Gabriel R Constantinescu | University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest (original) (raw)
Papers by Gabriel R Constantinescu
Chirurgia, 2022
Pancreatita acută reprezintă o provocare pentru sistemul medical, având rate importante de morbid... more Pancreatita acută reprezintă o provocare pentru sistemul medical, având rate importante de morbiditate şi mortalitate. Această lucrare se concentrează pe teme de actualitate în managementul pancreatitei acute biliare-indicaţiile, momentul optim şi rezultatele ERCP-ului pe de o parte, iar pe de altă, ale colecistectomiei în cadrul aceleiaşi internări, ca măsură de prevenţie a episoadelor recurente de boală. A fost realizat un studiu retrospectiv incluzând 108 pacienţi cu pancreatită acută biliară, la care s-a efectuat ERCP, trataţi în Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti în perioada 2016-2020. În ceea ce priveşte gradul de urgenţă al procedurii, pacienţii au fost împărţiţi în 2 grupuri: ERCP de urgenţă şi ERCP amânat. ERCP de urgenţă a fost realizat la 52 de pacienţi, în timp ce ERCP amânat s-a efectuat la 56 dintre ei, cu o durată de spitalizare crescută la grupul de urgenţă (10 versus 8 zile), fără diferenţe semnificative în ceea ce priveşte morbiditatea. Durata medie de aşteptare între ERCP şi intervenţia chirurgicală a fost de 5 zile, fără diferenţe semnificative între cele 2 grupuri. Abordul laparoscopic a fost de elecţie, cu o rată de conversie de aproximativ 7%. ERCP cu extragere de calcul biliar urmat de colecistec
Modern Medicine, Dec 27, 2018
Introduction: Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure may have different causes. Case presentation: W... more Introduction: Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure may have different causes. Case presentation: We present the case of a 42-year-old woman, with history of recent thyroidectomy and a late history of sleeve gastrectomy, who presented for acute dyspnoea. The chest X-ray revealed hydropneumothorax, and, therefore, an intercostals chest tube drainage was inserted. The evolution was unfavourable, with further respiratory status deterioration. A computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen was performed, that revealed a dilated thoracic oesophagus and stenosis of the esophagogastric junction, with lack of substance in the oesophageal wall and extravasation of oesophageal content in the posterior mediastinum, due to an oesophageal pleural fi stula. An oesophageal stent was inserted under endoscopic guidance and the patient underwent minim-invasive surgical interventions for evacuation of the mediastinal and pleural collections, with a favourable evolution. Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure can be the face of multiple conditions, some of these can be life threatening and in need for rapid detection and treatment.
Journal of Clinical Sexology, Jun 22, 2022
Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Mar 17, 2021
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonC... more This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, which permits unrestricted use, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium, non-commercially, provided the new creations are licensed under identical terms as the original work and the original work is properly cited. ORIGINAL PAPER A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the endoscopic ultrasound-fine-needle biopsy samples from solid pancreatic masses: a single center study ALEXANDRU CONSTANTINESCU 1,2) , CRISTINA MĂDĂLINA ILIE-STAN 2,3) , VASILE ŞANDRU 2,3) , BOGDAN SILVIU UNGUREANU 4) , DAN IONUŢ GHEONEA 4) , TUDOREL CIUREA 4) , OANA MIHAELA PLOTOGEA 2,3) , CHRISTOPHER PAVEL 2) , VALENTIN ENACHE 5) , MIHAI ALEXANDRU MUNTEANU 6) , GABRIEL CONSTANTINESCU 2,3)
Case Reports, Aug 20, 2009
Aims and objectives: Considerable confusion exists with regards to the terminology of mucin secre... more Aims and objectives: Considerable confusion exists with regards to the terminology of mucin secreting adenocarcinomas of the rectum. The WHO classification system needs to be followed accurately for comparing the outcomes of mucinous and signet ring cell carcinomas. We hypothesized that clinico-pathological outcome measures like margins, tumor regression grade, recurrence rates and survival vary with histology. Materials and method: We conducted a retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database. All Stage I-III rectal adenocarcinoma patients were included. Results: Between May 2010 and August 2013, 273 patients underwent curative resection. Both the mucin secreting variants were more common in young age and presented at a more advanced stage. 14% of tumors had signet ring cell histology whereas 8% had mucinous histology. 54% and 48% of signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) and mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) patients were node positive in contrast to the classical variant (30%). CRM positivity was 24% with MAC and 19% with SRCC as compared to 4% with the classical variant. The DFS among the classical and mucinous variants was 38.5 and 37.4 months, respectively, whereas it was 28.6 months in the SRCC group. OS did not differ significantly. Conclusion: There is a high incidence of aggressive mucin secreting variants in India. There exists a spectrum of adenocarcinomas of rectum with progressively worsening outcomes from classical to MAC to SRCC. These aggressive variants might warrant more aggressive resections.
Journal of Medical & Radiation Oncology, Jul 1, 2022
Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor that frequently develops in con... more Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor that frequently develops in conjunction with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, and is often identified late in its course, with a median survival of around 6 to 20 months following diagnosis. Although surgical excision is the gold standard of treatment, most patients are ineligible due to tumor size or underlying liver disease. The hepatic reserve of the patient, as determined by the Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification, frequently influences treatment options. Method. Between January 2016 and June 2018, 42 patients admitted to Fundeni Clinical Institute's Department of Medical Oncology who had previously been treated with Sorafenib for more than two months were recruited in this retrospective analysis. We evaluated the etiology and stage of illness (BCLC), residual liver function (CHILD), performance status (ECOG), treatment response and side effects, progression-free survival, and overall survival. Results. The study group had good short and long-term outcomes: median progression-free survival was 7.7 months and median overall survival was 11.6 months. The most frequently-reported adverse effects were skin rashes, diarrhea, hypertension, and hand-foot skin reaction. Conclusion. This retrospective, single-center study confirmed the benefit of sorafenib in the treatment of advanced HCC, particularly in patients with good liver function and performance status.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
The development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been associated with inflammation... more The development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been associated with inflammation processes that involve the overactivation of the NF‐κB signalling pathway. The characterization of the NF‐κB expression profile in CRC is an important topic since the suppression of NF‐κB represents a potential therapeutic approach. In this study, we assessed the expression levels of 84 NF‐κB‐related genes in paired tumoral (T) and peritumoral (PT) tissues from 18 CRC patients and 18 normal colonic mucosae, and the expression levels of three miRNAs targeting the most dysregulated genes revealed by the case–control analysis. Comparing the gene expression profile of T and controls, 60 genes were dysregulated. The comparison of T and PT revealed 17 dysregulated genes in the tumoral tissues, with IL1B, CXCL8, IL1A, and CSF2 being the most upregulated. Notably, through a bioinformatics analysis, the differential gene expression of 11 out of the 17 genes was validated on a larger cohort of 30...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
The polygenic etiology of familial colorectal cancer and other digestive tract cancers has been a... more The polygenic etiology of familial colorectal cancer and other digestive tract cancers has been acknowledged and therefore a study subject by means of various techniques such comparative genomic hybridization, serial genetic analysis (APC, CGH) or DNA arrays. Our paper is the first presentation of a CNCSIS research project named: "Analiza unor factori moleculari implicaţi in stabilirea riscului statistic de îmbolnăvire la descendentii probanzilor cu cancer rectocolonic" and also presents the case of a 12 members family in which 3 had already been diagnosed with colonic or rectal cancer. The APC gene methylation profile was studied in order to establish both the gene implication in cancer development within the family and the risk of colorectal cancer for the healthy family members. The paper shows the present means of interaction between the surgeon and the familial colorectal cancer cases and the research project advocates for the necessity of a genetic counseling network...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
GERD is a frequent, evolving, life quality-impairing disease. In addition to medication and lapar... more GERD is a frequent, evolving, life quality-impairing disease. In addition to medication and laparoscopic fundoplication we have recently added endoluminal fundoplication (ELF). The EsophyX2 is currently the most efficient device for endoluminal fundoplication. This device produces a partial, anterior valve, redesigning the antireflux barrier and the Hiss angle geometry, thus improving the activity of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This paper presents the operative technique, the patient selection criteria and published results. It has been shown that this technique is both secure, reproductible and effective in patients followed for 12-24 months: life-quality improvement, decreased acid exposure, suppression of antiacids, reduced hospitalization and recovery. Compared to antiacid therapy, ELF is far more effective and less invasive than laparoscopic fundoplication. For the moment we have no long-term results. ELF with EsophyX2 is a minimally invasive and efficient therapy for...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
We present the case of an elderly and frail woman, admitted for obstructive jaundice 9 years afte... more We present the case of an elderly and frail woman, admitted for obstructive jaundice 9 years after cholecystectomy, lithotomy and T-tube drainage. The presence of a T-tube remnant in the common bile duct was suggested by imaging techniques, along with a megacholedocus. Because of the risks associated with advanced biliary cirrhosis, the endoscopic retrieval and lithotripsy was the first therapeutical attempt but failed. Lithotomy and cholangio-jejunostomy by open surgery were followed by a surprising favourable course.
Romanian journal of gastroenterology, 2005
A 61 year old man was referred for upper digestive endoscopy having dyspeptic syndrome. He also a... more A 61 year old man was referred for upper digestive endoscopy having dyspeptic syndrome. He also associated hoarseness. The examination revealed an ulcer scar on the gastric angle (chronic gastritis upon histological examination) and a well differentiated spinocellular laryngeal carcinoma, further treated by surgical excision.
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, Dec 16, 2021
Ablation par radiofréquence endoscopique dans les tumeurs bilio-pancréatiques Les maladies néopla... more Ablation par radiofréquence endoscopique dans les tumeurs bilio-pancréatiques Les maladies néoplasiques malignes bilio-pancréatiques sont caractérisées par une évolution agressive et à faible taux de survie à 5 ans. La seule méthode thérapeutique à potentiel curatif reste le traitement chirurgical. Malheureusement, un pourcentage très élevé de patients sont diagnostiqués en stades avancés, ne se prêtant plus à une résection chirurgicale. Les études de ces dernières années se sont concentrées sur l'identification de nouvelles techniques thérapeutiques pour améliorer la qualité de vie et la survie de ces patients. L'une de ces techniques est l'ablation endoscopique par radiofréquence, qui a montré de bons résultats en termes de morbi-mortalité, avec un taux de complications acceptable.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2018
Détermination des marqueurs tumoraux sériques pour le diagnostic précoce du cancer du pancréas In... more Détermination des marqueurs tumoraux sériques pour le diagnostic précoce du cancer du pancréas Introduction Le cancer pancréatique a le pire pronostic parmi ceux de l'appareil digestif. La mortalité élevée est justifiée par la pénurie de symptômes, et par une faible réponse au traitement. L'absence de marqueurs tumoraux pour le stage précoce explique le mauvais pronostic. L'objectif est d'évaluer si des marqueurs comme la mésothéline, les cellules tumorales circulantes, ou microARN peuvent être utilisés pour le diagnostic précoce et comme facteurs pronostiques. L'objectif secondaire est de tester ces marqueurs dans la pancréatite chronique et les utiliser pour le dépistage parmi la population à haute risque. Matériel et méthodes Nous avons mesuré la concentration sérique de mésothéline, miR-10b et miR-155 chez des échantillons appartenant aux trois catégories: groupe avec cancer du pancréas, groupe avec pancréatite et groupe-contrôle (sains) et essayé de montrer des corrélations entre eux.
Modern Medicine, Sep 30, 2016
Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis (TB) share many clinical, radiological and endoscopic... more Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis (TB) share many clinical, radiological and endoscopic features. A definitive diagnosis in these cases is extremely important, to avoid the toxicity of unnecessary antituberculous therapy in patients with Crohn's disease and potentially fatal immunosuppressive treatment in patients with intestinal TB. A 42-year-old male presented with weight loss, recurrent fever, diarrhea, right iliac fossa pain, night sweats for several months. Abdominal ultrasonography with ileo-cecal wall thickening and retroperitoneal adenopathies and colonoscopy evaluation were thought to be consistent with Crohn's disease. However, the diagnosis was disseminated tuberculosis with lung and colon involvement based on the diffuse, bilateral small nodules seen on Chest X-ray and tuberculoid granulomas revealed on the colon biopsies.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018
Chirurgia, 2022
Pancreatita acută reprezintă o provocare pentru sistemul medical, având rate importante de morbid... more Pancreatita acută reprezintă o provocare pentru sistemul medical, având rate importante de morbiditate şi mortalitate. Această lucrare se concentrează pe teme de actualitate în managementul pancreatitei acute biliare-indicaţiile, momentul optim şi rezultatele ERCP-ului pe de o parte, iar pe de altă, ale colecistectomiei în cadrul aceleiaşi internări, ca măsură de prevenţie a episoadelor recurente de boală. A fost realizat un studiu retrospectiv incluzând 108 pacienţi cu pancreatită acută biliară, la care s-a efectuat ERCP, trataţi în Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti în perioada 2016-2020. În ceea ce priveşte gradul de urgenţă al procedurii, pacienţii au fost împărţiţi în 2 grupuri: ERCP de urgenţă şi ERCP amânat. ERCP de urgenţă a fost realizat la 52 de pacienţi, în timp ce ERCP amânat s-a efectuat la 56 dintre ei, cu o durată de spitalizare crescută la grupul de urgenţă (10 versus 8 zile), fără diferenţe semnificative în ceea ce priveşte morbiditatea. Durata medie de aşteptare între ERCP şi intervenţia chirurgicală a fost de 5 zile, fără diferenţe semnificative între cele 2 grupuri. Abordul laparoscopic a fost de elecţie, cu o rată de conversie de aproximativ 7%. ERCP cu extragere de calcul biliar urmat de colecistec
Modern Medicine, Dec 27, 2018
Introduction: Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure may have different causes. Case presentation: W... more Introduction: Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure may have different causes. Case presentation: We present the case of a 42-year-old woman, with history of recent thyroidectomy and a late history of sleeve gastrectomy, who presented for acute dyspnoea. The chest X-ray revealed hydropneumothorax, and, therefore, an intercostals chest tube drainage was inserted. The evolution was unfavourable, with further respiratory status deterioration. A computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen was performed, that revealed a dilated thoracic oesophagus and stenosis of the esophagogastric junction, with lack of substance in the oesophageal wall and extravasation of oesophageal content in the posterior mediastinum, due to an oesophageal pleural fi stula. An oesophageal stent was inserted under endoscopic guidance and the patient underwent minim-invasive surgical interventions for evacuation of the mediastinal and pleural collections, with a favourable evolution. Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure can be the face of multiple conditions, some of these can be life threatening and in need for rapid detection and treatment.
Journal of Clinical Sexology, Jun 22, 2022
Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Mar 17, 2021
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonC... more This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, which permits unrestricted use, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium, non-commercially, provided the new creations are licensed under identical terms as the original work and the original work is properly cited. ORIGINAL PAPER A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the endoscopic ultrasound-fine-needle biopsy samples from solid pancreatic masses: a single center study ALEXANDRU CONSTANTINESCU 1,2) , CRISTINA MĂDĂLINA ILIE-STAN 2,3) , VASILE ŞANDRU 2,3) , BOGDAN SILVIU UNGUREANU 4) , DAN IONUŢ GHEONEA 4) , TUDOREL CIUREA 4) , OANA MIHAELA PLOTOGEA 2,3) , CHRISTOPHER PAVEL 2) , VALENTIN ENACHE 5) , MIHAI ALEXANDRU MUNTEANU 6) , GABRIEL CONSTANTINESCU 2,3)
Case Reports, Aug 20, 2009
Aims and objectives: Considerable confusion exists with regards to the terminology of mucin secre... more Aims and objectives: Considerable confusion exists with regards to the terminology of mucin secreting adenocarcinomas of the rectum. The WHO classification system needs to be followed accurately for comparing the outcomes of mucinous and signet ring cell carcinomas. We hypothesized that clinico-pathological outcome measures like margins, tumor regression grade, recurrence rates and survival vary with histology. Materials and method: We conducted a retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database. All Stage I-III rectal adenocarcinoma patients were included. Results: Between May 2010 and August 2013, 273 patients underwent curative resection. Both the mucin secreting variants were more common in young age and presented at a more advanced stage. 14% of tumors had signet ring cell histology whereas 8% had mucinous histology. 54% and 48% of signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) and mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) patients were node positive in contrast to the classical variant (30%). CRM positivity was 24% with MAC and 19% with SRCC as compared to 4% with the classical variant. The DFS among the classical and mucinous variants was 38.5 and 37.4 months, respectively, whereas it was 28.6 months in the SRCC group. OS did not differ significantly. Conclusion: There is a high incidence of aggressive mucin secreting variants in India. There exists a spectrum of adenocarcinomas of rectum with progressively worsening outcomes from classical to MAC to SRCC. These aggressive variants might warrant more aggressive resections.
Journal of Medical & Radiation Oncology, Jul 1, 2022
Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor that frequently develops in con... more Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor that frequently develops in conjunction with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, and is often identified late in its course, with a median survival of around 6 to 20 months following diagnosis. Although surgical excision is the gold standard of treatment, most patients are ineligible due to tumor size or underlying liver disease. The hepatic reserve of the patient, as determined by the Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification, frequently influences treatment options. Method. Between January 2016 and June 2018, 42 patients admitted to Fundeni Clinical Institute's Department of Medical Oncology who had previously been treated with Sorafenib for more than two months were recruited in this retrospective analysis. We evaluated the etiology and stage of illness (BCLC), residual liver function (CHILD), performance status (ECOG), treatment response and side effects, progression-free survival, and overall survival. Results. The study group had good short and long-term outcomes: median progression-free survival was 7.7 months and median overall survival was 11.6 months. The most frequently-reported adverse effects were skin rashes, diarrhea, hypertension, and hand-foot skin reaction. Conclusion. This retrospective, single-center study confirmed the benefit of sorafenib in the treatment of advanced HCC, particularly in patients with good liver function and performance status.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
The development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been associated with inflammation... more The development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been associated with inflammation processes that involve the overactivation of the NF‐κB signalling pathway. The characterization of the NF‐κB expression profile in CRC is an important topic since the suppression of NF‐κB represents a potential therapeutic approach. In this study, we assessed the expression levels of 84 NF‐κB‐related genes in paired tumoral (T) and peritumoral (PT) tissues from 18 CRC patients and 18 normal colonic mucosae, and the expression levels of three miRNAs targeting the most dysregulated genes revealed by the case–control analysis. Comparing the gene expression profile of T and controls, 60 genes were dysregulated. The comparison of T and PT revealed 17 dysregulated genes in the tumoral tissues, with IL1B, CXCL8, IL1A, and CSF2 being the most upregulated. Notably, through a bioinformatics analysis, the differential gene expression of 11 out of the 17 genes was validated on a larger cohort of 30...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
The polygenic etiology of familial colorectal cancer and other digestive tract cancers has been a... more The polygenic etiology of familial colorectal cancer and other digestive tract cancers has been acknowledged and therefore a study subject by means of various techniques such comparative genomic hybridization, serial genetic analysis (APC, CGH) or DNA arrays. Our paper is the first presentation of a CNCSIS research project named: "Analiza unor factori moleculari implicaţi in stabilirea riscului statistic de îmbolnăvire la descendentii probanzilor cu cancer rectocolonic" and also presents the case of a 12 members family in which 3 had already been diagnosed with colonic or rectal cancer. The APC gene methylation profile was studied in order to establish both the gene implication in cancer development within the family and the risk of colorectal cancer for the healthy family members. The paper shows the present means of interaction between the surgeon and the familial colorectal cancer cases and the research project advocates for the necessity of a genetic counseling network...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
GERD is a frequent, evolving, life quality-impairing disease. In addition to medication and lapar... more GERD is a frequent, evolving, life quality-impairing disease. In addition to medication and laparoscopic fundoplication we have recently added endoluminal fundoplication (ELF). The EsophyX2 is currently the most efficient device for endoluminal fundoplication. This device produces a partial, anterior valve, redesigning the antireflux barrier and the Hiss angle geometry, thus improving the activity of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This paper presents the operative technique, the patient selection criteria and published results. It has been shown that this technique is both secure, reproductible and effective in patients followed for 12-24 months: life-quality improvement, decreased acid exposure, suppression of antiacids, reduced hospitalization and recovery. Compared to antiacid therapy, ELF is far more effective and less invasive than laparoscopic fundoplication. For the moment we have no long-term results. ELF with EsophyX2 is a minimally invasive and efficient therapy for...
Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990)
We present the case of an elderly and frail woman, admitted for obstructive jaundice 9 years afte... more We present the case of an elderly and frail woman, admitted for obstructive jaundice 9 years after cholecystectomy, lithotomy and T-tube drainage. The presence of a T-tube remnant in the common bile duct was suggested by imaging techniques, along with a megacholedocus. Because of the risks associated with advanced biliary cirrhosis, the endoscopic retrieval and lithotripsy was the first therapeutical attempt but failed. Lithotomy and cholangio-jejunostomy by open surgery were followed by a surprising favourable course.
Romanian journal of gastroenterology, 2005
A 61 year old man was referred for upper digestive endoscopy having dyspeptic syndrome. He also a... more A 61 year old man was referred for upper digestive endoscopy having dyspeptic syndrome. He also associated hoarseness. The examination revealed an ulcer scar on the gastric angle (chronic gastritis upon histological examination) and a well differentiated spinocellular laryngeal carcinoma, further treated by surgical excision.
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, Dec 16, 2021
Ablation par radiofréquence endoscopique dans les tumeurs bilio-pancréatiques Les maladies néopla... more Ablation par radiofréquence endoscopique dans les tumeurs bilio-pancréatiques Les maladies néoplasiques malignes bilio-pancréatiques sont caractérisées par une évolution agressive et à faible taux de survie à 5 ans. La seule méthode thérapeutique à potentiel curatif reste le traitement chirurgical. Malheureusement, un pourcentage très élevé de patients sont diagnostiqués en stades avancés, ne se prêtant plus à une résection chirurgicale. Les études de ces dernières années se sont concentrées sur l'identification de nouvelles techniques thérapeutiques pour améliorer la qualité de vie et la survie de ces patients. L'une de ces techniques est l'ablation endoscopique par radiofréquence, qui a montré de bons résultats en termes de morbi-mortalité, avec un taux de complications acceptable.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2018
Détermination des marqueurs tumoraux sériques pour le diagnostic précoce du cancer du pancréas In... more Détermination des marqueurs tumoraux sériques pour le diagnostic précoce du cancer du pancréas Introduction Le cancer pancréatique a le pire pronostic parmi ceux de l'appareil digestif. La mortalité élevée est justifiée par la pénurie de symptômes, et par une faible réponse au traitement. L'absence de marqueurs tumoraux pour le stage précoce explique le mauvais pronostic. L'objectif est d'évaluer si des marqueurs comme la mésothéline, les cellules tumorales circulantes, ou microARN peuvent être utilisés pour le diagnostic précoce et comme facteurs pronostiques. L'objectif secondaire est de tester ces marqueurs dans la pancréatite chronique et les utiliser pour le dépistage parmi la population à haute risque. Matériel et méthodes Nous avons mesuré la concentration sérique de mésothéline, miR-10b et miR-155 chez des échantillons appartenant aux trois catégories: groupe avec cancer du pancréas, groupe avec pancréatite et groupe-contrôle (sains) et essayé de montrer des corrélations entre eux.
Modern Medicine, Sep 30, 2016
Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis (TB) share many clinical, radiological and endoscopic... more Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis (TB) share many clinical, radiological and endoscopic features. A definitive diagnosis in these cases is extremely important, to avoid the toxicity of unnecessary antituberculous therapy in patients with Crohn's disease and potentially fatal immunosuppressive treatment in patients with intestinal TB. A 42-year-old male presented with weight loss, recurrent fever, diarrhea, right iliac fossa pain, night sweats for several months. Abdominal ultrasonography with ileo-cecal wall thickening and retroperitoneal adenopathies and colonoscopy evaluation were thought to be consistent with Crohn's disease. However, the diagnosis was disseminated tuberculosis with lung and colon involvement based on the diffuse, bilateral small nodules seen on Chest X-ray and tuberculoid granulomas revealed on the colon biopsies.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018