Surachman Dimyati | Universitas Terbuka Indonesia (original) (raw)

Papers by Surachman Dimyati

Research paper thumbnail of Jagad Raya, (The Universe)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Bintang dan Koordinat Bola langit . The Terrestial Coordinate System)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space Sciences, PEFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Tata Surya  ( The Solar System)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Bumi, Bulan dan Gerakannya ( The Earth, the Moon, and their movements)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Atmosfer dan Hidrosfer

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth and Space sciences, PEFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Bumi ( The Earth)

Materi ini merupakan materi tambahan secara online dari mata -kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan an... more Materi ini merupakan materi tambahan secara online dari mata -kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan antariksa (IPBA) / PEFI4103.
This is a supplemental online instruction of The Earth and Space Sciences (PEFI4103).


Abstract The purpose of the study was to elicit and analyze sixth grade students’ explanations c... more Abstract

The purpose of the study was to elicit and analyze sixth grade students’ explanations concerning concepts taught in the national Indonesian sixth grade science curriculum. In this study; students were asked to identify the cardinal directions on flat maps and
a globe; to describe what causes night and day on the earth; to identify the direction of the earth’s rotation; and to identify the relative positions of the earth, sun, and the moon during either a solar or lunar eclipse.
The findings in the study can be summarized as follows.
1. Eighty out of 88 students (91%) were able to explain what causes night and day.
2. Approximately 50% could identify the direction the earth rotates to cause night and day.
3. Using a solar system model, about 64% of the students could describe the relative position of the earth, sun, and moon during an eclipse.
4. Cultural differences affect student thinking. One student thought that Mecca had to be west of everywhere, not just west of Indonesia.
5. The way teachers teach seems to influence student thinking. It is easy for students to form the misconception that up is north. Most maps in classrooms are hung vertically.
6. Some students were confused by the globe. Teachers need to explain why the globe is tilted. Also, they need to help students understand how to determine the cardinal directions on the
More research is needed to determine what is needed to help students truly understand these concepts and to determine whether these concepts are best taught at the elementary level.

Key Words: Arah, peta, globe, rotasi bumi, gerhana

Research paper thumbnail of The Potency of Informational Technology: Trends and Issues in Science Teaching and Learning Process in Indonesia  (Paper Presented to International Conference on IT-Based Capacity Building in Science at the Okinawa Convention Center on 16 to 18 January 2003)

Abstract The current development, Informational Technology (IT) plays as a key tool for develop... more Abstract

The current development, Informational Technology (IT) plays as a key tool for development in every aspect of human civilizations. Communication process becoming faster and cheaper than before. Accessing information can be implemented anywhere and anytime, especially with the existence of Internet. The use of Internet covers the barriers of time and space. In the case of sources, Internet is the largest library in the world.
The use of IT influence many aspects for human being, especially in education. The trend of education in the 21st century can not be separated with the development of IT itself. This paper will discuss briefly regarding the nature of science and the use of IT in learning and teaching science in higher education, especially in distance education, e.g. Universitas Terbuka - Indonesia.
There are three main points will be discussed: 1) the use of IT in electronics tutorial in the science courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology); 2) the use of IT in computer assisted instruction (CAI); and 3) the use of IT in the practical work with the help of virtual laboratory or dry lab. Besides the advantages of the use of IT, the problems of its implementations were also discussed.

Key word: the nature of science, electronic tutorial, computer-assisted instruction (CAI), and virtual laboratory or dry lab.

Research paper thumbnail of Why and How to Study the Madurese Language

Why and How to Study the Madurese Language There are many reasons to study a particular language... more Why and How to Study the Madurese Language

There are many reasons to study a particular language. One might study a language to learn to speak that language so that one can talk with native speakers or conduct business. One can study the language to learn about the culture of the people or understand their literature and poetry. One can study the grammar of the language to understand the structure of the language and compare it to the structure of other languages. It is this last reason that motivates the following discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Inkuiri dalam Pendidikan Sains dan Implementasinya Visi Reformasi dalam Pengajaran Sains Menyongsong Tujuan Perkembangan Millenium (MDGs)

Surachman Dimyati and Mujadi Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia, more Surachman Dimyati and Mujadi Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia,


Inquiry in Science Education and its Implementations.
Reform Vision in Science Teaching toward
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)

Inquiry as a model in teaching science is recommended by most of science educators. As a model of science teaching, it more emphasizing on science process rather than science concept. This teaching approach implemented in the early ages will enhance students’ understanding and internal motivations regarding the work of scientist. Some teachers’ understanding regarding inquiry approach in teaching science in readers’ forum in the Science Education Review and Robert E. Yager’s conclusions regarding the discussion in teaching science, and the current development of National Science Education Standard (NSES) in the effort of reform vision in teaching science in the United Stated would definitely broaden the view of our understanding about how people learn science and a good example of teaching and learning science. The guide also covers the list of essential features of inquiry and its variations. The inquiry strategy recommended challenge teachers as professional educators to reform their vision toward Millenium Development Goals for the next decade.

Kata Kunci: inkuiri, sains, pendidikan. proses.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructivist Strategy for Concept Development for Concept Development. Teaching Science in elementary School

Abstract Teaching Science is becoming crucial issue since science is a body of knowledge about n... more Abstract

Teaching Science is becoming crucial issue since science is a body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective effort, insight, findings, and wisdoms of human race. The related issues in teaching science need to be examined closely. This paper focusing on explores of how students learn science, Indonesian schools, children’s concept development, constructivist view of teaching and learning, and misconceptions and learning. The current findings need to be examined; explored and later on further studies are needed to improve the quality in teaching and learning science.

Key words: teaching, learning, science, misconceptions, constructivists

Research paper thumbnail of Pendongeng Madura Oleh William D, Davies-The University of Iowa  dan Surachman Dimyati-Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia

Koleksi digital 30 cerita rakyat dalam 3 bahasa (lokal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris) dan f... more Koleksi digital 30 cerita rakyat dalam 3 bahasa (lokal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris) dan format analisis bahasa. Koleksi ini sangat baik sebagai muatan lokal bagi pengajaran karakter. Selain itu guru bahasa Inggris dapat memanfaatkan pula sebagai bahan bacaan yang asli dari bangsa Indonesia. koleksi ini sekaligus menambah koleksi cerita rakyat seluruh Indonesia maupun koleksi cerita rakyat dunia. Bagi peneliti bahasa (linguistics), form analisis bahasa sangat menarik dan membantu bagaimana kata-kata dirangakaikan menjadi kalimat.

Research paper thumbnail of Madurese Storytellers by William D. Davies and Surachman Dimyati

Digital collection of 30 folktales in 3 languages ( Local, Indonesian, and English) and analytica... more Digital collection of 30 folktales in 3 languages ( Local, Indonesian, and English) and analytical linguistic form. This collection is an excellent resources of Indonesia in Bahasa Indonesia, as well as additional resources of local folktales in English. Additionally, linguistic scholars would be able to fourth form as linguistic studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiga bulan pengajaran fisika, anak berbakat belajar dalam waktu kurang dari 7 menit!

Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata bagaimana akibat seorang guru yang tidak melaksanakan proses pembe... more Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata bagaimana akibat seorang guru yang tidak melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dengan baik terhadap murid-muridnya. Kisah ini sekaligus membuktikan kepada para guru, dosen, orang tua dan pengelola sekolah betapa pentingnya penggunaan pendekatan atau metode inkuiri dalam pengajaran fisika, serta pendidikan sains dan teknologi pada umumnya. Praktek langsung dengan menggunakan alat-alat sederhana sampai menggunakan alat-alat di laboratorium IPA , termasuk penggunaan animasi komputer sebagai media pembantu pemahaman konsep sangat membantu percepatan pemahaman siswa terhadap berbagai konsep fisika atau sains. Sudah waktunya para guru, dosen, serta pengelola sekolah meninjau kembali kebanyakan penggunaan metode ceramah dan sekedar berlatih penyelesaian soal-soal agar sekolah mendapatkan nilai UAN dan kelulusan yang tinggi. Sudah waktunya kita sebagai pendidik siap membangkitkan generasi yang kreatif dan inovative dalam bidang sains dan teknologi! Karena dengan rasa kreatif dan inovatif-lah akan melahirkan manusia-manusia super genius seperti Einstein, Bill Gate, Habibi, dll. Semoga bermanfaat.

Research paper thumbnail of Seorang gadis berusia sembilan tahun membaca 254  buku dalam waktu 10 hari!

Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata sebagai hasil observasi seorang ayah (Surachman Dimyati) terhadap ... more Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata sebagai hasil observasi seorang ayah (Surachman Dimyati) terhadap anak nya ( Purnawati Hustina Rachman/ Tina). Saat itu Tina mengikuti ayahnya yang sedang Kuliah S3 di Iowa, Amerika Serikat. Tina sedang mengikuti kelas 3 SD Weber- Iowa City, Iowa. Dalam liburan musim dingin, dari tanggal 22 Desember 1997 sampai 1 Januari 1998. Selama 10 hari Tina menghabiskan 254 buku dibacanya! Kisah nyata ini menjadi pelajaran yang baik bagi para guru, orang tua, dan juga pengelola sekolah betapa pentingnya peran guru dalam mendorong murid-muridnya untuk memperbanyak membaca. Namun demikian, ada sisi lain, bagaimana akibat fatalnya jika seorang guru lalai dalam menilai hasil pekerjaan murid-muridnya. Kisah nyata ini sangat baik untuk kita semua, orang tua, guru, dan pengelola sekolah untuk menciptakan masa depan pendidikan yang lebih baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Hari-hari yang mengubah hidup saya

Artikel singkat ini merupakan kisah nyata. Karena berbagai keadaan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi... more Artikel singkat ini merupakan kisah nyata. Karena berbagai keadaan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi perkembangan pribadi saya, saya merasa terasing di kelas dan merasa ketakutan dengan para guru. Kisah ini menceritakan kembali suasana bagaimana ketika saya menerima rapor catur wulan 1 di kelas 3 SMP Negeri Kertosono, sekitar akhir April 1967. dari 15 mata pelajaran di SMP, hanya 2 pelajaran dalam rapor catur wulan 1 saaat itu yang mendapatkan nilai 6. Sedangkan 13 mata pelajaran lainnya mendapatkan nilai "merah" , 3, 4, dan 5 atau nilai kurang dari 6 menurut skala nilai maksimum 10. Misalnya nilai Ilmu Ukur 3, nilai aljabar 4 dan nilai agama 5, dst. Ini berati nilai terendah pada rapot itu 3 dan nilai tertinggi 6. Menurut catatan sekolah, saya sering kali tidak mengikuti pelajaran di 13 mata pelajaran yang mendapatkan nilai-nilai merah. Selain buku rapor, saya juga menerima surat, yang isinya adalah pemberitahuan kepada orang tua saya bahwa sekolah sudah tidak sanggup lagi membimnbing saya. Karena itu, orang tua saya disarankan untuk mencari sekolah lain untuk kelangsungan pendidikan saya. Esok harinya saya memutuskan untuk menghadap wali kelas saya, menanyakan apakah keputusan mengeluarkan saya dari sekolah itu dapat diubah. Wali kelas saya tidak dapat memberikan jawaban, namun menyarankan agar saya menghadap kepala sekolah. Setelah menghadap kepala sekolah, dengan berbagai situasi yang sangat mendebarkan, akhirnya kepala sekolah mengizinkan saya untuk sekolah kembali dengan syarat saya mengubah berbagai kekurangan saya. Sejak itu, semangat belajar saya menjadi luar biasa. karena tidak punya buku catatan hampir semua mata pelajaran, maka selama sekitar sati minggu saya meminjam buku-buku catatan kakak saya. kakak saya adalah bintang pelajar SMP Kertosono. Sebaliknya, saat catur wulan 1 di kelas 3 SMP itu saya adalah siswa yang paling bodoh dan paling malas di sekolah. Selama liburan sekitar 2 minggu, saya membaca dan mempelajari semua buku catatan semua mata pelajaran mulai kelas 1 sampai kelas 3 SMP. Anehnya, setelah membaca catatan kakak saya sekitar 1 minggu ternyata saya mengerti semua pelajaran yang saya baca. Jadi saat itu, walaupun masih awal catur wulan 2, namun saya sudah menguasai semua mata pelajaran SMP kelas 3 sampai dengan bahan ujian akhir SMP. Sejak awal catur wulan ke 2 SMP kelas 3 SMP arah hidup saya berubah total, semula dikenal sebagai anak yang malas dan bodoh menjadi anak yang rajin dan pintar!

Research paper thumbnail of Three months physics teaching, the gifted learned in less than 7 minutes!

This is again an observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati, a Physics educator of Universitas ... more This is again an observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati, a Physics educator of Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia) to her daughter (Purnawati Hustina Rachman, or Tina as her nicked named). The story occurred around April 2003. For some reasons, Tina's Physics teacher at Bogor Junior high school, Indonesia, kind of sick for almost three months. When her teacher recover from her sickness, she announced to her class that the test will be given on Monday (the next 2 days). When Tina returned home, she kept yelling and complaining about the test to her mommy. Then Dimyati showed that Tina just need 7 minutes to comprehend a three months physics teaching by using a directed inquiry strategy.

Research paper thumbnail of A nine year old girl read 254 books within 10 days!

This is a close observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati) to her daughter ( Purnawati Hustina... more This is a close observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati) to her daughter ( Purnawati Hustina Rachman or Tina as her nicked named). This true story is very useful for parents, teachers, lecturers, and school administrators for a better future education. The story occurred at the end of 1997 and early 1998 in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. Later on, Tina awarded as the best students in 2011 at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). He was also received the third best Indonesian Students awarded by Ministry of education and Culture in 2011. Currently he awarded as the best graduates and cumlaude in her Master of science in Food and Nutrition, Seameo-Recfon Salemba- FKUI-Jakarta Indonesia on Agust 21, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of The days that change my life

This is a brief part of autobiography. From the 15 subject matters in Junior high school in Indon... more This is a brief part of autobiography. From the 15 subject matters in Junior high school in Indonesia, only two got the score of 6 ( 0-10 range score). It needed only a week to comprehend a three years teaching.

Research paper thumbnail of Formative Evaluation of Printed Material-Basic Physics 2- By Surachman Dimyati and AA Ketut Budiastra

The study was a formative evaluation of instructional

Research paper thumbnail of Jagad Raya, (The Universe)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Bintang dan Koordinat Bola langit . The Terrestial Coordinate System)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space Sciences, PEFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Tata Surya  ( The Solar System)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Bumi, Bulan dan Gerakannya ( The Earth, the Moon, and their movements)

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth ans Space sciences, PRFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Atmosfer dan Hidrosfer

Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IP... more Materi ini adalah materi suplemen online dari mata kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) , PEFI4103, Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia
This a supplemental online instruction of The Earth and Space sciences, PEFI 4103-Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Bumi ( The Earth)

Materi ini merupakan materi tambahan secara online dari mata -kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan an... more Materi ini merupakan materi tambahan secara online dari mata -kuliah Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan antariksa (IPBA) / PEFI4103.
This is a supplemental online instruction of The Earth and Space Sciences (PEFI4103).


Abstract The purpose of the study was to elicit and analyze sixth grade students’ explanations c... more Abstract

The purpose of the study was to elicit and analyze sixth grade students’ explanations concerning concepts taught in the national Indonesian sixth grade science curriculum. In this study; students were asked to identify the cardinal directions on flat maps and
a globe; to describe what causes night and day on the earth; to identify the direction of the earth’s rotation; and to identify the relative positions of the earth, sun, and the moon during either a solar or lunar eclipse.
The findings in the study can be summarized as follows.
1. Eighty out of 88 students (91%) were able to explain what causes night and day.
2. Approximately 50% could identify the direction the earth rotates to cause night and day.
3. Using a solar system model, about 64% of the students could describe the relative position of the earth, sun, and moon during an eclipse.
4. Cultural differences affect student thinking. One student thought that Mecca had to be west of everywhere, not just west of Indonesia.
5. The way teachers teach seems to influence student thinking. It is easy for students to form the misconception that up is north. Most maps in classrooms are hung vertically.
6. Some students were confused by the globe. Teachers need to explain why the globe is tilted. Also, they need to help students understand how to determine the cardinal directions on the
More research is needed to determine what is needed to help students truly understand these concepts and to determine whether these concepts are best taught at the elementary level.

Key Words: Arah, peta, globe, rotasi bumi, gerhana

Research paper thumbnail of The Potency of Informational Technology: Trends and Issues in Science Teaching and Learning Process in Indonesia  (Paper Presented to International Conference on IT-Based Capacity Building in Science at the Okinawa Convention Center on 16 to 18 January 2003)

Abstract The current development, Informational Technology (IT) plays as a key tool for develop... more Abstract

The current development, Informational Technology (IT) plays as a key tool for development in every aspect of human civilizations. Communication process becoming faster and cheaper than before. Accessing information can be implemented anywhere and anytime, especially with the existence of Internet. The use of Internet covers the barriers of time and space. In the case of sources, Internet is the largest library in the world.
The use of IT influence many aspects for human being, especially in education. The trend of education in the 21st century can not be separated with the development of IT itself. This paper will discuss briefly regarding the nature of science and the use of IT in learning and teaching science in higher education, especially in distance education, e.g. Universitas Terbuka - Indonesia.
There are three main points will be discussed: 1) the use of IT in electronics tutorial in the science courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology); 2) the use of IT in computer assisted instruction (CAI); and 3) the use of IT in the practical work with the help of virtual laboratory or dry lab. Besides the advantages of the use of IT, the problems of its implementations were also discussed.

Key word: the nature of science, electronic tutorial, computer-assisted instruction (CAI), and virtual laboratory or dry lab.

Research paper thumbnail of Why and How to Study the Madurese Language

Why and How to Study the Madurese Language There are many reasons to study a particular language... more Why and How to Study the Madurese Language

There are many reasons to study a particular language. One might study a language to learn to speak that language so that one can talk with native speakers or conduct business. One can study the language to learn about the culture of the people or understand their literature and poetry. One can study the grammar of the language to understand the structure of the language and compare it to the structure of other languages. It is this last reason that motivates the following discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Inkuiri dalam Pendidikan Sains dan Implementasinya Visi Reformasi dalam Pengajaran Sains Menyongsong Tujuan Perkembangan Millenium (MDGs)

Surachman Dimyati and Mujadi Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia, more Surachman Dimyati and Mujadi Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia,


Inquiry in Science Education and its Implementations.
Reform Vision in Science Teaching toward
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)

Inquiry as a model in teaching science is recommended by most of science educators. As a model of science teaching, it more emphasizing on science process rather than science concept. This teaching approach implemented in the early ages will enhance students’ understanding and internal motivations regarding the work of scientist. Some teachers’ understanding regarding inquiry approach in teaching science in readers’ forum in the Science Education Review and Robert E. Yager’s conclusions regarding the discussion in teaching science, and the current development of National Science Education Standard (NSES) in the effort of reform vision in teaching science in the United Stated would definitely broaden the view of our understanding about how people learn science and a good example of teaching and learning science. The guide also covers the list of essential features of inquiry and its variations. The inquiry strategy recommended challenge teachers as professional educators to reform their vision toward Millenium Development Goals for the next decade.

Kata Kunci: inkuiri, sains, pendidikan. proses.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructivist Strategy for Concept Development for Concept Development. Teaching Science in elementary School

Abstract Teaching Science is becoming crucial issue since science is a body of knowledge about n... more Abstract

Teaching Science is becoming crucial issue since science is a body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective effort, insight, findings, and wisdoms of human race. The related issues in teaching science need to be examined closely. This paper focusing on explores of how students learn science, Indonesian schools, children’s concept development, constructivist view of teaching and learning, and misconceptions and learning. The current findings need to be examined; explored and later on further studies are needed to improve the quality in teaching and learning science.

Key words: teaching, learning, science, misconceptions, constructivists

Research paper thumbnail of Pendongeng Madura Oleh William D, Davies-The University of Iowa  dan Surachman Dimyati-Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia

Koleksi digital 30 cerita rakyat dalam 3 bahasa (lokal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris) dan f... more Koleksi digital 30 cerita rakyat dalam 3 bahasa (lokal, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris) dan format analisis bahasa. Koleksi ini sangat baik sebagai muatan lokal bagi pengajaran karakter. Selain itu guru bahasa Inggris dapat memanfaatkan pula sebagai bahan bacaan yang asli dari bangsa Indonesia. koleksi ini sekaligus menambah koleksi cerita rakyat seluruh Indonesia maupun koleksi cerita rakyat dunia. Bagi peneliti bahasa (linguistics), form analisis bahasa sangat menarik dan membantu bagaimana kata-kata dirangakaikan menjadi kalimat.

Research paper thumbnail of Madurese Storytellers by William D. Davies and Surachman Dimyati

Digital collection of 30 folktales in 3 languages ( Local, Indonesian, and English) and analytica... more Digital collection of 30 folktales in 3 languages ( Local, Indonesian, and English) and analytical linguistic form. This collection is an excellent resources of Indonesia in Bahasa Indonesia, as well as additional resources of local folktales in English. Additionally, linguistic scholars would be able to fourth form as linguistic studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiga bulan pengajaran fisika, anak berbakat belajar dalam waktu kurang dari 7 menit!

Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata bagaimana akibat seorang guru yang tidak melaksanakan proses pembe... more Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata bagaimana akibat seorang guru yang tidak melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dengan baik terhadap murid-muridnya. Kisah ini sekaligus membuktikan kepada para guru, dosen, orang tua dan pengelola sekolah betapa pentingnya penggunaan pendekatan atau metode inkuiri dalam pengajaran fisika, serta pendidikan sains dan teknologi pada umumnya. Praktek langsung dengan menggunakan alat-alat sederhana sampai menggunakan alat-alat di laboratorium IPA , termasuk penggunaan animasi komputer sebagai media pembantu pemahaman konsep sangat membantu percepatan pemahaman siswa terhadap berbagai konsep fisika atau sains. Sudah waktunya para guru, dosen, serta pengelola sekolah meninjau kembali kebanyakan penggunaan metode ceramah dan sekedar berlatih penyelesaian soal-soal agar sekolah mendapatkan nilai UAN dan kelulusan yang tinggi. Sudah waktunya kita sebagai pendidik siap membangkitkan generasi yang kreatif dan inovative dalam bidang sains dan teknologi! Karena dengan rasa kreatif dan inovatif-lah akan melahirkan manusia-manusia super genius seperti Einstein, Bill Gate, Habibi, dll. Semoga bermanfaat.

Research paper thumbnail of Seorang gadis berusia sembilan tahun membaca 254  buku dalam waktu 10 hari!

Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata sebagai hasil observasi seorang ayah (Surachman Dimyati) terhadap ... more Tulisan ini adalah kisah nyata sebagai hasil observasi seorang ayah (Surachman Dimyati) terhadap anak nya ( Purnawati Hustina Rachman/ Tina). Saat itu Tina mengikuti ayahnya yang sedang Kuliah S3 di Iowa, Amerika Serikat. Tina sedang mengikuti kelas 3 SD Weber- Iowa City, Iowa. Dalam liburan musim dingin, dari tanggal 22 Desember 1997 sampai 1 Januari 1998. Selama 10 hari Tina menghabiskan 254 buku dibacanya! Kisah nyata ini menjadi pelajaran yang baik bagi para guru, orang tua, dan juga pengelola sekolah betapa pentingnya peran guru dalam mendorong murid-muridnya untuk memperbanyak membaca. Namun demikian, ada sisi lain, bagaimana akibat fatalnya jika seorang guru lalai dalam menilai hasil pekerjaan murid-muridnya. Kisah nyata ini sangat baik untuk kita semua, orang tua, guru, dan pengelola sekolah untuk menciptakan masa depan pendidikan yang lebih baik.

Research paper thumbnail of Hari-hari yang mengubah hidup saya

Artikel singkat ini merupakan kisah nyata. Karena berbagai keadaan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi... more Artikel singkat ini merupakan kisah nyata. Karena berbagai keadaan yang kurang menguntungkan bagi perkembangan pribadi saya, saya merasa terasing di kelas dan merasa ketakutan dengan para guru. Kisah ini menceritakan kembali suasana bagaimana ketika saya menerima rapor catur wulan 1 di kelas 3 SMP Negeri Kertosono, sekitar akhir April 1967. dari 15 mata pelajaran di SMP, hanya 2 pelajaran dalam rapor catur wulan 1 saaat itu yang mendapatkan nilai 6. Sedangkan 13 mata pelajaran lainnya mendapatkan nilai "merah" , 3, 4, dan 5 atau nilai kurang dari 6 menurut skala nilai maksimum 10. Misalnya nilai Ilmu Ukur 3, nilai aljabar 4 dan nilai agama 5, dst. Ini berati nilai terendah pada rapot itu 3 dan nilai tertinggi 6. Menurut catatan sekolah, saya sering kali tidak mengikuti pelajaran di 13 mata pelajaran yang mendapatkan nilai-nilai merah. Selain buku rapor, saya juga menerima surat, yang isinya adalah pemberitahuan kepada orang tua saya bahwa sekolah sudah tidak sanggup lagi membimnbing saya. Karena itu, orang tua saya disarankan untuk mencari sekolah lain untuk kelangsungan pendidikan saya. Esok harinya saya memutuskan untuk menghadap wali kelas saya, menanyakan apakah keputusan mengeluarkan saya dari sekolah itu dapat diubah. Wali kelas saya tidak dapat memberikan jawaban, namun menyarankan agar saya menghadap kepala sekolah. Setelah menghadap kepala sekolah, dengan berbagai situasi yang sangat mendebarkan, akhirnya kepala sekolah mengizinkan saya untuk sekolah kembali dengan syarat saya mengubah berbagai kekurangan saya. Sejak itu, semangat belajar saya menjadi luar biasa. karena tidak punya buku catatan hampir semua mata pelajaran, maka selama sekitar sati minggu saya meminjam buku-buku catatan kakak saya. kakak saya adalah bintang pelajar SMP Kertosono. Sebaliknya, saat catur wulan 1 di kelas 3 SMP itu saya adalah siswa yang paling bodoh dan paling malas di sekolah. Selama liburan sekitar 2 minggu, saya membaca dan mempelajari semua buku catatan semua mata pelajaran mulai kelas 1 sampai kelas 3 SMP. Anehnya, setelah membaca catatan kakak saya sekitar 1 minggu ternyata saya mengerti semua pelajaran yang saya baca. Jadi saat itu, walaupun masih awal catur wulan 2, namun saya sudah menguasai semua mata pelajaran SMP kelas 3 sampai dengan bahan ujian akhir SMP. Sejak awal catur wulan ke 2 SMP kelas 3 SMP arah hidup saya berubah total, semula dikenal sebagai anak yang malas dan bodoh menjadi anak yang rajin dan pintar!

Research paper thumbnail of Three months physics teaching, the gifted learned in less than 7 minutes!

This is again an observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati, a Physics educator of Universitas ... more This is again an observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati, a Physics educator of Universitas Terbuka-Indonesia) to her daughter (Purnawati Hustina Rachman, or Tina as her nicked named). The story occurred around April 2003. For some reasons, Tina's Physics teacher at Bogor Junior high school, Indonesia, kind of sick for almost three months. When her teacher recover from her sickness, she announced to her class that the test will be given on Monday (the next 2 days). When Tina returned home, she kept yelling and complaining about the test to her mommy. Then Dimyati showed that Tina just need 7 minutes to comprehend a three months physics teaching by using a directed inquiry strategy.

Research paper thumbnail of A nine year old girl read 254 books within 10 days!

This is a close observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati) to her daughter ( Purnawati Hustina... more This is a close observation of the father (Surachman Dimyati) to her daughter ( Purnawati Hustina Rachman or Tina as her nicked named). This true story is very useful for parents, teachers, lecturers, and school administrators for a better future education. The story occurred at the end of 1997 and early 1998 in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. Later on, Tina awarded as the best students in 2011 at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). He was also received the third best Indonesian Students awarded by Ministry of education and Culture in 2011. Currently he awarded as the best graduates and cumlaude in her Master of science in Food and Nutrition, Seameo-Recfon Salemba- FKUI-Jakarta Indonesia on Agust 21, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of The days that change my life

This is a brief part of autobiography. From the 15 subject matters in Junior high school in Indon... more This is a brief part of autobiography. From the 15 subject matters in Junior high school in Indonesia, only two got the score of 6 ( 0-10 range score). It needed only a week to comprehend a three years teaching.

Research paper thumbnail of Formative Evaluation of Printed Material-Basic Physics 2- By Surachman Dimyati and AA Ketut Budiastra

The study was a formative evaluation of instructional