rahmi lubis | Universitas Medan Area (original) (raw)
Papers by rahmi lubis
Jurnal Diversita, Dec 26, 2023
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, Mar 22, 2024
Divorce thrusts individuals into the role of a single parent, leading them to enroll their childr... more Divorce thrusts individuals into the role of a single parent, leading them to enroll their children in Islamic boarding schools for heightened supervision. The impact of divorce on adolescents, especially those in boarding schools, is profound. These teenagers often grapple with increased academic stress due to rigorous learning demands and a lack of parental support, resulting in compromised psychological well-being. This study aims to implement resilience training as a pilot intervention to alleviate academic stress and enhance the psychological well-being of adolescents with divorced parents in boarding schools. The research design employs a non-randomized pretest-posttest control group format, involving 30 adolescents. Assessment tools include the ESSSA educational stress scale for adolescents (16 items), a psychological well-being assessment (42 items), and a resilience measurement (19 items). Through independent t-tests and paired ttests, the findings reveal a significant reduction in academic stress (p=.000) and a simultaneous improvement in psychological well-being (p=.000).
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The final project is a graduation requirement for students and the quality of the lecturer-studen... more The final project is a graduation requirement for students and the quality of the lecturer-student relationship significantly impacts its successful completion. Several studies have shown that the satisfaction of students in their relationship with lecturers is majorly influenced by family function, but there is limited data on this association.. Therefore, this study aims to examine the mediating role of positive youth development in the effect of family function on the lecturer-student relationship. A quantitative explanatory approach was used and the sample population consisted of 171 active students in the 8th to 14th semester of the undergraduate program at University X. The instruments used included the Positive Youth Development (PYD), family function, and lecturer-student relationship scales. The hypothesis was tested with the mediation analysis model 4 using the SPSS Process Hayes V.4 program. The results showed that PYD partially mediated the effect of family function on ...
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
The aim of this research is to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship... more The aim of this research is to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between work-life balance and the professionalism of ASNs. These two factors are critical to study because an imbalance between work and life may result in unprofessional behavior, and job dissatisfaction may also lead to unprofessionalism at work. The study utilized quantitative research methods, employing Structural Equation Model (SEM) data analysis techniques using AMOS version 22 software. Stratified random sampling was used to select 300 ASNs as respondents, and data were collected using professionalism, work-life balance, and job satisfaction scales. The results indicated that job satisfaction significantly mediated the relationship between work-life balance and professionalism. This study highlights the importance of job satisfaction as a mediator in maintaining the professionalism of ASNs and suggests the need for policies to improve work-life balance in order to enhance profes...
Journal of Family Issues
The unproperly functioning family can provoke adolescent mental health and behavior problems. The... more The unproperly functioning family can provoke adolescent mental health and behavior problems. The measurement of family function in Indonesia still uses instruments from the West, so it is necessary to develop a more suitable community tool. This study aims to validate the Indonesian version of Chinese Family Assessment Inventory. We selected 396 participants randomly from four high schools in Medan. Data analysis showed that all scale items had high validity (CVI = .86). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis concluded that the ICFAI has an identical factor structure to the original version. The data fit with the model (Chi-square 8892.122; p < .000; RMSEA = .575; CFI = .945; TLI = .939). 32 of 33 items have a good quality ( t-value <1.96) and high reliability (Alpha = .921). ICFAI is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring family function in Indonesia.
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Taraf kecerdasan menentukan kapasitas anak dalam menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan. Namun, tidak se... more Taraf kecerdasan menentukan kapasitas anak dalam menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan. Namun, tidak semua anak memiliki potensi intelektual yang cukup. Hal ini menimbulkan berbagai kesulitan dalam memenuhi tugas-tugas perkembangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan intervensi pada anak disabilitas intelektual sedang yang berada pada usia 7 tahun dalam proses adaptasi dan perkembangan kognitif. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada satu orang anak laki-laki dengan IQ 50 dan usia mental 3 tahun 10 bulan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data diperoleh bahwa intervensi yang dilakukan pada subjek dalam meningkatkan proses belajar, kemandirian dan penyesuaian diri di lingkungan menggunakan pendekatan behavioristik dengan cara: modelling, terapi bermain, reinforcment positif dan remedial ...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
This study aims to determine the differences in learning interest and learning motivation in term... more This study aims to determine the differences in learning interest and learning motivation in terms of the use of the At-Taisir Qur'an memorization method and Dermawan's Qur'an memorization method. The research method uses a quantitative approach, with a purposive sampling technique. The population in this study amounted to 62 and a sample of 40 students were divided into 2 groups, namely 20 data from each group. The analytical method used to analyze the data obtained in this study uses the Mann Whitney U analysis method. In the At-Taisir method, the learning interest scale is in the low category with an empirical mean of 23.40 and a hypothetical mean of 45 with sd 9. The learning motivation scale is in the very category. low with an empirical mean of 57.25 and a hypothetical mean of 97.5 with an sd of 19.5. Whereas in the Dermawan method, the interest scale category is very high, the empirical mean is 68.30 and the hypothetical mean is 45 with sd 9. The motivation scale ...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
This study aims to determine differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in stu... more This study aims to determine differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in students of SMK Negeri 1 Merdeka. The department is part of the Vocational High School, namely the focus of the field of study chosen and studied by students. The disciplines in a department at SMK in this study are Building Engineering and Light Vehicle Engineering. The hypothesis put forward is that there are differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in SMK. In this study, the samples used were 116 students majoring in Building Engineering and 148 students majoring in Light Vehicle Engineering, totaly 264 students. This research uses self-concept scale and resilience scale. The data analysis method is 1 way ANOVA. Based on the data analysis carried out, the results obtained from differences in self-concept in terms of the Department of Building Engineering and Light Vehicle Engineering with a different F value = 513.430; the difference in resilience in terms of the Bui...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dan budaya ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dan budaya organisasi dengan iklim organisasi. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan Bank Mandiri Syariah Kabanjahe yang berjumlah 42orang. Mengingat keterbatasan jumlah anggota populasi, maka seluruhnya dijadikan sampel penelitian (teknik total sampling). Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga macam skala sebagai alat pengumpulan data yang disusun berdasarkan metode penskalaan Likert. Ketiga skala tersebut adalah skala gaya kepemimpinan spiritual, skala budaya organisasi, dan skala iklim organisasi. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji statistik regresi linier dan regresi ganda.Berdasarkan hasil analisa data, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dengan iklim organisasi, demikian pula antara budaya organisasi dengan iklim organisasi. Selain itu, diketahui pula bahwa secara bersama-sama, variabel gaya kepemimpinan spi...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Nov 7, 2022
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah a... more Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 216 dan sampel dari kelas VIII sebanyak 54 yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni 27 data dari setiap kelompok. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis Mann Whitney U. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori motivasi belajar dan minat belajar berdasarkan aspek-aspek dari teori Martaniah (2006) dan Slameto (2013). Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai siginifikansi Mann Whitney U sebesar 0,924 yang artinya perbedaan antara motivasi belajar pada siswa yang belajar daring dan luring ditolak. Demikian pada hasil penelitian pada kelompok minat belajar menunjukkan nilai signifikansi Mann Whitney U diperoleh hasil sebesar 0,808 yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan antara minat belajar siswa saat belajar daring dan luring artinya penelitian ini ditolak karena tidak sesuai dengan hipotesis awal. Kata Kunci: System Pembelajaran Luring dan Daring; Motivasi Belajar; Minat Belajar Siswa.
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Nov 10, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sebanyak 324 orang paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit di Kota Medan berpartisipasi sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala dukungan keluarga, skala stres kerja dan skala worklife balance. Analisa data menggunakan uji regresi. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan terdapat peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan F Hitung 90.602 > F Tabel 19,493 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050. Hasil penelitian ini juga membuktikan terdapat peran positif dan signifikan dukungan keluarga terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan T Hitung 10.910 > T Tabel 1.967 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050 dan terdapat peran negatif dan signifikan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan T Hitung-8.260 > T Tabel 1.967 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian ini diterima. Hasil lainnya yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah dukungan keluarga yang diperoleh paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori tinggi. Stres kerja yang dialami paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori tinggi dan work-life balance paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori rendah.
Pelita Masyarakat
The Putra Muhammadiyah Orphanage has 49 boys. Where there are 6 children aged 12 sd. 15 year old ... more The Putra Muhammadiyah Orphanage has 49 boys. Where there are 6 children aged 12 sd. 15 year old who was abused by his caregiver. In general, the problems faced by the children of this orphanage are lack of self-confidence and low motivation to learn. The problem experienced by the Muhammadiyah Putra Orphanage is the experience of sexual violence experienced and has not received psychological treatment. The purpose of this service activity is to provide sexual education related to the prevention and handling of sexual harassment to adolescent residents of the Medan Muhammadiyah Putra Orphanage. The method used in this research is the lecture method and the discussion method. Sexual psychoeducation activities are carried out as the first step of the psychological assistance process in the play therapy approach. Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that psychoeducational materials are able to increase adolescent knowledge about aspects of sexuality.
Universitas Medan Area, Apr 1, 2008
This study aimed to describe the coping strategies by working students. Respondents are 5 working... more This study aimed to describe the coping strategies by working students. Respondents are 5 working students. Data collected by interview and observation methods. The results showed that of the five respondents note that the source of stress is difficult to manage time on doing their tasks, workloads and schedules collide, and not easy to get permission to attend the classes. At respondents 2 and 5, less family support while respondents 4, co-workers who do not support. Respondents 5, there are transportation constraints. The coping strategies that do fifth respondent is to be open to the closest associates and families, assertive to the boss, and try to look at the issues more positively. In the second respondent also doing hobbies with friends and did not procrastinate. On 3 respondents anticipated by ditching college and make it a priority. In the fourth respondent, trying to avoid problems with sleep, surrender to God, and to receive advice from others. While the respondent 5, gra...
Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya, 2014
The rise of motorcycle gang action has caused casualties and material losses. The government has ... more The rise of motorcycle gang action has caused casualties and material losses. The government has tried to redress through the legal process and prevention through extension activities. Faculty of Psychology, University of Medan Area as an institution of higher education felt called to assist the government in handling this issue, through a program of community service personality development training for high school students who allegedly have links with the action alley bike in the city of Medan. This event was organized by the coaches who have experience in the field of the high school students, vocational NP, and BS Field High School. Training was given for 3 days for each school includes self knowledge, safe driving and entrepreneurship. With a total of 77 participants obtained results that safety riding training modules provide a significant effect on the change in students' attitudes toward safe driving at high school students (t = 7.694, p <0.05). For SMA Nusa Penida o...
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing
Interventions for the early sexual problem in adolescents require proper measurement of sexual in... more Interventions for the early sexual problem in adolescents require proper measurement of sexual intentions. The adolescent sexual intention scales have been widely used by researchers in the West. However, those scales are not very suitable for adolescents in eastern cultures such as Indonesia. As a religious society, Indonesian people have different sexual expectations from liberal western society. Religious teachings and societal norms shape sexual beliefs that reflect semi-restrictive sexual socialization. Thus, sexual intention measurement that represents the sexual beliefs of the subject under study becomes important. Therefore, this two-steps study aims to develop and validate the Youth Sexual Intention Scale (YSIS). In the first step, qualitative elaboration resulted in 27 themes of adolescent sexual beliefs, which turned into 31 items according to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In the second step, we selected 396 students using the cluster random sampling technique. We...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan perbedaan perilaku asertif diti... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan perbedaan perilaku asertif ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua pada remaja yang memiliki clique. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan perilaku asertif ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua, dengan asumsi perilaku asertif lebih tinggi pada remaja dengan pola asuh demokratis daripada pola asuh permissif atau pola asuh otoriter. Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja usia 15-18 tahun dan memiliki clique sebanyak 60 orang dan merupakan siswa-siswi SMK. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Sampling Kuota dan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah Analisa Varians Satu Jalur (ANOVA). Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala Pola Asuh dan Skala Perilaku Asertif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan dalam asertivitas remaja ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua (F= 3.221, p<0,05). Subjek dengan pola asuh demokratis (Mean= 135,13) lebih asertif daripada subjek dengan pola asuh otoriter...
Journal of Psychological Science and Profession
Perilaku seksual dini menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi remaja. Perilaku seksual remaja dapa... more Perilaku seksual dini menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi remaja. Perilaku seksual remaja dapat diprediksi melalui intensi seksual. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi seksual remaja adalah keyakinan mengenai hubungan seksual yang bersumber dari pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan ketersediaan sarana di lingkungan. Namun, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan hasil yang tidak konsisten mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi seksual remaja dan membutuhkan penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor demografi dan perilaku yang membentuk intensi seksual pada 1,006 siswa SMA di Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Skala Intensi Seksual Remaja Indonesia untuk mengukur intensi seksual remaja dan uji beda non- parametrik Kruskall-Wallis dan Mann Whitney U sebagai teknik analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usia, jenis kelamin, pengalaman seks pertama, pengalaman seksual, status hubungan romantis, dan sumber informasi seksual menyebabkan perbed...
Jurnal Diversita, Dec 26, 2023
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, Mar 22, 2024
Divorce thrusts individuals into the role of a single parent, leading them to enroll their childr... more Divorce thrusts individuals into the role of a single parent, leading them to enroll their children in Islamic boarding schools for heightened supervision. The impact of divorce on adolescents, especially those in boarding schools, is profound. These teenagers often grapple with increased academic stress due to rigorous learning demands and a lack of parental support, resulting in compromised psychological well-being. This study aims to implement resilience training as a pilot intervention to alleviate academic stress and enhance the psychological well-being of adolescents with divorced parents in boarding schools. The research design employs a non-randomized pretest-posttest control group format, involving 30 adolescents. Assessment tools include the ESSSA educational stress scale for adolescents (16 items), a psychological well-being assessment (42 items), and a resilience measurement (19 items). Through independent t-tests and paired ttests, the findings reveal a significant reduction in academic stress (p=.000) and a simultaneous improvement in psychological well-being (p=.000).
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The final project is a graduation requirement for students and the quality of the lecturer-studen... more The final project is a graduation requirement for students and the quality of the lecturer-student relationship significantly impacts its successful completion. Several studies have shown that the satisfaction of students in their relationship with lecturers is majorly influenced by family function, but there is limited data on this association.. Therefore, this study aims to examine the mediating role of positive youth development in the effect of family function on the lecturer-student relationship. A quantitative explanatory approach was used and the sample population consisted of 171 active students in the 8th to 14th semester of the undergraduate program at University X. The instruments used included the Positive Youth Development (PYD), family function, and lecturer-student relationship scales. The hypothesis was tested with the mediation analysis model 4 using the SPSS Process Hayes V.4 program. The results showed that PYD partially mediated the effect of family function on ...
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
The aim of this research is to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship... more The aim of this research is to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between work-life balance and the professionalism of ASNs. These two factors are critical to study because an imbalance between work and life may result in unprofessional behavior, and job dissatisfaction may also lead to unprofessionalism at work. The study utilized quantitative research methods, employing Structural Equation Model (SEM) data analysis techniques using AMOS version 22 software. Stratified random sampling was used to select 300 ASNs as respondents, and data were collected using professionalism, work-life balance, and job satisfaction scales. The results indicated that job satisfaction significantly mediated the relationship between work-life balance and professionalism. This study highlights the importance of job satisfaction as a mediator in maintaining the professionalism of ASNs and suggests the need for policies to improve work-life balance in order to enhance profes...
Journal of Family Issues
The unproperly functioning family can provoke adolescent mental health and behavior problems. The... more The unproperly functioning family can provoke adolescent mental health and behavior problems. The measurement of family function in Indonesia still uses instruments from the West, so it is necessary to develop a more suitable community tool. This study aims to validate the Indonesian version of Chinese Family Assessment Inventory. We selected 396 participants randomly from four high schools in Medan. Data analysis showed that all scale items had high validity (CVI = .86). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis concluded that the ICFAI has an identical factor structure to the original version. The data fit with the model (Chi-square 8892.122; p < .000; RMSEA = .575; CFI = .945; TLI = .939). 32 of 33 items have a good quality ( t-value <1.96) and high reliability (Alpha = .921). ICFAI is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring family function in Indonesia.
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Taraf kecerdasan menentukan kapasitas anak dalam menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan. Namun, tidak se... more Taraf kecerdasan menentukan kapasitas anak dalam menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan. Namun, tidak semua anak memiliki potensi intelektual yang cukup. Hal ini menimbulkan berbagai kesulitan dalam memenuhi tugas-tugas perkembangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan intervensi pada anak disabilitas intelektual sedang yang berada pada usia 7 tahun dalam proses adaptasi dan perkembangan kognitif. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada satu orang anak laki-laki dengan IQ 50 dan usia mental 3 tahun 10 bulan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data diperoleh bahwa intervensi yang dilakukan pada subjek dalam meningkatkan proses belajar, kemandirian dan penyesuaian diri di lingkungan menggunakan pendekatan behavioristik dengan cara: modelling, terapi bermain, reinforcment positif dan remedial ...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
This study aims to determine the differences in learning interest and learning motivation in term... more This study aims to determine the differences in learning interest and learning motivation in terms of the use of the At-Taisir Qur'an memorization method and Dermawan's Qur'an memorization method. The research method uses a quantitative approach, with a purposive sampling technique. The population in this study amounted to 62 and a sample of 40 students were divided into 2 groups, namely 20 data from each group. The analytical method used to analyze the data obtained in this study uses the Mann Whitney U analysis method. In the At-Taisir method, the learning interest scale is in the low category with an empirical mean of 23.40 and a hypothetical mean of 45 with sd 9. The learning motivation scale is in the very category. low with an empirical mean of 57.25 and a hypothetical mean of 97.5 with an sd of 19.5. Whereas in the Dermawan method, the interest scale category is very high, the empirical mean is 68.30 and the hypothetical mean is 45 with sd 9. The motivation scale ...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
This study aims to determine differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in stu... more This study aims to determine differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in students of SMK Negeri 1 Merdeka. The department is part of the Vocational High School, namely the focus of the field of study chosen and studied by students. The disciplines in a department at SMK in this study are Building Engineering and Light Vehicle Engineering. The hypothesis put forward is that there are differences in self-concept and resilience in terms of majors in SMK. In this study, the samples used were 116 students majoring in Building Engineering and 148 students majoring in Light Vehicle Engineering, totaly 264 students. This research uses self-concept scale and resilience scale. The data analysis method is 1 way ANOVA. Based on the data analysis carried out, the results obtained from differences in self-concept in terms of the Department of Building Engineering and Light Vehicle Engineering with a different F value = 513.430; the difference in resilience in terms of the Bui...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dan budaya ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dan budaya organisasi dengan iklim organisasi. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan Bank Mandiri Syariah Kabanjahe yang berjumlah 42orang. Mengingat keterbatasan jumlah anggota populasi, maka seluruhnya dijadikan sampel penelitian (teknik total sampling). Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga macam skala sebagai alat pengumpulan data yang disusun berdasarkan metode penskalaan Likert. Ketiga skala tersebut adalah skala gaya kepemimpinan spiritual, skala budaya organisasi, dan skala iklim organisasi. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji statistik regresi linier dan regresi ganda.Berdasarkan hasil analisa data, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinan spiritual dengan iklim organisasi, demikian pula antara budaya organisasi dengan iklim organisasi. Selain itu, diketahui pula bahwa secara bersama-sama, variabel gaya kepemimpinan spi...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Nov 7, 2022
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah a... more Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 216 dan sampel dari kelas VIII sebanyak 54 yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni 27 data dari setiap kelompok. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis Mann Whitney U. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori motivasi belajar dan minat belajar berdasarkan aspek-aspek dari teori Martaniah (2006) dan Slameto (2013). Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai siginifikansi Mann Whitney U sebesar 0,924 yang artinya perbedaan antara motivasi belajar pada siswa yang belajar daring dan luring ditolak. Demikian pada hasil penelitian pada kelompok minat belajar menunjukkan nilai signifikansi Mann Whitney U diperoleh hasil sebesar 0,808 yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan antara minat belajar siswa saat belajar daring dan luring artinya penelitian ini ditolak karena tidak sesuai dengan hipotesis awal. Kata Kunci: System Pembelajaran Luring dan Daring; Motivasi Belajar; Minat Belajar Siswa.
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Nov 10, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sebanyak 324 orang paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit di Kota Medan berpartisipasi sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala dukungan keluarga, skala stres kerja dan skala worklife balance. Analisa data menggunakan uji regresi. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan terdapat peran dukungan keluarga dan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan F Hitung 90.602 > F Tabel 19,493 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050. Hasil penelitian ini juga membuktikan terdapat peran positif dan signifikan dukungan keluarga terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan T Hitung 10.910 > T Tabel 1.967 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050 dan terdapat peran negatif dan signifikan stres kerja terhadap work-life balance pada paramedis keperawatan wanita di rumah sakit Kota Medan dengan T Hitung-8.260 > T Tabel 1.967 dan p = 0.000 < 0.050. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian ini diterima. Hasil lainnya yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah dukungan keluarga yang diperoleh paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori tinggi. Stres kerja yang dialami paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori tinggi dan work-life balance paramedis keperawatan di rumah sakit Kota Medan berada pada kategori rendah.
Pelita Masyarakat
The Putra Muhammadiyah Orphanage has 49 boys. Where there are 6 children aged 12 sd. 15 year old ... more The Putra Muhammadiyah Orphanage has 49 boys. Where there are 6 children aged 12 sd. 15 year old who was abused by his caregiver. In general, the problems faced by the children of this orphanage are lack of self-confidence and low motivation to learn. The problem experienced by the Muhammadiyah Putra Orphanage is the experience of sexual violence experienced and has not received psychological treatment. The purpose of this service activity is to provide sexual education related to the prevention and handling of sexual harassment to adolescent residents of the Medan Muhammadiyah Putra Orphanage. The method used in this research is the lecture method and the discussion method. Sexual psychoeducation activities are carried out as the first step of the psychological assistance process in the play therapy approach. Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that psychoeducational materials are able to increase adolescent knowledge about aspects of sexuality.
Universitas Medan Area, Apr 1, 2008
This study aimed to describe the coping strategies by working students. Respondents are 5 working... more This study aimed to describe the coping strategies by working students. Respondents are 5 working students. Data collected by interview and observation methods. The results showed that of the five respondents note that the source of stress is difficult to manage time on doing their tasks, workloads and schedules collide, and not easy to get permission to attend the classes. At respondents 2 and 5, less family support while respondents 4, co-workers who do not support. Respondents 5, there are transportation constraints. The coping strategies that do fifth respondent is to be open to the closest associates and families, assertive to the boss, and try to look at the issues more positively. In the second respondent also doing hobbies with friends and did not procrastinate. On 3 respondents anticipated by ditching college and make it a priority. In the fourth respondent, trying to avoid problems with sleep, surrender to God, and to receive advice from others. While the respondent 5, gra...
Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya, 2014
The rise of motorcycle gang action has caused casualties and material losses. The government has ... more The rise of motorcycle gang action has caused casualties and material losses. The government has tried to redress through the legal process and prevention through extension activities. Faculty of Psychology, University of Medan Area as an institution of higher education felt called to assist the government in handling this issue, through a program of community service personality development training for high school students who allegedly have links with the action alley bike in the city of Medan. This event was organized by the coaches who have experience in the field of the high school students, vocational NP, and BS Field High School. Training was given for 3 days for each school includes self knowledge, safe driving and entrepreneurship. With a total of 77 participants obtained results that safety riding training modules provide a significant effect on the change in students' attitudes toward safe driving at high school students (t = 7.694, p <0.05). For SMA Nusa Penida o...
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing
Interventions for the early sexual problem in adolescents require proper measurement of sexual in... more Interventions for the early sexual problem in adolescents require proper measurement of sexual intentions. The adolescent sexual intention scales have been widely used by researchers in the West. However, those scales are not very suitable for adolescents in eastern cultures such as Indonesia. As a religious society, Indonesian people have different sexual expectations from liberal western society. Religious teachings and societal norms shape sexual beliefs that reflect semi-restrictive sexual socialization. Thus, sexual intention measurement that represents the sexual beliefs of the subject under study becomes important. Therefore, this two-steps study aims to develop and validate the Youth Sexual Intention Scale (YSIS). In the first step, qualitative elaboration resulted in 27 themes of adolescent sexual beliefs, which turned into 31 items according to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In the second step, we selected 396 students using the cluster random sampling technique. We...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan perbedaan perilaku asertif diti... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan perbedaan perilaku asertif ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua pada remaja yang memiliki clique. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan perilaku asertif ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua, dengan asumsi perilaku asertif lebih tinggi pada remaja dengan pola asuh demokratis daripada pola asuh permissif atau pola asuh otoriter. Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja usia 15-18 tahun dan memiliki clique sebanyak 60 orang dan merupakan siswa-siswi SMK. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Sampling Kuota dan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah Analisa Varians Satu Jalur (ANOVA). Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala Pola Asuh dan Skala Perilaku Asertif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan dalam asertivitas remaja ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua (F= 3.221, p<0,05). Subjek dengan pola asuh demokratis (Mean= 135,13) lebih asertif daripada subjek dengan pola asuh otoriter...
Journal of Psychological Science and Profession
Perilaku seksual dini menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi remaja. Perilaku seksual remaja dapa... more Perilaku seksual dini menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan bagi remaja. Perilaku seksual remaja dapat diprediksi melalui intensi seksual. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi seksual remaja adalah keyakinan mengenai hubungan seksual yang bersumber dari pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan ketersediaan sarana di lingkungan. Namun, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan hasil yang tidak konsisten mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi seksual remaja dan membutuhkan penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor demografi dan perilaku yang membentuk intensi seksual pada 1,006 siswa SMA di Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Skala Intensi Seksual Remaja Indonesia untuk mengukur intensi seksual remaja dan uji beda non- parametrik Kruskall-Wallis dan Mann Whitney U sebagai teknik analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usia, jenis kelamin, pengalaman seks pertama, pengalaman seksual, status hubungan romantis, dan sumber informasi seksual menyebabkan perbed...