Hendri Nurdin | Universitas Negeri Padang (original) (raw)

Papers by Hendri Nurdin

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tegangan Tarik Maksimum Wire Rope pada Hoist Crane Kapasitas 3 Ton

Research paper thumbnail of MATLAB GUI based code for acceleration analysis in learning of kinematics

Journal of physics, Aug 31, 2023

In this study, a code or computer program has been developed as an educational material for cour... more In this study, a code or computer program has been developed as an educational
material for courses on kinematics. This code is expected to help the learning of kinematic which mostly uses analysis of velocity and acceleration graphically. By using this code, explanation of velocity and acceleration analysis can be performed by the code/computer program, instead of using the ruler and protractor manually. This eases the teacher and student in learning of kinematic. The code is written based on MATLAB. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is used to make this code as a user friendly kinematic learning media. The calculation of velocity and acceleration is performed based on the method of relative velocity and relative acceleration. This code provides tutorial of velocity and acceleration analysis which is displayed in the GUI screen. The animation of movement and its trajectory is also displayed. In this present research work, acceleration analysis on slider crank mechanism created by the code is presented. The results is compared with the theoritical calculation and the differences are less than 1%. Therefore, the code is considered acceptable and feasible to enrich the learning experience in kinematics

Research paper thumbnail of The investigation of physical dan mechanical properties of Nipah-based particle board

Teknomekanik, Dec 11, 2023

The excessive use of wood as a raw material in furniture industries has raised environmental conc... more The excessive use of wood as a raw material in furniture industries has raised environmental concerns that have attracted the attention of many individuals. Consequently, various innovations have been explored in developing alternative materials for the furniture industry. One promising resource that has the potential to be developed as a raw material for furniture applications is Nipah palm husk. Nipah palm husk is classified as an agricultural waste that is barely used within society and industries. Hence, in this study, Nipah palm husk will be utilized as the primary material to fabricate particle board by involving tapioca as an adhesive. This research aimed to investigate the effect of tapioca concentrations on water absorption, modulus elasticity, modulus of rupture, and screw-holding strength of the produced Nipah palm husk particleboard. The results of this study showed that the particle board produced with a 40% tapioca adhesive concentration exhibited the most favorable physical and mechanical properties with a water absorption rate of 25%, an elastic modulus of 21188.93 kg/cm 2 , a modulus of rupture of 55.53 kg/cm 2 , and a screw holding power of 7.53 kg. The findings indicated that Nipah-based particle board has the potential to be developed as an alternative for the furniture industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Tutorial Untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Pada Mata Pelajaran Pekerjaan Dasar Teknik Mesin DI SMK Negeri 1 Sumbar

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Nov 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyayatan Up Millingdan Downmillingterhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Benda Kerja Baja S45C Pada Proses Pekerjaan Mesin Frais Vertikal

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Nov 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Software Inventor Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Diklat Gambar Teknik Manufaktur Kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, May 2, 2022

Pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur sering dilakukan menggunakan cara konvensional sehingga min... more Pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur sering dilakukan menggunakan cara konvensional sehingga minat siswa dalam belajar tergolong rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah minat peserta didik dalam pembelajar dengan cara menerapkan software Inventor. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan menggunakan metode kuantitatif Quasi Experiment design berfugsi untuk melihat hasil dari belajar peserta didik melalui pre-test maupun post-test kelas experiment dan juga kelas control. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi menggunakan metode Sampling Porpuse pada kelas XI jurusan Teknik Mesin. Pengujian pada uji hipotesis ini adalah uji Independent Sampel T-test diperoleh nilai sig (2 tailed) pada kelas experiment dan kelas control sebesar 0,000, yaitu ≤ 0,05. Kemudian diperoleh nilai dari thitung 6,894. Sedangkan taraf signifikan ttabel 0,05 dengan df sebanyak 60 diperoleh 2,65748. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa thitung > ttabel (6,894 > 2,65748). Pengujian dari nilai N-Gain yang diperoleh dari penerapan software Inventor sebesar 0,453 atau 45,3% yang berarti penerapan dari software Inventor efektif jika diterapkan karena nilai yang diperoleh dari rata-rata standard N-Gain yaitu 0,453 ≥ 0,30. Hasil analisis dari uji t dan uji nilai N-Gain,maka diperoleh bahwa terdapat kenaikan signifikan pada hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan software Inventor dibandingkan dengan media konvensional. Hasil dari analisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penerapan dari software Inventor efektif digunakan sebagai media dalam pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur.

Research paper thumbnail of Tribological Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract Composite as Potential Green Protective Film

Tribology in industry, Jun 15, 2023

Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract (PVA/UG) composite provides good UV light protection and... more Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract (PVA/UG) composite provides good UV light protection and antibacterial, tensile, and thermal properties. To continue our previous research, the tribological properties of PVA, PVA/BA, PVA/UG, and PVA/UG with heat treatment (PVA/UGt) were conducted. The ball-on-disk test results show COF reduced by 42% in PVA/UG compared to PVA. It was proved that heating the PVA/UG significantly improves the tribological properties of the PVA composite, resulting lowest COF (0.08) and wear area (390 µm 2). Additionally, incorporating UG also increases the hardness of the PVA composite by up to 73% and. These results corroborate the application of this composite as a potential green protective film.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Authentic Assessment on Mechanical Technology Subjects

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Jarak Lindung Lighting Arrester Terhadap Transformator Daya 20 Mva Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro Palembang

Jurnal Teknik Teknika, Aug 3, 2020

Lighting arrester merupakan alat proteksi untuk melindungi Transformator Daya 20 MVA pada Gardu I... more Lighting arrester merupakan alat proteksi untuk melindungi Transformator Daya 20 MVA pada Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro terhadap surja petir maupun surja hubung. Jarak maksimum lighting arrester sangat mempengaruhi kinerja dari lighting arrester tersebut dalam melindungi peralatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Diagram Tangga atau Lattice Diagram sehingga dapat diketahui gelombang yang bila mengenai suatu titik peralihan, akan menimbulkan gelombang-gelombang baru sebagai hasil dari pantulan dan terusan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa jarak lighting arrester terhadap Transformator Daya 20 MVA yang terpasang adalah 7 m, sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan adalah 5,7812 m. Saluran transmisi pada Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro Palembang adalah transmisi sirkit ganda, dan berdasarkan SPLN 7: 1978 bahwa untuk sistem 66 kV dengan transmisi sirkit ganda jarak antara penangkap petir dengan transformator tidak melebihi 34 m. Berarti jarak lighting arrester terhadap Transformator Daya 20 MVA masih berada dalam batasan yang telah ditetapkan oleh PT PLN. Kenaikan tegangan yang terjadi pada transformator masih berada dibawah BIL, dengan demikian dapat ditentukan bahwa peralatan masih dapat terlindungi oleh lighting arrester karena pemasangan masih dibawah harga maksimum atau belum melebihi standar BIL. Kata Kunci: Jarak, Lindung, Arrester

Research paper thumbnail of Installation of gussets to reduce stress on the junction between the arm and bridge on the swing arm

Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer

The swing arm is one of the main components of a motorcycle that functions as a connection betwee... more The swing arm is one of the main components of a motorcycle that functions as a connection between the rear wheel and the frame. Under loading conditions, the joint area between the arm and the bridge experiences significant stress, leading to fractures in that region. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of installing gussets to reduce the stress that occurs at the joint area between the arm and the bridge in the swing arm of ELGO electric motorcycles. The research was conducted using the static analysis simulation method with Solidworks 2021-2022 Research License software. The loading conditions were simulated based on the actual usage of the electric motorcycle. The simulation results revealed that without the installation of gussets, the joint area between the arm and the bridge in the swing arm experienced stress exceeding the yield strength of the material. This would inevitably lead to the breakage of the swing arm and potentially cause accidents for motorcycle ri...

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of processing temperature on the mechanical properties of recycled PET fibers


Study towards the recycling of PET waste has arisen in the last decades. One of the most widely u... more Study towards the recycling of PET waste has arisen in the last decades. One of the most widely used methods was the mechanical recycling process due to its simplicity and low cost of production. In this research, PET waste obtained from the disposable water gallon containers was used to produce recycled PET fibers for textile applications. The PET fibers were prepared using the extrusion technique by varying the processing temperatures, i.e., 200, 210, 220, 230, and 240°C. The diameter, FTIR analysis, XRD analysis, and mechanical properties of the PET fibers at various processing temperatures were studied. The results showed that the optimum processing temperature for preparing recycled PET fibers was 210°C with a diameter of 0.23 mm, a degree of crystallinity of 8.9%, a tensile strength of 70.4 MPa, and an elongation at break of 83.6%. In conclusion, PET waste shows a promising application to be processed as recycled PET fibers for textile applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan dan Penyediaan Alat Pengiris Bawang Merah untuk Pengusaha Skala Mikro di Kenagarian Talang Babungo, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatra Barat

JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK)

Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang banyak dihasilkan di Indonesia. Salah ... more Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang banyak dihasilkan di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah dengan hasil panen bawang merah yang cukup tinggi adalah Kenagarian Talang Babungo, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatra Barat. Saat ini, sudah mulai berkembang pengusaha-pengusaha berskala mikro dalam memproduksi makanan olahan bawang merah, yaitu bawang merah goreng. Hal ini telah menjadi salah satu sumber mata pencarian masyarakat di daerah tersebut. Bawang merah goreng menunjukkan potensi yang besar sebagai produk olahan pertanian dengan nilai jual yang tinggi. Selain itu, bawang merah goreng sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat karena keefektifan dan kekhasan cita rasanya. Namun, proses pembuatan bawang merah goreng di Kenagarian Talang Babungo masih dilakukan secara manual dan menggunakan alat sederhana. Sehingga, hal ini mengakibatkan rendahnya produktivitas kerja dan produk yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang memberikan solusi kepada pengusah...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Learning Outcomes on the Use of Modules in Technical Drawing

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

Implementation of learning conducted by the teacher still uses the lecture method, so students wh... more Implementation of learning conducted by the teacher still uses the lecture method, so students who are lazy to write and do not understand the material will have difficulty learning, especially in the subject of Technical Drawing which requires direction and order in practice. This can have an impact on learning outcomes that are not optimal. Efforts to be implemented are in the form of using modules to facilitate the implementation of learning Technical Drawing subjects. This study aimed to describe the effect of implementing the module on learning outcomes in the Technical Drawing subject at SMKN 1 West Sumatra. The Quasi-Experimental Research method was used with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The result obtained increased student learning outcomes by using this module in the experimental class on the Technical Drawing subject. Where pretest value the average is 50.77 and post-test value the average is 78.40. While in the control class that did not use the module obtained learning outcomes pre-test value average of 43.64 and a post-test value average of 55.15. The percentage of students who passed the post-test from the experimental class increased by 87% of students who passed. The students who use the Technical Drawing module compared to conventional learning methods have differences in the value of learning outcomes. Thus that the module has an effect on learning outcomes in technical drawing subjects at SMKN 1 West Sumatra.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of NaOH and Na2CO3 as absorbents for CO2 absorption in carbon capture and storage technology

Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer

CO2 gas is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosph... more CO2 gas is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that can absorb and reflect infrared radiation from the Earth's surface. Currently, the energy demand still depends on fossil fuels. On the other hand, CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels continue to increase and contribute as greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. CO2 capture is an effort to reduce the burden of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and is part of the Carbon, Capture, and Storage (CCS) protocol. The CO2 absorption process applied in the chemical industry is one of the CO2 absorptions using NaOH and Na2CO3 solutions as absorbents. This research aims to determine the effect of absorbent flow rate on the percentage of absorbed CO2. The method used in this research is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method to identify all available research. The absorbent flow rate variations used are 1 liter/minute, 1.5 liters/minute, 2 liters/minute, 2.5 liters/minute, and 3 l...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Hardness on the Tapping Knife of Rubber Plants Made of Medium Carbon Steel Resulting from Quenching Process with Different Cooling Mediums

Invotek: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi, Jul 8, 2022

The quenching process carried out by the Blacksmith was still simple and used regular water cooli... more The quenching process carried out by the Blacksmith was still simple and used regular water cooling. This results in the knife not having a good value of hardness. This study aimed to analyze the effects of quenching with different cooling media on the hardness of the JIS SUP 9 knife from Blacksmith. The research method used an experimental method with research objects made of carbon steel per leaf or the JIS SUP 9 which was given hardening with a temperature of 800 ° C with a holding time of 30 minutes then quenching with water cooling media and oil. The data analysis found that the knife quenching with water had an average hardness of 295.6 HVN, Oil had an average hardness of 720.7 HVN, and control specimens with a hardness of 256.6 HVN. Thus, the medium quenching oil has the highest value of hardness, while the oil quenching media also has a good hardness value with no acceleration of the process of expansion. From the results of the study, the authors recommend in the quenching process use of oil cooling media, as well as adding variations of cooling media to get a better hardness value.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Hasil Pengelasan Smaw Pada Baja Karbon Rendah Dengan Elektroda E-7018

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Las SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) merupakan kegiatan penggabungan dua logam atau lebih yang m... more Las SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) merupakan kegiatan penggabungan dua logam atau lebih yang meanfaatkan bantuan energi panas guna mencairkan material kerja dan elektroda sebagai material tambahan pada proses pengelasan SMAW. Parameter utama yang menpengaruhi kualitas hasil pada proses pengelasan baja karbon rendah dengan pengelasan las busur listrik adalah besar arus listrik, semakin besar arus listrik dipakai pada proses pengelasan maka besar juga energi panas yang dihasilkan. Panas yang dihasilkan oleh proses pengelasan sangat berpengaruh pada hasil pengelasan sehingga apabila panas yang digunakan terlalu tinggi maka dapat merubah bagian struktur material. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh nilai kuat arus pada pengelasan SMAW menggunakan pengujian tarik. Jenis penelitian eksperimen yang diterapkan pada penelitian dengan melakukan pengelasan SMAW berdasarkan kuat arus pada proses pengelasan. Nilai kuat arus yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni, 9...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Kuliah Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Berbasis Android Untuk Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Sistem Pendidikan yang baik dan maju selalu didukung dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang mendukung... more Sistem Pendidikan yang baik dan maju selalu didukung dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang mendukung proses pembelajaran. Dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan baik di industri dan wokshop kerja perlu diperhatikan pemahaman terhadap Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) terkhususnya mengenai safety tools. Namun, berdasarkan hasil observai peneliti terhadap proses perkuliahan yang berlangsung banyak mahasiswa yang kurang memahami tujuan pembelajaran dari mata kuliah K3. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan media pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin angkatan 2020/2021 pada mata kuliah K3 dengan membuat media pembelajaran dengan sistem game yang dapat dimainkan oleh mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa Research and Development dengan jenis penelitian model Plomp. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang. Sample penelitian ini akan diambil dari mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin angkatan 202...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Proses Quenching Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Baja Karbon Sedang Aisi 1045

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Perkembangan teknologi pada masa kini berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan di dunia industri. Per... more Perkembangan teknologi pada masa kini berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan di dunia industri. Perkembangan di dunia industri tak lepas dari penggunaan baja pada keadaan sehari-hari. Baja ialah campuran dari beberapa besi, karbon berbagai macam elemen lain. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan jenis baja yang dipakai ialah baja karbon sedang AISI 1045. Baja ini ialah jenis baja dengan karbon menengah, dimana angka 1045 menyatakan bahwa 45 ialah kandungan atau kompisisi karbon yang terkandung sebanyak 0,45% sementara angka 10 ialah plain carbon. Penelitian tersebut mempunyai tujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dari hasil pengujian tarik dengan proses perlakuan panas pada variasi menggunakan media pendingin oli SAE 40, air es, air laut, dan terhadap jenis baja AISI 1045 dengan menaikkan temperatur hingga 820°C dan dilakukan penahanan selama 15 menit dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dari uji tarik dan sifat, daya tahan baja tersebut. Metode pengujian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan AISI...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tegangan Pada Poros Engkol Sepeda Motor Honda GL Pro Neotech Menggunakan Solidworks 2021

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Aug 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Temperatur Tuang Pada Pengecoran Daur Ulang Aluminium Terhadap Nilai Kekerasan

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Aug 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tegangan Tarik Maksimum Wire Rope pada Hoist Crane Kapasitas 3 Ton

Research paper thumbnail of MATLAB GUI based code for acceleration analysis in learning of kinematics

Journal of physics, Aug 31, 2023

In this study, a code or computer program has been developed as an educational material for cour... more In this study, a code or computer program has been developed as an educational
material for courses on kinematics. This code is expected to help the learning of kinematic which mostly uses analysis of velocity and acceleration graphically. By using this code, explanation of velocity and acceleration analysis can be performed by the code/computer program, instead of using the ruler and protractor manually. This eases the teacher and student in learning of kinematic. The code is written based on MATLAB. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is used to make this code as a user friendly kinematic learning media. The calculation of velocity and acceleration is performed based on the method of relative velocity and relative acceleration. This code provides tutorial of velocity and acceleration analysis which is displayed in the GUI screen. The animation of movement and its trajectory is also displayed. In this present research work, acceleration analysis on slider crank mechanism created by the code is presented. The results is compared with the theoritical calculation and the differences are less than 1%. Therefore, the code is considered acceptable and feasible to enrich the learning experience in kinematics

Research paper thumbnail of The investigation of physical dan mechanical properties of Nipah-based particle board

Teknomekanik, Dec 11, 2023

The excessive use of wood as a raw material in furniture industries has raised environmental conc... more The excessive use of wood as a raw material in furniture industries has raised environmental concerns that have attracted the attention of many individuals. Consequently, various innovations have been explored in developing alternative materials for the furniture industry. One promising resource that has the potential to be developed as a raw material for furniture applications is Nipah palm husk. Nipah palm husk is classified as an agricultural waste that is barely used within society and industries. Hence, in this study, Nipah palm husk will be utilized as the primary material to fabricate particle board by involving tapioca as an adhesive. This research aimed to investigate the effect of tapioca concentrations on water absorption, modulus elasticity, modulus of rupture, and screw-holding strength of the produced Nipah palm husk particleboard. The results of this study showed that the particle board produced with a 40% tapioca adhesive concentration exhibited the most favorable physical and mechanical properties with a water absorption rate of 25%, an elastic modulus of 21188.93 kg/cm 2 , a modulus of rupture of 55.53 kg/cm 2 , and a screw holding power of 7.53 kg. The findings indicated that Nipah-based particle board has the potential to be developed as an alternative for the furniture industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Tutorial Untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Pada Mata Pelajaran Pekerjaan Dasar Teknik Mesin DI SMK Negeri 1 Sumbar

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Nov 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyayatan Up Millingdan Downmillingterhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Benda Kerja Baja S45C Pada Proses Pekerjaan Mesin Frais Vertikal

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Nov 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Software Inventor Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Diklat Gambar Teknik Manufaktur Kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, May 2, 2022

Pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur sering dilakukan menggunakan cara konvensional sehingga min... more Pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur sering dilakukan menggunakan cara konvensional sehingga minat siswa dalam belajar tergolong rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah minat peserta didik dalam pembelajar dengan cara menerapkan software Inventor. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan menggunakan metode kuantitatif Quasi Experiment design berfugsi untuk melihat hasil dari belajar peserta didik melalui pre-test maupun post-test kelas experiment dan juga kelas control. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi menggunakan metode Sampling Porpuse pada kelas XI jurusan Teknik Mesin. Pengujian pada uji hipotesis ini adalah uji Independent Sampel T-test diperoleh nilai sig (2 tailed) pada kelas experiment dan kelas control sebesar 0,000, yaitu ≤ 0,05. Kemudian diperoleh nilai dari thitung 6,894. Sedangkan taraf signifikan ttabel 0,05 dengan df sebanyak 60 diperoleh 2,65748. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa thitung > ttabel (6,894 > 2,65748). Pengujian dari nilai N-Gain yang diperoleh dari penerapan software Inventor sebesar 0,453 atau 45,3% yang berarti penerapan dari software Inventor efektif jika diterapkan karena nilai yang diperoleh dari rata-rata standard N-Gain yaitu 0,453 ≥ 0,30. Hasil analisis dari uji t dan uji nilai N-Gain,maka diperoleh bahwa terdapat kenaikan signifikan pada hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan software Inventor dibandingkan dengan media konvensional. Hasil dari analisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penerapan dari software Inventor efektif digunakan sebagai media dalam pembelajaran Gambar Teknik Manufaktur.

Research paper thumbnail of Tribological Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract Composite as Potential Green Protective Film

Tribology in industry, Jun 15, 2023

Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract (PVA/UG) composite provides good UV light protection and... more Polyvinyl Alcohol/Uncaria Gambir Extract (PVA/UG) composite provides good UV light protection and antibacterial, tensile, and thermal properties. To continue our previous research, the tribological properties of PVA, PVA/BA, PVA/UG, and PVA/UG with heat treatment (PVA/UGt) were conducted. The ball-on-disk test results show COF reduced by 42% in PVA/UG compared to PVA. It was proved that heating the PVA/UG significantly improves the tribological properties of the PVA composite, resulting lowest COF (0.08) and wear area (390 µm 2). Additionally, incorporating UG also increases the hardness of the PVA composite by up to 73% and. These results corroborate the application of this composite as a potential green protective film.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Authentic Assessment on Mechanical Technology Subjects

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Jarak Lindung Lighting Arrester Terhadap Transformator Daya 20 Mva Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro Palembang

Jurnal Teknik Teknika, Aug 3, 2020

Lighting arrester merupakan alat proteksi untuk melindungi Transformator Daya 20 MVA pada Gardu I... more Lighting arrester merupakan alat proteksi untuk melindungi Transformator Daya 20 MVA pada Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro terhadap surja petir maupun surja hubung. Jarak maksimum lighting arrester sangat mempengaruhi kinerja dari lighting arrester tersebut dalam melindungi peralatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Diagram Tangga atau Lattice Diagram sehingga dapat diketahui gelombang yang bila mengenai suatu titik peralihan, akan menimbulkan gelombang-gelombang baru sebagai hasil dari pantulan dan terusan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa jarak lighting arrester terhadap Transformator Daya 20 MVA yang terpasang adalah 7 m, sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan adalah 5,7812 m. Saluran transmisi pada Gardu Induk Sungai Juaro Palembang adalah transmisi sirkit ganda, dan berdasarkan SPLN 7: 1978 bahwa untuk sistem 66 kV dengan transmisi sirkit ganda jarak antara penangkap petir dengan transformator tidak melebihi 34 m. Berarti jarak lighting arrester terhadap Transformator Daya 20 MVA masih berada dalam batasan yang telah ditetapkan oleh PT PLN. Kenaikan tegangan yang terjadi pada transformator masih berada dibawah BIL, dengan demikian dapat ditentukan bahwa peralatan masih dapat terlindungi oleh lighting arrester karena pemasangan masih dibawah harga maksimum atau belum melebihi standar BIL. Kata Kunci: Jarak, Lindung, Arrester

Research paper thumbnail of Installation of gussets to reduce stress on the junction between the arm and bridge on the swing arm

Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer

The swing arm is one of the main components of a motorcycle that functions as a connection betwee... more The swing arm is one of the main components of a motorcycle that functions as a connection between the rear wheel and the frame. Under loading conditions, the joint area between the arm and the bridge experiences significant stress, leading to fractures in that region. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of installing gussets to reduce the stress that occurs at the joint area between the arm and the bridge in the swing arm of ELGO electric motorcycles. The research was conducted using the static analysis simulation method with Solidworks 2021-2022 Research License software. The loading conditions were simulated based on the actual usage of the electric motorcycle. The simulation results revealed that without the installation of gussets, the joint area between the arm and the bridge in the swing arm experienced stress exceeding the yield strength of the material. This would inevitably lead to the breakage of the swing arm and potentially cause accidents for motorcycle ri...

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of processing temperature on the mechanical properties of recycled PET fibers


Study towards the recycling of PET waste has arisen in the last decades. One of the most widely u... more Study towards the recycling of PET waste has arisen in the last decades. One of the most widely used methods was the mechanical recycling process due to its simplicity and low cost of production. In this research, PET waste obtained from the disposable water gallon containers was used to produce recycled PET fibers for textile applications. The PET fibers were prepared using the extrusion technique by varying the processing temperatures, i.e., 200, 210, 220, 230, and 240°C. The diameter, FTIR analysis, XRD analysis, and mechanical properties of the PET fibers at various processing temperatures were studied. The results showed that the optimum processing temperature for preparing recycled PET fibers was 210°C with a diameter of 0.23 mm, a degree of crystallinity of 8.9%, a tensile strength of 70.4 MPa, and an elongation at break of 83.6%. In conclusion, PET waste shows a promising application to be processed as recycled PET fibers for textile applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembuatan dan Penyediaan Alat Pengiris Bawang Merah untuk Pengusaha Skala Mikro di Kenagarian Talang Babungo, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatra Barat

JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK)

Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang banyak dihasilkan di Indonesia. Salah ... more Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang banyak dihasilkan di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah dengan hasil panen bawang merah yang cukup tinggi adalah Kenagarian Talang Babungo, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatra Barat. Saat ini, sudah mulai berkembang pengusaha-pengusaha berskala mikro dalam memproduksi makanan olahan bawang merah, yaitu bawang merah goreng. Hal ini telah menjadi salah satu sumber mata pencarian masyarakat di daerah tersebut. Bawang merah goreng menunjukkan potensi yang besar sebagai produk olahan pertanian dengan nilai jual yang tinggi. Selain itu, bawang merah goreng sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat karena keefektifan dan kekhasan cita rasanya. Namun, proses pembuatan bawang merah goreng di Kenagarian Talang Babungo masih dilakukan secara manual dan menggunakan alat sederhana. Sehingga, hal ini mengakibatkan rendahnya produktivitas kerja dan produk yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang memberikan solusi kepada pengusah...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Learning Outcomes on the Use of Modules in Technical Drawing

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

Implementation of learning conducted by the teacher still uses the lecture method, so students wh... more Implementation of learning conducted by the teacher still uses the lecture method, so students who are lazy to write and do not understand the material will have difficulty learning, especially in the subject of Technical Drawing which requires direction and order in practice. This can have an impact on learning outcomes that are not optimal. Efforts to be implemented are in the form of using modules to facilitate the implementation of learning Technical Drawing subjects. This study aimed to describe the effect of implementing the module on learning outcomes in the Technical Drawing subject at SMKN 1 West Sumatra. The Quasi-Experimental Research method was used with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The result obtained increased student learning outcomes by using this module in the experimental class on the Technical Drawing subject. Where pretest value the average is 50.77 and post-test value the average is 78.40. While in the control class that did not use the module obtained learning outcomes pre-test value average of 43.64 and a post-test value average of 55.15. The percentage of students who passed the post-test from the experimental class increased by 87% of students who passed. The students who use the Technical Drawing module compared to conventional learning methods have differences in the value of learning outcomes. Thus that the module has an effect on learning outcomes in technical drawing subjects at SMKN 1 West Sumatra.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of NaOH and Na2CO3 as absorbents for CO2 absorption in carbon capture and storage technology

Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer

CO2 gas is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosph... more CO2 gas is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that can absorb and reflect infrared radiation from the Earth's surface. Currently, the energy demand still depends on fossil fuels. On the other hand, CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels continue to increase and contribute as greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. CO2 capture is an effort to reduce the burden of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and is part of the Carbon, Capture, and Storage (CCS) protocol. The CO2 absorption process applied in the chemical industry is one of the CO2 absorptions using NaOH and Na2CO3 solutions as absorbents. This research aims to determine the effect of absorbent flow rate on the percentage of absorbed CO2. The method used in this research is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method to identify all available research. The absorbent flow rate variations used are 1 liter/minute, 1.5 liters/minute, 2 liters/minute, 2.5 liters/minute, and 3 l...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Hardness on the Tapping Knife of Rubber Plants Made of Medium Carbon Steel Resulting from Quenching Process with Different Cooling Mediums

Invotek: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi, Jul 8, 2022

The quenching process carried out by the Blacksmith was still simple and used regular water cooli... more The quenching process carried out by the Blacksmith was still simple and used regular water cooling. This results in the knife not having a good value of hardness. This study aimed to analyze the effects of quenching with different cooling media on the hardness of the JIS SUP 9 knife from Blacksmith. The research method used an experimental method with research objects made of carbon steel per leaf or the JIS SUP 9 which was given hardening with a temperature of 800 ° C with a holding time of 30 minutes then quenching with water cooling media and oil. The data analysis found that the knife quenching with water had an average hardness of 295.6 HVN, Oil had an average hardness of 720.7 HVN, and control specimens with a hardness of 256.6 HVN. Thus, the medium quenching oil has the highest value of hardness, while the oil quenching media also has a good hardness value with no acceleration of the process of expansion. From the results of the study, the authors recommend in the quenching process use of oil cooling media, as well as adding variations of cooling media to get a better hardness value.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Hasil Pengelasan Smaw Pada Baja Karbon Rendah Dengan Elektroda E-7018

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Las SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) merupakan kegiatan penggabungan dua logam atau lebih yang m... more Las SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) merupakan kegiatan penggabungan dua logam atau lebih yang meanfaatkan bantuan energi panas guna mencairkan material kerja dan elektroda sebagai material tambahan pada proses pengelasan SMAW. Parameter utama yang menpengaruhi kualitas hasil pada proses pengelasan baja karbon rendah dengan pengelasan las busur listrik adalah besar arus listrik, semakin besar arus listrik dipakai pada proses pengelasan maka besar juga energi panas yang dihasilkan. Panas yang dihasilkan oleh proses pengelasan sangat berpengaruh pada hasil pengelasan sehingga apabila panas yang digunakan terlalu tinggi maka dapat merubah bagian struktur material. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh nilai kuat arus pada pengelasan SMAW menggunakan pengujian tarik. Jenis penelitian eksperimen yang diterapkan pada penelitian dengan melakukan pengelasan SMAW berdasarkan kuat arus pada proses pengelasan. Nilai kuat arus yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni, 9...

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Kuliah Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Berbasis Android Untuk Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Sistem Pendidikan yang baik dan maju selalu didukung dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang mendukung... more Sistem Pendidikan yang baik dan maju selalu didukung dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang mendukung proses pembelajaran. Dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan baik di industri dan wokshop kerja perlu diperhatikan pemahaman terhadap Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) terkhususnya mengenai safety tools. Namun, berdasarkan hasil observai peneliti terhadap proses perkuliahan yang berlangsung banyak mahasiswa yang kurang memahami tujuan pembelajaran dari mata kuliah K3. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan media pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin angkatan 2020/2021 pada mata kuliah K3 dengan membuat media pembelajaran dengan sistem game yang dapat dimainkan oleh mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa Research and Development dengan jenis penelitian model Plomp. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Padang. Sample penelitian ini akan diambil dari mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Mesin angkatan 202...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Proses Quenching Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Baja Karbon Sedang Aisi 1045

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMek)

Perkembangan teknologi pada masa kini berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan di dunia industri. Per... more Perkembangan teknologi pada masa kini berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan di dunia industri. Perkembangan di dunia industri tak lepas dari penggunaan baja pada keadaan sehari-hari. Baja ialah campuran dari beberapa besi, karbon berbagai macam elemen lain. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan jenis baja yang dipakai ialah baja karbon sedang AISI 1045. Baja ini ialah jenis baja dengan karbon menengah, dimana angka 1045 menyatakan bahwa 45 ialah kandungan atau kompisisi karbon yang terkandung sebanyak 0,45% sementara angka 10 ialah plain carbon. Penelitian tersebut mempunyai tujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dari hasil pengujian tarik dengan proses perlakuan panas pada variasi menggunakan media pendingin oli SAE 40, air es, air laut, dan terhadap jenis baja AISI 1045 dengan menaikkan temperatur hingga 820°C dan dilakukan penahanan selama 15 menit dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dari uji tarik dan sifat, daya tahan baja tersebut. Metode pengujian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan AISI...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tegangan Pada Poros Engkol Sepeda Motor Honda GL Pro Neotech Menggunakan Solidworks 2021

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Aug 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Temperatur Tuang Pada Pengecoran Daur Ulang Aluminium Terhadap Nilai Kekerasan

Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika, Aug 31, 2022