenges in translating a decolonial rhetoric into concrete practice within the classroom, research and practice placements. This paper presents an account of experience and dialogues between two liberatory and critical community psychology educators in universities from the UK and Ecuador. Based on an international participatory roundtable on decolonisation and a pedagogical exchange between their students, the authors discuss the limitations and possibilities of engaging in a 'new praxis' that is both decolonial and liberatory.

Research paper thumbnail of History, violence and collective memory: Implications for mental health in Ecuador

Transcultural Psychiatry, 2019

National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and the ways that mental health pro... more National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and the ways that mental health professionals respond to them. In Ecuador, mental health literature addressing this crucial issue is scarce and little debated. In contrast, local psychiatrists and psychologists within the country face contemporary challenges that are deeply rooted in a violent colonial past and the perpetuation of its fundamental ethos. This paper critically reviews relevant literature on collective memory and historical trauma, and focuses on Ecuador as a case study on how to incorporate history into modern mental health challenges. The discussion poses key questions and outlines possible ways for Ecuador to address the link between history and mental health, including insights from countries that have struggled with their violent pasts. This paper contributes to ongoing international debate on the role of cultural history in mental health with implications for social scientists and practising clinicians...

Research paper thumbnail of The ethical–political dimension of social and community praxis: The case of Ecuador's early response to COVID‐19

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology

In Ecuador, the painful impact of the covid-19 pandemic elicited early responses by the governmen... more In Ecuador, the painful impact of the covid-19 pandemic elicited early responses by the government, and by local communities. This critical, positioned and exploratory case study analyses such responses, underscoring the fundamental ethical-political dimension of any academic and professional praxis aimed at the construction of healthier societies worldwide. While critical traditions are familiar with this stance, the inequalities and ideological mechanisms made visible by covid-19 responses may enable the wider community of researchers and practitioners to join ongoing collective ethical-political efforts. Findings from Ecuador underline the potentially harmful role of neoliberalism, and issues of democratic legitimacy; significant problems before and during the pandemic shock; and official discourses which blame communities for their own suffering and death. Neutrality and depoliticized notions of scientific evidence are notoriously insufficient in these scenarios. We need to engage more deeply with diverse forms of global and local community resistance, in times of covid-19, and beyond. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article's Community and Social Impact Statement

Research paper thumbnail of How coloniality shapes the making of Latin American Psychologists Ethnographic evidence from Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American ... more This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists. A critical ethnography was conducted at a psychology training institution in Ecuador, consisting of twelve months of participant observation; forty-one semi-structured interviews; and analysis of academic discourse, photos, videos and relevant social media content. The research was guided by the tradition of Critical Psychology –specifically Liberation Psychology– and Critical Discourse Analysis. Findings suggest the pervasiveness of coloniality in the making of Ecuadorian psychologists and, hypothetically, of others in Latin America and the wider Global South. Interpretations also highlight the non-essentialist, non-dichotomist, ‘messy’ nature of such processes, a consideration which may advance current ethical and analytical debates on decolonisation. Echoing ongoing critical arguments, authors suggest that a ‘help-as-war’ metaphor is a category with potential value to c...

Research paper thumbnail of History Violence and Collective Memory: Implications for Mental Health in Ecuador

National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and professional responses. In Ecua... more National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and professional responses. In Ecuador, mental health literature addressing this crucial issue is scarce and little debated. In contrast, local psychiatrists and psychologists within the country face contemporary challenges that are deeply rooted in a violent colonial past and the perpetuation of its fundamental ethos. This paper critically reviews relevant literature on collective memory and historical trauma, and focuses on Ecuador as a case study on how to incorporate history into modern mental health challenges. The discussion poses key questions and outlines possible ways for Ecuador to address the link between history and mental health, including insights from countries that have struggled with their violent pasts. This paper contributes to ongoing international debate on the role of cultural history in mental health with implications for social scientists and practising clinicians in former colonised nations.

[Research paper thumbnail of Hacia una psicología ecuatoriana: una argumentación intergeneracional sobre la importancia de la cultura y la glocalidad en la investigación [Towards an Ecuadorian psychology: An intergenerational argument about the importance of culture and glocality in research].](

In Ecuador, psychology is a relatively young discipline, built upon the importation of foreign k... more In Ecuador, psychology is a relatively young discipline, built upon the importation of foreign knowledge. After facing this historical fact, some authors have proposed to move towards a truly Ecuadorian psychology. This article responds to this call and argues that in order to approach such endeavour, there are two notions that should be of particular importance: culture and glocality. The authors - both Ecuadorian psychologists, although members of different generations – rely upon a critical and reflexive reconstruction of the local historical background of the discipline, in order to call attention on the scarce importance given to both culture, and the integration of local and global knowledge. After advocating for the transformation of this reality, they propose some areas of investigation that are potentially relevant for Ecuadorian researchers, as for those from other latitudes living in similar scenarios / La psicología en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importación de conocimiento extranjero. Ante esta realidad histórica, algunos autores han propuesto avanzar hacia una psicología que sea verdaderamente ecuatoriana. El presente artículo parte de esta convocatoria, y argumenta que para acercarnos a dicha empresa hay dos nociones que deben tener una especial relevancia: la cultura y la glocalidad. Los autores – ambos psicólogos ecuatorianos, aunque pertenecientes a diferentes generaciones - parten de una reconstrucción crítica y reflexiva de los antecedentes históricos de la disciplina a nivel local, y advierten la escaza importancia que se ha dado tanto a la cultura, como a la integración de saberes locales y globales. Luego de hacer un llamado a transformar esta realidad, se proponen algunas áreas de estudio potencialmente relevantes para las investigadoras e investigadores ecuatorianos, así como para aquellos de otras latitudes que vivan escenarios similares.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming psychologists in Ecuador: a critical ethnography of trainees´ professional identity (PhD Thesis)

UCL (University College London), 2019

This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities du... more This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities during their training in a State-funded Ecuadorian University, approached from the perspective of Critical Psychology. Considering the field´s theoretical bias, critical psychologists have called for qualitative data that contribute to ongoing discussions. Responsive to such call, this thesis asked the question: “How do psychologists in contemporary Ecuador construct their professional identity?” The author conducted a twelve-month critical ethnography, focusing on a particular training facility as a strategic site; from there, the inquiry extended to so-called “vulnerable” and “marginal” places, where trainees performed their preprofesional and professional roles. Findings highlight how the negotiation of professional identity is a “messy”, subject-dependent and context-dependent process shaped by power. Trainees dwelled between the coloniality of hegemonic psychology, and a – mostly veiled - cultural resistance to it. They embodied a “dual belonging”, being members of “professional” and “popular” worlds simultaneously. Trainees learned a “help-as-war” metaphor: utilising foreign theories and methods to help allegedly ignorant and in-deficit subjects, even if this implied disrespecting their culture and needs. To unpack the local professional – popular interactions which shape – and are shaped by - professional identity, the author suggests the working category of “liminal exchanges”, which integrates classic Freirean conceptualisations with relevant anthropological insights regarding gift giving. Findings stress the need to construct a more critical psychology training, one which acknowledges the “messiness” of professional identity and responds more congruently to the culture and needs of the people. This would require in-group and intergroup processes of conscientización; reinforcing our commitment with social justice while avoiding unfruitful purism; accepting enabling contradictions; and articulating the fight for structural transformations with small-scale performative changes. The ethnographic evidence presented in the thesis has significant implications for ongoing debates within Critical Psychology and related fields, at a local and global scale.

Research paper thumbnail of SEN, A. (2006). Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny, New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Research paper thumbnail of Salud Mental Colectiva y Determinación Social: Posibilidades Paradigmáticas

Quaderns de Psicologia

En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de sal... more En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de salud mental colectiva. Lo hago tomando distancia de miradas positivistas, funcionalistas, biomédicas e individualistas, y subrayando el rol fundamental de procesos de determinación social comprendidos de forma crítica, intercultural y transdisciplinaria. El procedimiento supuso una revisión exploratoria de fuentes tituladas “salud mental colectiva” (2016-2021) y la inclusión de publicaciones clave adicionales. Los resultados señalan la importancia de teorizar la salud mental de forma compleja y dialéctica, contextualizar ecológicamente los sufrimientos, accionar estrategias de bienestar y procurar reflexividad permanente en torno a la interculturalidad y las relaciones de poder. Las posibilidades exploradas resaltan el aporte esencial de la epidemiología crítica latinoamericana, en diálogo constante con otros valiosos saberes. Desde dicha construcción dialógica, un paradigma de salud menta...

Research paper thumbnail of Salud Mental Colectiva y Determinación Social: Posibilidades Paradigmáticas

Quaderns de Psicologia, 2023

En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de sal... more En la presente revisión teórica exploro posibilidades para la construcción de un paradigma de salud mental colectiva. Lo hago tomando distancia de miradas positivistas, funcionalistas, biomédicas e individualistas, y subrayando el rol fundamental de procesos de determinación social comprendidos de forma crítica, intercultural y transdisciplinaria. El procedimiento supuso una revisión exploratoria de fuentes tituladas “salud mental colectiva” (2016-2021) y la inclusión de publicaciones clave adicionales. Los resultados señalan la importancia de teorizar la salud mental de forma compleja y dialéctica, contextualizar ecológicamente los sufrimientos, accionar estrategias de bienestar y procurar reflexividad permanente en torno a la interculturalidad y las relaciones de poder. Las posibilidades exploradas resaltan el aporte esencial de la epidemiología crítica latinoamericana, en diálogo constante con otros valiosos saberes. Desde dicha construcción dialógica, un paradigma de salud mental colectiva emerge como una potente alternativa para abordar sufrimientos mentales en el contexto de sistemas sociales que nos enferman.

[Research paper thumbnail of “No creen en los psicólogos”: la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil [“They don´t believe in psychologists”: the construction of psychology from everyday life in Guayaquil]](

Revista de Antropologia , 2023

En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaq... more En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil, Ecuador, a partir de una etnografía crítica multisituada. Los resultados incluyen interpretaciones en torno a bienestares, malestares y alternativas terapéuticas, así como observaciones que dan cuenta de la tensión entre psicologización y resistencia cultural, la representación de psicólogas y psicólogos como portadores de un rol cargado de experticia y moralidad, y determinadas expectativas populares con respecto al trabajo psicológico. Aunque parciales, los análisis aportan a debates en curso respecto a procesos de psicologización; y subrayan la importancia de profundizar una formación intercultural en contextos urbanos heterogéneos e inequitativos, con configuraciones complejas que amalgaman bienestares, sufrimientos
sociales y malestares cotidianos.

In this article I analyze the construction of psychology as derived from the everyday life of the people in Guayaquil, Ecuador, through a multi-sited critical ethnography. Results include interpretations around well-being, distress and therapeutic alternatives; as well as observations that account for the tension between psychologization and cultural resistance, the representation of psychologist´s professional role as being charged with expertise and morality, and certain popular expectations regarding the conditions and results of psychological work. Albeit partial, these analyzes contribute to ongoing debates regarding processes of psychologization; and underline the importance of deepening the interculturality of training in heterogeneous and unequal urban contexts, which have complex configurations that amalgamate well-being, social
suffering and everyday distress.

[Research paper thumbnail of “No creen en los psicólogos”: la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil ["They don´t believe in psychologists": the construction of psychology from everyday life in Guayaquil] En prensa / in press](

Revista de Antropologia , 2023

En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaq... more En este artículo analizo la construcción de la psicología desde la cotidianidad popular de Guayaquil, Ecuador, a partir de una etnografía crítica multi-situada. Los resultados incluyen interpretaciones en torno a bienestares, malestares y alternativas terapéuticas, así como observaciones que dan cuenta de la tensión entre psicologización y resistencia cultural, la representación de psicólogas y psicólogos como portadores de un rol cargado de experticia y moralidad, y determinadas expectativas populares con respecto al trabajo psicológico. Aunque parciales, los análisis aportan a debates en curso respecto a procesos de psicologización; y subrayan la importancia de profundizar una formación intercultural en contextos urbanos heterogéneos e inequitativos, con configuraciones complejas que amalgaman bienestares, sufrimientos sociales y malestares cotidianos.

In this article I analyze the construction of psychology as derived from the everyday life of the people in Guayaquil, Ecuador, through a multi-sited critical ethnography. Results include interpretations around well-being, distress and therapeutic alternatives; as well as observations that account for the tension between psychologization and cultural resistance, the representation of psychologist´s professional role as being charged with expertise and morality, and certain popular expectations regarding the conditions and results of psychological work. Albeit partial, these analyzes contribute to ongoing debates regarding processes of psychologization; and underline the importance of deepening an intercultural approach in heterogeneous and unequal urban contexts, which have complex configurations that amalgamate well-being, social suffering and everyday distress.

Research paper thumbnail of Acciones colectivas frente al Covid-19 en Latinoamérica: Una exploración desde la psicología comunitaria crítica

Revista digital internacional de psicología y ciencia social, 2022

Comprender las acciones colectivas en la actual coyuntura del Covid-19 es fundamental para quiene... more Comprender las acciones colectivas en la actual coyuntura del Covid-19 es fundamental para quienes efectúan investigación e intervención en el campo de la Psicología y otras ciencias sociales. Desde la perspectiva de la Psicología comunitaria crítica, la presente revisión exploratoria de literatura identifica acciones colectivas hechas en Latinoamérica durante 2020, para atender las necesidades de varias comunidades. Se identificaron acciones diversas, aunque documentadas en publicaciones que no están explícitamente posicionadas desde la referida perspectiva de Psicología comunitaria. En dichas acciones registradas se priorizó un asistencialismo de emergencia, sobre todo en torno a la salud y la alimentación de grupos vulnerables. Acciones de participación política y transformación social explícita parecen haber sido menos frecuentes. Los autores discuten el rol clave que tendría el estudio de las acciones colectivas para precautelar la supervivencia y el bienestar humano, en contraste con perspectivas que podrían tender a psicologizar y patologizar a las comunidades afectadas por la coyuntura pandémica y por la inequidad estructural. La tecnología digital tuvo un rol importante en algunas acciones, mientras otras sugieren el potencial estratégico de determinados colectivos, como las mujeres y los jóvenes. Se destaca la importancia analítica de abordar las acciones colectivas trascendiendo nociones conductuales mecanicistas, considerando de modo intercultural la pluralidad de significados en contextos concretos, desde una mirada de interseccionalidad, e incorporando categorías clave como acción, agencia-estructura, ideología, poder, y participación comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Epidemiology and the People's Health J. Breilh Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021. ISBN 9780190492786 (hardback)/ISBN 9780190492809 (epub)

World Medical & Health Policy

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Adaptación o resistencia? Una aproximación a la subjetividad de estudiantes de psicología ecuatorianos en un contexto de protesta social

Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia

En Latinoamérica se registraron varias movilizaciones antineoliberales durante el 2019, siendo Ec... more En Latinoamérica se registraron varias movilizaciones antineoliberales durante el 2019, siendo Ecuador uno de los países donde tuvieron lugar. Desde la mirada de la psicología crítica, el presente artículo de investigación explora discursivamente algunas actitudes de un grupo de estudiantes de psicología ante las protestas en dicho país. Estas se definieron según la comprensión de su identidad profesional, en el marco de procesos de resistencia-adaptación y de sujeción- subjetivación. Se interpretaron, mediante un análisis crítico del discurso, las diversas actitudes de los participantes ante los eventos del paro nacional. Se concluyó que existen divergencias entre perspectivas respecto al rol del psicólogo, teniendo por un lado la visión de un psicólogo “imparcial”, construida a partir de la normatividad paradigmática positivista y, por otro, aquella de estudiantes que se perciben como socialmente comprometidos, influenciados por un acercamiento más emocional a su realidad. Se inte...

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming psychologists in Ecuador: a critical ethnography of trainees´ professional identity

Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London)., Oct 28, 2019

This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities du... more This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities during their training in a State-funded Ecuadorian University, approached from the perspective of Critical Psychology. Considering the field´s theoretical bias, critical psychologists have called for qualitative data that contribute to ongoing discussions. Responsive to such call, this thesis asked the question: “How do psychologists in contemporary Ecuador construct their professional identity?” The author conducted a twelve-month critical ethnography, focusing on a particular training facility as a strategic site; from there, the inquiry extended to so-called “vulnerable” and “marginal” places, where trainees performed their preprofesional and professional roles. Findings highlight how the negotiation of professional identity is a “messy”, subject-dependent and context-dependent process shaped by power. Trainees dwelled between the coloniality of hegemonic psychology, and a – mostly veiled - cultural resistance to it. They embodied a “dual belonging”, being members of “professional” and “popular” worlds simultaneously. Trainees learned a “help-as-war” metaphor: utilising foreign theories and methods to help allegedly ignorant and in-deficit subjects, even if this implied disrespecting their culture and needs. To unpack the local professional – popular interactions which shape – and are shaped by - professional identity, the author suggests the working category of “liminal exchanges”, which integrates classic Freirean conceptualisations with relevant anthropological insights regarding gift giving. Findings stress the need to construct a more critical psychology training, one which acknowledges the “messiness” of professional identity and responds more congruently to the culture and needs of the people. This would require in-group and intergroup processes of conscientización; reinforcing our commitment with social justice while avoiding unfruitful purism; accepting enabling contradictions; and articulating the fight for structural transformations with small-scale performative changes. The ethnographic evidence presented in the thesis has significant implications for ongoing debates within Critical Psychology and related fields, at a local and global scale.

Research paper thumbnail of The Initial Mental Health Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Across Some Ecuadorian Provinces

Investigatio, 2020

Resumen El 11 de marzo, Ecuador declaró estado de emergencia por la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto co... more Resumen El 11 de marzo, Ecuador declaró estado de emergencia por la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto condujo a medidas públicas sin precedentes para combatir la propagación de Covid-19, incluido el aislamiento físico. Como el evento es reciente, existe una investigación limitada sobre el impacto psicológico para el público en general durante el pico de la epidemia. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer la prevalencia de los síntomas informados de estrés, ansiedad y depresión, e identificar los factores de riesgo que contribuyen a la angustia psicológica en la población de algunas provincias de Ecuador en relación con la epidemia de Covid-19. Esto se realizó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta que incluye variables sociodemográficas y la prueba de escala DASS-21 a 789 personas. Los resultados indican que un número preocupante de personas informó niveles severos o extremadamente severos de depresión (10.3%), ansiedad (19.4%) y estrés (13.5%).

Research paper thumbnail of Sen, A. (2006). "Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny

Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Hacia una psicología ecuatoriana: una argumentación intergeneracional sobre la importancia de la cultura y la glocalidad en la investigación

La psicologia en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importaci... more La psicologia en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importacion de conocimiento extranjero. Ante esta realidad historica, algunos autores han propuesto avanzar hacia una psicologia que sea verdaderamente ecuatoriana . El presente articulo parte de esta convocatoria, y argumenta que para acercarnos a dicha empresa hay dos nociones que deben tener una especial relevancia: la cultura y la glocalidad . Los autores – ambos psicologos ecuatorianos, aunque pertenecientes a diferentes generaciones - parten de una reconstruccion critica y reflexiva de los antecedentes historicos de la disciplina a nivel local, y advierten la escaza importancia que se ha dado tanto a la cultura, como a la integracion de saberes locales y globales. Luego de hacer un llamado a transformar esta realidad, se proponen algunas areas de estudio potencialmente relevantes para las investigadoras e investigadores ecuatorianos, asi como para aquellos de otras latitudes que vivan escen...

Research paper thumbnail of How coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists: ethnographic evidence from Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American ... more This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists. A critical ethnography was conducted at a psychology training institution in Ecuador, consisting of twelve months of participant observation; forty-one semi-structured interviews; and analysis of academic discourse, photos, videos and relevant social media content. The research was guided by the tradition of Critical Psychology-specifically Liberation Psychology-and Critical Discourse Analysis. Findings suggest the pervasiveness of coloniality in the making of Ecuadorian psychologists and, hypothetically, of others in Latin America and the wider Global South. Interpretations also highlight the non-essentialist, non-dichotomist, 'messy' nature of such processes, a consideration which may advance current ethical and analytical debates on decolonisation. Echoing ongoing critical arguments, authors suggest that a 'help-as-war' metaphor is a category with potential value to contribute to such advancement, an approach that has important theoretical and pragmatic implications for researchers and practitioners.

Research paper thumbnail of Co-constructing a decolonising praxis in academia through dialogues and pedagogical experiences between the UK and Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

As demanded by Argentinian cartoonist Quino's (2014) character Libertad (meaning freedom), the La... more As demanded by Argentinian cartoonist Quino's (2014) character Libertad (meaning freedom), the Latin American tradition of Liberation Psychology has explicitly called for a decolonising praxis since the 1970s. Such call has implications for training courses in psychology and other fields related to health and wellbeing, such as psychiatrists or social workers. However, there are various challenges in translating a decolonial rhetoric into concrete practice within the classroom, research and practice placements. This paper presents an account of experience and dialogues between two liberatory and critical community psychology educators in universities from the UK and Ecuador. Based on an international participatory roundtable on decolonisation and a pedagogical exchange between their students, the authors discuss the limitations and possibilities of engaging in a 'new praxis' that is both decolonial and liberatory.

Research paper thumbnail of History, violence and collective memory: Implications for mental health in Ecuador

Transcultural Psychiatry, 2019

National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and the ways that mental health pro... more National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and the ways that mental health professionals respond to them. In Ecuador, mental health literature addressing this crucial issue is scarce and little debated. In contrast, local psychiatrists and psychologists within the country face contemporary challenges that are deeply rooted in a violent colonial past and the perpetuation of its fundamental ethos. This paper critically reviews relevant literature on collective memory and historical trauma, and focuses on Ecuador as a case study on how to incorporate history into modern mental health challenges. The discussion poses key questions and outlines possible ways for Ecuador to address the link between history and mental health, including insights from countries that have struggled with their violent pasts. This paper contributes to ongoing international debate on the role of cultural history in mental health with implications for social scientists and practising clinicians...

Research paper thumbnail of The ethical–political dimension of social and community praxis: The case of Ecuador's early response to COVID‐19

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology

In Ecuador, the painful impact of the covid-19 pandemic elicited early responses by the governmen... more In Ecuador, the painful impact of the covid-19 pandemic elicited early responses by the government, and by local communities. This critical, positioned and exploratory case study analyses such responses, underscoring the fundamental ethical-political dimension of any academic and professional praxis aimed at the construction of healthier societies worldwide. While critical traditions are familiar with this stance, the inequalities and ideological mechanisms made visible by covid-19 responses may enable the wider community of researchers and practitioners to join ongoing collective ethical-political efforts. Findings from Ecuador underline the potentially harmful role of neoliberalism, and issues of democratic legitimacy; significant problems before and during the pandemic shock; and official discourses which blame communities for their own suffering and death. Neutrality and depoliticized notions of scientific evidence are notoriously insufficient in these scenarios. We need to engage more deeply with diverse forms of global and local community resistance, in times of covid-19, and beyond. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article's Community and Social Impact Statement

Research paper thumbnail of How coloniality shapes the making of Latin American Psychologists Ethnographic evidence from Ecuador

International Review of Psychiatry, 2020

This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American ... more This paper provides ethnographic evidence on how coloniality shapes the making of Latin American psychologists. A critical ethnography was conducted at a psychology training institution in Ecuador, consisting of twelve months of participant observation; forty-one semi-structured interviews; and analysis of academic discourse, photos, videos and relevant social media content. The research was guided by the tradition of Critical Psychology –specifically Liberation Psychology– and Critical Discourse Analysis. Findings suggest the pervasiveness of coloniality in the making of Ecuadorian psychologists and, hypothetically, of others in Latin America and the wider Global South. Interpretations also highlight the non-essentialist, non-dichotomist, ‘messy’ nature of such processes, a consideration which may advance current ethical and analytical debates on decolonisation. Echoing ongoing critical arguments, authors suggest that a ‘help-as-war’ metaphor is a category with potential value to c...

Research paper thumbnail of History Violence and Collective Memory: Implications for Mental Health in Ecuador

National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and professional responses. In Ecua... more National histories of violence shape experiences of suffering and professional responses. In Ecuador, mental health literature addressing this crucial issue is scarce and little debated. In contrast, local psychiatrists and psychologists within the country face contemporary challenges that are deeply rooted in a violent colonial past and the perpetuation of its fundamental ethos. This paper critically reviews relevant literature on collective memory and historical trauma, and focuses on Ecuador as a case study on how to incorporate history into modern mental health challenges. The discussion poses key questions and outlines possible ways for Ecuador to address the link between history and mental health, including insights from countries that have struggled with their violent pasts. This paper contributes to ongoing international debate on the role of cultural history in mental health with implications for social scientists and practising clinicians in former colonised nations.

[Research paper thumbnail of Hacia una psicología ecuatoriana: una argumentación intergeneracional sobre la importancia de la cultura y la glocalidad en la investigación [Towards an Ecuadorian psychology: An intergenerational argument about the importance of culture and glocality in research].](

In Ecuador, psychology is a relatively young discipline, built upon the importation of foreign k... more In Ecuador, psychology is a relatively young discipline, built upon the importation of foreign knowledge. After facing this historical fact, some authors have proposed to move towards a truly Ecuadorian psychology. This article responds to this call and argues that in order to approach such endeavour, there are two notions that should be of particular importance: culture and glocality. The authors - both Ecuadorian psychologists, although members of different generations – rely upon a critical and reflexive reconstruction of the local historical background of the discipline, in order to call attention on the scarce importance given to both culture, and the integration of local and global knowledge. After advocating for the transformation of this reality, they propose some areas of investigation that are potentially relevant for Ecuadorian researchers, as for those from other latitudes living in similar scenarios / La psicología en Ecuador es una disciplina relativamente joven, construida en base a la importación de conocimiento extranjero. Ante esta realidad histórica, algunos autores han propuesto avanzar hacia una psicología que sea verdaderamente ecuatoriana. El presente artículo parte de esta convocatoria, y argumenta que para acercarnos a dicha empresa hay dos nociones que deben tener una especial relevancia: la cultura y la glocalidad. Los autores – ambos psicólogos ecuatorianos, aunque pertenecientes a diferentes generaciones - parten de una reconstrucción crítica y reflexiva de los antecedentes históricos de la disciplina a nivel local, y advierten la escaza importancia que se ha dado tanto a la cultura, como a la integración de saberes locales y globales. Luego de hacer un llamado a transformar esta realidad, se proponen algunas áreas de estudio potencialmente relevantes para las investigadoras e investigadores ecuatorianos, así como para aquellos de otras latitudes que vivan escenarios similares.

Research paper thumbnail of Becoming psychologists in Ecuador: a critical ethnography of trainees´ professional identity (PhD Thesis)

UCL (University College London), 2019

This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities du... more This thesis is an ethnography of the way psychologists construct their professional identities during their training in a State-funded Ecuadorian University, approached from the perspective of Critical Psychology. Considering the field´s theoretical bias, critical psychologists have called for qualitative data that contribute to ongoing discussions. Responsive to such call, this thesis asked the question: “How do psychologists in contemporary Ecuador construct their professional identity?” The author conducted a twelve-month critical ethnography, focusing on a particular training facility as a strategic site; from there, the inquiry extended to so-called “vulnerable” and “marginal” places, where trainees performed their preprofesional and professional roles. Findings highlight how the negotiation of professional identity is a “messy”, subject-dependent and context-dependent process shaped by power. Trainees dwelled between the coloniality of hegemonic psychology, and a – mostly veiled - cultural resistance to it. They embodied a “dual belonging”, being members of “professional” and “popular” worlds simultaneously. Trainees learned a “help-as-war” metaphor: utilising foreign theories and methods to help allegedly ignorant and in-deficit subjects, even if this implied disrespecting their culture and needs. To unpack the local professional – popular interactions which shape – and are shaped by - professional identity, the author suggests the working category of “liminal exchanges”, which integrates classic Freirean conceptualisations with relevant anthropological insights regarding gift giving. Findings stress the need to construct a more critical psychology training, one which acknowledges the “messiness” of professional identity and responds more congruently to the culture and needs of the people. This would require in-group and intergroup processes of conscientización; reinforcing our commitment with social justice while avoiding unfruitful purism; accepting enabling contradictions; and articulating the fight for structural transformations with small-scale performative changes. The ethnographic evidence presented in the thesis has significant implications for ongoing debates within Critical Psychology and related fields, at a local and global scale.

Research paper thumbnail of SEN, A. (2006). Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny, New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Research paper thumbnail of Poder, academia y resistencias comunitarias: sistematización de una experiencia de investigación a partir del contexto pandémico en Guayaquil, Ecuador

Universidad de Guayaquil, 2024

En el año 2020, Ecuador sufrió las dolorosas consecuencias de la pandemia del covid-19 y su cuest... more En el año 2020, Ecuador sufrió las dolorosas consecuencias de la pandemia del covid-19 y su cuestionada gestión gubernamental. Nos referimos, específicamente, a las afectaciones vividas en la ciudad de Guayaquil, cuyas comunidades debimos lidiar con una crisis sanitaria y funeraria que dejó cadáveres visibles en hospitales, casas y calles; y con las implicaciones de un confinamiento obligatorio dispuesto como medida de emergencia. En dicho contexto, un pequeño equipo de investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas de la Universidad de Guayaquil llevó a adelante un estudio cualitativo, desde una perspectiva de salud colectiva y psicología comunitaria crítica. El presente libro es una sistematización de dicha experiencia, luego de preguntarnos: ¿Cómo se documentó y ejerció el poder en nuestro estudio? A partir de la recuperación del proceso vivido, planteamos una serie de reflexiones de fondo y puntos de llegada relevantes, no solo para aprender lecciones enraizadas en el contexto del 2020, sino para los tiempos actuales y venideros. Subrayamos las limitaciones estructurales que tanto los participantes del estudio como el equipo investigador enfrentamos al momento de ejercer nuestro poder, en el marco de una estratificación social injusta e inequitativa sostenida culturalmente. Comprendemos tales limitaciones como parte de procesos de determinación social, que condicionan lo que puede o no hacerse desde diversas instituciones, organizaciones, comunidades, grupos y sujetos. Simultáneamente, visibilizamos valiosos usos del poder desde territorios urbanos locales, incluidos aquellos históricamente excluidos; y, parcialmente, desde la academia. Entendemos dichos usos del poder como resistencias comunitarias, posibles a partir de diversas autonomías relativas. Nuestra finalidad con este modesto libro es la de compartir saberes con quienes hacen política pública, universidades, profesionales, así como diversas organizaciones trabajando desde – y junto a – comunidades locales. Aspiramos contribuir a espacios de diálogo, pensamiento crítico, y posibles acciones colectivas – incluidas aquellas propuestas o apoyadas desde la academia - encaminadas a construir ciudades más justas, saludables y humanas, trascendiendo la coyuntura pandémica. Se trata de un libro enfocado en el caso guayaquileño, pero potencialmente útil, además, para otras ciudades que pretendan cuidar el bienestar humano de forma contextual, ecológica, solidaria y sustentable.

Autores: Manuel Capella, María Quinda y Lucía Mora.