Siti Sendari | Universitas Negeri Malang (original) (raw)

Papers by Siti Sendari

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Employability Skills and Skill Competency toward Work Readiness

The research aims to study influences of employability skills and skill competency toward work re... more The research aims to study influences of employability skills and skill competency toward work readiness. Data collections use questionnaires and score documentation, colected from 176 students at the XII grade of vocational school (SMK) of Electrical Power Instalation Technique in Malang Raya. The technical data analysis uses path analysis. The results show that employability skills influence toward work the readiness by 19.98% while skill competency influence that by 48.84%. Keywords—emloyability skills; skill competency; work readiness

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Research paper thumbnail of K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Optimization using Genetic Algorithm for Clustering Questions

International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications, 2021

The grouping of data can be used in the development strategy of an educational game application. ... more The grouping of data can be used in the development strategy of an educational game application. The process of grouping data that initially behaved differently into several groups that now behaved more uniformly. As well as grouping the data on the difficulty level of the questions on the educational game question board. This grouping of questions is needed to get the dominant values ​​that will be the characteristics of each group of questions that exist. The clustering method is quite widely used to overcome problems related to data grouping. This clustering is a method of grouping based on the size of the proximity, the more accurate the cluster formed, the clearer the similarity of the difficulty level of the questions. Thus, educational game developers can determine the strategy for placing the existing questions more precisely. Many clustering methods can be used to group the data on this question, including K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) which are then optimized using the A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality for Introducing Fuel Cell as Electrochemical Energy Conversion on Vocational School

Nowadays, one kind of promising energy is fuel cell technology, which produces electricity while ... more Nowadays, one kind of promising energy is fuel cell technology, which produces electricity while hydrogen gas flows from anode to cathode through a membrane. A single fuel cell can be integrated in series as a fuel cell stack. It shows electro-chemical process, where the gas flows from the anode to cathode through a membrane and acts as protons and electrons. Students have plenty of difficulties to understand the concept of the electro-chemical process. Thus, this paper studies the effectiveness of usability of the developed augmented reality (AR) technology for bridging the difficulties in electrochemical process, especially fuel cell energy conversion. AR technology is used as an accomplished tool of a conventional book, where students can learn deeply about the process, such as practicing steps and problem solving using animation. The implementation results show that the developed AR can help students enjoy to study fuel cell energy conversion, which means that the developed AR c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lampu Penerangan Tenaga Surya untuk Wisata Air Desa Sambigede Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

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Research paper thumbnail of Outdoor Air Quality Monitor Using MQTT Protocol on Smart Campus Network

2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET)

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing AR-based ebook for introducing dynamic process of fuel cell


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Research paper thumbnail of Opinion Analysis for Emotional Classification on Emoji Tweets using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Knowledge Engineering and Data Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Optimization of Electric Developments in Diesel Power Plant for the Electrical Energy Sources using Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering

The electricity need in the G4 Building at the State University ofMalang was more than 85 kVA. Al... more The electricity need in the G4 Building at the State University ofMalang was more than 85 kVA. All electrical devices could beactivated; but when the energy source was inactive, all electricityrequirements were transferred to the diesel power plant (DPP).However, the electrical capacity of DPP was only 20 kVA;therefore, it was necessary to optimize the electrical power load sothat the DPP energy could be absorbed optimally using the roomscheduling and electrical devices priority systems. The DynamicProgramming Algorithm was embedded in the power optimizationsystem to help optimize the work. The power optimization prototypewas used to simulate the 1st floor of the G4 Building’s condition.The system consisted of a controller, a central controller, and auser interface. the controller comprised of a current sensor,microcontroller, and a relay. The central controller consisted ofRaspberry Pi 3 hardware that was installed as the server to answerthe HTTP request from the controller and use...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan buku ajar sensor tranduser berbasis problem solving untuk mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang


Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada matakuliah Sensor dan Tranduser mengalami kendala dalam m... more Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada matakuliah Sensor dan Tranduser mengalami kendala dalam materi yang akan diajarakan dimana referensi sumber belajar masih kurang. Adanya bahan ajar yang kurang memadai mengakibatkan mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menangkap materi yang diajarkan. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan buku ajar dimana digunakan sebagai rujukan dalam proses pembelajaran maupun sebagai sumber belajar mahasiswa secara mandiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Borg dan Gall yang telah disesuaikan. Tahapannya yaitu (research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary from of product, preliminary test, main product revition, main field testing, and operational product revition). Kelayakan pengembangan buku ajar dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi dan uji coba dengan mengunakan penyebaran angket. Hasil penyebaran angket yang telah dilakukan pada buku ajar dinyatakan valid, sehingga layak digunakan sebagai su...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan bahan ajar mekatronika untuk program studi D3 Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar untuk Matakuliah Workshop Mekatro... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar untuk Matakuliah Workshop Mekatronika. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa buku dan modul ajar yang materi pembelajarannya mencakup satu semester. Peneliti menggunakan model pengembangan milik Purwanto yang model pengembangannya diperuntukkan bagi pengembangan modul. Pengumpulan data validasi dan kelayakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket/kuesioner. Angket/kuesioner ditujukan bagi validator kegrafikan, validator materi, dan mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari hasil validasi dan uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan layak untuk dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and analysis of safety hazardous gas instruments for laboratory experiments

ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS (SERIES 2): Proceedings of the International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICon3E 2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploration of genetic network programming with two-stage reinforcement learning for mobile robot

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)

This paper observes the exploration of Genetic Network Programming Two-Stage Reinforcement Learni... more This paper observes the exploration of Genetic Network Programming Two-Stage Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation. The proposed method aims to observe its exploration when inexperienced environments used in the implementation. In order to deal with this situation, individuals are trained firstly in the training phase, that is, they learn the environment with ϵ-greedy policy and learning rate α parameters. Here, two cases are studied, i.e., case A for low exploration and case B for high exploration. In the implementation, the individuals implemented to get experience and learn a new environment on-line. Then, the performance of learning processes are observed due to the environmental changes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Fuzzy Decision to Control Patient Room Facilities using Eye Blink

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy Genetic Network Programming with Noises for Mobile Robot Navigation

Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics

Genetic Network Programming (GNP) has been proposed as one of the evolutionary algorithms, which ... more Genetic Network Programming (GNP) has been proposed as one of the evolutionary algorithms, which is represented by graph structures. It was extended to GNP with Reinforcement Learning (GNP-RL) which combines online learning and evolution. GNP-RL succeeded in implementing the wall following behaviors of a Khepera robot. The objective of this paper is to improve the robustness of GNP-RL by introducing fuzzy GNP with noises. Fuzzy GNP overcomes the sharp boundary problem using the probabilistic transition on fuzzy judgment nodes, which improves the exploration ability. Furthermore, the robustness of fuzzy GNP can be improved by adding Gaussian noises to the sensors during the training phase. In order to evaluate the robustness of fuzzy GNP with noises, the wall following of a Khepera robot is simulated. Simulation results show that fuzzy GNP with noises is superior to GNP-RL.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Control System of Electrical Devices with Operational Expense Prediction

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Genetic Algorithm to academic scheduling system

2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Derau dalam Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi Op-Amp

Teknologi Kejuruan, May 2, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Sensor dan transduser / ditulis oleh Siti Sendari

1 Elektronika Sensor Sensor Dan Transduser Ditulis Oleh Siti Sendari, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Pedoman elektronika analog / oleh Siti Sendari

1 Elektronika Analog Pedoman Elektronika Analog Oleh Siti Sendari, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulasi Kontroler PID untuk Pengaturan Posisi pada Motor DC Model Dinamik

Teknologi Kejuruan, May 2, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Employability Skills and Skill Competency toward Work Readiness

The research aims to study influences of employability skills and skill competency toward work re... more The research aims to study influences of employability skills and skill competency toward work readiness. Data collections use questionnaires and score documentation, colected from 176 students at the XII grade of vocational school (SMK) of Electrical Power Instalation Technique in Malang Raya. The technical data analysis uses path analysis. The results show that employability skills influence toward work the readiness by 19.98% while skill competency influence that by 48.84%. Keywords—emloyability skills; skill competency; work readiness

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Research paper thumbnail of K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Optimization using Genetic Algorithm for Clustering Questions

International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications, 2021

The grouping of data can be used in the development strategy of an educational game application. ... more The grouping of data can be used in the development strategy of an educational game application. The process of grouping data that initially behaved differently into several groups that now behaved more uniformly. As well as grouping the data on the difficulty level of the questions on the educational game question board. This grouping of questions is needed to get the dominant values ​​that will be the characteristics of each group of questions that exist. The clustering method is quite widely used to overcome problems related to data grouping. This clustering is a method of grouping based on the size of the proximity, the more accurate the cluster formed, the clearer the similarity of the difficulty level of the questions. Thus, educational game developers can determine the strategy for placing the existing questions more precisely. Many clustering methods can be used to group the data on this question, including K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) which are then optimized using the A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality for Introducing Fuel Cell as Electrochemical Energy Conversion on Vocational School

Nowadays, one kind of promising energy is fuel cell technology, which produces electricity while ... more Nowadays, one kind of promising energy is fuel cell technology, which produces electricity while hydrogen gas flows from anode to cathode through a membrane. A single fuel cell can be integrated in series as a fuel cell stack. It shows electro-chemical process, where the gas flows from the anode to cathode through a membrane and acts as protons and electrons. Students have plenty of difficulties to understand the concept of the electro-chemical process. Thus, this paper studies the effectiveness of usability of the developed augmented reality (AR) technology for bridging the difficulties in electrochemical process, especially fuel cell energy conversion. AR technology is used as an accomplished tool of a conventional book, where students can learn deeply about the process, such as practicing steps and problem solving using animation. The implementation results show that the developed AR can help students enjoy to study fuel cell energy conversion, which means that the developed AR c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lampu Penerangan Tenaga Surya untuk Wisata Air Desa Sambigede Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

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Research paper thumbnail of Outdoor Air Quality Monitor Using MQTT Protocol on Smart Campus Network

2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET)

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing AR-based ebook for introducing dynamic process of fuel cell


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Research paper thumbnail of Opinion Analysis for Emotional Classification on Emoji Tweets using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Knowledge Engineering and Data Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Power Optimization of Electric Developments in Diesel Power Plant for the Electrical Energy Sources using Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering

The electricity need in the G4 Building at the State University ofMalang was more than 85 kVA. Al... more The electricity need in the G4 Building at the State University ofMalang was more than 85 kVA. All electrical devices could beactivated; but when the energy source was inactive, all electricityrequirements were transferred to the diesel power plant (DPP).However, the electrical capacity of DPP was only 20 kVA;therefore, it was necessary to optimize the electrical power load sothat the DPP energy could be absorbed optimally using the roomscheduling and electrical devices priority systems. The DynamicProgramming Algorithm was embedded in the power optimizationsystem to help optimize the work. The power optimization prototypewas used to simulate the 1st floor of the G4 Building’s condition.The system consisted of a controller, a central controller, and auser interface. the controller comprised of a current sensor,microcontroller, and a relay. The central controller consisted ofRaspberry Pi 3 hardware that was installed as the server to answerthe HTTP request from the controller and use...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan buku ajar sensor tranduser berbasis problem solving untuk mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang


Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada matakuliah Sensor dan Tranduser mengalami kendala dalam m... more Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada matakuliah Sensor dan Tranduser mengalami kendala dalam materi yang akan diajarakan dimana referensi sumber belajar masih kurang. Adanya bahan ajar yang kurang memadai mengakibatkan mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menangkap materi yang diajarkan. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan buku ajar dimana digunakan sebagai rujukan dalam proses pembelajaran maupun sebagai sumber belajar mahasiswa secara mandiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Borg dan Gall yang telah disesuaikan. Tahapannya yaitu (research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary from of product, preliminary test, main product revition, main field testing, and operational product revition). Kelayakan pengembangan buku ajar dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi dan uji coba dengan mengunakan penyebaran angket. Hasil penyebaran angket yang telah dilakukan pada buku ajar dinyatakan valid, sehingga layak digunakan sebagai su...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan bahan ajar mekatronika untuk program studi D3 Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar untuk Matakuliah Workshop Mekatro... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar untuk Matakuliah Workshop Mekatronika. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa buku dan modul ajar yang materi pembelajarannya mencakup satu semester. Peneliti menggunakan model pengembangan milik Purwanto yang model pengembangannya diperuntukkan bagi pengembangan modul. Pengumpulan data validasi dan kelayakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket/kuesioner. Angket/kuesioner ditujukan bagi validator kegrafikan, validator materi, dan mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari hasil validasi dan uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan layak untuk dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and analysis of safety hazardous gas instruments for laboratory experiments

ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS (SERIES 2): Proceedings of the International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICon3E 2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploration of genetic network programming with two-stage reinforcement learning for mobile robot

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)

This paper observes the exploration of Genetic Network Programming Two-Stage Reinforcement Learni... more This paper observes the exploration of Genetic Network Programming Two-Stage Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation. The proposed method aims to observe its exploration when inexperienced environments used in the implementation. In order to deal with this situation, individuals are trained firstly in the training phase, that is, they learn the environment with ϵ-greedy policy and learning rate α parameters. Here, two cases are studied, i.e., case A for low exploration and case B for high exploration. In the implementation, the individuals implemented to get experience and learn a new environment on-line. Then, the performance of learning processes are observed due to the environmental changes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Fuzzy Decision to Control Patient Room Facilities using Eye Blink

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuzzy Genetic Network Programming with Noises for Mobile Robot Navigation

Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics

Genetic Network Programming (GNP) has been proposed as one of the evolutionary algorithms, which ... more Genetic Network Programming (GNP) has been proposed as one of the evolutionary algorithms, which is represented by graph structures. It was extended to GNP with Reinforcement Learning (GNP-RL) which combines online learning and evolution. GNP-RL succeeded in implementing the wall following behaviors of a Khepera robot. The objective of this paper is to improve the robustness of GNP-RL by introducing fuzzy GNP with noises. Fuzzy GNP overcomes the sharp boundary problem using the probabilistic transition on fuzzy judgment nodes, which improves the exploration ability. Furthermore, the robustness of fuzzy GNP can be improved by adding Gaussian noises to the sensors during the training phase. In order to evaluate the robustness of fuzzy GNP with noises, the wall following of a Khepera robot is simulated. Simulation results show that fuzzy GNP with noises is superior to GNP-RL.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Control System of Electrical Devices with Operational Expense Prediction

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Genetic Algorithm to academic scheduling system

2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Derau dalam Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi Op-Amp

Teknologi Kejuruan, May 2, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Sensor dan transduser / ditulis oleh Siti Sendari

1 Elektronika Sensor Sensor Dan Transduser Ditulis Oleh Siti Sendari, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Pedoman elektronika analog / oleh Siti Sendari

1 Elektronika Analog Pedoman Elektronika Analog Oleh Siti Sendari, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulasi Kontroler PID untuk Pengaturan Posisi pada Motor DC Model Dinamik

Teknologi Kejuruan, May 2, 2009

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