Marco Formisano | Universiteit Gent (original) (raw)
Books by Marco Formisano
The journal Trends in Classics and the accompanying Supplementary Volumes publish innovative, int... more The journal Trends in Classics and the accompanying Supplementary Volumes publish innovative, interdisciplinary work which brings to the study of Greek and Latin texts the insights and methods of related disciplines, such as narratology, intertextuality, reader-response criticism, and oral poetics. Both publications seek to publish research across the full range of classical antiquity. Unfi nishedness and incompleteness represent a central feature of both ancient literature and its ongoing reception that has often been taken for granted without thorough examination. This edited volume explores its implications for interpretation by reconsidering the relation of author, text and readers. It offers a broad spectrum of analyses of poetic, rhetorical, and fi ctional texts by specialists in ancient and modern literatures.
Series announcement flyer
In cattedra Il docente universitario in otto autoritratti Temi pp. 280 ca-€ 14,00 ca ISBN 978-88-... more In cattedra Il docente universitario in otto autoritratti Temi pp. 280 ca-€ 14,00 ca ISBN 978-88-3285-117-5 In cattedra è un libro sui docenti universitari, che escono dalle aule e si presentano al lettore. Chi sono, come insegnano e perché lo fanno? Rispondono otto studiosi di scienze umane che in Italia, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti discutono ogni giorno con i loro più giovani concittadini di contesti e fonti, di identità, alterità e potere, di libertà, ricerca e istituzioni. Non saggi di pedagogia, ma autobiografi e al lavoro. Otto voci italiane di una medesima generazione fanno tesoro della loro storia personale e intellettuale, e raccontano in prima persona cosa vogliono trasmettere a studentesse e studenti sempre diversi, esplicitando ambizioni e preoccupazioni, e come cambiano al cambiare delle persone cui si rivolgono, delle lingue che parlano, dei luoghi che li ospitano. Testimonianze e rifl essioni sono raccolte qui senza tecnicismi e con una forte tensione ideale, muovendosi tra Dante e Netfl ix. Chiara Cappelletto insegna Retorica ed Estetica contemporanea presso il dipartimento di Filosofi a dell'Università degli Studi di Milano ed è membro associato del CRAL (Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage) presso l'EHESS di Parigi. Tra i suoi volumi, Neuroestetica. L'arte del cervello (Laterza 2012).
Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster. Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation, 2018
The book is an exploration of one of the most moving and enigmatic Latin texts of antiquity, whic... more The book is an exploration of one of the most moving and enigmatic Latin texts of antiquity, which will enlarge the standard canon and makes an important contribution to a better understanding of early Christian life and of women's experiences at that time. The innovative approaches adopted by the contributors will enrich our repertoire of ways of dealing with ancient texts
Papers by Marco Formisano
Working Lives in Ancient Rome, 2024
Arachne, one of the most widely discussed figures in Ovid's metamorphic universe, has often been ... more Arachne, one of the most widely discussed figures in Ovid's metamorphic universe, has often been seen as one of many Doppelgänger of the poet. Particular attention has been devoted to the contest between the highly talented Maeonian girl and Minerva: their respective tapestries have been read as manifestos of different poetics, and the final transformation, inscribed in the very name of the protagonist, has been seen as an allegorical transfiguration of Ovid's own exile. This chapter, following the path suggested by the editors of this volume, focuses on Arachne herself as a worker, proposing two interrelated points. Firstly, Arachne is punished by the goddess in a particularly ingenious way because her work as a weaver is now deprived of the significance of art and reduced to pure labor, which is the bodily necessity of a spider but bearing no meaning. Secondly, Arachne, although she fully masters her art, audaciously but consistently refuses to identify with the profession of a weaver. Minerva's punishment re-establishes the balance: as a spider, Arachne is compelled to weave by a natural necessity, reducing her will to an endless but meaningless activity that leaves no room for her intellectual aspirations: her imaginative work ends up being only pure labor.
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 22, 2023
The elegiac poem by Rutilius Namatianus entitled de reditu suo should narrate the journey of the ... more The elegiac poem by Rutilius Namatianus entitled de reditu suo should narrate the journey of the poet from Rome towards some unnamed and unspecified “Gallic fields,” but the text has been transmitted incomplete: the end both of the text and of the journey is missing, so that readers cannot know whether Rutilius arrived at his final destination. In this chapter, I argue that although this incompleteness is not a function of authorial intention, it corresponds to the nature of the poem’s very topic. For any return to a homeland, as ancient and modern literary reflections suggest, is always incomplete.
Oxford University Press eBooks, 2017
Athenaeum-studi Periodici Di Letteratura E Storia Dell Antichita, 2019
Oxford University Press eBooks, 2012
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. eBooks, Aug 6, 2018
The journal Trends in Classics and the accompanying Supplementary Volumes publish innovative, int... more The journal Trends in Classics and the accompanying Supplementary Volumes publish innovative, interdisciplinary work which brings to the study of Greek and Latin texts the insights and methods of related disciplines, such as narratology, intertextuality, reader-response criticism, and oral poetics. Both publications seek to publish research across the full range of classical antiquity. Unfi nishedness and incompleteness represent a central feature of both ancient literature and its ongoing reception that has often been taken for granted without thorough examination. This edited volume explores its implications for interpretation by reconsidering the relation of author, text and readers. It offers a broad spectrum of analyses of poetic, rhetorical, and fi ctional texts by specialists in ancient and modern literatures.
Series announcement flyer
In cattedra Il docente universitario in otto autoritratti Temi pp. 280 ca-€ 14,00 ca ISBN 978-88-... more In cattedra Il docente universitario in otto autoritratti Temi pp. 280 ca-€ 14,00 ca ISBN 978-88-3285-117-5 In cattedra è un libro sui docenti universitari, che escono dalle aule e si presentano al lettore. Chi sono, come insegnano e perché lo fanno? Rispondono otto studiosi di scienze umane che in Italia, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti discutono ogni giorno con i loro più giovani concittadini di contesti e fonti, di identità, alterità e potere, di libertà, ricerca e istituzioni. Non saggi di pedagogia, ma autobiografi e al lavoro. Otto voci italiane di una medesima generazione fanno tesoro della loro storia personale e intellettuale, e raccontano in prima persona cosa vogliono trasmettere a studentesse e studenti sempre diversi, esplicitando ambizioni e preoccupazioni, e come cambiano al cambiare delle persone cui si rivolgono, delle lingue che parlano, dei luoghi che li ospitano. Testimonianze e rifl essioni sono raccolte qui senza tecnicismi e con una forte tensione ideale, muovendosi tra Dante e Netfl ix. Chiara Cappelletto insegna Retorica ed Estetica contemporanea presso il dipartimento di Filosofi a dell'Università degli Studi di Milano ed è membro associato del CRAL (Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage) presso l'EHESS di Parigi. Tra i suoi volumi, Neuroestetica. L'arte del cervello (Laterza 2012).
Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster. Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation, 2018
The book is an exploration of one of the most moving and enigmatic Latin texts of antiquity, whic... more The book is an exploration of one of the most moving and enigmatic Latin texts of antiquity, which will enlarge the standard canon and makes an important contribution to a better understanding of early Christian life and of women's experiences at that time. The innovative approaches adopted by the contributors will enrich our repertoire of ways of dealing with ancient texts
Working Lives in Ancient Rome, 2024
Arachne, one of the most widely discussed figures in Ovid's metamorphic universe, has often been ... more Arachne, one of the most widely discussed figures in Ovid's metamorphic universe, has often been seen as one of many Doppelgänger of the poet. Particular attention has been devoted to the contest between the highly talented Maeonian girl and Minerva: their respective tapestries have been read as manifestos of different poetics, and the final transformation, inscribed in the very name of the protagonist, has been seen as an allegorical transfiguration of Ovid's own exile. This chapter, following the path suggested by the editors of this volume, focuses on Arachne herself as a worker, proposing two interrelated points. Firstly, Arachne is punished by the goddess in a particularly ingenious way because her work as a weaver is now deprived of the significance of art and reduced to pure labor, which is the bodily necessity of a spider but bearing no meaning. Secondly, Arachne, although she fully masters her art, audaciously but consistently refuses to identify with the profession of a weaver. Minerva's punishment re-establishes the balance: as a spider, Arachne is compelled to weave by a natural necessity, reducing her will to an endless but meaningless activity that leaves no room for her intellectual aspirations: her imaginative work ends up being only pure labor.
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 22, 2023
The elegiac poem by Rutilius Namatianus entitled de reditu suo should narrate the journey of the ... more The elegiac poem by Rutilius Namatianus entitled de reditu suo should narrate the journey of the poet from Rome towards some unnamed and unspecified “Gallic fields,” but the text has been transmitted incomplete: the end both of the text and of the journey is missing, so that readers cannot know whether Rutilius arrived at his final destination. In this chapter, I argue that although this incompleteness is not a function of authorial intention, it corresponds to the nature of the poem’s very topic. For any return to a homeland, as ancient and modern literary reflections suggest, is always incomplete.
Oxford University Press eBooks, 2017
Athenaeum-studi Periodici Di Letteratura E Storia Dell Antichita, 2019
Oxford University Press eBooks, 2012
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. eBooks, Aug 6, 2018
Voces, 2003
Fecha de aceptación definitiva: junio 2004 RESUMEN: In questo articolo vengono prese in considera... more Fecha de aceptación definitiva: junio 2004 RESUMEN: In questo articolo vengono prese in considerazione due opere tardolatine che piü di altre hanno influenzato la formazione dell'arte della guerra occidentale e che ben illustrano il método della comunicazione letteraria antíca in ámbito tecnico-scientifico: Y Epitoma rei militaris di Vegezio e 1'anónimo De rebus bellicis. Nonostante alcune differenze questi testi presentarlo dei tratti in comune: sonó dedícate all'imperatore (di cui non viene indicato il nome) e invocano quale principio che informa la propria scrittura Y utilitas, che rinvia alia diretta applicabilitá nella realtá extratestuale. Questi due aspetti appaiono strettamente connessi: se il lettore moderno puó leggere nella dedica un retorico atto d'omaggio aH'imperatore, questa funzione si rivela in realtá come uno strumento atto a raggiungere scopi pratici, in quanto é solo attraverso l'approvazione del sovrano che questi testi possono trovare una diretta applicazione; il riferimento áti.'utilitas a sua volta si rivela essere anche un elemento forte della tradizione letteraria tecnico-scientifica.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Feb 9, 2012
Bloomsbury Academic eBooks, 2022
Oxford University Press eBooks, Jul 19, 2018
Attempts to receive the texts, images, and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome inevitably... more Attempts to receive the texts, images, and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome inevitably run the risk of appropriating the past in order to authenticate the present. Exploring the ways in which the classical past has been mapped over the centuries allows us to trace the avowal and disavowal of values and identities, old and new. Classical Presences brings the latest scholarship to bear on the contexts, theory, and practice of such use, and abuse, of the classical past.
Cambridge University Press eBooks, 2017
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Apr 25, 2017
Oxford University Press eBooks, Jan 26, 2017
Round Table on Things, ancient and modern Ghent University 25/2/2021, 7-9pm CET
In this paper I consider the possibility of reading (Latin) texts from a different perspective th... more In this paper I consider the possibility of reading (Latin)
texts from a different perspective than intertextuality whose major
goal is to create historical affiliations between texts, and I turn
instead to macrotextuality. A hermeneutical tool developed by the
literary semiotics of the seventies, the concept of ‘macrotext’ was
originally applied to texts that result from a collection of several
units, such as the collection of short stories. I reinterpret the
concept of macrotext on the basis of these two preliminary
observations: 1) any text can be considered a macrotext, since a text qua text is always the result of an assemblage, of the weaving
together of different threads; 2) as such, the macrotext produces a
meaning that not only differs, but ends up entering in conflict with
the meaning produced by the single units that compose it. This
conflict can arise both from the text itself and from the non-verbal
communication of the text, such as its structure. After presenting the theoretical framework in the first part of the paper, I will apply it to some examples from Latin literature (Vergil, Vitruvius, the
Panegyrici Latini).
A round table in English and Italian
Questo breve saggio prende abbrivio da una questione che da tempo accompagna le mie riflessioni i... more Questo breve saggio prende abbrivio da una questione che da tempo accompagna le mie riflessioni intorno all'arte della guerra antica e alla storia della sua lunga tradizione nella cultura occidentale, e cioè come e sino a che punto la scrittura de re militari abbia influenzato, reggendolo o fors'anche destabilizzandolo, il progresso tecnologico in ambito bellico. Da questa prospettiva, la così detta military revolution dell'età moderna assume un ruolo che va ben al di là del dibattito intorno alla sua ricostruibilità storica. Infatti, la rivoluzione ascritta all'ambito strategico, tattico e tecnico in età moderna, a ben guardare, finisce per simbolizzare la pervicace immutabilità del discorso militare stesso. Intorno a questo argomento ruotano le considerazioni presentate in queste pagine, che non si pongono pertanto il fine di riassumere le varie tesi che negli anni sono state elaborate sulla military revolution né tanto meno di entrare nel merito di uno dei più celebri dibattiti storiografici sulla guerra 1 .
Book review (McManus, Wyles and Hall, Miller)