Syukur Muhammad | Universitas Negeri Makassar (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Syukur Muhammad


Kebudayaan tradisional adalah kebudayaan yang terbentuk dari keanekaragaman suku-suku di Indonesi... more Kebudayaan tradisional adalah kebudayaan yang terbentuk dari keanekaragaman suku-suku di Indonesia yang merupakan bagian terpenting dari kebudayaan Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Kebudayaan tradisional banyak dipengaruhi oleh sejarah dan kebiasaan atau adat masa lalu, dari proses belajarnya manusia.


Pembahasan mengenai perubahan dan pembangunan masyarakat desa pada bab ini akan berlasdakan pada ... more Pembahasan mengenai perubahan dan pembangunan masyarakat desa pada bab ini akan berlasdakan pada keterkaitan dan interaksi antara tiga kekuatan, yakni kekuatan internal yang ada dalam masyarakat desa, kekuatan eksternal terutama yang datang dari arus globalisasi, dan program-progran pembangunan pemerintah. Kekuatan-kekuatan internal, baik kultural maupun strukturalnya, cenderung merupakan kekuatan statistik yang sekalipun sering dicap sebagai faktor penghambat perubahan pembangunan, namun sangat menentukan pola adaptasi masyarakat desa terhadap pengaruh-pengaruh luar. Kekuatan luar, yang saat ini umumnya dirumuskan dengan "arus globalisasi" (yang berintikan sistem kapitalisme modern), merupakan kekuatan pengubah yang sangat besar bagi proses perubahan (social change) yang terjadi di desa. Kekuatan luar lainnya yang terutama diwakili oleh sosok pemerintah, umumnya lebih memihak kepada ideologi yang terkandung dalam arus globalisasi itu, yakni berkaitan erat dengan proses modernisasi. Maka masyarakat desa menghadapi dua arus kekuatan luar yang dahsyat yang seolah mengubah desa dari "atas dan bawah". B. PENGERTIAN KONSEP PERUBAHAN SOSIAL (SOCIAL CHANGE) Konsep perubahan sosial (social change) dalam Sosiologi merupakan salah satu konsep yang sangat penting. Hal ini sangat mudah dimengerti, sebab Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari masyarakat. Dan masyarakat dalam kenyataannya selalu mengalami perubahan. Masyarakat, di samping memperlihatkan aspek-aspek yang statis juga memiliki aspek-aspek dinamisnya (Muhammad, 2021; Syukur, 2018). Untuk mengungkapkan aspekaspek statis dalam masyarakat, sosiologi umumnya menggunakan konsep struktur sosial (social structure). Dengan membahass struktur sosial masyarakat, maka hakikatnya kita sedang menyimak aspek statis masyarakat itu. Untuk mengungkapkan aspek-aspek dinamis masyarakat, umumnya sosiologi menggunakan konsep perubahan sosial (social stucture) dan perubahan sosial (social change). Proses sosial lebih melihat interaksi yang terjadi antara orang (perorangan maupun kelompok) maupun antara lembaga sosial, sedangkan perubahan sosial lebih melihat pergeseran atau perkembangan-perkembangan yang terjadi akibat interaksi-interaksi tersebut (Ihsan & Syukur, n.d.).

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan modal dan mitigasi bencana

Since the New Order until the reform era, sustainable rural development has continued to be carri... more Since the New Order until the reform era, sustainable rural development has continued to be carried out, one of which is the relationship between strengthening social capital and flood disaster mitigation, through studies from a sociological perspective and development counseling. The study was conducted in the villages of Kertawinangun, Soge, and Ilir, Indramayu district, West Java. In general, the rice planting season is carried out in the rendeng and sadon seasons. However, the rice planting season in the three villages can only be done in the rendeng season. Even then, they often experience crop failure (puso), due to flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season. The solution to the failed rice harvest was to build Kali Perawan weir. Weir construction needs financial capital and social capital. Social capital is the glue of social relations in the form of aspects: cultural wisdom, values, mutual cooperation, trust, and social networking. Strengthening social capital is facilitated by the Village Head, Village Consultative Body (BPD, and community leaders. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data through observation, documents, and interviews with informants. Data analysis was performed by triangulation. The results showed that strengthening social capital could strengthen community social relations, overcome flood disaster mitigation, and improve agricultural businesses, so that rice farmers enjoyed harvests 2 to 3 times a year. Biside that, it can carry out agricultural diversification by planting palawija, fish farming, and salt making, which can ultimately improve the welfare of farmers. Abstrak. Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilakukan salah satunya adalah hubungan antara penguatan modal sosial dan mitigasi bencana banjir, melalui kajian dari perspektif sosiologi dan penyuluhan pembangunan. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Kertawinangun, Soge, dan Ilir, kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pada umumnya musim tanam padi dilakukan pada musim rendeng dan sadon. Namun musim tanam padi di ketiga desa tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada musim rendeng. Itupun sering mengalami gagal panen (puso), akibat banjir pada musim hujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Solusi gagal panen padi tersebut adalah membangun bendung Kali Perawan. Pembangunan bendung perlu modal finansial dan modal sosial. Modal sosial merupakan perekat hubungan sosial masyarakat berupa aspek-aspek: kearifan budaya, tata nilai, gotong royong, kepercayaan, dan jejaring sosial. Penguatan modal sosial difasilitasi Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), dan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini adalah diskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpalan data melalui observasi, dokumen, dan wawancara terhadap informan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguatan modal sosial mampu merekatkan hubungan sosial masyarakat, mengatasi mitigasi bencana banjir, dan meningkatkan usaha pertanian, sehingga petani padi sawah menikmati hasil panen 2 sampai 3 kali setahun. Selain itu, dapat melakukan usaha diversifikasi pertanian dengan menanam palawija, usaha pertambakan ikan, dan pembuatan garam, yang akhirnya mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.

Research paper thumbnail of Kontestasi antara Dukun Beranak dan Bidan Desa dalam Praktek Persalinan Di Desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LP2M - UNM, 2017

Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun berana... more Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bidan dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil, proses kelahiran bayi dan pasca kelahiran di desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa. Pendekatan teoritis yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas dilapangan adalah teori kuasa dan pengetahuan. Sedangkan peralatan metodologis untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis data digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu: derajat kepercayaan (credibility); keteralihan (transferability); kebergantungan (dependability); kepastian (confirmability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga pola kontestasi pengetahuan antara bidan dan dukun pamana' yaitu pola kontestasi dominasi, hibridasi, dan koeksistensi. Pola kontestasi yang pertama yaitu, pola kontestasi dominasi dimana pola ini terjadi dalam arena kehamilan, dimana pengetahuan dukun pengetahuan yang mendominasi pengetahuan bidan; kedua pola konteasi hibridasi dimana pola ini terjadi dalam arena proses persalinan yaitu pengethuan bidan dan dukun pamana' hadir secara bersama dalam kolabarasi yang saling mengisi. Sedangkan yang ketiga menunjukkan pola kontestasi koeksistensi dimana pengethuan bidan dan dukun pamana' hadir bersama-sama namun memiliki bagian masing-masing tanpa saling mengganggu dalam proses petolongan pasca melahirkan. Abstract-This study aims to examine and analyze the contents of pamana' shaman and midwives in the process of help of pregnant women, the process of childbirth and post-birth in the village of Panciro Bajeng District Gowa District. The theoretical approach used to understand the reality of the field is the theory of power and knowledge. While the methodological tools to reveal and analyze the data used a qualitative approach with constructivist paradigm. Data collection is done by using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis is done through data reduction process, data presentation, and conclusion. The examination of data validity is done through four ways, namely: degree of trust (credibility); Transferability; Dependability; Certainty (confirmability). The results showed that there were three patterns of knowledge contestation between midwives and shamans, namely domination, hybridization, and coexistence patterns. The first pattern of contestation is, the pattern of contestation dominance where this pattern occurs in the arena of pregnancy, where knowledge of knowledge shamans dominates midwives knowledge; The two hybridation contamination patterns in which this pattern occurs in the arena of labor process are the knowledge of midwives and pamana' shamans' present together in a complementary collabaration. While the third shows a pattern of coexistent contestation where the declarations of midwives and pamana' shamans are present together but have their respective parts without interrupting each other in the post-partum delivery process. I. PENDAHULUAN Secara medis atau pengetahuan modern, indikator pencapaian peningkatan kesehatan ibu adalah menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan meningkatnya proporsi pertolongan kelahiran oleh tenaga kesehatan terlatih. Tenaga kesehatan terlatih adalah dokter, bidan, perawat dan tenaga medis lainnya. Saat ini yang menjadi ujung tombak dilapangan terkait dengan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan adalah bidan. Jika mengacu pada. konsep desa siaga (KEPMENKES No. 564/menkes/SK/VIII/2006) targetnya di setiap desa di seluruh wilayah di Indonesia minimal terdapat satu bidan. Kebijakan ini harus berhadapan dengan praktek pertolongan kelahiran yang sudah ada di tengah-tengah masyarakat yaitu pertolongan kelahiran melalui dukun beranak. Kondisi ini menyebabkan terjadinya kontestasi bidan atau tenaga medis dengan dukun beranak dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil dan kelahiran bayi diberbagai pelosok pedesaan. Di beberapa daerah, keberadaan dukun bayi sebagai orang kepercayaan dalam menolong persalinan, sosok yang dihormati dan berpengalaman, sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat keberadaannya. Berbeda dengan keberadaan bidan yang rata-rata masih muda dan belum seluruhnya mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat. Praktek persalingan yang dilakukan oleh dukun beranak dan bidan atau tenaga medis saling berhadap-hadapan dalam proses pertolongan terhadap ibu hamil sampai proses melahirkan Sehingga perlu dicari suatu kegiatan yang dapat membuat kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan antara bidan dengan dukun bayi, dengan harapan pertolongan


Research paper thumbnail of Actor Construction in the Frame of Diversity to Achieve Social Harmony in the Life of Tamilouw Village Society Seram Island - Maluku

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2018

The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony o... more The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony of the Moluccan community universally. The social order is reduced due to the weakening of the kinship system, the loss of trust between multi-ethnic religious communities and the bond of pela gandong that becomes the local wisdom in Maluku is increasingly tenuous. However, in the middle of the Maluku conflict, there are some communities that remain harmonious namely Tamilouw on Seram island-Maluku. This study aims to find out how the construction of actors within the framework of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily life of the people of Tamilouw village. The research paradigm used is constructivism with qualitative approach. Key informants are Religious Leaders, Customary Leaders, Community Leaders and Tamilouw village King. Data collection using observation technique, interview, snowball sampling technique and documentation. Data were analyzed model of Miles & Huberman. Based on the findings it can be concluded that social harmony maintained in the socio-cultural society of Tamilouw village, Seram Island because these four actors have networks or ties of trust nodes, work strategies and rules of the norm. The role of the actor is to produce a condition that is universal or conducive condition at the time of conflict. The actor is able to perform self-adjustment with another position called the sense of one's place. Reconstruction of actors' roles and relations is manifested through crossing the responsibility to create or " to bring justice.

Papers by Syukur Muhammad

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Penitipan Orang Tua Lansia DI Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji, Kabupaten Gowa

Phinisi Integration Review

Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Home is a safe place for the elderly because of their helplessness. One ... more Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Home is a safe place for the elderly because of their helplessness. One of them is the Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Nursing Home, Gowa Regency. When elderly parents are already in a nursing home, of course the functions performed by the family, such as protecting, caring for and providing affection, experience changes, because in a nursing home it is no longer the family that cares for the elderly but the orphanage staff. In this study, the focus was on children and parents who came from the city of Makassar, which was dominated by various ethnic groups. This study aims to determine the phenomenon of elderly parents' care in nursing homes and to analyze the background of a child's decision to leave their parents in a nursing home. This research includes a qualitative research approach and descriptive data types, using interview guidelines and documentation. Based on the results of observations and interviews at the Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Nursing Home, ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Patterns of Hegemony of the Kokoda Tribe in the City and Regency of Sorong, Southwest Papua

International journal of cultural and religious studies, Jul 2, 2023

The essence of social justice in development, as the nation's ideal, is ideally present to provid... more The essence of social justice in development, as the nation's ideal, is ideally present to provide changes for the better to all people without exception. However, in reality, there are still social inequalities in development, such as those experienced by the Kokoda Tribe in Southwest Papua. The research aims to find out the pattern of hegemony experienced by the Kokoda Tribe. Therefore, the type of research used is qualitative. Qualitative research emphasizes the socially constructed nature of reality. The data analysis process was carried out during the research. Each observation and interview was followed by an interpretation process by connecting one meaning with another. The results show that the hegemony that occurs in the Kokoda Tribe takes place through four patterns, namely: Domination pattern, intellectual hegemony pattern, moral hegemony pattern, and spiral hegemony pattern. The marginalization experienced by the Kokoda Tribe does not occur naturally but is the result of hegemony patterns, namely the existence of a dominant class that constructs the whole life of society.

Research paper thumbnail of Applying Local Values in Millenial Education (Study for Bugis Society Makassar)

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018

The discourse on indigenization has long been becoming a concern and discourse, especially in the... more The discourse on indigenization has long been becoming a concern and discourse, especially in the academic level. IntensiveAttention in these efforts can not be separated from strengthening view that the experience of other nations or other areas is not necessarily relevant to the local conditions. This paper aims to present a new paradigm that reinforces the importance of understanding of local values that can be the milestone of the current millennium generation in the friction of paradigm that more transparent and unfiltered paradigms.Besides, the strengthening in the academic level and methodological level becomes an integral part. As part of the methodological accountability, this paper is a literature review which more data obtained compared from documents. The results of this study indicate that each tribes of nations, especially in this case Bugis-Makassar tribe has noble values in all aspects that can be a grip for the younger generation.Local values to the society when it is analyzed methodologically using a new paradigm in qualitative research will naturally and clearly that these values can be introduced as part of the treasures of the wider world view.

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptasi Sosial Petani Tadah Hujan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim (Studi Kasus Pada Petani Tadah Hujan di Kecamatan Sibulue, Kabupaten Bone)

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeiahui dan menganalisis kerenntanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan te... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeiahui dan menganalisis kerenntanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan reslko perubahan iklim dari sudut pemahaman dan pengaiaman petani dan menganalisis pola adaptasi yang dikembangkan petani tadah hujan menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data juga dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu:deraiat kepercayaan, keteralihan; kebergantungan; kepastian. Hasil penelitian menuniukkan bahwa kerentanan dan pemahaman petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim ditandai oleh kesulitan penentuan pola tanam, musim hujan yang tidak menentu, suhu udara panas, dan munculnya penyakit baru dalam tanaman padi. Persepsi petani terhadap dampak perubahan ikl...

Research paper thumbnail of The Mystery of Ecological and Socio-Cultural Degradation Of Bajo Community (A Study Of Nickel Mining Expansion In Pomalaa Sub-District, Kolaka Regency)

A paradox becomes clear and confusing; nickel mining expansion in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency, Southe... more A paradox becomes clear and confusing; nickel mining expansion in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, the ecological and socio-cultural aspects that should be the most essential and maintained components are the last things to pay attention to. This neglect has made ecological and social cultural aspects shrouded in mystery. The focus of this research is to explore and uncover various mysteries of the ecological and socio-cultural degradation of the Bajo community towards the expansion of nickel mining in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency. This research employs post-positivism paradigm with Grounded Theory approach. The techniques of data collection used are interviews, observation and document study. This research concludes that there are some mysteries of the ecological and socio-cultural degradation of the Bajo community in Pomalaa Sub-district Kolaka Regency due to the expansion of nickel mining including: first, the tolerance of the occurrence of ecological and socio-cu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Social and Genetic Relationship Changes Among Buru Community from Contemporary Perspective

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2019

Social change in the community certainly has more or less an impact on the kinship conditions of ... more Social change in the community certainly has more or less an impact on the kinship conditions of a group in certain places along the changing times. This qualitative study analyzed the social change and kinship conditions of the Buru people in a contemporary perspective on the Buru island of Maluku Province. To understand these changes, a series of data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and or focused group discussion (FGD). The results found that kinship in the Buru community can be seen from the kinship of family lineages, the kinship of the origin of history and marital kinship. Changes in the value system as a culture in Buru society can be seen with the emergence of changes in lifestyle, attitudes-individualistic and materialistic society. In the Buru community, solidarity helps others begin to fade. This can be seen with the beginning to fade a sense of caring, meet each other greet and the loss of togetherness between families. The loss of a sense of togetherness according to the findings of this study was due to the development of communication facilities so that face-to-face meetings are no longer considered important. On the other hand, the need for promotional information encourages people to use communication technology tools such as mobile phones. Kinship in the process of housing construction called "ngepu ngeso" also began to fade and was replaced by a commercialization system. The entry of modernization in the midst of society resulted in the disappearance of kinship and togetherness such as mutual cooperation culture and other social relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Suru Maca: Tradisi Menyambut Bulan Ramadan Masyarakat Desa Pakkabba Kabupaten Takalar Sulawesi Selatan

The suru maca ritual is a tradition of the Islamic community of Pakkabba Village in Takalar Regen... more The suru maca ritual is a tradition of the Islamic community of Pakkabba Village in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi province, to welcome Ramadan's arrival. At present, the implementation of this tradition is enjoyed by local communities and enjoyed by immigrant communities of different ethnicities and religions. This tradition is alive and well in society because it is functional and has a significant symbolic meaning for this culture's owner. This study aims to determine the purpose and function of the suru maca ritual for Pakkabba Village people. This research is a qualitative study that uses an ethnographic approach. Data was collected through literature review, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using a functional, structural approach. The results showed that the existence of Islam had been accepted and became part of the Pakkabba village community's social system so that the month of Ramadan, which is the holy month of Muslims, is...

Research paper thumbnail of Actor Construction in the Frame of Diversity to Achieve Social Harmony in the Life of Tamilouw Village Society Seram Island-Maluku

The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony o... more The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony of the Moluccan community universally. The social order is reduced due to the weakening of the kinship system, the loss of trust between multi-ethnic religious communities and the bond of pela gandong that becomes the local wisdom in Maluku is increasingly tenuous. However, in the middle of the Maluku conflict, there are some communities that remain harmonious namely Tamilouw on Seram island -Maluku. This study aims to find out how the construction of actors within the framework of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily life of the people of Tamilouw village. The research paradigm used is constructivism with qualitative approach. Key informants are Religious Leaders, Customary Leaders, Community Leaders and Tamilouw village King. Data collection using observation technique, interview, snowball sampling technique and documentation. Data were analyzed model of Miles & Huberman. Ba...

Research paper thumbnail of Kontestasi antara Dukun Beranak dan Bidan Desa dalam Praktek Persalinan Di Desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bidan dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil, proses kelahiran bayi dan pasca kelahiran di desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa. Pendekatan teoritis yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas dilapangan adalah teori kuasa dan pengetahuan. Sedangkan peralatan metodologis untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis data digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu: derajat kepercayaan (credibility); keteralihan (transferability); kebergantungan (dependability); kepastian (confirmability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga pola kontestasi pengetahuan antara bidan dan dukun pamana’ yaitu pola kontestasi dominasi, hibridasi, dan k...

Research paper thumbnail of Hegemonic Practices of Upperclassmen to Freshmen Within College Life

Society, 2019

The research aims to explain: 1) Forms of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen in col... more The research aims to explain: 1) Forms of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen in college life at the State University of Makassar and 2) Levels of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen at the State University of Makassar. This research is qualitative descriptive with snowball sampling technique used to determine the participants which consist of 25 upperclassmen and 20 freshmen class of 2018 and 2019 academic year. Data collection methods included observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique consists of three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data verification was conducted through observation perseverance and source and time triangulation. The results show that 1) forms of hegemonic practices of the upperclassmen to freshmen at the State University of Makassar include agreement, domination and intellectual leadership and moral and 2) the level of hegemony conducted by the upperclassmen at the State...

Research paper thumbnail of Kearifan Lokal dalam Sistem Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Penenun Bugis-Wajo


To the Bugis people, weaving activity is not only an activity which economically benefits them, b... more To the Bugis people, weaving activity is not only an activity which economically benefits them, but it
is also a local wisdom which contains moral message. This study is intended to describe the weaving
activity undertaken by the group of weavers and the basis of their moral economy under the pressure of
market economy. Qualitative approach with constructivist paradigm was used. The data were collected
through in-depth interview, participatory observation, and documentation. The data analysis included data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that the local wisdom'is reflected
by the function and meaning of the woven fabric, that the weaving activity contributes to the formation of
hard working etiquette, and that the myth and taboo in the weaving activity contain moral message that
women should be protected

Research paper thumbnail of Social Network of Bugis Weavers at Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi


The penetration of market economic system and the development of weaving technology within Wajo s... more The penetration of market economic system and the development of weaving technology within Wajo society has polarized Wajo weavers into three groups, Gedongan weaver, ATBM weaver and weaving entrepreneur. It indicates a different economic action conducted by those three groups in responding the economic market and technology development. This research aims to describe the moral basic in developing and utilizing network in weaving activities practiced by the three groups. The research uses qualitative approach with constructive paradigm. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interview method, participative observation and documentation. Data is analyzed using data reduction, presentation and conclusion. Research result indicates that production and distribution network of weavers involve social solidarity and economic interest and those networks take place in the form of horizontal and vertical relationship.Gedongan weavers use social solodarity network more than economic inte...

Research paper thumbnail of RESELIANSI PETANI TADAH HUJAN

This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the ... more This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the impacts and risks of climate change from the point of understanding and experience of farmers and adaptation pattern developed analysis rainfed farmers cope with the impacts of climate change. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies. Data method collection using observation, interview, documentation and literature. Data analysis was performed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data validity checking is also done in four ways, namely: degree of confidence; transferability; dependability; confirmability.
The results showed that the vulnerability and rainfed farmers' understanding of the impacts and risks of climate change is characterized by difficulty determining the pattern of planting, the rains are erratic, hot air temperature, and the emergence of new diseases in rice plants. Perception of farmers on the impact of climate changes namely declining production, crop failure, the more dry land, and the land difficult to process. Adaptation strategies that run farmers cope with the impacts of climate change such as the manufacture of wells drilled in the middle of rice fields, planting vegetables rice fields, farm, bake sales, migration, and stock management

Research paper thumbnail of ADAPTASI PETANI TADAH HUJAN

This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the ... more This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the impacts and risks of climate change from the point of understanding and experience of farmers and adaptation pattern developed mengenalisis rainfed farmers cope with the impacts of climate change. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies. Motede data collection using observation, interview, documentation and literature. Data analysis was performed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data validity checking is also done in four ways, namely: degree of confidence; transferability; dependability; confirmability. The results showed that the vulnerability and rainfed farmers' understanding of the impacts and risks of climate change is characterized by difficulty determining the pattern of planting, the rains are erratic, hot air temperature, and the emergence of new diseases in rice plants. Perception of farmers on the impact of changes iklimn namely declining production, crop failure, the more dry land, and the land difficult to process. Adaptation strategies that run farmers cope with the impacts of climate change such as the manufacture of wells drilled in the middle of rice fields, planting vegetables dipematang fields, farm, bake sales, migration, and stock management Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis kerentanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim dari sudut pemahaman dan pengalaman petani dan mengenalisis pola adaptasi yang dikembangkan petani tadah hujan menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan motede observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data juga dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu:derajat kepercayaan; keteralihan; kebergantungan; kepastian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerentanan dan pemahaman petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim ditandai oleh kesulitan penentuan pola tanam, musim hujan yang tidak menentu, suhu udara panas, dan munculnya penyakit baru dalam tanaman padi. Persepsi petani terhadap dampak perubahan iklimn yaitu produksi menurun, gagal panen, lahan semakin kering, dan lahan sulit diolah. Strategi adaptasi yang dijalankan petani dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim seperti pembuatan sumur bor di tengah-tengah persawahan, menanam sayur-mayur dipematang sawah, usaha peternakan, penjualan kue, migrasi, dan manajemen stok. Kata Kunci: Adaptasi, Resiliensi, Petani, Perubahan Iklim.

Books by Syukur Muhammad


Badan Penerbit UNM, 2021

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis akar masalah terjadinya marginalisasi perempuan melalui ban... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis akar masalah terjadinya marginalisasi perempuan melalui bantuan dana desa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan kurang memiliki akses, partisipasi dan kontrol untuk melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi penggunan dana desa dalam kegiatan pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di desa tersebut. Perempuan hanya sekedar ikut terlibat dalam proses perencanaan dan penganggaran dana desa. Lemahnya posisi perempuan dalam kegiatan perencanaan, penganggaran, monitoring dan evaluasi penggunaan dana desa dalam kegiatan pembangunan membuat kaum perempuan mengalami marginalisasi


Kebudayaan tradisional adalah kebudayaan yang terbentuk dari keanekaragaman suku-suku di Indonesi... more Kebudayaan tradisional adalah kebudayaan yang terbentuk dari keanekaragaman suku-suku di Indonesia yang merupakan bagian terpenting dari kebudayaan Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Kebudayaan tradisional banyak dipengaruhi oleh sejarah dan kebiasaan atau adat masa lalu, dari proses belajarnya manusia.


Pembahasan mengenai perubahan dan pembangunan masyarakat desa pada bab ini akan berlasdakan pada ... more Pembahasan mengenai perubahan dan pembangunan masyarakat desa pada bab ini akan berlasdakan pada keterkaitan dan interaksi antara tiga kekuatan, yakni kekuatan internal yang ada dalam masyarakat desa, kekuatan eksternal terutama yang datang dari arus globalisasi, dan program-progran pembangunan pemerintah. Kekuatan-kekuatan internal, baik kultural maupun strukturalnya, cenderung merupakan kekuatan statistik yang sekalipun sering dicap sebagai faktor penghambat perubahan pembangunan, namun sangat menentukan pola adaptasi masyarakat desa terhadap pengaruh-pengaruh luar. Kekuatan luar, yang saat ini umumnya dirumuskan dengan "arus globalisasi" (yang berintikan sistem kapitalisme modern), merupakan kekuatan pengubah yang sangat besar bagi proses perubahan (social change) yang terjadi di desa. Kekuatan luar lainnya yang terutama diwakili oleh sosok pemerintah, umumnya lebih memihak kepada ideologi yang terkandung dalam arus globalisasi itu, yakni berkaitan erat dengan proses modernisasi. Maka masyarakat desa menghadapi dua arus kekuatan luar yang dahsyat yang seolah mengubah desa dari "atas dan bawah". B. PENGERTIAN KONSEP PERUBAHAN SOSIAL (SOCIAL CHANGE) Konsep perubahan sosial (social change) dalam Sosiologi merupakan salah satu konsep yang sangat penting. Hal ini sangat mudah dimengerti, sebab Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari masyarakat. Dan masyarakat dalam kenyataannya selalu mengalami perubahan. Masyarakat, di samping memperlihatkan aspek-aspek yang statis juga memiliki aspek-aspek dinamisnya (Muhammad, 2021; Syukur, 2018). Untuk mengungkapkan aspekaspek statis dalam masyarakat, sosiologi umumnya menggunakan konsep struktur sosial (social structure). Dengan membahass struktur sosial masyarakat, maka hakikatnya kita sedang menyimak aspek statis masyarakat itu. Untuk mengungkapkan aspek-aspek dinamis masyarakat, umumnya sosiologi menggunakan konsep perubahan sosial (social stucture) dan perubahan sosial (social change). Proses sosial lebih melihat interaksi yang terjadi antara orang (perorangan maupun kelompok) maupun antara lembaga sosial, sedangkan perubahan sosial lebih melihat pergeseran atau perkembangan-perkembangan yang terjadi akibat interaksi-interaksi tersebut (Ihsan & Syukur, n.d.).

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan modal dan mitigasi bencana

Since the New Order until the reform era, sustainable rural development has continued to be carri... more Since the New Order until the reform era, sustainable rural development has continued to be carried out, one of which is the relationship between strengthening social capital and flood disaster mitigation, through studies from a sociological perspective and development counseling. The study was conducted in the villages of Kertawinangun, Soge, and Ilir, Indramayu district, West Java. In general, the rice planting season is carried out in the rendeng and sadon seasons. However, the rice planting season in the three villages can only be done in the rendeng season. Even then, they often experience crop failure (puso), due to flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season. The solution to the failed rice harvest was to build Kali Perawan weir. Weir construction needs financial capital and social capital. Social capital is the glue of social relations in the form of aspects: cultural wisdom, values, mutual cooperation, trust, and social networking. Strengthening social capital is facilitated by the Village Head, Village Consultative Body (BPD, and community leaders. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data through observation, documents, and interviews with informants. Data analysis was performed by triangulation. The results showed that strengthening social capital could strengthen community social relations, overcome flood disaster mitigation, and improve agricultural businesses, so that rice farmers enjoyed harvests 2 to 3 times a year. Biside that, it can carry out agricultural diversification by planting palawija, fish farming, and salt making, which can ultimately improve the welfare of farmers. Abstrak. Sudirah. Sejak Orde Baru hingga era reformasi ini pembangunan pedesaan berkelanjutan terus dilakukan salah satunya adalah hubungan antara penguatan modal sosial dan mitigasi bencana banjir, melalui kajian dari perspektif sosiologi dan penyuluhan pembangunan. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Kertawinangun, Soge, dan Ilir, kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pada umumnya musim tanam padi dilakukan pada musim rendeng dan sadon. Namun musim tanam padi di ketiga desa tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada musim rendeng. Itupun sering mengalami gagal panen (puso), akibat banjir pada musim hujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Solusi gagal panen padi tersebut adalah membangun bendung Kali Perawan. Pembangunan bendung perlu modal finansial dan modal sosial. Modal sosial merupakan perekat hubungan sosial masyarakat berupa aspek-aspek: kearifan budaya, tata nilai, gotong royong, kepercayaan, dan jejaring sosial. Penguatan modal sosial difasilitasi Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), dan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini adalah diskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpalan data melalui observasi, dokumen, dan wawancara terhadap informan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguatan modal sosial mampu merekatkan hubungan sosial masyarakat, mengatasi mitigasi bencana banjir, dan meningkatkan usaha pertanian, sehingga petani padi sawah menikmati hasil panen 2 sampai 3 kali setahun. Selain itu, dapat melakukan usaha diversifikasi pertanian dengan menanam palawija, usaha pertambakan ikan, dan pembuatan garam, yang akhirnya mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.

Research paper thumbnail of Kontestasi antara Dukun Beranak dan Bidan Desa dalam Praktek Persalinan Di Desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LP2M - UNM, 2017

Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun berana... more Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bidan dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil, proses kelahiran bayi dan pasca kelahiran di desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa. Pendekatan teoritis yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas dilapangan adalah teori kuasa dan pengetahuan. Sedangkan peralatan metodologis untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis data digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu: derajat kepercayaan (credibility); keteralihan (transferability); kebergantungan (dependability); kepastian (confirmability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga pola kontestasi pengetahuan antara bidan dan dukun pamana' yaitu pola kontestasi dominasi, hibridasi, dan koeksistensi. Pola kontestasi yang pertama yaitu, pola kontestasi dominasi dimana pola ini terjadi dalam arena kehamilan, dimana pengetahuan dukun pengetahuan yang mendominasi pengetahuan bidan; kedua pola konteasi hibridasi dimana pola ini terjadi dalam arena proses persalinan yaitu pengethuan bidan dan dukun pamana' hadir secara bersama dalam kolabarasi yang saling mengisi. Sedangkan yang ketiga menunjukkan pola kontestasi koeksistensi dimana pengethuan bidan dan dukun pamana' hadir bersama-sama namun memiliki bagian masing-masing tanpa saling mengganggu dalam proses petolongan pasca melahirkan. Abstract-This study aims to examine and analyze the contents of pamana' shaman and midwives in the process of help of pregnant women, the process of childbirth and post-birth in the village of Panciro Bajeng District Gowa District. The theoretical approach used to understand the reality of the field is the theory of power and knowledge. While the methodological tools to reveal and analyze the data used a qualitative approach with constructivist paradigm. Data collection is done by using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis is done through data reduction process, data presentation, and conclusion. The examination of data validity is done through four ways, namely: degree of trust (credibility); Transferability; Dependability; Certainty (confirmability). The results showed that there were three patterns of knowledge contestation between midwives and shamans, namely domination, hybridization, and coexistence patterns. The first pattern of contestation is, the pattern of contestation dominance where this pattern occurs in the arena of pregnancy, where knowledge of knowledge shamans dominates midwives knowledge; The two hybridation contamination patterns in which this pattern occurs in the arena of labor process are the knowledge of midwives and pamana' shamans' present together in a complementary collabaration. While the third shows a pattern of coexistent contestation where the declarations of midwives and pamana' shamans are present together but have their respective parts without interrupting each other in the post-partum delivery process. I. PENDAHULUAN Secara medis atau pengetahuan modern, indikator pencapaian peningkatan kesehatan ibu adalah menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan meningkatnya proporsi pertolongan kelahiran oleh tenaga kesehatan terlatih. Tenaga kesehatan terlatih adalah dokter, bidan, perawat dan tenaga medis lainnya. Saat ini yang menjadi ujung tombak dilapangan terkait dengan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan adalah bidan. Jika mengacu pada. konsep desa siaga (KEPMENKES No. 564/menkes/SK/VIII/2006) targetnya di setiap desa di seluruh wilayah di Indonesia minimal terdapat satu bidan. Kebijakan ini harus berhadapan dengan praktek pertolongan kelahiran yang sudah ada di tengah-tengah masyarakat yaitu pertolongan kelahiran melalui dukun beranak. Kondisi ini menyebabkan terjadinya kontestasi bidan atau tenaga medis dengan dukun beranak dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil dan kelahiran bayi diberbagai pelosok pedesaan. Di beberapa daerah, keberadaan dukun bayi sebagai orang kepercayaan dalam menolong persalinan, sosok yang dihormati dan berpengalaman, sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat keberadaannya. Berbeda dengan keberadaan bidan yang rata-rata masih muda dan belum seluruhnya mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat. Praktek persalingan yang dilakukan oleh dukun beranak dan bidan atau tenaga medis saling berhadap-hadapan dalam proses pertolongan terhadap ibu hamil sampai proses melahirkan Sehingga perlu dicari suatu kegiatan yang dapat membuat kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan antara bidan dengan dukun bayi, dengan harapan pertolongan

Research paper thumbnail of Actor Construction in the Frame of Diversity to Achieve Social Harmony in the Life of Tamilouw Village Society Seram Island - Maluku

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2018

The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony o... more The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony of the Moluccan community universally. The social order is reduced due to the weakening of the kinship system, the loss of trust between multi-ethnic religious communities and the bond of pela gandong that becomes the local wisdom in Maluku is increasingly tenuous. However, in the middle of the Maluku conflict, there are some communities that remain harmonious namely Tamilouw on Seram island-Maluku. This study aims to find out how the construction of actors within the framework of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily life of the people of Tamilouw village. The research paradigm used is constructivism with qualitative approach. Key informants are Religious Leaders, Customary Leaders, Community Leaders and Tamilouw village King. Data collection using observation technique, interview, snowball sampling technique and documentation. Data were analyzed model of Miles & Huberman. Based on the findings it can be concluded that social harmony maintained in the socio-cultural society of Tamilouw village, Seram Island because these four actors have networks or ties of trust nodes, work strategies and rules of the norm. The role of the actor is to produce a condition that is universal or conducive condition at the time of conflict. The actor is able to perform self-adjustment with another position called the sense of one's place. Reconstruction of actors' roles and relations is manifested through crossing the responsibility to create or " to bring justice.

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Penitipan Orang Tua Lansia DI Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji, Kabupaten Gowa

Phinisi Integration Review

Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Home is a safe place for the elderly because of their helplessness. One ... more Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Home is a safe place for the elderly because of their helplessness. One of them is the Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Nursing Home, Gowa Regency. When elderly parents are already in a nursing home, of course the functions performed by the family, such as protecting, caring for and providing affection, experience changes, because in a nursing home it is no longer the family that cares for the elderly but the orphanage staff. In this study, the focus was on children and parents who came from the city of Makassar, which was dominated by various ethnic groups. This study aims to determine the phenomenon of elderly parents' care in nursing homes and to analyze the background of a child's decision to leave their parents in a nursing home. This research includes a qualitative research approach and descriptive data types, using interview guidelines and documentation. Based on the results of observations and interviews at the Tresna Werdha Gau Mabaji Nursing Home, ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Patterns of Hegemony of the Kokoda Tribe in the City and Regency of Sorong, Southwest Papua

International journal of cultural and religious studies, Jul 2, 2023

The essence of social justice in development, as the nation's ideal, is ideally present to provid... more The essence of social justice in development, as the nation's ideal, is ideally present to provide changes for the better to all people without exception. However, in reality, there are still social inequalities in development, such as those experienced by the Kokoda Tribe in Southwest Papua. The research aims to find out the pattern of hegemony experienced by the Kokoda Tribe. Therefore, the type of research used is qualitative. Qualitative research emphasizes the socially constructed nature of reality. The data analysis process was carried out during the research. Each observation and interview was followed by an interpretation process by connecting one meaning with another. The results show that the hegemony that occurs in the Kokoda Tribe takes place through four patterns, namely: Domination pattern, intellectual hegemony pattern, moral hegemony pattern, and spiral hegemony pattern. The marginalization experienced by the Kokoda Tribe does not occur naturally but is the result of hegemony patterns, namely the existence of a dominant class that constructs the whole life of society.

Research paper thumbnail of Applying Local Values in Millenial Education (Study for Bugis Society Makassar)

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018

The discourse on indigenization has long been becoming a concern and discourse, especially in the... more The discourse on indigenization has long been becoming a concern and discourse, especially in the academic level. IntensiveAttention in these efforts can not be separated from strengthening view that the experience of other nations or other areas is not necessarily relevant to the local conditions. This paper aims to present a new paradigm that reinforces the importance of understanding of local values that can be the milestone of the current millennium generation in the friction of paradigm that more transparent and unfiltered paradigms.Besides, the strengthening in the academic level and methodological level becomes an integral part. As part of the methodological accountability, this paper is a literature review which more data obtained compared from documents. The results of this study indicate that each tribes of nations, especially in this case Bugis-Makassar tribe has noble values in all aspects that can be a grip for the younger generation.Local values to the society when it is analyzed methodologically using a new paradigm in qualitative research will naturally and clearly that these values can be introduced as part of the treasures of the wider world view.

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptasi Sosial Petani Tadah Hujan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim (Studi Kasus Pada Petani Tadah Hujan di Kecamatan Sibulue, Kabupaten Bone)

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeiahui dan menganalisis kerenntanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan te... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeiahui dan menganalisis kerenntanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan reslko perubahan iklim dari sudut pemahaman dan pengaiaman petani dan menganalisis pola adaptasi yang dikembangkan petani tadah hujan menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data juga dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu:deraiat kepercayaan, keteralihan; kebergantungan; kepastian. Hasil penelitian menuniukkan bahwa kerentanan dan pemahaman petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim ditandai oleh kesulitan penentuan pola tanam, musim hujan yang tidak menentu, suhu udara panas, dan munculnya penyakit baru dalam tanaman padi. Persepsi petani terhadap dampak perubahan ikl...

Research paper thumbnail of The Mystery of Ecological and Socio-Cultural Degradation Of Bajo Community (A Study Of Nickel Mining Expansion In Pomalaa Sub-District, Kolaka Regency)

A paradox becomes clear and confusing; nickel mining expansion in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency, Southe... more A paradox becomes clear and confusing; nickel mining expansion in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, the ecological and socio-cultural aspects that should be the most essential and maintained components are the last things to pay attention to. This neglect has made ecological and social cultural aspects shrouded in mystery. The focus of this research is to explore and uncover various mysteries of the ecological and socio-cultural degradation of the Bajo community towards the expansion of nickel mining in Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency. This research employs post-positivism paradigm with Grounded Theory approach. The techniques of data collection used are interviews, observation and document study. This research concludes that there are some mysteries of the ecological and socio-cultural degradation of the Bajo community in Pomalaa Sub-district Kolaka Regency due to the expansion of nickel mining including: first, the tolerance of the occurrence of ecological and socio-cu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Social and Genetic Relationship Changes Among Buru Community from Contemporary Perspective

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2019

Social change in the community certainly has more or less an impact on the kinship conditions of ... more Social change in the community certainly has more or less an impact on the kinship conditions of a group in certain places along the changing times. This qualitative study analyzed the social change and kinship conditions of the Buru people in a contemporary perspective on the Buru island of Maluku Province. To understand these changes, a series of data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and or focused group discussion (FGD). The results found that kinship in the Buru community can be seen from the kinship of family lineages, the kinship of the origin of history and marital kinship. Changes in the value system as a culture in Buru society can be seen with the emergence of changes in lifestyle, attitudes-individualistic and materialistic society. In the Buru community, solidarity helps others begin to fade. This can be seen with the beginning to fade a sense of caring, meet each other greet and the loss of togetherness between families. The loss of a sense of togetherness according to the findings of this study was due to the development of communication facilities so that face-to-face meetings are no longer considered important. On the other hand, the need for promotional information encourages people to use communication technology tools such as mobile phones. Kinship in the process of housing construction called "ngepu ngeso" also began to fade and was replaced by a commercialization system. The entry of modernization in the midst of society resulted in the disappearance of kinship and togetherness such as mutual cooperation culture and other social relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Suru Maca: Tradisi Menyambut Bulan Ramadan Masyarakat Desa Pakkabba Kabupaten Takalar Sulawesi Selatan

The suru maca ritual is a tradition of the Islamic community of Pakkabba Village in Takalar Regen... more The suru maca ritual is a tradition of the Islamic community of Pakkabba Village in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi province, to welcome Ramadan's arrival. At present, the implementation of this tradition is enjoyed by local communities and enjoyed by immigrant communities of different ethnicities and religions. This tradition is alive and well in society because it is functional and has a significant symbolic meaning for this culture's owner. This study aims to determine the purpose and function of the suru maca ritual for Pakkabba Village people. This research is a qualitative study that uses an ethnographic approach. Data was collected through literature review, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using a functional, structural approach. The results showed that the existence of Islam had been accepted and became part of the Pakkabba village community's social system so that the month of Ramadan, which is the holy month of Muslims, is...

Research paper thumbnail of Actor Construction in the Frame of Diversity to Achieve Social Harmony in the Life of Tamilouw Village Society Seram Island-Maluku

The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony o... more The conflict of Maluku on 19 January 1999 had brought a tremedeous impact on the social harmony of the Moluccan community universally. The social order is reduced due to the weakening of the kinship system, the loss of trust between multi-ethnic religious communities and the bond of pela gandong that becomes the local wisdom in Maluku is increasingly tenuous. However, in the middle of the Maluku conflict, there are some communities that remain harmonious namely Tamilouw on Seram island -Maluku. This study aims to find out how the construction of actors within the framework of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily life of the people of Tamilouw village. The research paradigm used is constructivism with qualitative approach. Key informants are Religious Leaders, Customary Leaders, Community Leaders and Tamilouw village King. Data collection using observation technique, interview, snowball sampling technique and documentation. Data were analyzed model of Miles & Huberman. Ba...

Research paper thumbnail of Kontestasi antara Dukun Beranak dan Bidan Desa dalam Praktek Persalinan Di Desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengakaji dan menganalisis tentang kontestasi dukun beranak dan bidan dalam proses pertolongan ibu hamil, proses kelahiran bayi dan pasca kelahiran di desa Panciro Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa. Pendekatan teoritis yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas dilapangan adalah teori kuasa dan pengetahuan. Sedangkan peralatan metodologis untuk mengungkap dan menganalisis data digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu: derajat kepercayaan (credibility); keteralihan (transferability); kebergantungan (dependability); kepastian (confirmability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga pola kontestasi pengetahuan antara bidan dan dukun pamana’ yaitu pola kontestasi dominasi, hibridasi, dan k...

Research paper thumbnail of Hegemonic Practices of Upperclassmen to Freshmen Within College Life

Society, 2019

The research aims to explain: 1) Forms of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen in col... more The research aims to explain: 1) Forms of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen in college life at the State University of Makassar and 2) Levels of hegemonic practices of upperclassmen to freshmen at the State University of Makassar. This research is qualitative descriptive with snowball sampling technique used to determine the participants which consist of 25 upperclassmen and 20 freshmen class of 2018 and 2019 academic year. Data collection methods included observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique consists of three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data verification was conducted through observation perseverance and source and time triangulation. The results show that 1) forms of hegemonic practices of the upperclassmen to freshmen at the State University of Makassar include agreement, domination and intellectual leadership and moral and 2) the level of hegemony conducted by the upperclassmen at the State...

Research paper thumbnail of Kearifan Lokal dalam Sistem Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Penenun Bugis-Wajo


To the Bugis people, weaving activity is not only an activity which economically benefits them, b... more To the Bugis people, weaving activity is not only an activity which economically benefits them, but it
is also a local wisdom which contains moral message. This study is intended to describe the weaving
activity undertaken by the group of weavers and the basis of their moral economy under the pressure of
market economy. Qualitative approach with constructivist paradigm was used. The data were collected
through in-depth interview, participatory observation, and documentation. The data analysis included data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that the local wisdom'is reflected
by the function and meaning of the woven fabric, that the weaving activity contributes to the formation of
hard working etiquette, and that the myth and taboo in the weaving activity contain moral message that
women should be protected

Research paper thumbnail of Social Network of Bugis Weavers at Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi


The penetration of market economic system and the development of weaving technology within Wajo s... more The penetration of market economic system and the development of weaving technology within Wajo society has polarized Wajo weavers into three groups, Gedongan weaver, ATBM weaver and weaving entrepreneur. It indicates a different economic action conducted by those three groups in responding the economic market and technology development. This research aims to describe the moral basic in developing and utilizing network in weaving activities practiced by the three groups. The research uses qualitative approach with constructive paradigm. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interview method, participative observation and documentation. Data is analyzed using data reduction, presentation and conclusion. Research result indicates that production and distribution network of weavers involve social solidarity and economic interest and those networks take place in the form of horizontal and vertical relationship.Gedongan weavers use social solodarity network more than economic inte...

Research paper thumbnail of RESELIANSI PETANI TADAH HUJAN

This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the ... more This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the impacts and risks of climate change from the point of understanding and experience of farmers and adaptation pattern developed analysis rainfed farmers cope with the impacts of climate change. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies. Data method collection using observation, interview, documentation and literature. Data analysis was performed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data validity checking is also done in four ways, namely: degree of confidence; transferability; dependability; confirmability.
The results showed that the vulnerability and rainfed farmers' understanding of the impacts and risks of climate change is characterized by difficulty determining the pattern of planting, the rains are erratic, hot air temperature, and the emergence of new diseases in rice plants. Perception of farmers on the impact of climate changes namely declining production, crop failure, the more dry land, and the land difficult to process. Adaptation strategies that run farmers cope with the impacts of climate change such as the manufacture of wells drilled in the middle of rice fields, planting vegetables rice fields, farm, bake sales, migration, and stock management

Research paper thumbnail of ADAPTASI PETANI TADAH HUJAN

This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the ... more This study aims to determine and analyze the vulnerability of rainfed farming communities to the impacts and risks of climate change from the point of understanding and experience of farmers and adaptation pattern developed mengenalisis rainfed farmers cope with the impacts of climate change. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies. Motede data collection using observation, interview, documentation and literature. Data analysis was performed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data validity checking is also done in four ways, namely: degree of confidence; transferability; dependability; confirmability. The results showed that the vulnerability and rainfed farmers' understanding of the impacts and risks of climate change is characterized by difficulty determining the pattern of planting, the rains are erratic, hot air temperature, and the emergence of new diseases in rice plants. Perception of farmers on the impact of changes iklimn namely declining production, crop failure, the more dry land, and the land difficult to process. Adaptation strategies that run farmers cope with the impacts of climate change such as the manufacture of wells drilled in the middle of rice fields, planting vegetables dipematang fields, farm, bake sales, migration, and stock management Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis kerentanan masyarakat petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim dari sudut pemahaman dan pengalaman petani dan mengenalisis pola adaptasi yang dikembangkan petani tadah hujan menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan motede observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data juga dilakukan melalui empat cara, yaitu:derajat kepercayaan; keteralihan; kebergantungan; kepastian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerentanan dan pemahaman petani tadah hujan terhadap dampak dan resiko perubahan iklim ditandai oleh kesulitan penentuan pola tanam, musim hujan yang tidak menentu, suhu udara panas, dan munculnya penyakit baru dalam tanaman padi. Persepsi petani terhadap dampak perubahan iklimn yaitu produksi menurun, gagal panen, lahan semakin kering, dan lahan sulit diolah. Strategi adaptasi yang dijalankan petani dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim seperti pembuatan sumur bor di tengah-tengah persawahan, menanam sayur-mayur dipematang sawah, usaha peternakan, penjualan kue, migrasi, dan manajemen stok. Kata Kunci: Adaptasi, Resiliensi, Petani, Perubahan Iklim.


Badan Penerbit UNM, 2021

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis akar masalah terjadinya marginalisasi perempuan melalui ban... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis akar masalah terjadinya marginalisasi perempuan melalui bantuan dana desa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan kurang memiliki akses, partisipasi dan kontrol untuk melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi penggunan dana desa dalam kegiatan pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di desa tersebut. Perempuan hanya sekedar ikut terlibat dalam proses perencanaan dan penganggaran dana desa. Lemahnya posisi perempuan dalam kegiatan perencanaan, penganggaran, monitoring dan evaluasi penggunaan dana desa dalam kegiatan pembangunan membuat kaum perempuan mengalami marginalisasi