Andrei Stavilă | West University of Timisoara (original) (raw)

Books by Andrei Stavilă

Research paper thumbnail of Unip-Dealu Cetăţuica. Rezultatele cercetarilor arheologice desfasurate intre anii 2009-2015

Research paper thumbnail of ArheoGIS. Baza de date a siturilor arheologice cuprinse în Lista Monumentelor Istorice a judeţului Timiş. Rezultatele cercetărilor de teren

Lucrarea ArheoGIS. Baza de date a patrimoniului arheologic cuprins în Lista Monumentelor Istorice... more Lucrarea ArheoGIS. Baza de date a patrimoniului arheologic cuprins în Lista
Monumentelor Istorice a judeţului Timiş. Rezultatele cercetărilor de teren are la bază
proiectul de cercetare ştiinţifică eGISpat Timiş. Repertoriul topografic al siturilor din Lista
Monumentelor Istorice a Judeţului Timiş. Secţiunea Arheologie, proiect având ca şi parteneri
Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara (Facultatea de Litere, Istorie şi Teologie, Catedra de
Istorie şi Facultatea de Chimie, Biologie, Geografie, Departamentul de Geografie) respectiv
Ministerul Culturii şi Cultelor, Direcţia pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniu Cultural Naţional a
judeţului Timiş. Activitatea propriu-zisă de cercetare ştiinţifică s-a desfăşurat pe o perioadă de
patru ani (august 2006 – august 2010).

Research paper thumbnail of Geografia istorică a zonei Moșnița Veche. Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice de teren, Cluj-Napoca, 2012.

Research paper thumbnail of ArheoGIS – un sistem integrat de manageriere a patrimoniului arheologic național, Editura ExcelsiorArt, Timișoara, 2012, 300 pages (ISBN 978-973-592-282-5)

Papers by Andrei Stavilă

Research paper thumbnail of One step further. Discussions on the catalogue of the settlements belonging to the Corneşti-Crvenka group (2000/1900 – 1600/1500 BC)

Epoca bronzului de-o parte şi de alta a Carpaţilor. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu la 80 de ani, 2024

Tudor Soroceanu's early career concentrated on Vatin culture, with notable excavations at Corneșt... more Tudor Soroceanu's early career concentrated on Vatin culture, with notable excavations at Cornești-Dealul Cornet and Socodor-Căvăjdie. His and other researchers' work have contributed to clarifying the cultural dynamics of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in Banat and southern Crișana. Recent studies have provided deeper insights into the MBA and the early Late Bronze Age (LBA) in southwestern Romania, specifying the characteristics of the Cornești-Crvenka group. In this regard, research has focused on chronology, origin and the end of this group, ceramic or metal artifacts. The catalogue of Cornești-Crvenka settlements, refined over time, now includes 67 records, divided into genuine tells, tell-like settlements, open settlements, cave habitations, and isolated features. Most sites are located in the Banat plain, with a few in piedmont and mountainous regions. In this paper we also highlight the importance of the research methods in the understanding of the Cornești-Crvenka settlements' dynamics and distribution.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the largest known Bronze Age earthworks in Europe through medium resolution multispectral satellite images

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , 2023

This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using o... more This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using open-access and freely distributed medium resolution satellite images. The most extensive Bronze Age fortifications in Europe, namely, the Corneşti-Iarcuri and Sântana-Cetatea Veche sites, were investigated through the Sentinel 2 and the newly launched Landsat 9 optical sensors. Image processing techniques were applied to both datasets, including vegetation indices, orthogonal spectral transformations, and pan-sharpening techniques. The final results revealed several known and unknown archaeological proxies by enhancing a number of linear and curved crop marks in the vicinity of the archaeological sites. Indeed, while previously implemented geophysical results confirmed some of these archaeological proxies, new findings (crop marks) were also revealed, representing archaeological structures that were unknown until now. The study's overall findings indicate that medium resolution satellite images can be used in appropriate areas with archaeological interest as a first step toward better understanding the broader context of an area. The findings addressed in this study have a direct impact on the non-invasive aspect of archaeology, as the methodology employed in this paper may be applied to various types of sites in southwestern Romania and beyond and might serve as a solid starting point for any archaeological project. Finally, this is the first elaboration of Landsat 9 intended for archaeological research and our study proves that its utility for archaeological and heritage purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations of Archaeological Proxies through Phenological Analysis over the Megafort of Csanádpalota-Juhász T. tanya in Hungary Using Sentinel-2 Images

Remote Sensing, 2023

This study aims to investigate potential archaeological proxies at a large Bronze Age fortificati... more This study aims to investigate potential archaeological proxies at a large Bronze Age fortification in Hungary, namely the Csanádpalota-Juhász T. tanya site, using open-access satellite data. Available Sentinel-2 images acquired between April 2017 and September 2022 were used. More than 700 images (727) were initially processed and filtered, accounting at the end of more than 400 (412) available calibrated Level 2A Sentinel images over the case study area. Sentinel-2 images were processed through image analysis. Based on pan-sharpened data, the visibility of crop marks was improved and enhanced by implementing orthogonal equations. Several crop marks, some still unknown, were revealed in this study. In addition, multi-temporal phenological observations were recorded on three archaeological proxies (crop marks) within the case study area, while an additional area was selected for calibration purposes (agricultural field). Phenological observations were performed for at least four complete phenological cycles throughout the study period. Statistical comparisons between the selected archaeological proxies were applied using a range of vegetation indices. The overall results indicated that phenological observations could be used as archaeological proxies for detecting the formation of crop marks.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuţii la cunoaşterea metalurgiei epocii bronzului din Banat. Podoabe şi un fragment de tipar descoperite în situl Dudeştii Vechi-Cociohatul Mic (Contributions to the Bronze Age metallurgy in Banat. Adornments and a fragment of a casting mould found in the site Dudești Vechi-Cociohatul Mic)

AB LAPIDE AD METALLUM. Studia in honorem Professoris Marin Cârciumaru, 2022

The preventive archeological research carried out in 2016 in Dudeștii Vechi proved that Cociohatu... more The preventive archeological research carried out in 2016 in Dudeștii Vechi proved that Cociohatul Mic area is, in fact, a complex archaeological site, here being researched features that can be framed along several periods. In four archaeological features researched here, which can be framed in the Bronze Age period, where found four artifacts that can be related to metallurgy: three pins and a casting mould. The casting mould recovered from the settlement of Dudeștii Vechi attests the fact that the community carried out some metallurgical activity, while ornaments could reach the settlement by trade. The casting mould alongside the two club-shaped headed pins are important since they show that the settlement also evolved at a later date than the one already known from the literature.


Apulum, 2021

The rehabilitation works of the railways in the area of CFR Vințu de Jos station carried out star... more The rehabilitation works of the railways in the area of CFR Vințu de Jos station carried out starting with the autumn of 2014 entailed the preventive archaeological research of the objectives identified as sites in this perimeter. Based on this information, the “Site 8” (“Deasupra Satului”) was conventionally delimited between km. 428+700-429+500. Two cemeteries from the 20th century were researched here: one Reformed,
another Greek Catholic. The coins found in two tombs (M1 and M17) were issued in 1924. Some tombs also retain traces of textiles, but most preserve the iron nails of the coffin. Archaeological research has allowed the re-identification of the Greek Catholic cemetery (disbanded in 1948), the capture of the foundation of a fence, but also the recovery of data on burials from that period, such as throwing money into the grave.
Following the investigation, the graves were exhumed by local churches and reburied in today’s cemeteries.


Banatica, 2020

Cercetarea arheologică în urma căreia au fost identificate cele patru morminte a fost una de salv... more Cercetarea arheologică în urma căreia au fost identificate cele patru morminte a fost una de salvare, fiind determinată de săparea unui șanţ pentru introducerea de utilităţi în zona sitului arheologic Moșniţa Veche–„Dealu Sălaș” (judeţul Timiș). Parte dintre mormintele prezentate au fost afectate de aceste intervenţii neautorizate. Totodată, observăm că asupra mormântului 3 s-a intervenit încă din vechime. În conexiune anatomică a rămas partea inferioară a scheletului, craniul fiind identificat pe bazin, iar oasele din jumătatea superioară au fost identificate în umplutura gropii. Această intervenţie ulterioară înhumării
o legăm de fenomenul jefuirii mormintelor, practică larg documentată la sarmaţi în zona Banatului românesc, nordul Serbiei sau estul Ungariei. Mormintele au o orientare generală S-N, mobilierul funerar fiind constituit din vase ceramice și piese din metal. Vasele ceramice se referă la castroane tronconice și căni, realizate dintr-o pastă fină, bine lucrată,
arsă reducător, caracteristice perioadei. Atrage atenţia cana prevăzută cu tub de scurgere din M.1, aceasta asigurând mormântului o datare cuprinsă între ultima treime a secolului IV d.Hr.–prima jumătate a secolului V d.Hr. În aceeași perioadă încadrăm și M.3, datarea fiind asigurată de fragmentul de fibulă din fier care poate fi încadrată categoriei fibulelor cu picior întors pe dedesubt. Mobilierul funerar provenit din M.2 și M.4 asigură o datare mai generală a celor două complexe arheologice pe parcursul secolelor III-IV d.Hr.

Research paper thumbnail of The Late Bronze Age Settlement from Giroc (Timiș County). The 1992–1993 archaeological excavations

Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2020

Identified more than 30 years ago, the archaeological site in Giroc-Mescal proved to be highly si... more Identified more than 30 years ago, the archaeological site in Giroc-Mescal proved to be highly significant for the research of the Bronze Age in Banat. Besides the settlement that we present here, a habitation layer attributed to the Gornea–Foeni ceramic style, characteristic to the end of the Early Bronze in this area, and also a layer with Gornea–Kalakača materials, that can be attributed to the 10th–9th centuries BC, have been
researched in that location. Although often mentioned in the specialized bibliography, Cruceni–Belegiš type discoveries have largely remained unpublished. The archaeological excavation campaigns (1992, 1993) have led to the identification of two layers with materials specific to the Cruceni–Belegiš I ceramic style, two dwellings, and a household refuse pit. The archaeological material consists mainly of pottery, but there were also bronze items and two clay molds. The lot allows one to reconstruct the Cruceni–Belegiš I ceramic style characteristic to the onset of the Late Bronze (Late Bronze Age I=LBA I – 1600/1500-1450/1400 BC) in the low plain area of Banat. The research campaigns in Giroc–Mescal are also significant from the perspective of rescuing the archaeological patrimony, as the site is exposed to the active erosion of the River Timiş.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive archaeological researches performed in the Middle Bronze Age settlement from Alioș Valea Alioşu (Timiș County, Romania). Structures, chronology, and perspectives

Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2020

The prehistoric settlement in located north of the municipality of Alioș (Timiș County), on the r... more The prehistoric settlement in located north of the municipality of Alioș (Timiș County), on the right slope of Alioşu Valley. The site is little known and has been analyzed from the perspective of the structures visible on site and of the materials collected from the surface. Our research is based not only on focused on-site investigations, but also on aerial photography, Structure from Motion, and magnetometric surveys. These sets of methods have led to a more nuanced picture of the inner structure of this settlement and of the natural environment in the proximity of the site. The survey of 4.6 hectares from the area of the plateau has led to the identification of an extended settlement that had developed south of the fortification that dominates Alioşu Valley. The second structure identified in the central area of the plateau is published here for the first time. It covers an area of 0.5 hectares and no acceptable analogies have been yet identified. A number of artifacts provide chronological indications: numerous pottery fragments and the Hajdúsámson-type shaft‑hole axe, all recovered during field researches. These artifacts date the site to stage MBA II (Reinecke A2; approximately 1950-after 1700 BC).


Sargetia, 2019

The archaeological site of Unip – Dealul Cetățuica, Sacoșu Turcesc commune, is located on a sand ... more The archaeological site of Unip – Dealul Cetățuica, Sacoșu Turcesc commune,
is located on a sand beam, formed after the deposits of the Timiș River (Fig. 1). Even if
it was discovered several decades ago, systematic research began only in 2007 and has
continued, with some interruptions to date. They are run by the Western University
from Timișoara, being one of the schoolyards of the Department of History, within the
Faculty of Letters, History, and Theology. Since 2015, the Museum of the Dacian and
Roman Civilisation Deva has become a partner in the research project of the site. This
work is one of the fruits of collaboration between the two institutions over the last
5 years.
The archaeological discoveries were presented to the public through
archaeological reports, studies, and articles, through exhibitions and through
popularization in the media, locally and centrally. So far, three levels of habitation have
been documented, belonging to the first Iron Age, the Dacian Kingdom time and the
Migration period. The results of the researches carried out during the period 2009-2015
are the subject of a monographic presentation that will see the light of the pattern until
the end of 2019.
On this occasion, we set out to present the objects discovered so far at Unip,
which belong to the level of Dacian habitation, but which come from other cultural
environments. The pieces that can be included in this category are not numerous, but
they are characterized by a great typological variety (Pl. I/1-9, II/1a-g). The small
number may reflect the current state of research or may indicate a certain
“impermeability” to artifacts from other cultural backgrounds. However, the location of
the site, on the banks of the Timiș River, in a place favorable to the development of
some communication networks, could have favored the commercial exchanges.
And the artifacts camming from other cultural environments discovered at Unip,
despite the small number, show us that the settlement was connected with the
surrounding areas, its contemporary.

Research paper thumbnail of The Times before Fischer’s Furniture Store. The Preventive Archaeological Researches in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3, Timișoara (Timiş County)

Intensive archaeological researches have been performed over the last years in the center of Timi... more Intensive archaeological researches have been performed over the last years in the center of Timișoara mainly due to edilitary and construction rehabilitation works. The present study introduces the main results of such a preventive research performed in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3 that allowed us to document the habitation features over an area that is nevertheless restricted in size. The research envisaged an actual surface measuring 15 × 3.7 m. There the team has defined five habitation levels on which we have investigated archeological features, the functionality of which is related to habitation spaces, storage pits, and a water well. Among the rescued materials one notes the presence of cooking pots, jugs, tableware items, but also of a series of artifacts such as a hook‑and‑eye closure, a ring, an agricultural tool, a mold, and a prick spur. The materials recovered from closed complexes date the habitation in question to the period between the 15th and the 17th century, but 18th‑century constructions were also identified.

Research paper thumbnail of Romanian Archaeological Education between " Demand " and " Offer: " On the Need for Non-formal Activities as Alternative to Educational Conservatorism

Our paper begins with a brief and comparative analysis of the courses taught at the main universi... more Our paper begins with a brief and comparative analysis of the courses taught at the main universities of Romania in the History Faculties (focusing specifically on archaeology). The main types of courses and their teaching methods are reviewed and shown in the analytic chart of each course. Further on, the need for archaeology on the labour market is analysed, identifying the inadequacies between the theoretical and practical aspects of future archaeologists. The authors propose the necessity of implementing non-formal courses in order to support the Romanian educational system by supplementing and adapting it to the current needs of history graduates specialized in archaeology. Firstly, the alternatives to institutionalized classical teaching for undergraduate and graduate programmes are presented, and secondly, the implementation of continuous training programmes for those who graduated and want to specialize in certain fields of archaeology.

Research paper thumbnail of Consideraţii asupra locuirii de epoca bronzului de la Sânnicolau Mare-Selişte

Although eminently, the Aranca Plain was characterized in the past by extended swamps, the human ... more Although eminently, the Aranca Plain was characterized in the past by extended swamps, the human communities have speculated in a favorable manner the landscape characteristics finding here a place for everyday activities, being as evidence the numerous settlements found in the this area. Under these circumstances fits also the Bronze Age settlement from Sânnicolau Mare-Selişte, which have generally was documented by the presence of an archaeological layer in which there have been researched dwellings or funeral features. The archaeological features researched in this site completes the repertoire of Late Bronze Age settlements of the Cruceni-Belegiš culture. Notably here is the occurrence of two small vessels, typical for the mentioned cultural manifestations in a funerary context belonging to the Sarmatian layer documented into the archaeological site.

Research paper thumbnail of Geangoesti-"Hulă", Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Non-invasive research results

Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Noninvasive... more Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Noninvasive research results. The Geangoeşti-Hulă neo-eneolithic tell, Romania, is one of the numerous settlements belonging to the Gumelniţa culture: it is located at the northern extremity of the culture area, which involves, from the point of view of the habitation landscape, certain features. This study presents results of non-invasive research, archaeological survey and geo-physical prospection as a component part of a new project of systematic archaeological research of the place. The issues related to the position and micro-relief of the area were analyzed based mainly on the detailed digital terrain model (DEM) of the site allowing hypsometric, slope declivity, morphological profile tracing or visibility analyses. The magnetometric prospection completes the whole image of the site pointing out part of the structures underground, which is an important starting point in future invasive research.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Berzovan, D. Micle, A. Stavilă, C. Floca, O. Rogozea, The Dacian Ritual pits from Unip - „Dealu Cetățuica”

During the centuries I-st BC to I-st AD, the lands of Ancient Dacia were characterized by numerou... more During the centuries I-st BC to I-st AD, the lands of Ancient Dacia were characterized by numerous changes, marked not just by the rise of the Kingdom, but also by evolutions in regard to religious beliefs: monumental temples appear, the ceremonial center from Sarmizegetusa Regia is constructed, and the priestly class becomes highly important. But apart from these evolutions, otherwise limited in time and space, the Dacian lands know also other types of religious manifestations, with much older origins and a much larger spreading, that took place in other places than the temples and consecrated sites, representing acts of piety that are harder to decipher. A special place, in regard to the number of discoveries, is represented by the so-called ritual pits that are found across various settlements between ordinary homes and garbage pits, sometimes grouped in the form of ritual pit "fields". In this presentation, we will discuss seven such ritual pits discovered at the settlement from Unip -"Dealu Cetățuica" (Sacoșu Turcesc commune, Timiș County), during the archaeological campaigns that took place between the years 2011-2013. Our analysis had shown that despite certain common elements that do exist, each individual ritual pit presents a "unique" story. Ritual destruction of artifacts has been observed. Certain pits, such as C 23, can be related to various rituals in relation to agriculture and fertility; others, such as C 84, can be related to more general magic practices made in order to assure wealth and prosperity. The dedications where made, very likely, to chthonic deities or forces. The offerings were given by smaller groups: families, clans. All ritual pits can be dated into the I-st century BC, a dating made solely on potter, as we lack for the moment other better dating elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Dacii din Campia Banateana-Sapaturile arheologice ale santierului-scoala de la Unip-"Dealu Cetatuica", jud.Timis (2009-13)-Catalog de expoziţie 7.12.2013-12.04.2014

Research paper thumbnail of The pottery from the Bronze Age settlement of Timişoara – „Fratelia”. A general statistical approach, în Annales d’ Université Valahia Târgovişte. Section d’ Archeologie et d’ Histoire, T. XIV, No. 2, 2012, p. 29-45.

Research paper thumbnail of Unip-Dealu Cetăţuica. Rezultatele cercetarilor arheologice desfasurate intre anii 2009-2015

Research paper thumbnail of ArheoGIS. Baza de date a siturilor arheologice cuprinse în Lista Monumentelor Istorice a judeţului Timiş. Rezultatele cercetărilor de teren

Lucrarea ArheoGIS. Baza de date a patrimoniului arheologic cuprins în Lista Monumentelor Istorice... more Lucrarea ArheoGIS. Baza de date a patrimoniului arheologic cuprins în Lista
Monumentelor Istorice a judeţului Timiş. Rezultatele cercetărilor de teren are la bază
proiectul de cercetare ştiinţifică eGISpat Timiş. Repertoriul topografic al siturilor din Lista
Monumentelor Istorice a Judeţului Timiş. Secţiunea Arheologie, proiect având ca şi parteneri
Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara (Facultatea de Litere, Istorie şi Teologie, Catedra de
Istorie şi Facultatea de Chimie, Biologie, Geografie, Departamentul de Geografie) respectiv
Ministerul Culturii şi Cultelor, Direcţia pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniu Cultural Naţional a
judeţului Timiş. Activitatea propriu-zisă de cercetare ştiinţifică s-a desfăşurat pe o perioadă de
patru ani (august 2006 – august 2010).

Research paper thumbnail of Geografia istorică a zonei Moșnița Veche. Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice de teren, Cluj-Napoca, 2012.

Research paper thumbnail of ArheoGIS – un sistem integrat de manageriere a patrimoniului arheologic național, Editura ExcelsiorArt, Timișoara, 2012, 300 pages (ISBN 978-973-592-282-5)

Research paper thumbnail of One step further. Discussions on the catalogue of the settlements belonging to the Corneşti-Crvenka group (2000/1900 – 1600/1500 BC)

Epoca bronzului de-o parte şi de alta a Carpaţilor. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu la 80 de ani, 2024

Tudor Soroceanu's early career concentrated on Vatin culture, with notable excavations at Corneșt... more Tudor Soroceanu's early career concentrated on Vatin culture, with notable excavations at Cornești-Dealul Cornet and Socodor-Căvăjdie. His and other researchers' work have contributed to clarifying the cultural dynamics of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in Banat and southern Crișana. Recent studies have provided deeper insights into the MBA and the early Late Bronze Age (LBA) in southwestern Romania, specifying the characteristics of the Cornești-Crvenka group. In this regard, research has focused on chronology, origin and the end of this group, ceramic or metal artifacts. The catalogue of Cornești-Crvenka settlements, refined over time, now includes 67 records, divided into genuine tells, tell-like settlements, open settlements, cave habitations, and isolated features. Most sites are located in the Banat plain, with a few in piedmont and mountainous regions. In this paper we also highlight the importance of the research methods in the understanding of the Cornești-Crvenka settlements' dynamics and distribution.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the largest known Bronze Age earthworks in Europe through medium resolution multispectral satellite images

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , 2023

This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using o... more This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using open-access and freely distributed medium resolution satellite images. The most extensive Bronze Age fortifications in Europe, namely, the Corneşti-Iarcuri and Sântana-Cetatea Veche sites, were investigated through the Sentinel 2 and the newly launched Landsat 9 optical sensors. Image processing techniques were applied to both datasets, including vegetation indices, orthogonal spectral transformations, and pan-sharpening techniques. The final results revealed several known and unknown archaeological proxies by enhancing a number of linear and curved crop marks in the vicinity of the archaeological sites. Indeed, while previously implemented geophysical results confirmed some of these archaeological proxies, new findings (crop marks) were also revealed, representing archaeological structures that were unknown until now. The study's overall findings indicate that medium resolution satellite images can be used in appropriate areas with archaeological interest as a first step toward better understanding the broader context of an area. The findings addressed in this study have a direct impact on the non-invasive aspect of archaeology, as the methodology employed in this paper may be applied to various types of sites in southwestern Romania and beyond and might serve as a solid starting point for any archaeological project. Finally, this is the first elaboration of Landsat 9 intended for archaeological research and our study proves that its utility for archaeological and heritage purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations of Archaeological Proxies through Phenological Analysis over the Megafort of Csanádpalota-Juhász T. tanya in Hungary Using Sentinel-2 Images

Remote Sensing, 2023

This study aims to investigate potential archaeological proxies at a large Bronze Age fortificati... more This study aims to investigate potential archaeological proxies at a large Bronze Age fortification in Hungary, namely the Csanádpalota-Juhász T. tanya site, using open-access satellite data. Available Sentinel-2 images acquired between April 2017 and September 2022 were used. More than 700 images (727) were initially processed and filtered, accounting at the end of more than 400 (412) available calibrated Level 2A Sentinel images over the case study area. Sentinel-2 images were processed through image analysis. Based on pan-sharpened data, the visibility of crop marks was improved and enhanced by implementing orthogonal equations. Several crop marks, some still unknown, were revealed in this study. In addition, multi-temporal phenological observations were recorded on three archaeological proxies (crop marks) within the case study area, while an additional area was selected for calibration purposes (agricultural field). Phenological observations were performed for at least four complete phenological cycles throughout the study period. Statistical comparisons between the selected archaeological proxies were applied using a range of vegetation indices. The overall results indicated that phenological observations could be used as archaeological proxies for detecting the formation of crop marks.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribuţii la cunoaşterea metalurgiei epocii bronzului din Banat. Podoabe şi un fragment de tipar descoperite în situl Dudeştii Vechi-Cociohatul Mic (Contributions to the Bronze Age metallurgy in Banat. Adornments and a fragment of a casting mould found in the site Dudești Vechi-Cociohatul Mic)

AB LAPIDE AD METALLUM. Studia in honorem Professoris Marin Cârciumaru, 2022

The preventive archeological research carried out in 2016 in Dudeștii Vechi proved that Cociohatu... more The preventive archeological research carried out in 2016 in Dudeștii Vechi proved that Cociohatul Mic area is, in fact, a complex archaeological site, here being researched features that can be framed along several periods. In four archaeological features researched here, which can be framed in the Bronze Age period, where found four artifacts that can be related to metallurgy: three pins and a casting mould. The casting mould recovered from the settlement of Dudeștii Vechi attests the fact that the community carried out some metallurgical activity, while ornaments could reach the settlement by trade. The casting mould alongside the two club-shaped headed pins are important since they show that the settlement also evolved at a later date than the one already known from the literature.


Apulum, 2021

The rehabilitation works of the railways in the area of CFR Vințu de Jos station carried out star... more The rehabilitation works of the railways in the area of CFR Vințu de Jos station carried out starting with the autumn of 2014 entailed the preventive archaeological research of the objectives identified as sites in this perimeter. Based on this information, the “Site 8” (“Deasupra Satului”) was conventionally delimited between km. 428+700-429+500. Two cemeteries from the 20th century were researched here: one Reformed,
another Greek Catholic. The coins found in two tombs (M1 and M17) were issued in 1924. Some tombs also retain traces of textiles, but most preserve the iron nails of the coffin. Archaeological research has allowed the re-identification of the Greek Catholic cemetery (disbanded in 1948), the capture of the foundation of a fence, but also the recovery of data on burials from that period, such as throwing money into the grave.
Following the investigation, the graves were exhumed by local churches and reburied in today’s cemeteries.


Banatica, 2020

Cercetarea arheologică în urma căreia au fost identificate cele patru morminte a fost una de salv... more Cercetarea arheologică în urma căreia au fost identificate cele patru morminte a fost una de salvare, fiind determinată de săparea unui șanţ pentru introducerea de utilităţi în zona sitului arheologic Moșniţa Veche–„Dealu Sălaș” (judeţul Timiș). Parte dintre mormintele prezentate au fost afectate de aceste intervenţii neautorizate. Totodată, observăm că asupra mormântului 3 s-a intervenit încă din vechime. În conexiune anatomică a rămas partea inferioară a scheletului, craniul fiind identificat pe bazin, iar oasele din jumătatea superioară au fost identificate în umplutura gropii. Această intervenţie ulterioară înhumării
o legăm de fenomenul jefuirii mormintelor, practică larg documentată la sarmaţi în zona Banatului românesc, nordul Serbiei sau estul Ungariei. Mormintele au o orientare generală S-N, mobilierul funerar fiind constituit din vase ceramice și piese din metal. Vasele ceramice se referă la castroane tronconice și căni, realizate dintr-o pastă fină, bine lucrată,
arsă reducător, caracteristice perioadei. Atrage atenţia cana prevăzută cu tub de scurgere din M.1, aceasta asigurând mormântului o datare cuprinsă între ultima treime a secolului IV d.Hr.–prima jumătate a secolului V d.Hr. În aceeași perioadă încadrăm și M.3, datarea fiind asigurată de fragmentul de fibulă din fier care poate fi încadrată categoriei fibulelor cu picior întors pe dedesubt. Mobilierul funerar provenit din M.2 și M.4 asigură o datare mai generală a celor două complexe arheologice pe parcursul secolelor III-IV d.Hr.

Research paper thumbnail of The Late Bronze Age Settlement from Giroc (Timiș County). The 1992–1993 archaeological excavations

Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2020

Identified more than 30 years ago, the archaeological site in Giroc-Mescal proved to be highly si... more Identified more than 30 years ago, the archaeological site in Giroc-Mescal proved to be highly significant for the research of the Bronze Age in Banat. Besides the settlement that we present here, a habitation layer attributed to the Gornea–Foeni ceramic style, characteristic to the end of the Early Bronze in this area, and also a layer with Gornea–Kalakača materials, that can be attributed to the 10th–9th centuries BC, have been
researched in that location. Although often mentioned in the specialized bibliography, Cruceni–Belegiš type discoveries have largely remained unpublished. The archaeological excavation campaigns (1992, 1993) have led to the identification of two layers with materials specific to the Cruceni–Belegiš I ceramic style, two dwellings, and a household refuse pit. The archaeological material consists mainly of pottery, but there were also bronze items and two clay molds. The lot allows one to reconstruct the Cruceni–Belegiš I ceramic style characteristic to the onset of the Late Bronze (Late Bronze Age I=LBA I – 1600/1500-1450/1400 BC) in the low plain area of Banat. The research campaigns in Giroc–Mescal are also significant from the perspective of rescuing the archaeological patrimony, as the site is exposed to the active erosion of the River Timiş.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive archaeological researches performed in the Middle Bronze Age settlement from Alioș Valea Alioşu (Timiș County, Romania). Structures, chronology, and perspectives

Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2020

The prehistoric settlement in located north of the municipality of Alioș (Timiș County), on the r... more The prehistoric settlement in located north of the municipality of Alioș (Timiș County), on the right slope of Alioşu Valley. The site is little known and has been analyzed from the perspective of the structures visible on site and of the materials collected from the surface. Our research is based not only on focused on-site investigations, but also on aerial photography, Structure from Motion, and magnetometric surveys. These sets of methods have led to a more nuanced picture of the inner structure of this settlement and of the natural environment in the proximity of the site. The survey of 4.6 hectares from the area of the plateau has led to the identification of an extended settlement that had developed south of the fortification that dominates Alioşu Valley. The second structure identified in the central area of the plateau is published here for the first time. It covers an area of 0.5 hectares and no acceptable analogies have been yet identified. A number of artifacts provide chronological indications: numerous pottery fragments and the Hajdúsámson-type shaft‑hole axe, all recovered during field researches. These artifacts date the site to stage MBA II (Reinecke A2; approximately 1950-after 1700 BC).


Sargetia, 2019

The archaeological site of Unip – Dealul Cetățuica, Sacoșu Turcesc commune, is located on a sand ... more The archaeological site of Unip – Dealul Cetățuica, Sacoșu Turcesc commune,
is located on a sand beam, formed after the deposits of the Timiș River (Fig. 1). Even if
it was discovered several decades ago, systematic research began only in 2007 and has
continued, with some interruptions to date. They are run by the Western University
from Timișoara, being one of the schoolyards of the Department of History, within the
Faculty of Letters, History, and Theology. Since 2015, the Museum of the Dacian and
Roman Civilisation Deva has become a partner in the research project of the site. This
work is one of the fruits of collaboration between the two institutions over the last
5 years.
The archaeological discoveries were presented to the public through
archaeological reports, studies, and articles, through exhibitions and through
popularization in the media, locally and centrally. So far, three levels of habitation have
been documented, belonging to the first Iron Age, the Dacian Kingdom time and the
Migration period. The results of the researches carried out during the period 2009-2015
are the subject of a monographic presentation that will see the light of the pattern until
the end of 2019.
On this occasion, we set out to present the objects discovered so far at Unip,
which belong to the level of Dacian habitation, but which come from other cultural
environments. The pieces that can be included in this category are not numerous, but
they are characterized by a great typological variety (Pl. I/1-9, II/1a-g). The small
number may reflect the current state of research or may indicate a certain
“impermeability” to artifacts from other cultural backgrounds. However, the location of
the site, on the banks of the Timiș River, in a place favorable to the development of
some communication networks, could have favored the commercial exchanges.
And the artifacts camming from other cultural environments discovered at Unip,
despite the small number, show us that the settlement was connected with the
surrounding areas, its contemporary.

Research paper thumbnail of The Times before Fischer’s Furniture Store. The Preventive Archaeological Researches in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3, Timișoara (Timiş County)

Intensive archaeological researches have been performed over the last years in the center of Timi... more Intensive archaeological researches have been performed over the last years in the center of Timișoara mainly due to edilitary and construction rehabilitation works. The present study introduces the main results of such a preventive research performed in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3 that allowed us to document the habitation features over an area that is nevertheless restricted in size. The research envisaged an actual surface measuring 15 × 3.7 m. There the team has defined five habitation levels on which we have investigated archeological features, the functionality of which is related to habitation spaces, storage pits, and a water well. Among the rescued materials one notes the presence of cooking pots, jugs, tableware items, but also of a series of artifacts such as a hook‑and‑eye closure, a ring, an agricultural tool, a mold, and a prick spur. The materials recovered from closed complexes date the habitation in question to the period between the 15th and the 17th century, but 18th‑century constructions were also identified.

Research paper thumbnail of Romanian Archaeological Education between " Demand " and " Offer: " On the Need for Non-formal Activities as Alternative to Educational Conservatorism

Our paper begins with a brief and comparative analysis of the courses taught at the main universi... more Our paper begins with a brief and comparative analysis of the courses taught at the main universities of Romania in the History Faculties (focusing specifically on archaeology). The main types of courses and their teaching methods are reviewed and shown in the analytic chart of each course. Further on, the need for archaeology on the labour market is analysed, identifying the inadequacies between the theoretical and practical aspects of future archaeologists. The authors propose the necessity of implementing non-formal courses in order to support the Romanian educational system by supplementing and adapting it to the current needs of history graduates specialized in archaeology. Firstly, the alternatives to institutionalized classical teaching for undergraduate and graduate programmes are presented, and secondly, the implementation of continuous training programmes for those who graduated and want to specialize in certain fields of archaeology.

Research paper thumbnail of Consideraţii asupra locuirii de epoca bronzului de la Sânnicolau Mare-Selişte

Although eminently, the Aranca Plain was characterized in the past by extended swamps, the human ... more Although eminently, the Aranca Plain was characterized in the past by extended swamps, the human communities have speculated in a favorable manner the landscape characteristics finding here a place for everyday activities, being as evidence the numerous settlements found in the this area. Under these circumstances fits also the Bronze Age settlement from Sânnicolau Mare-Selişte, which have generally was documented by the presence of an archaeological layer in which there have been researched dwellings or funeral features. The archaeological features researched in this site completes the repertoire of Late Bronze Age settlements of the Cruceni-Belegiš culture. Notably here is the occurrence of two small vessels, typical for the mentioned cultural manifestations in a funerary context belonging to the Sarmatian layer documented into the archaeological site.

Research paper thumbnail of Geangoesti-"Hulă", Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Non-invasive research results

Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Noninvasive... more Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Noninvasive research results. The Geangoeşti-Hulă neo-eneolithic tell, Romania, is one of the numerous settlements belonging to the Gumelniţa culture: it is located at the northern extremity of the culture area, which involves, from the point of view of the habitation landscape, certain features. This study presents results of non-invasive research, archaeological survey and geo-physical prospection as a component part of a new project of systematic archaeological research of the place. The issues related to the position and micro-relief of the area were analyzed based mainly on the detailed digital terrain model (DEM) of the site allowing hypsometric, slope declivity, morphological profile tracing or visibility analyses. The magnetometric prospection completes the whole image of the site pointing out part of the structures underground, which is an important starting point in future invasive research.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Berzovan, D. Micle, A. Stavilă, C. Floca, O. Rogozea, The Dacian Ritual pits from Unip - „Dealu Cetățuica”

During the centuries I-st BC to I-st AD, the lands of Ancient Dacia were characterized by numerou... more During the centuries I-st BC to I-st AD, the lands of Ancient Dacia were characterized by numerous changes, marked not just by the rise of the Kingdom, but also by evolutions in regard to religious beliefs: monumental temples appear, the ceremonial center from Sarmizegetusa Regia is constructed, and the priestly class becomes highly important. But apart from these evolutions, otherwise limited in time and space, the Dacian lands know also other types of religious manifestations, with much older origins and a much larger spreading, that took place in other places than the temples and consecrated sites, representing acts of piety that are harder to decipher. A special place, in regard to the number of discoveries, is represented by the so-called ritual pits that are found across various settlements between ordinary homes and garbage pits, sometimes grouped in the form of ritual pit "fields". In this presentation, we will discuss seven such ritual pits discovered at the settlement from Unip -"Dealu Cetățuica" (Sacoșu Turcesc commune, Timiș County), during the archaeological campaigns that took place between the years 2011-2013. Our analysis had shown that despite certain common elements that do exist, each individual ritual pit presents a "unique" story. Ritual destruction of artifacts has been observed. Certain pits, such as C 23, can be related to various rituals in relation to agriculture and fertility; others, such as C 84, can be related to more general magic practices made in order to assure wealth and prosperity. The dedications where made, very likely, to chthonic deities or forces. The offerings were given by smaller groups: families, clans. All ritual pits can be dated into the I-st century BC, a dating made solely on potter, as we lack for the moment other better dating elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Dacii din Campia Banateana-Sapaturile arheologice ale santierului-scoala de la Unip-"Dealu Cetatuica", jud.Timis (2009-13)-Catalog de expoziţie 7.12.2013-12.04.2014

Research paper thumbnail of The pottery from the Bronze Age settlement of Timişoara – „Fratelia”. A general statistical approach, în Annales d’ Université Valahia Târgovişte. Section d’ Archeologie et d’ Histoire, T. XIV, No. 2, 2012, p. 29-45.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive archaeological research in the Roman Castrum from Varadia, „Rovina” (Caras-Severin County). A topographic and geophysical study

The historic of the archaeological research of Varadia locality (Caras- Severin County) is very c... more The historic of the archaeological research of Varadia locality (Caras-
Severin County) is very complex, as the historiographical debates regarding the archaeological objectives here are older
than one century. In 1932, Grigore Florescu conducts an excavation campaign in the „Rovina” (or “Pusta”) point castrum,
unveiling the superior part of the path of the fortified wall and a part of the commandment building (Principia). Starting
with 1996, Ovidiu Bozu also begins systematic research archaeological campaigns for the „Rovina”/„Pusta” point. Since
1999 Eduard Németh from „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj Napoca, joined the research team.
At the end of July 2008 a team from the West University of Timisoara (Dorel Micle, Liviu Maruia and the student
Lavinia Bolcu) performs a topographical survey with the total station of the „Rovina” point castrum, and for another week
the team performs a geophysical prospection of the same objective.
The topographical survey precisely revealed many morphological aspects of the Varadia „Rovina” castrum as
they are visible nowadays on the terrain: oriented on the SSE-NNW direction, exact dimensions (140x160 m), the
relevance of the area’s microrelief (the castrum builders speculated a higher terrace located between divagating windings of
Caras River, but which were affected by modern earthworks of territory layout), and the defining of positioning landmarks
reporting to present anthropic and natural structures (roads, bridges, canals, etc.). The high precision topographical plans
will be used in the future for correct excavation plans layout (sections, cassettes, etc.) for further systematic archaeological
The results of the magnetometric prospection revealed many aspects and feature with technical and historic
nature: a) it allows the correct identification of the archaeological sections excavated in time; b) it allows the identification
of structures affected by older archaeological excavations; c) proves the existence of a double enclosure wall; d) it allows
the identification of the E tower of the Porta Praetoria; e) it is spectacular the revelation of the stone foundation traces of
the centurion houses, and their orientation and dimensions, the barracks that flanked Via Praetoria; f) it allows the
observation of anomalies caused by metal presence in the barracks area which could indicate a workshop (Fabrica); g)
some curtain towers are also visible on the S, N and W sides; h) it allows the identification of intersecting roads in front of
Principia, Via Praetoria and Via Principalis; i) it proves the existence of only one defense ditch, visible on the N side.

Research paper thumbnail of „Măgura Uroiului” (Hunedoara County, Romania). An Archaeological Site from the perspective of Landscape Archaeology, în Annales d’Université “Valahia” Târgovişte. Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, Tome XII, No. 1, 2010, p. 85-96.

Măgura" Uroiului (Hunedoara County, Romania). An Archaeological Site from the perspective of Land... more Măgura" Uroiului (Hunedoara County, Romania). An Archaeological Site from the perspective of Landscape Archaeology. The archaeological site of "Magura Uroiului" (Hunedoara County) is one of the most complex sites in Romania due to its geomorphologic qualities and continuously habitation from prehistory through the Middle Ages. It is a hill with volcanic origin and a series of natural platforms. It was a favorable place both for military fortifications, for civil settlements, and also for quarrying stone. In 2008 a wide-landscape archaeology study was started that includes a detailed digital cartography of the terrain and a 3D reconstruction of the whole archaeological complex and a paleomorphology study. Integrated remote sensing methods (satellite images analysis and geophysical prospects) were used. The first step was a detailed topographical measurement of the site's surface with the help of a total station (over 100 hectares) in order to reveal all micro-relief details, both natural and manmade. The second step was the editing of GIS spatial data, 2D and 3D graphic reconstructions. The third step was the analysis of the geomorphologic evolution of the terrain, the identification and interpretation of man-made features, the recognition of the ways of human intervention in the environment and of the causes and effects generated in the local ecosystem. The fourth step was a interdisciplinary analysis combining remote sensing and geophysical prospects in order to establish the exact inhabited areas, fortification system, road network, etc. Our study is meant to be a multidisciplinary analysis and aims to establish the relationship between man and environment, the difficult part being the extraordinary complexity of this site and its dimensions.

Research paper thumbnail of Între sacru si profan. Locuirea din prima epocă a fierului şi gropile ritualice dacice. Unip-Dealu Cetatuica

Research paper thumbnail of Frontieră dezvăluită. Prima cercetare a Valului III - Remetea Mare

Research paper thumbnail of Timişoara, jud. Timiş, Punct: Construire Corp 2 al Liceului Teoretic Nikolaus Lenau pentru Şcoala Gimnazială Nikolaus Lenau

Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice-Campania 2020, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Dudeştii Noi, com. Dudeştii Noi, jud. Timiş; Punct: Strada Dealului

Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice-Campania 2020, 2021

The archaeological site Dudeștii Noi-Dealului Street occupies a high terrace on the interfluve fo... more The archaeological site Dudeștii Noi-Dealului Street occupies a high terrace on the interfluve formed by the Niarad creek to the south and Surduc creek to the north. The archaeological findings from here relate to two Bronze Age features and an 18th-century necropolis. As for the prehistoric settlement the archaeological features documented here refer to a circular pit and a hut-type dwelling. As for the necropolis, that can be framed in the 18th century, this was captured along Dealului Street, on the segment between Paris and Viilor streets. Thus, 91 burial graves were researched all with a NE-SW orientation. The graves that can be attributed to children are predominante, but those of adults are also present.

Research paper thumbnail of Unip, com. Sacoşu Turcesc, jud. Timiş. Punct: Dealu Cetăţuica

Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2019, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Moşniţa Veche, com. Moşniţa Nouă,  jud. Timiş Punct: Obiectiv Moşniţa Veche 17

Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Moșnița Nouă, jud. Timiş, Punct: CF nr. 402833/Moșnița Nouă, Așezarea Neolitică de la Moșnița Nouă - 7/Hotarul Satului

Cronica Cercetarilor Arheologice din România, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Unip, com. Sacosu Turcesc, jud. Timiş - Dealu Cetăţuica (campania 2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Remetea Mare, com. Remetea Mare, jud. Timis - Valul Roman nr. 3 (2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Ciacova, oraşul Ciacova, jud. Timiş - Piaţa Cetăţii (2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Temereşti, oras Faget, jud. Timiş - Dealu Vinii (2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Unip, com. Sacoșu Turcesc, jud. Timiș. Punct: Dealu Cetățuica, in CCA – campania 2011, 2012.