Muhamad Armawaddin | Universitas Halu Oleo (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhamad Armawaddin
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, Oct 26, 2022
This study aims to test and analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on Indonesia's developm... more This study aims to test and analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on Indonesia's development performance using a structural equation model. This type of data uses panel data from thirty-four provinces and five-year series (2015-2019), bringing the number of observations to 180. Data is sourced from the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance and the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Data analysis uses a structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) with Smart-PLS 3. The evaluation results of the external model conclude that all indicators of fiscal decentralization variables and economic development performance variables are valid. The most powerful indicators that reflect the latent variables of budgetary decentralization are regional income ratios, and economic development performance indicators are economic growth. The results of the evaluation model found that there was a positive and significant effect of fiscal decentralization on economic development performance. Inequality of fiscal decentralization among the provinces in Indonesia caused the ratio of original regional income in research to have the lowest effect compared to the proportion of provincial revenues and expenditures.
This study aims to test and analyse the phenomenon of flypaper effect of local expenditure in Sul... more This study aims to test and analyse the phenomenon of flypaper effect of local expenditure in Sulawesi province by using SEM and PLS model. Secondary data types use panel data from 81 regencies/municipalities in the period 2016-2017. The specific target of this research is to re-test the symptoms of flypaper effect by using SEM and PLS model. The results showed that by using different analysis model, it still found the flypaper effect of local expenditure shown by the coefficient of influence of transfer fund which is bigger than the coefficient of the influence of Original Income and the influence of indigenous income which is not significant to the expenditure of regency/municipality in Sulawesi. Other local own source revenue is the greatest factor affecting the local own source revenue while the transfer fund is a general allocation fund. Keywords: Flypaper Effect, SEM AND PLS Models JEL Classification: H72; C33
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena plypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena plypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/kota di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan mengamati data PAD, DAU dan Belanja Daerah Kab/Kota di Sulawesi Tenggara selama kurun waktu 2010-2013 . A nalisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi data panel . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam periode 2010-2013 terdeteksi adanya flypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Tenggara yang mengindikasikan bahwa dalam periode pengamatan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Sulawesi Tenggara terjadi inefisiensi penggunaan dana belanja daerah.
This study aims to determine the model of economic growth in the Province in Sulawesi. Variable p... more This study aims to determine the model of economic growth in the Province in Sulawesi. Variable predictors are determined by referring to the Keynesian income concept namely consumption, government expenditure, investment, and net exports. Data uses panel data from six provinces and 2012-2017 years and be analyzed using the Stepwise Forwards Regression. The findings showed that the economic growth of the Province in Sulawesi is affected by several variables namely consumption, government expenditure, investment, and net export. Further, the findings prove the factors of government expenditure and investment significantly affect the economic growth of the province in Sulawesi. Recommendations on economic development policies to improve economic growth control factors for government expenditure and investment should get the attention of the province in Sulawesi. Keywords: Economic Growth Factors; Stepwise Regression Method; government expenditure JEL Codes: C10; E06
This study aims to 1) To determine the effect of Regional Original Income (PAD) on the Direct Exp... more This study aims to 1) To determine the effect of Regional Original Income (PAD) on the Direct Expenditures of the Regional Government of Kendari City. 2) To find out the effect of the Balancing Fund on the Direct Expenditure of the Regional Government of Kendari City. 3) To find out the effect of Regional Original Income ( ROI ) and Balancing Funds on Kendari Regional Government Direct Expenditures. The research method used in this research is documentative method and type of descriptive verification research, and data analysis using research data in the form of ROI realization reports, balancing funds, and direct expenditure for 10 periods, namely in the fiscal year 2008-2017 obtained from the Financial Management Service and Regional Assets of Kendari City. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the relationship of local revenue with regional expenditure with a very strong category and the relationship of balancing funds with regional expenditure with a very strong categ...
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of PAD (original revenues) and DAU (grants) on ... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of PAD (original revenues) and DAU (grants) on Regional Expenditures and to find out and detect the existence of flypaper effect on Regional Expenditures in Kendari City for the period 2000-2016. The object of this study is flypaper effect. The type of data is secondary data which was analyzed using multiple linier regression analysis method with the help of SPSS 24 software. The result showed that PAD and DAU had significant influence on Regional Expenditures, and the PAD coefficient value was 2.687 greater than the DAU coefficient value is 1.182 (2.687>1.182), it can be concluded that there is no flypaper effect on the Regional Expenditures of Kendari City. That is, there is no inefficiency in the use of DAU that are greater than the PAD in financing the Regional Expenditure of Kendari City.
jurnal ekonomi dan studi pembangunan, 2019
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of export and foreign debt mediation... more The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of export and foreign debt mediation in the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves. And test and analyze the effect of exchange rate on exports, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves and the effect of exports and foreign debt on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia in 1999-2015. The type of research data is secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesian and Central Bureau of Statistics. Data analysis with path analysis using AMOS 18.0. The results of the analysis and discussion concluded that in the period of 1999-2015, export and foreign debt play a role mediate the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia. The significance test results conclude that the effect mediation of export and foreign debt is significant on foreign exchange reserves. Other results conclude that exchange rate has significant effect on export, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves. Export and foreign debt have a significant effect on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia.
Mega Aktiva: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2018
This study aims to determine the phenomenon of Flypapper Effect on the regional expenditure of re... more This study aims to determine the phenomenon of Flypapper Effect on the regional expenditure of regencies / cities in the Provinces of Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi. This study uses secondary data by observing PAD data, DAU and District / Municipality Expenditure in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi during the period 2016-2017. Data analysis used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that in the period 2016-2017 Flypaper Effect was detected at regional expenditures of regencies / cities in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi indicating that in the observation period of Regency / City Government in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi there was an inefficient use of regional expenditure funds in proportion which is relatively different. Development financing in the provinces of Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi is still dependent on transfer funds with Central Sulawesi Province relatively more independent than Southeast Sulawesi. The result...
The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of infrastructures on economic growth in Southea... more The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of infrastructures on economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. The data used the secunder data which formed time series-based. The data was obtained by publication and legal documents of Statistic Center Unit and relevant institution. The method of analysis used ordinary least squares with panel data. Thus, the data analysis of this research was regretion model with panel data. To estimate regretion of panel data, the researcher used common effect,fixed effect and random effect method. The findings of this research showed that insfrastructures comprised road, harbor, water and electicity simultaniously and significantly influenced the economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. Partially, only harbor and electricity significantly affected on the economic growth Southeast Sulawesi.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2018
This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the realization of capital expendit... more This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the realization of capital expenditure in districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi. This type of data used is secondary data on local revenue, equity funds, personnel expenditures, gross regional domestic product, residual funding, population and capital expenditures during 2010-2016. The analysis uses regression analysis of panel data from 12 districts / cities by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The result of the research shows that the dominant factors affecting capital expenditure realization is balance fund. The other result is PAD, personnel expenditure, GRDP which have a significant effect on capital expenditure realization, while the population is not significant. SILPA has significant effect to capital expenditure with partial regression test but not significant with multiple regression test.
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
Journal of Innovation in Business and Economics, 2018
This study aims to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spending a... more This study aims to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spending and its impact on gross regional domestic products and to analyses the direct and indirect effects of regional own revenue, general allocation fund and revenue sharing fund on gross regional domestic products mediated by regional expenditure. Data uses panel data with 17 Regency / Municipality in Southeast Sulawesi and observation period for 2015-2017. Data analysis used path analysis with AMOS 18.0 program and indirect effect test using the Sobel test. The results of the study conclude: a) General Allocation Funds and Revenue Sharing Funds significantly affect Regional Expenditures, while Regional Own Revenues are insignificant; b) Regional Own Revenue and Revenue Sharing Fund significantly affect the Gross Regional Domestic Product, while the General Allocation Fund is not significant; c) Regional Expenditure significantly mediated the effect of General Allocation Funds and Revenue Shar...
Mega Aktiva: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2018
Target luaran yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah publikasi hasil penelitian pada jurn... more Target luaran yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah publikasi hasil penelitian pada jurnal ilmiah nasional, disampaikan pada dalam bentuk makalah pada temu ilmiah lokal dan nasional serta bahan ajar untuk pengembangan mata kuliah sehingga memberikan kontribusi yang penting pada ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penyedia layanan dan pengguna layanan PDAM Kota Kendari dan PDAM Kabupaten Kolaka. Pemilihan informan penyedia layanan dan responden pengguna layanan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Penyedia layanan adalah direktur atau jajaran pimpinan PDAM Kota Kendari dan Kabupaten Kolaka sebagai informan kunci, sedangkan pengguna layanan adalah pelanggan rumah tangga sebanyak 100 orang dengan kriteria pelanggan golongan rumah tangga yang mengkonsumsi air pada kategori Blok I (0-20 M3). Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode desksriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian diperloeh bahwa kinerja PDAM di Sulawesi Tenggara dalam melakukan pelayanan publik di pengaruhi o...
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2019
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 2018
Total Quality Management (TQM) starts from the quality that has been applied by companies to ge... more Total Quality Management (TQM) starts from the quality that has been applied by companies to get good quality in the early decades of 2000 in Indonesia. In this study explained TQM Education with the Company's TQM perspective in general which consisted of customer focus, quality obsession, teamwork and school performance. This study aims to determine the implementation of TQM education on the performance of State Vocational High Schools in Pekanbaru City. The method used in this study is descriptive and quantitative. The population of this study was 474 and the sample used a sampling quota of 82 respondents and used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the TQM Education research namely Customer Focus, Quality Obsession and Team Cooperation did not have a significant effect simultaneously and partially had a significant effect on the performance of the State Vocational High School in Pekanbaru.
This study aim to describing data or information about Indonesia’s competitive power of export of... more This study aim to describing data or information about Indonesia’s competitive power of export of commodities in subsector of farming among ASEAN countries; (2) presenting data or information about types of commodities that can become special products for export, in particular in farming sector. Object of the study was data about exports of commodities in subsector of farming in ASEAN countries and world in aggregates within the period of 2011-2014, which were classified into HS Code 6 digits product in US dollar measurement unit. Data were collected using a literature study by browsing or downloading from, wich is website of TRADE MAP (Trad statistics for International Business Development, using the indicators of Revealed Comparative Advanced (RCA) and Comparative Export Performance (CEP). Results of RCA analysis showed that, among 15 export commodities in the subsector of farming in Indonesia under investigation, 9 commodities have compe...
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia
Flypaper Effect Analysis of District and City Regionally Spending in SulawesiThis study aims to d... more Flypaper Effect Analysis of District and City Regionally Spending in SulawesiThis study aims to determine the phenomenon of flypaper effect of regionally spending in Sulawesi. Types of data use secondary data about regionally original income, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, tax-sharing fund, and regionally spending in 2016–2017. Data analysis using panel data regression analysis. Result of research, found flypaper effect of regional spending from special allocation fund, whereas from general allocation fund and tax-sharing fund is not found. This study also proves that regionally spending, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, and tax-sharing fund have a significant influence on regionally spending in Sulawesi.Keywords: Regionally Spending; Flypaper Effect; Panel Data ModelsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui fenomena flypaper effect belanja daerah di Sulawesi. Jenis data menggunakan data sekunder tentang pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum...
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, Oct 26, 2022
This study aims to test and analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on Indonesia's developm... more This study aims to test and analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on Indonesia's development performance using a structural equation model. This type of data uses panel data from thirty-four provinces and five-year series (2015-2019), bringing the number of observations to 180. Data is sourced from the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance and the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Data analysis uses a structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) with Smart-PLS 3. The evaluation results of the external model conclude that all indicators of fiscal decentralization variables and economic development performance variables are valid. The most powerful indicators that reflect the latent variables of budgetary decentralization are regional income ratios, and economic development performance indicators are economic growth. The results of the evaluation model found that there was a positive and significant effect of fiscal decentralization on economic development performance. Inequality of fiscal decentralization among the provinces in Indonesia caused the ratio of original regional income in research to have the lowest effect compared to the proportion of provincial revenues and expenditures.
This study aims to test and analyse the phenomenon of flypaper effect of local expenditure in Sul... more This study aims to test and analyse the phenomenon of flypaper effect of local expenditure in Sulawesi province by using SEM and PLS model. Secondary data types use panel data from 81 regencies/municipalities in the period 2016-2017. The specific target of this research is to re-test the symptoms of flypaper effect by using SEM and PLS model. The results showed that by using different analysis model, it still found the flypaper effect of local expenditure shown by the coefficient of influence of transfer fund which is bigger than the coefficient of the influence of Original Income and the influence of indigenous income which is not significant to the expenditure of regency/municipality in Sulawesi. Other local own source revenue is the greatest factor affecting the local own source revenue while the transfer fund is a general allocation fund. Keywords: Flypaper Effect, SEM AND PLS Models JEL Classification: H72; C33
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena plypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena plypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/kota di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan mengamati data PAD, DAU dan Belanja Daerah Kab/Kota di Sulawesi Tenggara selama kurun waktu 2010-2013 . A nalisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi data panel . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam periode 2010-2013 terdeteksi adanya flypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Tenggara yang mengindikasikan bahwa dalam periode pengamatan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Sulawesi Tenggara terjadi inefisiensi penggunaan dana belanja daerah.
This study aims to determine the model of economic growth in the Province in Sulawesi. Variable p... more This study aims to determine the model of economic growth in the Province in Sulawesi. Variable predictors are determined by referring to the Keynesian income concept namely consumption, government expenditure, investment, and net exports. Data uses panel data from six provinces and 2012-2017 years and be analyzed using the Stepwise Forwards Regression. The findings showed that the economic growth of the Province in Sulawesi is affected by several variables namely consumption, government expenditure, investment, and net export. Further, the findings prove the factors of government expenditure and investment significantly affect the economic growth of the province in Sulawesi. Recommendations on economic development policies to improve economic growth control factors for government expenditure and investment should get the attention of the province in Sulawesi. Keywords: Economic Growth Factors; Stepwise Regression Method; government expenditure JEL Codes: C10; E06
This study aims to 1) To determine the effect of Regional Original Income (PAD) on the Direct Exp... more This study aims to 1) To determine the effect of Regional Original Income (PAD) on the Direct Expenditures of the Regional Government of Kendari City. 2) To find out the effect of the Balancing Fund on the Direct Expenditure of the Regional Government of Kendari City. 3) To find out the effect of Regional Original Income ( ROI ) and Balancing Funds on Kendari Regional Government Direct Expenditures. The research method used in this research is documentative method and type of descriptive verification research, and data analysis using research data in the form of ROI realization reports, balancing funds, and direct expenditure for 10 periods, namely in the fiscal year 2008-2017 obtained from the Financial Management Service and Regional Assets of Kendari City. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the relationship of local revenue with regional expenditure with a very strong category and the relationship of balancing funds with regional expenditure with a very strong categ...
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of PAD (original revenues) and DAU (grants) on ... more This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of PAD (original revenues) and DAU (grants) on Regional Expenditures and to find out and detect the existence of flypaper effect on Regional Expenditures in Kendari City for the period 2000-2016. The object of this study is flypaper effect. The type of data is secondary data which was analyzed using multiple linier regression analysis method with the help of SPSS 24 software. The result showed that PAD and DAU had significant influence on Regional Expenditures, and the PAD coefficient value was 2.687 greater than the DAU coefficient value is 1.182 (2.687>1.182), it can be concluded that there is no flypaper effect on the Regional Expenditures of Kendari City. That is, there is no inefficiency in the use of DAU that are greater than the PAD in financing the Regional Expenditure of Kendari City.
jurnal ekonomi dan studi pembangunan, 2019
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of export and foreign debt mediation... more The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of export and foreign debt mediation in the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves. And test and analyze the effect of exchange rate on exports, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves and the effect of exports and foreign debt on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia in 1999-2015. The type of research data is secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesian and Central Bureau of Statistics. Data analysis with path analysis using AMOS 18.0. The results of the analysis and discussion concluded that in the period of 1999-2015, export and foreign debt play a role mediate the effect of exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia. The significance test results conclude that the effect mediation of export and foreign debt is significant on foreign exchange reserves. Other results conclude that exchange rate has significant effect on export, foreign debt and foreign exchange reserves. Export and foreign debt have a significant effect on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia.
Mega Aktiva: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2018
This study aims to determine the phenomenon of Flypapper Effect on the regional expenditure of re... more This study aims to determine the phenomenon of Flypapper Effect on the regional expenditure of regencies / cities in the Provinces of Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi. This study uses secondary data by observing PAD data, DAU and District / Municipality Expenditure in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi during the period 2016-2017. Data analysis used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that in the period 2016-2017 Flypaper Effect was detected at regional expenditures of regencies / cities in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi indicating that in the observation period of Regency / City Government in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi there was an inefficient use of regional expenditure funds in proportion which is relatively different. Development financing in the provinces of Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi is still dependent on transfer funds with Central Sulawesi Province relatively more independent than Southeast Sulawesi. The result...
The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of infrastructures on economic growth in Southea... more The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of infrastructures on economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. The data used the secunder data which formed time series-based. The data was obtained by publication and legal documents of Statistic Center Unit and relevant institution. The method of analysis used ordinary least squares with panel data. Thus, the data analysis of this research was regretion model with panel data. To estimate regretion of panel data, the researcher used common effect,fixed effect and random effect method. The findings of this research showed that insfrastructures comprised road, harbor, water and electicity simultaniously and significantly influenced the economic growth in Southeast Sulawesi. Partially, only harbor and electricity significantly affected on the economic growth Southeast Sulawesi.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 2018
This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the realization of capital expendit... more This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the realization of capital expenditure in districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi. This type of data used is secondary data on local revenue, equity funds, personnel expenditures, gross regional domestic product, residual funding, population and capital expenditures during 2010-2016. The analysis uses regression analysis of panel data from 12 districts / cities by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The result of the research shows that the dominant factors affecting capital expenditure realization is balance fund. The other result is PAD, personnel expenditure, GRDP which have a significant effect on capital expenditure realization, while the population is not significant. SILPA has significant effect to capital expenditure with partial regression test but not significant with multiple regression test.
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
Journal of Innovation in Business and Economics, 2018
This study aims to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spending a... more This study aims to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spending and its impact on gross regional domestic products and to analyses the direct and indirect effects of regional own revenue, general allocation fund and revenue sharing fund on gross regional domestic products mediated by regional expenditure. Data uses panel data with 17 Regency / Municipality in Southeast Sulawesi and observation period for 2015-2017. Data analysis used path analysis with AMOS 18.0 program and indirect effect test using the Sobel test. The results of the study conclude: a) General Allocation Funds and Revenue Sharing Funds significantly affect Regional Expenditures, while Regional Own Revenues are insignificant; b) Regional Own Revenue and Revenue Sharing Fund significantly affect the Gross Regional Domestic Product, while the General Allocation Fund is not significant; c) Regional Expenditure significantly mediated the effect of General Allocation Funds and Revenue Shar...
Mega Aktiva: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2018
Target luaran yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah publikasi hasil penelitian pada jurn... more Target luaran yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah publikasi hasil penelitian pada jurnal ilmiah nasional, disampaikan pada dalam bentuk makalah pada temu ilmiah lokal dan nasional serta bahan ajar untuk pengembangan mata kuliah sehingga memberikan kontribusi yang penting pada ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penyedia layanan dan pengguna layanan PDAM Kota Kendari dan PDAM Kabupaten Kolaka. Pemilihan informan penyedia layanan dan responden pengguna layanan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Penyedia layanan adalah direktur atau jajaran pimpinan PDAM Kota Kendari dan Kabupaten Kolaka sebagai informan kunci, sedangkan pengguna layanan adalah pelanggan rumah tangga sebanyak 100 orang dengan kriteria pelanggan golongan rumah tangga yang mengkonsumsi air pada kategori Blok I (0-20 M3). Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode desksriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian diperloeh bahwa kinerja PDAM di Sulawesi Tenggara dalam melakukan pelayanan publik di pengaruhi o...
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2019
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 2018
Total Quality Management (TQM) starts from the quality that has been applied by companies to ge... more Total Quality Management (TQM) starts from the quality that has been applied by companies to get good quality in the early decades of 2000 in Indonesia. In this study explained TQM Education with the Company's TQM perspective in general which consisted of customer focus, quality obsession, teamwork and school performance. This study aims to determine the implementation of TQM education on the performance of State Vocational High Schools in Pekanbaru City. The method used in this study is descriptive and quantitative. The population of this study was 474 and the sample used a sampling quota of 82 respondents and used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the TQM Education research namely Customer Focus, Quality Obsession and Team Cooperation did not have a significant effect simultaneously and partially had a significant effect on the performance of the State Vocational High School in Pekanbaru.
This study aim to describing data or information about Indonesia’s competitive power of export of... more This study aim to describing data or information about Indonesia’s competitive power of export of commodities in subsector of farming among ASEAN countries; (2) presenting data or information about types of commodities that can become special products for export, in particular in farming sector. Object of the study was data about exports of commodities in subsector of farming in ASEAN countries and world in aggregates within the period of 2011-2014, which were classified into HS Code 6 digits product in US dollar measurement unit. Data were collected using a literature study by browsing or downloading from, wich is website of TRADE MAP (Trad statistics for International Business Development, using the indicators of Revealed Comparative Advanced (RCA) and Comparative Export Performance (CEP). Results of RCA analysis showed that, among 15 export commodities in the subsector of farming in Indonesia under investigation, 9 commodities have compe...
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia
Flypaper Effect Analysis of District and City Regionally Spending in SulawesiThis study aims to d... more Flypaper Effect Analysis of District and City Regionally Spending in SulawesiThis study aims to determine the phenomenon of flypaper effect of regionally spending in Sulawesi. Types of data use secondary data about regionally original income, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, tax-sharing fund, and regionally spending in 2016–2017. Data analysis using panel data regression analysis. Result of research, found flypaper effect of regional spending from special allocation fund, whereas from general allocation fund and tax-sharing fund is not found. This study also proves that regionally spending, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, and tax-sharing fund have a significant influence on regionally spending in Sulawesi.Keywords: Regionally Spending; Flypaper Effect; Panel Data ModelsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui fenomena flypaper effect belanja daerah di Sulawesi. Jenis data menggunakan data sekunder tentang pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum...
Kabupaten Bombana merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Sulawesi Tenggara yang memberikan pengaruh te... more Kabupaten Bombana merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Sulawesi Tenggara yang memberikan pengaruh terbesar terhadap pembangunan Sulawesi Tenggara. Hal ini disebabkan karena Kabupaten Bombana memiliki sumberdaya alam yang beragam seperti sumberdaya air, lahan dan sumberdaya manusia yang meliputi ketersediaan tenaga kerja yang melimpah dan berkualitas.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bombana dengan menggunakan data tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sektor yang menjadi sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Bombana, menganalisis dampak pengganda pendapatan dari kegiatan sektor ekonomi yang menjadi sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Bombana, menganalisis sektor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Bombana.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian Deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan indikator yang menggambarkan seluruh kegiatan ekonomi yang telah dilaksanakan melalui indikator PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) yang diuraikan melalui pertumbuhan PDRB. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat dan instansi-instansi terkait lainnya, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis Location Quetiont, dan Analisis Shift Share.
Hasil analisis Location Quotient (LQ) menunjukkan bahwa sektor yang menjadi sektor basis atau unggulan di Kabupaten Bombana yaitu (1) Sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, (2) Sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian dan (3) Sektor Perdagangan Besar Dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Sepeda Motor periode 2011-2015. Sub Sektor unggulan sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan yang memberikan kontribusi adalah Sub Sektor tanaman pangan, tanaman hortikultura, perkebunan dan peternakan. Sub Sektor unggulan sektor pertambangan dan galian adalah Sub Sektor pertambangan biji logam dan pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya. Dan Sub Sektor unggulan sektor perdagangan besar dan eceran, reparasi mobil dan sepeda motor adalah perdagangan besar dan eceran bukan mobil dan sepeda motor.
Hasil analisis Shift Share menunjukkan bahwa ketiga sektor tersebut memiliki pertumbuhan dan daya saing yang berbeda-beda. Sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan merupakan sektor yang mengalami pertumbuhan yang cepat namun memiliki daya saing yang kurang baik. Selanjutnya sektor pertambangan dan penggalian merupakan sektor yang mengalami pertumbuhan yang lambat namun memiliki daya saing yang baik. Sektor yang memiliki hamper semuang keunggulan adalah Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Sepeda Motor.
This study aims: (1) to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spend... more This study aims: (1) to analyses and determine the dominant factors that influence regional spending and its impact on gross regional domestic products. (2) to analyses the direct and indirect effects of regional own revenue, general allocation fund and revenue sharing fund on gross regional domestic products mediated by regional expenditure. Data uses panel data with 17 Regency / Municipality in Southeast Sulawesi and observation period for 2015-2017. Data analysis used path analysis with AMOS 18.0 program and indirect effect test (mediation role) using the Sobel test. The results of the study conclude that (1) General Allocation Funds and Revenue Sharing Funds significantly affect Regional Expenditures, while Regional Own Revenues are insignificant. (2) Regional Own Revenue and Revenue Sharing Fund significantly affect the Gross Regional Domestic Product, while the General Allocation Fund is not significant. (3) Regional Expenditure significantly mediated the effect of General Allocation Funds and Revenue Sharing Fund on Gross Regional Domestic Products, while Regional Expenditures do not significantly mediate in the influence of Regional Own Revenue on Gross Regional Domestic Product. Whereas to increase the gross regional domestic products in Regency / Municipality in Southeast Sulawesi, it is better to regulate Regional Expenditure allocations sourced from the General Allocation Fund.
This study aims to determine the dominant factors affecting regional expenditures associated with... more This study aims to determine the dominant factors affecting regional expenditures associated with testing the phenomenon of flypaper effect on the interregional spending in the province of Southeast Sulawesi. This study uses secondary data by observing the data of Local Original Income (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), Special Allocation Fund (Dana Alokasi Khusus, DAK), DBH and Regional Expenditure (BD) in Sulawesi Province for the period 2016-2017. Data analysis using regression with panel data with Pooled Least Square (PLS) method. The result of the research shows that the dominant factor affecting regional expenditure is DBH and detected the occurrence of flypaper effect on regional spending between provinces in Sulawesi in the period 2016-2017. This indicates that in the period of observation the local government has not optimally manage its expenditure so that the inefficiency of its shopping expenditure happens. The results of this study prove in the period 2016-2017 that partially and simultaneously, PAD, DBH and DAU have a significant influence on local spending both on current year or one year earlier. While DAK is significant in the current year and not significant in the previous year.
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of Total Quality Management applic... more The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of Total Quality Management application on competitiveness and fishery companies in Fishery Port of Samudera (PPS) Kendari.Population of the research is all managers and supervisors or at the same level there are 106 people from 12 fisheries companies. Methods of data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis using AMOS 16.0 Software. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) test all indicator of latent variable of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation, competitiveness and performance have value of factor factor% uF0B3 0.40, which means that the observed variables proposed in the research have characterized the latent variable measured. The model conformity test results show that all fit model fit indexes meet the required cut of values. The result of hypothesis testing concludes that the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) on competitiveness and company performance and competitiveness have a significant and positive effect to the performance of fishery company in Fishery Port of Samudera City Kendari. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh penerapan Total Quality Management terhadap daya saing dan perusahaan perikanan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Kota Kendari.Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh manajer dan supervisor atau yang setingkat dengannya berjumlah 106 orang dari 12 perusahaan perikanan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Model Persamaan Struktural (SEM) menggunakan Software AMOS 16.0. Hasil uji confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) semua indikator variable laten implementasi Total Quality Management (TQM), daya saing dan kinerja memiliki nilai loading factor 0.40, yang berarti bahwa variabel observasi yang diajukan dalam penelitian telah mencirikan variable laten yang diukurnya. Hasil uji kesesuaian model menunjukkan bahwa semua indeks kesesuaian model fit memenuhi cut of value yang disyaratkan. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi Total Quality Management (TQM) terhadap daya saing dan kinerja perusahaan dan daya saing berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan perikanan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Kota Kendari.