Septian Adi Pratama | Universitas Negeri Malang (original) (raw)
Dasar Pemrograman Komputer by Septian Adi Pratama
Paper ini dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Akhir mata kuliah Dasar Pemrograman Komputer
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Fungsi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Fungsi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Arraay/Larik)
Laporan UTS Dasar Pemrograman Komputer. Program penilaian.
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Looping/Perulangan )
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 4 (Operasi Kondisi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 3 (Operator)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 2 (STRUKTUR SEDERHANA PROGRAM PADA C/C++)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 1 (PENGENALAN SISTEM OPERASI, IDE VISUAL C++, DAN ALGORI... more Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 1 (PENGENALAN SISTEM OPERASI, IDE VISUAL C++, DAN ALGORITMA PEMROGRAMAN)
Algoritma Struktur Data by Septian Adi Pratama
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Single & Double Linked List)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Queue)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Stack)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Searching)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Sorting)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Struktur, Array & Pointer)
Basis Data by Septian Adi Pratama
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Transaction)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Stored Procedure)
Paper ini dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Akhir mata kuliah Dasar Pemrograman Komputer
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Fungsi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Fungsi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Arraay/Larik)
Laporan UTS Dasar Pemrograman Komputer. Program penilaian.
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul (Looping/Perulangan )
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 4 (Operasi Kondisi)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 3 (Operator)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 2 (STRUKTUR SEDERHANA PROGRAM PADA C/C++)
Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 1 (PENGENALAN SISTEM OPERASI, IDE VISUAL C++, DAN ALGORI... more Laporan Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Modul 1 (PENGENALAN SISTEM OPERASI, IDE VISUAL C++, DAN ALGORITMA PEMROGRAMAN)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Single & Double Linked List)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Queue)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Stack)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Searching)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Sorting)
Laporan Algoritma Struktur Data Modul (Struktur, Array & Pointer)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Transaction)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Stored Procedure)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Trigger)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Sub Query & View)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Join & Union)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Fungsi Agregat)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (DDL Dan DML)
Laporan Basis Data Modul (Instalasi & Konfigurasi XAMPP)
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE)
Singhasari is one of the largest kingdoms that ever existed in Indonesia and became one that had ... more Singhasari is one of the largest kingdoms that ever existed in Indonesia and became one that had a mission to unite the archipelago. Generally, Indonesian society often forget about the history of the kingdom that became an identity in each region because of the era of globalization that glorifies western influences and limitations on media information whose actualization can only be learned through pictures or visiting the location of historical places directly so that the introduction of historical values in society is not optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to design a media that educate the public so that they can learn more about the history of the kingdom in Indonesia without having to visit the site directly. The purpose of this research is to build a new learning media based on iOS to preserve the history of the kingdom in Indonesia. The effect of the construction of this application is to educate the public through its iPhone devices so that it can learn more about the history of the Singhasari kingdom without having to visit the location directly. Based on experimental results, this application produces educational media in introducing the rich history of Singhasari through the equivalence partitioning testing process, with the result of a 100% percent of item test success which means the system is readable and valid.